Compote of white filling for the winter. Apple juice for the winter with pear

Pear is a wonderful fruit that has delicate taste and aroma. The juice from such fruits is very useful, as it contains required quantity vitamins and microelements. It will be a good prevention of colds in cold times, improve appetite and digestion and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

But pear juice itself does not have a very expressive taste. This is probably why it is rarely found on store shelves. Our housewives have found a way out of the situation - they add some ingredient to make the taste brighter. You can prepare juice from apples and pears using a juicer - this allows you to preserve the vitamins contained in the fruits as much as possible.


Servings: – +

  • Pears 5 kg
  • Apples 4 kg
  • Sugar 450 g

Per serving

Calories: 120 kcal

Proteins: 0.76 g

Fats: 0.66 g

Carbohydrates: 28.78 g

60 min. Video recipe Print

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Advice: Choose only dense fruits, maybe slightly unripe ones. Pick them from the tree for juice or choose them very carefully at the market so that no loose fruits get into the preparation.

Apples of this variety are suitable for this juice. White filling. These are everyone’s favorite soft sugar fruits, but they lack juiciness. To prepare, you will need twice as much fruit. Therefore, take pears as a base, and “pouring” will give them flavor even in small quantities.

You will receive not only juice, but also applesauce from the pulp that remains after processing. Good preparation It turns out just from white filling, as it gives a lot of cake. Simply assemble the mixture while it is still wet, add sugar to taste and simmer over low heat to the desired consistency.

Alternatively, you can make a puree from the foam that appears when the juice is heated. Carefully remove it with a spoon or slotted spoon into another container, add sugar and boil until desired thickness.

Pears and apples are irreplaceable fruits in winter frosts. A glass of this juice contains the necessary dose of vitamins and other useful substances. It will be a great addition to breakfast and will give you a boost of energy. Drink the drink daily and you can easily cope with vitamin deficiency. It’s not at all difficult to prepare such juice for the winter using our recipe.

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Summer and early autumn are a great time to prepare for cold weather. It’s not for nothing that people say that the best time to stock up on sleighs for the winter is in the summer. Therefore, housewives throughout the country spend a lot of time preparing different jams, pickles and other twists. And one of the most favorite products for preparing such preparations are apples. There are a great many types of such fruits. Let's remember how to prepare white apples for the winter, let's look at how to make jam, marmalade, compote and jam from them.

White apple jam

For cooking classic version For white apple jam, you will need one kilogram of fruit and four hundred grams of sugar.

The first step is to properly prepare the fruits - wash them and cut them into small pieces. large slices, removing the core along with the seeds. Place the resulting raw materials in a large container for cooking, for example, large saucepan, bowl or cauldron. Sprinkle sugar on top of the apples and set the container aside for eight to ten hours.

In the morning, place the container with apples over fairly high heat and boil the contents. Reduce heat and simmer the future jam for another ten minutes. Next, remove it from the heat and cool. Then do this cycle (boiling and cooling) twice more. The apple mass will become darker and thicker, and turn into pleasant amber tones. After the last boil, spread the hot jam into pre-sterilized jars and seal them. Such containers should be turned upside down and left in this position until they cool completely.

White apple jam

For cooking delicious jam For the winter it is worth preparing one kilogram of apples and seven hundred grams of granulated sugar.

First of all, prepare the apples - rinse them under running water, then peel them. Cut the fruit into small cubes, removing the seeds and core. Place the prepared raw materials in a fairly large container and sprinkle with sugar. Leave the future jam to steep all night.

By morning you will see that the apples have given quite a lot of juice, changed color somewhat and become soft. Place the container with the raw materials over medium heat and boil for ten minutes with constant stirring. Boil three times, with a break between boils of at least five to six hours. At the last stage, the future jam should be stirred constantly, achieving almost complete evaporation of the liquid. The prepared composition should be poured hot into pre-sterilized jars and sealed with lids.

White apple compote

To prepare tasty and healthy compote To make white apples for the winter, you will need one kilogram of fruit, two hundred grams of sugar and three to four liters of water.

First, wash the apples thoroughly, then cut each fruit in half. Cut out the core along with the seeds from each half, then chop the fruit as desired. Next, place the prepared fruits in a pre-sterilized container so that they fill it by about a third. Then sprinkle the apples with sugar, distributing it accordingly. Set the jars aside.

