Gamers to build muscle mass. Protein or mass gainer - which is better for gaining mass.

From the ratio of muscle gain and loss of excess fat largely depends on the result of training in the gym. To achieve the desired effect, many use nutritional supplements containing carbohydrates and proteins in a concentrated form. and are considered the most popular in this category. But what to choose in a particular case, many simply do not know.

To argue that one drug is better than another is not worth it. Because every supplement is different. unique composition and helps the athlete to achieve high results. To choose the right sports nutrition for yourself, you need to figure out what is the difference between them?

Main differences

The gainer is a combination and high calorie. This nutritional supplement helps to quickly gain the necessary muscle mass and restore the energy spent during exercise. It should be remembered that carbohydrates predominate in the composition of the drug, in some cases they can be up to 90%, which should also be taken into account when choosing sports nutrition. Gainer is suitable for those people who are unable to eat required amount food to get calories for mass gain.

The benefits of a high-calorie dietary supplement are:

  • Energy supply;
  • Restoration of glycogen stores;
  • Increasing efficiency;
  • Restoration of muscle tissue and the body as a whole;
  • Increase in strength indicators.

The protein is made on the basis of protein, the content of which in the mixture reaches 96%. The percentage of protein will depend on the amount of extraneous additives, which include creatine, carbohydrates, etc. With the help of protein, you can gain muscle mass and lose weight, so many athletes can take it. In bodybuilding, it is in great demand, because in order to build the required amount of muscle, one simply cannot do without protein.

This mixture has the following advantages:

  • Stabilization of nitrogen balance in the body;
  • Providing essential amino acids;
  • Maximum absorption by the body;
  • Strengthening immunity.

Correct reception is the key to effective results

To figure out whether to take a gainer or protein, you need to analyze your daily diet. An ectomorph who eats 3 times a day, dreaming of gaining the necessary muscle mass, may lack both proteins and carbohydrates. In this case, you need to take both nutritional supplements, since the body needs both at the same time.

It happens that a thin person eats 5 times, following all the rules and including the necessary amount of protein in his diet, but still the desired effect is not visible. Then you need to think about calories, because it turns out that a person spends more calories than he receives. And in this case a gainer will come to the rescue, since there are already enough proteins in the body.

If a person is the owner of a dense physique, quickly gaining weight, then it is better to give preference to protein. Although the endomorph, which eats about 5 times a day, can get the norm of proteins and carbohydrates from ordinary daily food. The main thing is to make the right diet for yourself.

Gainer or Protein for girls

When a representative of the fair sex wants to gain muscle mass, then you should pay attention not only to the diet, but also to her individual characteristics organism. A thin lady who eats well and does not get fat can take a gainer that can increase daily calorie intake. But before you start taking it, you need to make sure that regular food provides optimal amount squirrel. If this indicator is low, then you should include protein in your diet. For those girls who are easy to type total weight, it is best to take a protein (casein or whey), but not a gainer.

When composing an individual mixture, it is still better to seek advice from a doctor and a professional instructor. And also do not forget that neither a gainer nor a protein can replace a person with good nutrition.

Everyone who begins to actively train in the gym sooner or later gets acquainted with sports nutrition. Most beginners pursue a goal: a set of quality muscle mass as soon as possible. What is better - a gainer or a protein will cope with the task? In the article below you will find the answer to this question.

Protein and gainer - what's the difference?

Protein and gainer are nutritional supplements, the composition of which is based on proteins and carbohydrates. The main difference is the proportion of protein per 100 g of product. In one serving of the gainer, the mass fraction of protein is approximately 20-30%, and in protein - 70-80%. A logical question arises: why then do people take a gainer? The fact is that carbohydrates, of which the supplement mainly consists, are also an important nutrient. Especially for athletes whose body is constantly depleted and needs additional "feeding".

There is a golden rule of bodybuilding: “Muscle mass will increase when the amount of calories consumed exceeds the amount wasted”. In this light, taking a high-calorie gainer no longer looks so pointless.

The other side of the coin is the quality of the added weight. With an excess of carbohydrates in the diet, there is a risk of gaining a couple of extra pounds along with muscles.

Is it possible to combine taking a gainer with protein?

People who are predisposed to fullness (endomorphs) should immediately get rid of such thoughts. For them, this alliance of nutritional supplements will not bring any positive dividends. But for ectomorphs and mesomorphs, the simultaneous intake of gainer and protein often becomes the solution to all problems associated with weight gain.

