How to know good eggs are bad. How to determine the freshness of chicken eggs without breaking the shell

With a long pursuit of troubles and failures, you need to think about extraneous negative impacts and learn how to determine egg spoilage. This method was used by great-grandmothers in difficult moments of life. Fortunately, information has reached our time about how they did it and what could happen.

Why is this definition of spoilage effective?

It is no coincidence that the egg was chosen as a tool for determining magical interference. With a sphere containing a chicken embryo, they not only find out if there is damage on a person, they initially harm it with the help of a lining.

And after confirming its presence, it is the evil created by envious people or enemies. How wonderful this animal product is and why it is considered so versatile, any magician can explain.

A strong eggshell, which protects the bird's embryo during its maturation, personifies the energy shell of a person. In another way, it is called the aura, which protects the spiritual and physical harmful effects.

Is there some more interesting fact which is not known to everyone. Turning to etymology, one can find such a word as "zaporok", meaning nothing more than the notorious egg, only without yolk. Portfoils float in salted water. And although such a product is not considered rotten, it is unsuitable for food, only for making paints, washing hair, adding to soil or putty.

Agree, the curious consonance immediately cuts the ear: “spoilage”, “spoil”, “damage” ...

A fertilized chicken egg will definitely make it clear why troubles occur with a loved one. The main thing? know the principles of egg spoilage testing and interpret them correctly.

It is impossible to recognize the damage caused to the human aura with modern technologies, therefore the egg technique is still the only universal way.

The use of egg diagnostics is also supported by the fact that with its help it is easy to understand what kind of spoilage we can talk about:

  • Short term or long term.
  • For one or all of his family.
  • On people or their homes.

Therefore, it is often used when working with young children. Surely it is already familiar, like an egg, our ancestors, lowering its contents into the water and watching what happens.

Since no one wants to look like an ignoramus and feel helpless in incomprehensible, hard to explain from a scientific “bell tower” situations. Let's look at the most common instructions on how to check the evil eye on an egg, whether there is damage on a person and what type it may belong to.

easy way

Take a raw, recently laid domestic hen egg in your right palm and whisper the following command:

“Ride - roll out the testicle, from right to left, from the west side to the east side, from the north to the south, from angel to demon. Tell me the truth-truth about the servant of God (s) - name the name.

Now roll out this person: gently, slowly, move the egg over his body in a circular motion in a clockwise direction in this sequence:

  • head;
  • breast;
  • arms;
  • stomach;
  • back;
  • legs;
  • Feet.

After completing the process, take a saucer and break an egg into it. The contents of the ordinary color, the integrity of the yolk is not broken - there is no damage. The mass is dark and cloudy, the yolk has spread, there are particles of blood - you will have to do a purification ceremony. The destructive program is activated.

Damage or evil eye

To work, you need clean water in a glass and a fresh egg. Take the filled vessel and hold it above the subject's head. Break the shell on the rim of the container and mix what's inside with the liquid. Hold the mixture over the head of the person being checked for 30 seconds and begin to consider:

  • The whole yolk lay on the bottom, surrounded by protein - the aura is clean.
  • Protein filaments stretch upward from the yolk - spoilage is already in effect.
  • Consider the threads carefully. There are a lot of them and end with small air bubbles - damage is obvious. One may indicate an unintentional evil eye.

The method of hereditary healers

Suitable for independent use. You will need:

  • fresh, homemade chicken egg;
  • a glass of only collected water;
  • comfortable spot.

Break the shell and carefully, without damaging the yolk, pour the contents into the water. Place a glass of slurry on your crown, first sitting comfortably on a chair and pressing your chin to your chest. Without moving, hold the vessel for about 3 - 4 minutes, changing hands is allowed. Very carefully remove the glass, put it on the table, trying not to shake it, and start analyzing:

  • Clear water, non-spreading yolk, the absence of white threads and turbidity, speaks of purity.
  • Thin thread-like processes - damage is light, amateur. Such a healthy aura repels and sends to the offender during the year, strengthening at times.
  • The yolk is intact, and the protein has taken on the likeness of a jellyfish, there is a fringe and column legs - you have become a victim of not too strong damage to failure, loneliness or tears. The energy of such an impact is absorbed in a period of three to seven years, if countermeasures are not taken to remove it.
  • Bubbles were seen on the columns formed from protein - it’s time to talk about a strong impact made by a professional in the field of black magic. This is damage to the disease, career failures. Most likely, the first signs of impact are already visible. For example, the turmoil went on in succession, conflicts arise out of the blue, a feeling of exhaustion.
  • Protein and yolk lines are partially colored in red - the ritual was performed on animal or human blood.
  • The yolk seems to have begun to boil, and the protein is bubbling - torment is prepared for life.
  • Whole cooked - the enemy wanted to limit in a sense of freedom. Forget peace and happiness in your own home or with your family.
  • A whole set of columns with bubbles plus black blotches everywhere, including on the yolk - you have become a victim of damage to death. Think about who could be so annoyed before attempting to withdraw.

Even worse, seen along with these signs are gray-green spots inside the yolk. They predict death in agony. There is almost no time, because such damage begins to act according to the laws of magic after 21 days, and this black plan ends earlier than a year.

How to check eggs for freshness

Water test

One of the most popular tests for egg freshness is the water test. Pour fresh cold tap water into a saucepan no lower than the length of an egg, or just fill the sink with water. Lower the eggs one at a time and watch what happens to them:

If the eggs settle to the bottom, then they are fresh, they are no more than 2-3 days old; - if the eggs lie on the bottom, but at the same time move up and settle down again, then they are about a week old; - eggs sink to the bottom with a sharp tip and balance on it, which means they are stored for about 2-3 weeks; - if the eggs float on the surface of the water, they are very old and, most likely, have had time to die.

This test is one of the oldest, it was first described in cookbooks beginning of the 18th century.

Very fresh eggs are not suitable for all dishes, for example, for hard-boiled eggs, it is better to take products that are more than a week old

Listen to the eggs

Another way to identify a rotten egg requires good, subtle hearing. Bring the egg to your ear and shake gently, listen. If something splashes and gurgles inside the egg, then it is rotten. The sound of a rotten egg will be barely audible. Fresh eggs do not sound when shaken.

Smell the eggs

Wash the egg shells with water or detergent fragrance-free and smell the shells. Hydrogen sulfide destroys the egg membrane and penetrates through the porous surface of the shell, so you can smell it from rotten eggs.

Follow the date

Eggs go out with time or when bacteria enter through the protective membrane through punctures or cracks, therefore, when choosing eggs, pay attention to the date and check the integrity of their shell. If you bought fresh whole eggs, then you don’t have to worry about them for 1-2 weeks. If you have a lot chicken eggs and you won't have time to consume them all in a few weeks, freeze them.

How to get rid of the smell of rotten eggs

If you nevertheless broke a rotten egg in a hurry or the rottenness test did not give results, then you face a problem - how to get rid of the smell. Naturally spoiled rotten egg products will be thrown away. In the kitchen, open windows to create air circulation.

In a saucepan on the stove, boil water with vinegar, put 1 teaspoon per 100 ml of water table vinegar, you can also add any essential oils with a pleasant smell to you, especially essential oil lemon or orange. Put spices in water - cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves. The smell of vinegar will soon fade along with the smell of hydrogen, and the smell of spices will bring coziness back to your kitchen.

Any housewife would like to buy exceptionally fresh eggs, as they have the best taste and culinary properties. At the same time, spoiled eggs can not only interfere with the preparation of the planned dish, but also be harmful to health. How do you know if an egg is fresh before a spoiled product harms the body? If you don’t have an ovoscope in your arsenal, which allows you to enlighten the egg for the smallest defects, you will have to use improvised means. So, how to check the freshness of eggs in the store?

  1. By the look. fresh egg has a matte rough shell without flaws, and a stale egg has a glossy surface.
  2. Aurally. Shake the egg near your ear: a fresh egg will not make any sounds, while a gurgle will be heard in the bowels of an old egg.
  3. To taste. There is a rather exotic way to check the freshness of an egg - to measure its temperature with your tongue. If you alternately touch the sharp and blunt end of the egg, you will feel that the temperature is higher at the blunt end - this means that the egg is fresh. If the temperature is the same at both ends, then this is an old egg. However, it is not recommended to use this method directly in the store, as a minimum, you may be mistaken for a madman, and as a maximum, you will catch some kind of disease.
So, you came home and decided to continue checking the freshness of the eggs. Perhaps one of the most common ways at home is to dip an egg into a glass of water.
  • If the egg is fresh, it will sink to the bottom and lie flat.
  • If the egg is from a week to two, its blunt end rises up at a slope of 45 degrees.
  • If the egg stands upright, it means that it is more than two weeks old, and it is advisable to use it only as an additional ingredient.
  • If the blunt end of the egg is above the surface, this is a bad egg, put it back and do not touch it again. He is more than a month old, and it is categorically not recommended to eat such a product.
Why does an egg behave differently in water at different times? The thing is that in every egg there is an “air cushion”. GOST established that it should not exceed 9 mm. The larger the air cushion, the older egg because over time, its insides dry out. The size of the free space in the egg can also be clearly seen after cleaning. boiled egg: if there is a small distance between the shell and the protein, then this is a fresh egg. If the distance exceeds a centimeter - do not eat it.

Another way to check the freshness of chicken eggs is to enlighten them. In a fresh egg, all the insides are clearly visible, while spots are visible in an old one, and a rotten one is not visible at all.

Initial check paid off and now we break a raw egg. You see, a fresh egg has two levels of protein: thick at the yolk and more watery around the thick one. This is a fresh egg. If the protein is completely watery, and there is no barely noticeable film around the yolk, this is an old egg.

If you do not have the opportunity to check the freshness of the eggs yourself, you will have to trust the manufacturer. Eggs are divided into two categories: dietary and table. Diet eggs are always marked with a red stamp indicating the date of manufacture and variety. Diet egg it is considered when it was made no more than seven days ago from the date of purchase, then the eggs go into the category "table".

Table eggs are stamped with a blue stamp indicating the category, without a date of manufacture. The designations "O", "1", "2" mean, respectively, "selected" (the largest), "1 category" (slightly smaller) and "2 categories" (the smallest). Table eggs can be stored for up to 30 days in the refrigerator, and the ideal temperature for eggs is +5 +8 degrees.

  1. It is not recommended to store eggs near strong-smelling foods: eggshells can absorb odors.
  2. Eggs should be washed thoroughly before use, especially if there are remains of droppings, feathers or blood on the shell.
  3. It is better to store eggs with the sharp end down.
Despite the fact that some physical characteristics can give indirect information regarding the freshness of an egg in the shell, unfortunately, you can finally verify it only by breaking the egg.

    It is quite difficult to determine the freshness of an egg by sight, but since eggs are often used in the preparation of any dishes and simply for food, you need to know how to determine their freshness. An egg should be lowered into a pan with cold, slightly salted water, if it lay horizontally, then this egg is fresh, if it is 3 weeks old, then it will stand upright, but if it is rotten, then it will immediately float. What's the focus? At long-term storage the egg dries out, the air chamber at the blunt end of the egg becomes larger. Sometimes it is necessary to use cracked or slightly broken eggs in cooking, their freshness can be determined by smell or, in order not to risk breaking them into separate dishes and examining them for color and smell.

    I will not repeat myself, I will note one more aspect.

    Our family kept chickens for a long time, so it’s easy for me to distinguish fresh egg from stale just in appearance.

    A fresh egg has a shell of a clean, even color - white or brown, depending on the breed of chickens. From above, the egg is covered with an inconspicuous film, which makes it a soft matte tone. This film keeps the egg for a long time, if you wash it, the film will wash off and the egg will quickly deteriorate.

    When eggs are not fresh, then the color of the shell becomes dirty gray, and if it is already completely unusable, then the egg darkens, this is noticeable even if it is not broken. There is not that kind of glow from the inside that a fresh egg has.

    Another sign of not very fresh eggs is when they are shiny. This means that the matte film is broken. Of course, it is not at all necessary that such eggs are rotten, but this is a signal that they are more than one day old.

    There are many ways to tell if an egg is fresh or rotten.

    1. Look at the egg in sunlight or in the light of a lamp, if you do not see anything dark, then the egg is normal.
    2. When shaking, flopping is heard if the egg is rotten.
    3. twist the egg, fresh will not spin.
    4. dip it in water, the rotten one will float.
  • How to check if an egg has gone bad or not. I check in this way, I dip the egg in cold water, if it pops up, then it’s better not to risk it, such an egg is not the first freshness.

    You can shake a chicken egg near your ear, and if you hear a knocking sound (as if there is another egg in the egg), this egg is probably spoiled.

    There are at least three ways check if the egg is fresh or already rotten.

    1. Sinking or floating?. Pour cold water into a bowl so that the water level is twice as high as the egg. Put the egg in water and watch - if the egg sinks, it is most likely fresh (in addition to this, the fresh egg lies on its side). If the egg mostly reaches the surface of the water, and the sharp end is at the bottom, the egg is about three weeks old. But if the egg does not sink, but floats on the surface of the water, it is definitely spoiled and should not be eaten.

      What is heard? Hold the egg to your ear and shake well several times. If nothing is heard - most likely the egg is still in order. If you clearly hear side sounds, gurgling, squelching - throw it away.

      What's inside? The egg for this test will have to be broken. It is better to break it into a flat plate or saucer so that you can clearly see the contents. Considering the protein and yolk, pay attention to what shape the yolk is. In a fresh egg, the yolk should be above the protein and should fit snugly against it. If the yolk is a little in protein, and the protein looks quite transparent, the egg can still be eaten, but it is already three or four weeks old. In this case, it is better to cook it so that the yolk does not remain liquid (you never know)). If the yolk looks too flat, and the protein seems too thin, watery, then the egg is clearly stale and it is better to just throw it away.

  • Determine egg freshness can be done in several ways:

    • using salted water (lower the egg in a container with salt water: the fresh one will lie horizontally, the old one vertically, the rotten one will float on the surface of the water)
    • shake the egg. In fresh filling will not bottle up and make suspicious sounds
    • into the light. This requires powerful lighting, bright sunlight is suitable. A fresh egg is filled evenly, in a rotten egg there will be places of thickening.
    • can be compared by weight. Of course, by eye, but nevertheless, a spoiled egg is somewhat lighter than a fresh one of the same size.
    • if you wash the shell with a fragrance-free detergent and smell it, the smell of a spoiled egg can be felt through the shell, because hydrogen sulfide destroys the inner membrane and "leaks"; through the pores of the shell

    The shelf life of eggs is on average 30 days, however, they are considered dietary only 7 days after they were laid by the chicken.

    The freshness of an egg is always determined by dropping the egg into water. If it surfaced, it is not fresh, but this does not mean that it is rotten. A rotten egg is determined when it is broken, - in green and a terrible smell.

    Always the first thing to do is to look at the light, there are no spots in the light, which means the egg is normal. If there are doubts, we proceed to the second step.

    The second way, we twist on the table (fresh does not want to spin).

    For greater persuasiveness, take another third step - lower it into the water, float up - send it to the trash can, such an egg should not be consumed.

    Most effective method to check whether the eggs are extinct or not, this is to smell the eggs) It sounds very funny, but it is. If a bad smell comes out of the eggs, it means that the eggs have gone out.

    In addition, you should know that the eggs are only edible for 15 days, after which you can throw them in the trash.

    There are several ways to determine if you have a good egg or already spoiled, rotten. The most popular way is to dip the questionable egg into a container of water. Moreover, water must be poured much more than the height of the egg itself. And if the egg remains at the bottom of the container with water, then the egg is not spoiled. And vice versa, if the egg is afloat, then most likely it is spoiled.

    You can also just shake the egg next to your ear. Shake and listen, a good egg makes almost no sound. But spoiled, rotten will gurgle, splashing inside the egg will be heard. Well, I can offer a way to determine the quality of an egg - twist it on the table around its axis. A good egg won't spin.

    You can check the freshness of any egg using various methods. For example, through water, for this we pour only cold water into the bowl and put the egg to check if the egg immediately goes to the bottom, then it is fresh. And if it sinks and lies on the barrel, then it is also fresh .If the egg does not want to sink at all and floats on the surface of the water, then this is an indicator that it has already been spoiled and cannot be eaten.

    You can check for hearing and shake the egg near your ear, and if it starts to gurgle and squish there, then it is already spoiled.

    You can also break an egg into a bowl and look at its appearance, a good egg is immediately visible, but if there is some kind of unpleasant smell, then you need to immediately throw it away.

    You can lower the egg into a container of water, if it floats, it is spoiled

To determine the freshness of eggs, there are many folk ways.

1. Examine the egg shell: a fresh egg has a hard shell. If the shell is soft, the egg is definitely rotten.

2. A fresh egg shines through in the sun, that is, you can see the yolk inside it.

This phenomenon is based on the operation of a special device for translucent eggs - an ovoscope. It consists of a chamber and a lamp built into it. The chamber has oval holes in the shape of eggs. In a fresh egg, when viewed with an ovoscope, the contents are not dark, almost transparent, and the yolk is less noticeable than in the old one. Even through the ovoscope, the air chamber at the blunt end of the egg is clearly visible: during long-term storage, it increases in size.

3. Shake the egg well in your hand. If you feel that the yolk is shifting from side to side, then it is better to throw out such an egg.

4. Dip the egg into the water. A fresh egg will stay at the bottom, an old one will float.

5. Boiled fresh eggs don't peel as well as old ones. And from stale shells lag behind easily.

6. Place the egg on a flat surface on the table and spin it hard. A fresh egg will not spin at all. But a stale egg spins freely.

7. A fresh egg is heavier than a stale one. But not everyone is able to determine the freshness of eggs by weight ...

And did you know that...

  • The shelf life of table eggs is 25 days.
  • According to freshness, eggs are divided into dietary and table eggs. If the egg was laid by a chicken no later than seven days ago - the egg is dietary, a week after its appearance, the egg goes into the category of canteens.