Apricot jelly for the winter, recipe with gelatin. Apricot jelly with gelatin

You can make dozens of apricot jam different ways: boil the apricots whole, perhaps stuffing them with nuts, making jam from the halves, or cutting the fruits into slices or small pieces. If you boil the fruits quickly, you can preserve in them the maximum amount of vitamins and microelements necessary for the proper functioning of the heart and the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

General points

If you want to make tasty, healthy and beautiful apricot jam with gelatin, you can use any recipe, but a few points should be taken into account in any case.

First - we buy the right sugar. We take only domestically produced, refined sugar, but not refined sugar.

Secondly, choose apricots that are not soft, ripe, undamaged, without spots or bites. Overripe fruits will make jam; you can’t make jam from such apricots. Of course there must be fruits good varieties, sweet and aromatic, “pineapple” or “lemon” apricot is also suitable for jam.

Third, if you have never prepared anything like this and do not know how to properly prepare apricot jam with gelatin, remember that gelatin loses its properties when boiled. Therefore, we warm it up, but do not boil it, add it at the very end and do not sterilize the jam.

Everything will work out

Aromatic apricot jam in slices with gelatin is the easiest to prepare; even slightly damaged fruits are suitable for it, the main thing is that they are hard.


  • ripe apricot fruits – 3 kg;
  • instant (can be in plates) – 70 g;
  • purified (filtered or boiled) water – 2 liters + 2 glasses;
  • Domestic refined white sugar (sand) – 2 kg;
  • high quality – 15 g.


We reconsider the apricots, wash them well without damaging the surface, let the water drain or wipe them with paper towels. We cut the fruits into slices - into 8-10 parts each, setting aside the seeds. Place the apricot slices in a deep enamel bowl or in a clean cauldron. Boil 2 liters of water, add sugar and boil for several minutes, stirring. Strain the syrup and pour “hot” apricot slices. Let's set our jam to cook. From boiling, cook for 10 minutes, stirring, skimming off the foam and making sure that the boil is not intense. Remove from heat and let the jam cool. We repeat the cooking procedure twice more. When we boil it for the third time, add citric acid and prepare the gelatin: soak it in 2 glasses of warm (about 40 degrees) water, leave it for an hour so that it dissolves well, heat it to about 80 degrees and filter. We pour in the resulting solution immediately before rolling up the jam, so we wash and sterilize the jars in advance. If you do not disturb the procedure, you will get an amber jam, similar in consistency to jelly, tasty and healthy.

Let's add vitamins

You can enrich jam with vitamin C by adding citrus fruits to it. You will get incredibly tasty apricot jam with orange and gelatin.


  • apricot fruits, ripe, not soft – 5 kg;
  • boiled or bottled water – 3 l;
  • oranges are medium-sized, sweet, maybe red – 1 kg;
  • domestic refined white granulated sugar – 4 kg;
  • gelatin (preferably instant) – 80-100 g.


Wash in warm water oranges, check to see if there are any traces of wax left on the skin, which is sometimes used to treat the fruits. Cut each orange into 4 parts, then chop into thin slices. Wash the apricots and cut them into the same slices as in the first recipe. Place the fruits in a container for making jam, pour in syrup (boil 2.5 liters of water and boil with sugar for 5 minutes). We cook the jam in the same way - in 3 stages, at the last stage we add gelatin, after soaking it in the remaining water and heating it so that it dissolves. You can make apricot jam with gelatin for the winter, or you can simply please your family with a delicious delicacy.

Number of servings: 4 half liter jars

Cooking method:cooking

Preparation time: 30 min


    apricots 2 kg

    sugar 2 kg

    gelatin 4 tablespoons

    vanilla sugar 1 tbsp

    citric acid 10 gr.

    Cooking process:

  • Step 1

  • Step 2

    How to choose the right fruits for amber jam. We must take slightly unripe fruits that will not be digested and turn into mush. The slices should break easily and separate from the pit.

  • Step 3

    Wash the apricots, divide them into halves and place them in a bowl in one layer.

  • Step 4

    Pour sugar into each half. When the first layer is laid out and sprinkled with sugar, we proceed to laying out the next layer, etc.

    Sprinkle the remaining sugar on top. Leave the jam to release the juice overnight.

  • Step 5

    In the morning, take a saucepan and pour the juice formed overnight into it.

  • Step 6

    Boil it and pour it back into the slices

  • Step 7

    And leave the jam to cool and soak in the juice.

    We repeat the procedure again after a few hours. We do this so that the slices do not boil over and remain intact.

  • Step 8

    Then take 4 tablespoons of gelatin and simply sprinkle the jam with it. We also add citric acid and vanilla sugar to the jam.

  • Step 9

    Leave the gelatin to swell properly.

  • Step 10

    Then, carefully stirring the jam so as not to damage the slices, bring it to a boil, but do not boil. Gelatin does not like to last long heat treatment and if the jam is overcooked at this stage, it may become cloudy.

Jelly, how often do you serve jelly as a dessert? Or maybe you serve cooked and fruit with fresh croutons?
However, it doesn’t matter exactly how you serve them, the main thing is that you have the desire to prepare such a preparation for the winter. In this master class, I will be very happy to tell you how to prepare apricot jelly. The recipe for the winter is simple and accessible to anyone who wants to make this preparation themselves.
But first, let's look at all the necessary ingredients.
For cooking apricot jelly You can also use not quite ripe fruits.

- 1 kg of apricots;
- water – 400 grams;
- granulated sugar – 500 grams.

