Delicious fruit ice how to make at home. Banana popsicles

In the hot summer, every person thinks about only one thing - how to cool down? When to drink plain water I don’t want to, but I’m already tired of watermelon, it’s perfect fruit ice! Moreover, it is very easy to make it at home. This ice cream will appeal to both children and adults. Moreover, it contains only natural ingredients and no chemicals.

You can make such a delicacy easily and quickly at home, and together with your child, enticing him into cooking. Fruit ice can be either single-colored or multi-colored, it all depends on the color of the berries and juice that you add there. But the whole secret is not just in freezing some eye, there is a special recipes which we will tell you.

Delicious ice treat

  • Fruit juice to taste - 250 ml.
  • Sugar - 200 gr.
  • Gelatin - 6 gr.
  • Starch - 20 gr.
  • Citric acid - 5 g.
  • Pure water - 450 ml.

IMPORTANT! If you make ice without starch and gelatin, it will also work out, but it will be softer.

Dissolve sugar in water and put on fire, wait until it boils. Then gelatin and starch are added there as needed (they must be prepared in advance: separately soaked in water for 20-30 minutes. Water is included in the total amount).

Boil this whole mixture over the fire for about 3 minutes. Already pour into the hot mass in a thin stream fruit juice and citric acid. Stir slowly, pour into molds, insert sticks and leave in the freezer for 2-3 hours. Afterwards you can enjoy the taste of harmless ice.

IMPORTANT! You can make it two-color: pour a mixture of one shade down the mold, and another on top.

Coffee ice at home

This ice cream is also easy to make. Everything needs to be taken from the recipe above, only instead of juice, add coffee or melted cocoa. Then you will get real chocolate-coffee ice. In addition to this you can add citric acid natural lemon juice, it will turn out very tasty.

Ice made from milk

Making such ice cream is not difficult either at home or in a cafe. They can surprise both guests and visitors.

  • Low-fat milk - 750 ml.
  • Powdered milk - 150 gr.
  • Sugar - 100 gr.
  • Gelatin - 6 gr.
  • Starch - 20 gr.

First mix sugar and powdered milk, then they dissolve into regular milk. Place on fire and bring to a boil. When the mixture boils, add pre-prepared gelatin and starch (instead of water, use milk included in the total amount).

IMPORTANT! Add vanillin here to get delicious vanilla-cream ice. An unusual combination.

Chilled ice cream is poured into molds and left in the freezer for 2-3 hours. Afterwards you can enjoy the taste!

Fruit ice popsicle

Making any delicacy at home is very simple, you just need to use your imagination. This is how, for example, you can simply cut watery fruits, such as watermelon or orange, into interesting shapes. Insert sticks into them and freeze. This is how you get delicious fruit ice cream from natural ingredients.

IMPORTANT! If, when removing ice from the molds, it runs the risk of breaking, then before removing it, dip the mold itself in warm water for a few seconds. The ice inside will melt and slide out without breaking.

In order to make such a delicacy at home in summer heat, you need to use all your imagination. The above recipes are the basis for making ice, choose a different filling and flavor, but cook according to the same scheme.

This experience will be very interesting for children who love sweets, especially in the summer. Start making dessert with your child and let him choose the flavors that come to mind. Bon appetit!

Fruit ice is a truly unique treat. Low calorie and its varied flavors make it a favorite dessert not only for children, but also for adults. Moreover, popsicles can be easily prepared at home from natural ingredients.

Do you need fruit ice or regular ice? We do it beautifully!

Prepare fruit ice in a couple of minutes

There are several cooking methods fruit ice on one's own. The easiest of them is making ice cream from fruit juice. Natural or store-bought juice pour into special molds and leave in the freezer for several hours. Dessert is ready! For convenience, you can insert a stick into the mold. One of popular recipes It is considered the preparation of fruit ice based on natural yogurt. It is best to choose yogurt without dyes or additives. Puree your favorite berries and fruits in a blender, then add yogurt to the bowl and mix everything until smooth. Pour the resulting mixture into molds and wait until it hardens completely.

Invent your own recipes

There is another way, but it is more complicated than the previous ones. Mix half a kilo of chopped fruits or berries with two teaspoons lemon juice. Then add 100 grams of sugar to a pan of water and bring the water to a boil. When sweet water When it cools down, add it to the berry puree, and then pour it into the molds. There are many ways to make fruit ice, you can even come up with your own recipe.

