Cooking pancakes from zucchini. Recipe for zucchini fritters in the oven

Pancakes from zucchini are a delicious everyday dish. There are many original recipes that can diversify your weekday and holiday table.

Zucchini pancakes are unusual for an everyday table. Those who know all the secrets of cooking can make lush and juicy pancakes that are saturated with an incredibly fresh and mild taste. And those who do not know - most likely convinced that it is impossible to spoil the zucchini. In any case, it will turn out soft and ready.

Important: Properly kneaded dough will make your dish not only fluffy, but also allow the pancake to keep its shape in the pan and not spread like a pancake.

Fritters can be made from zucchini, zucchini, squash, add potatoes, cheese, garlic and squash caviar. The standard dough always includes eggs and flour, but even these components can be excluded when preparing a diet or lean meal.

Zucchini - a type of zucchini

Zucchini is good because, being a member of the gourd family, it can be stored for a long time in a dark, cool place. Therefore, having stocked up from the summer, many enjoy this vegetable in the winter.

Cooking zucchini is not only easy. but also useful, since this product is completely dietary. It has very few calories and a lot of vitamins that favorably affect the intestines. Fiber, found in zucchini, normalizes digestion and stool.

squash fritters with greens

Pancakes are prepared quickly, in 15 minutes you will have a ready dish.

Important: Choose young, not large zucchini for cooking. It is they who have a thin juicy skin that does not need to be peeled.

Video: "Zucchini benefits"

How to make zucchini pancakes in the oven?

you can move away from standard stereotypes and try to cook a dish not in a pan, but in the oven. This cooking method will allow you to exclude the vegetable oil on which they are fried from the recipe, which means making it less nutritious and more dietary.

pancakes from the oven

Pancakes in the oven are no worse than in a pan. They are baked on a baking sheet. which is lined with parchment paper. Parchment paper prevents the zucchini from sticking and it is easy to remove the fritters from the sheet.

Cooking fritters in the oven:

  1. Preheat oven to 200 degrees
  2. At this time, grate young k (about a kilogram, maybe less) on a coarse grater
  3. Put the mass in a colander and let the juice drain, you can mash the zucchini a little with your hands
  4. In a bowl, mix the zucchini with one egg, salt, pepper and six heaping tablespoons of flour (tablespoons)
  5. Bake pancakes for 20 minutes. Laying them out on a sheet, you need to leave a space between each other of three centimeters

Video: "Zucchini pancakes in the oven"

Recipe for frozen zucchini fritters?

What to do if there are no zucchini at all? In such cases, frozen vegetables come to the rescue, which are easy to make at home or purchase in large stores. The zucchini is no exception. It is successfully frozen and sold in supermarkets.

Frozen zucchini, of course, must be completely thawed. It can be lowered a little warm water for the fastest result or just leave it at room temperature. Pancakes can only be cooked from soft, completely defrosted zucchini so that the pancakes are not watery and do not “flow”.

freezer zucchini


Important: To avoid a long wait for defrosting, pre-grated zucchini sent to the freezer will help

  1. Defrost the zucchini and completely squeeze out unwanted water. You can do this several times
  2. Grind the zucchini or three it on a coarse grater
  3. Add three chicken eggs to the dishes, mix thoroughly
  4. Add a spoonful of fat sour cream, salt and pepper
  5. Add a few tablespoons of flour, look at the consistency: pancakes should not be liquid
  6. Fry in vegetable oil on both sides until golden brown

frozen zucchini pancakes

Video: “Freezing zucchini for pancakes for the winter”

How to make pancakes from zucchini and potatoes?

Zucchini goes well with potatoes, so feel free to combine vegetables and fry delicious pancakes.

zucchini and potato pancakes


  1. Grate two small zucchini into a bowl, salt, let the water drain
  2. Grate one large potato
  3. Add an egg to the vegetable "shavings"
  4. Squeeze three cloves of garlic into the mass
  5. Finely chop a small onion
  6. Mix the mass thoroughly, add one tablespoon of mayonnaise and flour to thicken the mass
  7. Fry on both sides until golden brown

Video: "Zucchini-potato pancakes"

Delicious pancakes with cheese and garlic, recipe

This recipe is the easiest option to please guests on a simple everyday table and even on a festive one. Pancakes from zucchini with cheese and garlic scatter in a matter of minutes.

