How to pickle without sterilizing plums. Sweet pickled plums with pits

Among the many fruits, I most often prefer plums. They have a rich taste and color, so winter preparations they turn out just amazing. Everyone is used to closing out plums, sweet preserves and jams. These blanks are well-known to many and today you will not surprise anyone plum jam or rich burgundy compote. This conservation is familiar to everyone since childhood. My today's recipe will surprise many, since not every housewife prepares pickled plums for the winter without sterilization with a stone. The recipe will be mastered by every hostess. The taste of plums is spicy, fragrant and indescribably tasty. You can offer them to every guest and be sure that everyone will like them. It is convenient and quick to close plums with a stone for the winter, so it will take you a minimum of time to roll up. I often bring plums from my grandmother, because she has three plum trees in her garden. I collect a whole bucket of plums and take them home by train. At home, I roll up all kinds of recipes for the winter without any problems.

Required products:
- 1 kg of blue plums,
- 1 liter of ordinary water,
- 300 grams of granulated sugar,
- 3 peas of allspice,
- 150 grams of table vinegar,
- 6-7 buds of dried cloves,
- 1 teaspoon l. ground cinnamon.

In order to prepare pickled plums, I need a marinade. I start cooking with sugar syrup. I boil water and add sugar to it. Stir several times until the sugar melts completely.

Pour into the marinade spicy spices: sweet peas (a few peas), ground cinnamon and cloves. Spices are perfect for plums.

I boil the marinade, then remove it from the heat.

I wash the plums with water, and they are ready for rolling.

I immediately put the plums in sterile washed jars. I fill jars with plums to the top.

pouring plums fragrant marinade and let it sit like this for 10-15 minutes. Plums will give juice and the marinade will begin to acquire a purple hue.

I drain the marinade from the jar and boil it again, as it has cooled down in order. At this stage, I pour vinegar into the marinade.

The second time I fill the plums with hot marinade with vinegar.

I twist, roll up the jars with lids. It remains to insulate the banks with a "fur coat".

Pickled plums with a stone in this way will be stored with you all winter and in any case open a delicious delicacy and treat everyone. Bon Appetite!
Also be sure to try

Preparations for the winter from plums are not only in the form of drinks and desserts. The fruits are preserved with vinegar, spices and spices. Pickled fruits will serve as an excellent addition to second courses, diversify the seasonal diet and add originality to the festive and everyday table.

In order to prepare an exquisite fragrant plum in a marinade, you need to familiarize yourself with the best proven fruit preservation recipes.

Pickled fruits - healthy and tasty

Plum is a famous fruit crop. Dishes from this fruit are popular. In Slavic countries they make various blanks for the winter: compotes, syrups, jams are cooked, it is salted and pickled, dried, smoked and frozen.

Canned fruits are used as a dessert, side dish or appetizer for the main course. IN winter time behind festive table pickled plum diversifies the taste and adds sophistication to meat and poultry dishes. Pickling is a great way to improve the taste of plums and preserve their beneficial properties.

IN culinary arts use not only rolled fruits, but also plum marinade. Various sauces are prepared from a spicy sweet and sour solution, and they are also poured over meat baked in the oven.

For pickling, fruits must be harvested a little before they are fully ripe. It is important that the structure of the drupe is dense, the color is bright, the peel is intact. This will keep the beautiful appearance of the rolled fruit.

The best preservation recipes

Spicy plums in a "dry" marinade

You can pickle fruits according to this recipe without sterilization. For cooking, you will need some free time 2 times a day for 5 days. The canning process is simple, the fruits are whole, shiny, sweet-sour with a spicy aftertaste and aroma of spices.

The recipe includes the following set of products:

  • plum Hungarian - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 0.85 kg;
  • table vinegar - 1 cup;
  • carnation - 7 pcs.;
  • black peppercorns - 7 pcs.;
  • Bay leaf- 3 pcs.

At the first stage, plums are prepared: dense, whole drupes are selected, they are well washed from light plaque. Clean fruits are placed in an enameled or plastic container.

The main participant in this process is the marinade. To prepare it, all the ingredients are placed in a dish suitable for cooking - vinegar, sugar and spices. Place the container on the stove and, stirring constantly, bring to a boil. The result is a homogeneous syrup.

Hot marinade is poured into a container with fruit, covered kitchen towel or gauze and set aside until the next day. In the morning, all the liquid is again poured into the pan, brought to a boil and returned to the fruits. This operation is carried out for 5 days, every 10 hours. Each time, the fruit will give juice and the marinade will increase in volume.

