Stages of intoxication in ppm. Alcohol intoxication has set in


(from Latin pro mille - per thousand, female, uncl.) One thousandth of a number, denoted by the sign ‰ (one tenth of a percent).

In this case, 45 mg/m3 in exhaled air corresponds to 0.1 ppm of alcohol in the blood. Once again: an alcohol content of 450 mg/m3 in exhaled air corresponds in terms of 1 ppm of alcohol in the blood ("Guidelines..").

From the moment of drinking alcohol until its maximum concentration in the blood is reached, it can take from 30 to 120 minutes. Alcohol is processed (oxidized) on average at a rate of about 7 - 10 g of alcohol per hour, which corresponds to a decrease in its concentration in the blood by approximately 0.1 - 0.16 ppm.

For example, 100 g of vodka contains about 40 g of ethyl alcohol. Drinking this amount of alcohol will give a result of about 0.5-0.6 ppm. Accordingly, until complete “weathering”, when alcohol can no longer be detected in exhaled air, saliva and blood, 4 - 5 hours must pass from the moment of drinking the drink ("Methodological instructions..").

The content of “endogenous” alcohol in the body (not provoked by its use, natural level), according to literary data, is in the range of 0.008 - 0.4 ppm. The detection of alcohol in biological media in concentrations below 0.3 ppm cannot reliably indicate the fact of alcohol consumption ("Guidelines.."). The presence of alcohol in such quantities is not punishable. At higher rates, the fact of alcohol consumption will be obvious, but... this does not mean inevitable punishment.

It is not the consumption of alcohol “while driving” itself that is punished, but the consumption of it in such quantities that the driver becomes intoxicated.

Detection of alcohol in biological media in concentrations below 1 ppm cannot be confirmed alcohol intoxication. The presence of alcohol in such quantities is not punishable. At least that's how it should be...


Official documents establishing criteria for determining the degree of intoxication based on the results of an analysis of alcohol content in the blood/air/urine/saliva are ( Currently, all of the following documents have been officially canceled and are not used for medical examination of drivers for alcohol intoxication - Wilych ) :

Methodical instructions. Medical examination to establish the fact of alcohol consumption and intoxication" (defines the criteria),

Temporary instructions on the procedure for medical examination to establish the fact of alcohol consumption and intoxication "(approves the application of the above criteria),

Order of the Moscow Government Health Committee N 340 (same criteria, but more clearly defined).

When confirming the test results with a clinical picture, the conclusion “the fact of alcohol consumption has been established, no signs of intoxication have been identified” can be issued if there is convincing data confirming the fact of alcohol consumption, but in the absence of a clear clinical picture of alcohol intoxication and the alcohol content in biological media is less than 1 ppm.

Alcometric criteria for intoxication:

- “mild degree of intoxication”................................from 1 to 2 ppm,

- “average degree of intoxication”................................from 2 to 3 ppm,

- “severe degree of intoxication”................................from 3 to 4 ppm,

- "alcoholic coma"................................................... .......over 4 ppm.

Regardless of the instrument readings, if the driver does not have a clinical picture of intoxication, a conclusion is made: no signs of intoxication were identified ("Methodological instructions..").

In cases of examination of drivers, the degree of intoxication is not indicated, since in these cases liability occurs regardless of it. (“Methodological instructions..”).

A medical examination does not exclude the possibility of making an erroneous decision. Most often, this is due to inaccurate implementation of the technique, the presence of impurities of reducing substances in the oral cavity or in the environment, etc. For example, the presence in the ambient air of significant concentrations of acetone, gasoline, exhaust gases and other volatile substances leads to their inhalation by the subject, followed by exhalation into receiving chamber of the device. Errors can also be caused by using alcohol-containing medications on the eve of the test or conducting the test immediately after smoking (“Guidelines..”).

The instruments used during the examination, depending on the model, can produce results both in mg/m3 - the alcohol content in exhaled air, and in ppm - the blood alcohol content calculated “by air”. The numbers will be completely different. Doctors sometimes use this confusion to negatively interpret test results, but discrepancies in numbers should not confuse an experienced driver.

If the display shows “135”, look carefully to see if there is a dot between “1” and “3”.

If there is, goodbye rights: this is ppm (1.35). If not, obviously this is an “air” calculation in mg/m3.

