Preparation of fruit drink from berries. Mint cranberry juice

Morse- This refreshing drink from the juice of berries, fruits, vegetables and water with the addition of sugar or honey. There are many fruit drink recipes that suggest preparing a drink not from one juice, but from a mixture of various berry, fruit, vegetable juices, thereby achieving a more unusual interesting taste. Morse- one of the oldest Russian drinks, the mention of which can be found in "Domostroy". The word "mors" itself has Byzantine roots and comes from the word "mursa", which means "water with honey".

Cranberries, cherries, red or black currants, lingonberries, blackberries or bird cherry are most often used to prepare fruit drinks. The berries are pre-washed, if necessary, then remove the seeds, grind (or grind in a blender), pour boiled water and boil for several minutes, moreover, trying not to delay the boil. Then the drink is filtered and seasoned to taste with sugar or honey. The cake remaining after filtering is squeezed out, the resulting juice is mixed with the cooled drink and no longer boiled. Ready fruit drinks hot or chilled are poured into glasses. Some recipes suggest adding a slice of lemon, orange, lime or zest to the drink.

There are 115 recipes in the "Morses" section

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Red currant juice

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The heat has come, which means that you need to figure out how to quench your thirst. Water is too banal and boring, and getting drunk on juice is not easy. The optimal solution is fruit drink!

What is this drink?

Morse is practically berry juice. But you can also make a drink from fruits and even vegetables (in general, any fruit), it all depends on your preferences and imagination. The preparation has something in common with compote, but the cooking time is minimal, which is why fruit drinks are considered so healthy, refreshing and ideal for quenching thirst.

What are useful?

Why are fruit drinks so valued?

Here are some of them beneficial features:

  • Almost all berries contain an increased amount of vitamin C, and, firstly, it strengthens the immune system and protects the body from infections, and secondly, it strengthens the vascular walls and protects against such a dangerous disease as atherosclerosis.
  • Since the juice does not pass heat treatment, then the drink retains all the beneficial properties of its components, that is, berries.
  • Morse perfectly quenches thirst.
  • Raspberry juice will help to quickly reduce body temperature.
  • Cowberry - will help get rid of edema and normalize kidney function.
  • Cranberry juice will help improve the overall tone of the body.
  • Many fruit drinks help prevent intestinal infections.
  • Almost all berry fruit drinks have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and wound-healing effects.
  • This delicious drink will help to avoid beriberi, as berries contain a lot of macro- and microelements, minerals, vitamins and other useful substances.
  • Almost all fruit drinks help normalize digestion, as they contain pectins.
  • Since there are a lot of B vitamins in the berries, the drink normalizes the metabolism and helps to improve the functioning of the nervous system.

How to do?

How to cook a healthy and refreshing fruit drink from berries? Below are a few recipes.


To make cranberry juice you will need:

  • two glasses of fresh or frozen berries;
  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • four to five tablespoons of sugar.


  1. Rinse the berries well with clean water, remove the stalks and everything superfluous.
  2. Now squeeze the berries with your hands, with a pusher or with a spoon (preferably wooden).
  3. Squeeze the cake remaining after squeezing again through gauze or cloth, and then place in a saucepan and fill with water (it must first be well heated or even boiled). Add sugar immediately.
  4. Put the container on the fire, bring the liquid to a boil.
  5. After a couple of minutes, turn off the heat, cover the pan with a lid and leave for 15-20 minutes.
  6. Strain the slightly cooled liquid and mix with juice. Morse is ready!


To make a delicious cherry juice, prepare the following ingredients:

  • two glasses of fresh cherries;
  • one and a half to two liters of water;
  • one glass of sugar.


  1. Rinse the cherries well. Remove the stalks and seeds (this can be done with a regular pin).
  2. Now squeeze out all the juice from the pulp. Put the cake in a cloth and squeeze it well again.
  3. Now pour the mass remaining after pushing hot water, bring to a boil and simmer for five minutes.
  4. Let the liquid cool slightly, strain through cheesecloth or cloth and mix with juice.
  5. Cool the drink and drink with pleasure.


