Simple recipes for herbal soothing teas. Soothing tea

The life of a modern person is sometimes like a race. Stress, neuroses, irritability, poor sleep become her frequent companions. Not everyone can independently restore peace of mind and put their nerves in order and have to take sedatives. Medicines of synthetic origin are usually prescribed by a doctor according to indications and are sold in pharmacies only with a prescription. Herbal preparations, which include soothing teas, are available to almost everyone. They are the safest medicines, but that doesn’t make them any less effective.

Properties of herbs with a sedative effect

All herbs that have a sedative effect solve the following problems to a greater or lesser extent:

  1. Relieves anxiety.
  2. They have a sedative effect.
  3. Hypnotic effect.
  4. Improves the stability of the nervous system.
  5. Strengthen inhibitory processes in the brain.
  6. Nervous overstrain, irritability, neuroses, hysteria, tearfulness.
  7. Dizziness, convulsions.
  8. Pain in the heart, arrhythmia, tachycardia, high blood pressure.
  9. Spasms and colic of the gastrointestinal tract due to nervousness.
  10. Children's hyperactivity.

Types of soothing teas by composition

Tea happens one-component, when it contains one plant, and multicomponent, in which several types are selected. A spontaneously compiled collection can dampen or greatly enhance the healing effect of tea, since herbs can influence each other’s properties.

Teas can be found in pharmacies in ready assembled, and individual herbs. Or you can prepare them yourself. To do this, you should familiarize yourself with information about when it is best to collect the desired plant, what part of it is needed, as well as how to prepare for use and store.

Basic rules of herbal medicine

The effectiveness of soothing teas is beyond doubt among doctors, however, many are skeptical about them. Having drunk somehow brewed tea for 3-4 days, in fits and starts, at different times of the day, you should not expect a quick therapeutic effect. There are some rules for tea herbal medicine.

  1. Time of receipt. Depends on the problem, for example, for insomnia you need to take tea an hour or two before bed, and for irritability - half an hour daily dose infusion before bed, and the rest 3-4 times during the day.
  2. Dosage. There is no need to start with the maximum dose for the best and fastest effect; it is better to increase it if necessary.
  3. A course of treatment. Teas can be drunk once, occasionally, without adhering to any regular system, if the problem is not pronounced. You can drink sedative infusions without a break for a month, then it is better to take a break for at least 2 weeks. Then, if necessary, you can continue herbal medicine. If the problem is solved, there is no need to continue drinking teas “to consolidate the effect.” Next time the decoction may not work.
  4. Tea components. You should not take the same collection or a separate herb for more than six months, as the body will get used to their effects and will have to increase the dosage.

Calming herbs

Below is a list of plants (by no means complete) that can become components of soothing tea. All of them have a certain sedative effect.

  • basil (leaves);
  • bergamot (skin);
  • hawthorn (flowers and fruits); — ,
  • lingonberries (fruits and leaves); —
  • valerian (root); —
  • watch (leaves);
  • sweet clover (flowers and grass);
  • oregano (flowers and herbs); —
  • angelica (root);
  • ginseng (root);
  • St. John's wort (flowers and herbs); —
  • green tea(leaves);
  • fireweed (flowers and herbs); — ,
  • calendula (flowers);
  • viburnum flowers, (fruits and bark); —
  • lavender (flowers);
  • linden (flowers);
  • lemon balm (leaves); —
  • peppermint (leaves); —
  • passionflower (herb);
  • spring primrose (flowers, leaves and roots).
  • wormwood (flowers and grass);
  • tansy (flowers and grass);
  • peony (root);
  • motherwort (flowers and grass);
  • rosemary (leaves);
  • chamomile (flowers). —
  • rue (herb);
  • bogweed (grass);
  • cumin (fruit);
  • yarrow (flowers and grass); —
  • dill (seeds);
  • hops (cones);
  • chicory (herb and roots);
  • thyme (flowers and herbs); — ,
  • rose hips (leaves, fruits). — ,
  • Eleutherococcus (root).

