Jam or raspberry jam. Raspberry jam

Modern housewives make preparations from raspberries for the winter in order to preserve the harvest of berries and get vitamins from them during frosts. There are many recipes, but all of them are able to preserve the usefulness of raspberries so that they do not get sick in winter, using it as a treat and medicine.

How to make raspberry jam

Any housewife knows that making raspberry jam for the winter is a complex and lengthy process, but its result brings pleasure when eating treats. For long-term storage jars are sterilized, and berries are prepared in a special way. Many recipes allow you to prepare jam for the winter for every taste, so that each family member is satisfied with the resulting delicacy.

Jars preparation

In order for raspberry jam to last all winter, you need to prepare sterile jars for rolling it. There are several options for packaging sterilization:

  • In the microwave: for this you need to take jars up to 1 liter and pour a little water into them by 2 cm, then place in the microwave and set the power to 800 watts. After the water boils away, the jars are ready for seaming.
  • Steam: you need to take a bowl of boiling water, put an iron grate or sieve on it, and on top - jars with their necks down. For liter cans processing time will be 10 minutes, and for three-liter -15 minutes. A sign of the end of sterilization will be drops flowing down the walls of the jar.
  • In the oven: put the jars neck down in a cold oven, heat to 150 degrees and hold the jars for 15 minutes.
  • In a double boiler: turn the jars upside down, turn on the cooking mode on the equipment and hold for 15 minutes.
  • After harvesting and filling jars raspberry jam they should also be sterilized in a wide saucepan: for this you need to pour cold water and bring to a boil, after 15 minutes turn off and roll up.
  • In addition to jars, sterilize the lids: they must be thoroughly washed with soda, dipped in boiling water and held for 2 minutes. It is better to choose even covers, without traces of rust, dents, with a suitable gum diameter.

How to choose berries

To make raspberry jam, choose ripe but not overripe berries. They should be medium in size, dark in color and rich in flavor. Then the jam for the winter turns out not only tasty, but also beautiful. Berries should be clean, whole and dry, and wrinkled and moldy should be set aside. A broken berry won't do, because it will give too much juice and won't look nice in the finished treat.

Raspberry Recipes

Some subtleties:

  1. Any recipe for making raspberry jam for the winter begins with the preparation of berries. They need to be sorted out, putting aside under- and overripe berries, remove the sepals, stalks.
  2. You can not wash raspberries with running water: in order not to damage, you need to wash it by immersion in water. After washing, the berries must be left so that the water is glass, and then transferred to a container for blanks.
  3. If the berries were infected with worms, then they must be soaked in saline solution, remove the floating larvae after 10 minutes and rinse twice.
  4. The main components for making jam for the winter are raspberries and sugar, which are taken at a concentration of 1: 1 or 1: 2.5 when using juice. The remaining ingredients can be added as desired: lemon, ginger, cinnamon, mixed with other berries or spices.
  5. Most quick recipe involves making jam in 5 minutes, longer ones - over 1 hour.

With lemon for the winter

You can make raspberry jam for the winter with the inclusion of lemon, for the dish you will need the ingredients in the right amount:

  • berries - 1 kg;
  • cinnamon - 2 sticks;
  • sugar - 300 g;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • ginger - a large root the size of a finger;
  • pectin, gelatin or gelfix - 1 sachet.

Manufacturing includes step-by-step steps:

  1. Wash the lemon, wipe it, cut the zest, chop or grate with a grater, squeeze the juice from the rest.
  2. Peel the ginger, grate to the core, throw it away, because it is too fibrous.
  3. Rub the berries through a sieve, trying to drain all the juice. Throw out the pulp.
  4. mix lemon juice with ginger and raspberries.
  5. From the total amount of sugar, take 2 tablespoons, mix with gelfix, pour into the berries along with cinnamon.
  6. Put on the stove, bring to a boil, add the remaining sugar.
  7. Stir, boil for 3 minutes, remove the foam.
  8. Pour into sterilized jars.
  9. Instead of gelatin, you can take 2 tablespoons of starch, which are filled with water and poured into the workpiece before cooking.