Cheese adds a creamy note, there isn't much of it in the recipe, so it won't "melt and run" or stick to the pan. Garlic will add spices and make pancakes fragrant.

pancakes with cheese and garlic are very fragrant


  1. One medium-sized zucchini, without peeling, grate on a coarse grater
  2. Drain the juice from it, squeeze it in a colander
  3. Add one to the "shavings" egg and mix thoroughly
  4. Salt and pepper the mass to taste
  5. Add grated to the mass hard cheese 50% fat - about 50 grams, no more
  6. Squeeze one or two cloves of garlic into the mass
  7. Thicken the dough with flour
  8. Roast until golden brown in a frying pan in vegetable oil

Important: You can experiment and add fragrant blue cheese: Dor Blue or Gargonzolu. Be careful, these cheeses are quite "spicy" and not everyone likes them.

Video: "Zucchini fritters with cheese"

Plain fritters. Recipes for pancakes without eggs

This version of the dish will become "saving" in situations where a diet and even fasting comes. Zucchini pancakes can be easily prepared without eggs. Secret delicious pancakes- balanced spices.

lean pancakes

To make these pancakes you need:

  1. Grate a large zucchini on a coarse grater
  2. Drain the water from the zucchini
  3. In a basin, mix the “shavings” of zucchini with spices: salt, pepper, turmeric
  4. Add vegetable oil (not much) and chopped greens to the mass
  5. Secure the vegetables with a few tablespoons of flour.
  6. Add soy sauce for taste
  7. Fry zucchini until golden brown

Video: "Recipes for zucchini fritters without eggs"

How to make pancakes from zucchini caviar?

Zucchini caviar can be not just an everyday dish, but also the basis for pancakes.

squash caviar


  1. Place all ingredients in a blender. You can use a mixer or a regular whisk
  2. Mix thoroughly: jar squash caviar, one egg, a glass of flour and vegetable oil
  3. The dough will be quite liquid, so heat the pan well and pour enough vegetable oil
  4. Fry the zucchini over medium heat, turning carefully due to the tenderness of the dough.

pancakes based on zucchini caviar

Video: "Vegetable pancakes at home"

Delicious and easy recipe for diet pancakes

Diet pancakes can also be fried in a pan with a little olive oil. To do this, choose a good frying pan with a non-stick coating, but they can also turn out just as well on parchment paper in the oven.

diet pancakes

To prepare you will need:

  1. clear two not large zucchini, grate them and squeeze out excess juice
  2. Chop the onion
  3. Grate one small carrot
  4. Mix all vegetables, adding table non-greasy natural yogurt and two eggs
  5. Add grated pickled cucumber to the mass (it will add spice)
  6. If desired, chop the greens and squeeze a clove of garlic

Video: "Zucchini pancakes for losing weight"

How to cook delicious zucchini pancakes for children?

Baby zucchini pancakes can be upgraded a little by adding a green apple to them. The taste is unpretentious and fresh. The kids love the delicious tender pancakes, which can be decorated with vegetables and sour cream.

baby squash pancakes with apple
  1. Mix grated zucchini with salt in a basin so that it releases excess juice, squeeze it out
  2. Add one grated green apple without peel
  3. Mix all the ingredients by adding three tablespoons of fatter sour cream and one egg
  4. Thicken the dough with flour, no more salt needed
  5. You need to fry zucchini for two to three minutes on each side in vegetable oil

Video: "Sweet zucchini pancakes"

Zucchini fritters - universal dish. It can be prepared on holidays and weekdays - every time it will be in demand and loved. Adults and children love zucchini because it has a fresh and delicate taste.

pancakes with zucchini

Zucchini successfully harmonizes with any vegetables and even apples. These pancakes-cutlets go well with potato dishes and cereal side dishes.

Important: Fry pancakes only in hot oil and use a Teflon pan for frying.

Video: "Correct zucchini pancakes"

1. Young zucchini do not have to be peeled. Their skin is still quite soft. The older the zucchini, the thicker its skin. The same goes for seeds. You can leave them in young vegetables, but it is better to remove them from old ones.

2. Zucchini is a watery vegetable, so it is better to grate it on a medium or large grater. Then the mass must be squeezed out so that excess juice drains. So the dough for pancakes will not blur during cooking, and ready meal there will be a delicious crispy crust.

3. If you grate the zucchini very finely, it will give even more juice and the dough will turn out to be liquid, but at the same time more uniform. So, if you like this structure, you will have to put more flour.

