What you need to know about Guryev porridge. Zaitseva E

Guryevskaya porridge- this is traditional Russian dish with the presence of semolina. Guryevskaya porridge is semolina cooked according to special recipe. It contains crushed walnuts or candied fruits and it is served with apricots in syrup. There are different recipes for preparing this dish and you will learn about them from this article. In a word, this is a quick casserole.

Guryev porridge has its own history. The recipe was invented by the Russian Minister of Finance, Count Dmitry Guryev, back in the 19th century. Until now, modern people prepare this recipe not only in Russia, but all over the world. The components included in the porridge make it more nutritious and positive feedback she is not inferior to others

Looking at the photo, you already realized that this is a casserole and is both a second course and a dessert, which is why children love it very much. Traditional components are: semolina, nuts, creamy or milk films, dried fruits. Let's say right away that preparing porridge is not very simple, but when you try it, you will realize that it was worth it.

Guryev porridge classic recipe

Tips for preparing the right classic porridge recipe

  1. Semolina is not boiled, but is brewed with boiling milk and cream and kept covered in a saucepan for 15 minutes.
  2. Then you need to melt several dozen foams from the milk.
  3. Layers of semolina porridge are layered with foam and coated with jam, honey, sprinkled with nuts, candied fruits, dried fruits, and spices.
  4. Bring to readiness in the oven over low heat.
  5. Decorate the top with jam, dried fruits, and canned fruits.

The more layers Guryev porridge has, the more varied and complex its composition, the tastier the dish.

Thus, the dish can have several variations in taste, but overall remains stable. The sweet part of the dish does not suppress, but only accentuates the neutral milky part.

Ingredients needed for the recipe:

  • 1.25 liters of milk
  • 0.5 cups semolina
  • 0.5 kg of nuts (hazel, pine, walnuts)
  • bitter almonds or 4 - 5 drops of almond essence
  • 0.5 cups sugar
  • 0.5 cups jam (strawberry, wild strawberry, seedless cherry)
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 1 capsule of cardamom, or 3 - 4 tablespoons of ground lemon zest, or 2 teaspoons cinnamon
  • 0.25 teaspoon ground star anise

Making the classic recipe for Guryev porridge:

Preparing nuts. Nuts, shelled. pour boiling water for 2 - 3 minutes, peel off the thin skin, dry and pound in a mortar, adding 1 teaspoon at a time warm water for every full tablespoon of nuts. Place in a cup.

Preparing foams. Pour the milk into a flat bowl (cast iron enamel frying pan), place in a heated oven and remove the strong foams that form when they begin to brown, placing them in a separate bowl. Collect 12 - 15 foams.

Preparing semolina porridge. Using the remaining milk or cream, cook thick, well-cooked semolina porridge, add crushed nuts, sugar, butter, ground spices, and mix.

Cooking porridge. Pour a little prepared semolina porridge into a fireproof enamel frying pan with high edges or a wide flat saucepan in a layer of 0.5 - 1 cm, cover it with foam, again pour a thinner layer of porridge, re-layer with foam, and so on.

Add a little jam and star anise to the penultimate layer. Place in a preheated oven for 10 minutes, but with low heat. Then take it out, pour the remaining jam and crushed nuts on top, and serve in the same bowl in which you prepared the porridge.

Guryev porridge is ready.

Guryev porridge recipe for every day


  • semolina - 200 g
  • heavy cream - 600 ml
  • peeled walnuts - 200 g
  • raisins – 200 g
  • sugar - 100 g

How to prepare the Guryev porridge recipe:

Pour boiling water over the nuts and peel them. Chop 3/4 of the nuts and fry the rest in a dry frying pan.

Add 1 tablespoon of sugar and the same amount of water to the fried nuts. Caramelize the nuts over medium heat, then remove from heat.

Pour boiling water over the raisins and leave for 10 minutes. Pour the cream into a wide saucepan, place it on the stove, wait until the foam appears, remove it with a slotted spoon, and place it on a flat dish. Prepare 4 more foams in the same way and cool them. Cut one foam into wide strips.

To make the foams thick, it is better to melt them in the oven, preheated to 160 degrees C, for about 2 - 3 minutes.

Pour semolina into the remaining hot cream, stirring constantly, add the remaining sugar, add salt. Cook until the semolina is ready. Add chopped foam and dried raisins to the porridge, mix everything.

