Onion salad for the winter - the best recipes. Onion salad recipe with vinegar


  • 3 onions
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 yellow and 1 red pepper
  • Mayonnaise – 200 g
  • Salt and pepper mixture to taste
  • Today I was walking home through the grocery market and saw large multi-colored bell peppers at the “private traders”. Fresh and selected vegetables captivated me, so I didn’t hesitate for a long time? I went over and bought them. On the way home I remembered onion salad recipe, which just needs such peppers. Once upon a time, my mother often prepared such a salad, and then she stopped.

    The salad is very simple and takes about 20 minutes to prepare. Let's get started.

    Task number one is to turn the burning, pungent and smelly onion into a vegetable with pleasant taste qualities. To do this, cut the peeled onion into slices and place in boiling water. After the onion is in boiling water, turn off the gas, cover the pan with a lid and wait 1.5 minutes. Then drain the onion in a colander, cool and separate the slices into petals.

    Wash the bell peppers, remove the cores with seeds and cut into long strips.

    Despite the name, bell pepper comes from America. Is the wild species still found in Central America, Mexico and Colombia? ancestor of varietal sweet peppers.

    Currently, bell pepper is a frequent ingredient in dishes of various European cuisines. Pepper is used in fresh, fried, grilled, salted, pickled, canned, stuffed.

    Boil the eggs hard (7-10 minutes after boiling water) and peel. To easily remove the shell, pour the eggs as soon as they are boiled. cold water, prick the shell with a knife, keep it there for a few minutes cold water and clean. Cut the peeled eggs into cubes. To quickly and accurately cut eggs, it is most convenient to use a special cutting machine. To be honest, I forgot when last time I cut the eggs by hand.

    Place blanched onions, peppers and eggs in a salad bowl, mix, season with homemade mayonnaise, season with salt and freshly ground pepper mixture. As a dressing sauce, I recommend trying a mixture of mayonnaise and sour cream (one to one).

    Onion salad Serve with baked chicken or fish.

    All! Try it!

    Bon appetit and see you))

    Side notes:

    I suggest we talk a little about bell peppers))

    bell pepper is famous not only for its wonderful taste, but also for its beneficial properties. Bell pepper is rich in minerals (calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, magnesium, etc.) and vitamins (B2, B6, B12, C, A, P, etc.). In general, eat more peppers!

    Video Onion salad

    An excellent video recipe that will help you better understand the process of preparing this tasty, satisfying and healthy dish.

    New video will be uploaded soon. Thanks for waiting!

    Thank you for your attention and bon appetit!

    Onions are a vegetable that is either loved and added to dishes, or not recognized at all in any form. Everyone has their own tastes and gastronomic preferences. However, I will try to convince the “non-lovers” of onions by offering them a rather tasty and original salad with these ingredients. I am sure that similar recipes can easily be found on the Internet, my mother-in-law shared this with me, and I also share it with you….


    • 2 red onions__NEWL__
    • 1 onion__NEWL__
    • 3 eggs__NEWL__
    • 300 g boiled sausage__NEWL__
    • mayonnaise__NEWL__
    • 4 tablespoons vinegar__NEWL__
    • 3 tablespoons sugar__NEWL__

    You will need about another glass of water (I take boiled, chilled water). If you don't have red onions, replace them with regular onions. The salad will turn out just as tasty, but less bright.

    First of all, pickle the onion. It is its sweet and sour taste that is the basis for this dish. Peel the onions, wash them and cut them into thin half rings.

    Do not chop any more because the onion salad means main ingredient should be clearly visible and feel great. Transfer it to a separate small bowl, pour in water, vinegar and add sugar.

    Stir and let stand for 20-30 minutes. We'll definitely try the onions. It should be spicy and sweet. While the onions are standing and marinating, we prepare the remaining ingredients for the salad. Sausage is cut into thin strips. By the way, instead of boiled sausage, you can take raw smoked, dry-cured sausage, bacon or even boiled chicken. If you like the salad itself, but there are not enough flavors in it, experiment with its meat component.

    Beat the eggs with a fork in a separate bowl. There is no need to salt them.

    We bake egg pancakes in a heated frying pan (pancake maker).

    3 eggs make 2 pancakes. Let them cool and cut them into thin strips too.

    Combine sausage and pancakes.

    Place the onion in a colander, wait until it drains, and transfer it to the already chopped ingredients. Season the salad with mayonnaise and mix.

    It is better to take mayonnaise of medium or even high calorie content. You can eat the onion salad right away, without waiting for it to brew. As you can see, it’s both quick and simple. It’s delicious, try it - you won’t regret it. Bon appetit!