There cannot be a point between “3” and “5” (13.5), because for “mg/m3” this is too little, but for ppm... already at 4 ppm an “alcoholic coma” sets in and death is quite possible.

A reading of 135 mg/m3 corresponds to 0.3 ppm.

Small table ( Currently regulatory documents other criteria for the degree of intoxication have been established. In particular, the threshold for alcohol intoxication is set at 0.5 ppm - Wilych ) :

what was/what will be ppm (blood) in mg/m3 (air)
endogenous level - natural presence of alcohol in the body 0.1 45
0.2 90
0.3 135
result within normal limits 0.4 180
0.5 225 from 0.5 ppm possible wrongful deprivation of “rights” due to drivers’ ignorance of the permissible alcohol content threshold
0.6 270
0.7 315
0.8 360
0.9 405
result 1 ppm and above - above normal 1.0 450
1.5 675

The Russian device AKPE-1, in addition to measurements in ppm, can produce results in “µg/l”, which is essentially the same mg/m3.

Or ethanol. Signs of intoxication are expressed in symptoms of psychotropic physiological alcohol poisoning.

The deeper the degree of alcohol intoxication, accordingly, all the symptoms and signs of alcohol intoxication are more clearly expressed. Remember that a person can become poisoned not only big amount ethanol taken orally, but also various technical liquids and alcohol surrogates.

The first sign of alcohol intoxication is dullness of the perceptive ability of the senses. A feeling of carelessness and mood appears. Acutely perceived problems are smoothed out and to the drunk person they no longer seem as acute as before. A drunk citizen is more stupid, irresponsible, and cynical. Alcohol acts as a powerful tranquilizer for the central nervous system, similar to Seduxen, Relanium and other tranquilizing drugs.

If drinking man drinks alcohol immoderately, signs of alcohol poisoning and intoxication steadily increase, the behavior of the alcoholic becomes even more inadequate, the mood can change in an abrupt manner - from complacency to aggression, motor restlessness, brain functions are deeply impaired, coordination is upset, speech becomes slurred. In severe alcohol poisoning, the patient is unconscious, the activity of the heart and breathing is upset, and involuntary release of urine and feces may be observed. Alcohol poisoning can easily lead to the death of the patient. There are frequent cases of choking on vomit while lying on your back.

Any alcohol intoxication can be of a simple or pathological type.


The most common type of intoxication. In a simple form of alcohol intoxication, there are three (mild, medium, severe) or four stages(degrees) – light, medium, strong, severe:

  1. Mild intoxication(mild degree). Blood alcohol levels range from 1 to 2%. The mood and tone of a drunk person are elevated, he is talkative, boastful, self-criticism is reduced, he is satisfied with himself, coordination is somewhat impaired. A person feels warmth and comfort. Everything is seen in rosy tones. Unpleasant experiences lose their relevance and significance. Everything positive is exaggerated too much. The person is overly frank, annoying, and tactless. It seems to him that he is very witty and dexterous.
  2. In the middle stage of intoxication, clumsiness of movements increases. Speech is somewhat slurred, and temperament and irritability are mixed into the general mood. Alcohol in the blood is about 3%. Here we can already hear from the drunk: “Do you respect me? Behavior loses predictability. The instinct of self-preservation disappears. Coordination is poor.
  3. Severe intoxication is characterized by slurred and loud speech; the drunk has difficulty finding words and speaks slowly. Movements are sweeping, gait is unsteady. Behavior is disinhibited. Psychomotor agitation is replaced by general lethargy and drowsiness. In this state, a drunk can fall asleep anywhere, even on the street. blood alcohol content is approximately 4%.
  4. Severe degree is characterized by disturbances of consciousness from stupor to coma. Severe intoxication is accompanied by severe neurological disorders. The patient is unconscious, the rhythm of the heart and breathing is disturbed, he may experience involuntary emptying of the bladder and intestines. Alcohol concentration – up to 6%. Characterized by complete amnesia. If there are signs of an alcoholic coma, urgent hospitalization and intensive care are needed to relieve intoxication. Epileptiform type seizures may be observed.


Pathological alcohol intoxication is an acute alcoholic psychosis with a twilight-type disorder of consciousness. It is typical for people with organic pathology of the central nervous system, epileptics, oligophrenics and psychopaths. Develops after ingestion of small doses alcoholic drinks. Lasts from several minutes to hours. Gives way to deep sleep and complete loss of memory. Pathological human behavior is determined by the quality of psycho-emotional experiences: fear, anxiety, aggression, suicide.

