Preparing sorrel for the winter in jars. Preparations for the winter: canned sorrel

Last year, preparing sorrel for the winter without salt became a real discovery for me. It turned out that fresh herbs can be placed in jars, without heat treatment, and they are stored perfectly, and the borscht turns out to be just as tasty and aromatic as in the summer. So today I will share a proven and reliable method of how to prepare sorrel for the winter without salt, vinegar, blanching, and how to keep it fresh. The recipe is very simple, no more complicated than freezing. It is quite possible to cope with a large batch of green leaves in an hour by preparing several jars for winter borscht and soups.

Recipe for preparing sorrel for the winter

  • bunches of young sorrel;
  • jars with screw caps;
  • boiled chilled water;
  • sharp knife.

Sorrel for the winter without salt, recipe with photo

Only leaves will go into this preparation. I cut off the stems immediately without untying the bunches. You can grind the stems in a blender, freeze the puree and add to ready soup before turning off. This is waste-free production. Take note of this advice, sorrel puree It perfectly acidifies first courses and sauces.

I fill the sorrel leaves with water and change them three or four times until all the dirt is gone along with the water. I put it in a colander and shake it. I leave it to drain.

I collect a large bunch and cut it into strips as usual for green borscht or soup.

I keep the jars over steam, although sterilization is probably not necessary in this case. But just in case, I warm it up for a few minutes. Then I take a handful of chopped greens, pour them into a jar, compact them, and stuff them very tightly. I fill it to the brim so that there is no emptiness left.

Before closing the sorrel for the winter, you need to add water to the jar; very little will go in. I boil the water in advance and cool it. I pour in a thin stream, crushing the sorrel to fill all the voids and cover the leaves on top, flush with the rim. I immediately screw the lid on.

I put a few jars in the refrigerator, and most of them went into the pantry. Last year, the blanks were stored at room temperature, nothing was spoiled, there was no foreign smell or taste. You open it and the greens look like fresh! You can also add dill for flavor, but do not mix it with sorrel, but pour it in a layer on the bottom.

This is how easy it is to close sorrel for the winter at home. If you make different rolls, then you need to sign each one so that you know where everything is and not spoil the soup when cooking. They say that you can store sorrel in jars without salt for two to three years; due to the large amount of natural acid, it does not need any preservatives. I can’t say if this is true, I didn’t check, we used it all up, and by spring there was nothing left. From my own experience, I can say that storing sorrel for the winter without salt can definitely be stored for several months.

Preparing sorrel for the winter

I want to tell you a very simple way to prepare sorrel for the winter. If you don’t have the opportunity to freeze it, which is not only more convenient, but also healthier, I suggest canning it.


  • Sorrel 1 Kilogram
  • Salt 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Clean water 1 Liter

Description of preparation:

1. First of all, take the greens, put them in a bowl or large saucepan and fill with water. The sorrel should stand in the water for 5-10 minutes. Afterwards, rinse it thoroughly. Dry a little and chop - you can simply tear it with your hands or cut it with a knife. 2. The jars must first be sterilized along with the lids. This can be done using boiling water or in the oven. 3. Pour water into a small saucepan and bring it to a boil. Let it simmer for 3 minutes, then remove from heat and let it cool slightly. For the recipe for making sorrel we need warm water, not boiling water. 4. Fill a sterilized jar with herbs, pressing tightly. It will shrink well, so you need to fill it really carefully. Sprinkle salt on top of each jar. 5. Add water so that it reaches the shoulders of the jar. Now you can roll up the jars and leave them upside down for a couple of hours. Our preparation of sorrel for the winter at home is ready. Place the jars in a dark and cool place. This sorrel perfectly preserves vitamins. In winter, it can be used as a dressing for hot soups, as well as additional ingredient for salads, sauces and snacks.

Canned sorrel

You can prepare sorrel for future use different ways. Read on to learn how to prepare sorrel at home with vegetable oil and salt.

Preparations for the winter: canned sorrel

The most simple blank sorrel is frozen. Just a bag of clean sorrel leaves is frozen in freezer and stored there until the right moment.

Sorrel for soup or cabbage soup is best sealed in jars in special brine or oil. The taste and properties of the product are preserved for a long time.