    Onions are a useful vegetable for the body when fighting colds. And to make it tasty to eat, you can prepare several salads in the summer that will include it.
    By keeping a storehouse of vitamins in jars, winter will be provided with delicious and healthy snacks. Moreover, when preparing vegetable salads The onion gives its juice and aroma to other vegetables, which makes them very aromatic and tasty. You will learn how to prepare a cucumber salad with onions for the winter and a beet salad with onions for the winter in our article.

    Before serving, the salad just needs to be sprinkled with oil. And it doesn’t take much time to prepare a dish for the winter, unless, of course, you are preparing it for a large group.


    • liter of water;
    • a couple of tbsp. spoons of sugar;
    • one spoon of salt;
    • 2 bay leaves;
    • 5 peas each of allspice and pepper;
    • 3 g citric acid;
    • a bunch of parsley;
    • 6 large tomatoes;
    • garlic;
    • 3 bows.

    Cook tomatoes and onions for winter salad:

    1. Chop the parsley, it’s okay if it’s cut into large pieces, the garlic into medium cubes, cutting each clove into 6-8 pieces. This will be enough for the greens and garlic to impart their flavors to the dish, but not overpower the taste of other vegetables.
    2. Prepare the marinade: combine water and spices in a saucepan, stir thoroughly until completely dissolved.
    3. Boil water for preparing tomatoes in a wide saucepan.
    4. Make cuts on the bottom side of the tomato, place them in a frying sieve or colander, and lower them into boiling water for one minute so that they are covered with water to the top. You can simply put the vegetables in boiling water, and then remove them with a slotted spoon and put them in a bowl. Then cool in cold water.
    5. Cut the onion into medium-thick rings, no more than 5 mm in thickness.
    6. Remove the skins from the tomatoes. Thanks to scalding in boiling water, it will be very easy to separate, and the tomato pulp will remain intact and unharmed. It is convenient to pry it with the tip of a knife and pull it off, holding it with your fingers. Cut into small slices and place in one deep container.
    7. Sterilize the jars for five minutes by placing them on a sieve over steam or directly in boiling water in a bowl.
    8. Sprinkle parsley at the bottom of the containers, stack the tomatoes tightly, alternating layers with onions. Add garlic cubes on top.
    9. Add acid to the marinade and stir again.
    10. Add filling to the top of the container.
    11. Place an old towel in a wide saucepan or basin, place the jars and fill with water more than half the height of the jars.
    12. Pasteurize for half an hour from the start of boiling. Roll up tightly. Don't forget to check for leakage.

    Cucumbers and onions salad for the winter

    Delicious cucumber preparation is quick to prepare, lasts a long time and is suitable as an independent snack for family dinner. This recipe is calculated for 1 half-liter jar.

    For the recipe you need:

    • 400 grams of cucumbers;
    • 100 g onion;
    • a bunch of greenery;
    • 1 pod of “hot pepper”;
    • 20 grams of vinegar;
    • 50 ml oil;
    • 2 cloves of garlic;
    • 2 peppercorns;
    • 10 grams of salt.

    Cucumber and onion salad for the winter:

    1. Wash all vegetables. For cooking winter harvesting cucumbers, large overgrown cucumbers (but not yellow ones and with large seeds) or salad cucumbers are more suitable. Cut them into thin slices.
    2. Cut the onion into rings, then cut them in half. Add to cucumbers.
    3. Garlic - small cube, chop the greens. Add everything to the previous vegetables.
    4. Add salt to the entire mixture, add vinegar and mix thoroughly. Set aside for a quarter of an hour to let in the juices and soak in them.
    5. In the meantime, while the vegetables are letting out their juice and marinating in it, let’s take care of the jars in which the dish will wait its time. Wash the jar, put in the “hot” pepper, all the spices, and butter.
    6. By this time, the snack has reached the desired state; you need to put it in a container.
    7. Fill with the released juice to the top; if there is not enough, add required quantity boiling water and oil.
    8. Sterilize the jar for 12 minutes as soon as it starts to boil. Roll up.

    It is important to know! This seal can also be stored at room temperature.

    Red onion salad for the winter

    The taste of this salad is unusual precisely because of the onions that are included in the dish. Be careful, because this fragrant sweet salad may not survive until winter!


    • 1 kg sweet pepper;
    • 1 kg of tomatoes;
    • 500 grams of onion;
    • garlic;
    • table. spoon of salt;
    • 100 g sugar;
    • 50 ml vinegar;
    • 60 ml oil.

