How to make currant jam. Currant jam in a slow cooker

How to make blackcurrant jam simply, quickly and easily, we will tell in this article. Step by step recipe with photos.

Every housewife on the shelves of her pantries should have at least a few blackcurrant blanks.

After all, this berry, no worse than raspberries, saves our body from colds and many other ailments during the cold season.

Blackcurrant jam turns out to be thick, tasty, moderately sweet, with a distant sour taste characteristic of this berry.

The rich ruby ​​color of the jam will make this preparation the brightest and most expressive among others standing on your shelves.

Blackcurrant jam can be opened right from the beginning of winter, and one spoonful of it can be consumed with a cup of tea.

There is no better way to prevent colds.

Blackcurrant jam - step by step recipe with photo


  • 550 grams of blackcurrant;
  • 500 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 60 milliliters of filtered water;
  • a pinch of citric acid.


How to make blackcurrant jam:

Carefully sort out the currants, removing rotten and crumpled berries. Place selected fruits in a container, pour cold water, remove debris that floats to the surface.

Send currants to thick-walled enamel pan, pour it with a small portion of clean water, set on the top fire.

Bring the mixture to the boiling stage, reduce the heating to a minimum. Boil the berry for the next 5 minutes, without covering with a lid.

Then pour in a measured amount of granulated sugar, dissolve it with frequent stirring, cook for about 4 more minutes.

Then put the pan on the table, turn its contents into a homogeneous puree using an immersion blender. If there are still pieces of skin left, rub the mixture with a spoon through a sieve with small holes, separating smooth puree from dense pieces.

Return the blackcurrant jam to the stove, bring to a boil, while stirring it often with a wooden spoon, separating the thickening mass from the walls of the container and preventing it from burning. At the same time, you can throw a pinch of citric acid to ensure long-term storage. Boil the jam for 2 minutes.

In parallel, clean the container for storing jam with soda, sterilize and dry completely. Fill the jars with hot jam to the very brim, tightly seal by hand with sterile screw caps. Turn the jars over, making sure that the lids do not leak jam. Next, the jars are completely cooled under a warm blanket or blanket. After a day, take it to a room that is as isolated from sunlight as possible.

Blackcurrant - very tasty, fragrant berry, which has useful and healing properties and holds the record for the content of vitamin C among other berries and fruits. In addition, blackcurrant fruits are rich in B vitamins, vitamin P, carotene, phytoncides and trace elements necessary for life (potassium, iron, magnesium, zinc).

It is used to make juices, wines, desserts, etc. Jams and blackcurrant jams - amazing delicacy for the winter, which is served with tea, pancakes, pancakes and desserts.

Most best recipes currant jam that can be done at home:

  1. Blackcurrant jam without cooking
  2. Currant jam "Five minutes"
  3. Blackcurrant jelly
  4. Blackcurrant jam
  5. Blackcurrant jam in a slow cooker
  6. Currant jam
  7. Currants in sugar in the microwave
  8. Jam "Summer"
  9. Currant jam with vanilla

Recipe 1. Blackcurrant jam without cooking

Required products:

  • Fresh blackcurrant berries - 0.5 kg.
  • Sugar - 0.5 kg.

We sort out the berries, discard the damaged and rotten ones, remove the stems and rinse under running water. We throw the currants into a colander so that all the liquid is completely glassed. Grind the berries with a blender to puree, then add sugar and mix until it is completely dissolved.
finished product pour into clean glass container and close nylon lids. It turns out very tasty, and most importantly, healthy jam, which can be stored in the basement or in the refrigerator.

Recipe 2. Currant Jam "Five Minute"

How to cook five-minute jam? This is a fairly quick recipe that allows you to keep the original appearance of the berries with all useful properties.

  • Black currant - 1 kg.
  • Raspberries - 0.5 kg.
  • Sugar - 1.5 kg.
  • Water - 150 ml.

Mix the washed, stalked and dried berries with half the sugar, put on low heat, boil for 5 minutes. Remove from heat, add the second part of the sugar and stir until completely dissolved. Pour the finished product into sterilized jars and roll up hot.

