A severe degree of simple alcohol intoxication is typical. How many ppm does alcohol intoxication indicate?

13.12.2017 Lawyer Viktor Voloshin 0

Permille of alcohol: methods of calculation and punishment for violating established standards

Most drivers in our country are aware of the penalties for driving while intoxicated, but few know what the ppm of alcohol is and how to relate it to specific volumes of alcohol. Since 2013, the country has reintroduced the concept of “permissible ethanol content in the blood of a motorist.” To understand what the permitted norm is, you need to have an understanding of converting the amount of alcohol consumed into ppm.

To learn how to determine the degree of intoxication in ppm and not to drive when it is punishable, you need to learn how to independently convert the amount of alcohol you drink into this indicator.

Promille is the concentration of alcohol in the driver's blood or in the air he exhales, which shows the degree of his intoxication. It's essentially a mathematical term that means a thousandth of a percent of a whole. Often this term is applied not only to drivers who risk getting behind the wheel while being “chauffeured,” but also in other areas of activity. For example, the slope of a railway track is measured in ppm.

Permille as a percentage shows the content of breakdown products of alcohol-containing drinks in the body. With the help of knowledge about alcohol content, you can determine your condition and decide whether to travel or not.

Different alcoholic drinks are eliminated from the body differently, and they require different periods of time to do so. The table will show what is the time frame for removing a particular drink from the body in the amount of 100 grams.

Type of alcoholic drink/Weight of person 60 kg 70 kg 80 kg 90 kg 100 kg
Beer 4% from 21 to 35 minutes
Beer 6% from 31 to 52 minutes
Cocktail 9% Gin-Tonic from 47 minutes to 1 hour 18 minutes
Sparkling champagne (11% turnover) from 57 minutes to 1 hour 36 minutes
18% Port or wine from 1 hour 34 minutes to 2 hours 37 minutes
Alcohol tincture 24% from 2 hours 05 minutes to 3 hours 29 minutes
Alcoholic product – liqueur 30% from 2 hours 37 minutes to 4 hours 21 minutes
Vodka 40% from 2 hours 37 minutes to 5 hours 48 minutes
Cognac 42% from 3 hours 39 minutes to 6 hours 05 minutes

By observing the time periods indicated in the table, you can accurately calculate the period of complete elimination of alcohol from the body and the time for safe driving. The motorist can check his own condition the next day using a portable breathalyzer, which are sold in electronics stores.


To avoid the mistake of relying on standard tables that present average results without taking into account individual characteristics person, it is better to calculate the number of ppm yourself.

To make the calculation, take the following indicators:

  • person's weight;
  • the volume of alcoholic beverage consumed and its strength.

A person suffering from alcoholism and drinking alcohol regularly will experience the greatest degree of intoxication, since the concentration of ethanol in his blood is increased. The driver must understand the full responsibility of drunk driving and prevent this from happening.

Calculation example

The formula for the permissible level of ppm of alcohol in the blood is called Eric Widmark. The calculation is extremely simple and does not require special knowledge, but it will perfectly help to avoid traffic violations.

The formula looks like this:

C=A/(m X r), Where

C is the blood alcohol concentration;

A is the grams of alcohol consumed;

m is the person’s weight;

r is a constant value, which for women is 0.6 ppm, for men - 0.7 ppm.

For example, a woman with a body weight of 50 kg drank 50 grams of cognac the night before, which means C = 50/(50 X 0.6). That is, a woman’s blood will contain 0.6 ppm.

It is almost impossible to fool modern breathalyzers used by the police, due to their absolute accuracy. Therefore, if you have doubts about your condition and the dose of alcohol was too large, it is better to refrain from traveling by car, so as not to receive a fine, lose your driver’s license, or get into an accident.

Alcohol ppm tables

The degree of intoxication of a citizen can be determined by certain symptoms and, accordingly, the amount of alcohol contained in his blood can be approximately determined. The ppm alcohol table clearly shows the classification of a person’s intoxication.