Place a container of water on the stove and boil it. Pour the hot liquid into the jars, cover them with lids and leave for a quarter of an hour. Next, carefully drain the water from each jar back into the same pan. Re-boil the syrup. Then pour it into the jars again and immediately seal them with sterile lids. Turn hot containers upside down and wrap them in towels. After the compote has completely cooled, the jars can be sent for permanent storage in their normal position.

White apple jam

To make white apple jam, you need to prepare two kilograms of fruit, one kilogram of sugar and half a glass of water. It is best to use ripe fruits, because they contain a lot of pectin, which will add ready dessert even more jelly-like consistency.

First of all, wash the apples, peel and core them. Place the peels in a separate container. Cut the fruits as desired. Combine sugar with prepared fruit. Shake the container so that the sugar is distributed better and set it aside.

Fill the peelings with water, place over low heat and boil for about ten minutes. Cool this mixture a little and combine the liquid obtained during the cooking process with apples sprinkled with sugar.

Next, place the container with the fruits over medium heat and simmer until softened for thirty to forty minutes. Afterwards, mix the future jam thoroughly, turn the heat to minimal and boil. This should take you about an hour.

After the volume of the apple mass has decreased by half from the initial volume, check its readiness: drop the jam on a saucer, cool slightly and tilt. If the composition does not drain, it means it is ready.

Hot jam should be poured into dried, pre-sterilized jars and screwed on with lids. Keep such containers upside down until cool (wrapped in a towel), and then put them away for storage.

Apples are an excellent gift from nature; such fruits are very beneficial for our body, and they can be prepared for the winter. Canning apples white filling is the first assistant in this. Thanks to our recipes, you will cook winter desserts for the whole family without difficulty. The main thing is not to be afraid to start making preparations for future use!


P.S. The text uses some forms characteristic of oral speech.

No matter how expensive and branded store-bought juice, in terms of quality and benefits, it will never compare with homemade. That is why preparing fresh juices and canning apple nectar is simply necessary. And if there is such a wonderful thing in the house as a juicer, the process is simplified as much as possible and all we have to do is organize the operation of the equipment correctly.

Selecting and preparing apples

To get as much of the drink as possible and not spend too much money on sugar, let’s take the sweetest, juiciest varieties of apples. It can be white filling, prima, jonagold, fuji, gala, mackintosh, saffron, pink lady. If you can’t get any of them, we’ll make juice from sweet and sour ones - in this case, the product will also turn out tasty and rich in vitamins.

Advice! Juice should be squeezed from fully ripe fruits, when they are sufficiently filled with moisture and sun. No more than two to three weeks should pass from the moment of collection to the actual processing, otherwise the fruit will begin to deteriorate and some of the potential juice will inevitably end up in waste.

To prepare for squeezing, wash the apples thoroughly in cold water, remove leaves and small debris, cut out wormy segments. Next, we divide each fruit into 4 parts along the stalk, and if the apples are too large, into 5-6 parts.

Making the “drink of the gods”

First, let's deal with our kitchen assistant. A truly high-quality apple juicer should have:

  • electric, of course;
  • centrifugal or auger (if we use a centrifugal one, it is advisable to have an automatic pulp ejection function);
  • with cutting parts made of stainless steel;
  • with a wide funnel for loading products and a spacious juice receptacle.

Secondly, let’s make sure that there is nothing against the peel and small seeds.

We turn on the device and pass the available fruits through it. If you plan to consume the juice immediately, then the preparation can be considered complete and no further actions are required.

If you have a lot of drink, it makes sense to stock it up for future use. We filter the squeezed juice through several layers of gauze, thereby getting rid of foam and excess pulp. Pour it into a large enamel pan, put on fire, boil for about 5 minutes. When hot, pour into sterile jars, roll up, turn upside down and wrap until completely cool.

Advice! Nectar from unripe fruits or sweet and sour varieties may turn out to be completely unsweetened. Sugar will help improve the situation: a tablespoon of sand is diluted in a liter of juice and stirred until the crystals are completely dissolved.

This product should be stored at room temperature. If open juice seems too concentrated in winter, dilute it boiled water and sweeten if necessary. Bon appetit!