Soothing tea recipes

When preparing tea from one plant, simply brew the required component. Some infusions have a bitter aftertaste, which can be softened with honey, ginger, and lemon. If you need to drink several herbs at the same time, then it is better to use proven tea recipes, the composition of which was specially selected not only to achieve the best result, but also taking into account taste.

Below are some recipes for calming teas. It is best to prepare them in a thermos, brewing a tablespoon of the mixture in a glass of boiling water and leaving for at least 20 minutes.

1. Tea for nervous tension and insomnia
  • Hops – 50 g.
  • Valerian – 50 g.
2. Tea as a sedative and sleep aid for palpitations
  • Melissa – 50 g.
  • Valerian – 50 g.
  • Motherwort – 50 g.

2 tbsp. l. drink tea three times a day.

3. Sleeping tea, sedative
  • Valerian – 50 g.
  • Oregano – 50 g.
  • Sweet clover – 50 g.
  • Valerian – 50 g.

Take a cup before meals three times a day.

4. Tea for nervous disorders associated with suffocation, headaches, heart failure
  • Dry marsh - 50 g.
  • Hawthorn – 50 g.
  • Chamomile – 50 g.

A cup of tea half an hour after meals twice a day.

5. Tea for nervous overexcitation, rapid heartbeat
  • Valerian – 50 g.
  • Motherwort - 50 g.
  • Dill – 50 g.
  • Cumin – 50 g.

A cup of tea three times a day.

6. Tea at nervous disorders that are associated with insomnia
  • Lemon zest - from half a fruit.
  • Chamomile – 3 tsp.
  • Valerian – 2 tsp.

A cup after meals twice a day.

7. Tea for irritability, insomnia, nervous tension
  • Shift – 50 years
  • Mint – 50 g.
  • Valerian – 25 g.
  • Hops – 25 g.

A cup of tea three times a day.

8. Tea for children soothing colic
  • Dill – 50 g.
  • Chamomile – 50 g.
  • Mint – 50.

Give infants twice a day, tsp.

9. Soothing tea for children
  • Chamomile – 50 g.
  • Melissa – 50 g.
  • Oregano – 50 g.

Give the child 3-4 times a day, depending on age, 1-3 tsp. before meals.

10. Tea for children for a restful sleep
  • Linden – 50 g.
  • Mint – 50 g.
  • Chamomile – 25 g.

Give your child a teaspoon 15 minutes before bedtime.

Contraindications and side effects

Like any medicine, tea with a sedative effect has contraindications. Pregnant women and children first on the list for whom sedative decoctions should be carefully selected.

Women in position can only take teas based on valerian and motherwort in limited quantities. Children, especially those under one year old, are given teas only on the recommendation of a doctor and strictly in the prescribed dosage.

Individual intolerance and possible allergic reactions another factor by which you need to select plants for a soothing infusion.

There are a number of physical diseases for which sedative decoctions are completely contraindicated, for example, brain tumors. And also when mental illness who require special medications, teas can provide Negative influence on the effect of the drug.

We must not forget about the side effects of herbs. Possible deterioration in concentration, lethargy, slowing down reactions. Valerian can generally cause blurry vision. Therefore, caution is needed in taking sedative infusions when increased attention is required. There are others side effects in various herbs. St. John's wort acts on skin and mucous membranes e, chamomile on stomach, Melissa reduces blood pressure, Mint tea causes problems in sexual sphere. Some herbs can have the opposite effect if overdosed.

Recommendations from specialists before taking soothing teas will not hurt, and if you have any diseases, consultation is simply necessary. Healthy people It’s enough just to follow the dosage and rules for taking tea.

Soothing teas are the most gentle way to combat many ailments. Correctly selected plants for infusion will help relieve tension, irritability, anxiety, help you fall asleep or cope with depression. The effect of teas is no worse than that of expensive medicines, and side effects can be avoided if you follow the dosage and recommendations for use.