Recipe for preparing sorrel in vegetable oil

1. Wash the sorrel leaves and dry them on a towel.

2. Cut the sorrel into large strips.

3. Mix sorrel with salt.

4. Sterilize the jars.

5. Place the sorrel in clean, dry jars up to the neck.

6. Boil or heat vegetable oil.

7. Cool the boiled vegetable oil.

8. Pour oil over the top of the sorrel jars.

If the oil goes into the greens, add more so that all the sorrel is soaked.

9. Close the jars with lids.

It is best to store the product in the refrigerator or cellar.

Recipe for preparing sorrel in salt

  1. Wash and dry the sorrel leaves.
  2. Cut the sorrel into large strips.
  3. Sterilize jars.
  4. To boil water.
  5. Pour salt into the water, approximately 2x1.
  6. Boil the saline solution. Then cool.
  7. Arrange the sorrel leaves in dense layers in clean jars.
  8. Pour cold, strong brine over the sorrel.
  9. For better storage, jars of sorrel are best sterilized for about 5 minutes, then rolled up.
  10. Sorrel prepared in this way is perfectly stored at room temperature.

Have fun cooking and be healthy!

I loved it so much as a child green borscht and was looking forward to May. At this time, grandma always delighted us with aromatic sorrel soup. And now there is no need to wait so long. Preparing sorrel for the winter in jars is an excellent solution in such a situation. And today I will tell you how to prepare sorrel in jars for the winter without sterilization. I have prepared the best recipes, choose any.

Some tips for preparation:

  1. Harvesting sorrel begins with collecting leaves. May or June sorrel is best suited - it is then young, fresh and juicy.
  2. First, soak the leaves in cool water for half an hour. During this time, all debris will be removed.
  3. Then carefully wash the sorrel and dry it on a paper towel.

Sorrel in jars for the winter without salt

I'll share with you first the best recipes preparing sorrel for the winter without salt. If you are concerned about your health and a lot of salty foods are bad for you, then this method is for you! Later you can add salt ready dish to your liking.

Ingredients for a 0.5 liter jar:

  • A large bunch of sorrel;
  • Cold water (preferably spring or bottled).

How to prepare:

  1. We wash the sorted sorrel and dry it.
  2. Wash the jars of soda thoroughly and sterilize them over steam. Pour boiling water over the lids for 5 minutes.
  3. Finely chop the leaves, first cutting off their tails.
  4. Place the leaves in clean jars, tamping lightly. Gradually fill them in cold water so that it covers the greens.

Roll up the lids. Because of high content acid sorrel without salt is well preserved, remains fresh and tasty for a long time. Store in the refrigerator or pantry of the apartment.

How to prepare sorrel for the winter for soup

The first recipe, without sterilization, will also work. But there is another option for rolling up soup.


  • 5 large bunches of sorrel;
  • Water – approximately 2 glasses.

How to prepare:

  1. Wash the leaves, dry them, cut them.
  2. We sterilize jars and lids.
  3. Pour water into a saucepan and heat to a boil. Place the leaves in portions and boil for a couple of minutes until the color changes. Remove with a slotted spoon.

Place into jars, tamp tightly with a spoon, and screw on the lids. Ready!

Sorrel pickled with citric acid

I’ll also share a recipe on how to properly pickle sorrel. Suitable for making pureed soups, baking, and as an addition to side dishes.


  • 500 g sorrel leaves;
  • 5 g citric acid (1 teaspoon).

How to prepare:

  1. We sterilize dishes for preservation.
  2. We pass the washed and dried sorrel through a meat grinder.
  3. Posting green puree into a large saucepan, heat and simmer, stirring, for 10 minutes. At the end add citric acid, mix.

Place the puree into jars and roll up. Turn over and wrap. When the jars have cooled, transfer them to storage.

Sorrel in its own juice

When we search the best preparations sorrel for the winter, the method of canning in own juice. I’ll tell you how to prepare sorrel for the winter in jars without sterilization, using only a minimum of ingredients.


  • Young sorrel.

How to prepare:

  1. Dry the washed sorrel and cut into pieces as desired.
  2. Sterilize jars and lids.
  3. Place the chopped leaves in a frying pan without oil. Heat, stirring, until the leaves release juice and darken.
  4. Immediately transfer the hot sorrel with the released juice into a jar. Heat the next portion.

When all the jars are filled, close them and let them brew under a blanket.

Tip: It is convenient to make such a blank for screw caps.