    Winter salads with red onions:

    1. Grind the tomatoes into a paste. Let it cook for a quarter of an hour. Stir occasionally to prevent the tomatoes from burning.
    2. Remove the stem from the pepper and chop coarsely.
    3. Cut the onion into large cubes. Please note! According to the recipe, vegetables are cut large, except for tomatoes. But if you're not a big fan of the strong taste of onions or... large pieces in a salad - you can cut it smaller.
    4. Salt the tomato preparation, sweeten it, pour in vinegar and oil. Mix well. Leave for another quarter of an hour. To use the exact volume of liquid ingredients, use a measuring cup.
    5. Place all vegetables in tomato preparation. Cook for another third of an hour.
    6. Chop the garlic into small cubes and place in a dish. After that, simmer delicious salad another third of an hour, stirring occasionally.
    7. Meanwhile, wash and sterilize jars and lids.
    8. Expand hot snack in containers, close.
    9. The salad can be eaten without leaving it for the winter, or put into jars and stored in the refrigerator. If everything was prepared correctly, and the jars and lids were sterilized, the seaming is stored calmly both in the pantry and in the cellar.

    Winter red onion salad with rice

    Delicious nutritious salad Perfectly suitable as a ready-made independent dish. If desired, you can add a meat dish when serving.

    To prepare take:

    • vegetables 1 kg (tomatoes, onions, peppers and carrots);
    • a couple of tables. lie salt;
    • 4 table. lie vinegar;
    • 200 g sugar;
    • 250 ml butter;
    • 2 cups rice.

    Red onions in salads in winter:

    1. Wash all vegetables and peel.
    2. Twist the tomatoes and carrots. Please note! Tomatoes can be cut into small pieces. But if you don’t like the tomato skin falling off the pulp during stewing, twist it using a meat grinder or blender, or peel off the skin altogether, after scalding the tomatoes with boiling water.
    3. Cut the onion into small cubes.
    4. Combine chopped vegetables and simmer.
    5. Bye tomato dressing When heated, rinse the rice to remove debris and gluten and add to the tomatoes. Mix everything together thoroughly. Turn the heat to medium and cook for 45 minutes. Stir occasionally to prevent burning and ensure even cooking. The vegetables will release juice, which will steam the rice, so there is no need to add water.
    6. Add salt and sweeten, add oil. Mix. Leave for another half hour, stirring periodically.
    7. Meanwhile, prepare jars with lids.
    8. Pour vinegar into salad. Stir and leave to soak for a few more minutes.
    9. Place the aromatic salad in a container and roll it up.

    Red onions for salads for the winter

    Every housewife must have a couple of jars of canned onions in her cellar. This recipe is completely easy to prepare and takes very little time. But in winter season you will not regret that you spent an hour of your time for such an irreplaceable and aromatic preparation. Onions can be added to salads (and there are a great many salads with pickled onions), they can also be used to decorate a side dish before serving, and of course, they give extraordinary taste and baked aroma meat dishes. What’s interesting is that during cooking the vegetable does not need to be cut, which not only simplifies the preparation, but also saves us from constant tears.


    • 1 kg of onion;
    • 1 liter of water;
    • 2 tablespoons sugar;
    • 1 tablespoon salt;
    • 1 glass of vinegar;
    • laurel;
    • peppercorns.

    Onion harvesting process:

    1. It is most convenient to use a medium-sized onion. Peel it and rinse it.
    2. Place onion heads into clean jars. Fill with zip water to the top and cover with lids, but do not roll up.
    3. Next, you need to drain the boiling water and add new water.
    4. While the vegetable is infused with a second portion of boiling water, prepare the marinade for the dish. To do this, dilute sugar, salt, vinegar in water, stirring and bring to a boil. Then add a couple of bay leaves and a few peppercorns. Boil for a quarter of an hour.
    5. Drain the water from the onion preparation, pour in the prepared marinade and roll up while it’s hot.
    6. The onion turns out to be very pleasant to the taste, slightly transparent in appearance and moderately soft in condition. Some lovers prefer pickled onions to the same cucumbers or mushrooms as an appetizer for a feast or simply as a side dish.

    Cucumber and onion salad for the winter - preparation rules:

    1. Be sure to sterilize all jars and boil the lids. If the containers and lids are poorly washed or sterilized, some dirt may remain in them, which in the future will cause permanent damage to the dish.
    2. It is recommended to sterilize jars by steaming for about 10 minutes. The lids need to be boiled in boiling water for the same amount of time.
    3. The recipe says optimal quantity seasonings and spices. You can change them according to your taste, periodically taking a sample while stewing vegetables.
    4. Do not allow high heat, otherwise the salad will certainly burn to the bottom of the pan. Burnt vegetables will definitely give an unpleasant bitter taste to the rest of the dish. It is recommended to cook covered and over medium-low heat.
    5. Skim off the foam while stewing vegetables.
    6. For all recipes, use onion. If you need to cut into rings or half-rings, medium-sized heads are suitable (they look neater), if you need to cut into cubes, you can take large ones.
    7. Experienced housewives recommend using a cauldron or thick pan to prepare the salad, and using a wooden spatula or spoon for stirring.
    8. As a rule, coarse rock salt is used, and sand sugar can be used.

