How to cook friendship porridge in the oven. Milk porridge “friendship”, like in kindergarten. Friendship porridge with rice, millet, dried apricots and raisins in the oven

Every person knows from early childhood that the main dishes made from cereals and cereals are porridge. They occupy an important place in Russian cuisine. Our ancestors, the Slavs, definitely knew a lot about preparing this tasty and healthy dish.

Porridges in Rus' were cooked in different ways: from buckwheat, wheat, corn, etc. A special place was given to liquid porridge , in consistency, reminiscent of soups. Traditionally, they added herbs, vegetables, fish or meat.

In the usual way for us "porridge-mess" added sweets, such as berries, jam or honey. At the same time, the cooking technology itself did not change for many years: the cereal was washed, poured into clay pots, then filled with cool water and sent to the oven for several hours. A delicious foam formed on top, and the porridge itself simply melted in the mouth.

To date, porridges are cooked using water or milk. They have become a familiar dish for the Russian people, as a result of which their benefits are not properly appreciated. Porridge can improve digestion, speed up metabolism, lose weight, strengthen hair and nails, improve skin condition.

Modern housewives have many different kitchen appliances that help them prepare food, including porridge. One such device is a multicooker. The porridge does not burn in it and is cooked in correct mode and it turns out very tasty. The main thing is to know the general cooking technology.

In this article we will look at how to cook porridge "Friendship" in multicookers of two different brands: Redmond and Polaris.

“Friendship” in a Redmond multicooker for 5-6 servings

What we need to prepare porridge:

  • 1 cup corn grits (approximately 200-250 g),
  • 0.5 cups of rice cereal (about 100 g),
  • 3 glasses of milk (approximately 700 ml.). It is best to choose milk with a fat content of 2.5%,
  • 2 glasses of boiled water,
  • 70 g butter. We recommend oil with a fat content of 82.5%,
  • Sugar, salt, cinnamon and honey.

Cereals for porridge must be washed and soaked in advance. This will significantly reduce its preparation time. The list of ingredients stated to use exactly boiled water. This is no coincidence. Firstly, such water has already been purified from harmful microorganisms. Secondly, this also contributes to more quick cooking porridge.

How to cook:

The presence of corn grits in this porridge helps suppress the process of putrefaction in the human intestines. This cereal contains a large number of microelements and vitamins, as well as carbohydrates and carotene. This porridge is very useful for older people leading a sedentary lifestyle. In addition, corn grits help remove pesticides from the human body.

Porridge "Friendship" on water for 5-6 servings

You will need:

  • 0.5 cups rice,
  • 0.5 cups of millet cereals,
  • 5 full glasses of water,
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of sugar,
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of butter.

Cooking technology:

The cooking time is no more than 25 minutes.

Video recipe for making porridge “Friendship”

“Friendship” in the Polaris multicooker for 2-3 servings

To prepare this porridge we will use corn grits instead buckwheat. It is no less rich in useful elements. In addition, this cereal helps remove salts from the body and cleanse it of toxins.

We will need:

  • 0.5 cups rice cereal. To measure, use the measuring cup that comes with your multicooker.
  • 0.5 cups buckwheat,
  • 3 glasses of milk. We choose milk with a fat content of 2.5%. It is ideal for not making the porridge too greasy,
  • 1 full glass of boiled water,
  • 1.5 - 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar.
  • A piece of butter. It is also recommended to take 82.5 fat content, as in previous recipes.

Cooking technology :

  • We start by thoroughly washing the cereals. You need to rinse until the water in the porridge becomes clear. As for pre-soaking, this is not important here,
  • Add rice. We only post rice cereal into the multicooker bowl, then fill it with a full glass of boiled water,
  • Set the cooking mode. Select the “Rice” mode and set the cooking time to 15 minutes,

  • Add the remaining components. After this time has expired, you need to add buckwheat, milk, a piece of butter and granulated sugar to the rice. All ingredients must be mixed, then close the lid of the multicooker.
  • Select the mode and time. To cook, you will need to select the “Multi-cook” mode. Set the timer for 15 minutes,
  • Let's finish cooking. After the porridge is ready, you need to let it brew a little. No more than 10 minutes.

