Bee perga: storage and shelf life. The right way to get dry bee bread

Apitherapy is an amazing science that tells how bees and the products they produce help to keep the human body young and healthy, and reveals to mankind the secrets and rules for using bee products in their lives.

However, it should be remembered that maintaining the benefits of medicines donated by bees is sometimes even more difficult than obtaining them, so information about how to store bee pollen - one of the most useful apitherapeutic agents, it is very important.

Perga - what is it?

Beekeepers called perga enzymatically processed bee pollen, healing composition And amazing properties which is still being studied by scientists all over the world. The process of its formation takes place in the honeycomb, where the bees bring and store pollen collected from trees and flowers and moistened with the secret of their maxillary glands.

You can buy bee perga at our apiary by ordering it by phone

After tamping the honeycomb cells, the bees cover the pollen with a thin layer of honey and wax, thereby “preserving” it, that is, completely cutting off oxygen, as a result of which it begins to ferment and turn into perga (“bee bread”). The fermentation process is approximately fourteen days, after which the honeycomb can be taken out and used as a medicine.

Features of receiving and storing the product

Before talking about how bee bread is stored at home, you need to talk about the fact that beekeepers can sell it in three forms - in combs (that is, in the form in which it is produced by bees), in the form of paste or granules. "Bee bread" in honeycombs is the easiest (for a beekeeper) way to obtain this product, because all that is required of him is just to get a frame with honeycombs from the evidence, and that's it, the product is ready. It is much more difficult to get pergo paste or granules, because for this you first need to freeze the honeycombs, remove the wax cap from them, and only then grind them in a meat grinder with the addition of honey(this is how bee bread paste is obtained) or extract the actual bee bread from each honeycomb cell using a special spatula.

Cell storage

As already mentioned, honeycomb “bee bread” can be considered the most natural (“natural”) of this product, although it must be said that the shelf life of bee bread in this form is very short, because mold appears very quickly in it or wax moth larvae start up , which, by the way, are also useful in their own way, but they still spoil the product. Such a substance must be placed in a dry, warm, but not hot room, the humidity of which should be minimal.

It is necessary to carefully monitor the absence of any odors, because “bee bread” absorbs them very well (that is, it is not recommended to place it, for example, in the attic next to dried fish). To reduce the risk of wax moths, you can put several small containers of concentrated vinegar solution in the room.

Bee-bread honeycombs must be chewed, which is not very popular with customers, because they have a specific smell and taste. In addition, bees, as a rule, choose old frames for preserving bee pollen, where there may be remaining dead bee larvae, naturally, their taste is not the best. But there are the most healing microelements in this type of “bee bread”, so everyone can choose the product on their own.

Storage of pearl paste

Perg paste is ground in a meat grinder and mixed with honey "bee bread". Honey significantly lengthens the shelf life bee pollen, so it can be stored for at least one year. However, it is worth considering the fact that immediately, that immediately after receiving it, it must be placed in a glass dish, covered with a lid and sent to the refrigerator, because at a warm temperature it can also become moldy.

As for the disadvantages of this type of product, they include the fact that it is almost impossible to determine the concentration of the main ingredient in the medicine (honey is mixed in ground honeycombs in an approximate ratio, so only the person who was engaged in production can more or less accurately determine the concentration), unappetizing presentation (as a rule, such a paste looks like a yellow-orange mixture with small inclusions of black or brown).

Storage of bee bread in granules

Data on how to properly store bee bread in granules is very important, because granules are the most “delicate” type of this product, which, if special conditions are not observed, deteriorates very quickly and loses its properties. Granular "bee bread" is obtained by manually extracting it from honeycombs. To do this, beekeepers use special tools, and the whole process is some technological scheme consisting of several stages. Honeycombs with canned bee pollen are frozen in freezer, are cleaned of the wax-honey cap (after freezing, it is easily peeled off), and then dried a little.

After that, the beekeeper takes a special spoon or spatula and uses it to extract the contents of each cell. After removing the granules (they look like hexagonal cylinders), they are placed in special clothes bags or clean glass containers with lids (not sealed), and then sent to a dry room where it is possible to regulate the temperature (it should be no more than 15 degrees ). The granules should not be packed too tightly (any container is three-quarters packed), as lack of air can cause mold to form.

