Cabbage stew with beans. Braised cabbage with beans

And although the post has almost come to an end and it’s time to prepare for Easter, this dish is still suitable for a regular weekday lunch. Red beans will saturate your body with protein, and you will never feel hungry like after eating just vegetables. Well, in addition to fasting, there are also various diets and proper nutrition. So, stewed cabbage with beans is perfect for such cases, but it is natural that for a diet you need to cook this dish without tomato paste at all. For the Dukan diet, the recipe is not suitable, because beans are not included in the diet there.
It turns out insanely delicious if you take not canned red beans for stewing with cabbage, but boil dry ones. If in your kitchen there is only canned food, then it must be washed before cooking.

  • Dry red beans - 1 cup;
  • White cabbage - 1/2 large head;
  • Tomato paste - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • Vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • Bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • Peppercorns - 7 pcs.;
  • Salt - 1/2 tbsp. l.;
  • Carrot - 1 pc. medium size;
  • Bulb - 1 pc. large.
  • Sugar sand - 1/2 tbsp. l.

Cabbage stew with beans in tomato sauce recipe how to cook

1. If you plan to use dry beans in cooking, then this is very good and much healthier than canned food. But the beans must first be boiled until tender in unsalted water. It will take you about 2 hours. Try not to overcook the legumes, otherwise they will be in a mushy form in the dish. Once ready, rinse the beans under running water. Similarly, if there is no dry and you will use canned beans, then they also need to be washed.

3. As in the preparation of any soup, in this recipe it is necessary to cook the frying. But not separately, and not at the end, as is traditionally done. In that lenten dish we first peel the onions and carrots and chop them. Chop the carrots coarse grater, and chop the onion into strips. It is desirable that onion and cabbage slices do not differ from each other in the finished dish, then stewed cabbage with beans will be ideal.

4. Take a deep saucepan or frying pan and stew the onion in it with vegetable oil for about 5 minutes.

5. In the meantime, finely chop the cabbage. This can be done with a special knife or shredder. You can even mash the cut a little before sending it to the pan so that the cabbage gives up some juice.

6. Send shredded cabbage, salt and Bay leaf. At this time, you can add peppercorns. Cover with a lid and simmer vegetables for another 7 minutes on low heat so that the cabbage starts juice.

7. Connect tomato paste with 50 grams boiled water and sugar. Stir the tomato sauce until the sugar dissolves and immediately add it to the cabbage.

8. Now you need to stew cabbage with tomatoes and vegetables without adding beans for another 20 minutes. All this time, you need to stir the dish periodically with a wooden spatula and check that the liquid has not evaporated. If all that and the liquid evaporates, then you will need to add a little boiling water from the kettle.

9. After 20 minutes, add to the cabbage boiled beans, stir and simmer again until tender under the lid.
This is about another 20 minutes, although the result depends on the type of vegetable. You need to try and be sure to check the moisture.

Remember that if cabbage stew with beans is prepared for a diet, then it is not always possible to use tomato sauce and beans. This dish can truly be enjoyed in Lent.

Braised cabbage in our family is very fond of. It is nutritious, tasty, light. This dish can be eaten fast days when eating is allowed vegetable oil. Cabbage turns out to be satisfying, as boiled beans are also added to it.

Pre-in the evening I soak in cold water half a glass of beans.

In the morning I drain the water, wash the beans and put them to boil in two glasses of clean water until tender. I cook the beans over low heat from boiling for 2 hours.

Then the water in which the beans were boiled is poured into a separate bowl and set aside - I still need it for further cooking.
I wash the beans and set aside for now.

I cut the cabbage smaller and thinner. I love small cabbage in this dish.

I don't cut the onion into small cubes.

Carrot rub on a coarse grater.

I put the pan on the fire and pour in a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil. I will fry vegetables on it.

I first put the chopped onion in the pan and fry over low heat for 5-7 minutes.
Then I spread the carrots and overcook them together over low heat for another 10 minutes. On low heat, vegetables are not fried, but only stewed.

While the vegetables are stewing, I will prepare the tomato. To do this, mix half a glass homemade tomato, prepared in the summer from their own tomatoes, with a tablespoon of a purchased tomato. You can only take a store-bought toyat a couple of spoons.