For the effective implementation of sports nutrition in daily ration the following principles should be followed:

  • take protein after waking up;
  • use the gainer immediately after training, and the protein before;
  • give preference to gainers in long intervals between meals;
  • before bedtime: only slow protein (casein);
  • the composition of the additives should harmoniously fit into daily allowance BJU;
  • Sports nutrition is designed to complement the diet, not replace it.

The joint intake of a gainer and protein is not only harmless, but also useful. These two supplements will harmoniously replenish energy reserves and supply building material to the body.

So what is better to drink - a gainer or a protein for gaining muscle mass?

To answer this question, you need to correctly determine your body type and clearly articulate your athletic goals. The first point will not be difficult to cope with! After a month of training, you can determine: how fast the muscles grow, how long it takes to recover after physical activity does it appear excess weight with an increase in calories:

  • If the muscles are already growing well, and you just want to speed up this process and add high-quality protein to your food, then protein will be an ideal dietary supplement;
  • If you have significantly increased your diet, and the weight is at a "dead point", then the gainer is your choice.

Important! Often, in pursuit of a quick result, people begin to take very high portions of the gainer. Do not forget that the basis of the supplement is carbohydrates, which, with an excess, are transformed into subcutaneous fat. Track how your physique will change and adjust the number of receptions in accordance with the result.

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Protein or gainer? Together or separately? These questions are often asked by beginners looking for the perfect sports nutrition set. For each person, everything is individual, but following the tips from this article, you can quickly make a choice.

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In this article, we will talk about a common question that trainees face: what to choose, a protein or a gainer? We will try to consider the positive and negative aspects of these drugs and draw a conclusion about what is more useful and effective. So, protein or gainer - which is better?

And what do you think, ? Write in the comments so that everyone can read and make sure.

What is a gainer?

Now we will talk separately about proteins and separately about gainers, and at the end we will summarize and give an answer to the above question. In general, the gainer is translated as "enlarger" or "growth".

A gainer is primarily a supplement that belongs to sports nutrition and usually has about fifteen to thirty percent protein and fifty to eighty percent carbohydrates in its content. Also, in addition to this, it also contains many different vitamins that contribute to the process of protein absorption.

A typical representative of the gainer family

With the help of a gainer, muscle growth and their recovery after training are accelerated. Also, thanks to this drug, there is a decrease in fatigue and an increase in muscle tone. In general, everything that is necessary for beginners and advanced athletes. With the help of a gainer, your performance increases and besides, it contains many other useful substances, with the help of which there is a stimulation of protein synthesis in the human body.

Usually this drug is recommended for those people who have a lean physique and because of this they have difficulty in gaining muscle weight, in training. It is also recommended for athletes who have difficulty with proper nutrition. If an athlete has a very thin physique, but at the same time wants to gain a lot of muscle, then he needs to consume only those carbohydrates that are easy and quick to digest. If the weight of the athlete is normal, and he does not want to have any unnecessary body fat, then it will be useful for him to use slow carbohydrates. If the weight of the athlete is completely in excess, then you do not need to use this drug at all.

The use of a gainer - video

Of course, such a drug should not replace the main food, but if there is such a time when there is no way to eat, then the gainer will come in handy here. If this drug is used constantly in a certain amount, then in a couple of months you will be able to gain up to fifteen kilograms of muscle mass. There is also a gainer and protein for the ectomorph.

But before you use this drug, you should definitely go to the doctor and consult about taking a gainer. After all, there are many gainers, and they contain in their composition a different mass of protein and fat. And each person should use these supplements individually. The drug itself is recommended to use half an hour before the start of the workout. Many also prefer to mix the drug with milk or juice, but it is strictly forbidden to use the drug in a cold form.

What is protein

Protein is also a sports supplement that consists of pure protein. With the help of protein, athletes manage to gain and maintain muscle mass. Proteins, just like a gainer, are used to obtain additional nutrients in the body, due to their lack in everyday food. What to use to make a quick mass gain - protein or gainer, what to choose? In general, that protein, that the gainer allows you to gain muscle mass. But unlike gainers, proteins contain only protein.

Use sports supplements correctly!