In addition, the granules can be mixed with honey, however, before doing this, you need to read about how to store honey with bee bread. Honey, of course, will act as a preservative, and it will be possible to store such a product for a long time (about three years), but only under certain conditions, for example, if the container with its contents is in a cool place (if the storage place is a refrigerator, it should be closed tightly with a lid). The ratio of honey and bee bread in such dosage form usually varies from 4:1 to 10:1.

Under what conditions should bee bread be stored?

The beekeeper who sells it usually tells where to store perga, but if we talk about general rules of this process, then in order to maximize the preservation of all the healing properties of this product, it must be placed in clean, dry rooms, after placing it in a clean, preferably glass, dish. The sun's rays adversely affect the composition of canned pollen grains, so the room should be dark. In addition, you need to carefully monitor the humidity (according to the reference books, the humidity should not be more than 15%).

The dishes should close well, but since they will store enough nutrient, they will need to be inspected as often as possible for the presence of all kinds of pests (the likelihood that they will be there is minimal, but it still exists). The most unpretentious in terms of storage is honey with bee bread, which is stored in a conventional refrigerator., but it must also be monitored, since the air in the refrigerator is quite humid, which means it can cause the formation of fungi.

How long can the product be stored?

Naturally, information about how much perga is stored depends on the form in which it is sold. The product in the combs has the shortest shelf life, which becomes of poor quality after a few months (after a specified period of time, mold and wax moth start up in it, and the benefits are practically lost), as mentioned above, vinegar prevents the appearance of wax moths, but take a product whose expiration date has expired is not recommended (it may not do any harm, but it healing properties will not appear).

You can order bee perga in Ukraine at our apiary by ordering it by phone

Perg paste retains its properties for one year, as, in fact, granulated "bee bread", but for this you need to comply with all the above conditions. Well, honey mixed with this amazing product stored the longest, but this does not mean that it is suitable for everyone. For example, "bee bread" is allowed to be taken by allergy sufferers and people who are sick diabetes, but this is only on the condition that it will be accepted in pure form(honey mixture for allergies or diabetes is strictly contraindicated).

As a conclusion, it is worth recalling that the shelf life of bee bread is closely related to its quality. Compliance with all the necessary requirements for the storage of this substance allows each person to treat his body with a truly high-quality, natural medicine for as long as possible.

Perga, which is nothing more than processed pollen, with regular use, helps the body recover in almost any situation.

But this product is rather whimsical in terms of storage conditions, so in order not to lose its biological activity, you need to follow all the rules and know how to store bee bread in honeycombs, granules or in the form of a honey mixture.

Storage conditions

How to properly store perga depends on its type. So, combs containing this product are recommended to be kept in a dry room, in which:

  • there are no foreign odors;
  • a low level of humidity is maintained;
  • the air temperature does not exceed 5 °C.

Important: in the absence of a room suitable for humidity, honeycombs can be hung from racks or other devices and filled up powdered sugar. This simple product perfectly solves the problem of humidity control.

Among all the storage conditions for bee bread, perhaps, maximum attention is paid to temperature, since lowering it by at least 1 ° C leads to the destruction of vitamins and the loss of many useful properties of the product, freezing is especially dangerous for the so-called bread, although some beekeepers may argue with this. On the contrary, high temperatures (more than 8 ° C) can cause the activation of moth larvae, which are very fond of feasting on wax and bee products. The optimum temperature for keeping bee bread is 2–10 °C.

Tip: It is generally not a good idea to store bee bread in the refrigerator or basement, as this can lead to mold. But if the refrigerator is able to constantly maintain the temperature at the proper level, then the content of bee bread in it is still allowed.

Crushed perga is most often stored as a mixture with honey, the amount of which is usually about 30%. In this form, bee bread retains its beneficial properties much longer, since honey is an excellent preservative. The mix of these two bee products is considered extremely healing. We talked about its benefits, preparation and application in the article:

Keeping ground bee bread in its pure form at home is carried out by corking it in a clean container made of dark glass. It is placed in a dry, cool (2-4 ° C) place, out of direct sunlight.