4. The dough should be quite thick. It must be mixed well so that there are no lumps of flour.

5. It is better to add salt already ready dough, right before frying. Otherwise, the zucchini will release even more juice.

6. Spread about a tablespoon of dough in a pan with well-heated oil. Fry the pancakes over medium heat for 2-3 minutes on each side until the formation golden brown. On low heat, they will absorb a lot of oil, and on high heat, they will not bake and burn.

7. Pancakes can also be cooked in the oven. To do this, put the dough on a baking sheet covered with parchment and bake at a temperature of 200 ° C for 10-15 minutes. Then turn the pancakes over and cook for another 5-7 minutes.

7 dough recipes for zucchini fritters


  • 1 large zucchini;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic;
  • 3-5 tablespoons of flour;
  • ½ bunch of dill or parsley - optional;
  • salt - to taste.


Add eggs, chopped garlic, flour and, if desired, chopped greens to the grated zucchini. Mix well and season with spices.



  • 1 medium zucchini;
  • ¼ bunch of dill;
  • 1 onion;
  • 100 ml;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1-2 cloves of garlic - optional;
  • 1 teaspoon of soda;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • 3 tablespoons of flour;
  • salt - to taste.


Add chopped dill, finely chopped onion, kefir, egg, chopped garlic, soda and pepper to the grated zucchini. Mix well, add flour and mix again. Season the finished dough with salt.


  • 1 large zucchini;
  • 100 g of hard cheese;
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic - optional;
  • 1 egg;
  • 5-6 tablespoons of flour;
  • salt - to taste.


Mix grated zucchini and cheese, chopped garlic, egg and flour. Season the dough with salt and mix well.


  • 1 medium zucchini;
  • 2 large potatoes;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1-2 cloves;
  • ½ bunch of parsley;
  • 1 egg;
  • 3-5 tablespoons of flour;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • salt - to taste.


Mix grated zucchini and potatoes, finely chopped onion, minced garlic and chopped parsley. Add egg, flour and pepper and mix well. Salt the finished dough and mix again.


  • 1 large zucchini;
  • 500 g minced meat (you can take any, for example, pork, beef or chicken);
  • 1 onion;
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 egg;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • 3-4 tablespoons of flour;
  • salt - to taste.


Mix grated zucchini with minced meat, finely chopped onion, minced garlic, egg and pepper. Add flour and stir. Season the finished dough with salt.


  • 1 medium zucchini;
  • 1 large carrot;
  • ¼ bunch of spinach;
  • ¼ bunch of green onions;
  • 1-2 cloves of garlic;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • 1 egg;
  • 3-5 tablespoons of flour;
  • salt - to taste.


Add to zucchini grated carrot, chopped greens, chopped garlic and pepper and mix. Pour into the mixture, add flour and mix again. Add salt to the finished dough.


  • 1 medium zucchini;
  • 3-5 tablespoons of flour;
  • 1 egg;
  • 2-3 tablespoons of sugar;
  • salt - on the tip of a knife;
  • ½ teaspoon baking powder.


Add flour, egg, sugar, salt and baking powder to the grated zucchini and mix thoroughly. You can add more sugar if you want to make the pancakes even sweeter.

Recipes for pancakes from zucchini every season appear more and more new. Yes, it is understandable. Zucchini is a vegetable with which almost any food is combined. Of course, every housewife adds to the recipes for zucchini pancakes those ingredients that she currently has at home.

This is surprising, but any zucchini pancakes are delicious. Who would not add there. In a previous article, I promised that I would give other, new recipes for zucchini pancakes. I am fulfilling my promise.

It will be just a small part existing recipes, but now you can buy zucchini almost all year round, and not only pancakes can be cooked from them. Therefore, we will meet with zucchini again.

Simple and delicious step by step recipes for zucchini pancakes with photos.

Here we will consider with you simple, but very delicious recipes pancakes from zucchini. Each recipe has its own flavor. See. Cook with us. Fantasize.

1. Recipes for zucchini pancakes - the easiest but very tasty recipe


  • Young zucchini or medium-sized zucchini - 2 pcs. ≈ 600
  • Flour - 0.5–1 cup
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Salt pepper
  • Garlic - 1-3 cloves
  • frying oil


1. Washed the zucchini, blotted it with a paper towel and cut off the ends on both sides and peel. If the zucchini is young and just picked from the garden, the skin can not be peeled.