As for the protein, it has a lot various kinds who help in this area. There are proteins with which you can lose weight or, on the contrary, gain weight. There are proteins that increase muscle mass or those that simply keep your body fit and pumped. Also, with regard to protein, then everyone can use it - both men and women. At the same time, it doesn’t matter if you are an athlete or just starting to develop your sports skills. Well, what to drink - a gainer or a protein? We will find out a little later.

Gainer or protein, what to choose?

Many believe that both a gainer and a protein are dangerous for the human body and for its health, directly. But doctors assure that if this supplement is taken according to the dosage and at the right time, then it will not bring any harm. As for the protein, it should be consumed in the morning, but this is not suitable for using a gainer. In general, that protein, that the gainer must be taken after training after a short period of time. If you are wondering - what to take a gainer or protein? You will find the answer in this article.

Think carefully about the choice of future sports nutrition.

What do we get as a result?

  1. It should be noted that the protein gainer is the usual sports nutritional supplements, slightly different in composition, and therefore in action.
  2. If we talk about a gainer, that it is only fifteen to thirty percent protein, but the protein has only protein in its composition.
  3. In order for the assimilation of this supplement to occur, carbohydrates cannot be dispensed with. As for the gainer, it already contains the necessary carbohydrates, and not so little, but they are not in the protein. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce carbohydrates into the diet separately if you are consuming protein.
  4. Both of these drugs contribute to increased performance and muscle growth, but on different scales.
  5. Gainer is consumed before training, and as for protein, it is better to use it after it is over.
  6. These drugs will replace one or more meals for you, but this happens when there is no opportunity to eat. It is not recommended to replace the entire daily diet with them.
  7. What is a gainer that protein is mixed with a certain amount of liquid before use.

The result of using the gainer

In general, we have given enough facts for what to choose and decide what is better to use. In general, it is impossible to say exactly what is the best, since each drug is useful and effective in its own way. Here the choice will be yours. In general, weigh everything for which you need the drug, when it is better for you to take it and for what purposes. And then read this article again and then you will definitely decide what will be better for you. In general, protein and gainer do not have any bad effect on the human body, but from many you can hear about the harm received with the help of them. But you should not listen to this, since professionals and doctors have long closed this issue - if you use everything in the required doses and at the right time, then you will not be able to apply the drug to the human body at any time. In general, buy drugs and in a few months you will be able to brag about your achievements. We wish you all the very best!

Protein or gainer - video

The effectiveness of training in the gym is determined by the ratio of muscle mass gain and excess fat loss. If a person is aimed at a high result, it will be very difficult for him to do without the use of nutritional supplements that contain proteins and carbohydrates in a concentrated form. The most popular supplements include protein and gainer.

Features and composition of protein and gainer

Protein is the protein in pure form, derived from milk, whey, egg powder or soy, free of carbohydrates and fats. "Protein" is translated from English and means "protein". Its intake provides significant muscle growth, since protein is a building material for muscle tissue. We will not raise questions about it, let's take a better look at its main advantages:

  • Has a high digestibility;
  • Stabilizes nitrogen balance;
  • Helps to strengthen the immune system;
  • Provides the body with essential amino acids.

There are two types of proteins - slow and fast. Slow is absorbed at a slow pace, gives a small increase in muscle mass, but acts for a long time. Good for drying. Fast protein is absorbed quickly, acts within a short time period, gives maximum weight gain. Therefore, in the process of building muscle, it is better to start with a fast protein and gradually move to a slow one.

Contraindications to the use of protein are individual protein intolerance and serious kidney disease (renal failure)

- This is a dry protein-carbohydrate mixture, consisting on average of 10-20% of proteins and 70-80% of carbohydrates, which stimulates weight gain and restores the energy reserves of the body. This is the difference between these supplements. There is different cocktails, in which the ratio between proteins and carbohydrates can vary from 10%/80% to 40%/50%. Gainer Benefits:

  • Restores glycogen stores;
  • Provides the necessary energy;
  • Increases efficiency, increases the growth of power indicators;
  • Contributes to the overall recovery of the body and the restoration of muscle tissue during sleep.

The carbohydrates that make up the gainers are simple (with a high glycemic index) and complex (low glycemic index). It is better to take them:

  • People with high metabolism;
  • Possessing a lean physique (ectomorphs, asthenics);
  • Professionally involved in sports and at the same time leading an active lifestyle;
  • Teenagers;
  • In the absence of a debugged diet.