The modern rhythm of life leaves a person less and less time for proper sleep and rest. Constant rush, the desire to be first, the desire to know and be able to do everything nervous system overexcited and more susceptible to developing various disorders. To restore emotional health gently and without consequences, you can return to grandma's recipes– prepare herbal teas.

Tea for the nervous system

A truly soothing tea is primarily an herbal drink. Herbal medicine is more relevant here than medications, which are best left for later. In nature and among cultivated plants, there are many that contain substances that can slow down the transmission of nerve impulses, thereby preventing overexcitation of the entire nervous system.

Such plants include:

  • motherwort;
  • chamomile;
  • valerian;
  • mint, lemon balm;
  • St. John's wort;
  • lavender;
  • hops, etc.

When creating soothing teas, herbalists recommend combining 2 or more plants in one collection. To make the drink tastier, aromatic herbs are added to the collection, for example, oregano, linden blossom, mallow, rose hips, dried apples, etc. The base for many drinks is Chinese green tea, which is also rich in vitamins, antioxidants, micro- and macroelements and others useful substances.

Tea that calms the nervous system does not work immediately. The effect occurs after a few days with systematic use of the drink. The reason for this is the accumulation in the human body of specific substances that can have the desired effect only at a certain concentration in the blood.

4 most popular tea ingredients

Buy finished product You can buy it at the pharmacy, or you can make it yourself. It is always better to start with tea than to take a sedative. In the first case it turns out completely natural product with a mild effect and no negative effects on human health. Sedatives are also mostly herbal preparations, but these are extracts, extracts, much more concentrated, with the addition of chemical compounds.

To make it easier and faster to fall asleep and relax after a busy day, drink tea in the evening 1-2 hours before rest. If a person feels nervous and is constantly in an overexcited state, herbal drinks It is recommended to take 2-3 glasses throughout the day. Sugar is not added to such teas; it is replaced with honey if desired.

Homemade tea recipes

At home, you can easily prepare soothing teas from the collected independent material, and bought at a pharmacy. To know what kind of tea to prepare, you need to understand the effects of its components.

  • St. John's wort - helps cope with stress and depression, acts gently, relieves anxiety.
  • Valerian - the root of the plant is used. Normalizes sleep, heart rate, lowers blood pressure, and has a pronounced sedative effect.
  • Mint and lemon balm are the lightest of the sedative herbs, helping to cope with increased excitability and smooth out stressful conditions.
  • Hops – has a gentle effect on the nervous system, helps cope with anxiety, eliminates nervous tremors, pain in the stomach, and in the heart area.
  • Lavender is a good remedy for insomnia, but is rarely used due to its pronounced bitterness.
  • Chamomile is a mild sedative, indicated for children and pregnant women.
  • Motherwort is a herb with a sedative effect. Lowers blood pressure, calms, reduces heart rate. Contraindicated in bradycardia and low blood pressure, asthenic conditions.

Any of these plants can be added to tea leaves green tea. It will be a light sedative, pleasant to the taste and good for health. Recipes for effective and popular adult drinks that you can prepare at home are presented below.

The composition of tea should be selected based on the effect of each component.

Recipe No. 1
Combine green tea, motherwort and hop cones in equal proportions. Pour 200 ml hot water(95 degrees) 1 tsp. collection, leave in a thermos for 20 minutes. Drink with honey in the afternoon.

Recipe No. 2
A collection of oregano, mint, St. John's wort, hops and chamomile, taken in equal quantities, calms the nerves well. Take 1 tbsp per glass of hot water. l. mixture and leave for 15 minutes.

Recipe No. 3
Take 1 part each of green tea, linden flowers, chamomile and St. John's wort, mix and pour 1 glass of hot water over 1 tbsp. l. collection Leave for 10-15 minutes, drink with honey.

