How much caffeine in tea - benefit or harm? Comparison of green and black tea. Caffeine and tea: how much caffeine is in different types of tea

Many people are biased towards coffee because it contains caffeine. But for some reason they drink tea in huge quantities, give it to small children and elderly people with heart disease, but it contains no less caffeine, and often more, than coffee drinks. Of course, this statement is true only with some reservations, since there cannot be a definite answer to the question of whether there is caffeine in tea, if so, how much, and how it differs from coffee. There are types and varieties of tea great amount, and they all have different compositions of elements. Let's look at all the nuances in more detail.

Where does caffeine come from in tea?

Confusion most often arises due to the similarity of the names “caffeine” and “coffee.” But it is just a natural element, a substance found in the leaves, stems and grains of plants to attract bees and repel harmful insects. Analogues of the name are “tein”, “matein”, “guaranine”, which are found, respectively, in tea plants, mate, guarana, as well as in cocoa, cola and others. Initially, scientists isolated theine and caffeine from different plants, then they came to the conclusion that these substances were identical, and over time, the word “caffeine” began to be used more often for all alkaloids from these plants. Although in tea it is essentially theine, which is very close to caffeine, but has some differences due to its combination with other elements.

  • Tannins, tannins in tea, have an astringent taste, and chemically “bind” theine, slowing down the period of its absorption and interaction with the nervous and cardiac systems;
  • Theine does not accumulate in the body, and unlike caffeine, it cannot cause a caffeine overdose. Of course, taking into account that you drink tea in reasonable doses and do not brew chifir;
  • Tea leaves contain polyphenols, antioxidants that slow down the transformation of cells into cancer cells.

Is there caffeine in green tea?

Yes, as in almost all others. All drinks that are made from the leaves and buds of the tea bush contain caffeine in one way or another. It is found in white, green, yellow, red and black tea, oolong and pu-erh, and it is in green that it is most abundant. So those parents who give their kids green tea, are wrong: weakly brewed black is better. But drinking green in order to cheer up is right, and its effect, although less dramatic than that of coffee, lasts longer, and negative consequences less for the body.

It's interesting to know that various additives and flavorings significantly reduce the amount of caffeine in a cup of tea. So, green with jasmine will have less caffeine than the same, but pure one.

Is there caffeine in white tea?

Surprisingly, yes. And depending on the variety, there can be either a lot or little of it, and you can’t tell it apart by taste. Soft, light and light tea “Silver Needles” contains maximum caffeine. But Shou Mei tea is similar in color to green, it is dark, with a rich taste, and there is almost no theine. Much depends on the brewing method.

Is there caffeine in decaffeinated tea?

Yes, some amount of caffeine still remains, but it is so small that it is not harmful to the body at all, unless you have an individual intolerance or allergy. In this case, you should choose “non-tea tea.” Ordinary people who simply sometimes suffer from high blood pressure or have cardiovascular diseases can drink a decaffeinated drink in almost unlimited quantities - up to 10 cups a day. Moreover, theine is absorbed more slowly and will provide you with vigor without straining the cardiovascular system.

Which tea has no caffeine at all?

Anything that is not, in fact, tea, that is, produced from the leaves and buds of a tea bush. This includes hibiscus, herbal and fruit mixtures, drinks made from linden leaves, thyme, etc. Ivan tea (koporka), although it has this name, does not contain caffeine, because it is a herb and not a tea bush.

What affects the amount of caffeine in tea?

In living plants and buds and leaves collected from them, the caffeine content is mainly influenced by the location of the plantation. The amount of theine depends on how much sun the bushes receive. Interestingly, heat is not so important: on high mountain plantations the air is colder, and the buds grow more slowly, but at the same time they receive more sun. Since the weather and climate change slightly every year, usually the amount of theine in tea, even from the same brand, varies slightly, depending on the time and conditions of collection.

IN ready-made drink The method of brewing and the size of the tea leaves matter. Therefore, it is not recommended to drink tea from bags: the components are very small and quickly release the theine into the cup. The leaves need to be brewed longer. Also take into account the temperature of the water: we brew green leaves with slightly cooled water, and the extraction occurs more slowly, while black leaves are brewed with boiling water, and they open faster, releasing the active substances.

How to reduce the amount of theine in tea?

If you are sensitive to caffeine or theine, use these tips to continue enjoying your favorite beverage safely:

  • Always discard the first infusion. A good product can be brewed several times, and with the first brew 75-85% of theine will be released;
  • Don't use too much hot water for the second brew. Let it sit for a minute while the first brew takes place.
  • Tannins and antioxidants neutralize the caffeine in a hot drink. If you let it cool, there will be no effect, so drink right away.