To prepare such healthy drink, you will need:

  • 1-1.5 liters of water;
  • two glasses of cranberries;
  • half a glass of granulated sugar.

How to cook?

  1. Wash the berries well and squeeze in any convenient way: on a juicer, through a cloth or gauze, with your hands or with a spoon through a sieve. Pour the juice into a jar and refrigerate.
  2. Press the cake again well through a cloth or gauze folded several times.
  3. Place the rest of the berries in a saucepan, cover with water and bring to a boil. Add and mix well with sugar.
  4. Boil the liquid for literally three to five minutes, then leave to infuse for 20 minutes.
  5. Strain the composition through a cloth and mix with chilled juice. Ready!

How to drink?

Morse can be safely called an almost universal drink, as it can be drunk both cold and warm and even hot at any time of the year. Cool fruit drink perfectly quenches thirst and refreshes summer heat, and hot will warm you in winter and help you recover faster from a cold.

It is best to consume fruit drinks after meals. If you drink such a drink on an empty stomach, then digestion can be disturbed, because the acid of the berries can stimulate the production of gastric juice and increase its acidity.

It is worth observing the measure. So, two glasses of drink per day is enough. And for a child, the optimal dose will be one glass.

A few tips:

  • To quickly cool the juice, you can use less water for cooking, and at the end of the process, add ice to the juice.
  • Instead of sugar, you can use honey, this will make the drink even more useful. But in order for honey to retain all its properties, add it not during cooking and not before it, but into a ready-made and slightly cooled fruit drink.
  • A spice such as cinnamon will help add piquancy to fruit drinks. But add minimal amount, because if you overdo it, the drink will be a little bitter.
  • Can be used as fresh berries, and frozen, but the latter must be thawed in advance. Do not drain any dripping liquid.

Be sure to prepare this drink, because it is very tasty and healthy!

Morse is not just a thirst quencher and a breath of freshness. From ancient times these beverages valued for their medicinal properties. Morses
from berries were used to strengthen the immune system, gain strength or
overcome some disease. After all, this healing drink is a storehouse
vitamins needed human body. I suggest to the readers of the magazine,
remember this wonderful tradition - to drink homemade fruit drinks (instead of
"Phantoms" - sorry if someone was touched to the quick). Contraindications for
there is practically no use of berry fruit drinks, as they say, both old and
The young will only benefit from it. And other recipes summer drinks You
find in the articles How to cook homemade lemonade and How to make a cocktail.

1. If possible, it is better to cook fruit drinks on tap water, and on artesian or spring water, there will be twice as much benefit.
2. Instead of sugar in fruit drinks, it is better to use fresh honey - this will only enrich the fruit drink.
Best Option use useful fruit drink- during the day, from
moment of its preparation. Prepare fruit drinks in small portions.
If fruit drinks are prepared for small children, even freshly squeezed juice is needed.
bring to a boil (that is, heat treatment of all components
5. Morse is better to drink 60-30 minutes before meals.

Morse from currant.

To prepare 2 l. Morsa will need the ingredients:
2 liters of water
Currant 400-500 gr.
Honey to taste (sugar can be substituted)
wash and pass through a juicer. Fill the pomace with water, bring
to a boil and cook for five minutes. Let stand and strain the broth through
fine sieve. Cool, add the resulting juice and honey. Attention: honey is not
should be added to hot drink(above 40 degrees), as honey
will lose some of his healing properties when heated. Morse cool and

Cranberry juice.

Similarly, lingonberry juice is prepared. These two fruit drinks are champions in vitamin C content.
Cranberry 500g.
Water 1.5 liters.
Sugar 300g (or replace with honey).
wash and dry a little. Extract the juice from the berries in a juicer. If
there is none, you can pour berries into enamel pan And
suppress well. Add 200 ml to the berries. water, mix. Drain
the resulting juice through a sieve or two layers of gauze. Dilute with water
(try to reach the desired concentration). Add sugar or honey
V last turn. Drink immediately.