The lightest composition of soothing tea can be represented by chamomile and mint, taken in equal volumes. Among pharmaceutical preparations, we can highlight the products of the Evalar company, for example, Bio soothing evening tea. This is a herbal natural tea in bags that promotes good sleep and normalization of emotional state. It includes:

  • linden flowers;
  • oregano herb;
  • chamomile flowers;
  • hawthorn fruits;
  • Eschscholzia Californian.

You need to take tea 30 minutes before going to bed for 20 days.

On sale you can also find monastery anti-stress tea, consisting of 8 herbs: oregano, sweet clover, mint, motherwort, fennel, chamomile, valerian and hawthorn fruit. It will improve the quality of sleep, relieve nervous excitement, headaches of a nervous nature, and help with fatigue.

Dried fruits can be added to any of the tea recipes described to strengthen overall health and increase the stability of the nervous system. These include dried rose hips, which is best crushed in a mortar before adding to tea. Dried apples will add to any tea pleasant sourness.

For children

Soothing herbal teas are popular products even for newborn babies. From 2 months, you can give such drinks to restless babies to help them adapt to the world around them, sleep better, and solve digestive problems. Depending on the composition, teas have age restrictions. Mint tea with fennel is considered the safest; it can be found among the products of Babushkino Lukoshko, Hipp (Hipp) and other manufacturers.

It is better to purchase such children's drinks in filter bags, where the dose is clearly measured for a certain volume of water. Soothing tea They are given, as a rule, before daytime and evening sleep, and if the composition also includes components to improve digestion, then before each feeding (3-4 times a day).

Babushkino Basket is the most popular brand on the domestic market

The herbal drink Evening Tale from Krasnogorskleksredstva is intended for children from 6 months who are already beginning to switch to an expanded menu. The tea contains soothing ingredients (mint and lavender) and digestion-improving ingredients (anise and fennel). The drink will help calm a hyperactive baby, improve digestion and increase the depth of sleep. Intended for use before bedtime.

Children aged 2 years and older can prepare their own teas from small quantity mint, linden color, rose hips, dill seeds, add to a cup dried berries, cornflower petals and others healthy ingredients.

For expectant mothers

Herbal teas for pregnant women are an excellent alternative to pharmaceutical drugs. The safest drinks are those made from chamomile, mint, lemon balm, motherwort and valerian. It is recommended to drink them starting from the 12th week of pregnancy. The average course is 10-20 days, then a mandatory break is required.

There are ready-made packaged herbal teas, which are offered by manufacturers of children's goods. By the way, pediatricians recommend that expectant mothers and nursing mothers drink soothing teas for children so that the child’s body gets used to them and reacts normally.

If future mom she is too irritable, she has problems sleeping, you can brew 2 hop cones with a glass of boiling water every evening, leave for 10 minutes and drink the warm infusion. Peppermint tea also has a mild sedative effect. Take 1 tsp per glass of water. mint, leave for a maximum of 10 minutes, drink with honey and lemon.

Mono-teas are always safer than drinks with a rich composition; it is recommended that pregnant women and young children start with them. In this way, the body’s reaction to the components of the plant, in particular the development of allergies, can be traced.

Herbal tea not only soothes, it enriches the body with beneficial organic compounds, normalizes the functioning of systems and organs, prevents certain diseases, and improves overall well-being.

Statistics does not tolerate compromises, but has only bare facts. Recent global data suggests that in recent years Cases of neurotic conditions have become more frequent, to which not only adults, but also children are increasingly exposed. The disappointing statistics are largely due to the crazy pace of modern life.

A person in the realities of life in a metropolis is constantly exposed to stressful situations. If such situations are repeated regularly, then there is a high risk of neuroses. As practice shows, the key reason for the emergence of most complexes and accompanying neurotic deviations is a person’s desire to meet the high standards that are set by the reality around him.

