What to do with astringent persimmon. Persimmon knits a mouth: how to make a fruit more palatable? Help the persimmon ripen

Persimmon - useful fruit, but it is unpleasant for many to eat it, because it knits the mouth. Why is this happening? Is it possible to do something to eliminate this property of the fetus. In this article, readers will learn the reasons why persimmons knit in the mouth, as well as learn how to get rid of the viscosity of the fruit pulp and choose varieties that do not knit.

Why persimmon knits a mouth?

Those who appreciate persimmon for its beneficial features, complain that it is unpleasant to eat. Having bitten off a piece of orange pulp, it seems to bind the tongue and lips. Some people have difficulty swallowing. Why is this happening?

It's all about the fruits. All varieties of persimmon contain tannin, a tannin. Some varieties have more, others less. Tannin is especially abundant in unripe fruits, so if you do not like the discomfort that accompanies the process of eating fruit, then carefully choose the fruits when buying.

Tannin, when it hits the mucous membrane of the mouth, coagulates, creating a viscous coating on the tongue. In addition, this substance helps to reduce the intensity of the salivary glands and narrow the capillaries. This explains the astringent property of persimmon.

How to choose a sweet and ripe persimmon?

To make the fruit pleasant to eat, you need to learn how to choose mature specimens on store shelves. Usually buyers prefer fruits that look good, they are dense, elastic, evenly colored. However, in the case of this exotic, the listed qualities just indicate that he is not ripe. What criteria should be followed when choosing a ripe persimmon:

1. Fruits should be moderately soft.

2. With characteristic brown inclusions.

3. Unattractive in appearance.

Ripe fruits are difficult to transport, they crumple, burst from the juice and flow. That is why unripe fruits predominate in stores. But what if you still bought a viscous persimmon?

What to do so that the persimmon does not knit your mouth? How to get rid of the viscosity?

natural ripening

The easiest way to deprive a fruit of a large amount of tannin is to let it lie in a warm place for several days. Do not rush to immediately eat the purchased fruits, but put them in the room. Let maturity come naturally. After a couple of days, you will find that the fruits have become a little softer and have acquired a richer skin tone. Blackouts, brown dots and specks will appear on it. At this time, the taste of the fruit will already improve, you can safely try it.

Ripening in a bag

Place the persimmons in a plastic bag along with the bananas. Under the influence of the vapors that bananas emit, there will be an accelerated ripening of persimmons. It is enough to hold the fruits in the bag for about a day, as they will already become suitable for consumption.

heat treatment

Under the influence of high temperature, tannin begins to break down and form glucose compounds. If there is no time to wait for the fruits to ripen on the windowsill, place them in a bowl with hot water. When it cools down, refill the container. It will take about an hour for the fruit to become edible. When tasting, you will notice changes - the pulp will become softer, sweeter, and the viscosity will go away.


Another way to reduce the viscosity of persimmons is freezing. Place it in freezer for a few hours, then remove and let thaw at room temperature. After such a procedure, there will be almost no tannins left in the fruits, and the pulp will become much softer and a little sweeter. This method has a drawback - after freezing, persimmon loses some of its nutrients.

How to get rid of an astringent sensation in the mouth?

Some people react so strongly to the presence of an astringent coating in the mouth that they cannot swallow. What to do in this case?

1. Rinse your mouth with lightly salted water and spit it out.
2. Rinse your mouth with baking soda.
3. Using a spoon, carefully remove the plaque formed on the tongue.

What varieties do not knit their mouth?

If you have not been able to learn how to choose ripe and sweet fruits with a low tannin content, then take note that there are many varieties that do not knit your mouth. Consider them:

1. Kinglet. This variety is difficult to confuse with any other. The fruit has a characteristic brown color, and on its skin on the opposite side of the stem there are rough rough rings.

2. Sharon - a hybrid variety obtained by crossing a persimmon with an apple. It looks like a tomato, the shape of the fruit is correct, round, and the color is bright orange.

3. Royal - this variety has an excellent taste, many speak of it with enthusiasm. The fruits are cone-shaped, moderately soft and very sweet.


No matter how much you love persimmon, but having problems with digestion, it is better to give it up. Astringent properties slow down the digestion of food, because after eating the fruit, the same plaque forms in the stomach as on the tongue. It is forbidden to eat these fruits after the operation. Diabetics should also exclude exotics from their menu. And this warning applies to all people - viscous fruit should not be consumed with milk, and also drink cold water after it.

