Fish in milk with onions. Fish stewed in milk

My family loves fish very much, so I always try to come up with something new, but there is a recipe that has been unrivaled for many years, not only in my family, but also when my mother and grandmother cooked, and now in the daughter’s family it’s fish in milk.

The recipe can be considered our family, it came from my ancestors who lived on the Volga. My mother used to make this recipe in the beginning. river fish, but when we moved from the Volga, it was used sea ​​fish, occupying most of our counters.

This recipe is good especially for fish, which becomes dry after frying, but in general you can take any inexpensive fish: blue whiting, pollock, hake.

Fish in milk is so uncommon among other recipes that for some time I actually thought it was my grandmother’s invention. Now almost all my friends who have tried this fish at least once with me prepare fish this way.

Ingredients: 1 kg of fish, 0.5-0.6 l of milk, 2 onions, flour for breading, salt, sunflower oil for frying.

Cut the onion into large cubes. There is a lot of onion in this recipe. It would seem a strange combination: onions and milk, but surprisingly, in this recipe, onions in sauce are eaten with pleasure even by those who cannot stand it when boiled.

So, we have prepared fish, onions and flour for breading.

Bread the fish in flour.

Place the fish in a frying pan with heated oil.

Fry on both sides and then fill all the gaps with onions.

Now fill the fish with milk. The level should be almost with the top edge of the fish, and the pan should have sufficient sides. In general, milk usually does not run away; the fish reliably guards it.

Bring the milk to a boil, reduce the heat and cover the pan with a lid. So the fish should be stewed in milk.

In general, our fish is already ready, but we determine the degree of readiness of the dish by the onion; it should become transparent, soft and almost dissolve in the milk, and the milk should thicken and acquire a creamy color.

It’s hard to think of a better side dish for this fish than mashed potatoes, although it’s delicious with other side dishes. The fish turns out so tender that it just melts in your mouth, the sauce also tastes amazing.

I have people who wait until all the fish is laid out on plates, and then they sneak into the kitchen and use a piece of bread to scoop up the remaining sauce from the pan.

This fish, by the way, is very tasty and cold, so if it’s left in the pan, it’s quite possible to make a snack with it without any side dish.

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Ingredients :

500 gr. white fish fillet (pike perch, hake, cod, pollock),

100 gr. onions,

200 - 300 l. milk,

salt - to taste.

Hello, dear readers!

I've been preparing to write this recipe for a long time. Very much delicious fish it turns out. But the virus that swept Novosibirsk did its job. And now, finally, having gathered my strength, I write. It will be short. But at the end you will find news that I hope will interest you. Wow

This recipe is very easy to prepare. But she turns out “amazing.” I quote my husband And therefore, if you have pike perch, hake or other white low-fat fish in the refrigerator, then you can cook it in a new way. By the way, this dish is also suitable for small children. You can simply not fry the fish at all, but immediately simmer it in milk.

How to stew fish in milk?

1. Wash the fish fillet, dry it and cut it into portions. Salt very well (later milk sauce no need to add salt).

2. Roll the pieces of fish in flour on both sides.

3. Fry in vegetable oil only on one side until golden brown.

4. While the fish is frying, chop the onion. Turn the fish over to the other side and cover with onions.

5. Pour milk so as to hide the fish.

6. Simmer over low heat under the lid until the fish is ready. About 20 minutes.

Fish, stewed ready in milk! It turns out very tender, the onion perfectly complements the taste of the dish. The perfect combination, In my opinion

Another similar recipe and very delicious dinner- This . Try it, compare.

And to the news that I mentioned at the beginning! Soon there will be a competition for which I have been preparing for a long time, with a very good main gift and pleasant rewards for prizes. So be sure to subscribe to blog updates so you don’t miss anything. And I invite you to join our groups on social networks. See you very soon!

Wishing you a good weekend, .

Today we will once again touch on the topic of fish dishes and prepare one of the most delicious - blue whiting stewed with onions in milk. Many people love it, but unfortunately, today, it is a very expensive product to serve as often as one would like. Our family loves fish and I found it quite reasonable in price, but excellent delicious variety fish. Believe it or not, this is a simple blue whiting, which many consider a trash fish and only buy as cat food. You can make a lot out of it wonderful dishes. For example .

I dare to assure you that she is underestimated in vain. The whiting fish, although small and unpresentable in appearance, still belongs to the noble cod family. Believe me, its taste is in no way inferior to noble cod. You just need to adapt to it, in which I have been very successful and will tell you about it in upcoming articles.