  1. Tea leaves and buds collected from a tea bush always contain caffeine, the only difference is in its quantity.
  2. All drinks made from herbs, fruits, leaves, and even fireweed and hibiscus have no caffeine.
  3. Tea caffeine is called theine, and its effect is milder, but longer lasting, it does not cause a rise in blood pressure and does not give an overdose.
  4. Green tea has more theine than black tea.
  5. You can reduce the amount of theine by drinking hot tea the second brew, and also add linden leaves, thyme, lemon and other components to it.

A morning cup of tea invigorates no less than coffee. Why does it help you wake up and give you a boost of energy? It's simple: the effect of caffeine. He excites nervous system, relieves fatigue, prevents lethargy and drowsiness. Many people doubt it, but green tea definitely contains caffeine.

There is a common misconception: what stronger drink, the more alkaloid. It's not like that at all. Its content depends on the characteristics of growth, composition, location of the tea plantation, and climatic conditions.

The colder the air, the slower the leaf grows and absorbs more of this substance. Its amount also increases under direct sunlight.

The brewing method also affects. The longer it brews, the more it will be.

The process should not take more than 6 minutes, otherwise lipids and oils will begin to oxidize, producing bitterness.

How much alkaloid is there in one cup? Young leaves contain about 5% of this substance, and mature leaves - up to 1.5%. But, combined with tannin, it has a milder effect on the body.

How does it work?

The alkaloid has the following properties:

  • gives a boost of energy;
  • removes fats;
  • helps with hangover;
  • prevents intoxication of the body;
  • has a diuretic effect;
  • normalizes blood circulation and pressure.

Green tea extract contains a large number of caffeine, which is why it is used to produce cosmetics: it tones the skin and keeps it youthful.

This substance is a psychomotor stimulant: enhances mental activity, gives a charge of strength and vigor. In small doses it tones the body, but its excessive consumption can cause health problems. It dilates blood vessels and increases the number of heart contractions. It also stimulates thermogenesis and burns calories. Thanks to the increased breakdown of glycogen, subcutaneous fat is destroyed.

Doctors assure: for healthy person the alkaloid is safe if consumed in moderation. How much caffeine is in green tea? What dose is considered acceptable? It is 1000 ml per day: you can drink a maximum of 12 cups.

How to brew?

To "decaf" drink, you need to pour the leaves for one minute hot water, then drain it and pour boiling water over them again. After a few minutes you can brew. This measure will allow the main dose of the alkaloid to be isolated - its content will decrease by approximately 80%.

Who is "leading"?

Does green or black tea have more caffeine?

Research has proven that it is the first one that contains a large dose of the alkaloid. At the same time, its quantity per cup was taken into account and recalculated for 1 sachet. In black, the dose was no more than 71 mg per sachet.

“Leaders” are varieties without added flavors. This green tea has a high caffeine content - approximately 80 mg. These data are taken per cup, not per dry sheet. The weight of the bag was taken into account: they could be 2 grams or 1.5 grams. According to research, the highest dose of HERITAGE tea is 85 mg. And the “loser” turned out to be trademark DILMAH – about 60 mg.

People who want to reduce their alkaloid intake should not choose crushed leaves in bags. As a rule, there is more of it, but the aroma is much poorer than that of the leaf one.

Plus, the leaves can be steeped two to three times before discarding them.

Who is it contraindicated for?

Why is it important to know whether there is caffeine in green tea, and in what quantity? There is a category of people for whom the alkaloid is contraindicated.

It increases acidity, so it should not be consumed by those who suffer from stomach ulcers or gastritis. It is not recommended for people with high blood pressure, vascular diseases, atherosclerosis.

It is not advisable to drink tea if you experience tachycardia, insomnia, or increased excitability.

Pregnant women should avoid it, during breastfeeding, before childbirth and during menstruation.

What do you need to know?

Many mothers mistakenly believe that this tea is less strong, so they offer it to small children. But it is worth remembering that doctors recommend giving it to children after 2 years.

The caffeine in green and black tea and coffee is different. The first one has a significant advantage over the “coffee” one - it is not addictive and is eliminated from the body after 6 hours.

For the tea itself to be beneficial, you need to drink it correctly. You should not use it on an empty stomach, as it will irritate the gastric mucosa. But it is useful to drink after meals to improve digestion.