Recipe 3. Blackcurrant jelly

How to make blackcurrant jelly? To make such fragrant preparation would need:

  • Fresh black currant - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 1.5 kg.

The sorted, washed and peeled berries must be dried and poured into a wide basin. Fill the berries with water so that it barely covers them. Two glasses will be enough. Put the berries on low heat, bring to a boil and boil for 15 minutes. During the cooking process, periodically remove the foam.
At the end, you need to add sugar and boil for another 20 minutes, while stirring constantly. The finished product will thicken and stick to the walls. It's time to pour it into sterilized jars.

Jelly can be rolled up, or you can simply close it with nylon lids and store it in the refrigerator. The rolled product can be stored at room temperature.

Recipe 4. Blackcurrant jam (hot cooking method)

Required components:

  • Blackcurrant fruits - 0.6 kg.
  • Sugar - 900 g.
  • Water - 1.5 cups.

Washed, selected berries, peeled from twigs, pour water and put on fire, bring to a boil and boil until the skin cracks on them. This will take approximately 20 minutes.

Crush the boiled berries with a wooden spoon, mix with sugar and put back on the fire. Boil the boiled mass for another 10 minutes. Pour over hot product into clean glass containers and seal with lids.

To weld delicious jelly some rules must be observed:

  • For cooking, use a wide pan with a thick bottom. So excess liquid will evaporate faster, and the jelly will thicken.
  • If the cooking time of the product has expired, and the jelly remains liquid, then it is not yet time to remove it from the stove. As soon as the jelly begins to stick to the walls, it can be poured into jars and rolled up.

Recipe 5. Blackcurrant jam in a slow cooker

How to cook blackcurrant jam in a slow cooker for the winter? This question is of interest to many, because almost every modern hostess has such household appliances as a slow cooker.

So, for this recipe you will need:

  • Fresh blackcurrant - 1kg.
  • Sugar - 1.3 kg.
  • Citric acid - a pinch.
  • Water - 100 ml.

Sort the berries, remove the twigs and rinse in water. Throw the currant in a colander so that all the water is glass.

Put the berries in a bowl, mash with a wooden spoon, add water, sugar and citric acid. Mix all the products well and turn on the “Extinguishing” option for 1.5 hours.

Ready and fragrant jam pour into sterile jars and roll up the lids.

As you can see, making blackcurrant jam in a slow cooker is quite simple. In winter, a fragrant preparation can be consumed with tea, pancakes, pancakes and various desserts. Currant jam well raises the immune system.

Recipe 6. Currant jam


  • 1 glass of berries.
  • 2 glasses of water.
  • 0.5 cups of sugar.

Grind the berries in a meat grinder, pour in water and cook until half of the liquid has evaporated. Pass the puree through a sieve to separate the seeds. Add sugar and cook, stirring constantly for about 20 minutes, until the mass thickens. Transfer to dry, hot jars and put open in the oven until a crust forms. Cork.

Recipe 7. Currants in sugar in the microwave

Rinse the berries and spread on paper to dry. Pour 0.5 l into a jar, leaving 4 cm to the top. Prepare sugar syrup: 300 grams of sugar per 1 liter of water, boil until completely dissolved. Pour into a jar of berries, put in the microwave for 5 minutes at full power. Roll up.

Recipe 8. Jam "Summer"

1 kg of currant berries (you can take black and red in half).
1.2 kg of sugar.
2 glasses of water.
Juice from 2 lemons.
Rinse the berries with cold water, then scald with boiling water, let the water drain, put on a dish until dry. Make sugar syrup from 1 kg of sugar and 2 cups of water. Pour the berries into the syrup, boil for 5 minutes and set aside for 24 hours.
After a day, drain the syrup, boil for 2-3 minutes, pour hot berries over and set aside again for a day. On the third day, also separate the syrup, add the remaining 200 grams of sugar and add lemon juice, boil for 3 minutes, combine with berries and bring to a boil. Pour hot jam into dry heated jars and seal immediately.

Recipe 9. Currant jam with vanilla

Required products:

  • 1 kg of currant berries;
  • 1.2 kg of sugar;
  • 1 glass of water;
  • a bag of vanillin (you can take a stick).