2. Rub the zucchini on a coarse grater. Not a very pleasant job, of course. You can also remove your fingers. What should I do. Or buy a processor that costs a lot, or be very careful. At young squash We don't remove the seeds either.

3. The zucchini releases a lot of juice, so we send the grated zucchini to a colander with a fine mesh, which we have on an empty bowl.

4. Sprinkle the zucchini generously with salt. Mix and let stand.

5. At this time, finely chop a couple of cloves of garlic.

6. Squeeze the zucchini with your hands so that there is as little liquid as possible in it.

7. Break the egg into a separate bowl and shake with a spoon. Pour the egg over the zucchini, add chopped garlic, pepper and add 1/2 cup flour.

8. Mix the dough. We do it all with a fork. If the dough is sticky, add a little more flour. Mix until desired consistency. Keep in mind that zucchini still secrete juice. And we need the dough of such density, approximately like pancakes, even a little thicker.

9. We put the pan on the stove and heat it up. pouring olive oil, or any vegetable. Pour the oil so that the pancakes are fried in oil, and not in a greased frying pan. We wait until it warms up well and put our dough into the oil with a spoon. We press a little with a spoon so that the pancakes are thinner, we trim them so that they are prettier.

10. Fry until golden brown and turn over.

11. You don't need to keep them for a long time. As soon as they are a little golden on the other side, we remove it. After all, in principle, zucchini can be eaten raw. We spread the pancakes on a plate pre-covered with paper towels so that they absorb excess fat.

12. Our zucchini pancakes are ready.

After we overcook all the pancakes, serve them, season with sour cream, decorate with herbs and serve them on the table.

You can see for yourself how beautiful they turned out. We tried. Well, very tasty.

Try yours too.

Enjoy your meal!

2. Recipe for pancakes from zucchini with cheese and herbs


  • Zucchini - 2 pcs.
  • Cheese - 100 g.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Flour - 4 tbsp.
  • Garlic - 1 tooth.
  • Greens.
  • Salt, pepper, oil for frying


1. Grate the cheese on a fine grater.

2. Grind the greens. We chop dill, you can add what you like: green onion, cilantro, parsley.

3. Finely chop the clove of garlic. If you like it a lot, you can add another clove.

4. On a fine grater or in a blender, chop the onion. If you use green onions, onions can be omitted, or added a little.

5. Peel the zucchini and rub it on a fine grater too.

6. Add chopped onion to the zucchini.

7. We send cheese there.

8. Add greens, garlic, eggs. Salt and pepper everything.

9. Mix everything well. Add flour and mix well into the mixture.

10. Our dough is ready, we can start frying pancakes.

11. Put the dough with a spoon into the heated vegetable oil. Pour the oil so that the pancakes are fried in oil.

12. We will fry for a couple of minutes on each side. The fritters should brown well. If you have not reddened, or reddened weakly, during this time, hold for more until they are reddened. Fry one side, flip to the other.

13. When the pancakes are fried on both sides, put them on a paper towel so that excess oil is absorbed into it.

Everything. It turned out so beautiful and delicious!

Serve with any sauce, mayonnaise, whoever likes what.

Enjoy your meal!

3. Zucchini pancakes with carrots, eggs and herbs


  • Zucchini - 1 pc.
  • Small carrot - 1 pc.
  • Flour ≈ incomplete glass
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • cilantro - 1 large bunch
  • Garlic - 4-6 cloves
  • Hot red ground pepper, salt
  • Vegetable oil - for frying


1. Cut the washed, peeled zucchini. If it has large seeds, remove it.

2. Grate zucchini and carrots on a coarse grater. We grated the carrots on a coarse grater, because I like to feel it in pancakes. She even crunches a little.

3. Finely chop the greens. We have cilantro. If you do not like cilantro or like other greens, you can add dill, green onions, parsley. We send cilantro to zucchini with carrots and squeeze garlic there. This is again a matter of taste. We squeeze out 5 cloves.

4. Mix the eggs well in a separate bowl and pour to the total mass with zucchini. Salt. Pepper. We have hot red peppers. Today we will cook spicy. You can sprinkle black ground pepper Or don't add pepper at all.

5. Sift flour into our mixture. Do not sprinkle all the flour at once. poured out most of it and see how the dough turns out. If watery, add more. Flour is different everywhere, so it is impossible to say the exact amount of flour.

6. The dough should be a little thicker than pancakes.

7. In the vegetable oil heated in a pan, spread our dough with a spoon. Slightly pressing it with a spoon and leveling it to make a not very thick, even cake.