Storage of bee bread in the form of granules, which is a product that is maximally free of wax, larvae residues and other impurities, is carried out in dark, glassware with ajar lids or in linen bags. Moreover, such high-quality bee bread does not require the creation of a certain temperature regime, so it can be kept under normal room conditions.

Attention! When storing bee bread at home, you need to carefully monitor that the container used is dry from the inside.

How to extract bee bread from honeycombs

Beekeepers use special equipment to extract bee bread. The process of obtaining bee bread is a whole technological scheme, including the stages of drying combs and freezing. But since freezing the product is highly undesirable, you can get it without it, but such a process requires a lot of time and labor.

To get bee bread without freezing, the frame is put back into the hive after pumping out the honey. Here it is drained by bees for a couple of days, after which the bread is ready for extraction. It is manually pushed out of each cell with a special hairpin. Of course, the process of removing bee bread from honeycombs by hand is more time-consuming, but this way the product retains maximum value.

Shelf life

How long perga is stored directly depends on the conditions in which it is kept and its condition. The maximum danger for this beekeeping product is humidity, therefore, at high rates, such bee bread becomes completely unusable in just a few days.

The minimum shelf life has bee bread in honeycombs. It is she who more often than other species suffers from mold and wax moth. To protect the product from pests, it is recommended to place ajar containers with concentrated acetic acid(about 75%).

You can increase the shelf life of bee pollen by diluting it with honey. In this case, it will retain its properties throughout the year. It makes no sense to store bee bread in any form for more than a year, as it loses its biological activity and becomes useless.

All materials on the site are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any means, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

Storage of bee bread must be carried out so that its quality does not deteriorate. So that all useful substances are preserved unchanged. Its therapeutic effect depends on the storage conditions of bee bread. Despite the fact that bee bread is sterile, it contains lactic acid and natural antibiotic substances that prevent the growth of bacteria and fungi, it is still advisable to store it in a cool place, even better in the refrigerator, in a box for vegetables and fruits and observe the shelf life of bee bread .

Storage conditions.

Bee pollen requires a certain temperature and humidity for its storage. The bee bread is hygroscopic and it is desirable to store the bee bread in a hermetic, well-sealed container so that moisture does not affect the bee bread. You can put bee bread in a paper bag and put this bag in another bag - cellophane. Perga is pleasant to the taste and all sorts of pest bugs love it. This also affects the storage conditions of bee bread. At long-term storage Perga should be reviewed periodically. She does not like perga and the neighborhood of pungent odors, she absorbs them well. Direct sunlight also affects the shelf life of bee bread.

IN industrial scale,

in order for the bee bread to be stored longer, it is treated with gamma radiation. This does not affect the beneficial properties of bee bread, so it can be stored at room temperature. A dry place is required, free from air and direct sunlight. Perga bee term storage has 1 year. Perga can not be removed from the honeycombs, but consumed by chewing honeycombs along with bee bread. This is the most natural way the use of bee bread, without human intervention, but such bee bread has disadvantages during storage. With high humidity, the honeycombs become moldy, they can be eaten by wax moth larvae, and chewing such frames is not very pleasant, since bee pollen is placed mainly in old black honeycombs. In addition to wax and bee-bread, there comes across merva-shirts of brood cocoons. Perga extracted from honeycombs is stored much better. The shelf life of perga affects its content and quality. useful substances. If bee pollen has a shelf life of more than a year, then it gradually loses its biological activity and becomes useless.

In small apiaries,

Usually bee bread is not subjected to any processing and storage of bee bread must be carried out in a cold place (refrigerator), also in closed packaging, without air ingress, foreign odors. The shelf life of perga is 1 year.

Extraction of bee bread from honeycombs.

In the hive, bees store bee bread in honeycombs sealed on top with wax caps (zabrus). To extract bee bread from honeycombs on an industrial scale, special machines are usually used. This is a whole technological chain, consisting of a bee-bread comb dryer, a construction for extracting bee bread and a scarifier-apparatus for scratching wax caps and obtaining bee bread in granules. First, bee bread in combs is dried to 10-15% moisture, then cooled to -1 degrees Celsius. They are loaded into a special bunker, where the bee-bread in the honeycomb is crushed, and a wax-bee-bread mixture is obtained, which is then sifted through a special sieve and separated: one layer goes bee-bread in granules, the other is wax mass, which is then melted into wax.
In small apiaries where there is no mechanization of the process. To extract bee bread, the same sequence is used (drying, freezing, grinding, sifting) only with the help of a household grinder and a sieve.

There is a way to get bee bread without freezing. After pumping out the honey, the bee-bread frame is put back into the hive for drying by the bees, then after 2-3 days they take it out and manually extract the bee-bread from the combs. This is a rather laborious process, but the greatest biological activity of the product is preserved.

Many people know about the beneficial properties of honey and propolis. These bee products perfectly heal the body, give strength, help get rid of many diseases. No less healing properties and bee bread, which is known much less. It is hardened pollen, processed by bees with the help of enzymes. The video will tell you more about this. The resulting substance is a source of many vitamins and minerals. It can also be given to children. Perga (its second name is bee bread) is useful not only for health, but also for facial skin. A mask of perga will significantly improve the skin of the face. have benefits and different recipes bee-bread mead prepared without boiling. There are many videos on the Internet with the right recipes.

What is useful perga? What diseases does it help?

Bee bread is very famous huge amount vitamins and microelements in the composition. With the help of this unique product bee larvae grow strong and healthy. Therefore, there are practically no analogues of such a substance; no vitamin complexes can replace its benefits. The taste is slightly sour and sweet, sometimes reminiscent of the taste rye bread. Perga very well helps to be treated for the following diseases at home:

  • reduced immunity, fatigue and weakening of the body's defenses;
  • colds, flu and SARS, asthma, bronchitis. If given to a patient a small amount of pergi 3 times a day after meals, his health will improve;
  • diseases of the liver and gastrointestinal tract, liver. Recipe useful medicine from bee bread will also help with colitis, hepatitis;
  • thyroid disease;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • diseases of the nervous and endocrine systems;
  • deterioration of memory, vision, premature aging;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • various diseases of the female genital area, painful menstruation, benign formations (fibromyomas, mastopathy);
  • pathology of the male genital area, prostatitis, inflammation of the prostate gland;
  • intoxication and elevated level cholesterol;
  • low hemoglobin, lack of iron in the body;
  • allergic reactions.

Perga - excellent tool growth-promoting muscle mass. This is the most effective natural anabolic, which helps to quickly recover from injuries and recover from operations. Therefore, it is very good to eat it for everyone who is associated with physical activity.

Perga is also useful for children. You can give children no more than 15 g per day of this product.

The product has gained considerable benefit in cosmetology. Especially useful bee bread for the face. Can be used at home useful masks which effectively help get rid of acne. A mask of bee bread and propolis tincture cleanses and relieves inflammation of the skin of the face. The video will tell you more about it.

Video: Useful properties and use of perga

How to apply and how to store perga?

It is very important to use the product correctly and give it to children. It is important to remember that the dosage must be strictly observed, especially for young children. large doses and frequent use can lead to an excess of vitamins in the body, and this will lead to unpleasant consequences. Adults can eat no more than 30 grams of the product per day. This dosage is great for prevention. Many videos show how to choose the right dose of medicine. Here are some recipes that you can easily cook at home:

  • at various diseases kidneys, neurosis, the following recipe helps well, which is very pleasant to the taste: mix honey and bee bread in a ratio of 1: 1 and eat 1 teaspoon 3 times a day half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is 30-60 days;
  • an effective recipe that rejuvenates and soothes the skin of the face: grind a teaspoon of bee bread, mix with 1 teaspoon of honey and sour cream, apply on the face. Wash off with water after 20 minutes. The mask perfectly smoothes and tones the skin of the face.

Mask based on bee bread, cow's milk And lemon juice perfectly refreshes the skin. It is necessary to mix all the ingredients, add the egg yolk, then apply to the steamed skin. You need to lie down on the bed and relax for 15 minutes. The mask improves complexion, gives freshness and a healthy look.

