Can men drink lemon balm and mint? Is it possible to use mint for men: the benefits and harms of the plant.

Mint is a widespread aromatic plant containing a large number of menthol. Mint has a wide range of uses: it is used in cosmetics, pharmacology, aromatherapy, herbal medicine and in cooking. This plant is most widely used in cooking. fragrant tea. Because Mint tea very tasty, it can not be mixed with other herbs or teas. It all depends on the preferences of each person.

Mint refers to medicinal plants Therefore, mint tea has a lot of healing properties:

  • Relieves pain in women during menstruation;
  • Relieves unpleasant symptoms of menopause;
  • It has a diuretic and antiseptic effect;
  • Thanks to menthol in its composition, it has antibacterial properties for colds and infectious diseases;
  • Lowers the level of male hormones in the female body;
  • Improves appetite, but at the same time reduces the feeling of hunger. Therefore, it is good for losing weight;
  • Improves brain activity;
  • Relieves muscle pain and migraines;
  • Lowers arterial pressure;
  • If you drink less than two cups of mint tea a day, then it will invigorate, but if it is the other way around, weakness will appear and you will want to sleep;
  • Frees the body from toxins and poisons;
  • Improves metabolic processes;
  • It has a diuretic effect, which is also good for weight loss.

Harm of mint tea

With allergies and individual intolerance to mint, it is strictly forbidden to drink mint tea.

Can pregnant women drink mint tea?

If you drink no more than two cups, then mint tea has a very good effect on a pregnant woman. It helps to more easily survive toxicosis, as it relieves dizziness and nausea, soothes nervous system and helps eliminate anxiety and fears of childbirth. In addition, it increases female libido, eliminates dizziness, and fights edema.

Many drugs are forbidden to drink during pregnancy. Mint tea will help a woman recover from colds without harm to the child.

Can men drink mint tea?

Many are interested why men shouldn't drink mint tea. Through scientific experiments, scientists have proven that regular use, mint tea is able to reduce the amount of testosterone in human body. But this does not mean that the male sex is forbidden to use mint tea. Due to the constant use of a cup of tea a day, absolutely nothing bad will happen, and the potency will not suffer.

Probably there is no person who has ever drunk a mint hour. Many people love this weed. The taste of grass is magnificent, it has a wonderful, unique aroma. From mint, you can cook jelly, add it to baking. If people consuming it raw. The male population of the country is wary of her. They say that because of its use in men, potency disappears or becomes inferior.

Like it or not, practice will confirm. Scientists on this topic conducted an experiment. And they found out that if a man uses mint often, then he has the opportunity to get its negative influence. Because the amount of testosterone in his body is reduced. The Turks decided to conduct such an experiment on women. Mint was added to their products. As a result, women's hair on their legs and arms became sparse, and testosterone levels in their bodies decreased. This suggests that men's concerns about frequent use mints justify!

Despite this - mint useful herb. It slows down aging, calms the nerves of girls. From her blood circulation returns to normal, cough, nausea, heartburn, sore throat disappear. So people should be careful with mint. In very small quantities, it does not harm the body, but it is worth increasing its use, negative factors appear in the body.

The same warning applies to all small children, including boys. Its pleasant smell, favorite taste of tea attracts people. But, one must take into account contraindications for its regular use by men and boys, and exercise caution. In the treatment of mint, a small amount is used. It is taken systematically only during the period of illness. Many assume that herbal treatment is a safe form of treatment. Even doctors think so. A natural medicine made from mint will not bring negative effects to the body.

Whatever the natural medicine, the side effect of its use is still there. Only it is expressed less than from medications. Any medicine taken without control causes one or another negative effect to the body. As a result of lack of control, a person can get a deterioration in health, and not a cure for the disease. In addition, even harmless herbs can be addictive. And this is undesirable for a person!

From their use, a person may develop an allergy. It can be delayed because the natural medicine must accumulate in the body. The use of herbs can correct biological processes in the body. And this is already his violation and weakness of man. Doctors say that treatment with any herbs should be taken seriously. Also to the medicines offered by the doctor. Their decoctions should also be taken on time, and in the form recommended by the doctor.