Alcohol abuse

Alcohol abuse is a single consumption of alcohol in a large volume. Leads to a severe stage and degree of alcohol intoxication. This severe alcohol intoxication can be complicated by the development of coma and death.

It is no secret that constant consumption of alcohol, and in large doses, has a detrimental effect on a person’s physical and mental health: sexual activity decreases, everything is destroyed. internal organs(liver, kidneys, heart, pancreas), personality degradation progresses.

Alcohol poisons the body ethyl alcohol or alcoholic drinks.

The state of intoxication is caused by the effects of alcohol: psychotropic and toxic. To determine the degree of intoxication, one should take into account the person’s general health, the concentration and amount of alcohol consumed, the caloric content of food and the environment when drinking alcohol. A physically or mentally tired person gets drunk much faster. There are three degrees of alcohol intoxication: mild, moderate, accompanied by disruption of the higher parts of the nervous system, severe - with possible death.

Characteristic features of mild degree

An excited state, some euphoria, a change in attitude towards others, not at all the same as in a sober state, problems are perceived more easily - this is a mild degree of intoxication. A usually reserved, uncommunicative person becomes sociable and can easily meet people he meets by chance.

A person’s behavior in the degree of alcohol intoxication depends on the mood in which he drank alcohol and in what company. If he controls himself, he can maintain adequate behavior for a long time. In company, when a drinker relaxes and loses control of himself, intoxication occurs faster. Mild intoxication has a negative effect on psychomotor functions:

  1. Coordination of movements is impaired.
  2. Consciousness becomes confused.
  3. Redness of the skin is noted.
  4. Blood pressure increases.
  5. Sweating increases.
  6. Other disorders of the autonomic system are identified.

A drunk person has an inadequate attitude towards others: he can fulfill all desires, be generous, kind, which is very often used by those around him, unfamiliar “friends”. But he can be rude and show tactlessness towards others, which he would not do if he was sober.

While intoxicated, a person overestimates his self-esteem: he can make impossible promises and commit actions for which he later has to pay dearly. Mild cases can last from a few minutes to an hour or more. After leaving this state, as a rule, there is lethargy and a decline in mood.

Medium Characteristics

Moderate intoxication causes dysfunction of the central nervous system and brain:

  1. The person thinks very slowly.
  2. Behavior is inappropriate.
  3. Speech becomes incoherent, with difficulty finding words.
  4. Complete loss of coordination of movements.
  5. Losing control of yourself.

The average degree causes loss of orientation in the environment, a person may:

  1. Use obscene language.
  2. Make sexual advances toward the opposite sex.
  3. Openly cope with physiological needs.
  4. Walk around naked.
  5. Show aggression towards others.
  6. The gait is unsteady and uncertain.
  7. The movements are sweeping and impetuous.

The perception of surrounding events is difficult, sudden mood swings occur, cheerfulness is replaced by irritability, rudeness, depression is replaced by euphoria, behavior is impulsive. But intoxication can also occur in the opposite direction: the drinker becomes withdrawn, drowsy, and gloomy.

Intoxication often ends in sleep. Upon awakening, some previous events, usually the last episodes, may be erased from memory (amnesia), a pronounced post-intoxication state, and a sharply reduced performance may be observed.

Characteristic features of severe

Severe degree of alcohol intoxication is characterized by:

  1. Deep lesions of the central nervous system.
  2. Complete blackout of consciousness.
  3. Spontaneous bowel movements of the bladder and intestines.
  4. The occurrence of epileptic seizures.

A person in this degree of intoxication becomes lethargic, does not respond to external stimuli, the eyeballs dart around like “crazy”, and serious disorders of all body systems are revealed. Orientation in the environment is completely lost. At this level of intoxication, everything can end in coma or death.

After a possible exit from such a state, a severe post-intoxication state, a decrease in the performance of the whole organism, and amnesia of recent events still persist for several days. The concentration of alcohol in the body, particularly in the brain, remains high, resulting in psychotropic effects. Subsequently, irreversible serious mental disorders are possible: auditory and visual hallucinations, encephalopathy and others.