Making apple juice using a juicer - video

The maximum amount of vitamins and organic acids is contained in apples of local varieties, collected in season. The benefits of apple juice are well known, and home cooking guarantees the absence of preservatives, colors and artificial sweeteners. Modern juicers greatly facilitate the harvesting process.

Prolonged heat treatment and excess sugar sharply reduce the consumer value of the drink: it should only be brought to a boil, and sugar can be added immediately before use.

The natural product does not have a rich color.


  • 2 kg apples
  • 500 g sugar


1. Wash the fruit thoroughly; if there are spots of rot or damage by insects on the peel, then they need to be trimmed. Cut each apple into several pieces, remove the seed box and stems.

2. Blend the apples into juice. Since “White Bulk” apples are used, the juice obtained is not much, about 800 ml from 2 kg. These apples are not very juicy.

3. Pour freshly squeezed apple juice into a saucepan, bring to a boil, stirring. Add granulated sugar and stir until the sugar has completely dissolved. When we see that the juice is ready to boil, turn off the heat. When collecting juice, one of the main requirements is not to expose the juice to prolonged periods of time. heat treatment, otherwise share useful microelements will decrease sharply.

4. Jars for canning juice should be sterilized over steam, and the lids should be scalded with boiling water. Pour the hot juice into jars.

5. If you close the juice for children, and even in small quantities, then it is better to prepare juice in small bottles or jars - it’s more convenient. Hot juice Wrap in jars until cool. The workpieces should be stored in a cool, dark place.

Note to the hostess

1. Any juicer, along with the liquid, passes a small part of the pulp, which first, while the juice is hot, is located near the neck of the jar in the form of thick foam, and then forms an approximately 4-centimeter layer of sediment. If the apples are sour, then in addition to this, a white-yellow coating will also appear at the bottom of the container - small crystals acids. Both phenomena are considered normal.

2. Cake looks unappetizing, but it is useful. Throwing it in the trash is wasteful. Such waste contains both peel and pulp, and they contain iron and vitamins. Why not cook concentrated compote? True, you will have to strain it, but this is an elementary action.

3. If the pediatrician said that it is time to give homemade apple juice to the baby, it is better to choose fruits that are green or greenish-yellow in color. Red ones are more likely to cause allergies.

4. The drink may turn out to be completely unsweetened, and even set your teeth on edge. To adjust the taste, it is advisable to add products that are healthier than sugar: maple syrup, honey The slightly warmed juice is also flavored with cinnamon, citrus (preferably orange) zest, fragrant herbs with a refreshing flavor - mint, lemon balm. A good ingredient is cloves. Thanks to it, the aromatic drink will resemble mulled wine.

It is believed that only autumn, late-ripening varieties need to be harvested for the winter, but this is a very controversial statement. The jam made from white filling is more tender, lighter and aromatic. You just need to prepare it correctly.

The white filling spoils very quickly, but slightly spoiled and overripe fruits are quite suitable for making jam.

Wash the apples, dry and peel. Remove the core with seeds and spoiled areas.

Chop the apples very finely, or grate them on a coarse grater.

Weigh how many apples you got. For 1 kg of peeled apples you need about 0.5 kg of sugar. Usually jam requires more sugar, but the white filling is already sweet enough.

Place the pan with apples on the fire, on the quietest heat and stir so that they do not burn.

Apples, if cooked for a long time with sugar, harden, but we need them to boil, not caramelize. Therefore, apple jam is cooked in several stages. That is, bring the apples to a boil, boil for 10 minutes and remove the pan. After cooling, boil them again for 5-10 minutes and remove.

This should be done 3-4 times until the apples are completely boiled. You can “help” them boil using a blender.

But it’s better to let them boil down on their own. After all, jam is cooked for something? And if the jam is puree-like, but liquid, you can’t spread it on bread or put it in the filling of a pie.

The finished jam acquires a pleasant caramel color and homogeneous consistency. You will immediately see this and understand when the jam is ready.

Pour the hot jam into sterile jars, close the lids and wrap them so that they cool for as long as possible.

White filling jam can be stored for about 2 years in a cool place, or about 1 year at room temperature.

The simplest and universal recipe jam from apples of the “White filling” variety, watch the video: