Pie from liquid dough with meat. Incredibly delicious jellied pie with minced meat and potatoes

The recipe is simple and fast food for dinner or unexpected guests, should be in the arsenal of every hostess. There is nothing easier than a filling pie with minced meat. You won’t have to mess around with the dough for a long time, it only bakes for half an hour and a minimum of soiled dishes ....


For test: __NEWL__

  • Flour - 1 tbsp. __NEWL__
  • Egg – 3 pcs.__NEWL__
  • Vegetable oil - 50 g.__NEWL__
  • Mayonnaise - 150 g.__NEWL__
  • Baking powder - 2 tsp__NEWL__
__NEWL__ For filling: __NEWL__
  • Minced meat - 300 g.__NEWL__
  • Potatoes - 1 piece __NEWL__
  • Salt, dried dill.__NEWL__
  • Poppy for decoration__NEWL__

First we prepare the filling. Potatoes are peeled, washed and three on a fine grater.

We take mixed minced meat beef plus pork. We do not recommend using only beef, the dish will turn out a bit dry. And a lot of fat will be rendered from pork. Salt minced meat, add grated potatoes and dried dill.

Mix everything thoroughly, set aside so that the salt dissolves.

Now let's take a test. Sift flour and mix with baking powder. We beat in 3 eggs.

Lightly salt, mix flour with eggs, pour oil and add mayonnaise. We use classic mayonnaise. We start batter without flour lumps. It has the consistency of thick sour cream.

Lubricate the baking dish or pan with plenty of oil, you can cover it with parchment. Pour about half of the dough into it. Spread the filling evenly.

Gently pour the remaining dough, spreading over the entire surface. Sprinkle with poppy seeds and dried dill. If there is no poppy, you can sprinkle with red or black pepper, it also turns out beautifully.

We put on 30 min. in an oven preheated to 200 degrees. Do not open the oven door during cooking.

We take out the finished jellied pie.

If baked on parchment, then turn the product over, remove the parchment. If in a frying pan, then close the lid, let it sweat a little and easily remove the pastries to the dish. Jellied pie is delicious hot, warm and cold. Pairs well with sour cream or mustard.

Ability to bake pies increases the self-esteem of any hostess, allowing you to noticeably diversify the menu through experiments with fillings, but capricious pastry often requires painstaking long cooking, and the result is far from always pleasing. We offer to master the new kind baking by preparing a jellied pie on kefir with minced meat and potatoes according to the recipe with a photo. This method is ideal for those who love large, tall, voluminous pies, but hate to roll out regular pies with a rolling pin. butter dough. Follow our recipe, and your jellied pie will turn out lush, tender, extraordinarily tasty.

What is good jellied pie

The basis of jellied pies- liquid creamy dough, cooked on kefir, curdled milk, yogurt, fermented baked milk. In fact, everyone is familiar with such pastries - remember the famous charlotte, there is no one who has not tried it! But the popularity of this dish has gained precisely because of the ease of preparation. There are others nice pluses given method:

  • Recipe not overloaded extra components, everything you need is easy to find in any kitchen;
  • The jellied pie cooks much faster than the butter pie;
  • Taste qualities baking on kefir will win the hearts of all households;
  • A pie with potatoes and minced meat can be served with the first course, it will become an unusual tasty substitute for bread;
  • Dough easy to beat with a whisk without getting your hands dirty;
  • Texture ready meal with its tenderness and airiness looks like a casserole;
  • And most importantly- a jellied pie is sure to turn out even for a young inexperienced hostess.

Undoubtedly, you can’t wait to start cooking a new dish as soon as possible. We put on an apron, wash our hands, remove our hair - if a hair falls into a liquid base, it will be very problematic to notice it there. Our pie recipe implies baking in a dish with high sides, we will talk about this separately.

Baking container

The quality of any pie directly depends on dishes in which it was baked. The best material for this purpose is deservedly considered cast iron, which has excellent heat distribution properties that ensure uniform baking. Plus to everything cast iron mold will last for more than a decade. A jellied pie cooked in an old thick-walled cast iron pan will resemble grandmother's pies from the oven.