Seedless raspberry jam - rubbed through cheesecloth

The original recipe for making raspberry jam for the winter may be characterized by the absence of seeds. You will need:

  • water (filtered) - half a glass;
  • berries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg.

Cooking steps:

  1. Crush the berries, mix with water.
  2. Bring to a boil, after 3-4 minutes remove, cool.
  3. Separate the bones either by rubbing through a strainer or through cheesecloth and a colander.
  4. Discard the cake, and mix the resulting juice with sugar.
  5. Take a pan with a wide bottom, pour juice into it to a height of 2 cm, put on fire.
  6. Stir the juice all the time with a wooden spatula until boiling, evaporate for 7 minutes.
  7. When the jam becomes thick in consistency, put in a jar, repeat the steps until the juice runs out.
  8. Roll up warm.

Raspberry jam without cooking

A variant of the recipe for raspberry jam for the winter will be simple and fast way without cooking, for which you will need:

  • berries - 4 cups;
  • apple juice - 1 glass;
  • liquid honey - 1 cup.

How to cook:

  1. Rub the raspberries through a sieve or chop with a blender.
  2. Heat honey in a water bath to soften.
  3. Mix raspberries with honey and juice, put on slow fire, do not boil.
  4. After the honey has dissolved, remove the jam, let it cool, put it in cold jars.
  5. Keep refrigerated.

Raspberry confiture with gelatin

To make delicious and healthy raspberry confiture for the winter, you will need:

  • berries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • water - 50 ml;
  • gelatin - 30 g.

How to do:

  1. Pour the berries with water, put on fire, cook for 10 minutes, ceiling.
  2. Throw on a strainer, wipe with a spoon.
  3. Strain juice, mix with sugar.
  4. Cook on low heat for 40-50 minutes, remove the foam.
  5. Pour gelatin with water so that it covers it, leave for half an hour. Heat to dissolve lumps, pour into confiture a couple of minutes before the end of cooking.
  6. Pour hot confiture into jars, roll up, wrap for a day to keep warm.
  7. Store after cooling.

Video: how to cook jam in a slow cooker

Raspberry jam cook for 25 minutes.

How to make raspberry jam

Raspberries - 2 kilograms
Sugar - 2.5 kilograms
Citric acid - 20 grams (or juice of 2 lemons)
Gelatin - 7-8 grams
Water - half a glass

How to make raspberry jam
1. Sort the raspberries, put them in an enamel pan.
2. Pour water into the raspberries, put the pan on a quiet fire.
3. After boiling, cook raspberries for 20 minutes, removing the resulting foam.
4. Get rid of the seeds: pass the raspberries through a sieve or squeeze through cheesecloth.
5. Return the raspberry mixture to the pan, mix with 2.5 kilograms of sugar and put on fire.
6. Gelatin pour a small amount warm water and mix.
7. Add gelatin to the boiled raspberries, add sugar, lemon and mix the jam.
8. Boil the raspberry jam for another 3 minutes.
9. Arrange the finished jam in sterilized jars and tighten the lids.
Raspberry jam in a bread maker
1. Sort raspberries, pour into a bowl, cover with sugar and leave for 5 hours.
2. Put the jam into the container of the bread maker set to the "Jam" mode and press "Start".
3. After cooking, pour the jam into sterilized jars.


- To cook pitted raspberry jam, after 10 minutes of cooking without sugar, after slightly cooling the jam, rub the raspberries through a fine sieve or gauze. After that, put the berry puree in a saucepan, add sugar, and boil the jam until it thickens. To check the density of the jam, you should drop it on a saucer and, after waiting for it to cool, tilt the saucer steeply. If the jam does not spread, then it has thickened.

Since raspberries do not contain natural gelling components, it is recommended to add thickeners during cooking, for example, gelfix.

When boiling raspberry jam, you can leave the seeds in the raspberries, but then the raspberry jam will have a coarser consistency.

