How to cook potatoes in the microwave - step-by-step recipe with photos. Ways to cook potatoes in the microwave: in jackets, bags, pieces

If you want to literally cook in minutes delicious potatoes for salads or for dinner, use this recipe! Cooking potatoes in their “jacket” in the microwave is quick and easy, It turns out to taste more like baked in the oven. At power microwave oven At 750 Watt the potatoes will be ready in 10 minutes.


To cook jacket potatoes in the microwave you will need:

small potatoes (of the same size) - 5 pcs.;

hot water - 4 tbsp. l.

Cooking steps

Wash the potatoes well.

Prick each potato with a fork in several places and place in a small microwave-safe saucepan or bowl. Pour in hot water.

In 10 minutes, medium-sized potatoes will be completely ready! The finished potatoes will be easily pierced with a fork.

Jacket potatoes cooked in the microwave, cool, peel and use for salads or peel and serve hot as a side dish. Potatoes according to this recipe are prepared very simply and quickly, try it!

Indeed, our modern diet would be very poor if we were deprived of such a wonderful vegetable as potatoes. We know how to make from potatoes great amount variety of treats, culinary specialists from all countries consider it the basis of many meat and vegetable dishes. But, potatoes in the microwave is a separate issue, because... except for the complete safety of all useful substances, the microwave solves the problem in minutes. Every modern housewife simply must know how to make potatoes in the microwave.

There are several options for preparing this dish: microwave potatoes in bags, jacket potatoes in the microwave, potatoes in pots in the microwave. This “packaging” of tubers allows you to cook potatoes in the microwave in 5 minutes at full oven power. This is very convenient, but it doesn’t always make sense to cook potatoes in the microwave quickly. Sometimes you need to add a little time, especially if the recipe contains meat. Potatoes and meat are cooked in the microwave in about 20–25 minutes, but here, too, a lot depends on the power of your oven. Chicken with potatoes will turn out a little faster in the microwave, thanks to the softer and tender meat birds.

Such dishes will be useful for those who strictly adhere to a diet. The use of fat in the microwave is minimal. Even French fries can be made in the microwave with virtually no oil. The most useful - baked potato in the microwave, it can be served both as a side dish and as a main dish. All microwave devices in their instructions describe in detail how to bake potatoes in the microwave or how to boil potatoes in the microwave. But these are general recommendations, and if you want to cook a masterpiece, use the recipes on our site. Potatoes in the microwave, recipes for which are on the website, turn out very appetizing and tasty. You can choose your favorite dish based on the photo. The microwaved potatoes, the photo of which you chose, will probably become a regular guest on your table.

Therefore, the main advice to a novice cook: you liked the idea of ​​​​cooking potatoes in the microwave, recipes with photos should become your main tool for cooking initial stage. Then the process of baking potatoes in the microwave will bring you joy and satisfaction.

Please note here are some tips for storing and working with potatoes, incl. how to cook potatoes in the microwave:

Store potatoes in a dark and cool place, but not in the refrigerator. Potatoes exposed to light increase the content of harmful substances;

Peeled potatoes will not darken if placed in cold water. But a long stay cold water potatoes will lead to leaching of starch and worsen its taste;

It is better to discard potato tubers that have turned green, because... toxic substances began to form in them under the influence of light;

Use microwave ovens correctly. You cannot put metal in them, only containers made of special glass;

Potatoes cook slower than other vegetables in the microwave, so you should cut them into identical pieces or slices;

As a guide, you can take the following calculation: half a kilogram of potatoes with an oven power of 900 W will take about 8 minutes. It is necessary to check readiness and, if necessary, add time;

To prevent the cut potatoes from being too dry, you need to use a sleeve and add a little water to it;

The sleeve needs to be pierced in several places;

New potatoes are cooked whole;

You can add a little garlic or chopped onion to the potatoes on a platter or in a sleeve.

It’s hard to disagree with the fact that potato tubers, especially old ones, take a lot of time to prepare. It’s another matter if you use a microwave for this purpose, the power of which allows you to cope with starchy fruits in a matter of minutes, without at all affecting their taste or texture. In the recipes below we will figure out how to make it in the microwave.

How to bake potatoes in the microwave in their jackets?

First of all, let's figure out how you can prepare your favorite baked potato according to a simple recipe. You don’t need anything other than the tubers themselves and spices and oil.

Select potatoes of approximately the same size and variety, the latter affects the starch content in the tubers, which determines cooking speed and texture. Thoroughly washed and dried potatoes can be greased at this stage. vegetable oil and season with almost anything: from just sea ​​salt, to a special spicy mixture for potato dishes. Then be sure to prick the seasoned tubers with a fork to allow steam to escape, otherwise the potatoes may simply burst. Having placed the potatoes on a dish for cooking in the microwave, you have a choice: cover the dish with a damp towel so that the tuber does not lose moisture during cooking, or leave it just to get a golden brown and crispy crust on the outside.

