Transparent jelly from apples for the winter. Healthy and tasty apple jelly: recipe

Apple jelly for the winter is wonderful, beautiful bright dessert which can be prepared at home. The cooking process is a little more complicated than usual apple jam or jam, but it's worth it. Apple jelly can be used to decorate cakes, pastries. decorate them variety of salads, sandwiches or use as independent dish. And how beautiful and appetizing this trembling delicacy looks on a piece of bread!

Apple jelly can be prepared with or without gelatin. Apples contain pectin, which is an adhesive that allows you to make jelly without the use of an additional thickener. Consider a few popular recipes making apple jelly for the winter, both without gelatin and with its addition.

Simple apple jelly for the winter

To make apple jelly you will need: apples, granulated sugar, lemon juice and some water.

Wash the apples well and cut into pieces along with the peel. Splashing apples lemon juice so they don't darken.

We add granulated sugar to crushed apples based on 1 kilogram of fruit - 300 grams of sugar.

Add water at the rate of one glass per kilogram of peeled apples.

Put the pot on little light. Stir from time to time so that the apples do not burn.

After boiling, reduce the flame to a minimum and cook for another 10-15 minutes until the apples soften.

Pour the resulting mass into a colander installed on a saucepan to drain the liquid. We leave for two or three hours so that all the liquid is glassed.

From one and a half kilograms of apples, a little more than a liter of liquid is usually obtained.

We put a saucepan with apple liquid on the fire, and from the remaining apples you can make excellent applesauce.

When the liquid boils, remove the foam, reduce the heat and leave to boil on a small flame.

The liquid will begin to acquire an orange tint, continue to boil over low heat. From time to time a film forms and must be removed.

When the liquid has already boiled down twice and has acquired an intense red hue, pour it into sterilized jars and cork with lids.

Recipe for apple jelly with lemon and spices

To make apple jelly, take:

  • Two kilograms of fresh apples;
  • One and a half liters of clean water;
  • Three small lemons;
  • Four cinnamon sticks;
  • a pinch of saffron;
  • 400 grams of sugar per half liter of liquid.

The cooking process itself is practically no different from the previous recipe.

Wash the apples well, cut into small slices, while removing the core with seeds. Put the fruit in a bowl. My lemons, grind and send to apples. We put cinnamon sticks there, fill it with water. We put the pan on the fire, after boiling we reduce the gas, cover with a lid and cook until the apples soften. Cooking time depends on the type of fruit used.

Next, we discard the contents of the pan in a colander and leave for several hours so that the liquid is completely drained into another container. To strain the liquid, you can also use ordinary gauze by folding it into several layers.

Add sugar to the resulting juice, at the rate of 400 grams per liter. Add a pinch of saffron if desired. Put the pot on the fire, bring to a boil. We reduce the flame and boil the liquid, as in the first recipe, until it thickens. We lay out the finished jelly in sterilized jars and cork with lids.

In this recipe, we will use fresh apple juice, sugar, gelatin and a little water. For one liter apple juice we will use 20 grams of gelatin and 400 grams of sugar.

We take half a glass of clean water and pour gelatin, leave it to swell for half an hour.

Pour sugar into a saucepan with juice, add gelatin, put on a small fire and heat, not boiling. You can't boil. Stir to dissolve sugar and gelatin completely. Pour hot jelly into prepared jars and roll up the lids.

Using the recipes above, you can make jelly for the winter not only from apples alone, but you can also add other fruits and berries. Thus, you will expand the flavor range of this dish. Also, according to these recipes, you can make jelly from grapes, quince, gooseberries. It turns out wonderfully from currants. Do not be afraid to experiment and everything will be delicious for you.

Have a good mood and bon appetit!

Fruits and berries


Apple jelly for the winter should definitely be in your arsenal. Not only is it incredible useful blank Well, it's still very tasty. Unlike all the same jams and marmalades, jelly has an expressive delicate taste, it is not too sweet and very fragrant. It is worth at least once making jelly from any fruits or berries for the winter, and you will never return to the usual jams. It happens that such desserts may partly resemble more jams, but our today's step-by-step photo recipe will tell you about cooking exactly transparent and smooth apple jelly.

Surprisingly, in order to achieve the desired density, we will not use additional pectin, but also it will not be necessary to repeatedly boil the fruit mass. Apples are rich in vitamins, but they also contain a lot of natural natural pectin, which will play a major role in cooking. We will not use much sugar, and the lemon will the right influence, so that the jelly will be more summery and refreshing than rich in taste. Just imagine how pleasant it will be in winter to open a jar of fresh, slightly sour jelly from homemade apples and enjoy them to the fullest. We use cinnamon exclusively to give the workpiece a subtle sweetish-tart aroma. Let's start cooking delicious apple jelly at home for the winter.