8. Fry until lightly browned. Maybe someone likes zazhariste. No problem, hold the pancakes in the pan on each side, a little more time.

Well, they are so beautiful delicious pancakes from zucchini with carrots are ready.

Serve with sour cream or sauces.

Enjoy your meal!

4. Video - Grandma Emma's zucchini pancake recipes

5. Video - How to cook zucchini pancakes at home

Enjoy your meal!

Recipes for pancakes from zucchini every season appear more and more new. Yes, it is understandable. Zucchini is a vegetable with which almost any food is combined. Of course, every housewife adds to the recipes for zucchini pancakes those ingredients that she currently has at home.

This is surprising, but any zucchini pancakes are delicious. Who would not add there. I promised that I would give other, new recipes for zucchini pancakes. I am fulfilling my promise.

This will be just a small fraction of existing recipes, but now zucchini can be bought almost all year round, and not only pancakes can be prepared from them. Therefore, we will meet with zucchini again.

Simple and delicious step by step recipes for zucchini pancakes with photos.

Here we will look at simple but very tasty recipes for zucchini pancakes. Each recipe has its own flavor. See. Cook with us. Fantasize.


  1. Zucchini pancake recipes - the easiest but very tasty recipe


  • Young zucchini or medium-sized zucchini - 2 pcs. ≈ 600
  • Flour - 0.5–1 cup
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Salt pepper
  • Garlic - 1-3 cloves
  • frying oil


1. Washed the zucchini, blotted it with a paper towel and cut off the ends on both sides and peel. If the zucchini is young and just picked from the garden, the skin can not be peeled.

2. Rub the zucchini on a coarse grater. Not a very pleasant job, of course. You can also remove your fingers. What should I do. Or buy a processor that costs a lot, or be very careful. We also do not remove grains from a young zucchini.

3. The zucchini releases a lot of juice, so we send the grated zucchini to a colander with a fine mesh, which we have on an empty bowl.

4. Sprinkle the zucchini generously with salt. Mix and let stand.

5. At this time, finely chop a couple of cloves of garlic.

6. Squeeze the zucchini with your hands so that there is as little liquid as possible in it.

7. Break the egg into a separate bowl and shake with a spoon. Pour the egg over the zucchini, add chopped garlic, pepper and add 1/2 cup flour.

8. Mix the dough. We do it all with a fork. If the dough is sticky, add a little more flour. Mix until desired consistency. Keep in mind that zucchini still secrete juice. And we need the dough of such density, approximately like pancakes, even a little thicker.

9. We put the pan on the stove and heat it up. Pour in olive oil, or any vegetable oil. Pour the oil so that the pancakes are fried in oil, and not in a greased frying pan. We wait until it warms up well and put our dough into the oil with a spoon. We press a little with a spoon so that the pancakes are thinner, we trim them so that they are prettier.

10. Fry until golden brown and turn over.

11. You don't need to keep them for a long time. As soon as they are a little golden on the other side, we remove it. After all, in principle, zucchini can be eaten raw. We spread the pancakes on a plate pre-covered with paper towels so that they absorb excess fat.

12. Our zucchini pancakes are ready.

After we overcook all the pancakes, serve them, season with sour cream, decorate with herbs and serve them on the table.

You can see for yourself how beautiful they turned out. We tried. Well, very tasty.

Try yours too.

Enjoy your meal!

  1. Recipe for pancakes from zucchini with cheese and herbs


    • Zucchini - 2 pcs.
    • Cheese - 100 g.
    • Eggs - 2 pcs.
    • Onion - 1 pc.
    • Flour - 4 tbsp.
    • Garlic - 1 tooth.
    • Greens.
    • Salt, pepper, oil for frying


    1. Grate the cheese on a fine grater.

    2. Grind the greens. We chop the dill, you can add whatever you like: green onion, cilantro, parsley.

    3. Finely chop the clove of garlic. If you like it a lot, you can add another clove.

    4. On a fine grater or in a blender, chop the onion. If you use green onions, onions can be omitted, or added a little.

    5. Peel the zucchini and rub it on a fine grater too.

    6. Add chopped onion to the zucchini.

    7. We send cheese there.

    8. Add greens, garlic, eggs. Salt and pepper everything.

    9. Mix everything well. Add flour and mix well into the mixture.

    10. Our dough is ready, we can start frying pancakes.

    11. Put the dough with a spoon into the heated vegetable oil. Pour the oil so that the pancakes are fried in oil.

    12. We will fry for a couple of minutes on each side. The fritters should brown well. If you have not reddened, or reddened weakly, during this time, hold for more until they are reddened. Fry one side, flip to the other.