The total cooking time is 40 minutes.

Some supplements that weren't mentioned:

  • During the cooking process, you can also add some other ingredients to the porridge. Eg, seedless raisins. Place it in a slow cooker along with cereal to give it an unusual taste.
  • Nut lovers can use in the cooking process cashew, walnuts nuts, hazelnut. The main thing is that they are not salty. However, nuts should not be included with all the ingredients. It's best to sprinkle them ready-made porridge just before serving.

Porridge is probably the simplest, healthiest and most accessible food. I'm lucky because everyone in my family loves porridge. Therefore, I never have a problem with what to feed my household for breakfast.

All recipes have been verified, everything has been calculated and adapted long ago.


150 ml rice;
- 150 ml millet;
- 300 ml water;
- 300 ml milk;
- butter to taste;
- salt, sugar to taste.

* You can cook porridge with milk alone, but porridge mixed with water is healthier and cooks faster.

* The smaller the volume, the more liquid needs to be added. So if you cook, for example, with 1 cup of cereal, you can add 1/5 of the liquid. This time my volume is quite large, so I do 1/4. Although, it all depends on taste.

Cooking time: 30 minutes.

Complexity: not difficult.


We check rice and millet for unnecessary impurities. Fortunately, now the cereals are quite clean, so the manufacturers saved us from such a tedious job of sitting and sorting for half an hour (especially long fiddling with millet). I take millet that is more expensive, which is, accordingly, purer.

Wash in several waters. I not only wash the millet, but also grind it with my hands.

Fill the cereal with water. It can be for 10 minutes while the water is boiling, or it can be for several hours. Sometimes I make this in the evening and cook it in the morning.

Put the water on the fire and wait until it boils.

Drain the water from the cereal and place it in a saucepan.

Let it boil, stirring. We remove the foam.

You just need to boil it in water for a few minutes. If you put cereal in milk, the porridge will cook longer.

When the porridge begins to thicken, add milk, salt and, if needed, sugar. I don’t add sugar at all, since most of my family, including my little son, eats unsweetened porridge. Sweet lovers add sugar to their plates.

Let it boil again, reduce the heat to low.
Put in the oil. The amount of oil is at your discretion. The main thing to remember is that you can’t spoil porridge with butter, but you can easily spoil your figure, and find a middle ground.

When the porridge has thickened, turn off the heat and be sure to let it simmer for a few minutes under the lid.

The porridge is ready. But in my opinion - the perfect breakfast!

Bon appetit!

  • Round rice - ½ multi-cup,
  • Millet – ½ multi-cup,
  • Fresh pumpkin (pulp) – 250 g,
  • Cow's milk (or milk with water) – 0.8 – 1 liter (thickness according to your preference),
  • Sugar – 3-4 tablespoons,
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Butter – 50 g.

Cooking process:

Sort the grains and rinse in several waters.
Clean the pumpkin pulp from seeds and peel. Slice small cube.

Place rice with millet in the multicooker bowl and raw pumpkin. Add salt, sugar. Use a piece of butter to make a butter rim along the top of the bowl and put what is left into the cereal.

Add milk or a mixture of milk and water (as you prefer).

Cook Friendship porridge with pumpkin in milk in a multicooker in the “milk porridge” mode until the signal and let it sit on heat for at least 30 minutes.

After the signal, open the lid and pumpkin porridge stir with a spatula.

Serve porridge made from rice, millet and pumpkin hot with a piece of butter.

Recipe No. 3

Unsweetened porridge Friendship with lentils, rice, buckwheat and pumpkin

To prepare this unusual porridge you will need the following ingredients:

  • Lentils (preferably red) – 100 grams,
  • Buckwheat – 200 grams,
  • Rice – 80 grams,
  • Onion – 1 piece,
  • Carrots – 1 piece,
  • Pumpkin – 100 grams,
  • Salt and spices to taste,
  • Vegetable oil – 2 – 3 tbsp. spoons.
  • Butter – 50 grams,
  • Water.

Preparation dairy-free porridge Friendship with lentils, rice and buckwheat

First you need to sort and rinse the cereal. Then peel the pumpkin and remove seeds; you also need to peel the onions and carrots.