Caffeine in tea. It sounds just like a diagnosis or even a sentence. But is it necessary to frantically feel your liver and grab your heart, making solemn vows that you will never drink this drink of the gods again? One thing is absolutely certain - there is no need to rush in this matter. It is necessary to understand whether there is caffeine in tea and how much there is, how beneficial or dangerous it is for our body, to weed out myths and find out the real facts, in other words, to collect all the pros and cons. “But is it possible to feel something if you haven’t drunk strong some fragrant tea?,” wrote V.A. Milashevsky. Therefore, following the words of the Russian artist, we brew ourselves green tea, but only a very small cup (what if caffeine is not very useful after all?) and with a cold mind (but with a cup in hand) we begin to figure it out.

What is caffeine?

It is unlikely that complex chemical names such as purine alkaloid, and accurate descriptions of white bitter crystals will bring us closer to understanding the essence of the phenomenon. The only important thing is that it is of plant origin, i.e. absolutely natural, since it is contained in the green tea bush, coffee tree, mate leaves, etc. There is also a method of industrial extraction, but it has nothing to do with tea, so plus one to the piggy bank.

Natural properties

Since in nature caffeine is synthesized by the plant to attract or, conversely, repel insects, its effect on the central nervous system is obvious. As a result, the heart rate accelerates and blood pressure increases. That is why a person feels full of strength, cheerful, his mood improves, as they say, in good shape. True, this effect is fleeting, and lasts about 40 minutes, in order to have time to redo the most important things that require maximum concentration and physical dedication. Did not have time? More green tea?

Do not overuse it, caffeine also has another property - a diuretic property, which, by the way, has a beneficial effect on kidney function. Again, only advantages.


The average per cup ranges from 0.5% to 5% caffeine. The optimal ratio and beneficial effect on the body is 40 mg of caffeine per 100 ml in black tea, 20 mg/100 ml in green tea, 30 mg/100 ml in red tea, and 5 mg/100 ml in white tea. Change factors and conditions: buy expensive varieties different manufacturers, practice various ways brewing, but always keep track of how much of the drink is drunk. Of course, you are unlikely to get poisoned, but you will have to “run”.

Everything is good in moderation!

A truism that must always be remembered. Moreover, serious diseases of the nervous or cardiac vascular system are not a complete contraindication for pampering yourself at least once a day with a cup of delicious, freshly brewed green, or maybe herbal or even fruit tea, which, by the way, is completely caffeine-free!

All the best, bye!

A cup of tea owes its invigorating effect to caffeine, which is included in most varieties. It is generally accepted that this component is contained in black tea, but this is a controversial issue. Our article will help you figure out how much, as well as determine safe standard for consumption and possible contraindications.

How caffeine affects our body

The effect of caffeine has been successfully used not only in Everyday life, but also for medical purposes. This substance is a chemical compound of the alkaloid family. Caffeine is naturally found in coffee drinks, green and black tea, and is also produced by some plant species to protect against pests and further attract pollinators. Synthetic caffeine is used in the manufacture of hypertensive drugs, headache medications, and drugs that stimulate the central nervous system.

Caffeine has the following effects:

  • Stimulates heart contractions.
  • Expands the lumen of blood vessels.
  • Strengthens excretory function.
  • Helps prevent thrombosis.
  • Stimulates the breakdown of fat deposits.
  • Removes toxins from the body.
  • Reduces discomfort during hangover.

In medical practice, caffeine and preparations containing it are also used to increase vitality, enhance nervous reactions, and also to increase blood pressure. Caffeine is on the list of essential drugs and is also mildly addictive. This is why it is difficult for avid coffee drinkers to break the habit of drinking several cups of their favorite drink. If the tea also contains caffeine, the effect will be similar, but in what concentration is this substance in different varieties, and in particular, the caffeine content of green tea - this information is presented below.

Standards for caffeine content and consumption

In addition to coffee beans and tea leaves, natural caffeine is found in cola leaves, cocoa beans and many nuts and fruits. In modern Food Industry Synthetic caffeine has found its use in the production of tonic drinks and dishes, energy bars and other similar products. As for different types of tea, oddly enough, the most caffeine is found in green varieties. This is ensured by an incomplete fermentation cycle, which preserves almost the complete composition of the raw material. It is produced by lightly withering and further drying, so the drink is not inferior in strength to coffee. In addition, the level of caffeine and its derivative compounds - alkaloids - is influenced by the type of tea, concentration and brewing time, as well as the strength of the drink.

Approximate caffeine content in different types of tea (per 100 ml):

  • Black teas - from 20 to 35 mg.
  • Green leaf tea- from 30 to 50 mg.
  • White tea - from 6 to 25 mg.
  • Oolong - from 15 to 55 mg.

