Amazing facts about pancakes. Secrets of beautiful and delicious pancakes

Today this proverb is interpreted in the sense that the first experience is most often unsuccessful. Say, the first pancake fails due to a poorly heated frying pan. True, why our ancestors were so negligent, and instead of warming up the pan, they composed proverbs - no one explains.

In fact, the meaning of the proverb must be sought elsewhere. Our ancestors believed that on Maslenitsa week the souls of the dead return to earth. Therefore, the first pancake was intended for them: "On Maslenitsa, the first pancake is for peace." Sometimes the first pancake was given to the poor so that they would remember all the dead. It was believed that the "souls" themselves take an active part in baking the first pancake, in fact, because of which sometimes it turned out to be "lumpy".

Why is the pancake round and flat?

Seems like a strange question. It seems that everything is clear. But not everything is so simple. Probably everyone knows that pancake is a ritual dish that was customary to eat at certain times of the year, when it was believed that the souls of the dead came to earth. That is, in fact, it was believed that a pancake is bread, but which connects two dimensions - the real world and the afterlife. The ancestors were sure that the "souls of the dead" lose the ability of three-dimensional vision and see everything flat. Therefore, the pancake was baked round and flat.

How did the word "damn" come about?

There is no single answer - scientists are still hotly arguing. The most common version - "pancake" came from the ancient Russian "mlyn" (from the verb "grind"). True, it is not clear why over time the sound "m" mutated into the sound "b" in this word. But, for example, in the word “mill”, which also comes from “grind”, this did not happen - we do not say “belnitsa”! We prefer the version of some linguists who associate "pancake" with a distorted "reality": they say, "souls" who go to pancakes see everything in a distorted perspective, therefore, "true" (reality) is perceived by them as "pancake" (reality with a slight refraction). By the way, there is another curious version that the word "damn" is related to one obscene word.

Initially, the same word meant "lie", "deception", "delusion". And since the pancake acted as a kind of imitation of bread for the "souls of the ancestors" with a "flat" perception of our reality, family ties with the vulgar word are not excluded.

Why couldn't pancakes be eaten on ordinary days?

Now it is considered some kind of heresy. But our ancestors treated this very pedantically. They ate pancakes only at the allowed time, when the "souls of grandfathers and great-grandfathers" came to visit our reality. It would never have occurred to anyone to consume pancakes at a normal, non-ritual time - one could go to great-grandfathers forever. It was believed that only sorcerers, for the sake of communication with the "dead", could dare to violate this prohibition.

What celestial body is the pancake associated with?

Today, most scientists for some reason are sure that the "pancake" symbolizes the Sun. Mainly because of the round shape. However, in some Russian apocrypha one can also read a reference to the Moon. This looks more logical, since it was believed that the "souls of the ancestors" do not perceive sunlight well and are under the auspices of the lunar element.

Why does pancake taste so good?

I mean, slightly sour. This is due to the belief that the “dead” prefer everything sour. And, say, salt in general can scare away and offend the “soul of the ancestor” evilly. That is why pancakes with caviar are a "lordly" innovation and have nothing to do with the old tradition.

Why does a pancake need to be rolled into a tube?

Because it's convenient, of course. The stuffing might fall apart. But the point here is different: according to a number of folklore historians, we began to roll a pancake into a tube relatively recently - about 200 years ago. Prior to this, the pancake was folded mainly in an “envelope” - moreover, in the most intricate forms. Then the so-called "pie" trend ruled - but this was also an innovation. Because even earlier, pancakes were not folded at all, since no filling was supposed to be. Pancake itself was considered a ready-to-eat product, and for fillings there was a format of pies, the appearance of which, by the way, was also associated with the ritual of “ancestral souls”. But we will talk about this another time.

Pancakes are a traditional dish of the Eastern Slavs. Among the ancient Slavs, pancakes were obviously a ritual food; they are an indispensable attribute of the Maslenitsa holiday. In our time, pancakes are almost no longer perceived as ritual food, and have taken their place in the everyday Russian diet.

It would seem that baking pancakes is very simple. But baking thin, translucent, beautiful and airy pancakes is already an art, and it has its own secrets.

How to make sure that there are no lumps in the pancake dough

1. Milk and water must be poured into flour. In this case, the dough is easier to stir and it will be easier to get rid of lumps.

2. There is another option for making dough for pancakes without lumps. To do this, on the contrary, you first need to knead a very thick dough, then gradually pour the rest of the liquid into it according to the recipe and mix.

3. If the dough turned out to be too liquid, do not immediately add flour to the bowl - pour off part of the dough, add flour, mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps, and combine with the remaining dough.

How to make pancakes beautiful

1. To make the pancake even, of the same thickness, pour the dough onto the edge of the pan with one hand, and lift it with the other and make a rotational movement so that the dough spreads over the entire surface.

2. The rouge of pancakes can be adjusted by adding sugar to the dough. But do not overdo it: if there is too much sugar in the dough, then the pancake will burn, and not become ruddy.

I want to offer unusual option cooking pancakes - in the oven. He can make Maslenitsa Maslenitsa even for those who, for some reason, cannot afford to eat fried and fatty foods. And so it happened in the case of my grandmother - neither one nor the other is possible for her because of a special diet. And I want pancakes! We show a little ingenuity and figure out how to make an unwanted product harmless. This is how pancakes baked in the oven are obtained. They are somewhat different in taste from pancakes fried in a pan, but such pancakes are better than none at all.