I also need half a glass of the liquid in which the beans were boiled to stew the cabbage.

I add chopped cabbage to the vegetables in the pan. I cover the pan with a lid and simmer the vegetables for 10 minutes. Cabbage will be exactly stewed, as it will release juice.

Then I pour in half a glass of liquid from under the beans and simmer the vegetables again for 10 minutes.

I have also prepared dried dill, parsley and a couple of bay leaves.

Salt cabbage to taste.

I rub the dried herbs with my hands and add them, along with the bay leaf, to the pan. I pour the tomato to the vegetables.

I mix everything well. I take out the bay leaf from the dish in a minute, until it gives bitterness.

Add the beans and stew all together under the lid for another 10 minutes.
If you like cabbage to have more juice, then you can add half a glass of water. I added bean liquid.
I check for salt. Salt if needed.
I turn off the dish when the cabbage is extinguished and becomes soft. I leave it under the lid to brew on the stove for 15-20 minutes.

Cabbage turns out juicy, tasty, fragrant. She has a small and pleasant sourness from tomato.

Eat stewed cabbage with beans tomato sauce Can be served on its own or with your favorite side dish.
Cabbage is good hot. But it tastes even better cold.
Also, this dish is quite satisfying and nutritious, as beans contain proteins.

The cooking time of the dish is given without taking into account the cooking time of the beans.
Wish you Bon appetit, Dear friends! Dinner Angel!

Time for preparing: PT00H50M 50 min.

Braised cabbage with beans - delicious and juicy dish, which can not only complement porridge or mashed potatoes, but also become independent garnish because it goes well with meat and fish products. Many housewives cook stewed cabbage with onions and carrots. We suggest adding beans as well, the dish immediately acquires a completely different, more satisfying taste.

During cooking, you can enhance the taste and aroma by adding spices - ground black pepper, suneli hops, ground coriander. Serve cabbage with beans warm or cold, garnished with fresh herbs (dill or parsley). Vegetable stew must be present in our daily diet, as they are very useful for both young children and adults.

The dish is considered lean, but thanks to the beans, it is satisfying. In this recipe, we use dried beans, which we boil before stewing. You can also cook stewed cabbage with canned beans. It will turn out delicious if you cook from beans in tomato. If cooking from canned beans, then naturally it is not necessary to boil and soak it, otherwise cook according to this recipe.

The color of the beans does not matter, you can put out both white and red beans. But it should be borne in mind that red beans are boiled a little longer than white beans. In addition to these ingredients, you can use tomato juice or paste, and fresh tomatoes in summer.

Taste Info Second vegetable dishes / Stewed cabbage


  • white cabbage - 800 g;
  • dry beans - 200 g;
  • carrots - 350 g;
  • vegetable oil - for frying;
  • salt and spices - to your taste;
  • parsley - 10 branches.

How to cook stewed cabbage with white beans

Rinse white or red beans under running water. Pour the beans 5-8 hours before cooking cold water, it is most convenient to do this in the evening and leave it all night. By soaking, the beans will cook much faster and be more tender in taste.

In the morning, drain the liquid, add fresh water, and send the beans to boil over high heat. As soon as the water boils, lower the heat and cook until soft, about 1-1.5 hours. Boiling time depends on the variety and size of the beans. When the beans are soft, transfer them from the pan to a colander to cool and drain the excess water.

Rinse the cabbage head, clean from the top damaged leaves. Divide into manageable pieces and chop into strips. Lightly salt and remember with your hands so that the cabbage starts up the juice and becomes a little softer.

Heat up a heavy-bottomed skillet or cauldron where you will stew the vegetables. Add some vegetable oil, let it warm up a little. Transfer the chopped cabbage and cover with a lid. Simmer over low heat for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.

During this time, peel the carrots, wash, grate on a medium grater. Add to cabbage and stir. If you don't have a grater, cut the carrot into thin strips or small cubes. Simmer over low heat for 25-30 minutes, sometimes adding a little water so that the cabbage does not burn.

When the vegetables become golden and soft, salt and add spices. Stir and continue to simmer with the lid closed for 5-10 minutes.

Transfer the beans to the cabbage, mix everything again, continue to simmer for 7-10 minutes.

Wash, dry and finely chop the herbs. sprinkle ready meal and turn off the fire.

Delicious stewed cabbage with beans in a pan is ready. Enjoy your meal!

Cooking Tips

  • If you have no contraindications against tomato juice or pasta, you can diversify this recipe. Stew cabbage in a cauldron. In a separate pan, fry the chopped onion with carrots, then pour the tomato and sauté for 5 minutes. After that, combine all the vegetables, add beans and greens.
  • If you are not fasting, you have sausages or smoked sausage, then you can safely add them 5-10 minutes before readiness.

Who loves cabbage as much as I do? As a child, I had no interest in such dishes, but with age, tastes change and now not a week goes by without me preparing stewed cabbage.

I know that some people stew cabbage with sour cream or cream. I confess I have never tried this. But I always stew cabbage with tomato. So today I cooked this dish, with beans.

Braised cabbage recipe with photo


  • 1/3 large head of cabbage
  • 2 large carrots
  • 2 tbsp. l. concentrated tomato paste
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  • 40 ml sunflower oil
  • 250 ml water
  • incomplete art. l. salt
  • a pinch of ground pepper
  • 1 cup canned (or boiled) beans

Thinly chop the cabbage, rub the carrots on a coarse grater.

Warming up large frying pan or wok. Maybe a roaster. Add sunflower oil and bay leaf, then put cabbage and carrots in a pan.

Fry the vegetables over high heat, stirring frequently. The cabbage should become soft.

Let's prepare the tomato paste. To do this, dilute 2 tablespoons of paste in 250 ml of drinking water.

Add the liquid to the pan, reduce the heat to a minimum and continue to simmer.

Salt and pepper the cooked cabbage. Add beans and cook covered for 3 more minutes.

This dish is quite self-sufficient and does not require any supplement (except for a piece of bread). If you still really want to supplement cabbage with something, then choose boiled pork or chicken, sausages or smoked sausages. Well, already salivating?

Braised cabbagepopular dish Russian cuisine. It is good in everything: tasty, inexpensive, and most importantly - satisfying! If you add mushrooms, meat or beans, then every time you will get a new dish. Today we invite you to prepare lean version stewed cabbage with beans, which is rich in protein and will be an excellent substitute for meat.

Publication author

Born, raised and lives in Yekaterinburg. A creative person, she worked as a designer for a very long time, was engaged in scrapbooking (now it happens much less often, unfortunately). Always loved to cook. Passion for photography began a year ago, after a culinary marathon. Two children: Semik (3 years old) and Marusya (1 year old).

  • Recipe author: Yulia Arkadieva
  • After cooking you will receive 6
  • Cooking time: 1 hour 30 minutes


  • 200 gr red beans
  • 100 gr carrots
  • 100 gr onion
  • 3 tbsp olive oil
  • 800 gr white cabbage
  • 50 gr tomato paste
  • 200 ml boiling water
  • ground black pepper

Cooking method

    Soak beans overnight in cold water.

    The next day, rinse the beans, transfer to a saucepan, add water and put to boil. Cook for 40-50 minutes, add salt 10 minutes before cooking. FROM cooked beans drain the water.

    Peel vegetables. Onion cut into small cubes. Grate carrots on a coarse grater. Pour oil into a saucepan with a thick bottom or a cauldron, put carrots and onions. Mix well and fry over medium heat for about 5 minutes until the onion is soft.

    Peel the cabbage from the upper leaves and stalk, chop finely.

    Add cabbage to fried vegetables. Mix well. Add tomato paste and 200 ml of boiling water. Salt, pepper. Mix well, cover tightly with a lid, put on a small fire and simmer, stirring occasionally, for about 40-50 minutes until the cabbage is soft.

    Add beans to cabbage, mix well.

    Close the pan tightly with a lid and simmer for another 10 minutes.

    Serve with finely chopped herbs. Braised cabbage with beans ready! Enjoy your meal!