Ready plums should become smaller, wrinkle and take slightly green tint. To roll them up, the marinade is separated from the fruit, put on fire and boiled for about 5 minutes. The fruits are placed in sterilized jars, poured with boiling syrup and covered with lids.

Plums or olives - an amazing recipe

If you roll fruits in accordance with this recipe, they will taste like canned olives. From the proposed number of products, one liter jar of pickled plums is obtained.

To prepare the preservation, you will need the following ingredients:

  • dense whole plum fruits - 400–450 gr;
  • salt - 2.5 tsp;
  • granulated sugar - 4 tsp;
  • balsamic vinegar (if not, then ordinary table vinegar) - 2.5 tsp;
  • laurel -3 leaves;
  • cloves - 5 pieces;
  • olive oil (preferably, but vegetable oil is also possible) - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • boiling water - how much will go into the bottle.

To prepare plums, you need to select unspoiled, unripe fruits, wash them well, dry them and put them tightly together with spices in a sterilized jar.

Prepared fruits are poured with boiling water and covered with a lid. After 5 minutes, the water is removed from the jar in enamel pan, salt, sugar and vinegar are added to it. The marinade is brought to a boil and again sent to a jar of plums for 5 minutes.

Before adding a boiling solution to the fruits for the third time, olive or olive oil is poured into the jar. vegetable oil. Plums covered with hot marinade can be corked with sterile lids, turned over, wrapped in a blanket and left to cool.

Pickled prunes

For the preparation of preservation according to this recipe, chokeberry varieties of plums are considered suitable: Renklod, Hungarian or Blue Bird. Cooked fruits have a savory original taste, goes well with game dishes.

For 1 kg of prunes you will need the following products:

  • salt - 2 tsp;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • vinegar -100 ml;
  • water - 1 liter;
  • cinnamon sticks - 2 pcs.;
  • star anise - 4 pcs.;
  • clove buds - 8 pcs.;
  • laurel leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • juniper berries - 4 pcs.

To start conservation, the plums need to be sorted out, washed well and cut into 2 parts of the fruit without removing the seeds, sterilize the jars and lids for pickling.

To prepare the marinade, pour water into the pan, put salt, sugar, spices indicated in the recipe and put on the stove. The boiling solution is removed from the fire, acetic acid and chopped fruit are added to it.

To roll up plums, put a horseradish leaf and a sprig of dill, as well as fruits along with marinade, in sterile jars. In order for the workpiece to have a long shelf life, it is pasteurized in a water bath. To do this, the container is covered with lids, lowered into a container of boiling water and sterilized for about 30 minutes. The disinfected seaming is twisted, cooled and sent to the cellar before the onset of winter cold.

Today I will show you how to pickle plums, because this is my favorite winter treat. Every year we pickle plums for the winter in July, 15 cans. Stunning, spicy, they are usually served as an appetizer with vodka. But I will reveal to you a completely different side of this wonderful preservation. Serve pickled plums with meat or make it part of a dessert.

Relative to many other recipes, this is a fairly simple recipe for pickled plums for the winter. You don't have to mess around with them for a week or pierce each one. Plus I use a lot spicy marinade, peeped in the program "Everything will be kind."

As soon as you open a jar of plums, you will immediately feel the smell of a holiday. And mulled wine. Yes, yes, the set of spices is very similar, and the smell of cognac gives a light aroma of the holiday. And if you are afraid that there will be alcohol in the plums and it is not allowed for children, do not worry, when the marinade is heated, the alcohol evaporates and only the aroma remains. So the plums in the marinade will appeal to both adults and children.

By the way, according to the same recipe, I made cherry plum last year. Only because it is smaller, I only poured it with hot marinade once and insisted for an hour. Then she simply boiled and rolled up jars of pickled cherry plum. You can even make assorted for the winter - plums and cherry plums, beautiful and bright jars will turn out.

And one more thing about this recipe. Pickled plums are made without sterilization. I personally hate to sterilize jars of cucumbers in water, it’s easier for me to pour boiling water over everything and wrap it up.

If you want to pickle plums for the winter without canning, then at the stage where you pour hot liquid in jars for the third time, just let them cool and refrigerate. This is indicated in the recipe below. And you can put it in a large jar or glass container and store it like that. The plums will be ready to serve in about a week.