For pancakes we take four chicken eggs and beat them up a bit.

Add one tablespoon of granulated sugar to them.

Also add one teaspoon of salt.

Now add one full glass of flour and stir it so that there are no lumps.

Pour one glass of milk into the dough and knead homogeneous dough, similar in texture to ryazhenka.

We turn on the oven and heat it up to a temperature of two hundred degrees. Together with the oven, the dishes in which the pancakes will be baked also heat up. It is desirable that these dishes have a good non-stick coating, because we will not use oils when baking. Pour a quarter of the dough into a preheated form and send it to the oven for fifteen to twenty minutes. Exact time cooking depends on the oven itself: sometimes after fifteen minutes the pancake is browned enough, and sometimes this time is not enough for him.

When baking, the pancake may begin to swell amusingly. There is nothing to worry about - it will settle after baking. When the pancake is browned on top, take it out of the oven, put it on a dish, and cover the dish cling film or place it in a plastic bag to make the hot pancake soft and not hard. Let's move on to the next pancake.

The cooled pancake will be plastic enough, therefore, it will be possible to wrap some filling in it, for example, cottage cheese with jam.

The pancake roll rolls well and does not unwind.

Bon appetit!

*The indicated amount of ingredients will make four large pancakes. If you add less batter to the pan, you'll get at least six pancakes, and they'll be thinner, and take five minutes less to cook.

Cooking time: PT01H20M 1 h 20 min

Maslenitsa has always been a symbol pancakes. According to tradition, pancakes are baked throughout the Maslenitsa week. Previously, baking pancakes was a whole ritual. This delicacy was prepared special recipes and with special rites and conspiracies. Each hostess kept her recipe a secret. It was believed that if you reveal the secret of the recipe for pancakes for Maslenitsa, then you will lose family well-being.

There are many signs and beliefs associated with Shrovetide pancakes, which they tried to observe to attract good luck and happiness.

Signs and customs associated with pancakes

  • The first baked pancake was intended for the souls of deceased relatives. One of the traditions of this holiday is the commemoration of the dead. Therefore, the first pancake left on the window, given to beggars or fed to birds. It is customary to place the last pancake in the hand of a carnival effigy, which is then burned.

  • For our ancestors, making pancakes was a special sacrament. The dough was kneaded on the street near the well, while reading the plot.
  • If pancakes were successful at Maslenitsa, then this predicted a good and rich year. If the pancakes turned out to be tasteless and ugly, then there will be troubles and troubles.
  • The more pancakes you bake for Maslenitsa, the happier and more profitable the year will be. In general, it was not customary to save money on Maslenitsa. main feature of this holiday was that during the week you need to walk to the fullest, then the whole year will be successful.
  • There is a belief that pancakes must be eaten either whole or torn with your hands. Pancakes were not eaten with utensils. Pancake could not be pierced with a fork or knife - this could attract bad luck.
  • There was a sign: if there are pancakes on Thursday, and peas on Wednesday, then the money will not be transferred all year.
  • On Maslenitsa week it was customary to guess on pancakes. For this, the hostess gave the rooster a pancake. If he pecks it all to the crumbs, the year will be poor. It turns out that the rooster pecked at family well-being and prosperity. If the rooster refuses such a treat or eats for everything, then the year will be successful.
  • Ancient recipes for pancakes for Maslenitsa

    In the old days, pancakes for Maslenitsa were baked from oatmeal. Later they began to use buckwheat, wheat and rye flour. Pancakes were refilled various fillings or smeared with oil. Pancakes with meat, fish, mushrooms, cottage cheese, honey, onions, sour cream, caviar and potatoes were especially popular.

    • oatmeal pancake recipe

    1.5 cups wheat flour, 2.5 cups of oatmeal, 3 cups of milk or water, half a cup of cream, 3 eggs, 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of butter, 30g. yeast, salt to taste.

    Pour warm milk into a saucepan, dilute the yeast in it. Mix wheat and oat flour in a separate bowl, then pour into a saucepan with milk and stir. After you need to let the dough rise properly. Then add egg yolks, mashed with salt, melted butter. Mix everything well. In a separate bowl, beat the whites, separately - the cream. Then mix them and pour into the dough. After this, the test must be allowed to stand again.

    • cheese pancake recipe

    2.5 cups flour, 5 eggs, 100g sugar, 200g butter, 3 cups milk, ¾ teaspoon salt, 300g cheese.

    Grate the cheese, separate the egg yolks from the whites. Beat the yolks with milk and add flour, salt and cheese. Beat egg whites separately and add to the batter. Such pancakes are best baked in small sizes. Fry until golden brown.

    • Recipe for yeast pancakes with whey

    1 - 1, 2 l. whey, 3 eggs, 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar, flour, 10g. live yeast, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil.

    Mix eggs with sugar, add yeast, add half a liter of warm whey and vegetable oil. Mix everything and add flour with salt. The dough should be as thick as pancakes, preferably without lumps. Then you need to add the remaining whey and mix everything again. As a result, the dough is liquid, like pancakes. Put the dough in a warm place for about an hour.

    Despite the fact that Maslenitsa is one of the oldest holidays in Russia, pancakes have become traditional dish only in the 8th century. And earlier they baked on Maslenitsa honey gingerbread. It is believed that the historical predecessor of pancakes was oatmeal jelly. Once it was decided to warm it up on fire, as a result, the first pancakes were obtained. We wish you a merry Maslenitsa, and do not forget to press the buttons and

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