Amount of vapor in exhaled air (BrAC, mg/l) Permille value (g/l) Human condition Characteristic behavior
0,0 – 0,29 0,0 – 0,4 Sober Some talkativeness and a “good” mood can only be noticeable to close people who are well acquainted with the person’s character. Considered the norm.
0,15 – 0,5 0,3 – 1,0 A state of euphoria, a manifestation of impudence Self-confidence, violation of generally established rules, lack of control over coordination of movements. There is a high risk of getting punished for drunk driving.
0,40 – 1,0 0,8 – 2,0 Nervous excitement Unsteady gait, lack of coordination, lethargy, drowsiness. Angry or apathetic behavior is common. Conflicts with traffic police officers are possible.
0,70 – 1,2 1,4 – 2,4 Inappropriate behavior Disorientation, visual disturbances, attacks of anger. The feeling of pain is often drowned out.
1,1 – 1,6 2,2 – 3,2 Apathetic state Lethargy, apathy towards everything, with reduced immunity, paralysis occurs. Possible death.
1,50 – 2,0 3,0 – 4,0 Clinical coma, near-death state Reflexes are severely suppressed or completely absent. There is a low body temperature, the respiratory system and blood circulation are poorly functioning
1,90+ 3,8+ Fatal outcome The probability of death is 100% due to paralysis of the respiratory system.

There are a number of signs that clearly indicate that a person is drunk:

  • persistent smell of alcohol;
  • tremor, unsteady gait;
  • speech disorders;
  • change in skin color (red or pale);
  • aggression, increased sociability, inappropriate behavior.

These signs, without any examination, may indicate that the person has been drinking and has not yet come to his senses. At the same time, the body of each citizen is individual. Some people need to drink just a glass of beer to get very drunk, while others need a significant dose of strong alcohol. Allowing a motorist to get behind the wheel in this condition is extremely dangerous. He may suffer himself and injure other people. Pedestrians are especially likely to suffer from drunk drivers. Serious accidents occur quite often due to the fault of alcoholic beverages, so state traffic inspectors strictly monitor compliance with the established rules, periodically conducting special raids to identify “drunk” drivers.

Information for drivers

Drinking before driving is very dangerous. Impairments in coordination and thinking often lead to serious accidents. The stage of severe intoxication, as a rule, occurs within half an hour after drinking strong alcohol.

The Ministry of Health, together with the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, has developed standards in accordance with which drivers are checked for alcohol intoxication. For some time in our country there was a law according to which the driver had to have zero ppm when tested. This indicator had to be present both when tested with a breathalyzer (exhale) and detected in a blood or urine test. But then changes were made that allow a certain amount of alcohol in the blood of a motorist.

The reason for this is some products consumed every day:

  • kefir, curdled milk, yogurt;
  • overripe bananas;
  • kvass;
  • warm fruit juices;
  • some medicines;
  • chocolate candies;
  • cigarettes;
  • sandwiches with sausage and black bread and other products.

Contrary to popular belief, non-alcoholic beer also increases blood alcohol levels. Therefore, you should not drink this drink or other low-alcohol products before your trip.

The permissible limits for ppm of alcohol while driving in 2017 are 0.16 ppm in exhaled air and 0.35 milligrams per liter of blood. This ratio is precisely the permissible error of the instruments that are offered to the driver for testing. Measuring alcohol content is carried out either by police officers at the scene of a stop using a special breathalyzer device, or in a clinical setting using blood and urine tests. Saliva may also contain information about the content of ethanol breakdown products, but often the results are not accurate. Therefore, this method is considered unreliable.

For violation of the permissible amount of ppm established by the Ministry of Health, the country provides for punishment in the form of:

  • a fine of 30 thousand rubles and deprivation of rights for up to two years, upon initial detection of alcohol intoxication while driving;
  • a fine of 50 thousand rubles, deprivation of rights for up to three years or criminal prosecution;

The criteria by which drivers are selected for verification are left to the discretion of the police. The inspector may be suspicious of the behavior of the motorist, a professional eye can easily see signs of alcohol intoxication in a person and then he will immediately go for an examination.

"Milligrams per mille"

People are accustomed to considering the degree of intoxication in ppm, but official documents usually include information about grams per amount of air exhaled. In order not to have difficulty translating these values, there is a certain scale on which both indicators can be easily converted. In any case, not even a large number of alcohol can harm the body, including causing irreparable changes and serious poisoning. To take care of your health, you need to strictly limit your alcohol consumption.