Eat great recipe mead without boiling, prepared with bee bread. It can be drunk without fear of allergies or indigestion. Mead on bee bread without yeast is easy to prepare at home, and is very popular with beekeepers. The drink should stand and be stored for a long time (approximately 6 months). You should know that mead without boiling requires the addition of berries or raisins. There are various videos that will tell you exactly about all the stages of cooking, while not using boiling. This recipe has good feedback and pleasant spicy taste. Drinking such a drink is very beneficial for health.

Video: How to store perga

Storage conditions of bee bread in combs. How to store perga in granules?

It is not enough just to choose and assemble a product, it is necessary to preserve its usefulness. We should not forget that bee bread requires certain storage conditions, otherwise its healing properties may evaporate. Therefore, it is very important to know how to properly store bee bread. For example, bee bread in honeycombs is stored at home only under the following conditions:

  • dry room;
  • absence of foreign odors;
  • low humidity;
  • air temperature is about 5 degrees.

If the humidity is too high, you can store honeycombs by covering them with powdered sugar. This method will help create the necessary level of humidity in the room, and then the shelf life will increase.

Temperature is very important for storing bee bread at home. It should be remembered that even 1 degree can adversely affect the presence of vitamins in the composition. Dangerous for bee bread and low temperature, and too high. This is especially true for boiling. It is not recommended to store the product in the basement, refrigerator and other cold and damp places, as this may lead to mold. Optimum temperature- from 2 to 10 degrees.

In the photo and video, the product in granules looks like prismatic solid particles. Perga in this form is stored at home in glass and dark dishes, while the lids should be ajar. Bee bread in granules is a product carefully cleaned of wax, larvae and other substances. However, it does not require difficult conditions storage, it can be stored at normal room temperature. To explore all the types in as much detail as possible, you need to watch the video.

To get, extract and collect the substance from the honeycombs, it is necessary to use special equipment. The extraction process itself is complex and requires care.

In order for the shelf life of the product at home to be long, while the healing properties would not be lost, all storage conditions must be observed. Humidity is the most dangerous. If the bee bread is stored incorrectly, bee bread can lose all its benefits within a few days.

Video: Storage of bee bread in granules

The product has the shortest shelf life in combs. It is in this case that bee bread is more likely to be moldy. Should be in this case place open containers with acetic acid indoors.
Breeding bee bread with honey helps increase shelf life. However, it is worth remembering that storing honey with bee bread for more than a year is pointless: the composition may become useless.

, pollen and bee bread (perga) - all of them are saturated with healing enzymes of little workers and, in combination with their natural qualities, have long been used by humans in preventive and medicinal purposes. Perga is of particular value - a unique brood food prepared by bees with the addition of active substances from their glands and honey.

Packed in honeycombs pollen in the process of laying, it is held together by the saliva of insects - it is then that valuable enzymes from the body of bees enter it. When the honeycomb is almost full, a little space is left on top - about 1/5. It is filled with honey. In the comb, pollen begins to germinate, releasing lactic acid - an excellent preservative, which, together with honey, after sealing with wax in the comb, is able to store bee bread until spring.

In the process of preparing bee bread, in addition to the already existing set of valuable components, it is enriched with vitamin E, which is also called the “vitamin of youth”. Bee bread contains almost all vitamins, many essential amino acids, fatty amino acids (including Omega-3), micro and macro elements. Due to this, perga is used for the treatment and prevention of diseases, in cosmetic purposes, as an energy drink for athletes.

Important! One of the most valuable properties of bee bread is its digestion. human body by 100%. However, properties bee product may vary depending on storage conditions. And since along with this there is a change in qualities not for the better, the storage of bee bread should take place under optimal conditions. There are several commercial types of bee bread: in honeycombs, ground, dried.