    13. When the pancakes are fried on both sides, put them on a paper towel so that excess oil is absorbed into it.

    Everything. It turned out so beautiful and delicious!

    Serve with any sauce, mayonnaise, whoever likes what.

    Enjoy your meal!

    1. Zucchini pancakes with carrots, eggs and herbs


    • Zucchini - 1 pc.
    • Small carrot - 1 pc.
    • Flour ≈ incomplete glass
    • Eggs - 2 pcs.
    • cilantro - 1 large bunch
    • Garlic - 4-6 cloves
    • Hot red ground pepper, salt
    • Vegetable oil - for frying


    1. Cut the washed, peeled zucchini. If it has large seeds, remove it.

    2. Grate zucchini and carrots on a coarse grater. We grated the carrots on a coarse grater, because I like to feel it in pancakes. She even crunches a little.

    3. Finely chop the greens. We have cilantro. If you do not like cilantro or like other greens, you can add dill, green onions, parsley. We send cilantro to zucchini with carrots and squeeze garlic there. This is again a matter of taste. We squeeze out 5 cloves.

    4. Mix the eggs well in a separate bowl and pour to the total mass with zucchini. Salt. Pepper. We have hot red peppers. Today we will cook spicy. You can sprinkle with ground black pepper or no pepper at all.

    5. Sift flour into our mixture. Do not sprinkle all the flour at once. poured out most of it and see how the dough turns out. If watery, add more. Flour is different everywhere, so it is impossible to say the exact amount of flour.

    6. The dough should be a little thicker than pancakes.

    7. In the vegetable oil heated in a pan, spread our dough with a spoon. Slightly pressing it with a spoon and leveling it to make a not very thick, even cake.

    8. Fry until lightly browned. Maybe someone likes zazhariste. No problem, hold the pancakes in the pan on each side, a little more time.

    Well, such beautiful delicious pancakes from zucchini with carrots are ready.

    Serve with sour cream or sauces.

    Enjoy your meal!

If you are wondering: what to cook from zucchini is tasty, quick and easy, then today's article is for you. After all, what could be easier than pancakes? - Only zucchini pancakes. And also simple and tasty, the recipes of which I published in the last article.

It would seem, well, what can be special about the recipes for zucchini fritters? And, it turns out, if you change the ingredients just a little, then every time you get a completely different dish. Let's make sure of this, and try to cook pancakes according to different recipes.

Zucchini pancakes are simple and delicious recipes with photos:

Zucchini pancakes in a pan - a recipe with a photo step by step

Very fresh, today's photos. Cooked pancakes for breakfast, disappeared within 5 minutes. They turned out amazingly tender and delicious.

We will need:

  • egg - 1 pc.
  • flour - 4 tbsp. l.
  • semolina - 2 tbsp. l.
  • dill and parsley
  • salt to taste
  • vegetable oil for frying
  1. Wash and clean the zucchini. If the zucchini is young and the seeds are small, then we use it with them. I had an “older” zucchini, so I removed the pulp with seeds. Then we rub the zucchini on a coarse grater.

2. Drive in the egg, add salt.

3. Finely chop the fresh herbs and add to the zucchini.

4. Add semolina and flour to the dough. The consistency of the dough resembles thick sour cream. We stir well.

If during cooking the zucchini manages to release a lot of juice, then drain the excess liquid

5. Put the dough on a heated pan with vegetable oil with a spoon and form pancakes. Fry on both sides until a beautiful golden brown.

6. Serve with sour cream.

Lush pancakes from zucchini - a recipe with a photo step by step

If you want to try fluffy pancakes, then you will need to add soda to the dough. Please note that much more flour will be needed here.

We will need:

  • zucchini - 1 - 2 pcs. (depending on size)
  • egg - 2 pcs.
  • flour - 1 cup
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • garlic - 1 clove
  • dill and parsley
  • salt, pepper to taste
  • soda - 1 tsp
  • vegetable oil for frying
  1. We clean the zucchini and rub it on a coarse grater. Soda (1 tsp) is added to the zucchini mass to give splendor to the dough.