Grease the mold with butter and lay out in layers:

  • porridge, nuts, foam
  • then again: a layer of porridge, nuts and foam
  • and so on

You should have 5 layers of porridge. Sprinkle the last layer of porridge with sugar. Bake in an oven preheated to 170 degrees until caramel crust.

After baking, decorate the porridge with nuts fried in caramel. Guryev porridge is ready.

Guryev porridge for breakfast, like for a holiday


  • semolina - 3/4 cup
  • eggs - 2 pcs.
  • sugar - 0.5 cups
  • milk - 2 cups
  • butter - 2 tablespoons
  • almonds - 50 g
  • vanillin - 5 g
  • canned fruits - to taste

Preparing the recipe:

Bring the milk to a boil and add sugar and vanillin. Then gradually add semolina and, stirring, cook for 10 minutes.

Put butter into the cooked porridge and raw eggs, mix everything well and place in a frying pan, previously greased with butter.

Sprinkle sugar on top and place in a hot oven. Readiness is considered to be the formation of a light brown crust on the surface of the porridge.

When serving, garnish the porridge with canned fruit and sprinkle with toasted almonds. Guryev porridge is ready.

From the article you realized that there are many options for preparing Guryev porridge, but there is only one classic recipe. Guryev porridge is a holiday for the body.

Count D.A. Guryev (1751-1825)

The authorship of this dish is attributed to the Russian Minister of Finance, Count Dmitry Aleksandrovich Guryev (1758-1825). “Guriev porridge! This is the pearl of all possible porridges, this is the whim of modern Lucullus...” an observer of Moscow culinary life enthusiastically wrote about it in the mid-19th century (Moscow at the table // Magazine “Moskvityanin”. M. 1856, No. 5. P. 433.). The count himself left conflicting information about himself. However, his contemporaries were sure of one thing - his culinary talents:

These words, belonging to a historian of the mid-19th century, are also interesting in terms of dating the invention of that porridge. The article is about the times when Guryev still held the post of Deputy (as this position was then called - “comrade”) Minister of Finance (Count A.I. Vasilyev). And this is the period from 1802 to 1807. And, as we see, even then Guryev’s culinary invention was very well known. Accordingly, we can say with confidence that the time of invention of this porridge is not the beginning of the 19th century (as is commonly believed everywhere), but rather the 90s of the 18th century.

In this regard, the version of Pokhlebkin that is widespread everywhere is somehow not confirmed by sources. As you know, William Vasilyevich noted that “according to one version, the count bought the serf cook Zakhar Kuzmin from the retired major Yurisovsky, having tasted the amazing porridge prepared by Kuzmin while visiting the latter. According to another version, the count himself invented this porridge to commemorate the victory over Napoleon.” And the pictures floating around our culinary literature, like Major Yurisovsky, a veteran of the war with Napoleon, hosting a count at his estate, look completely comical. That is, maybe he accepted it. But this had nothing to do with the appearance of the recipe for Guryev porridge, since it was invented earlier.

In general, as often happens, the version, not supported by any references, began to circulate in print and on the Internet as a reliable fact.

Counts traditional dish Russian cuisine, but was invented only at the beginning of the 19th century. The name of the porridge comes from the name of Count Dmitry Guryev, Minister of Finance and member of the State Council of the Russian Empire. It was invented by Zakhar Kuzmin, the serf cook of the retired major of the Orenburg Dragoon Regiment Georgy Yurisovsky, with whom Guryev was visiting. Subsequently, Guryev bought out Kuzmin and his family and made him the full-time cook of his yard. According to another version, Guryev himself came up with the recipe for porridge.

This dish was the most favorite on the menu of Emperor Alexander III. Before the train crash in 1888, the emperor was served this very dish for dessert. When the waiter approached the emperor to add more cream, a terrible blow occurred and the train derailed.