We found out why persimmon knits the oral cavity - it's all about the tannins that are found in abundance in it. However, you now know how to reduce the viscosity of the fruit. Use one of the tips or purchase varieties that are low in tannin.

Late autumn... On a tree with absolutely bare branches, dark orange fruits hang, like balloons filled with water. The fruit falls to the ground, leaving only a wet spot. This is a persimmon, In the degree of maturity that everyone who comes to the market dreams of.
It is surprising that with such a bright appearance, the persimmon has neither its own aroma nor a pronounced taste.

How to choose a non-astringent persimmon when buying

Trying to understand the varieties of persimmons and their features is a thankless task. In the season that starts in mid-October and lasts almost until the end of winter, the market will offer all sorts of persimmons: bull's heart and tomato, honey and "shahin", fig and apple, honey and chocolate kinglet.

And until you put each variety in a row and take a sample from them, you will never remember how one differs from the other. Because all of them can turn out to be sweet, honey and tender, and astringent to one degree or another, up to complete inedibility. It depends not on the variety, but on maturity. The only exception is the kinglet: its fruits are not knitted at all even when they are not ripe, since they contain almost no tannins. With any other persimmon, the rule of "acorn and tomato" works. If you can remember that an acorn is bitter and a tomato is sweet, then never buy an astringent persimmon.

An acorn-shaped persimmon loses tannins only after its flesh reaches an almost jelly-like consistency and literally glows under a thin skin. And the one that looks like a tomato, with flattened barrels and a flat bottom, will be sweet, even if its flesh is crunchy. But only on condition that the fruits have reached the desired degree of maturity.

What to do so that the persimmon does not knit

The good news is that persimmons always ripen after they have been removed from the tree. Actually, even those fruits that are ready to burst at the slightest touch and cost twice as much as their stronger counterparts were taken from the branches almost green. So, if space in the kitchen allows, feel free to buy a strong, but already orange persimmon.

Method number 1

To make persimmons non-astringent, arrange the unripe fruits in one row on a windowsill or under a sofa, and they will “reach” in 7-14 days. The process will be greatly accelerated if you put the persimmon in paper bags or in a container with a tight-fitting lid along with an apple, pear or banana. When stored in a container (and also in plastic bag) mold may appear on the fruits, watch out for this! Another option is to drop on each leaf (actually, this is what is left of the persimmon flower) rum or other strong liquor.

Method number 2

If you need to get a lot at the same time, ideal ripe persimmon, wrap each fruit in three layers food film and put in the oven, preheated to 50 ° C (the light bulb is enough) for 18-24 hours. Store ripe fruits at room temperature or in the "zero" zone of the refrigerator: at a temperature of + 7-13 ° C, persimmon turns black.

Method number 3

It happens like an orange persimmon, and in shape, like a tomato, but you bite off, it's impossible to eat. So that the persimmon does not knit, put it in the freezer. And when it freezes completely, let it thaw and eat. The texture, of course, will not be the same, but sweetness will replace the viscosity. By the way, freezing is one of the ways to store persimmons. But why keep it, it’s better to just eat it with pleasure while the season is on.

Persimmon in cooking

Cut a soft persimmon in half and eat with a spoon, like a soft-boiled egg, you can drizzle lemon juice. The pulp of a ripe persimmon is tender, sweet, soft, but not watery, and therefore ideal for making frozen desserts. It is enough to beat the frozen pulp with cream or thick yogurt, flavored with nut or anise liqueur and soft ice cream is ready.

Ripe persimmon puree almost ready sauce for lean chicken or dessert, just season it with lemon juice and spices to taste: black pepper, paprika, fresh ginger, cinnamon, zest. Crispy, not sugary sweet persimmon is good in meat and fish salads.

Persimmon successfully replaces pumpkin, mango or banana in recipes for chutneys, jams, muffins and puddings. Baking with persimmons may turn out unexpectedly dark brown due to the reaction of persimmons and baking soda. Replace soda baking powder and the pudding will turn nice orange. And, just in case: do not try to soak the dried persimmon, it may return to its former viscosity. Enjoy it like dried fruit!

Use persimmon pulp in muffin recipes, quick bread, cookies. Even if the persimmon isn't very ripe, the baking soda will neutralize the tannins and thicken the flesh while loosening the dough. For a firmer dough, cut the amount of baking soda in half.