It is not surprising that from early childhood everyone intends to present themselves in an advantageous way - to look slimmer, more attractive, and demonstrate sociability and intelligence during communication. In the context of which there is a demand for sedatives, which are becoming necessary for almost everyone.

Herbal medicine in pursuit of peace of mind

From this article you will learn:

The practice of the last decade has shown that the most effective means in the fight for nerve cells are teas made from special herbs that have a calming effect. Here it must be stated that Mother Nature took care of the sedative properties that can easily be found in many plants.

If you haven’t neglected yourself, then you can limit yourself to regular soothing tea. It is enough to set aside a few minutes a day to enjoy the aromatic drink and the effect will not take long to appear.

The composition of the drink does not play a significant role; your own preferences will give you a much greater clue.

  1. St. John's wort. Characterized by a soft effect. At regular use tea can increase resistance to depression and stressful situations. With its help, it is easy to get rid of the feeling of growing anxiety or fear.
  2. Motherwort. The leaves of a small plant are actively used as additional ingredient for tea. It is famous for its excellent antidepressant properties.
  3. Peppermint. Increases a person's resistance to stress and normalizes sleep patterns.
  4. pharmaceutical camomile. Anti-inflammatory ingredient with a calming effect.
  5. Hop. An anticonvulsant that has proven itself as a sedative.
  6. Lavender. A well-known plant that is effective in combating stress. It has a rather unusual aroma. Despite its positive properties, it did not find great popularity.

How to properly prepare fees

Each of these herbs has a special effect on the human body. Therefore, each fee should be formed from the desired final effect. If you are expecting a busy working day, and your nervous system is already playing tricks, it is better to opt for bergamot, green or tea.
If you are invariably overcome by a growing feeling of anxiety, depression or are tormented by insomnia, then plants such as lavender, valerian or hops will be indispensable.

Soothing tea recipes

"Good mood"

Take 2-3 hop cones, a teaspoon of motherwort and a few leaves. Pour 300 ml of boiling water over all ingredients and leave in a thermos for 40-60 minutes. Tea can be supplemented.


IN equal quantities take hops, St. John's wort and oregano. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and add 1 tbsp per glass of boiling water. spoon of mixture. Before drinking, the drink should steep for 10-12 minutes.


Contraindications largely depend on the ingredients tea collection. Individual intolerance to any particular component deserves primary attention. Almost all of the listed plants have certain side effects. The only exception to this rule is chamomile.

For valerian, the side effects are known and well studied - poor concentration, blurred vision, drowsiness. In this regard, it is not recommended to drive a vehicle after drinking the corresponding tea.

Soothing tea is a very effective remedy in the fight against insomnia, stress and depression. A large number of plants provide unlimited scope for the formation of a unique tea drink, which will help fight exactly the disease or complication that worries you.

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Problems, chronic fatigue, lack of sleep - all this loads the nervous system and prevents you from fully enjoying life. Herbs with a sedative effect will help you calm down and cope with stress. The natural herbal infusion can be taken even by babies who sometimes have trouble sleeping due to nervous immaturity.

Herbal soothing tea

Adults and children face increased physical and mental stress. Constant stress causes problems with sleep, concentration and mood. Unfortunately, there is not always time to fully relax - with long sleep, regular meals and walks. In this case, calming tea will help relieve the nervous system.

The pursuit of an ideal, the desire to become the best is a good motivation, but sometimes good intentions lead to neuroses and anxiety. Tea that calms the nervous system is necessary as part of complex therapy for the following diseases:

  • arrhythmia and tachycardia;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • intestinal colic;
  • neuroses, hysteria;
  • hyperreactivity in a child;
  • high blood pressure;
  • insomnia.

Active herbs

An infusion of certain herbs has a strong sedative effect and has a minimum of contraindications, unlike medicines. You can brew a drink from one ingredient or prepare a soothing mixture.