Guryev porridge is mentioned in the description of Moscow taverns by V. Gilyarovsky: Option No. 1.[edit | edit wiki text]
Guryev porridge is prepared using kaymak or foam skimmed from cream poured into a wide frying pan. Semi

As with any historical event, there are many speculations in the history of the creation of Guryev porridge. Like this one, for example: they say that the recipe was invented by the Minister of Finance, Count Dmitry Guryev, after whom the dish was named. I don't know about you. but I don’t believe in this version. But the other one makes you want to believe in it. Allegedly, the count once visited the estate of his friend, retired military man Yurisovsky. During lunch, porridge was served for dessert, after tasting which the count was so delighted that he asked to call the serf cook Zakhar Kuzmin and kissed him. Well, then he bought him and all the household members. And whoever the Count treated to this porridge, no one remained indifferent, and soon they began to call it by the name of the hospitable owner “Gurievskaya porridge” - the recipes were passed on through acquaintances. Gradually, other noble houses learned to cook this masterpiece. Over time, the recipe appeared in cookbooks. Outside Russia, Guryev porridge, the recipes of which I want to tell you, became famous in 1814, when it was introduced in Paris as a national dish of Russian cuisine. This is the story of Guryev porridge.
We will need:
1. Semolina - 3/4 cup
2. Baked milk - 1 liter
3. Walnuts or almonds - YuOgr.
4. Eggs - 4 pcs.
5. Butter - 50 gr.
6. Candied fruits or canned fruits- 100 gr.
7. Sugar, salt, vanillin to taste.
How to cook:
First, let's prepare semolina porridge. When the milk boils, add vanillin, salt, sugar, slowly, stirring, add the cereal. When the semolina has cooled a little, add it butter, crushed nuts and candied fruits. Separate the yolks from the whites. First add the yolks into the mixture, and then the whipped whites. Mix everything well. Place the mass in a mold or frying pan with high sides. Sprinkle sugar on top and into the oven. Bake the mixture at 180 degrees until a golden crust forms.

The well-forgotten old sometimes turns out to be more interesting than the acquired new. And a striking example of this is the Russian cuisine dish Guryevskaya porridge, the recipes of which I want to introduce today. But before I tell you how to cook a wonderful porridge according to the classic and modern recipes, I want to introduce you to the history of the famous dessert, I think it’s incredibly interesting.

The history of the famous porridge

As with any historical event, there are many conjectures in the history of the creation of Guryev porridge. For example, this: they say that the recipe was invented by the Minister of Finance, Count Dmitry Guryev, after whom the dish was named. Personally, I don’t really believe this version. But the other one makes you want to believe.

Allegedly, the count once visited the estate of an acquaintance, retired military man Yurisovsky. During lunch, porridge was served for dessert, after tasting which the count was delighted and asked to call the serf cook Zakhar Kuzmin. He kissed him and then bought him and all the household members.

Whoever the Count treated to porridge, no one remained indifferent, and soon the dish began to be called “Gurievskaya porridge” after the name of its hospitable owner, and recipes were passed on through acquaintances. Gradually, other noble houses learned to cook the masterpiece. Over time, the recipe appeared in cookbooks. Outside Russia, Guryev's dessert became famous in 1814, when it was introduced in Paris as a national dish.

Well, I won’t torture you anymore, I’ll tell you how they prepared the masterpiece culinary arts. First, I will introduce you to a classic, ancient recipe (you can read about the correct one by following the link).

Guryev porridge - a classic old recipe from the 19th century

A classic recipe from a cookbook of the time, and you can try making the dessert.

You will need:

  • Semolina - half a glass.
  • Baked milk, fat content 5-6% - 1.2 liters.
  • Honey - 1 glass.
  • Nuts: hazelnuts, walnuts, almonds, pine - 1 cup.
  • Pear and apple - 60 g each.
  • Raspberries, blackberries - 70 gr.
  • Lingonberry - 30 gr.
  • Sugar - 1 teaspoon.

Vanillin - 1 teaspoon.

How to cook Guryev porridge according to the classic recipe:

  1. Pour the milk into a saucepan with a thick bottom, add vanillin and simmer over low heat for an hour and a half. Collect the foam formed when milk is melted with a spoon and place it on a separate saucer.
  2. We prepare semolina with baked milk. Add semolina into boiling milk in a thin stream, stirring constantly.
  3. Boil nuts in half the honey. Cut the fruit into cubes and simmer in the second half of honey.
  4. We take a frying pan with high sides and begin to form the dish (you can take clay or cast iron molds). 1. Spread the first layer of foam with a spoon. 2. Layer of semolina. 3. A layer of foam. 4. Half nuts and fruits. 5. Layer of semolina. 6. A layer of foam. 7. Leftover nuts and fruits.
  5. Sprinkle the dish with sugar and put it in the oven. Bake at 180 degrees until a golden brown crust forms.