Cut the onion into small cubes, grate the carrots and pumpkin on a medium grater. Pour into the frying pan vegetable oil(no smell) and heat it up, then add carrots, onions and pumpkin and sauté.

Then transfer the fried vegetables into a cauldron and add the washed lentils. Add half a glass of water and place the cauldron on slow fire. Cook the cereal with vegetables until the lentils are almost ready. Next, add the washed rice and... Mix everything, salt and add spices to taste. Add water so that it completely covers the cereal. Cook friendship porridge in water for 15–20 minutes with the lid tightly closed over low heat. Then open the lid and add butter. Let the porridge “rest” for about 15 minutes, then put it on plates and serve Friendship from buckwheat, rice and lentils as independent dish or as a side dish.

Recipe No. 4

Friendship porridge with millet and corn grits in the microwave

To prepare porridge in the microwave you will need the following ingredients:

  • Millet cereal – 0.5 cups,
  • Corn grits - 0.5 cups,
  • Cow's milk - 1 glass,
  • Pumpkin – 300 grams,
  • Water – 1.5 cups,
  • Butter – 3 tbsp. spoons.

How to cook Friendship porridge in the microwave

The cereals need to be washed, then the millet must be mixed with corn grits and transfer to a special microwave-safe bowl (2-liter bowl). Add salt and water, mix. We put the bowl in the microwave, set the time to 15 minutes, and the power to 800 watts.

During this time we will need to peel the pumpkin and grate it coarse grater.

After 15 minutes, remove the bowl of cereal from the microwave and add pumpkin, granulated sugar, milk, and mix. And again put the porridge in the microwave for another 15 minutes, cooking at the same power.

After the cooking signal sounds, you need to add butter to Friendship, cover the porridge with a lid and, closing the door, leave the porridge to “rest” for 10 minutes.

This milk porridge with pumpkin can be served with any syrup or jam.

Recipe No. 5

Pumpkin porridge Friendship with rice and corn grits in a slow cooker

Ingredients for preparing Friendship porridge in a slow cooker:

  • Round rice - 1 multi cup,
  • Corn grits - 1 multi cup,
  • Milk – 6 multi cups,
  • Raisins (black, seedless) – 80 grams,
  • Pumpkin – 100 grams,
  • Butter – 50 grams,
  • Granulated sugar and salt to taste.

How to cook Friendship porridge in a slow cooker

First you need to sort and rinse the cereal. Then pour boiling water over the millet. Next, sprinkle the millet and corn grits into the multicooker bowl.

Sort and rinse the raisins and add to the bowl with the cereal.

We also add butter, salt, and granulated sugar.

The pumpkin needs to be peeled and seeds removed, then it can be grated or cut into small pieces. Place the pumpkin into the multicooker bowl along with the cereal.

Then pour milk over everything. Close the multicooker lid and set the “Milk porridge” mode to cook Friendship with pumpkin until the signal. If desired, you can add washed dried apricots to the porridge at the very beginning of cooking. It is advisable to let the porridge sit for an hour on heating, then it will turn out simmered, like from a Russian stove. Therefore, it is very convenient to cook porridge in the evening on a delayed start.

Mix the finished milk porridge Friendship with pumpkin and add more butter to taste. If desired, drizzle with syrup or jam when serving.

Recipe No. 6

Friendship porridge with rice, millet, dried apricots and raisins in the oven

To prepare Friendship porridge in the oven you will need the following ingredients:

  • Short grain rice – ½ cup,
  • Millet cereal – ½ cup,
  • Raisins (seedless, black) - a handful,
  • Dried apricots – 10 pieces,
  • Salt and granulated sugar to taste,
  • Butter – 40 grams,
  • Pumpkin – 100 grams,
  • Cow's milk - 3 cups.

Cooking Friendship porridge in the oven

This option for preparing porridge was still known to our grandmothers; they cooked this porridge in Russian stoves, where the porridge turned out very tasty. But today the stove is replaced by an oven or a slow cooker.

First, you need to wash the cereals in several waters, then pour boiling water over the millet, this way you will get rid of the bitterness.