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  • Do you have your own apple jelly recipe for the winter? We continue the topic

    Such a delicacy is not as easy to prepare as compotes, but God, how beautiful the transparent, fragrant, trembling jelly looks on a piece of bread. And how can they decorate the cake? Not to mention how much delight it will cause your guests when they find out that it was made at home, with your golden hands.

    Some prefer recipes homemade jelly with gelatin as a thickener, fearing that nothing would work without it. But apple jelly without a thickener, it turns out very well. These fruits contain pectin, which helps the mass to harden. It's like being cold.

    How to make apple jelly for the winter

    Apple jelly is prepared from a decoction of apples, with the addition of water, sugar and some additives, spices or flavorings. With the addition of gelatin, jelly is made faster, and natural, without any additives, must be evaporated over low heat until thickened.

    apples for this tasty preparation any variety is suitable, but the juicier the variety, the more jelly will turn out. On average, its yield when evaporated from one kilogram of apples is 100-200 grams of the finished product.

    Apple jelly - recipes at home

    Jelly from Antonovka for the winter.

    One kilo of apples
    Half a liter of water
    400 grams of granulated sugar.

    Preparation: Wash the apples, remove the core, cut into slices, no need to remove the skin, as it contains a lot of pectin, which serves as a natural thickener.

    Before putting the slices into the pan, they must be weighed so as not to violate the recipe. Add water to the apples in a saucepan and simmer over low heat for half an hour. During this time, the slices will soften and give the juice. You don't need to mix.

    Now you need to drain the liquid, for this you can use a fine sieve or colander, but you need to put gauze in 4 layers in it. We discard the boiled apples and let all the liquid drain.
    Then we pour the broth that has drained into a saucepan and pour sugar into it. We bet on very slow fire evaporate. The remaining mashed potatoes do not need to be thrown away, it will make excellent jam.

    The liquid will evaporate for about 40 minutes, during this time you need to monitor the foam and remove it in time.
    Soon the broth will be reduced by half and will become transparent. Then you can check with a spoon so that it does not flow in a trickle, but in drops. So the jelly is ready. It should immediately be poured hot into sterile jars and rolled up. Let cool without turning.

    Apple jelly with lemon and spices

    Apples 2 kg
    Water 1.5 liters
    Lemons 3 pcs.
    Sugar per half liter of water 400 gr.
    Cinnamon 4 sticks
    A pinch of saffron.

    Preparation: Rinse the apples well and remove the core, cut into plastics and put in a saucepan. Grind lemons as well and send to apples. Put the cinnamon, pour water and wait until it boils, make the fire weaker, cover and simmer until the apples are soft, it depends on the variety.

    When the apples are ready, you need to throw them on cheesecloth and let the resulting juice drain. Then pour it into another container for boiling. Pour sugar and add saffron (this is optional). Bring to a boil and begin to boil until cooked, as soon as the liquid thickens, turn off the heat and lay out the jelly in sterile jars.

    Apple jelly with gelatin

    Edible gelatin 20 grams per liter of juice
    Sugar 400 grams per liter of juice
    Water 0.5 cups.

    Preparation: My apples, cut into 4 parts, remove the seeds and pass through a juicer. Let the juice stand to collect the foam, then pour it into a saucepan. While the juice is settling, pour gelatin with water, stir and leave to swell for half an hour.

    We spread the gelatin in a saucepan with juice, pour out the sugar and start heating, it is impossible to bring to a boil. Heat and stir until gelatin and sugar dissolve. Immediately pour hot jelly into sterile jars and roll up. Let cool and put in a cool place.

    And finally, another video recipe for making apple jelly.

    Greetings, dear readers of my Blog!

    The year turned out to be fruitful for apples, the abundance of summer varieties was especially pleasing. Only for long-term storage in the cellar, for example, such fruits are not suitable. It remains to quickly process them, having prepared jam, tasty, tender jam and amber, transparent apple jelly.

    By the way, frozen apples for the winter - cut into slices, removing the core, and put in bags in the freezer.

    How to cook delicious and fragrant apple jam I will write next time, but today we will cook jam and apple jelly and cook at the same time.

    Jam from apples

    I note right away that it is not advisable to use jam for making jam. enamel pots- Puree will burn.