2. Grind fresh or dried herbs and add to the zucchini.

3. A clove of garlic is either passed through a press or simply chopped finely and also sent to the zucchini. Salt and pepper to taste.

4. It's the turn to add flour. To enrich with oxygen, sift it through a sieve and gradually pour it into the dough.

5. In eggs, we separate the whites from the yolks. We send the yolks to the dough, and beat the whites until foamy and also add to the dough. Whipped egg whites will lift the pancakes even more.

6. Onion cut as small as possible and also add to the dough.

7. Mix all the ingredients well and let the dough stand for 30 minutes.

8. Bake in a well-heated pan in in large numbers vegetable oil. Fry on both sides until a beautiful golden color.

Zucchini Pancakes - Recipe From Yulia Vysotskaya

Delicious pancakes performed by Yulia Vysotskaya with chestnut flour, sun-dried tomatoes and brie cheese, I think, will please many. I really like to watch how Julia quickly cooks.

Pancakes from zucchini with kefir - a delicious and quick recipe

This recipe for dessert sweet zucchini fritters with the addition of apple and kefir.

We will need:

  • zucchini - 1 pc.
  • apple - 1 - 2 pcs.
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • kefir - 1/2 cup
  • flour - 7 tbsp. l.
  • soda - 1/2 tsp
  • salt - a pinch
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
  1. We clean the zucchini, remove the seeds and rub on a fine grater. Let stand, and when the zucchini secretes juice, drain it, squeeze the squash mass slightly.
  2. We peel the apple and rub it on a coarse grater. Add apple to zucchini.
  3. Add soda to kefir, stir and pour into the vegetable mixture.
  4. In a separate bowl, beat the egg, add sugar and salt and lightly beat with a fork or whisk. Combine egg mixture with zucchini.
  5. Sift the flour through a sieve and gradually pour into the dough. Mix well and bake in a hot pan.

Pancakes from zucchini with cheese and garlic

And zucchini pancakes can be cooked with the addition of cheese, which gives them delicate taste. And if you decide to add garlic to the dough for fritters, you won’t regret it, all the households will come running to the smell already during frying.

We will need:

  • zucchini - 2 pcs.
  • eggs - 2 pcs.
  • cheese - 100 gr.
  • flour - 4 tbsp. l.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • garlic - 1 clove
  • salt, pepper to taste
  • fresh herbs
  • vegetable oil for frying

1. Rub the cheese on a medium grater.

2. Finely chop fresh parsley and dill.

3. We also chop the garlic finely, you can skip it through the press. We puree onions, i.e. rub on a fine grater or grind in a blender to a puree state.

4. Zucchini (can be replaced with zucchini) rub on a coarse grater and add cheese, herbs, eggs, garlic and onion porridge. Salt and pepper to taste.

5. Pour in the flour and stir the dough well.

6. Bake in a preheated pan on both sides. Pancakes are beautiful, fragrant golden color.

Zucchini pancakes with minced meat - lazy zucchini whites

Zucchini pancakes with feta cheese

But this recipe was recommended to me by my daughter, and this dish has become a frequent guest in our kitchen. Fritters are very tasty, with a pleasant sourness.

We will need:

  • zucchini - 1 pc.
  • eggs - 2 pcs.
  • feta cheese (can be replaced with cheese) - 100 gr.
  • flour - 3 tbsp. l.
  • purple onion - 1/2 pc.
  • salt, pepper to taste
  • fresh herbs
  • juice of 1/3 lemon
  • vegetable oil for frying
  1. Rub the zucchini on a coarse grater, salt and leave for 10-15 minutes to release the juice. Then squeeze and drain the excess liquid. Sprinkle with ground black pepper if desired.
  2. In a separate bowl, beat the eggs, add finely chopped greens, squeeze the lemon juice.
  3. Sift the flour through a sieve and add to the dough.
  4. Cut the onion into small cubes and also add to the dough.
  5. Finally, grind the feta cheese with a fork and knead it into the squash dough.
  6. Fry in a hot pan on both sides.
  7. Serve these pancakes with low-fat natural yogurt very tasty.

It seems to me that you are convinced that zucchini pancakes are a simple and at the same time tasty dish for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Depending on the composition of the ingredients, their taste can vary from tender to spicy, from salty to sweet.

I wish you to experiment and delight loved ones with such a beautiful and delicious dish. Moreover, now is the height of the zucchini season.

Eat for health! And if you liked the recipes, then share them with your friends and acquaintances.