The pumpkin needs to be peeled and cut into small cubes.

Next we take the big one clay pot or a heat-resistant glass dish, put the cereal into it, then dried apricots, raisins and pumpkin. Add salt and granulated sugar to taste. Pour milk and spread butter on top. Place the pot or glass dish in a cold oven (so that they do not burst from the temperature contrast) for one hour. Cook Friendship porridge in the oven at 200° degrees. Then you should turn off the oven and leave the porridge to simmer for another 15 minutes, so the porridge will become more tasty.

Recipe No. 7

Friendship porridge with egg

Thanks to the addition of whipped yolk to the porridge at the end of cooking chicken egg we get an unusual and rich taste.

To prepare Friendship porridge with egg and pumpkin you will need the following ingredients:

  • Millet cereal – 50 grams,
  • Short grain rice – 50 grams,
  • Pumpkin – 100 grams,
  • Cow's milk – 300 ml,
  • Water – 100 ml,
  • Granulated sugar and salt to taste,
  • Chicken egg - 1 piece,
  • Butter – 30 grams.

Cooking Friendship porridge with egg

First, you should thoroughly rinse the cereals in several waters. Then transfer the rice and millet to the pan. Add milk and water, salt and granulated sugar to taste. Place the pan on the stove and cook the porridge over low heat for about 30 minutes. Then add finely chopped pumpkin, you can also grate it on a coarse grater. Mix everything, add butter and cook for another 15 minutes.

At this time, you need to beat the egg yolk.

Remove the finished porridge from the heat and add the beaten yolk into it, thoroughly whisk the porridge with a whisk (not a mixer!). Then cover the porridge with a lid and wrap it in a thick towel, leave it to “rest” for another 15 minutes, then put it on plates and decorate with fresh or canned berries or fruit. Or just pour syrup or condensed milk.

Many people have never even heard of such porridge. And some people think that this is special kind cereals

In fact, Druzhba porridge was popular in Soviet time. Essentially, it is a mix of two or more types of cereals cooked together.

This kind of porridge is still relevant today. After all, the housewife does not always have enough cereal in stock to feed a large family. And “Druzhba” porridge is a convenient option to combine different cereals together and end up with a tasty and nutritious dish.

But to prevent the porridge from turning into an unappetizing mess, you need to know a few simple rules.

Porridge “Friendship”: subtleties of preparation

  • For porridge, take the same amount of cereals.
  • You can use different cereals, but their cooking time should not differ much.
  • If you use several types of cereals, then follow the sequence of adding them to the pan, taking into account their cooking time.
  • Each type of cereal is thoroughly washed in several waters or soaked for a while.
  • The type of cereal also matters. It is better to take round-grain rice for porridge. It absorbs water well and boils quickly, so it is best suited for porridges.
  • It is better to take bright yellow millet for porridge, because it is less bitter. But before mixing millet with other grains, it must be thoroughly washed and then boiled for 5 minutes in plenty of water. Pour out the water and only then combine the millet with other grains.
  • To make the porridge cook faster, first boil it in water and then add milk.
  • Druzhba porridge can be cooked either viscous or crumbly.
  • For taste, raisins, dried apricots, nuts, sugar, berries or honey are added to it.
  • The porridge is cooked over very low heat so that it does not burn.
  • It can be cooked on the stove, in the oven, in microwave oven, in a slow cooker.

Porridge "Friendship" with milk (classic recipe)


  • millet – 0.5 tbsp.;
  • rice – 0.5 tbsp;
  • milk – 1 l;
  • sugar – 40 g;
  • salt – 3 g;
  • butter.

Cooking method

  • The rice is thoroughly washed in several waters.
  • The millet is washed in hot water until the water becomes clear.
  • Pour at least a liter of water into the pan and put it on the fire. Pour millet into boiling water and cook for 5 minutes.
  • Then the water is carefully drained.
  • Milk is poured into the cauldron and brought almost to a boil. Rice and millet are added. Mix well.
  • Add sugar and salt, reduce the heat to low and close the lid loosely so that the porridge does not escape.
  • Cook for 40 minutes until the cereal is well cooked.
  • Butter is added at the end of cooking or added to everyone's plate.