    Wash the apples (in any quantity), cut them together with the peel into arbitrary pieces, removing the core and all spoiled places.

    I remove the core, because apple pips can give bitterness to the finished product.

    Pour a little into the pot cold water so as not to burn, put the chopped apples, cook under the lid until soft, stirring occasionally.

    Then Throw the resulting mass on a frequent sieve, wait until the juice drains.

    Juice set aside - we will cook from it apple jelly.

    Rub the remaining hot apple mass through a sieve. I don’t use an immersion blender for “pureing”, the mass rubbed through a sieve is more homogeneous, tender, soft, without pieces of peel.

    Measure the resulting puree with a measuring cup, liter jar- what is at hand and depending on the volume of the resulting mass.

    Transfer to a saucepan.

    For 1 liter of puree, add 1 kg of sugar.

    I cook almost all jam (as well as jam, jelly) at the rate of 1 kilogram of sugar per 1 kilogram of berries, fruits or mashed potatoes. Sugar is a good preservative. I do not roll up sweet blanks hermetically and store them indoors at room temperature. Nothing spoils and is not covered with mold.

    So, put the mashed potatoes with added sugar on the stove, bring to a boil over high heat, then cook over medium heat until tender.

    During the cooking process, stir as often as possible - the mass is “prone” to burning. Cover the pan with a lid - mashed potatoes may splash when boiling.

    If there is a lot of foam - remove it, if it is not enough - you can not remove it during the cooking process, but remove it already before laying it in jars.

    How to determine the readiness of jam

    The jam is cooked until cooked for about 1 hour (from the moment of boiling, I repeat). The time depends on the amount of puree, and also you want to get a thicker or thinner jam. On average, 40-45 minutes is enough.

    At this time, the mass boils well, thickens, acquires a darker color, the foam also becomes darker and almost ceases to form.

    Readiness is determined as follows : on a dry, clean saucer, drop a drop of jam. If the drop does not spread and stands like a "button" - you're done!

    Please note that the jam, which is more liquid when hot, becomes dense and looks like marmalade when cooled.

    Jars preparation

    Banks for blanks, which not only cleans dirt well, but also disinfects. After such washing, the jars can not be sterilized, but doused with boiling water and turned upside down on a clean cloth to dry.

    Jars filling and storage

    Pour the jam hot into dry heated jars. It is advisable to pre-boil the distributing spoon. We fill the jars to the very neck and, without closing, leave until completely cooled and a dense “crust” forms on the surface.

    When the jam in the jars has completely cooled down, we close the jars in any convenient way: with clean paper and tied with twine, lids from those jars into which the jam is laid out, with cling film.

    Do not use plastic lids - jam is stored worse under them.

    For better preservation of jam you can use the old "grandmother's way": cut out a circle from white paper with a diameter corresponding to the neck of the jar, soak it with vodka, put it directly on the jam. Instead of vodka, paper can be soaked in strong sugar syrup.

    Apple jam turned out to be very tasty, you can put it on a sandwich - a great alternative to a store-bought cake!

    Apple jelly

    I really like jelly from berries and fruits! Looks beautiful jam-, from. But apple jelly can be safely called the most beautiful and, if you like, elite.

    Apples are rich in pectin, a natural gelling agent. Thanks to him, apples are ideal for making jelly for the winter.

    Making jelly is very, very easy! The only “minus” of this winter delicacy is the low yield: out of 2 kilograms of apples prepared for jam, I got only 600 ml of juice.

    So, juice obtained after boiling apples for jam measure, pour into a saucepan, add sugar at the rate of 1:1 - for 600 ml of juice I added 600 g of sugar.

    The juice is a little cloudy - don't worry, it will become completely transparent during the cooking process!

    Put on a strong fire, as soon as it boils - cook over medium heat until tender, about 40 minutes.

    DO NOT stir the juice during the cooking process, do not remove the foam - it can be easily removed when the jelly is completely cooked.

    Readiness is determined
    as in the case of jam cooking: the juice became darker, boiled down about twice, the foam became darker and almost does not form.

    We take a clean, dry saucer and drip a drop of jelly. If the drop does not spread at all - the jelly is ready, otherwise, continue cooking for a few more minutes.

    Pour hot jelly into heated clean jars, leave to cool completely. Then we close.

    For jelly, it is better to take jars of small volume - 200 - 300 ml.

    Here is such a beautiful apple jelly I got! And no gelatin and other gelling additives!

    Happy winter drinking!

    Your grandmother Natalia