Blanch the washed berries for about 2 minutes in water at about 80 degrees (boil 1 liter and leave for 4 minutes), drain the water, and pour the berries sugar syrup, boil for 20 minutes over medium heat and set aside for 12 hours. Then, removing the foam, cook for another 30 minutes over low heat.

After that, put the berries in a colander and arrange them in two-thirds jars each. Boil the syrup for 5 minutes, add vanillin (if you take a stick, take it out), pour over the berries, cool a little and cork like that.

Step-by-step recipes for making thick confiture from black currant with starch, agar-agar, gelatin: how to cook currant confiture with gooseberries

2018-07-25 Oleg Mikhailov





In 100 grams ready meal

0 gr.

0 gr.


45 gr.

180 kcal.

Option 1: Classic recipe for homemade blackcurrant jam with starch

Don't be alarmed by cooking jams with the addition of thickeners, this method is quite acceptable for this dessert. Having abandoned synthetic mixtures, use only natural ones, and you won’t have any reason to worry about the health of your loved ones.


  • fresh currant - one kilogram;
  • 25 gr. potato starch;
  • glass of water;
  • sugar - three cups of sugar.

Step-by-step recipe for blackcurrant confiture with a thickener

Laying out in a colander, we wash the currants. After letting the water drain well, we pick the berries from the branches, at the same time we cut off the spouts with scissors. After pouring into a colander, rinse again and scatter on a towel to dry.

Wipe dry a large bowl in which we will prepare confiture. We put in it, sprinkling with sugar, dried currant berries. Add half a glass of cool water, mix thoroughly. Having covered the lid, set the dish aside and forget about it for a couple of hours.

After at least two hours, mix everything again and place the bowl of berries on medium heat. Not forgetting to stir occasionally, bring the contents of the bowl to a boil. The foam that collects at this time on the surface is carefully removed as it forms.

Sift starch through a sieve. Pour the remaining 125 ml of water into a small bowl, add starch to it and quickly stir with a whisk. Please note that the mixture should not contain lumps!

As soon as the berry mass begins to boil intensively, slightly reduce the heat. After boiling for a minute, we begin to stir the confiture, moving the spoon in a circle, while pouring the starch mixture into it very slowly.

After waiting for the boil, let the confiture boil for half a minute. After, remove it from the fire, immediately pour it into clean jars and cover them with nylon lids. We store currant confiture in the refrigerator, in the common compartment.

Option 2: Quick Blackcurrant Jam Recipe for Canning

If for classic confiture any berries are suitable, including even frozen ones, then simplified recipe does not contain any thickeners. The requirements for currants are not so strict, it is enough for the berries to be sweet and fully ripe. In addition to the pantry, confiture can also be stored in the refrigerator, which is convenient in case the container does not provide for hermetic sealing. Pack the sweet mass in clay pots, cover with a film, and on top of it with a decorative napkin with imitation of embroidery, imagine what effect this will have on the guests!


  • 1400 grams of sugar;
  • six glasses of large currants (berries without twigs).

How to quickly prepare blackcurrant confiture

We sort out the currants, select well-ripened and not crumpled berries. Pour the currants into a sieve, rinse and leave on a wire rack so that excess moisture is gone.

Pour four cups of sugar into a bowl, mix it with water and put it on the stove. Slowly warming up and stirring constantly, cook over low heat until all the grains of sugar have melted.

Dip dried currants into clear boiling syrup. Bringing to a boil, boil the berry mixture with slight bubbling for no longer than a quarter of an hour.

Pour the remaining sugar into the bowl with the berries and mix well. Slightly lowering the heat, boil the confiture to the desired density.

We pack a hot, still boiling delicacy in sterile glass jars, cover with lids and immediately twist. Turn over, arrange on a terry towel and leave it until completely cooled.

Option 3: A simple recipe for blackcurrant jam with gelatin

The simplest and most affordable thickener, confiture with its addition is suitable for various desserts and fragrant fillings of sweet pies. It is good to add to ice cream home cooking or mix with crumbly cottage cheese, but how fragrant and tasty with such confiture fluffy pancakes and thin openwork pancakes!