Transparent ice will decorate any drinks

However, situations often arise in everyday life when it is necessary to transparent ice at home. Most housewives spend a long time racking their brains on how to get rid of cloudy color. homemade ice. Very simple! Filter regular tap water, then boil. Cool the boiled liquid, pass it through the aquafilter again and bring it to a boil again. After that, you need to cool the water again and pour it into ice molds. Knowing how to make ice at home, you can delight your guests with cocktails that are not only cool, but also aesthetically beautiful.

Prepare ingredients for making fruit ice. Wash the lemon, pour boiling water over it and dry. Wash the mint. It is better to use mint leaves in the recipe and remove the sprigs. If you are cooking from frozen berries and fruits, then you do not need to completely defrost them; you can keep them at room temperature 20-30 minutes. Place the berries and fruits in a tall bowl, convenient for whipping, and puree them using an immersion blender.

As soon as fruit puree will become homogeneous, add powdered sugar. Zest the lemon and then squeeze the juice from the lemon. Add lemon zest and juice to the puree.

Grind the mint leaves with the fruit puree thoroughly using an immersion blender until smooth.

Divide the resulting mass into molds and insert sticks (you can use wooden skewers or, like mine, reusable chopsticks). Put forms in freezer until completely frozen. Then carefully remove homemade fruit ice from the molds and serve.

This is such a beauty! Ice cream "Fruit Ice", prepared at home, is very tasty and does not contain unnecessary impurities and preservatives. And grinding different berries and fruits, you will get a new interesting taste every time.

  • melon – 1 slice;
  • banana - 1 piece;
  • nectarine – 1 piece;
  • granulated sugar – ½ cup;
  • yogurt – 500 ml;
  • lemon juice - optional.


1. Separate the fruit pulp from the skin and cut it into small pieces, place in a blender bowl. Nectarines, by the way, do not need to be peeled.

2. Add sugar to the fruit and pour in the yogurt. Add lemon juice at your discretion, some people like it very sweet, downright cloying, while others prefer sourness. Therefore, adjust the amount of lemon juice to your taste.

3. Grind everything until smooth.

Never prepare puree or fruit juice in advance, do it just before making ice cream.

4. Place the resulting mass into molds; now you can buy special molds for ice cream. But you can use various curly ones as them. silicone molds or plastic yogurt cups.

5. Place in the freezer. When the contents of the molds have hardened a little, take them out and insert wooden or plastic sticks. Place the ice cream in the refrigerator again, this time until it hardens completely.


There is a more painstaking option for preparing such ice cream, but it turns out more beautiful. Beat the fruits and yogurt with sugar separately in a blender, and then place them in layers in the molds. First the fruit layer, let it harden a little in the freezer, then the whipped yogurt, put the molds back in the freezer for a while. And then repeat this: a fruit layer and a yogurt layer. You will get a cute multi-colored and striped delicacy.

Prepare Fruit Ice ice cream at home for the next holiday. I hope that my recipe with photos convinced you not to buy this delicacy in stores, but to switch to natural products and cook for yourself.

By the way, I think you can make a fruit salad with melon, pear and bananas, add yogurt and freeze.

Fruit ice is very popular in the hot season; not only children, but also adults love it. The delicacy perfectly quenches thirst, cools and lifts your spirits. Fruit ice can be made at home if you have basic skills. Part finished product contains exclusively useful components, no dyes or unknown additives. Not many people know that frozen treats fight vitamin deficiency and normalize arterial pressure and tones the skin.

Technology for making fruit ice at home

  1. Fruit based ice. You can prepare the product from fresh seasonal or frozen fruits. In the latter case, it is necessary to first defrost and thoroughly rinse the ingredients so that bacteria do not get into the finished ice. After the rinsing is complete, squeeze out the remaining moisture, then begin preparing the treat.
  2. Juice based ice. The most common technology for creating dessert. It is important to clarify that fruit ice made from juice with pulp is considered to be the most delicious. You just need to pour the mixture into ice molds and then put it in the freezer for half an hour. After the liquid has set into a crust, you need to insert a stick into the contents, then bring it to complete freezing.
  3. Ice from sugar syrup. For the most part, this kind of ice cream is made from fresh berries/fruits, sugar and water. The technology is not particularly difficult: in enamel pan sugar and water are poured in, the composition turns into homogeneous mass. Then the berries are crushed in a convenient way and mixed with the first mixture. All this is poured into ice trays and sent to the freezer.