This is truly a representative of the cod family, which includes not only cod, but also well-known to housewives, burbot, haddock, and so on. They have very small scales and spineless fins, which makes cleaning the fish much easier before cooking. Fishes of this family are quite dietary product and therefore are perfect for any diet.

And in this article I will tell you how to cook whiting stewed with onions. At first glance, this is very unusual combination, but despite everything, it tastes great. The fish itself is small, and if you simply fry it, as we usually fry breaded fish, it will turn out a little dry. Just to avoid this, let's add milk.


The fish needs to be defrosted naturally. To do this, we simply leave it in a bowl for several hours, but we will not defrost it completely, but leave it in a borderline state. This way it won’t fall apart and moisture won’t escape.

Let's cut off the head of the defrosted fish. It’s better to do this with scissors, it’s much more convenient. Then we carefully cut off all the fins, on the belly and back, take out the intestines and be sure to remove the black film inside the belly, otherwise the fish will taste bitter. Wash it in running water and cut it into several pieces with the same scissors.

Now it's the turn of the onions. You don’t have to spare it, and the more you have, the tastier the dish will be. Cleaning onion remove the husks, wash in running water, cut into half rings, and you can also cut large onions, it will be even better. Pour into a heated frying pan and place chopped onion in it. Simmer the onion until half cooked and, what is important, without covering it with a lid!

Place blue whiting pieces on top of the onion, salt and pepper, add fish seasoning and mix. Simmer the fish for several minutes, stirring occasionally with a spatula. We do this carefully so that it does not fall apart. Now is the time to add milk. Let it boil and turn down the heat. Cover with a lid and let it almost simmer ready dish a few more minutes.

That's all! Blue whiting stewed with onions in milk is completely ready. , tender and tasty a fish dish Serve with side dish and herbs. Bon appetit!


  • 1 kg – blue whiting fish;
  • 3-4 pcs – onions;
  • 350-450 ml – milk;
  • Salt, spices to taste;
  • 40 g - odorless and tasteless vegetable oil.

This recipe has been in our family for four generations. Cooking fish in milk is not as common as other methods, however, after trying it at least once, many begin to prefer it.

Any fish is suitable for this dish, but it is best to use one whose flesh is dry and lean, for example, cod, hake, blue whiting, pollock. This recipe is also a lifesaver if you accidentally come across frozen fish.

Clean the fish (1 kg), gut it and cut it into equal pieces.

Peel two medium onions and cut them into squares.

Salt the fish, bread it in flour and fry, as usual, on both sides in a frying pan with hot sunflower oil. It is better to take a frying pan with high sides so that the milk does not run away later.

Fill the spaces between the fish with onion pieces. You can’t spoil this dish with onions; there should be a lot of it. Let me make a reservation right away that most people who don’t like boiled onions don’t refuse it in this dish.

Fill the fish with milk - approximately half a liter per kilogram of fish. The milk level should be almost level with the fish.

We wait for the milk to boil, leave to simmer, covered with a lid, over low heat.

We determine the degree of readiness of the dish by looking at the onion; it should become transparent and almost dissolve in the milk, while the milk sauce itself becomes thicker.

Mashed potatoes - best side dish for fish in milk, but you can also make a complex side dish with vegetables that have delicate taste, for example, with cauliflower and green peas.

The fish turns out tender, soft, juicy, and the sauce has original taste, so even the most ardent opponents of boiled onions in this dish will not refuse it.

Fish stewed in milk- easy to prepare, but very tasty dish. The fish turns out incredibly tender, with an incomparable milk sauce. I cooked hake fillet, you can use any other similar fish. You can apply with mashed potatoes or rice. Delicious!


To prepare fish stewed in milk, you will need:

onions - 0.5 pcs.;

fish fillet (I prepared hake fillet) - 500 g;

butter - 2 tbsp. l.;

milk - 1 glass;

flour - 1 tbsp. l.;

salt, black ground pepper- taste;

parsley (greens) - to taste;

bay leaf - 1 pc.

Cooking steps

Cut the defrosted fish fillet into small pieces.

Pour milk into the pan, add salt, bring the milk to a boil and add finely chopped onion.

Also add black pepper and bay leaf to the pan in the milk.

Boil the milk and onions over low heat for 5 minutes, then add butter and pieces of fish into the resulting milk sauce.

Simmer the fish in milk for 10-15 minutes over low heat, turning the pieces periodically (no need to cover the pan with a lid). At the end of stewing (if the sauce has not thickened too much), add flour diluted in small quantity(1-2 tablespoons) water, mix well and cook for a few more minutes. Sprinkle the fish with chopped parsley and stir. Turn off the gas.

Cooked incredibly tender and delicious fish, stewed in milk, serve hot.