  • kilogram of processed currant berries (black);
  • five glasses of sugar;
  • a small bag of gelatin in granules.

How to cook

Having picked the berries from the brushes, we remove the dry spouts with scissors. Having measured exactly a kilogram, carefully rinse the currants with water. We leave the berries in a colander so that all the water comes off them.

In a deep thick bowl, bring water to a boil. Pour currants into it and as soon as it boils, boil for a minute. Remove from stove, cool to room temperature.

We separate the third part from the cooled berry mass and pour it into a separate bowl. Grind the reserved berries with a crush or interrupt to a puree state with an immersion blender. Put the resulting mass on a sieve and rub through it with a spoon. Strained juice is poured into a cup.

We put a bowl of berries on a small fire and stir in the filtered thick berry mass. After boiling, add sugar and boil for five minutes, cool to air temperature.

Place the bowl back on the stove, turning the burner on to slightly above medium heat. Stir the gelatin in the previously expressed juice and stir the solution into the berry mass, then heat until boiling. We boil the confiture for five minutes, after which we pour it into jars previously processed over steam. We seal them hermetically with boiled metal lids.

Option 4: Thick blackcurrant jam with agar-agar

The champions among currants in terms of the thickening strength of syrups cooked with it are, of course, red varieties. Black is not much inferior to it, but sometimes there is a reason to add a natural thickener to confiture. Use the proposed recipe even if you have large juicy berries of hybrid varieties, they have a lot of juice, and it will take a long time to boil it.


  • half a kilo of currants;
  • two teaspoons of agar;
  • water - half a glass;
  • three hundred grams of refined sugar.

Step by step recipe

We remove the berries from the branches, with small scissors we cut off each dry tail. We measure out exactly half a kilo and pour it into a colander. Rinse thoroughly under the pressure of cool water, leave the berries in a colander.

After waiting for all the moisture to come down, pour the currants into the blender chopper. At maximum speed, we interrupt the berries in a puree and pour the cooked mass into a saucepan with a double bottom.

Sprinkling in parts, we mix one and a half cups of sugar into the berry mass and leave it just on the table for an hour, covering the container. In order for the sugar to disperse better, during this time, it is advisable to mix the mixture several times. At the same time, stir agar-agar in water, it needs to stand for at least half an hour.

After making sure that all the grains of sugar in the currant puree have dispersed, place the berry mass on a low heat. Stirring occasionally, boil for twenty-five minutes.

Agar-agar soaked in water is slowly poured into the berry puree, which is continuously stirred all this time. Without ceasing to work with a spoon, boil the confiture for five minutes, carefully watching so that it does not boil.

Immediately after turning off the hot confiture, we pack it into dry jars and tightly close them with lids. For five hours, we leave the preservation upside down, wrapped in a blanket.

Option 5: Blackcurrant confiture with gooseberries

Both types of berries are fragrant and incredibly tasty. There are many varieties of gooseberries and currants, and each is good in its own way, one is more fragrant, the other is larger, the third is sweeter than the others. Any varieties are suitable for confiture, it is clear that the dessert will inherit all the advantages of the berries from which it was prepared.


  • 2200 grams of currants;
  • 1300 grams of sugar;
  • water;
  • a third of a kilogram of gooseberries.

How to cook

We put the sorted and washed berries in a bowl for cooking jam and pour a glass of water into them. Set to slow heat for five minutes, let the berries soften and release the juice. Using a fine-mesh sieve, we separate the seeds and skin, slowly rubbing the berry mass through it.

Drain the resulting juice into a metal pan, slowly heat it over low heat. For each liter of hot juice, add six hundred grams of sugar, mix and let it dissolve. Adjust the boiling point to the minimum, and boil the currant juice until it thickens.

It is not difficult to determine the degree of readiness, from time to time apply a few drops of jam on a saucer and wait until the mass stops spreading. Pack and seal the finished jam, depending on the type of container chosen and the preferred storage method.

Blackcurrant confiture is very sweet, tasty and fragrant. To cook it, you do not need special skills - even a novice hostess will cope with this recipe. It can be used in baking pies or muffins, instead of cream for cakes, or simply with dried toast and a cup of hot tea. If there are a lot of currants, you can prepare for the future. jars of currant confiture will be perfectly stored not only in the cellar, but also in the apartment pantry.