How to prepare sorrel for pies for the winter

The recipe for sorrel for pies is very simple. The previous options are quite suitable, but I also like the next one. It already contains salt, so there is no need to add salt to the finished filling.


  • 500 g sorrel;
  • 25 g salt (1 tablespoon with top);
  • 25-30 ml vegetable oil.

How to prepare:

  1. We wash the sorted sorrel leaves and let them dry.
  2. We wash with soda and sterilize the jars and lids.
  3. Cut the leaves into strips and place in a bowl. Sprinkle with salt and knead with your hands. The sorrel will release juice.

Transfer the chopped leaves into jars. Add the juice remaining in the bowl. Pour a little vegetable oil on top. In this case canned sorrel for pies it will not become moldy. Close with lids (plastic ones are possible). Store in a cool place.

Sorrel in jars for the winter with salt

Since we are talking about salt, I propose another simple way to pickle sorrel for the winter, also without sterilization.

Ingredients for a 0.5 liter jar:

  • 1-2 large bunches of sorrel;
  • 1 teaspoon salt;
  • Clean water (boiled and cooled).

How to prepare:

  1. Dry the sorted and washed leaves on a towel.
  2. We sterilize containers for preservation (jars, lids).
  3. We cut the leaves into strips and put them in jars. Pour salt on top and fill with water up to the neck.

Roll up the lids and that’s it! We transfer it to the cellar for storage.

Tip: You can also fill hot water, but then less nutrients will be preserved.

Watch another video on how to prepare sorrel in jars.

Now you can treat yourself to delicious green borscht or rosy pies with sour filling at any time of the year. And the best part is that the preparations are unpretentious, can be easily stored at home, are rich in vitamins and minerals, and pleasantly diversify the winter diet. Have a wonderful appetite and spring mood!

Canning useful plant- one of the first preparations that we make in the summer. I offer you a recipe for preparing sorrel for the winter in jars, with or without adding salt, without adding water, which better preserves vitamins and beneficial features plants.

IN fresh Sorrel, unfortunately, does not last long. And it outgrows it quickly enough in the garden, so it can be preserved throughout the entire summer period. And in winter it’s fun to open a jar and make soup and!

I advise you to start harvesting in May - June, firstly, there is more time before other plantings begin, and secondly, it is at this time that the plant is the most juicy, not overgrown.

Sorrel for the winter - recipes at home

You can preserve in several ways:

  • To freeze. A good option, since vitamins and are completely preserved in the plant. Provided that you do not defrost and then refreeze. Frozen sorrel can be stored for up to 2 years.

Wash and sort the leaves, cut them and place them in bags in portions for one batch of soup.

  • Dry. A simple option and a little fuss. Spread the leaves of the plant in an even layer, after washing and sorting them. They dry quickly and are ready after a couple of days. It is better to store in a glass jar.
  • Preserve in jars. Preparation of the product with and without salt. Below I provide several proven recipes.

Preparing sorrel in jars with salt without sterilization

Recipe No. 1. The simplest, in fact, is pickling. The leaves of the plant contain enough of their own natural acid; it perfectly preserves sorrel without additional heat treatment. Therefore, it is not at all necessary to sterilize the product in jars.

  • Cut the leaves (I usually put the chopped ones in a large bowl), add salt and stir. By the way, I cut the stems, just not completely, but top part, I think it contains greatest number acids.
  • Then put it in jars, but tightly so that more can go in. And close with regular lids. Place the jars in the refrigerator.

Recipe No. 2. With water. If you are afraid to prepare a plant using the first method, and doubt its long-term preservation, do the usual preservation.

Place the chopped leaves in jars, throw a teaspoon of salt on top, then pour the cooled water over them. boiled water and roll it up. You can take it hot water, boiling water, but also works great with cold water.

How to seal sorrel in jars without salt

I offer you a couple of recipes for preparing food for the winter without adding salt.

Recipe No. 1. In a water bath. Let's do the usual sterilization of jars of sorrel without adding salt.