It should be noted that the “leader” in caffeine content, green tea, also contains tannin in the leaves and the finished drink. This substance partially blocks the effect of caffeine, so the invigorating effect of a cup of tea will be slightly lower compared to coffee. At the same time, the duration of action will be longer, which makes the tea a more invigorating morning drink.

The video will tell you more about the caffeine contained in different types of tea.

Decaffeinated green tea: fiction or fact?

Recently, more and more people are beginning to carefully monitor their health, radically changing their usual diet. Even such traditional products as tea have undergone changes. In addition to regular varieties, special ones marked “caffeine-free” have also appeared in stores. Is there really a special technology to remove caffeine from the leaves or is it just a clever marketing ploy?

In fact, everything is very simple, black or green tea that does not contain caffeine does exist. For its production, the lowest and oldest leaves of the tea bush are used. Maximum content caffeine is found in the upper leaves and buds of the plant, but only expensive and elite varieties of the drink are obtained from this raw material. In the lower part of the plant, the amount of caffeine is much lower, but the manufacturer positions the “new product” as exclusively special varieties. In fact, it turns out that decaffeinated tea is represented by low-quality raw materials, and the cost can reach the price of elite varieties. In addition, such a drink still contains caffeine, albeit in lower concentrations.

It's a different matter when it comes to fruit or flower drinks. Even the content of aromatic additives reduces the concentration of the substance, and if the brew consists entirely of flowers and dried fruits, there will be no caffeine in such drinks. Other types of decaf tea include rooibos and hibiscus, which do not contain tea leaves. You can also reduce the caffeine content by adding lemon, honey or cream to your regular drink.

What is the acceptable amount of caffeine?

Depending on the variety, brewing strength and other parameters of preparing the drink, one cup of green tea will contain caffeine in the range of 40-80 mg. Nora for daily consumption is the range of 100-200 mg. Thus, drinking 5-10 cups of tea a day will not cause harm to the body (in the absence of medical contraindications). On the other hand, constant abuse of the drink, as well as additional consumption of stimulating energy drinks and medications containing caffeine, can cause an overdose of this substance, which is characterized by very alarming symptoms.

What signs appear when caffeine levels are exceeded:

  • Cardiopalmus.
  • Feeling of anxiety, panic attack.
  • Excessive overexcitation, followed by apathy and loss of strength.
  • A sharp jump in blood pressure.
  • Digestive disorders.
  • Sleep dysfunction.
  • Strong feeling of thirst.
  • Headache and dizziness.

Reasonable restrictions on consumption even of this usual drink like tea, can have a positive effect on the body.

In dry form, tea actually contains more caffeine than coffee. But when cooked it’s the opposite. When prepared, a cup of tea contains ~3 times less caffeine than coffee, since preparation requires 3 times more coffee beans!

Factors that influence the amount of caffeine in a cup of tea

  • Type of tea. For example, 100 grams of black tea contains 20 mg of caffeine. As a rule, the higher quality and more expensive the tea, the more caffeine it contains. Most caffeine is found in young tea leaves (buds), which are present in any tea. 1 leaf of flash contains ~4-5% caffeine, the second leaf - ~3-4%, the third - ~2-2.5%, and the rest - ~0.5-1.5%.
  • Amount of brew in a cup. If you like very strong tea, then the caffeine content and the invigorating effect of such tea will be no worse than that of coffee.
  • How were the tea leaves/coffee beans grown?
  • How were coffee roasted or tea leaves cut?
  • Climate and soil characteristics where tea or coffee was grown?
  • Fermentation degree of tea leaves. The lower the fermentation of the tea, the more caffeine the tea contains.
  • At what temperature was the drink brewed? The higher the water temperature, the less caffeine in tea leaves or tea beans. The Chinese never brew tea with boiling water!
  • Duration of brewing the drink. The longer you brew tea or coffee, the more caffeine there will be.

What is the difference between caffeine in tea and coffee?

The caffeine contained in tea has a milder effect on the nervous system and heart than caffeine in coffee. Tea caffeine is not found in pure form, but with tannin, which forms the substance thein, which is slowly absorbed into the blood and quickly eliminated from the body.

It is impossible to get poisoned by theine! For those who believe that if you drink 10 or more cups strong tea and you can be poisoned by it - this is a myth.

Caffeine in tea: benefit or harm?

Good and properly prepared tea is beneficial for the body! The caffeine contained in tea does not harm your health in any way. It's another matter if you cook tea infusion, the content of which includes little useful substances and only hot water.