Measurement in ppm Milligram/liter
0,1 0,045
0,2 0,09
0,3 0,135
0,4 0,18
0,5 0,225
0,6 0,27
0,7 0,315
0,8 0,36
0,9 0,405
1,0 0,45
1.1 ppm 0,495
1,2 0,54
1,3 0,585
1,4 0,63
1,5 0,675
1,6 0,72
1,7 0,765
1,8 0,81
1,9 0,855
2,0 0,9
2,1 0,945
2,2 0,99
2,3 1,035
2,4 1,08
2,5 1,125
2,6 1,17
2,7 1,215
2,8 1,26
2,9 1,305
3,0 1,35
3,1 1,395
3,2 1,44
3,3 1,485
3,4 1,53
3,5 1,575
3,6 1,62
3,7 1,665
3,8 1,71
3,9 1,755
4,0+ 1.8 or more

It is important to understand that every ppm changes a person’s personality, reduces his ability to work, increases nervousness, and causes aggression. A ppm counter will not help you avoid intoxication. Before traveling, it is better not to drink alcohol at all in order to be confident in your own abilities and ensure the safety of not only yourself, but also other road users.

It is also important to understand the rules and follow them not only for the traffic police, but also to preserve your own health. Natural alcohol levels do not exceed 0.3 ppm. To maintain normal life and avoid harm to health, you should not exceed the level of 0.75-1.5 ppm. 2.2 ppm of alcohol characterizes the average degree of intoxication and does not cause danger, but should be an alarm bell that the standards have been exceeded.

More than 2.7 ppm of alcohol is considered a severe degree of intoxication, which causes serious changes in the mental state and disruption of a person’s life. Exceeding levels above 3.5-4.2 ppm is considered a lethal dosage. Either death occurs or the person falls into a coma. From a medical point of view, there are standards for acceptable alcohol consumption per day that will not cause harm to health:

To exclude possible consequences negative influence alcohol on the human body, it is better to completely avoid drinking alcoholic beverages, limiting yourself to only rare festive feasts With a small amount drinks. Alcohol is strictly contraindicated for motorists, provided that they need to drive in the near future. This can cause harm not only to the driver, but also to other road users.

The severity of alcohol intoxication can manifest itself in different ways. This may depend on many unrelated reasons. The most important of them is the individual characteristics of each individual. Previous illnesses are of considerable importance, especially for pathologies of an organic nature. They often cause extremely rapid or

The effects of alcohol and the development of intoxication

People's ability to drink alcohol varies greatly. In addition, it is important for what purpose and in what mood alcohol is taken. If this happens on festive celebration, then obvious intoxication can occur quite quickly.

If the average user consciously tries to continue to control the situation, then he can significantly delay the moment of intoxication. The type of drink consumed and the percentage of sugar and alcohol in it have a significant impact on its depth and speed of development.

A person’s state before starting to drink, both physical and mental, also plays a certain role. People suffering from alcoholism often experience atypical intoxication - dysphoric or mixed. It is quite difficult for them to identify signs and degrees of alcohol intoxication.

Stages of intoxication

There are various stages of intoxication, differing in a person’s sensations and external manifestations of his behavior. At first, the alcohol-containing drink causes a pleasant feeling of lightness and euphoria, gives a feeling of joy and high spirits, relieves fatigue and relaxes. As the amount of drinking increases, these sensations often change to others, much less pleasant. This can be irritation and anger, hypertrophied grievances, aggression and loss of control over one’s own behavior.

The stronger the drink, the faster the symptoms of altered consciousness appear. An empty stomach also helps a lot. If there is at least some food in it and the drink consumed is of low strength, then the process of developing intoxication does not occur so quickly. The manifestation of the degree of intoxication of an object directly depends on its mass, individual susceptibility and state at the current moment. When a person has clearly expressed neuropsychic stress, alcohol has a less pronounced effect. This is due to the initial overvoltage of the central nervous system.

Easy stage

A person attracts attention due to his high mood, cheerfulness, and sociability. He tries to be pleasant and good-natured, but it becomes difficult for him to maintain the ability to concentrate. A mild degree of alcoholic intoxication is characterized by somewhat loose and slow speech.

His judgments can become quite frivolous; the criticality of actions decreases, as does the perception of various troubles. The surrounding reality is distorted for a person, he is not able to assess what is happening. The instincts inherent in the object are inhibited, skills are dulled,

Often a person overestimates his own capabilities and commits actions that are unusual for him in a normal state. These changes are observed already at the initial degree of alcohol intoxication. They are caused by the toxic effect of alcohol on the nerve centers. But people clearly remember what happens to them and can retell it later.


This is already a fairly strong degree of alcohol intoxication. All previous symptoms worsen, new ones are added to them. A distinct odor of alcohol emanates from the person's mouth. His gait becomes shaky and unstable, and sometimes it becomes quite difficult to attract his attention. Primary signs of stupor may be observed. Disorientation in space and loss of control over one’s behavior are quite possible.