  • Boil the lids, prepare the leaves - sort and wash, and then cut as desired.
  • Place into jars. I usually prepare half liter ones, they are more convenient to use. But here you should know that not all the sorrel is put into jars, some should remain.
  • Pour hot water into the pan and turn on the gas. Place the jars in the pan and let them warm up. Gradually the leaves will release juice and begin to fall down. When there is free space in the jar, start adding the remaining chopped leaves.
  • Crush them a little in the jar, they will boil down faster, and the next place for sorrel will appear. Thus, fill the jar to the top, and when it is completely filled, remove from the pan and roll up the sterilized lid. With such sterilization, a lot of plants enter the jar.

Recipe No. 2. Sorrel for the winter without salt. More easy option blanks.

  1. Boil the lids, sterilize the jars, prepare the plant and cut as desired.
  2. Place in jars and compact tightly.
  3. Pour in boiling water and immediately roll up. Tip: wait a minute, let the air bubbles come out first, then add boiling water to the top and roll up.

Preparing sorrel for harvesting

  • Sort through the leaves, remove the grass, discard damaged and torn ones.
  • Fill the leaves with water, leave for half an hour so that the dirt comes off the leaves and stems and the bugs and spiders rise to the top.
  • Wash the leaves thoroughly. If the greens are not properly processed, bacteria from the soil may remain on the greens - wash as thoroughly as possible.

By opening a jar of homemade sorrel in winter, you can prepare

How to prepare sorrel in jars for the winter is a question that worries all housewives at the beginning of summer. By preparing it in this way, you will preserve the sorrel with minimal loss of vitamins and in winter you can add it to soup, cabbage soup, or any other food.

Sorrel for the winter in jars without salt


  • fresh sorrel leaves – 455 g;
  • water.


Place sorrel leaves tightly into a prepared sterilized jar, having previously washed and sorted them. We compact it tightly and fill it to the top with boiled cold water. Closing nylon cover and put the sorrel without sterilization in a jar for storage in a cool place for the winter.

Sorrel for the winter in jars with salt


  • fresh sorrel – 675 g;
  • filtered water;
  • iodized salt - to taste.


So, we wash the leaves well to remove any dirt and soak them in plenty of water for about 1 hour. Then rinse again and place on kitchen towel and dry it. Now cut them with a knife and put them in a deep bowl. We sterilize the jars and scald the metal lids with boiling water. Now put some greens in the prepared container, sprinkle lightly with salt, fill with boiled cold water and tamp with a masher. Next, add the herbs, salt and water again. When all the jars are tightly filled, roll up their lids and store them in the basement. We use this preparation in winter to prepare delicious ones.

Recipe for winter sorrel in jars with herbs


  • fresh sorrel – 355 g;
  • green onions– 145 g;
  • parsley and dill - 130 g each;
  • water;
  • salt - to taste.


Wash the greens, dry them, chop them finely with a knife and place them in a wide bowl. Now sprinkle it with salt, knead it slightly and leave to release the juice.

In the meantime, sterilize the jars and simply scald the lids with boiling water. Pour filtered water into a large saucepan, bring to a boil, carefully add all the greens and simmer for several minutes. Then put it tightly in jars and roll up the lids.

Recipe for sorrel puree in jars for the winter


  • sorrel leaves – 965 g;
  • fat or vegetable oil;
  • fine salt – 30 g.


We wash the sorrel leaves, dry them and grind them through a meat grinder. Then we add required amount salt, mix and place the resulting mass into clean glass jars. Pour melted fat on top and close with lids.

Recipe for winter sorrel in jars with spinach


  • fresh spinach – 485 g;
  • sorrel – 245 g;
  • water – 255 ml.


We sort out the sorrel and spinach, rinse well and place in a colander. Next, transfer the raw materials into a deep saucepan, fill with water and place the dishes on the fire. Blanch for about 3 minutes, and in the meantime heat clean jars in a water bath. Place the greens in hot jars, cover with lids and place in a saucepan with a wooden grate at the bottom. Fill it with hot water and sterilize the workpiece for half an hour, and then roll it up.

How to hot roll sorrel into jars for the winter?


  • sorrel – 555 g;
  • fresh dill – 145 g;
  • salt - to taste;
  • soda.


Wash the sorrel leaves, dry them and cut them into pieces. Rinse the dill, shake and finely chop with a knife. Mix the greens in a wide bowl and pour boiling water over them. We wait 5 minutes, and then we compact the greens into clean glass jars and add hot water to the very top. Roll up the lids and after cooling, store the preserves in the refrigerator.

How to seal sorrel in jars for the winter with sugar?