Preservation of bee bread in combs can be claimed for a dual purpose:

  • Preparation for use as a medicinal raw material;
  • Supply of food for bees for the spring period;

In both cases, the beekeeper must comply with a number of requirements so that all the beneficial components of bee bread remain unchanged:

  • Humidity. Excessive moisture harms any product, especially those produced by bees. Even in a hive, humidity can do more harm than, for example, lowering t. Therefore, for the storage of bee bread, a humidity of no more than 30% is required. With an increase in this indicator, there is a risk of mold development, and in a too dry room, bee bread dries up and loses some of its healing qualities;
  • Temperature. The temperature regime indicators are no less important for compliance: t should not be higher than + 8 ° С, and better - from +1 to + 5 ° С. A decrease to negative values ​​leads to freezing of bee bread and, accordingly, the destruction of some useful substances. In a room that is too warm, there is a risk of moth damage - and not only wax, but also ordinary, as a result of which the product becomes unusable;
  • Illumination. Exposure to light, and not only solar, has a detrimental effect on many substances, including those that make up bee bread.

Important! Most often, frames with bee bread are stored in specially equipped rooms in a suspended state or filled with honey (or covered with powdered sugar). This "preservation" protects against the damaging effects of oxygen. To protect against wax moths, containers with 75% vinegar essence. And although some believe that bee bread in honeycombs has an unaesthetic appearance, nevertheless, this particular product is the most natural, although it is stored only until the next harvest.

Boost biological value of the product and at the same time create optimal conditions for storage allows grinding honeycombs in a meat grinder and adding honey to them - about 25-30%.

Store such a product in a dark glass container tightly closed. The conditions of the temperature regime remain the same - in a dry and cool room, preferably without access to light. Preservation of all quality indicators increases the shelf life of bee pollen in this case up to a year. In the refrigerator, under normal temperature conditions, bee bread paste can only be stored in a tightly sealed container, since the humidity indicators of the refrigerator chamber are higher than required for storing bee bread.

Important! Although the safety of ground bee bread with the addition of honey is high, the disadvantages of this method are: the possibility of allergic reactions due to the content of honey (bee bread itself is a low-allergenic product), low content specifically bee bread, as well as its unknown concentration.

There is another way to prepare bee bread for consumption: in the form of granules extracted from honeycombs and dried. It is the most labor-intensive, therefore, such bee bread is the most expensive. However, it has one undoubted advantage - the possibility of an accurate dosage of the drug when taken. And since bee bread has high rates of biogenic activity, the question correct reception with exact observance of doses is put forward in the first place:

  • Dry granules of small size (up to 1.5 cm) are thoroughly cleaned of wax and merv and dried;
  • The dried product is stored in glass container open or coated with canvas in 1-2 layers;
  • Humidity should not exceed 25%, and 10% is optimal. These conditions must be observed, since even a dried product contains a certain percentage of moisture.

Requirements to temperature regime not so strict, because the almost complete absence of moisture makes the product the most stable. Even in hot conditions, bee bread will only slightly dry out and lose weight. However, all valuable components in the dry matter will be preserved.

Important! Granulated bee bread is the most convenient, safe, although more expensive type of bee bread. But even in this state and subject to all requirements, it is recommended to store bee bread for no more than a year.

To obtain maximum benefit from taking a valuable bee product, you must carefully observe the recommended doses, as well as study possible contraindications. There are very few of them in bee bread, since it is the most low-allergenic among all bee products. And even used to treat allergies.

The main contraindication is individual intolerance. Therefore, the reception begins with a minimum dose, carefully monitoring the reaction of the body. For some pathologies (oncology, uterine fibroids, increased anxiety, Graves' disease), it is recommended to take bee bread only after consulting a doctor. Standard reception scheme:

  • Average doses for treatment - 1 tsp. shortly before or after (depending on indications) a meal. The course of treatment is 1 month, then a monthly break and repeat if necessary. If you are unsure of the correctness of your actions, pay a visit to the apitherapist;
  • For the purpose of prevention, the reception is carried out in half doses, and its duration is 15 days in the spring and autumn periods. Some additionally carry out prevention in the winter;
  • Children are given bee bread in greatly reduced doses - 0.25 of the adult norm, and a mandatory medical consultation is carried out regarding the age limits;
  • A portion of bee bread is dissolved in the mouth without drinking anything, and after taking it, they do not drink anything and do not eat for another 30 minutes.

Under all conditions, the shelf life of bee pollen does not exceed 12 months. And although it can be stored longer, medicinal properties such a product is questioned, and the effect of taking it is minimal.