Porridge “Friendship” with sour cream


  • millet – 0.5 tbsp.;
  • rice – 0.5 tbsp;
  • sugar – 40-50 g;
  • salt – 3 g;
  • sour cream – 100 g;
  • water for cooking millet – 1 l;
  • milk – 1 l;
  • butter.

Cooking method

  • Rice and millet are thoroughly washed in hot water.
  • Pour water into the cauldron and bring to a boil.
  • Millet is poured into boiling water and cooked for five minutes.
  • The water is carefully drained, and rice is added to the millet.
  • Pour milk, add salt and sugar.
  • Cook at a very low boil for 40 minutes, stirring occasionally to prevent thick foam from forming on the surface.
  • When the porridge is completely cooked, add sour cream and mix everything well.
  • The porridge is allowed to brew for 20 minutes and placed in plates, not forgetting to add a piece of butter.

Porridge “Friendship” with pumpkin in a slow cooker


  • millet – 0.5 tbsp.;
  • rice – 0.5 tbsp;
  • pumpkin – 150 g;
  • sugar – 30 g; m
  • salt – 3 g;
  • water – 200 ml;
  • milk – 600 ml;
  • butter.

Cooking method

  • Rice and millet are thoroughly washed in several waters.
  • Boil the millet in a separate saucepan for 5 minutes. The water is drained.
  • Pour a glass of boiling water into the multicooker bowl, add rice and millet. Add salt and stir.
  • Close the multicooker with a lid, set the “Porridge” program and cook for 10 minutes.
  • Add grated pumpkin, sugar, add hot milk and cook for another 40 minutes.
  • Turn off the multicooker. Add oil to the porridge, stir and let the porridge brew under a closed lid for another 20 minutes.
  • Place on plates.

Porridge "Friendship" in the oven with dried fruits


  • millet – 0.5 tbsp.;
  • rice – 0.5 tbsp;
  • butter – 50 g;
  • sugar – 50 g;
  • salt – 3 g;
  • dried apricots - a handful;
  • raisins - a handful;
  • milk – 600 ml.

Cooking method

  • Rice and millet are thoroughly washed. The millet is boiled for five minutes in a large amount of water, which is then carefully drained.
  • Dried apricots and raisins are washed and soaked in warm water for 15 minutes.
  • Mix rice and millet in a bowl.
  • Place the cereal in pots. Dried fruits are placed on top. Add salt and sugar.
  • The cereal is poured with milk, leaving room in the pots for boiling. Add a piece of butter.
  • Place the pots in a cold oven and set the temperature to 200°C.
  • Cook for 50-60 minutes.
  • The finished porridge is left to steep for 20 minutes and served directly in pots.

Porridge "Friendship" in the microwave


  • millet – 3/4 cup;
  • rice - 3/4 cup;
  • sugar – 50 g;
  • salt – 0.3 tsp;
  • water – 200 ml;
  • milk – 700 ml;
  • butter – 50 g.

Cooking method

  • Rice and millet are washed in several waters.
  • The millet is boiled for 5 minutes in 1 liter of water. Then the water is drained.
  • Both types of grains are mixed together and poured into a microwave-safe pan.
  • Pour water into a bowl and add salt.
  • Place in the oven and cook on high power for 10 minutes.
  • Pour hot milk, stir and put back in the oven. Cook without covering for 15 minutes. During this time, the cereal will swell and the porridge will thicken a little. It is mixed, sugar is added.
  • Reduce the power to minimum and cook the porridge for another 15 minutes, gently stirring occasionally.
  • Add butter to the porridge, stir and cover with a lid. Leave for 15 minutes and then serve on plates.

Porridge "Friendship" on water in a double boiler


  • rice – 0.5 tbsp;
  • buckwheat – 0.5 tbsp.;
  • salt - to taste;
  • vegetable oil – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • water – 400 ml;
  • butter.