Given the difference between a gainer and a protein, it is not recommended for people who are prone to fullness and rapid weight gain.

Protein or gainer: what to choose?

For the full growth of muscle mass, proteins and carbohydrates are needed equally. If the muscles cannot replenish their glycogen stores and fully recover between workouts, they will not grow, even in the absence of protein deficiency.

Therefore, the reason for too slow weight gain can be not only a lack of protein, but also a lack of carbohydrates. So, it is better to combine protein and a gainer, or choose a gainer with high content squirrel.

Gainer is an energy supplier, allowing you to increase the duration and intensity of training. However, if the amount of carbohydrates that have entered the body is not completely spent, they are transformed into subcutaneous fat, which will adversely affect the relief of the figure. That is why these shakes are best suited for lean people with a fast metabolism who find it difficult to gain mass. They, unlike endomorphs, do not risk gaining weight due to adipose tissue. Using only proteins, such people will have to wait much longer for the result.

Based on the above, there are two options:

  • Take at the same time protein and low-protein gainer in equal proportions;
  • Take gainer with large quantity protein, approximately 35%/55% in favor of carbohydrates.

However, high protein gainers are quite rare, and the difference in price compared to high carbohydrate supplements is significant. Therefore, it is better to buy a high-carb gainer and protein and mix them in the right proportions, which are determined individually. Experienced athletes advise 1:2 or 1:3. These nutritional supplements are absolutely compatible.

Before training (60-90 minutes before), it is better to drink a gainer with a high content complex carbohydrates, and after training (after 20-30 minutes) - a cocktail of whey protein, simple carbohydrates and glutamine. Typically, gainers are taken both on training days and on rest days, before meals.

If body weight seems insufficient, you need to start by taking gainers; when the mass is gained, switch to a mixture of these additives, gradually increasing mass fraction protein. If you are overweight, it is better to start immediately with protein, not forgetting the minimum necessary daily dose carbohydrates.

When compiling an individual mixture, it is advisable to consult a professional instructor, as well as a doctor. And the last thing: when choosing a protein or a gainer, you should not forget that these are nutritional supplements that will not replace normal nutrition.

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In this article, I will try to help you decide between a protein and a gainer. And I will give the most optimal, in my opinion, products and their combinations.

So what is protein? Protein translated from English - protein. That is, protein is sports nutrition, where the main component is protein. As a rule, this is 70% - 90% of the composition.

Gainer (energy) is a carbohydrate-protein mixture, where carbohydrates predominate. Here the numbers can vary greatly from 10% / 80% (carbs / protein) to 45% / 45%. On average, in a gainer, the amount of proteins and carbohydrates is 85% - 90%.

Everyone knows that for mass gain. It is the building block for muscles. But for muscle they need carbohydrates. And without proper recovery, there will be no muscle growth. In other words, until the muscles after the next training do not replenish the supply of energy (glycogen) - they will not grow. Even if you have more than enough protein in your diet.

Here it must be borne in mind that the mass of the mass is discord. Be sure to think about the quality of this very mass. When choosing one or the other, you should always remember that with a gainer you can gain not only muscles, but also fat. Your training while taking a gainer should be very intense. Of course, the risk for those who are thin and poorly gaining weight is less than for those inclined to be overweight.

Taking only protein (even with enough carbohydrates), there is a chance that you will not gain the desired volumes. Dilemma? Therefore, the question of a protein or a gainer is very one-sided and exaggerated.

There are 4 factors for muscle fiber hypertrophy:

  1. Sufficient amount of amino acids (presence of protein).
  2. The presence of free creatine in the muscle.
  3. Hormones (an increase in the level of one's own testosterone can only be achieved through high-intensity training and the presence of stress for the body).
  4. Competent training.

Try to approach the issue comprehensively from the first days of the training. There is no magic pill. If it was, then only it would be sold. And if in simple words, then it is better to choose a gainer for an ectomorph (thin), as well as for those who cannot eat regularly and those who combine exercises with iron with martial arts, boxing and wrestling.

Astafiev Daniil - leading specialist in sports nutrition of the online store

In my opinion, it’s better to try to get carbohydrates from food (rice, buckwheat), as in most gainers fast carbohydrates, and there is a possibility that they will not be used for energy for physical exertion, but will be deposited in subcutaneous fat. First of all, when choosing between a gainer or a protein, you need to decide on your metabolism and body type.

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