Set the maximum power on your device and start cooking for 5 minutes. After time has passed, check readiness, turn the tubers over to the other side and cook for another 3-5 minutes.

How to cook jacket potatoes in the microwave in a bag?

If you want to get tender boiled potatoes without crust, then next way- what you need. Within its framework, the tubers will be in plastic bag, which, by blocking the release of moisture into the microwave chamber, will create the effect of a real steam bath.

All stages of preparation remain the same: the potatoes are washed, dried and seasoned, after which they are pierced, placed in a bag and tied tightly. At 600 W, medium-sized tubers should cook in 7-10 minutes, but the time may vary depending on the number of potatoes being baked. Be careful when removing the potatoes from the bag, as the concentrated steam inside can easily burn your skin.

Using a microwave oven you can cook full-fledged potato dishes, like this basic snack with sour cream and cheese. You can repeat the recipe with a single large potato, or replace it with a pile of small ones, but keep in mind that the more tubers, the longer it will take to cook.


  • large potato tuber;
  • - 15 g;
  • sour cream - 35 g;
  • grated cheddar - 2 tbsp. spoons.


Prick clean and dry potatoes with a fork and bake in the microwave for 5 minutes at maximum power. After time has passed, turn the tuber over and cook for the same period of time. Cut the finished potatoes in half, remove 2/3 of the pulp and mash with a fork with cheese and sour cream. Return the potato flesh back into the skins and bake for another minute, or until the cheese in the potatoes is soft and chewy.

If you wish, you can repeat the recipe, diversifying the potato filling with chicken, vegetables, fried bacon, spices or a portion of herbs. Bon appetit!

There are many legends about potatoes. Belarusians are jokingly called “potato eaters” for their love for her. In Alaska during the Gold Rush, it was considered priceless for its nutritional value and high vitamin C content; people were ready to give fortunes for it. Today the culture is grown everywhere, and prepared from it various dishes.

How to cook potatoes in the microwave

Cooking potatoes in the microwave can be a masterpiece. Delicious spicy dish will always work out if you take following ingredients for cooking:

  • potatoes – 6-7 medium pieces;
  • garlic – 3-5 cloves;
  • salt, black pepper - to taste;
  • butter;
  • water.

Cooking a rustic dish is very simple, you just need to follow the instructions and an ordinary vegetable will become an excellent side dish for dinner:

  1. Cut the tubers into quarters.
  2. Place on the bottom of a glass saucepan and fill with water.
  3. The container is placed inside the microwave for 10 minutes at a power of 500 W.
  4. Then remove, add spices, chopped garlic and oil, place again inside the oven for 5 minutes.
  5. A rustic dish served with fresh vegetables.

How to cook whole potatoes in the microwave

Vegetables can be cooked not only in salted water, but also in milk sauce. How else to cook potatoes in the microwave - consider the following recipe:

  • potatoes – 8 whole pieces (medium);
  • salt - to taste;
  • sour cream – 100 g;
  • mayonnaise - a couple of tablespoons;
  • parsley, dill - a bunch each.

A detailed description of how to cook potatoes in the microwave under sour cream sauce:

  1. Place the peeled potatoes on the bottom of a glass container.
  2. Mix sour cream with mayonnaise and salt.
  3. The container is sent to prepare for 15-16 minutes.
  4. The finished boiled treat is sprinkled with chopped herbs before serving.

Jacket potatoes in the microwave

Boil quickly country potatoes for salads you can use a microwave. Cooking will take a few minutes. The recipe is very simple:

  • potatoes – 8 pcs.;
  • water;
  • salt – 1 tsp.

You can quickly cook jacket potatoes in the microwave if you follow step by step instructions:

  1. Wash the vegetable and make punctures all over the surface with a fork.
  2. Place the vegetable on the bottom of a glass dish.
  3. Add salt.
  4. Send to cook for 15 minutes.

Sliced ​​potatoes in the microwave quickly and easily

Let's look at a recipe for how to cook potatoes in the microwave with salmon. No matter how many dishes with fish there are, this one will not leave any gourmet indifferent. And his low calorie content will please those on a diet:

  • potatoes – 6 pcs.;
  • spices (salt, pepper, coriander) - to taste;
  • mayonnaise – 50 grams;
  • lemon – 1 pc.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • salmon – fillet of one carcass.

Don’t know how to cook potatoes in the microwave quickly and tasty? An ordinary vegetable will become an amazing side dish in just half an hour:

  1. The washed, sliced ​​product is filled with water, seasoned and salted.
  2. Marinate the fish a little with mayonnaise sauce and lemon juice(1/2 of it).
  3. The salmon is placed on top of the potatoes.
  4. Place onion sliced ​​into rings and the remaining lemon on top.
  5. The container is covered with a glass lid. A timer is set on the oven for 20-22 minutes.