    There are very, very many fans of onion salad, which, however, is quite natural - onions have a specific taste and are very good for health. In addition, there are a lot of recipes for onion salads, so there is no need to talk about the monotony of the diet. We offer you several salad recipes based on His Majesty onions.

    Onion salad with oranges

    The preparation time for onion salad with oranges is 30 minutes, which is important for modern housewives who don’t have a minute of free time.

    For preparation you will need the following ingredients:

    • 4 large white onions;
    • salt to taste;
    • 3 oranges.

    For the sauce:

    • 4 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil;
    • 2 tbsp. spoons of wine vinegar;
    • ground pepper;
    • 50 g chopped pistachios.


    Peel the onions and cut into thin rings. Bring heavily salted water to a boil in a large saucepan. Prepare in another pan ice water. Place the onion rings in a sieve and blanch in salted water for 15 seconds, then immediately plunge into ice water, lay out and let drain, and dry even better with a paper towel.

    Peel the oranges, remove the white layer. Cut the oranges into thin slices, remove the seeds if necessary. Gently mix the oranges and onions and place in a flat salad bowl.
    Mix the oil and vinegar, season to taste with salt and pepper, and pour the sauce over the salad.
    Cover the salad with a lid and leave to soak in a cool place for 30 minutes. Sprinkle with pistachios and serve.

    Tip: This orange salad is a savory side dish for any game dish or roasted dark meat. It can be served as an appetizer before the main course, or served with raw smoked meat.

    French onion salad

    Are you a fan of sophistication? Means, French salad will fit into your menu as organically as possible. To prepare you will need the following ingredients:

    • 5 eggs;
    • 2 medium sized onions;
    • 1 sweet and sour apple;
    • 2 tablespoons grated cheese coarse grater;
    • 200 g mayonnaise;
    • salt to taste.


    Hard boil the eggs, cool, peel and cut into rings. Cut the onion into thin rings, pour boiling water over it, cool, then drain in a colander and dry. Peel the apple, remove the seeds and core, and grate on a coarse grater. The salad is laid out in layers: sprinkle a layer of eggs with salt to taste, then mayonnaise, onion, mayonnaise, apple, mayonnaise. Sprinkle the top layer with grated cheese.

    Tip: this salad will be the perfect complement for fish and seafood dishes. But it also has a right to exist as an independent dish. And note that you are simply guaranteed a feeling of satiety.

    Onion salad with cheese

    Onion salad with cheese is a real treasure trove useful substances. Moreover, nutritionists recommend it to people who suffer from vitamin deficiency. And in the off-season he will come in handy. To prepare this salad you will need the following ingredients:

    • 2-3 onions;
    • 4-5 apples;
    • 4 eggs;
    • 100 g cheese;
    • mayonnaise;
    • dill.

    For the marinade:

    • vinegar;
    • sugar;
    • water.


    The onion must be cut into thin rings, pour boiling water over it, and then marinate in a solution of vinegar, sugar and water for 15 minutes. Boil the eggs, cool, peel and chop. Finely chop the apples. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater. The salad is laid in layers: pickled onions, mayonnaise, eggs, mayonnaise, apples, mayonnaise. Sprinkle the top layer with grated cheese and finely chopped dill.

    Tip: this salad can be served with both meat and fish dishes. If you are watching your figure, you can replace mayonnaise with regular low-fat sour cream. The taste will change slightly, and the calorie content will be much lower. And for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, sour cream will be a better option.

    Onion salad with quail eggs

    Eggs are an ingredient in many salads, but this is where they add a special flavor sensation. Please note - replace quail eggs chicken is highly undesirable, as in the end you will get a completely different salad. The preparation time for the salad is 10 minutes, so it will become ideal option for treating unexpected guests. Well, or as a dinner after a hard day at work, it will also be suitable.

    To prepare you will need the following ingredients:

    • 4-5 onions;
    • 8-10 quail eggs;
    • 1 fresh cucumber;
    • 2 glasses of mayonnaise;
    • 0.5 l of water;
    • lettuce leaves;
    • parsley;
    • 3% vinegar - half a teaspoon;
    • salt to taste.