The sedative effect is most pronounced after taking the following plants:

  • Valerian officinalis. A brewed infusion of roots relaxes, causes drowsiness, and normalizes blood pressure and heart rhythm.
  • Hop. Relieves cramps, nerve pain in the heart, stomach and intestines.
  • Motherwort. Leaves relieve tension and spasms, depression.
  • Lavender. Helps you fall asleep, makes your sleep sound and lasting.
  • Chamomile. Removes inflammation and mental stress.
  • Mint. Normalizes falling asleep, relieves stress.
  • St. John's wort. Flowers have a mild effect - relieve anxiety, fears, and increase stress resistance.
  • Green tea. Contains flavonoids and antioxidants that remove stress and increase performance.

Combining herbs

Plants have different effects on the body: some relax and put you to sleep, others relieve stress and increase performance. When making your own calming mixture, start from the desired result: for effective work without nervous tension, take green tea, bergamot, chamomile, mint.

To get a good night's sleep and get rid of anxiety, you will need soothing teas made from valerian, lavender, motherwort, hop cones, licorice, and violet. When treating heart disease, to normalize rhythm and blood pressure, take hops and lavender.


Don't forget about possible side effects herbal infusions, especially if you are preparing soothing tea for children. Despite their naturalness and usefulness, herbal ingredients can cause an allergic reaction.

Seedlings, rose hips, valerian, fennel, chamomile, and linden are suitable for kids. Soothing mint teas are contraindicated for children under 3 years of age.

The sedative effect of plants can cause excessive drowsiness, memory impairment, and decreased concentration. Valerian may blur your vision—do not drink calming teas made from this root before driving. St. John's wort increases sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation - in the summer this can cause sunburn.

Recipes for adults

Here are recipes that you can use to easily prepare soothing teas:

  • Mix valerian root, motherwort, and lemon balm in equal proportions. Take 1 tbsp. l. mixture, pour in a cup of boiling water, leave warm for 20 minutes. Take 1 spoon three times a day.
  • Measure out 2 tsp. tea leaves (green), 1 tsp. lemon balm leaves, St. John's wort, linden flowers. Pour 2 cups of boiling water over the herbs, leave for 10 minutes, add tea leaves, strain after 5 minutes.
  • Add a spoonful of St. John's wort, chamomile flowers, oregano, and mint. Mix thoroughly, add 1 tsp. collection, pour a mug of boiling water. Keep in a warm place for 15 minutes, add honey.
  • Pour 50 grams into a container. valerian and mint leaves, a pinch of dill seeds. Pour 1 cup of boiling water over 1 tbsp. l. mixture, strain after 30 minutes. Drink half a mug twice a day.
  • Take equal parts of motherwort, hops, rose hips, mint, valerian. Add a mug of boiling water to 1 tbsp. l. plants, stand for 30 minutes. Drink half a cup 2 times a day.

Recipes for kids

Calming tea for children will gently cope with whims, restless sleep, and irritability in infants. For infants, choose preparations without sweeteners, dyes or artificial flavors. Start with single-ingredient drinks to monitor the reaction to the new product.

Fennel in soothing tea for infants will calm the baby, normalize intestinal function, and reduce the amount of gas. Chamomile flowers will relax muscles and relieve hypertension, and have an antimicrobial effect.

Try children's soothing tea made from 1 part hop cones and valerian, 2 parts mint leaves. Pour 120 ml of boiling water into 1 tsp. mixture, stand for 20 minutes. Let's infuse 2-3 spoons during the day and at night.

An effective soothing tea for children made from equal parts of lemon balm, chamomile, and oregano. Pour 1 tbsp of boiling water over a mug. l. mixture, stand for 15 minutes. Give your baby a teaspoon of the drink 3 times a day.

Herbal infusions have a cumulative effect; to obtain pronounced results, take them regularly in courses of 2-3 weeks.