A loss of natural shyness, resulting in sexuality, incoherent speech and loud swearing, is typical at this stage. Increased excitability with reduced self-control easily provokes quarrels, disputes and even fights. The average degree of alcohol intoxication is characterized by memory lapses: there is a complete loss of individual fragments of what happened the day before. The next morning a person may not remember everything that happened to him.

At this stage, various forms of deep disturbance of consciousness are often observed. Typically the subject is unable to stand on its own. It is very difficult to attract his attention. It is almost impossible to contact a person; he is inarticulate: he mutters something unintelligible, repeats meaningless phrases and words.

His condition can be different: he can be inhibited and lethargic or, on the contrary, overly excited. The reaction to painful stimuli is significantly reduced. The person is unable to write, he cannot use a familiar skill.

Deep intoxication against the background of severe intoxication of the body can turn into a coma, but the prognosis is not always favorable. Not everyone is able to reach this level of alcohol intoxication; for many, the body’s protective reflexes are triggered - nausea and vomiting prevent further consumption.

The presence of various stages of intoxication is of interest to many citizens. For example, the ability to drive vehicles depends on this. Sometimes situations arise when it is necessary to find out exactly how drunk or sober the target is. For this purpose, intoxication indicators are calculated in ppm. A special device is successfully used, which is actively used by police services, doctors and ordinary citizens.

So how are the quantitative content of alcohol in the blood and the degree of intoxication related?

  • 0.3-0.5% - slight influence of alcohol.
  • 0.5-1.5% - slight intoxication.
  • 1.5-2.5% - average intoxication.
  • 2.5-3% - severe intoxication.
  • 3-5% - deep intoxication, alcohol poisoning, possible death.
  • Over 5% - severe fatal poisoning.

Intoxication: modified forms

If the subject has certain psychological disorders or special individual traits, his intoxication can take various atypical forms. It could be:

  • Dysphoric. Even with a small amount of use, a person, bypassing the high mood, demonstrates depression and aggressiveness, usually typical of more severe stages. This form of manifestation is typical for those suffering from chronic alcoholism.
  • Hebephrenic. Expressed in excessive foolishness, ostentatious gaiety, often turning into violence. It is observed in various latent schizophrenic disorders. Occurs in teenagers.
  • Paranoid. A person becomes suspicious and suspicious; he inadequately interprets the intentions and actions of others. This form occurs in some types of mental disorders, especially in the presence of alcoholism.
  • Hysterical. This form is observed in people of a special type, self-centered, with high self-esteem. It manifests itself as an imitation of madness; there are frequent threats of suicide and demonstration attempts at suicide.

The harm of alcohol

Regardless of the amount drunk and the degree of alcohol intoxication, alcohol always has a pathological effect on the body. Alcohol is officially recognized as a dangerous drug that can cause irreparable harm to health and become addictive. Among other things, alcohol has a negative effect on the brain, which regulates the activity of all organs and affects the coherent functioning of all body systems.

The negative effects of alcohol are caused by a disruption in the supply of oxygen to nerve cells, which gradually begin to die. This affects primarily the intellectual abilities of the individual. Against the background of damage to the cerebral cortex and a decrease in brain activity, the drinker’s behavior gradually changes, not for the better. An obvious change in the behavior, hobbies and addictions of the addict becomes noticeable.

How to determine the degree of intoxication?

You can independently determine the severity of intoxication only approximately by changes in the nature of behavior. To do this, it is necessary to assess the behavior and speech of a drunk person, check his ability to coordinate movements and objectively perceive the environment.

To determine the content, it is necessary to conduct a special analysis. However, its indicators are directly related to the amount of time that has passed since drinking. The indicators will be lower the longer it has passed since its use. Not everyone is able to correctly assess their own capabilities, so you should not abuse alcohol.

Simple alcohol intoxication is divided according to the criterion of severity into three degrees: mild, moderate and severe.

The total clinical assessment of the intoxicated person’s state is determined by the same two main effects of alcohol: psychotropic and toxic. In intoxication, polar groups of symptoms naturally intertwine. Euphoria and activity are replaced by lethargy and increasing stupor. Psychomotor agitation, in turn, turns into slow, poorly coordinated movements and complete weakness.