It’s a troublesome task, as you can see, Guryev porridge is a labor-intensive recipe, but there is an easier one. The recipe was invented in our time, modern chefs have adapted the old one to suit our realities. And it’s no worse than the classic one, believe me.

Modern step-by-step recipe for Guryev porridge

You will need:

  • Semolina - 3/4 cup
  • Baked milk - 1 liter
  • Walnuts or almonds - 100 gr.
  • Eggs - 4 pcs.
  • Butter - 50 gr.
  • Candied or canned fruits - 100 gr.
  • Sugar, salt, vanillin to taste.

How to prepare porridge according to this recipe:

  1. First, let's prepare semolina porridge. When the milk boils, add vanillin, salt, sugar, and, stirring slowly, add the cereal.
  2. When the semolina has cooled a little, add butter, chopped nuts and candied fruits.
  3. Separate the yolks from the whites. First add the yolks into the mixture, then the whipped whites. Mix the mixture well.
  4. Place the mixture in a mold, a frying pan with high sides. Sprinkle sugar on top and place in the oven. Bake the mixture at 180 degrees until a golden crust forms.

Modern porridge is much easier to prepare, don’t you agree? But the taste is just as exquisite, and you will get no less pleasure.

According to the method of preparation, the dish is similar to English pudding, which was fashionable in Russia at the beginning of the 19th century. Porridge is our answer to England. Layered masterpieces There are only two national Russian cuisines: the heroine of today’s story and, I recently talked about it.

  • Heat the nuts for porridge in a frying pan - they will be tastier.
  • The dish can be served in pots.
  • If you want to diversify the taste of the dish, add spices: cardamom, orange zest, rum, cinnamon.
  • If sprinkled ready-made porridge sugar, it will caramelize and you will get a beautiful caramel. Roasted nuts are great for decoration.

It seems to me that sometimes you can choose free time and cook delicious and unusual dish for yourself and your friends, and at the same time tell the story of the famous porridge.

Guryevskaya porridge is one of the delicious dishes traditional Russian cuisine. The basis of its preparation is ordinary semolina, but it must be boiled in milk (and with foam) and add nuts to it (it tastes best with hazel or almonds, but ordinary walnuts are also suitable, and modern cooks even add peanuts) and jam ( or dried fruits - dried apricots, raisins and others).

This is not only a delicacy that can be used to surprise guests at a meal (previously, Guryev porridge was rarely used as everyday food), but also a very healthy and satisfying dish.

The history of the origin of Guryev porridge.

Porridge has been known since the beginning of the 19th century, although there is an opinion that it was prepared before. The name of the porridge comes from the surname of the then Minister of Finance (and, accordingly, one of the most influential people in the Russian Empire) Count Dmitry Aleksandrovich Guryev (1751 - 1825), but the inventor of the dish was the serf cook Zakhar Kuzmin, whom the Count bought from his former owner, Major Georgy Yurisovsky (and it is believed that Kuzmin came up with the recipe for porridge when he worked for Yurisovsky).

As a result, the porridge became popular among the Russian nobility and even in the imperial family (it is known that Alexander the Third was very fond of it). It is worth noting that if the aristocrats served this porridge at ceremonial dinners, then in the royal family, apparently, it was still included in the daily diet, since historians report that on the day of the train crash (1888), the waiter had to add cream at the king's request.

Interestingly, semolina porridge with nuts and fruits gradually gained popularity not only in Russia, but also abroad. The first tasting of this delicacy in France took place in 1814, that is, when the Russian army not only expelled French troops from their native country, but also took Paris.

How they cooked porridge in Rus'

Everyone knows the recipe for regular semolina porridge. In Rus', it was cooked in ovens and mixed with nuts (they had to be crushed and slightly calcined beforehand). At the same time, it was necessary to heat the cream (less often milk) so that foam formed (in our time a frying pan is used for this, but previously the cream was placed in the oven in ordinary cast iron or clay pots). It was also allowed to use kaymak - special heavy cream. Then you should add milk/cream with foam or kaymak to the porridge and cook in the oven over low heat. Ready dish decorated with dried fruits and sometimes with jam.

Modern possibilities, of course, involve the use of ordinary cauldrons and pans instead of pots and an oven instead of a stove. By the way, nowadays cream is heated in a frying pan, and the semolina itself is cooked in a saucepan. Deviations from classic recipe(some cooks add eggs to the dish). Today's housewives also add regular and/or vanilla sugar, but in the old days they were limited a small amount ordinary sugar.