To prepare blackcurrant confiture for the winter, prepare everything necessary ingredients. You can not add ginger and cinnamon, without them the confiture will not lose its taste qualities. It's a matter of taste, I just love this combination!

Rinse the currants under running water (this is convenient to do in a colander - the water drains immediately) and sort out unripe berries and debris. Pour in half the sugar and put on low heat.

Constantly stirring the mass, wait until the sugar is completely dissolved. This will not take long, there is enough moisture. Continuing to stir occasionally, cook for 20 minutes.

Remove the saucepan from the heat and smash the berries with a blender.

Grind the whole mass through a fine sieve. Throw away the pulp.

Return the grated mass to the saucepan, add the second part of the sugar and cinnamon. Grate ginger and wrap in a two-layer gauze, tie and put in a saucepan. Boil over low heat until tender. This will take 35-45 minutes.

The readiness of confiture can be checked with a drop: you need to moisten a spoon in a saucepan and drip onto a plate, if the drop does not spread, the confiture is ready. And the marlechka needs to be thrown away, it has already given away all its flavors.

Fragrant, thick sweet confiture from black currant is ready.

Enjoy your meal. Cook with love.

Think cold winter evenings- prepare a jar of summer!

Good afternoon friends.

The height of summer, currants begin to ripen. Although it is vitamin, you can’t eat a lot of it at a time. And so that goodness does not disappear, I want to offer you several recipes for delicious jam from these berries - it will be both tasty and very healthy.

Have you ever thought about the difference between jam and jam? Jam consists of syrup and pieces of fruit or berries floating in it separately, and jam (confiture) - jelly dessert in which the fruits are boiled or crushed and make up a homogeneous mass. Sometimes they are made with the addition of gelling components (pectin, agar-agar).

We will prepare jam from black and red currants. These berries already contain great amount pectin. Therefore, without additional components, we will get a thick, beautiful, jelly-like product.

It is very important to ensure that unripe, rotten berries do not get into our preparation, because they contain enzymes that destroy pectin. As a result, this can add to the moldiness of our preservation. Therefore, we will thoroughly wash the currant berries and sort them out so that our jam can be stored for a long time.

It is better to cook confiture in wide pots or basins, where it will be convenient to mix the berries with sugar. It is cooked at a time, while it is actively mixed with a spoon. The mass should boil evenly, the foam that will appear in the process must be removed.

You need to cook jam for no more than 20-30 minutes, otherwise its quality will deteriorate. The finished product is usually poured into a small container.

And now let's get started.

This jam recipe is called “Five Minute”, because it needs to be cooked no more, no less, namely five minutes.

We will use a blender to grind the berries. Do not be discouraged if you do not have it, you can use a meat grinder, you can crush the currants with a crush or mortar, you will get the same result.

The products you need are very simple: only currants and sugar. Despite the speed of preparation and simplicity - the jam turns out to be very tasty!

  • Black currant - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 1 kg.

1. Currant berries are cleaned of twigs, washed, thrown into a colander so that water is drained from them.

2. Pour the berries into large saucepan, grind with a blender.

3. Add granulated sugar to the mass, mix. Let stand 15 minutes for the sugar to dissolve.

4. Put the pan on slow fire and stir with a spoon. After the jam boils, cook it for exactly five minutes, removing the foam.

5. Pour hot jam into sterilized jars, close the lid. We wrap the jars with a warm blanket, leave them alone until they cool completely.

Blackcurrant jam without cooking for the winter

Though berry dessert made according to this recipe and does not have a jelly-like structure, but it is perfectly spread on toast and cookies. Our berries will be ground with sugar and all of them useful vitamins and trace elements will remain for the whole winter. But in the process of preparation, you need to take into account important points:

  • So that the jam does not get moldy, all the dishes that we will use must be sterilized (pour boiling water over), this will keep our product from bacterial penetration.
  • To grind berries, we use only stainless steel: a blender or a pusher (for mashed potatoes). We do not take a meat grinder.

For cooking we need:

  • Black currant - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 1.5 kg.