In principle, you can use any dish. But the best fit modern teflon container with removable sides, because our recipe involves baking an unusual design with an open top and edges. It is impossible to lift it with a spatula, it is also difficult to turn it over onto a plate. Possibility to unfasten interfering sides will greatly facilitate the process of removing the cake.

Categorically not suitable for filling test silicone. When all the ingredients are inside the soft form, it will not be easy to place it in the oven without losing the contents along the way. Leave the silicone baking sheet for harder textures, then it will be truly indispensable: it is a pleasure to remove the finished baked dish from such dishes.

  • In a separate bowl, prepare the base: combine mayonnaise with kefir, break eggs, add 0.5 teaspoon of soda, mix. To the resulting mass, gently pour the flour little by little, stirring constantly so that there are no lumps. Ready dough looks like thick sour cream.
  • Pour the contents of the mold with dough, level with a spatula, put in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 50 minutes.
  • Dough:
  • 300 ml of kefir;
  • 3 fresh eggs;
  • 2 tbsp. white flour;
  • 3 tbsp vegetable oil;
  • 0.5 tsp drinking soda;
  • 0.5 tsp table salt;
  • 1 tbsp manochki (for powder form).
  • Filling:
  • 0.5 kg of minced meat;
  • 0.5 bunch of dill;
  • 1 onion;
  • 100 gr. hard cheese;
  • 2-3 pinches of black pepper and salt.
  • Preparation time: 00:20
  • Cooking time: 00:40
  • Servings: 8
  • Complexity: light


This cake is very easy to prepare, so even a novice cook can handle it. To prepare the dough, you do not need to mess with the yeast, wait until they work, and the dough will rise. It is enough to mix the ingredients with a whisk to the desired consistency and you can immediately bake a cake.

  1. To knead the dough, pour kefir into a bowl, beat in the eggs, salt, stir all the ingredients with a whisk or a mixer for a couple of minutes.
  2. We mix flour with soda, we must sift the mixture to get a more fluffy crumb.

    IN this case soda does not need to be extinguished, because. the acidic environment of kefir will extinguish soda instead of vinegar.

  3. We introduce the flour in parts into a bowl, continue to knead the dough until uniform consistency. At the end we add vegetable oil, knead again and the dough for the bulk pie is ready.
  4. We clean the onion, finely chop into cubes. Stir the onion into the minced meat, season with spices to taste.
  5. Lubricate the cake mold with butter, sprinkle with semolina. Pour most of the dough (2/3 parts) onto the bottom of the mold, level the surface with a spatula. Distribute the filling evenly. Sprinkle generously with chopped dill (you can use frozen herbs). Top with three cheese on a large or medium grater.
  6. We hide the filling under the layer of the remaining dough. We make sure that it evenly covers the stuffing. We bake the pie at 180-200 degrees for about 40 minutes, until it is well browned.

    If the cake starts to burn on top, and inside is still raw, then the top of the form must be tightened with foil.

  7. Remove the finished cake from oven cool slightly, transfer to a plate and cut into portions. Bon appetit everyone!

If you need to quickly bake a diner meat pie, then kefir dough is best suited for this. It cooks quickly, the main ingredient is always in the refrigerator (you can safely use kefir not of the very first freshness), the dough rises well, has pleasant taste. You can use any meat for the filling: boiled, raw, ground into minced meat, etc. Next, we'll figure out how to cook a bulk pie with meat on kefir.

Such a pie is incredibly satisfying, tasty and quick baking. The recipe uses boiled pork, which can be replaced with any other type of meat or poultry.

Servings: 8.

Cooking time: 55 minutes.

Calorie content: 284 kcal per 100 gr.

Ingredients (dough):

  • 400 ml of any kefir;
  • 160 gr. butter;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 tbsp sugar;
  • 280 gr. white flour;
  • 0.5 tsp table salt;
  • 1.5 tsp baking powder.