Morse from apples.

Sour apples 500g
Water 1 liter.
Sugar 100 gr (or honey).
apples in a juicer squeeze the juice. Dilute the juice with water. If fruit drink
cook for a small child - add sugar, bring the juice to
boil and simmer over low heat for a couple of minutes. Morse cool. If
fruit drink for adults or older children - we drink without boiling. But in this
case better fruit drink do not store for more than two hours.

Morse orange

fruit drink is good because it can be cooked all year round. It turns out
Beautiful color and kids love it. It can be made for breakfast.
Or take your child to school with you.
orange 2 pcs.
water 1 liter
honey (or sugar) to taste.
Squeeze juice from orange. Dilute the juice with water. Add honey or sugar. We cool the juice. Our healthy drink is ready!

for children from any fruit drink you can cook delicious and healthy jelly
or jelly. The sweet and sour taste of these dishes will not leave anyone indifferent.
I don't want to.

If your children will be delighted with fruit and
berry fruit drinks, then the head of the family can be surprised with delicious and healthy honey
homemade kvass.

Honey kvass.

Honey - 400 ml.
Yeast 10-15 gr.
Water 2.5 liters
Lemon - 1 piece.
boil and cool. When the water is 30-35 degrees, add honey,
stir. Dissolve yeast in 20 ml. warm water and pour into the honey base.
Cut the lemon into slices and add to the kvass. Put honey kvass for
fermentation in a cool place for 2-3 days.

Well, what if you have a dacha
wild rose grows, be sure to dry its fruits and save them for
winter to replenish the body with vitamin C. Just fresh berries
run out, and your family will not be left without natural vitamins, because you
you can cook healthy

Rosehip infusion.

Rosehip dry - 2 tablespoons
Water 300 ml.
Sugar or honey to taste.
Rose hip
wash, put it in a large enameled mug and pour boiling water over it.
Boil for 10 minutes on low heat or leave for 20 minutes in water
bath. Do not remove the lid from the mug. Set aside the infusion to infuse for 8
hours. Then strain through several layers of gauze and add honey or
sugar. It is convenient to make a rosehip infusion in the evening, and drink it ready in the morning
healthy drink.

Well, if you went on vacation, and you do not have
opportunities and time to indulge in the preparation of the above proposed
drinks - prepare a healthy and good thirst-quenching cold
hibiscus. In the evening, prepare a drink, cool and, bottling,
put in the refrigerator. In the morning you can freshen up and take to the beach.

Refreshing hibiscus.

Hibiscus dry 2 table. spoons
Water 1.5 liters
Sugar 300 gr (or honey to taste)
Lemon 1 pc.
boiling water hibiscus. Wash the lemon and crush it into a drink right with the peel.
Add sugar. Cool everything. You can change the proportions of the ingredients
according to your own taste.

Cranberries are among the most valuable gifts of nature. It contains a rich vitamin complex, indispensable for a woman at any age. Cranberry juice contributes to the body's fight against infectious diseases, increases overall tone, and improves the functioning of the heart muscle. Making cranberry juice is pretty easy. Let's start taking care of our health right now?!

How to do cranberry juice?


Cranberry 1 stack Boiled water 1 liter Granulated sugar 0 stack

  • Servings: 4
  • Cooking time: 12 minutes

Why is cranberry juice valued?

Morse from wild berries contains an abundance of microelements, vitamin complex, acids and minerals. It can be consumed at any time of the year, warm or cold. Morse restores a person's strength after an illness and during the change of seasons, gives vital energy and increases efficiency. It is unacceptable to exclude berry nectar from your diet.

A simple cranberry juice recipe

How to make cranberry juice so that all the nutrients remain in it? To make a drink you will need:

1 cup fresh cranberries;

1.5 liters of boiled water;

0.5 st. granulated sugar.