An additional criterion for assessing the severity of intoxication may be the level of alcohol concentration in the blood. But we should immediately make a reservation that the severity of clinical manifestations of intoxication and the level of alcohol concentration in the blood do not always correlate. The ratios here have a time scatter, depending on individual characteristics, in particular on the operation of a number of enzymatic systems. The severity of the clinical manifestations of alcohol intoxication also depends on the concentration and amount of alcohol taken, the functional state of the drinker, the nature of the food, and the conditions in which alcohol is consumed.

Rice. 4. Approximate correlation between the degree of alcohol intoxication and blood alcohol content

A mild degree of alcoholic intoxication (Fig. 4) is characterized by the predominance of the psychotropic effect of alcohol over the toxic one. Typically, a mild degree of intoxication corresponds to a blood alcohol concentration in the range of 0.5-1.5%. Signs of alcohol poisoning of the central nervous system are subtle. There is a decrease in the accuracy of small movements, and an increase in the percentage of errors when performing any type of activity that requires attention and concentration. Perception time is lengthened. Attention is easily distracted and superficial. The critical attitude towards oneself and the surrounding situation decreases. Speech articulation may deteriorate slightly.

The psychotropic effects of alcohol in mild intoxication are reduced to experiencing a state of mental comfort. It is often accompanied by the effect of nonspecific stimulation. The mood is often elevated and euphoria is noted. Intoxicated people are animated and their behavior is expressive. Disinhibition of drives (food, sexual) is often noted.

In an intoxicated person, redness of the skin, a rise in blood pressure, increased heart rate, sweating and other changes in the autonomic nervous system.

The duration of mild alcohol intoxication varies widely - from a few minutes to an hour or more. Following this, as a rule, there is a slight decline in mood, lethargy, and slight motor retardation.

It is generally accepted that the peak of the positively colored psychotropic effects of alcohol occurs in the resorptive phase (Balyakin, 1962). When absorption ends and the elimination of alcohol from the body begins, the mental experiences associated with intoxication gradually fade. However, there is no clear parallelism here, since the so-called elimination phase is determined by a decrease in the concentration of alcohol in the blood. At the same time, its concentration in organs and tissues, in particular in the brain, is still long time remains high, which contributes to psychotropic effects.

The average degree of simple alcoholic intoxication presents a more complex picture, based on a combination of components of the toxic and psychotropic effects of alcohol. First of all, there is an increase in the proportion of symptoms of central nervous system poisoning in the clinical picture of intoxication. Yes and psychotropic effect alcohol consumption is becoming less regulated. The average degree of alcoholic intoxication most often develops when the blood alcohol content is 1.5-2.5%. The speech of intoxicated people is slurred, often slow, and the choice of words is difficult. Impaired coordination of movements is noted: small, precise movements are impossible, handwriting becomes disordered. The gait becomes shaky, uncertain, movements are impetuous and sweeping.

Mental experiences lose their integrity. Orientation in the situation is also partially impaired. The perception of external events is difficult, associative processes are upset. Self-esteem increases, the critical attitude towards one’s condition and behavior sharply decreases. The behavior itself becomes more and more impulsive, sometimes inappropriate.

Mood swings are typical; euphoria is easily replaced by dissatisfaction, irritability, and resentment. Depressively colored experiences appear, which can again be replaced by euphoria.

Intoxication often ends in sleep. A number of events of intoxication (usually the final episodes) may be forgotten (amnesic). Upon awakening, a pronounced post-intoxication state with reduced performance is noted.

A severe degree of simple alcohol intoxication is characterized by the predominance in the clinical picture of the toxic effects of alcohol and the phenomena of depression of the central nervous system. Blood alcohol concentration is 2.5% or higher. An increase in alcohol concentration above 5% can lead to death.

Clinically, a severe degree of alcoholic intoxication corresponds to a stuporous state, and with deepening intoxication - a comatose state. Orientation is completely lost, massive disturbances are observed in all body systems (central nervous system, cardiovascular, respiratory, etc.). Sometimes there is involuntary passage of urine. After recovering from intoxication, post-intoxication disorders, decreased performance, and amnesia during the period of intoxication are observed for several days.

As already noted, alcohol intoxication is the starting point of alcoholism, and throughout the entire course of the disease it is one of its main manifestations.

During the period of alcohol intoxication, changes occur literally at all levels and in all systems human body. Therefore, it makes sense to take a closer look at some of the most important changes.