  • 1 kg plums
  • 15 peas of black and allspice
  • 10 bay leaves
  • 10 cloves
  • 2 star anise
  • 10 tbsp vinegar (I used apple cider vinegar)
  • 700 grams of sugar
  • 1 liter of water
  • 6-7 tablespoons cognac
  • lemon zest optional


Canned pickled plums are very simple. To make all the processes as clear as possible, I shot a video for you.

  1. For the marinade, boil water, add sugar and Apple vinegar. For preservation, I try to use apple cider, because. an ordinary canteen is not very "useful". I don't save much to save money. It turns out to use two bottles of apple or wine vinegar for the preservation period.
  2. Marinade needs to be boiled down a bit. Literally 10-20 minutes. And although at first it seems that you are just boiling water in vain, then you will see how the marinade thickens a little.
  3. Add cognac to the marinade. Of course, you can do without it. But I like the combination of cognac flavor and spices in pickled plums. In winter, every jar is just a holiday.
  4. Rinse plums. Place in a glass or ceramic container. Spread with spices. Pour in the marinade. Cover with a lid and leave for an hour.
  5. After an hour, drain the marinade, bring to a boil and pour over the plums again. So we need to pour plums with marinade 3 times. Those. we marinate plums for three hours.
  6. After three hours, drain the marinade. We lay out the plums in sterilized jars. We try to evenly distribute the spices. From a kilogram of plums, I got about five 300 g jars. But, as you can see in the video, they are like barrels and therefore it turns out to stack plums more compactly. It also all depends on the drain court, I have a “Hungarian”.
  7. Fill the plums with marinade, roll up with sterile lids. We turn over the jars with plums in the marinade and wrap them in a warm blanket.
  8. If you don’t want to roll up, just fold into jars and refrigerate. Such plums are stored for about 6 months. Until the new year is enough!
  9. We store pickled plums as usual preservation. And in the winter we treat friends and acquaintances. I recommend serving plums with boiled pork, just an incredibly festive combination! And from the marinade you can make an excellent sauce for meat. Just add to the juice that forms when roasting meat, plus a spoonful of starch and boil. Bon appetit!

Pickled plums are a great side dish for meat and fish dishes, and as a separate dish, they also go great. Their sweet and sour taste turns ordinary food into a real delicacy. To prepare this delicious appetizer, a lot of strength and skills are not required, any beginner can handle it. True, it will not work out quickly: it will take 6 days for everything.
You can preserve pickled plums for the winter - then the jars will need to be rolled up, or they can be stored in the refrigerator, cellar, or any other cool place. Plums can be made with garlic cloves instead of pits or without - the recipe is almost the same, there is only a slight difference in the preparation of the fruit. Today I will show both options. And one more condition: the fruits must be with hard pulp, preferably slightly unripe.

Ingredients for 1 liter jar

  • Plums - 750 - 900g;
  • Bay leaf -3-4 pieces;
  • Garlic - 2-4 heads (if you cook pickled plums with garlic);
  • Water - 250 ml;
  • Vinegar (9%) - 50 ml;
  • Sugar -100 gr;
  • Allspice and cloves - 4-5 pcs.

Cooking method

Step 1

To the bottom of the net liter jar put bay leaf, pepper and cloves.


Cooking pods. Before pickling plums for the winter or for immediate consumption, they must be thoroughly washed, the stalks removed, as well as spoiled fruits. For the first option (simpler), it is enough to simply prick each of the plums with a fork and put them in a jar as tightly as possible.


For the second option (tastier), you will have to work a little: make an incision on one side of the fruit, remove the stone, and put a peeled garlic clove in its place. Then, carefully so that the garlic does not fall out, put the plums in the jar as tightly as possible. This is where the differences end. Those. no matter with or without garlic, you will be making pickled plums for the winter, marinade recipes and the sequence of operations do not change.


We prepare the marinade: boil water with sugar, add vinegar and immediately pour plums. Do not be alarmed if the fruits are not completely covered with liquid: the plums will release juice, and after a few hours the jars will be full, and the marinade will acquire a beautiful ruby ​​​​color. We cover the jars with scalded iron lids and we go about our business.


After about 12 hours, drain the marinade, bring it to a boil and pour over the plums again. This procedure should be done twice a day, morning and evening, for 5 days. No need to be intimidated: it only takes 1-2 minutes, not counting the heating time, so even those who are in a hurry to work have time to do it between brushing their teeth and morning tea. By the evening of the 5th day, the plums will be almost ready to eat. 7.


To use immediately, you need to close the jar with a plastic lid, let it cool at room temperature and then refrigerate or store. To save plums for the winter, fill the jar with boiling marinade to the very top and immediately cork with iron lids.