Cooking method

  • Rice and buckwheat rinse thoroughly and mix in a bowl, adding salt.
  • The cereal is transferred to a container for cooking rice.
  • Pouring hot water and add vegetable oil.
  • The container for cooking rice is placed in the steamer bowl. Close with a lid.
  • Cook for 40 minutes. After about 20 minutes from the start of cooking, stir the porridge.
  • The porridge is allowed to brew for 15 minutes and placed into plates, putting a piece of butter in each serving.

The good thing about any of these recipes is that you can always replace one ingredient with another to get a new dish.
And all these recipes are easy to follow, and even a novice housewife can easily prepare them.

02 February 2015 808

“Druzhba” is a viscous porridge, the peculiarity of which is the combination of two or several types of cereals, mainly rice and millet; has a large amount of nutrients.

Today it’s no secret that the path to beauty, health and vigor begins with a healthy diet.

After all, what is on our plate affects appearance, well-being and mood.

The easiest way to diversify the menu with useful things is to get hooked on porridge.

There are many varieties of this wonderful treat, and each has its own special advantages.

But the main thing is that they are all tasty, satisfying and rich in vitamins.

If you think that such dishes are boring, you are mistaken.

The “Friendship” porridge recipe is proof of this.

Porridge that teaches friendship

Anyone who experienced a carefree Soviet childhood could hardly forget the taste of canteen porridge made from millet and rice, which he shared with his best friend.

Its optimistic name “Friendship” came from the fact that in one composition two types of cereals were equally divided.

After simmering together on the fire, having become strong friends, they result in a wonderful taste and a very appetizing aroma.

In the usual classic version This food is very good, but if you experiment a little, add new ingredients and make certain changes in the cooking method, then it has no equal.

We will consider both traditional approaches and culinary innovations associated with the “friendship” of the two cereals.

Caring for quality – caring for health

If you want the dish to have an excellent taste, a wonderful smell and provide comfort to the stomach, do not be lazy to take care of purchasing high-quality ingredients.

Naturally, the main focus is on rice and millet.

Don't buy the first thing that looks at you from the shelf or is cheaper.

Questionable ingredients can have a bad effect on the consistency of the porridge or distort its characteristics.

Rice should be short-grain, since it absorbs water well and boils softly, making it excellent for preparing viscous porridges, especially such as milk “Druzhba”.

The second component - millet - must be selected by color.

If the grains are pale yellow in color, there are minimal nutrients there, but a bright yellow color and dullness are an indicator that the food will not be bitter.

If the recipe calls for milk, its choice should also be taken seriously.

When buying homemade at the market, do not hesitate to check it for smell and color.

The product should be a rich white or cream color with a rich layer on top. Milk is clear, too thin, watery, with a bluish tint - these are signs of poor quality and dilution with water.

But in the store, be sure to take a closer look at the packaging of the product; it should be sealed, undamaged, and without swelling.

Set the expiration date, and only then go to the checkout.

After successful shopping, it's time to get down to business in the kitchen.

Feel free to choose recipes for “Friendship” porridge and take out either a saucepan or a slow cooker.

Classic options are a win-win

For the preparation procedure traditional version Rice and millet porridge will take about an hour.

If this is too long for someone, then the fact that this dish is low-calorie, but quite rich in useful microelements, can serve as consolation.

Cooking porridge “Friendship” with pumpkin in milk


  • ¾ cup millet;
  • ¾ cup rice;
  • 300 g pumpkin;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 0.5 l of milk;
  • glass of water;

Cooking method:

Recipe for “Friendship” porridge with egg


  • millet – 50 g;
  • rice – 50 g;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • butter – 1.5 teaspoons;
  • milk – 300 g;
  • sugar and salt to taste.

Cooking method:

Pour the milk into the prepared bowl with the washed cereals.

Bring the contents to a boil, turn the heat down and cook until tender.

Finally add sugar and salt.

Remove from the stove and let stand covered.

Before serving, add butter and an egg yolk (either whipped or whole) to the porridge dish.

Friendly porridge with sour cream


  • millet – 1/2 cup;
  • rice – 1/2 cup;
  • sour cream – 1/2 cup;
  • milk – 1l;
  • sugar – 2 tablespoons;
  • salt – 1/2 teaspoon.

Cooking method:

Pre-boil the washed millet in water, after boiling, keep it on the fire for 5 minutes, then rinse again.