Pear ice

  • lemon juice - 55 ml.
  • fresh pear - 550 gr.
  • granulated sugar (preferably cane) - 180 gr.
  • purified water - 200 ml.
  • vanillin - 10 gr.
  1. Wash the pears, remove twigs, seeds and all inedible parts, cut the fruit into small pieces. Place in a blender, grind into porridge.
  2. Prepare an enamel pan, add sugar, vanillin, and place the container on the fire. Bring the mixture to a boil; when the first bubbles appear, turn off the burner.
  3. Add chopped pears to the sweet mixture, let it brew until it cools completely. After the time has passed, check the fruits: if they are hard, put them on the fire and cook until soft.
  4. After this, pour in lemon juice, cool, and pack into ice cube trays. Wait until the mass sets into a crust, then insert the stick and freeze completely.

The prepared fruit ice consists of three layers, which especially pleases children.

  1. Take a suitable oblong mold, fill the first layer (one third of the container) with apple juice and let it freeze.
  2. At this time, grind fresh or frozen strawberries in a blender until a porridge forms. Mix natural yogurt and powdered sugar into it, repeat the manipulations.
  3. Pour the resulting mass into the second row, again leave to freeze until solid. At the end of the process, pour the pear juice into a third layer and freeze again.
  4. The technique is considered long due to the processing of all layers separately. To get fruit ice with a softer consistency, add a teaspoon of baking gelatin, previously soaked in warm water, to apple or pear juice.

Cherry ice

  • cherry juice (natural) - 680 ml.
  • filtered water - 200 ml.
  • beet sugar - 200 gr.
  • currants (optional)

You can use both cherry and black cherry juice, the main thing is that the composition is completely natural. Experienced housewives They make fruit ice based on compote or fruit drink.

  1. Prepare the syrup: add sugar to water, place on low heat and wait until dissolved. Stir the mixture constantly to prevent it from burning. Be sure to use an enamel pan.
  2. After the syrup is ready, cover the container with a lid, cool and mix with cherry juice/fruit drink. If desired, you can add fresh or frozen currants. Pour the mixture into molds and freeze.

Ice made from baby fruit puree

  • children's fruit puree (any flavor) - 310 gr.
  • granulated sugar (cane) - 300 gr.
  • gelatin - 1 sachet (10-15 g.)
  • grapefruit or lemon juice - 30 ml.
  • clean water - 480 ml.
  1. Douse gelatin a small amount warm water, wait 25-30 minutes until completely swollen. Start preparing the syrup.
  2. Dissolve granulated sugar in water, place on low heat, stir until the granules dissolve. Carefully pour in the swollen gelatin, turn off the stove.
  3. Partially cool the mixture to an acceptable temperature (so as not to burn your finger), then slowly add the fruit puree and stir constantly.
  4. Cover with a lid and leave for a quarter of an hour. After this, pour in lemon or grapefruit juice. Strain the resulting mixture in a convenient manner, distribute into ice cube trays and freeze.

  • hard chocolate (milk or dark) - 100 gr.
  • lime - 0.5 pcs.
  • watermelon pulp - 500 gr.
  1. Grind watermelon pulp using a convenient method (fork, blender, meat grinder), squeeze the juice of half a lime into the resulting porridge.
  2. Grate the hard chocolate, turning it into shavings. Add to watermelon puree. Pour the mixture into molds and place in the freezer.
  3. If desired, after preparing the ice, dip it in melted milk or White chocolate. You can also mix watermelon with seasonal berries such as currants, strawberries, and gooseberries.
  4. Getting fruit ice out of molds is quite simple: prepare a container with warm water, lower the container with the prepared treat there, wait 2-3 seconds.

Pineapple ice

  • canned/fresh pineapple - 400/500 gr.
  • purified water - 575 ml.
  • lemon juice - 80 ml.
  • granulated sugar - 380 gr.
  1. Prepare the syrup: pour granulated sugar into water, place the container on the stove and turn on the burner at low power. Bring the mixture to a boil, stirring the contents so that the sugar does not stick. As soon as the granules are completely dissolved, cool the mass and pour lemon juice into it. It is important to understand that canned pineapple sweeter than fresh. If you use the first type of product, add sugar not 380 g, but 250-260 g. Based on personal preference.
  2. At this time, place the pineapples in a blender, puree the fruits, then pour into the mixture of granulated sugar and lemon juice. Pour the mixture into molds and place in the freezer for half an hour. As soon as it sets a little, insert the sticks and send it to freeze again.

Making fruit ice is not difficult if you know what products to use. Use what you have on hand. These can be seasonal berries and fruits, frozen mixes or homemade twists. Use your imagination, experiment, and follow your personal preferences.

Video: how to make popsicle ice cream