People suffering from sleep disorders often do not pay attention to what they drink at night. And some are firmly convinced that any tea drunk before going to bed is very beneficial. Some people really fall asleep quickly after a couple of cups. aromatic drink. But most tea drinkers still suffer from insomnia. And they don’t even realize that the seemingly completely harmless “Lipton” or “Ahmad” only aggravates the problem.

Is it possible to drink tea before bed? Somnologists say that Drinking classic tea is extremely harmful. After all, many of its varieties are saturated with tannin, caffeine and other stimulants of the nervous system, which prevent a full night's rest. But herbal tea for sleep is a completely different matter. The powers of nature contained in healing plants have a calming effect on the nervous system and provide quality sleep.

Green or black?

In principle, you can drink black tea at night. But very carefully - just a little and not strong tea leaves. This recommendation applies to all people. And those suffering from insomnia should completely avoid indulging in tea before bed. The fact is that this drink contains a decent dose of caffeine, which stimulates the nervous system. Just one standard cup of black tea, drunk before going to bed, activates the nervous system. The brain receives a command to stay awake. At the same time, the heart rate increases and blood flow accelerates. Of course, falling asleep in this state is extremely difficult.

Some people mistakenly believe that green tea before bed, unlike black tea, is calming and relaxing. Almost all varieties of this drink have strong tonic properties. Incredibly, it contains more caffeine than coffee beans. True, the effects of green teas on the body can be different. For example, if you drink a cup of such a drink and fall asleep 5-10 minutes after that, then others may well not sleep a wink all night.

Therefore, if there are any sleep disturbances, the last cup of black or green tea should be drunk approximately 3 hours before bedtime.

And, nevertheless, it cannot be unequivocally stated that drinking tea at night is categorically not recommended. After all, it was only on the black and green varieties of this drink that the light did not converge like a wedge. Fortunately, there is great amount various herbal teas. Most often they are created on the basis of green or black tea, to which are added medicinal plants. You can make such drinks yourself, choosing the herbs that you like best.

The result of consuming a soothing herbal mixture is a feeling of peace and comfort. This is exactly what you need for a good night's sleep. By the way, even the aroma of some plants has a sedative effect on humans.

What to drink for insomnia

If you are already tired of insomnia, you can try to get rid of it with the help of herbal teas. They can be purchased at the pharmacy already packaged in convenient filter bags, or you can prepare them yourself from dried raw materials.

Soothing teas for children

Teas that stabilize the children's nervous system and gently calm an overly excited child are made from medicinal plants. They can be not only single-component, but also complex phytocollections. In the pharmacy, such herbal teas are presented as a mixture of dried herbs for brewing and filter bags. Herbal drinks with added dried fruits and prebiotics are also sold.

It must be borne in mind that the consumption of any herbal tea should be regular. After all, it has a cumulative effect. It is advisable to give it to your baby before putting him to bed.

  1. "Hipp." This is a children's herbal tea mixture available in a wide range of varieties. Some of them can be given to babies as early as 4 months. Soothing Hipp tea contains chamomile and linden blossom. There is no sugar. For older children, it is better to buy “Hipp. Good night". It consists of herbs with a more pronounced sedative effect - thyme, hibiscus and lemon balm.
  2. "Evening Tale". One of the best herbal teas for children. Made in Russia. It contains anise, fennel, lavender and peppermint. His parents speak very highly of him. The child should be given it only once a day - before going to bed.

Let's summarize

If you need to calm your nerves and improve the quality of your night's rest, calming tea is just what you need. A combination of several herbs that have a sedative effect will finally help you get rid of insomnia and problems falling asleep. In addition, such teas are beneficial for overall health.

Drinks made from medicinal herbs are also recommended for those who do not complain about sleep. They are great for calming your nerves after a busy day at work. They also help you sleep soundly, which is important for high-quality restoration of strength and increased productivity.

Herbal teas are a safe method of combating insomnia. They are easy to prepare yourself, guided by your own taste preferences. Everything you need for preparation can be purchased at any pharmacy.