1. We thoroughly wash the berries, use scissors to remove the stalks and flowers. We remove immature or rotten berries. The process is not easy, not fast, but you can entrust it to one of the children, or combine all this preparatory work with watching your favorite movie.

2. Pour the currants into a bowl, pour boiling water and let stand for 2 minutes. This procedure is needed in order to activate the pectin in the berries and at the same time kill any harmful bacteria. Place in a colander to drain the water.

3. We shift the berries into a saucepan, cover with sugar.

4. Then we perform the following procedure: beat the berries with a blender for one minute, mix for one minute so that the sugar is completely dissolved. And so we do until we kill all the berries and dissolve all the sugar.

5. To remove the bones and skins from the jam, pass it through a sieve. Remove the foam from the resulting mass. Pour everything into sterilized jars, roll up.

6. Let the jam cool, transfer to a place for storing preservation.

At first it may seem that the jam is too liquid, but after standing for 10 days it will begin to thicken, pectin will begin to work in it. When you open the jar in winter, the dessert will be thicker.

Also, if it is possible to store it in the refrigerator, you can not roll it up with lids, just close it with capron or a twist and put it in a far corner to wait for winter.

A simple recipe for currant jam - cooking video

I want to offer you a video that describes in detail a simple recipe for cooking. delicious jam from blackcurrant.

Jam turns out to be dense, like jelly, when you pick it up with a spoon, it does not spread, but is kept in a slide. Spreading it on toast or bread is a great pleasure!

For cooking we need:

  • Black currant - 2 kg.
  • Sugar - 2.5 kg.
  • water - 1 liter

How to cook pitted jam for the winter

We will get a dish with an ideal jelly-like consistency, transparent and tasty. It can be given to small children without fear for their tummies. in it only healthy ingredients, we will remove the bones from it. In this recipe, we will need not only a blender with which we grind the berries, but also a sieve. This is a very important item that allows you to get rid of the seeds and skins of currants.

For cooking we need:

  • Black currant (weight of finished puree) - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 1 kg.

1. We sort out the berries, wash them well. Grind with a blender.

2. We pass currants through a sieve, this will help us get rid of skins and seeds. From the cake, you can then cook compote.

You can use another way: roll the cheesecloth 5-6 times, put the berries into it and squeeze it hard.

3. Pour the resulting homogeneous currant mass into an enameled bowl or pan. Bring to a boil over low heat, pour sugar into it, stir and wait for its complete dissolution. We make sure that the jam does not burn and boil for another 5-7 minutes.

The total cooking time should not exceed 20 minutes, otherwise the pectin will collapse and the jam will not harden.

4. Pour into sterilized jars, close the lid.

5. Set to cool to room temperature.

Preparing jam from black and red currants

If you combine black and red currants in equal proportions, then the color of the jam will turn out to be the same as from black, because it contains brighter natural dyes. But there is more pectin in red currants, so the perfect jam is obtained from a mixture of these two types of berries.

The currant itself is an acidic berry, so if you plan to change the proportions of sugar in the recipe, do it very carefully so that your jam does not turn out like a "lemon".

For cooking we need:

  • Black currant - 500 gr.
  • Red currant - 500 gr.
  • Sugar - 1 kg.

1. My currants, clean from spoiled berries. Branches may not be removed. Pour everything with sugar and mix until the juice is released (or leave the berries to stand for half an hour). When all the sugar has become wet, put the saucepan on the stove, turn on the fire.

2. We are waiting for the jam to boil. After boiling, cook over medium heat for three minutes, stirring vigorously. Foam will rise so that it settles, you can reduce the fire. Pour the resulting mixture into a sieve and wipe thoroughly. You can rub it with a spoon or a pusher so that the cake that remains is almost dry.

3. currant juice pour into a saucepan, bring to a boil and turn off gas stove. We remove the foam.

4. Pour the jam into sterilized glass jars, cover with a lid, twist.

The finished product looks like a very well-frozen jelly, if you turn the jar of jam over, it will not flow out of it.

That's all! Try to make jam according to these recipes, you will love it. Before closing in jars, do not forget to leave a little of this delicacy for yourself for testing. Be healthy!