To cook raspberry jam without gelatin, you need to boil the jam without adding water: first pour the berries with sugar, leave for 5-6 hours (covered with a towel) at room temperature, and cook jam in berry juice.

Raspberry jam should be stored in a cool place, with a temperature not lower than -5 degrees.

Raspberry jam is very tasty and fragrant, but it is fraught with one not very pleasant moment - the bones. It is because of them that many refuse raspberry blanks. And absolutely in vain, because as an alternative to jam, you can make syrup by separating the bones from the juice. Such raspberry jam pitted it turns out no less tasty and just as healthy. In winter, I use this jam to make compote, and also as a topping for desserts.


  • 1 kg of raspberries;
  • 0.350 kg of sugar;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of citric acid.


We carefully sort the berries, removing spoiled and crushed ones. We also remove the stalks and leaves (if any).

Place the prepared berries in a wide saucepan and bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring all the time. Then cover the pan with a lid and keep the berries on low heat for 15-20 minutes, stirring 3-4 times. During this time, the berries will release a lot of juice, lose their shape, and become soft. Set them aside for 20-30 minutes to cool.

The next task is to remove the seeds. The fastest way to do this is to throw the raspberries into a perforated colander and grind. Then we pass the remaining mass through a fine-mesh colander. If you do not grind very carefully, about 550 g of juice remains from 1 kg of berries.

For this amount of raspberry juice, add 350 g of sugar. We put citric acid, mix.

We place the juice with sugar on the fire. Bring to a boil over medium heat, then reduce heat to low and simmer syrup for 10 minutes.

While the syrup is cooking, sterilize the jars and lids, wipe dry and pour hot syrup - to the very top.

We close the jars with lids, turn them upside down and leave them in this form until they cool. Cooled jars can be stored not only in a cool room, nothing will happen to raspberry syrup, even if you just keep it in the kitchen, in the usual temperature regime. Most importantly, do not leave it in a place where direct sunlight will fall so that the syrup does not lose its beautiful ruby ​​\u200b\u200bcolor.

From this syrup in winter you can cook very delicious compote or tea.

Tips & Tricks:

If you have your own raspberry, homemade and you know that it has not been processed in any way, it has not touched the ground - you can not wash it. Purchased raspberries, although this is a very tender berry, should be washed. Berries, placing them in a colander, can be washed in the shower or immersed in a bucket of water.

Once again I want to dwell on the moment of separation of the bones. If you grind the raspberries immediately through a fine-mesh colander, the process will take much longer. There are 2 solutions here. You can grind not very carefully, leaving a little pulp in the cake (acceptable if you have a lot of raspberries and you don’t feel sorry for them). From the cake you can cook compote. And you can grind very carefully, then only seeds remain in the waste (but this takes a lot of time). Choose for yourself what to do in this case.

Perhaps one of the most favorite preparations for the winter from berries is raspberry jam. This delicious dessert is very fragrant and healthy. It can be prepared in several ways, each of which has certain advantages. There are several recipes for raspberry jam: with and without pits. You can add other berries to raspberries. Such sweetness will be useful and incredibly tasty addition for tea, toast, sandwiches. The blank can also be used as a filling for baking.

Raspberry jam recipe for the winter

fragrant and thick jam from raspberries has a rich taste. Plus, this dessert is very healthy. This sweet berry helps to cope with a cold and often prevents it. The thing is that it is enriched with special substances that allow you to destroy microbes, eliminate malaise, pain, body aches and bad mood.


To cook healthy and thick enough raspberry jam for the winter, you will need to use:

  • raspberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 500 ml.

Step by step recipe with photo

Based on a step-by-step recipe for raspberry jam with a photo, prepare a fragrant and sweet dessert won't be difficult. The main thing is to build on the proposed recommendations and adhere to the ratio of ingredients that is indicated above.

  1. First you need to prepare sugar and raspberries, after washing them under running water and drying them a little.

  1. Now you need to take a thick-walled pan and shift the whole berry there. Sugar is added to it and water is poured.

  1. The workpiece must be put on fire and brought to a boil. The future jam for the winter should be boiled for about 20 minutes. The berry in the juice should become soft.

  1. You will need to remove the foam from the mass, and the raspberries should cool thoroughly. If necessary, you can remove the bones from the resulting workpiece for future jam. To do this, it is recommended to use gauze folded in several layers. In an impromptu sieve you need to shift Not a large number of berries and rub them thoroughly with a wooden spoon.

  1. The resulting mass for the future raspberry jam will need to be squeezed out. The composition is again put on a slow fire. Future raspberry jam needs to be boiled for another 60 minutes.

It remains only to pour the finished jam into pre-prepared jars. They should not only be washed. Banks still need to be sterilized. Ready raspberry jam should be cooled in vivo and store in a dark and cool place.

seedless raspberry jam recipe

Delicious and healthy raspberry jam can be made pitted. Such a dessert looks amazing in jars and looks beautiful in a rosette on the table. But the special attraction of this recipe is that there are no small bones in the composition of the finished jam. The recipe contains advice, according to which it will not be difficult to get rid of this drawback. When will they open jars of this in winter amazing jam, then you can enjoy dessert without any problems.


To make raspberry jam, you need to prepare an extremely simple list of ingredients:

  • sugar - 1.2 kg;
  • raspberries - 1 kg.

From the indicated amount of ingredients, 20 servings of healthy jam will be obtained.

On a note! There is no water in this jam recipe.

Step by step recipe with photo

A simple recipe for pitted raspberry jam is not difficult to prepare.

  1. For starters, it’s worth doing the berry. She gets over and washed. Water should drain from the berry. It should be transferred to a convenient pan. The berry will need to be covered with sugar. Now you need to use only half the serving indicated in the recipe. The product should give juice. To do this, the blank for jam must be left on the table, without covering it with a lid, for 1-2 hours. In order for the berry to give more juice, it needs to be shaken periodically.

  1. When the raspberry jam blank releases enough juice only based on sugar and without water, you will need to pass the berries through a colander. It needs to be fixed over a tall pan. Raspberries will need to be crushed with a crush, which is usually used for cooking mashed potatoes. Thanks to this solution, raspberry jam will turn out to be homogeneous and very tasty.

  1. All juice must be filtered, after which the remaining portion of sugar is poured into it. The mixture is put on fire and boiled until it thickens completely. The foam must be removed in a timely manner, and the raspberry jam itself should be systematically thoroughly mixed. This will allow him to thoroughly lag behind the walls of the pan. Raspberry jam is boiled for about 60 minutes.

Note! Checking the readiness of the product is extremely simple. It is necessary to drip raspberry jam (only 1 drop) on a plate. If a drop of brew has not spread, then cooking must be completed.

  1. Now you can pour raspberry jam into sterilized jars. Then the harvesting for the winter must be closed with lids. They, like banks, must first be sterilized. As a rule, it takes only a few minutes to prepare lids and jars. As you can see, the recipe for pitted raspberry jam is quite simple to perform. Even novice cooks will cope with its cooking.

Recipe for raspberry jam with gelatin

The original thick and dense raspberry jam with gelatin is not as difficult to prepare as it might seem at first glance. In its consistency, the resulting raspberry jam for the winter resembles confiture. The sweetness prepared according to this recipe will become not only an excellent independent dessert. It can be used as a filling for croissants, bagels or pies.


What ingredients are needed in order to cook this dense and delicious jam from raspberries for the winter? The recipe is based on the use of the following ingredients:

  • berries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.4 kg;
  • gelatin - 2 tbsp. l.

Step by step recipe with photo

Based on a step-by-step recipe for raspberry jam with a photo, cook original dessert as easy as pie. A culinary experiment will certainly succeed if you approach the preparation of the ingredients correctly: the amount of berries and sugar should be thoroughly measured using a kitchen scale. Plus, it is recommended to prepare banks in advance.

  1. To cook delicious raspberry jam with a deep aroma, you don’t have to do anything particularly difficult. Plus, it is worth considering that the berry itself belongs to the category of gelling fruits. That is why many housewives refuse to use additional ingredients. However, the inclusion of gelatin in the jam will avoid possible misunderstandings. It is worth starting cooking jam with the preparation of berries. It should be sorted out and washed. Then the product is leaned back into a colander so that all excess moisture is removed from the glass.

  1. Pour the berries into a saucepan with thick walls and a bottom. She's covered in sugar. What is it for? The thing is that sugar allows you to get the juice necessary for further cooking dessert.

  1. To get enough juice based on berries and sugar, you will need to leave the blank for future jam for about 180 minutes.

  1. Next, you should use a blender to get a thick and homogeneous raspberry jam, the sugar has completely dissolved, and the juice has formed in the required volume. If necessary, you can use a sieve and strain the composition. In this case, raspberry jam, prepared according to the proposed recipe, will be pitted in addition to everything else.

  1. A container with a preparation of sugar, berries and the resulting juice must be placed on the stove. The composition should boil. As a rule, it takes 20-25 minutes. Exact time it is difficult to designate, since much depends on the volume of the product and the given fire mode.

  1. When the puree boils, the fire will need to be reduced. The foam that always forms on the surface of the berry blank for the winter should be removed. To do this, use a wooden spoon. Why is such a step necessary? If the foam remains, the raspberry jam may spoil. For the same purpose, banks are necessarily sterilized. Cook raspberry jam over low heat. The total cooking time takes 20-25 minutes, after which the container is removed from the stove. The workpiece should be allowed to cool slightly.

  1. Now you need to dilute the gelatin. In order for it to swell thoroughly, you should wait 10-15 minutes. Then the composition is introduced into the raspberry mass.

  1. Next, you need to prepare the jars and lids. They are sterilized. Raspberry jam is poured into prepared jars. Banks must be clogged and cleaned in a dark place. It is worth considering some features of this recipe: the composition does not thicken instantly, so you should not worry if it does not immediately seem particularly dense.

Raspberry jam recipe in a slow cooker

Delicious and delicious raspberry jam is prepared in another way, in a slow cooker. The option is quite simple, since it also involves obtaining juice from berries. However, the attractiveness of this method lies elsewhere. It takes only a few minutes to prepare the composition.


  • raspberries - 1.5 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg.

Step by step recipe with photo

  1. Raspberries need to be sorted out and cleaned of leaves, small debris and insects.

  1. The product is transferred to the bowl of the household appliance. Top it with sugar. This will allow you to get required amount juice.

  1. When the desired volume of juice is obtained, close the container with a lid. On the multicooker, the "Extinguishing" mode is set. Set the timer to no more than 15 minutes. Raspberry jam cooks very quickly.

  1. Ready raspberry jam for the winter is poured into sterilized jars and sealed.

Raspberry jam video recipes

Now you can make one of the most valuable winter jams - raspberries. And in order not to make a mistake in the cooking process, refer to the video recipes for raspberry jam, which reflect all the nuances of the process.

One of our favorite preparations is raspberry jam for the winter, we have seedless recipes, with seeds, with the addition of other berries. My children love this delicacy with pancakes, just for a sandwich in the morning with tea, you can make it thicker and use it as a filling for pies, it will be very tasty.

In general, raspberry preparations for the winter are popular not only because of the taste, the berry has an amazing ability to help prevent and cure colds. Raspberries even contain substances that cheer up, dispersing the autumn blues. So I grow a lot of raspberries and I try to make as many blanks as possible.

Many people prefer to buy raspberry jam in the store. A large number of beautiful jars on the shelves, with bright labels and no less bright contents. I once tried to buy such a jam, you know, the taste of flavors and sweeteners was felt very strongly, I just did not dare to give this to children. So, if you have the opportunity, then prepare your jam, because you can cook it not only from fresh berries, but also from frozen ones it will be just as good.

Raspberry jam differs from jam in cooking time and consistency. It is with its jelly-like appearance that it makes it easy to spread on a sandwich and not drain from different sides, and it looks beautiful, shimmering in a vase with different shades of raspberry color.

  • 1 Raspberry jam, step by step recipes
    • 1.1 Raspberry jam for the winter, recipe number 1
    • 1.2 Raspberry jam with gelatin
    • 1.3 Pitted raspberry jam
    • 1.4 Raspberry jam in a slow cooker, a recipe for the winter
    • 1.5 Raspberry-currant jam, recipe
    • 1.6 Raspberry jam with starch, recipe
    • 1.7 Raspberry jam without cooking
    • 1.8 Raspberry jam with lemon zest
      • 1.8.1 Raspberry and peach jam, video recipe

Raspberry jam, step by step recipes

Unlike jam, any berries, slightly unripe or slightly rumpled, are suitable for jam, we will crush and grind them anyway. And since the jam is cooked longer, it is less likely to spoil due to unripe berries.

Raspberry jam for the winter, recipe number 1

This recipe requires only two ingredients:

  • Sugar
  • Raspberries

They are taken into equal proportions so don't get confused. How to make raspberry jam? Yes, very simple. We sort out the berry and wash it in a basin in a colander. If suddenly worms or some other living creatures are found on the berries, then you need to hold it a little in a saline solution so that the insects emerge, and then rinse well several times.

We fill the whole clean berry with half the norm of sugar and set aside for five hours. During this time, a sufficient amount of juice will stand out, which must be drained by simply throwing the berry into a colander.

It will be more convenient to cook jam in a wide saucepan or bowl, you can also take a stainless steel basin if there are a lot of berries. I also advise you to prepare sterilized jars with lids in advance, you can euro. And in order for us to stir the jam, we will need a wooden spoon or spatula.

So, we poured the juice from the raspberries into a saucepan, now pour the rest of the sugar into it and begin to slowly heat until it boils. As soon as the juice begins to boil, a foam appears on top, it must be removed, otherwise our jam will be ugly. Let the syrup boil slowly for 10 minutes, then remove from the stove and cool a little, for about an hour.

In the next run, we again let it slowly boil a little, but at the end we do not remove it from the fire, but pour the berries into the syrup and cook until fully cooked. It is not difficult to determine it, drop a drop of jam on a plate, if it keeps its shape, then everything is ready. Pour the jam into jars and wrap for a day to cool down more slowly.

Raspberry jam with gelatin

This recipe is for those who do not like to stand at the stove for a long time. The jam turns out thick and beautiful and cooking takes very little time.

From the products we will need:

  • One kg of berries
  • Kilo four hundred granulated sugar
  • A quarter teaspoon of citric acid
  • five grams of gelatin
  • 0.3 ml water

How to make raspberry jam with gelatin

At the very beginning, you need to soak the gelatin in a couple of tablespoons of water, add citric acid there, let everything swell.

I wash the year in the same way as in the first recipe. Let excess water drain. Immediately, along with sugar, pour it into a container for cooking and pour water there. Again, quietly bring to a boil, remove the foam and cook for about 15 minutes. Two minutes before the end of cooking, pour out the swollen gelatin, mix everything very well.

Jars are also better to choose small ones. We prepare them in advance, because we pour the jam immediately, hot. We roll up the lids and put in a warm place under a fur coat or blanket to cool slowly.

Pitted raspberry jam

It turns out a very beautiful dessert, which can be used to decorate pastries or ice cream. Very tasty and beautiful jam is also suitable as a filling for baked pies or a large pie.

What you need from the ingredients:

  • One and a half kg of raspberries
  • One and a half kg of sugar
  • Half a liter of water

How to make this jam:

The berry needs to be washed, by the way, it is for this option that you need to take ripe berries, from which the bones are easily separated.

Pour a clean raspberry into a cooking container and pour water into it. We begin to slowly heat up and simmer on the quietest fire for about 15 minutes, so that the berries become soft.

Now we need to get juice from them. You can simply rub the raspberries through a fine sieve, the seeds will all remain in it. But if you want the jam to be perfectly transparent, then you have to pass the berry through several layers of gauze and get a clean and transparent juice.