Ingredients (stuffing):

  • 600 ml of water;
  • 300 gr. pork pulp;
  • 1 onion;
  • 30 ml vegetable oil;
  • A little salt and black pepper.


  1. For the filling, thoroughly wash the piece of meat, lower it into boiling salted water. Cook over medium heat until the meat is cooked. Put the finished pork on a dish, let it cool.
  2. In the meantime, peel the onion, finely chop it into cubes. Put in hot vegetable oil in a frying pan, fry until soft and lightly browned.
  3. We cut the cooled meat into arbitrary pieces, scroll along with the onion with a meat grinder or chop in a food processor.

    If the onion is finely chopped enough, then it can simply be added to the rolled meat.

  4. Season the filling to taste with salt and pepper, you can add a little gray greens.
  5. Putting the minced meat aside, we proceed to kneading the dough. Melt to a liquid state butter, cool it down to room temperature. Separately, break, beat, salt, chicken eggs.
  6. We combine the cooled butter with half a serving of kefir, add the eggs, mix everything thoroughly. Add the rest of the kefir, add sugar, mix everything thoroughly.
  7. Separately sow the flour mixed with the baking powder. Add the dry ingredients to the liquid base, stirring thoroughly with a whisk so that there are no flour lumps.
  8. To prepare the pie, we take a refractory deep form, grease it from the inside with a piece of butter, pour out half of the dough. Having leveled the dough layer, lay out the cooled filling, which we cover with an even layer of the remaining dough.
  9. We bake the cake in the oven, heated to 200 degrees for about 45 minutes.
  10. We take out the finished jellied pie, cool a little in the form. Then cut, serve with tea.


If you want tasty home baking but no time to cook yeast dough, you can try to make a jellied pie. The secret of its simplicity is that the filling is simply poured with batter, so there is no need to knead the dough for a long time.

We invite you to cook an incredibly delicious aspic pie with meat and potatoes. This hearty meal perfect for dinner. By the way, you can eat it both hot and hide it in the refrigerator and eat it cold. But we assure you, there will be nothing left for tomorrow!

The dough for jellied pies is prepared on the basis of sour cream, mayonnaise, kefir, curdled milk or a mixture of these products, and the filling can be any: chopped meat, fish, cheese, onion, vegetables.


  • 1 pack of mayonnaise (250 g)
  • 0.5 liters of kefir (can be replaced with sour cream)
  • 2 eggs
  • 3-4 medium potatoes
  • 300-400 g ground beef
  • 1 bulb
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda (no top)
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • Salt, pepper to taste
  • Sunflower oil

How to cook

The recipe for meat and potato pie is very simple. For the test, it is necessary to mix mayonnaise, kefir, eggs, sugar, salt and soda in a separate container with a whisk or mixer. Salt is needed quite a bit, since mayonnaise is salty in itself.

Add flour by eye. The end result should be a dough with the consistency of sour cream. It is difficult to say the exact amount of flour, because if you take kefir, you will need more of it, and if you use sour cream, then less.

It is better to prepare the stuffing in advance. Finely chop the onion, grate the carrots coarse grater. We spread onion in a pan with vegetable oil first, after a few minutes - carrots, and a little later - minced meat. By the way, if you have time - it is better to use not minced meat, but finely chopped meat with a knife - it will be much tastier. Salt and pepper the filling to taste and cook for about 10 minutes.

Boil the potatoes "in uniform" and cut into circles.

We take a baking dish, grease the bottom with oil, pour a little dough so that it covers the bottom, spread the potato circles, then the meat filling and fill everything with the remaining dough.

You need to bake at a temperature of 200 degrees for 15 minutes, then reduce the heat to 180 and bake for another 15-20 minutes. Check readiness with a toothpick, when the dough stops sticking to it - a fragrant meat pie with potatoes is ready!

Bon appetit!

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Simple, fast and tasty - these are the culinary characteristics of the dish that every housewife dreams of combining, especially when it comes to homemade pastries.

We hasten to please you: a filling pie with minced meat is exactly what you need, even a person who first approached the oven can cook it. Fluffy porous dough together with juicy stuffing create a harmonious classic "duet", which will be appropriate both at a picnic and on a festive table.

Jellied pie: what is it and what is it eaten with

What is a "filled pie"? It is easy to guess from the name that this is a pie with a rather thin dough, which is poured into a mold pre-filled with some kind of filling.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that this is why he has gained such popularity. Kefir dough it is incredibly simple, even a beginner in baking can handle it, and the result will exceed all your expectations. Lush, airy and not falling down when cooling down, the dough will become your favorite. But that is not all!

Today we will prepare a jellied kefir pie with minced meat, but you can cook pastries with other delicious fillings using the same principle.

Here are just a few of them:

  • cabbage;
  • eggs with mushrooms;
  • potato;
  • fish.

But what exactly you want to add next time will depend only on your imagination. Chicken, vegetable stew or berries with cottage cheese - everything is in your hands.

Jellied pie on kefir with minced meat


  • Kefir - 500 g + -
  • - 2 tbsp. + -
  • - 3 pcs. + -
  • - 1 tsp + -
  • Soda - 0.5 tsp + -
  • Minced meat - 600 g + -
  • — 1-2 pcs. + -
  • - taste + -
  • - for frying + -

How to cook a filling pie with minced meat at home

It will take us no more than 20 minutes to prepare a jellied pie, not counting the time for baking, but you can manage it even faster if you prepare some ingredients in advance.

  1. First of all, we take kefir out of the refrigerator: we need it at room temperature, but if you forgot, it's okay, you can slightly warm it up in the microwave. The main thing here is not to overdo it.
  2. Add sugar and soda to kefir, mix and leave in a warm place for 30 minutes. It is better not to rush and wait until noticeable bubbles appear, then the dough will turn out to be airy and tender. But we can prepare everything in advance, for example, in the morning, and calmly go about our business.
  3. While kefir is infused, let's do the filling. Clean and then finely chop onion. Heat up a little in a pan vegetable oil and fry the onion over low heat until translucent. We make sure that it does not burn, for this, from time to time, stir it with a spatula.
  4. Add minced meat to the onion, salt, pepper to taste, and also begin to fry it over low heat. At first, the minced meat will stick together, so it must be broken with a spatula to get homogeneous mass. As soon as the minced meat acquires an even color, turn off the stove and temporarily set it aside. Do not dry out the meat.

To make the cake tastier - choose your favorite meat: lean chicken, classic minced meat from a mixture of pork and beef, fragrant lamb- whatever! Offal lovers will like the option with liver, just keep in mind that it will first need to be crushed with a blender or meat grinder.

  1. We turn on the oven: it must be heated to 180 degrees. If there is no oven, no problem. A filling pie with minced meat is cooked in a multicooker in the same way, only instead of temperature, we set the desired mode on the device (as a rule, this is the “Baking” mode).
  2. In kefir, add salt to taste and eggs, mix everything.
  3. We slowly introduce the flour - it is more convenient to do this in small portions, because the total volume may differ slightly from the indicated one. Mix thoroughly each time so that no lumps remain. As a result, the consistency of the dough should become similar to low-fat sour cream.
  4. The cake is almost ready - let's start baking. A shape that is suitable in size, it is better if it is not too wide, grease with oil. You can additionally line it with baking paper, but this is not necessary.
  5. Pour half of the dough into the prepared form, spread the minced meat on top and close with the second half. The smoother the layers, the more evenly they will bake. We put in the oven for half an hour.

When Appetizing Appears golden brown We begin to check the cake for readiness. We pierce it with a wooden toothpick, and when it ceases to be sticky, we take out the pastries from the oven.

Jellied pie with minced meat can be served both hot and cold, but here, of course, you need to consider what kind of meat we have chosen. Fatty lamb will be more appetizing right from the heat, and tender chicken will be quite appropriate the next day, as a snack or a lazy breakfast.

We supplement the dish with a spoonful of sour cream - and enjoy the taste!