Is it possible to love persimmon? Bright fruits of orange color and lure to themselves. But, if it is chosen incorrectly, then it will have an astringent effect in the mouth.

Even in ancient times, it was compared with honey. Modern scientists were able to determine why the persimmon knits the mouth, and came up with, how to make it non-astringent.

How to choose right?

But residents living in the southern latitudes have long known how to make persimmons non-astringent. Better of course choose a fruit so that it does not cause discomfort in the mouth.

But, if you come across a persimmon with astringent properties, do not despair. By bringing home such fruits, you can correct their taste at home.

The fruit has a viscous substance, which is directly related to its useful qualities.

Already a long time ago, people noticed that the crowns of these trees were chosen by birds, as if they knew that the fruits of the tree would help them from ailments. Really, persimmon treats many diseases:

- hypertension, the cardiovascular system And various diseases hearts (fruits are saturated with magnesium and potassium);
- anemia (there is a lot of iron in this fruit for hematopoiesis);
- kidney stones (magnesium has an enhanced diuretic property);
- diarrhea (rigid fiber contributes to the normalization of digestion, but its consumption in excess of the norm can lead to the formation of obstruction and stones);
- infections (the fetus can act as a strong bactericidal source);
- liver disease, since persimmon contains a lot of fiber, which helps to cleanse the body, and the berry also has a choleretic property.

In addition, persimmon treats many other diseases, as it contains many different acids of organic origin, including malic, ascorbic and citric acids. It also contains a lot of beta-carotene and minerals. Persimmon promotes weight loss, despite the large amount of sugar in it.

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This fruit is valuable because it contains a lot of tannins- These are substances that are endowed with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Tannin gives the berry viscosity and astringency, which helps in the fight against tumors, inhibits the development of microorganisms that cause pain in human tissues, stops bleeding, tones the body, and can even play the role of an antidote.

How to use correctly?

Not every persimmon causes an astringent sensation in the mouth. Among its many varieties, there are also sweet, non-astringent varieties. In addition, both sweet and tart fruits can be harvested from the same tree. How to choose a persimmon that does not knit?

The persimmon variety "Korolek" begins to be sold from the end of autumn and ripens along with astringent persimmon on the same trees. Only some flowers on them were pollinated by insects, while others were not pollinated at all. From the last flowers, tart fruits develop.

Breeders from Israel brought different sort, crossing our heroine with an apple, and named "Sharon". The fruits have a thin skin, less tannins, the pulp is sweet, not astringent in the mouth, and they do not have stones.

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The most common varieties are caucasian variety and oriental. The riper it is, the less tannin it contains. When used unripe fruit persimmon strongly knits, and intestinal colic and upset may appear. What to do so that the persimmon does not knit?

To choose the right product, give preference to the Sharon variety, although it is expensive.

You can wait until the persimmon ripens in the Caucasus. They buy it not before the onset of winter, and even better, you need to buy it after New Year holidays when all the astringency of the fruit is lost.

But even then choose only soft, dark orange fruit with very thin skin and darkened, absolutely dry, peduncle.

Unfortunately, persimmon cannot be tasted before buying.

So that the persimmon does not knit your mouth

The astringent properties of tannin anesthetic action in the oral cavity, therefore, we do not feel the taste of sweetness. In a mature berry, tannins are partly destroyed.

Therefore, unripe fruits should be postponed for 2-3 weeks. During this period they will ripen and become sweet. To speed up the neutralization of the binder, you can put the persimmon in the freezer for a day. Once defrosted, it will be surprisingly sweet.

If you can not put the persimmon in the cold, then you need to pierce unripe fruit in several places and lower into warm water (50-60 degrees). After a day, the product will lose its astringent taste.

It is known that ripe fruits and vegetables actively release gases, that affect nearby fruits. Therefore, if you place an unripe persimmon along with ripe bananas or apples in a closed paper bag, then after a day it will be possible to eat it with pleasure.

There is no need to be afraid if you overexpose the fetus. Overripe specimens are also suitable for eating. But is it possible to eat astringent persimmon? In an unripe and astringent berry, the tough fiber in the form of fibers has a strong tannic effect that can cause spasm of the respiratory tract.

Such a persimmon banned for use those with weak digestive system, as well as people who have undergone operations on its organs. Unfortunately, even the sick cannot enjoy its taste. diabetes. For everyone else, we simply recommend not to miss the season and buy any fruits, regardless of their variety. Now you know what needs to be done to make persimmon delicious.