The same dose of alcohol causes different degrees of intoxication in people. This is connected not only with the physical characteristics of each individual person and his health, but also with his mental state, the quality of the food he eats strong alcohol. Any alcohol intoxication is characterized by such an indicator as severity.

What determines the degree of intoxication?

Very many drinking people They know very well what types of intoxication there are, but they do not understand the mechanism of the process. This is a borderline state, which is a complex of changes in a person’s physiological, mental and neurological reactions.

Within 15 minutes after drinking alcohol, the process of brain cell death begins.

First of all, the occipital part of a person is affected. Impaired brain function leads to poor coordination of movements. The person develops an unsteady gait. The state of intoxication occurs in women much faster than in men. In order for a man weighing 80 kg to get drunk within an hour, he needs to drink on average:

  • 50 grams of vodka;
  • 200 grams of dry wine;
  • 500 grams of beer.

A state of intoxication occurs much faster in people who have had various head injuries. There is a close connection between the rate of intoxication and whether a person has chronic diseases and alcohol addiction. People also eliminate alcohol from the body differently. The average for women is 0.08-0.1 ppm per hour. The male body copes with this task more actively. It produces 0.1-0.15 ppm per hour.

Each drink containing alcohol has a different effect on the human body. Even kefir and juices contain a certain amount of ppm.

Degrees of intoxication

There are three main degrees of alcohol intoxication. All signs of intoxication of various forms are largely similar. An accurate assessment of a person’s condition is not due to modern technology no difficulty.

The degree of alcohol intoxication influences the severity of toxic poisoning in the body.

The stronger the drinks consumed, the faster a person begins to get drunk. The degree of satiety of a person plays a major role in the speed of the process. Alcoholic drinks drunk by a person on an empty stomach penetrate into the bloodstream much faster than those consumed after a hearty lunch.


Such alcohol intoxication is characterized by such signs as an increased degree of cheerfulness and sociability in a person. He looks quite complacent. A drunk person's concentration decreases, his speech becomes somewhat loose and slurred, his critical assessment of his actions decreases, and a distortion of the surrounding reality occurs.

In this state, a person begins to overestimate his abilities and commits unreasonable acts. The transition from mild to moderate intoxication occurs imperceptibly. There is no clear boundary between these states.


New signs are added to those inherent in the mild degree. The smell of alcohol begins to emanate from the person’s mouth, which is felt by the people around him. The unsteadiness of gait increases, signs of deafness may appear, orientation in space is lost, and behavior becomes inappropriate.

In humans, such alcohol intoxication manifests itself in the form of provocative sexual behavior, loud swearing, provoking quarrels and fights. This condition causes memory loss.


Symptoms of intoxication at this stage include signs of deep distress
consciousness. A person’s speech becomes completely slurred and unintelligible, and control over behavior is completely absent. The person experiences mood instability. Excited gaiety can completely unexpectedly give way to anxiety and even animal fear.

How to determine the degree of intoxication?

All types of intoxication are characterized by a certain percentage of alcohol in the blood. It is detected using special devices such as a breathalyzer. The degree of intoxication can also be determined using a blood test, which can be done in a medical laboratory. Anyone can not only be poisoned by alcohol, but also die from a certain dose.

Based on the percentage of alcohol in the blood, the degrees of intoxication are divided into:

  • mild intoxication - 0.3-0.5%;
  • slight intoxication - 0.5-1.5%;
  • average intoxication - 1.5-2.5%;
  • severe intoxication - 2.5-3%;
  • deep intoxication - 3-5%.

A lethal dose for a person is considered to be a blood alcohol content of more than 5%. Many drinkers know that this is possible, but they try to set their own records for the amount of alcohol they drink.

How to sober up quickly?

There are a large number of ways to get rid of intoxication in a very
short term. One of them is nasal massage. Its tip is grasped with your fingers, slightly pulled and kneaded until it tingles. After the massage, you need to sniff a cotton swab soaked in ammonia. Very often, instead of the ears, the earlobes are massaged. Among the equally effective means:

  • Cold mint drink. Add 20 drops to a glass of chilled drinking water mint tincture. Very often it is replaced with 5 drops of ammonia. After drinking the tincture, you need to take a cold shower and drink tea with honey.
  • Curdled milk or juices: apple, tomato, orange. Even 1 glass of any of these liquids perfectly relieves mild intoxication.
  • Cold water. When it is not possible to take a shower cold water You can pour the back of the head and spine.
  • Activated carbon and aspirin. Take charcoal 10 tablets at a time, and aspirin 2.
  • Fresh raspberries with honey. To relieve intoxication, you need to eat at least 200 grams of berries.