This is necessary so that the cereal does not give a bitter aftertaste.

Then add rice, milk, sugar and salt, cook until done.

And only at the end, after thoroughly mixing the mass, add sour cream to it.

Let it brew and the porridge will end up tender and fluffy.

For those who are worried about the slimness of their figure and flatly refuse milk and sugar, we can recommend the simplest option - “Friendship” on the water.

There is no need to add salt, sugar or butter, but it is recommended to sprinkle with herbs for flavor.

Don't be afraid to experiment!

If you want to experiment, try using an oven or multicooker to prepare Druzhba milk porridge; a microwave oven will also work.

Option one - cook in the microwave

Ingredients for the recipe for “Friendship” porridge with milk in this way:

  • 100 g millet;
  • 100 g corn grits;
  • 300 g pumpkin;
  • 50 g butter;
  • one glass of milk;
  • one and a half glasses of water;
  • salt or sugar to taste.

Cooking method:

Combine millet with corn grits and place in a deep heat-resistant bowl (about 2 liters).

Add a pinch of salt, water, mix.

Cook in the microwave at 800 W for 15 minutes.

While there is time, coarsely grate the pumpkin, then combine it with milk and sugar to the cereal.

Turn on the microwave oven again for ¼ hour.

When the time is up, season the food with butter and leave it to steep under the lid.

If desired, you can decorate the taste with fruit jam before use.

Option two - cook in the oven

This recipe for “Friendship” porridge also contains pumpkin, but classic preparation still different.


  • half a glass of millet;
  • half a glass of rice;
  • 100 g pumpkin;
  • 30 g butter;
  • 3 glasses of milk;
  • 10 cloves of dried apricots;
  • 100 g raisins;
  • half a teaspoon of salt and sugar to taste.

Method for preparing the “Friendship” porridge recipe using the oven:

Pour in raisins and dried apricots warm water, let stand for a quarter of an hour.

Cut the pumpkin into small squares.

Place the cereal in a baking pot, and then the dried apricots, raisins and orange pumpkin cubes.

Add sugar and salt.

Add milk, place butter at the very top.

Move the dish with the future “Friendship” porridge into the oven and only then turn it on, set the temperature to 200 degrees.

Cook for about an hour, and after turning off the oven, leave the contents there for another 15 minutes.

You have already heard a lot about the benefits of soups for the body. Therefore, we will simply offer you a new recipe:

Oh, how little children love chocolate bars! Make a big Snickers cake with your child. Recipe

By the way, the cake will require peanuts. In the article you can learn a lot about this product.

Option three - prepare Druzhba porridge in a slow cooker


  • a third of a glass of millet;
  • a third of a glass of rice;
  • a third of a glass of corn grits;
  • a glass of finely grated pumpkin;
  • 0.5 l of milk;
  • 0.5 l of water;
  • a quarter glass of sugar;
  • a teaspoon of salt.

Method for preparing “Friendship” porridge in a Polaris, Redmond, or the one you have:

Place cereals, pumpkin, salt, sugar, milk, water in a multicooker container.


Select the appropriate setting.

At the end of the mode, season with oil.

This porridge turns out thick.

If you prefer a rarer version, keep the proportion of 1 cup of cereal to 5 cups of liquid.

You can watch a video on how to prepare Druzhba porridge below:

"Friendship" refers to viscous porridge consistency, therefore, when preparing it, it is necessary to take into account some features:

  • the grains are considered sufficiently cooked if the mass is kept in a heap in the plate and does not spread;
  • Before the main cooking procedure, it is better to boil cereals such as rice, millet and pearl barley in water for several minutes - this way you can avoid hardness and bitterness;
  • When serving, it is advisable to put a piece of butter in such a dish or pour the same butter over its surface, only already melted.

The main feature of “Friendship” is a large amount of carbohydrates, which are slowly digested by the body, so they charge it with energy for a long time.

Stay energetic and eat healthy!

In all these delicious recipes There is a pattern of lack of meat.

Considering that there are a very large number of meat lovers in the country, we decided to please them and show them how to cook “Friendship” porridge in a slow cooker with meat.

It turns out incredibly delicious!