Pour the juice into a saucepan, pour sugar into it and cook over low heat in one go. This will take about an hour. All this time, you need to stir the future jam with a wooden spatula and do not forget to remove the foam. The foam can be spread separately somewhere, it is very tasty and eaten quickly.

At the end of cooking, we try the jam, we also check with a droplet. If the density does not suit you, cook for some more time.

We lay out, again, hot, in jars. The jam will harden for about a day, at this time it is better to wrap it in something warm.

Raspberry jam in a slow cooker, a recipe for the winter

With the help of our kitchen assistant, cooking raspberry jam is as easy as shelling pears, for this you need to take berries and sugar in equal proportions and spend a little time.

Making raspberry jam in a slow cooker is easier than in a saucepan. It is necessary to pour the washed berry into the bowl, immediately pour all the sugar there and cook for about an hour in the stewing mode. But you still have to stir several times so that the jam does not fry. Then immediately pour it into jars and in a warm place for a day.

Raspberry-currant jam, recipe

We especially love this recipe, because black currant gives it a special sourness. And we cook it only with bones, children like to chew them.

We will need to prepare:

  • Kilo raspberries
  • Half a kilo of blackcurrant
  • Two kilos of sugar

How to make jam:

We sort out the berries, tear off all the tails from the currants, rinse everything well and let the water drain, you can sprinkle the berries on a towel to dry. After all this, you need to chop the berry, you can pass it through a meat grinder or go through a submersible blender.

All liquid and fragrant mixture pour the berries into a saucepan and pour half the sugar. We begin to slowly heat up and after boiling, cook for 15 minutes, of course, remove the foam. After that, set aside the jam for a while to cool slightly, at the same time pour the remaining sugar there.

After about an hour, put it on fire again and continue to cook until it is ready. Pour into jars immediately. We wrap the jars in something warm.

Raspberry jam with starch, recipe

With starch, you get a good jam, it has a fairly thick consistency, without long cooking. If you like, you can cook this.

  • For two kilos of berries
  • One and a half kilos of sugar
  • Two tablespoons of potato starch

How to cook:

Rinse the berries well and carefully, drain the water and let it drain a little. Grind the berry with a blender or through a meat grinder, if desired, you can squeeze it through cheesecloth so that the jam is pitted.

We put to cook on the quietest fire and after boiling, cook for 20 minutes. In the meantime, dilute the starch in half a glass of water and, at the end of cooking, pour it into the jam, not forgetting to stir everything. As always, immediately roll into the banks.

Raspberry jam without cooking

This jam will retain a large amount of vitamins. Only you need to do it using sterile objects kitchen utensils to keep microbes out. All tools can be simply doused with boiling water, and the jars can be sterilized.

For jam we will need:

  • Kilo raspberries
  • Two kilos of sugar

How to cook it:

Grind the berries with a blender, of course, pre-rinsing. Rub with a wooden spoon through a fine sieve. Add sugar in batches, stirring all the time. Then put on fire and slowly heat, stirring all the time so that the sugar dissolves completely, but do not bring to a boil. Arrange hot in jars. We roll up the jars and wrap them up. It is best to store such jam in the refrigerator and eat quickly.

Raspberry jam with lemon zest

Very interesting recipe, the taste of jam is spicy. We really like the light sourness in raspberries.

We will need:

  • A couple of kilograms of berries and sugar
  • one lemon

How to cook:

Sort and wash the berries. Pour into an arched container, pour sugar. Set aside for a few hours to let the juice stand out. Drain it and boil for 15 minutes, then add the berries. Grate the lemon zest and send it to the jam. We continue to cook, for 10 minutes before the end we squeeze all the juice from the lemon into the jam.

Ready to lay out in jars, roll up and let cool under a warm blanket for a day.

As you can see, you can cook raspberry jam in different ways, the recipes are all tested by our family and deservedly took pride of place in our cookbook.

Raspberry and peach jam, video recipe