    Cut the onion into thin rings. Boil water, add vinegar to it, scald the onion, drain the water and cool. Boil the eggs, cool, peel and chop coarsely. Cut the cucumber into rings. First place a layer of cucumber in a salad bowl, and mix eggs and onions on it. Pour mayonnaise over everything. Salt and garnish with herbs.

    Tip: This onion salad is perfect as a... independent dish. But it is better not to serve it with meat, as well as with fish.

    Onion salad with cabbage

    Well, what if gourmet dishes you are tired and your soul is asking for something very, very simple and unpretentious, you can prepare a salad with cabbage and onions. It only takes a few minutes to prepare and the ingredients are very simple. By the way, men love this salad as a snack.

    To prepare this salad you will need the following ingredients:

    • 200 grams of white cabbage.
    • 2 large onions.
    • 3 tablespoons of any vegetable oil - ideally olive.
    • salt and pepper to taste.

    Preparing the salad:

    The recipe for this salad is so simple that you can send your loved one to the kitchen. The cabbage must be finely chopped and the onion cut into large rings. Use your hands to crush the cabbage and add salt, leave for about 15 minutes so that the cabbage releases its juice. Then add oil and pepper, mix thoroughly. That's it, the salad is ready!

    Note to the hostess

    As you can see, there are quite a lot of variations of everyone’s favorite salad with onions, so choosing a recipe is unlikely to be a problem. But remember some features of onions that must be taken into account:

    • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

    If you suffer from any disease associated with digestive system, be sure to consult with your doctor - maybe in your case it’s fresh onion is strictly contraindicated.

    • Childhood

    In most cases, children eat the same things as adults. But not in the case of onion salads - onions act on the delicate mucous membrane of the child’s stomach quite aggressively. Therefore, it is better not to give onion salad to children under 10-12 years old.

    • Smell from the mouth

    Do not forget that onions have one not very pleasant feature - after eating it, a specific smell from your mouth persists for several hours. Therefore, you should not include this salad in your menu if you are planning a business meeting or, especially, a romantic date that day. Although in this case you have a way out - you can feed your significant other with salad.

    No to meat best side dish than a salad from fresh vegetables. We invite you to try the original onion salad, which goes well with both barbecue and meat prepared according to any other recipe.

    Ingredients of the “Onion Salad” dish

    • onion - 3 large heads;
    • greens - 1 bunch (parsley, dill, cilantro, feathers;
    • petiole celery - 100 g;
    • apple - 1 pc.
    Ingredients for marinade:
    • vinegar - 3 tbsp. l. (can be replaced with lemon juice or ;
    • vegetable oil- 6 tbsp. l.;
    • seasoning - red pepper;
    • sugar - 1 tsp;
    • salt - 1 tsp.


    To prepare a dish like leek salad, you need to peel the onion and wash it well. The vegetable should be cut into half rings of medium thickness - then it will release the bitterness well and be saturated with the marinade.

    When all the onions are chopped, put them in a colander and pour boiling water over them. Then you should let the water drain, and then move the onion into ice water. Lightly squeeze the chopped onion and place on a paper towel to absorb excess moisture. Onion salad is prepared in such a way that you don't have to worry about unpleasant smell It's not worth it after using it. When storing this salad in the refrigerator, no foreign odors are released. Even on the second day, onion salad does not lose its freshly prepared properties, since

    The next stage in preparation delicious salad- marinade. Vinegar (or lemon juice), vegetable oil, your favorite seasonings (in reasonable quantities), as well as salt and sugar - everything should be mixed in a large bowl and thoroughly rubbed until homogeneous sauce. Using vinegar for the marinade will give it a sour and harsh taste, while lemon juice will give it a softer and more delicate taste. Also, sometimes a mixture of lemon and orange juices is used to prepare onion salad, but in this case it is better not to use the ground part of the onion - green feathers - as greens. Therefore, use vinegar or lemon juice according to your personal taste preferences.

    Now let's take on the greens - any that you have on hand and which you use in cooking various dishes. The greens are thoroughly washed and finely chopped. After that, add the chopped ones to it and then mix everything with the marinade. We clean the apple from the peel, seeds and hard separating plates inside the fruit. It can be grated on a coarse grater, or it can be cut into thin strips.

    Transfer the cooled onion into a deep bowl, add a finely chopped apple and pour in the sauce. Mix everything carefully, compact it and put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours - for soaking and until the salad is completely ready. The dishes in which onion salad is prepared should not be metal!

    This salad is excellent for other meat dishes that are prepared during picnics. However, onion salad can also be served as a separate dish when entertaining guests. They will surely like it. Try making onion salad and it will become a regular guest in your kitchen!