Since mint is harmful for boys, they must be protected from taking it. Otherwise, mint preparations: teas, infusions guarantee him the physical inability to conceive a child in the future. The dosage of mint preparations should also be calculated by the doctor. Usually patients take herbal infusions, drink teas for no more than two weeks. Then two weeks the body from the herbs should rest. And so on until complete recovery! Time goes by, scientists come up with more and more drugs, but for some reason we return to the past, use advice traditional medicine, herbs, lotions. And sometimes we forget that they can cause allergies!

Our ancestors guessed about the miraculous properties of mint for a long time. No wonder the ancient Romans put wreaths of this fragrant herb on the heads of guests, and medieval students wore the same wreaths in order to have a bright head and easier to perceive new information. That is, people not only used mint internally as a remedy for many diseases, but also knew about its ability to stimulate the brain. Having fallen ill, they did not think for a long time about how to recover and what to drink with a cold. They brewed mint, currant and raspberry leaves, which were dried specifically for this purpose.

Why Men Shouldn't Eat Mint

But did they guess that men should not use mint all the time because, by calming and relieving excitability, it also contributes to a decrease in sexual activity? Perhaps in those days this area was not given such close attention, otherwise what man would agree to voluntarily expose himself to the risk of ceasing to be such. And is it only men who should not use mint, or does it affect the female libido in the same way?

It is believed that mint is a female herb. The fair sex can not be afraid for their sexuality and drink mint tea, add mint leaves to salads and eat it just like that. Moreover, it is really good for health. And the statement that men can not mint is very exaggerated. It is possible, but in moderation. The fact is that with prolonged and regular use of this plant, the content of the male hormone testosterone in the body, which is responsible for sexual function, decreases. Therefore, if your husband enjoys drinking a cup of fragrant mint tea every evening, do not be surprised if one fine day, or rather night, he suddenly does not want anything. And the next one too. Of course, each person has his own susceptibility to various substances, and mint will not affect someone in any way, it will only relieve unnecessary stress. And it will be enough for someone to take several days in a row sedative collection with mint, and he will "calm down." Do not be afraid, everything is not so scary: by refusing to take mint, you will recover very quickly. So if a doctor prescribes you a cure for depression, which includes this herb, and your friend with wide eyes in horror begins to dissuade you from taking it, arguing that men should not use mint, still listen to the doctor. Moreover, it is precisely in depressive and stressful conditions that mint just helps to establish a sexual life, which can be disturbed due to excessive nervousness, restlessness.

And in some cases, it is even useful for men to use mint specifically to reduce libido. For example, during a difficult wife's pregnancy or on a long business trip. Let you stay “without sweets” for a while, but protect yourself somewhat from casual relationships and possible problems health related.

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Useful properties of mint and contraindications

Mint, like any other plant, has a certain chemical composition which, in one way or another, affects the human body. Depending on the characteristics of this very “organism”, the influence can be both positive and negative.

This fragrant plant contains substances that inhibit the growth of bacteria (phytoncides), vitamins and minerals, menthol, essential oil.

Let's look at what will be useful to the male body:

  • normalizes the work of the digestive tract, helps with nausea and diarrhea;
  • when inhaled, it relieves inflammation from the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract;
  • helps to cope with migraines, if rubbed into the forehead or back of the head;
  • lowers ;
  • relieves nervous tension and calms;
  • has an analgesic effect;
  • has a choleretic and diaphoretic effect.

However, despite the abundance of useful properties, mint can also cause harm, so it is categorically contraindicated for people with hypertension, hyperacidity stomach, varicose veins, drowsiness. Also, mint is not recommended for children under three years of age.

In addition, with prolonged use of mint, the effectiveness of its action decreases due to the addiction of the body. This means that if peppermint tea helped you fall asleep at first, after a couple of weeks it may no longer work.

Harm to a man

Is mint bad for a man? This question cannot be answered unequivocally, mint can have both positive and negative effects on the body of a man (we already wrote). We have already analyzed the useful properties, let's deal with the "harmful" ones.