And having prepared everything you need, we move on to the process itself. To begin, we sort out the apricots. We remove spoiled, rotten fruits and stalks. Wash the apricots in large quantities cold water. Then place them in a colander or fine sieve. Let the water drain.

We cut the washed apricots into halves along the groove using a stainless steel knife. Remove pits from apricots.

Then place the prepared apricot halves in a saucepan. Pour water into it. For 1 kg of apricots we should pour about 400 grams of cold water. Place the pan on the fire and boil the mixture until it is completely softened.

And then rub the resulting softened mass through a medium sieve. Add granulated sugar to the puree. For 1 liter of juice you will need 500 grams of sugar. Boil the mass until the volume is reduced by about 1/3 times. Check the jelly for readiness. Pack the finished hot jelly into dry, heated jars. Quickly cover them with lids and seal them hermetically. Turn the jars upside down and cover with a thick cloth for slow cooling.

When all the jars of apricot jelly are gone room temperature they can be safely sent for storage in a cool and dark place. I also advise you to pay attention to the recipe for preparing no less tasty, healthy and beautiful, which you can easily make according to our recipe. Enjoy your meal!

Apricots in jelly

Recipe for an unusual preparation for the winter: aromatic apricots in delicate jelly

The preparation time for this is one day. Choose ripe, but firm and firm fruits. It is advisable to choose a variety of apricots that do not have unpleasant hard veins. Sterilize jars in advance. It is better to roll the jam into half-liter containers.

The jam turns out very fragrant and tender with delicious jelly instead of liquid juice. Suitable both for decoration and as an independent dessert for tea.

Ingredients for apricots in jelly:

  • 1.5 kg apricots (weight indicated already peeled)
  • 700-750 g granulated sugar
  • 45-50 g gelatin

Preparing apricots in jelly for the winter

Wash the apricots thoroughly and dry them, placing them on a clean kitchen towel. Then separate the seeds, carefully opening the fruits so that the halves remain intact.

Place the prepared apricot slices in a large container (basin or pan) in which you will prepare the jelly. Sprinkle apricots with sugar.

There is no need to stir the apricot slices, but you need to gently shake them periodically so that the sugar is evenly distributed and does not fall to the bottom. Leave it like this for 5-7 hours. During this time, the apricots will release juice.

When the sugar is almost completely dissolved, mix the apricot slices with your hands.

Sprinkle gelatin on top, trying to cover the apricot slices in an even layer. Mix gently with your hands and leave on the kitchen counter for about 2 hours until the gelatin dissolves. Stir the slices from time to time.

Place the apricots with gelatin in sterilized jars and cover with sealing lids. Place the jars in a saucepan, placing a clean cloth or thin towel, pour water just above half the jar, bring to a boil and sterilize no more than 15 minutes.

Attention! When you put the apricots in the jars, leave some space, as they will rise during boiling.

At the end of sterilization, the jars are removed from the pan one at a time and rolled up. Then they need to be turned over and placed on a towel. While the apricots in the jelly are hardening, they need to be turned over several times from the lid to the bottom so that they are evenly distributed throughout the jar. If this is not done, the apricots will rise to the top, and the jelly will remain at the bottom, which does not affect the taste.

Bon appetit!

Apricots in jelly can be prepared in the form of whole fruits, slices and grated puree. If you prefer the latter method, then do not throw away the remaining fruit mass. They are perfect as additional ingredient To sweet pastries. In this recipe we will cook apricot jam in slices, thanks to gelatin it turns out thick, we will use instant gelatin.

Taste Info Jam and marmalade


  • peeled apricots - 800 g;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • instant gelatin - 15 g;
  • pinch citric acid;
  • water (as needed) - 100 ml.

How to make apricot jam with gelatin slices

Start by sorting out the apricots. Use firm fruits, remove seeds.

Place in a bowl apricot halves. Sprinkle the apricot layers with sugar. To add additional flavor, you can add a vanilla pod or pinch vanilla sugar.

Along with the sugar, sprinkle the fruit with dry instant gelatin. Cover cling film bowl with apricots and leave it to steep for 5-6 hours.

The apricots and sugar stood for a while and released their juice. If your fruits are not moist enough and have little juice, then add water (100 ml).

Pour the fruit with all the liquid into a saucepan, add a pinch of citric acid. Bring them to a boil over moderate heat, warm the mass well, and simmer for 2-3 minutes. The sugar should all dissolve during this time.

Place apricot slices in clean, pre-treated jars and fill with the resulting syrup.

Cover the jars with lids and place in a saucepan with water. Apricot jam Sterilize slices with gelatin (for 500 ml jars) for 7 minutes from the moment the water boils. Thanks to sterilization, the jam will last a long time.

Then roll up the jam lids and put them away wrapped up in the kitchen. Leave them there until they cool completely.

Keep this apricot jelly jam in your pantry. If jars with such jam will be stored in a warm room, then cool them 1-2 hours before serving so that the jelly hardens.

Nuances and tricks of preparation

For spice lovers, jelly dessert you can add cloves, cinnamon, anise, vanilla, orange zest. Only spices are added while the mass is warming up, and removed before pouring into jars. Although a little cinnamon and one clove bud can be left. This will make the preparation more flavorful.

To treat yourself to a jar of apricots with gelatin, you must comply with all the rules according to the conditions long-term storage and thoroughly sterilize the jars. Most quick way processing – glass containers Place in boiling water and leave there for 15 minutes, then remove and cool.