With the onset of cold weather, favorite orange fruits appear on the shelves, often with unpleasant astringency. What if the persimmon is hard and knits the mouth? The answer is simple - learn how to choose the right one, and if you come across an astringent fruit, correct the situation using simple methods. The situation is really unpleasant, in ancient times the sweetness of the fruit was compared with honey, and we buy persimmons with a feeling of joy in remembering a sunny summer.

Why persimmon knits

Thanks to the scientists, they found out the reasons for the viscosity of the fruit. Strangely enough, but the astringency of persimmon is directly related to it, more precisely, it depends on the composition of the fruit. When I wrote about the natural substances that persimmon is endowed with, I mentioned incredibly beneficial substance tannin. Possessing a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect, the substance helps to cope with many ailments. Tones the body, inhibits the development of pathogens, stops bleeding.

Unfortunately, there is a downside to the benefit - tannins give persimmon a characteristic viscosity. Remember the astringency of tea leaves, the bitterness natural chocolate and coffee beans, the aroma of eucalyptus leaves and the resin of coniferous trees - they have these qualities thanks to tannin.

Once in the mouth, tannins interact with saliva, reducing its secretion, resulting in a slight anesthetic effect, which we take for astringency.

In a ripe fruit, the substance is partially destroyed, and partially changed into a different form, so the ripe fruit practically does not knit in the mouth.

What to do if persimmon knits

Help the persimmon get rid of viscosity in some artificial ways, proven by the people and very effective.

  1. If you have time, do it simply - set aside the fruits and wait until they ripen. A week or two, and you can enjoy ripe, without astringency, persimmon.
  2. Don't have two weeks left, use more quick option- freeze. Put the fruits in the freezer overnight, and in a short time the astringent properties will disappear. The disadvantage of the chosen method is that a significant part of the useful properties will be lost.
  3. So that the persimmon does not knit, put in the bag together with the persimmon the fruits of ripe bananas, apples, equal in number. After a day, you can feast on it, thanks to a neighbor, it will ripen.
  4. Extreme way - pierce the fruit with a knife in several places and pour hot water over it. Wait 12 hours and taste - the heat will neutralize the tannin. Clarification: you do not need to use boiling water, 50-60 degrees is enough.
  5. Sometimes it is enough just to lower it for a few minutes in hot water. Persimmon will quickly become transparent, glowing from the inside, which indicates the beginning of the process of converting tannins into glucose. The fruit will lose firmness and taste tender.

Attention! Overripe berries are edible, do not be afraid to overexpose the persimmon, waiting for ripeness. Unripe fruits are much more harmful, especially for people with stomach and intestinal problems.

What to do if you ate an astringent persimmon

If you bought and ate an unripe persimmon and felt sticky in your mouth, help yourself. In addition to the unpleasant sensation, the substances contained in the fruits do not have the best effect on tooth enamel.

  • Easy way - rinse your mouth, brush your teeth
  • If you have problems with tooth enamel, make a rinse that neutralizes the harmful effect by adding warm water A little baking soda. It did not help - moisten the swab and remove it by hand, wiping the tongue and gums - the feeling of viscosity will pass.

How to choose a persimmon so as not to knit

Breeders bred varieties that initially avoided astringency. For example, the Sharon variety, with sweet pulp, pitted and astringent taste, obtained by crossing fruit with apples. But in most varieties, the amount of tannin decreases as they mature.

An interesting fact: if the flowers of a tree were pollinated by insects, then the persimmon will be born with honey sweetness, without unpleasant viscosity, tart ones will grow from the unpollinated ones.

Want to buy guaranteed sweet persimmon, choose the most ripe fruits. They differ:

  • Absolutely dry stalk.
  • Jelly-like pulp.
  • Thin skin dark orange.

If you don't want to waste time removing the viscosity, buy Korolek fruit, they have low astringent properties and have a wonderful chocolate taste.

Unlucky, and acquired tart fruits in in large numbers- make jam or dry fruit slices in the oven. Add the pulp to the dough for baking desserts, make a salad. And finally, do it by rejuvenating and improving the condition of the skin.

Do not miss the persimmon season, enjoy the amazing sunny fruits from the heart, if you knit, use my advice. I suggest watching a wonderful video about the benefits of fruit, with a detailed story.