Unfortunately, the substances contained in mint can inhibit male hormones, preventing hair growth.

There is also a widespread belief that mint reduces potency in men. This is not entirely true. It has been scientifically proven that the direct use of this substance does not affect potency in any way. However, since mint has a general calming effect on the body, both mental and physical excitability decreases. This effect cannot be considered mandatory, very many depend on the characteristics of a particular male body.

Recipes for men

If you've read this far, you've probably sworn to yourself that you'll never touch mint again. But in vain. Of course, from short-term drinking of mint tea, no side effects will not occur. In addition, there are several recipes for the "external" use of a fragrant plant.

Eliminate sweaty feet

Thanks to the menthol contained in mint, baths based on it will help reduce sweating (by narrowing the pores) and eliminate unpleasant odors. To prepare, take a pinch of a dry plant and pour a liter hot water. Let it brew for 30 minutes. After the time has elapsed, pour the resulting broth into a basin, lower your legs there and sit for half an hour. To prevent the heat from leaving, it is recommended to cover the basin from above with a towel. Baths are best done before bedtime.

Can men drink? If there are no contraindications, then it is even necessary, especially when there is a need to calm down. For tea you will need:

  • mint 10 sheets;
  • half a lemon;
  • cinnamon and sugar to taste.

Pour a liter of water into a saucepan, boil, and then add lemon, cinnamon and sugar to it. Wait for the mixture to boil again, remove it from the heat and put the mint in it. Let the broth brew for about 120 minutes. Drink morning and evening instead of tea or coffee.

For the treatment of colds

Inhalation of mint vapors is very useful for a man's body during colds. This process helps to soothe the mucous membranes of the throat and nose. If you have an inhaler, it will be enough to add 1-2 drops of essential oil there. If there is no such thing, you can do without it.

To do this, pour a few leaves with boiling water and let it brew a little. From an A4 sheet, twist a funnel and place it over a saucepan with mint decoction wide ends down so that the narrow ends are exactly in the middle, and the wide ends cover the edges of the pan. Inhale the steam through the narrow opening through your mouth or nose.

Carefully! Steam can get burned!

Peppermint can relieve muscle pain. Essential oil will help with this, a few drops of which should be rubbed into the skin over the affected area.

Mint has been known since ancient times. It is often used as an addition to tea or as a main ingredient. This plant has also been called the "elixir of life" and the "grass of longevity". Tea, decoction and lotions from mint have long been used to treat various diseases. There are a large number of types of mint, but not all of them are currently used. Each type has its pros and cons. Men can drink all kinds of mint tea because each of them helps in the fight against various diseases. However, one should initially compare the benefits and possible harm from the use of mint.

Types of mint

The most popular is peppermint, which is sold in many stores and is also found in various pain relievers and toothpaste. The large amount of menthol contained in it helps to get rid of sore throats, insomnia, bouts of nausea and bad smell legs.

Meadow mint is also popular, containing a smaller amount of menthol, but more unpretentious and often used as part of medical preparations. In cooking, fragrant mint is used, which has a strong smell and gives the dishes a peculiar aroma. But one type of mint is different from the others. Omelissa, or lemon mint. It does not contain menthol and has a bitter taste.

The leaves and stems of mint contain many useful components, the main of which are:

  • essential oils;
  • flavonoids;
  • trace elements (iron, zinc, manganese and copper);
  • macronutrients (sodium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and potassium);
  • vitamins A, B, C and PP;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • folic acid;
  • saturated fatty acids.

Thanks to these components, the deficiency of essential minerals and vitamins is replenished in the body. They speed up many internal processes. A mint drink, tea, or bath can soothe your nerves, balance your thoughts, and refresh you on a hot day.


To date, almost all people have tried mint tea at least once in their lives. Also, many have heard about her useful properties. But from time to time there are disputes about the safety of using mint for the male body, about its effect on potency and existing contraindications. In order to understand this issue, you should initially study all its properties.