Consequences of alcohol intoxication

Alcohol intoxication is the beginning of alcoholism, during which changes occur throughout the body. These are disorders of brain activity, personality degradation, and decreased intelligence. Even mild intoxication affects the perception of sounds and colors, reduces the speed of reaction, as a result of which it is strictly forbidden to get behind the wheel. Most accidents are caused by a drunk driver. When working on a computer, a person makes many mistakes and typos that he would not have made if he was sober.

Alcoholism is a serious and dangerous disease that is caused by constant consumption of alcoholic beverages. Blood alcohol is measured in ppm (‰). 1‰ = 1/10%.

The problem of alcoholism is extremely relevant. Every year, thousands of people suffer from an overdose of alcoholic beverages; the consequences can be dire, even fatal. According to statistics, most crimes are committed while drunk. It is also of great concern that drunkenness is on the rise among women and teenage children. The number of traffic accidents caused by drinking alcohol while driving has increased significantly.

Half an hour after drinking alcoholic beverages, the maximum blood alcohol level is reached. Scientists have found that in the body of any healthy person There is a certain endogenous level of alcohol, that is, not provoked by alcohol. The blood alcohol level varies between 0.008 and 0.4‰. Therefore, an alcohol concentration below 0.3 indicates the validity of the fact of drinking alcoholic beverages. According to the current year's standards, the driver's blood should not exceed 0.35‰. The traffic police officer is obliged to check the driver’s blood for alcohol and take measures in accordance with the legislation of the country.

This procedure is widely used in forensic medicine. Blood alcohol content refers to the ethanol concentration expressed in ppm. This indicator is a ratio of volumes, not masses, that is, if there is 1.5 ‰ alcohol in the blood, this means that per 1000 ml of blood there is 1.5 ml of pure ethanol.

A blood test for alcohol can be performed on both living and deceased people. The most common ways are:

  1. Widmark method: during the blood alcohol test, ethanol is oxidized using a special Widmark flask.
  1. Gas chromatography.
  1. Enzyme analysis method.

By obtaining information about the amount of ppm alcohol in the blood at a given moment, it becomes possible to determine the concentration of ethanol in the blood at any other time, as well as the volume of alcoholic drink required to achieve this concentration. You can calculate the period of time required for the final removal of alcohol from the body, that is, until sobriety. This information is extremely important for drivers and people working with complex mechanisms.

Blood can be tested for alcohol outside laboratory conditions using a special measuring device, a breathalyzer. This indicator is calculated based on an analysis of exhaled air vapor. The obtained verification indicators are not very accurate. Nevertheless, they are often enough to determine the degree of alcohol intoxication. Data decoding is carried out on the basis of established ratios of alcohol levels in the air and blood. To make blood alcohol testing easier, a special table has been developed for doctors and road safety officials.

Stages of intoxication

So, the degree of intoxication is determined by the ppm level in the blood. Decoding is carried out according to the following indicators:

  • the first is light (0.5-1.5‰);
  • the second is average (1.5-2.5‰);
  • third - strong or heavy (2.5-3‰);
  • fourth stage (3-4‰);
  • fifth degree (5-6‰).

A mild degree of intoxication appears within a couple of minutes after drinking alcohol.

Muscles relax, fatigue and nervous tension disappear, mood improves, and a pleasant feeling of warmth arises. Mild alcohol intoxication is characterized by high activity, sociability and self-confidence. Coordination of movements worsens, pronunciation becomes less intelligible.

The second degree of intoxication, as a rule, occurs immediately after drinking the second portion of alcohol. Speech becomes monotonous, slurred and unexpressive. A good mood gives way to irritability and rudeness. People get into conflict situations. Characteristic: poor coordination, loss of balance. A person remembers what happens in fragments.

People who have reached severe intoxication may lose consciousness, suffer seizures similar to epileptic ones, speech is extremely difficult, and there is a complete lack of coordination of movements. Involuntary discharge of urine is also characteristic. Often a person partially loses memory.

The last 2 stages of intoxication are the most severe and can lead to dangerous health consequences. At stage 4, a person cannot stand upright, does not recognize familiar people, and there is no speech. Stage 5 can lead to damage to the nervous system, cardiac arrest and, as a result, death.

The degree of alcohol intoxication in ppm may vary from person to person depending on the following factors:

  • general health;
  • fatigue;
  • food taken;
  • weight and height.

For example, drinking alcoholic beverages after meals leads to slow absorption of alcohol and, therefore, fewer consequences.

In addition to the above, there is an atypical degree of intoxication, which is typical for people with traumatic brain injuries and alcoholics.

The effect of regular alcohol consumption on the body

The amount of alcohol required to achieve intoxication varies from person to person, as it depends on many factors. For some, a few sips will be enough. low alcohol drink, for example, beer, but someone will not get drunk from 200 g of vodka. One person sobers up quickly, while another may suffer a hangover for a long time. Today there are no means to quickly get rid of alcohol in the blood. Neither a cold shower nor strong tea will not help.

Alcohol leaves the body thanks to the work of the liver. The average rate of alcohol withdrawal in women ranges from 0.08‰ to 0.1‰ per hour. In men, the rate of alcohol elimination is much higher, 0.1-0.15‰. The table for removing alcohol from the body will help you quickly navigate when sobriety occurs after drinking alcohol-containing drinks. Regular consumption leads to disastrous consequences for the liver, since the process of completely ridding the body of alcohol is quite lengthy.

It must be emphasized that even a small amount of alcohol consumption while driving is absolutely unacceptable, since already from the 1st stage of intoxication a person loses coordination, and excessive self-confidence leads to the creation of emergency situations on the road.

How much alcohol is in the body can be understood by knowing the unit of measurement for the degree of alcohol intoxication. How is this degree measured? It is measured in ppm. This is a conventional unit that is used to indicate the nature of intoxication. Sometimes it is necessary to convert ppm to mg/l. It is produced according to the following scheme: 1 ppm = 0.45 mg/l.

Degree of alcohol intoxication in ppm

    In total, there are 3 degrees of alcohol intoxication in ppm:
    1. Mild degree of intoxication in ppm. With this degree of intoxication, a feeling of comfort appears, muscles relax, a feeling of tension being relieved, fatigue recedes, as well as a noticeable rise in mood and increased activity, coordination is slightly impaired;
    2. Average. This degree of intoxication is most often experienced by people who like to relax on weekends. The amount does not exceed 2.5 ppm. At this degree, there is a noticeably more intense manifestation of activity, the manifestation of monotony and slurred speech, rudeness and irritability, and coordination is impaired. In stage 2 of intoxication, people often show aggression, memory may periodically disappear;
    3. Severe degree of intoxication in ppm. Blood alcohol content up to 3.0 ppm. Typically, in this situation, a complete disturbance of speech and coordination occurs, consciousness may disappear, or an epileptiform seizure or involuntary bowel movement may occur. There is a complete loss of memory (the next day the person does not remember how he felt and what he did);

Alcohol content exceeding 6 ppm is considered lethal.

The degree of intoxication in ppm depends on many factors, ranging from the type of activity to the products consumed. With severe intoxication, an atypical form of alcoholic intoxication can be observed. It is often observed in people who have suffered brain injuries or in those who have been drinking for a long time.

The following forms are distinguished: depressive, epileptiform, hallucinogenic and pathological.

Removing alcohol from the body is long and quite difficult process. It is carried out thanks to the human liver. In general, the rate of elimination of alcohols from the body will largely depend on the condition of the liver.

It is worth remembering that alcohol greatly distorts the ability to perceive reality; it is almost impossible to determine your degree of intoxication on your own. If a person has certain types of disorders, drinking alcohol can cause the most unpredictable consequences. For example, with the dystrophic variant, aggression and depression will appear. In paranoid - a person is suspicious and completely inadequate. In hebephrenic, he will be violent and aggressive.

The traffic rules stipulate the presence of alcohol in the blood, up to 0.3 ppm. But drinking and driving, even a little, is prohibited under any circumstances.

With a mild degree of intoxication, the accuracy of perception of a moving light source noticeably decreases, and problems arise with analyzing what is happening. A person is prone to risk.

In an average degree of intoxication, the assessment of what is happening is very inaccurate, for example, a sudden change in lighting will cause an immediate short-term deterioration in vision, reaction time decreases, and attention is dulled. Balance problems are also possible. There is a high probability that a conflict will occur between road users.

In severe intoxication, peripheral vision is disabled. The driving style will be risky, reaction time will be greatly reduced. Behavior becomes inappropriate, any accident will be accompanied by a conflict situation.