Among the recipes traditional medicine can be found various ways preparing decoctions that help remove alcohol from the body in a short time.

Recipes for making sobering drinks

The most common drinking remedies for a hangover are decoctions. They are all prepared according to the same scheme. Herbal mixtures are poured with boiling water and infused for a certain period of time. What distinguishes them from each other is the composition of herbs. Among the most effective decoctions:

  • Centaury decoction. Prepare from 2 tablespoons of dry herbs. Infuse the decoction for 2 hours and consume 1/3 cup 3 times a day. To treat alcoholism, you need to drink the decoction for 30 days. It instills in a person a feeling of aversion to alcoholic beverages.
  • Rose hip decoction. The vitamin C contained in the fruits of this plant is very effective in combating intoxication.

In five minutes you can sober up by drinking a cocktail made with olive oil and sunflower oil. One drop of any of the oils is mixed with egg yolk, 1 tablespoon of pepper tincture and 2 drops of lemon juice. Add 2 teaspoons of ketchup or adjika to this mixture.

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Experiment on real people:

Alcohol intoxication is a special condition of the nervous system caused by the action of ethanol. In a person in an alcoholic state, changes occur in the physiological, psychological and nervous functions of the body. Every year from an overdose alcoholic drinks thousands of people die. Many people, while intoxicated, get into traffic accidents and, under the influence of alcohol, cause damage to their health, and sometimes take someone else’s, innocent life.

The craving for rash actions is especially acute during alcohol intoxication. People want to cheer themselves up, relax or drown their sorrows, without realizing the subsequent actions.

Knowing your limits and stopping in time is great, but, alas, not everyone is able to do this. Whether to drink alcohol or not is a purely personal matter for everyone. However, it is worth remembering that drinking man, harms not only oneself, but also family and friends.

What does ppm mean?

Permille is a unit of measurement used to determine the amount of ethanol in the blood. From Latin it is translated as one thousandth. It can also be understood as one tenth of one percent.

Knowing how much alcohol is in the blood, you can calculate other indicators. You can find out the following: the volume of the drink consumed, the time after which the alcohol leaves the body, the concentration of alcohol at any time.

Within half an hour after consumption, alcohol is maximally concentrated in the blood. There are online calculations that allow you to calculate how much alcohol is in your blood and the degree of intoxication. Finding them is not difficult, just enter the query “Calculation of blood alcohol content” in a search engine. The outer shell of such meters may differ, but essentially the meaning is the same. You indicate your data - weight, gender, percentage of alcohol in the drink, volume of drinks, time that has passed since drinking alcohol. Check that all the data is correct, and then click “Calculate”. The result appears on the screen - the amount of alcohol in the blood (in ppm).

It is worth noting that the result is an average value, so do not be surprised if a nearby breathalyzer showed you a value that differs by several ppm. And all because the alcohol content in the body also depends on the time of day at which the alcohol was drunk, the amount and fat content of food, and whether medications were taken before drinking.

Alcohol is always contained in a person’s blood, even if he has not drunk alcoholic beverages. This occurs due to the breakdown of sugar and starch contained in foods.

In addition to the generally accepted degrees of intoxication, it is also possible to distinguish - atypical. It is very difficult to characterize, since it is found in people with traumatic brain injuries and in chronic drinkers.

How many ppm per hour leaves the body?

The human body eliminates alcohol through the liver and lungs. And the rate of excretion depends primarily on gender.

  • Per hour, a woman’s body excretes about 0.1 ppm.
  • The male body copes with alcohol a little faster, 0.1-0.15 ppm.

From these statistics we see that the process of removing alcohol from the body is very long and harmful to the human body. For example, a person drank alcohol in the evening. As a result, the concentration in the blood was 2 ppm. The body will completely remove alcohol from the blood only by the evening of the next day. These are all average values. It must be remembered that this process occurs individually for everyone and depends on many factors.

The effect of alcohol on the body

Alcohol is the most harmful of all drugs; it is more dangerous than heroin and cocaine. Primarily because of its accessibility. If hard drugs are still alien, then access to alcoholic beverages is unlimited. This is scary because slurring your tongue, thoughtless actions and a hangover are not the worst consequences of abuse. Ethanol has harmful influence on the human brain and body.