Among the many effects of mint, the most common is sedative. Tea with the addition of this herb, drunk at night, will help you relax and fall asleep faster. For its preparation, you can use both fresh and dried mint.

mint tea recipe

To prepare mint tea with mint for men, you need a regular teapot and a strainer for filtering. Take a few spoons of black or green tea and mix with 5-6 leaves peppermint. It can be purchased at any pharmacy or supermarket. Pour everything into the kettle, pour boiling water and let it brew for 10-15 minutes. The effect of drinking tea can be seen after 10 minutes - menthol will calm the nerves and provide peace of mind.

Important! Peppermint tea for men will help to quickly calm the nerves and avoid stress.

Mint has the following numerous properties that undeniably prove its benefits:

  • helps relax;
  • beneficial effect on the nervous system;
  • normalizes the emotional background and helps to achieve peace of mind;
  • normalizes the heart rhythm;
  • thins the blood and improves blood circulation;
  • improves the outflow of bile and prevents the appearance of cholelithiasis;
  • improves digestion;
  • relieves nausea and heartburn;
  • relieves headaches;
  • has a slight analgesic effect;
  • freshens breath;
  • eliminates inflammation in the throat with a cold;
  • facilitates breathing, relieves wheezing and coughing in case of problems with the respiratory system;
  • improves general well-being at elevated temperatures;
  • helps protect teeth from caries;
  • strengthens tooth enamel;
  • improves the condition of the mucous membranes;
  • relieves insomnia and makes sleep stronger;
  • reduces blood pressure;
  • relieves spasms of blood vessels;
  • gives tone to sluggish skin;
  • improves the condition of the joints in osteochondrosis and sciatica.

When mixing mint and pomegranate juice the action of astringents and tannins is enhanced, which can stop sudden nausea and vomiting. Mint is also recommended for use in case of poor digestion, flatulence and diarrhea. Peppermint tea will improve the production of gastric juice, resulting in better digestion.

With problems with the gastrointestinal tract, bad breath often occurs. With the help of menthol contained in mint, you can quickly and effectively freshen your breath. That is why it is added to toothpaste. In addition, menthol helps to fight not only with an unpleasant odor, but also with bleeding gums and the occurrence of caries. The anti-inflammatory, cooling and diaphoretic properties of this plant will help you quickly recover from a cold or sore throat.

Also, mint will eliminate excessive sweating of the feet. For this, baths with a refreshing and relaxing effect are used. To prepare it, a handful of dried grass is poured with boiling water and infused for half an hour. And then the infusion is poured into a basin with warm water in which the feet are dipped. Menthol will narrow the pores and thus eliminate the unpleasant odor.

The benefits and harms of eating mint for men

IN large quantities men should not drink mint tea, because this can lead to. This probability appears with excessive abuse of mint. The influence of the regular use of this plant in large volumes is the outflow of blood from the male genital organ, as a result of which potency suffers.

Note! You should not completely abandon mint, as it also brings many benefits when consumed in moderation.

In order for mint tea to become harmful, it should be drunk for several months 6-7 times a day. And it should be a highly concentrated drink. Only then can a decrease in the level of testosterone, a hormone responsible for such external signs of a man as a rough voice, body shape, hairiness, etc., begin.

But drinking just a couple of cups a day a day, you will not do any harm to either male strength or the body as a whole. Moreover, such a drink will help normalize the nervous system, which as a result will have a positive effect on potency, because in most cases it is severe stress, depression and emotional overwork that cause male impotence.

To whom mint is contraindicated

There is a category of people who should refrain from using this herb. We are talking about hypotension, as mint can further lower their blood pressure. It is also not recommended to drink tea or decoctions for people with heartburn.


Peppermint tea for men is beneficial if consumed in moderation. A cup of such tea, drunk even every day, will not bring any harm to men. For a negative impact on sexual function, it is necessary to drink such drinks every day in liters, even instead of plain drinking water. But the use of such an amount is unlikely to be mastered by anyone, so the opinion about the dangers of mint for males is greatly exaggerated.