The berries are washed, then passed through a meat grinder or gruel is made using a wooden pusher. The resulting crumb is squeezed through a plastic sieve (metal destroys vitamins). The resulting juice is mixed with water and put on a quiet fire.

It is necessary to bring the drink to a boil, but do not allow the formation of bubbles on the surface. After 5 - 7 minutes of boiling, the juice is removed from the fire, sugar is added to it. That's it - fruit drink is ready for use. This is the most simplified and affordable way to prepare a healthy drink.

How to make fruit drink from cranberries?

Juice will become more valuable if, instead of water, the juice is diluted with a decoction from another useful berry- wild rose.

1. Morse goes well with mint leaves. It is recommended to use honey instead of sugar.

2. Increase the value of the product will help lemon juice. A pinch of cinnamon or a couple of sprigs of cloves will help flavor the juice.

3. Cranberry juice can be given to babies from the age of two. There are no restrictions on the amount of drink consumed, only individual intolerance.

The product is not allergenic, does not cause heaviness and difficulties in the process of digestion, but in case of stomach diseases it should be taken with great care. If it is difficult to prepare fruit drinks daily, you can make a blank and store it in a glass dish in the refrigerator. Frozen and fresh berries are equally useful. You can survive the off-season without compromising your own health with the help of cranberry nectar: ​​simple, appetizing and healthy.

Fruit drinks are present in abundance on store shelves today. Sometimes quite acceptable quality. And yet you can’t compare with homemade. There are quite a few recipes for making homemade fruit drinks from cranberries and lingonberries, although the differences between them are only in minor details.

Most observe an unshakable (as it is considered) canon: the berry must be crushed with a wooden spoon or pusher, then squeeze the juice with gauze, boil the pulp and then mix with juice, sugar or honey. There are other options, but the main thing is to crush with a piece of wood. To avoid oxidation.

But the details of modern kitchen equipment - for example, a blender - are made of food steel and therefore do not oxidize. Why not use a blender? Sometimes fruit drinks are cooked like compote - it seems that this is the most that neither is classic version. We felt sorry for the vitamins, which are destroyed when heated.

How to cook cranberry juice: simple recipes for home

I dare to offer an option that is different from the canonical one. Volumes, as always, are conditional: everything is a matter of taste. I indicate the ones that are most often with me.

List of ingredients:

  • Cranberries or lingonberries (the taste is different, but cooked the same; you can mix) - 800 g
  • Water - 3 l
  • Sugar -4 tbsp. l.


1st option

2. Spread the berries in portions into the blender bowl, grind. Transfer the juice along with the pulp into a saucepan or bowl made of non-oxidizing material - into a glass one, for example.

3. When the water in the pan boils and the sugar dissolves, pour in the juice along with the pulp

and immediately turn off the stove. Cover with a lid and let cool under the lid.

4. Strain fruit drink through cheesecloth or a fine sieve, pour into a glass decanter. At the same time, of course, after a short time the pulp will give a sediment, it turns out that the fruit drink is transparent only from above. Well, so what? Morse with pulp - what's wrong? It is better to drink chilled or by adding ice cubes to a glass, you can add a slice of lemon.

2nd option

1. Pour three liters of water into a stainless steel or enameled pan (the main thing is that the material does not oxidize), add sugar and put on the stove.

2. Spread the berries in portions into the blender bowl, grind. Using gauze, squeeze the juice into a glass dish, set aside.

Tip: how to cook cranberry juice

The lingonberry recipe uses less sugar. Therefore, lovers of more sour cranberries sometimes even add a little lemon or lime to the juice.

3. Pour the pulp cold water, bring to a boil in a small saucepan and cook for five minutes. Then cool slightly and strain the resulting broth through cheesecloth.

4. When the water in a large saucepan boils, pour juice and broth into it and immediately turn off the stove. Allow the juice to cool under the lid and pour into a decanter. In this case, you can not filter, but if you really want ...