Benefits, composition and scheme of taking Mass Effect Revolution from SAN. SAN - Gainers

mass effect Revolution is one of the most popular gainers on the market. sports nutrition. The manufacturer of this additive is the American company SAN. This gainer is best suited for ectomorphs - athletes with a lean physique. If you are prone to fullness, then taking a gainer will not be useful for you, as it will most likely lead to a set of excess subcutaneous fat due to a large number fast carbohydrates.

Mass Effect Revolution has many positive effects, the main ones are:

  • Growth muscle mass and increase in power indicators;
  • Suppression of catabolism and improvement of the quality of recovery processes;
  • Improving strength endurance;
  • Increase performance in training.

The advantage of this gainer is in its composition. Unlike other carbohydrate-protein blends, Mass Effect Revolution contains fiber and creatine monohydrate, and the protein matrix consists of 5 different types proteins with different absorption rates.

One serving of Mass Effect Revolution (299g) gives the athlete:

  • 1100 calories;
  • 50g protein;
  • 215g carbohydrates;
  • 5g fat;
  • 6.5g fiber.

The protein component is hydrolyzed whey protein, micellar casein, milk isolate, calcium caseinate, whey protein concentrate and pure l-glutamine. The gainer also includes natural and artificial flavors, flavor sweeteners and dyes.

Mass Effect Revolution by SAN is recommended for 1 serving per day. Experienced athletes recommend dividing one serving of a gainer into 2 times, since digesting a meal with more than 1000 calories is quite difficult for the digestive system.

The manufacturer recommends mixing 300g of powder with 1000ml of water or skim milk. If you divide the portion into 2 doses, then you need to stir 150g of the gainer in 500ml of liquid. It is most advisable to drink a gainer in the morning, an hour before the start of a workout or immediately after the end of physical activity.

To maximize the effectiveness of taking a gainer, Mass Effect Revolution should be taken along with other sports supplements that are aimed at gaining mass. SAN specialists recommend combining the intake of a gainer with for better recovery and rapid suppression of catabolism.

Protein and carbohydrate supplement for muscle building Mass Effect Revolution is a balanced complex, which includes all the necessary components for muscle recovery, increasing their volume and strength.

Pros of Mass Effect Revolution

Each sports nutrition product has its own benefits. Just by the properties food additive you can choose the best option according to your needs.

The benefits of a gainer from San include:

  • the ideal proportion of proteins-carbohydrates 80/20, which stimulates the growth of lean muscle mass with a minimum amount of fat;
  • high-quality proteins require a minimum of time for digestion in the stomach and are absorbed after a maximum of 45 minutes, which provides the muscles with the necessary energy, protects them from destruction, helps to reduce the recovery period between workouts;
  • creatine, glutamine and sunflower oil included in the composition stimulate the growth of muscle fibers, making them stronger and more elastic;
  • all components of the protein-carbohydrate mixture undergo rigorous quality control, therefore they are absolutely safe for health.

Note: Mass Effect Revolution Gainer has been proven to be effective by many athletes as well as sports experts.

A serving of a gainer contains the main ingredients:

  • 1100 calories;
  • 50 g of protein;
  • 215 g of carbohydrates;
  • 5 g lipids;
  • glutamine;
  • creatine.

Gainer is a protein-carbohydrate supplement that helps increase muscle mass, strength and energy potential. It is an optimal nutritional supplement that suits people with a fast metabolism and therefore a lean physique.

The correct reception scheme

A well-chosen scheme of reception guarantees the result in the shortest possible time. It is important to take into account:

  • features of the body structure;
  • metabolic rate in the body;
  • schedule, training intensity.

The scheme of reception is conditionally divided into one- and two-time use of the food supplement during the day. The first option is suitable for people prone to weight gain. AT this case it is recommended to drink one serving of the gainer 30-40 minutes after the end of the workout.

Note: An extra serving will result in an increase in body fat. The volume of muscle mass will increase in proportion to the total volume, however, the relief of the muscles will be mild. Therefore, you should limit yourself to one intake of protein-carbohydrate mixture on the day of training.

Double application is recommended for those who have a normal physique and metabolism, while wanting to increase muscle mass. To maintain energy balance, it is better to divide the first portion into two doses. Drink the first part on an empty stomach in the morning, the second - during the day as a snack. The second portion of the cocktail is taken after training.

For owners of a thin physique who find it extremely difficult to gain weight, you can increase the dosage to three servings per day. The reception scheme looks like this:

  • morning - one serving of a gainer on an empty stomach (at least 30 minutes before breakfast);
  • a day - a full serving after training or as a snack (separately from the main meal);
  • evening - a whole serving before bedtime.

Tip: if the morning or evening intake is difficult, you can replace it with a portion drunk half an hour before training.

Dosage and preparation

One serving is considered a cocktail with a volume of 0.45-0.5 liters. Double dosage - respectively, 1 liter of liquid.

To prepare a standard cocktail, it is necessary to pour 4 measured spoons with a slide of the protein-carbohydrate mixture into a container of at least 0.5 liters and pour at least 0.45 liters of liquid. Then mix thoroughly until the powder is completely dissolved.

Tip: the gainer can be prepared on the basis of water, milk with low content fat, juice. It is important to combine the ingredients to taste. The mixture itself is presented in three versions - chocolate, vanilla and strawberry. You should also take into account the calorie content of a cocktail if it is prepared with milk or juice.

Mass Effect Revolution nutritional supplement is available in 2.8kg and 5.9kg packs.

Gainer Mass Effect Revolution - the choice of professionals.

San's Mass Effect Revolution Protein-Carb Blend is high quality product sports nutrition, with which you can easily achieve an increase in muscle volume and the desired relief. A balanced composition allows muscles to recover in short terms and helps maintain high energy levels. The gainer is absolutely safe for health, which is confirmed by numerous tests.

Article content:

What is the effect and advantages of this gainer. When is the best time to take it and at what dosage?

The Mass Effect Revolution gainer is a high-quality, time-tested and, most importantly, an effective product from the well-known SAN brand. Most athletes actively use mass effect to gain weight, increase energy levels, get the expected relief and strength. Taking the supplement provides a quick effect, thanks to the rich and “flexible” composition, in which there was a place for proteins, carbohydrates, glutamine, creatine and other components necessary for the athlete.

What are the benefits?

The mass effect carbohydrate-protein mixture has a number of advantages that distinguish it from other competitors:

  1. Powerful anabolic and anti-catabolic effect. The gainer gives an incredible stimulus for muscle growth, and also reliably protects against catabolic processes. The supplement contains high-quality micellar casein, calcium caseinate and milk protein, which are supported high level amino acids and protect already hard-earned muscles from destruction. As part of the mass effect there are the highest quality proteins with a high rate of assimilation - isolate, hydrolyzate and concentrate whey protein, as well as SPI-90. They are quickly broken down in the stomach and supply amino acids to the cells within 30-45 minutes after ingestion.
  2. The perfect combination of proteins and carbohydrates. The mass effect gainer is distinguished by a special ratio of proteins and carbohydrates - 80/20. Beneficial features brown rice well known. At the same time, SAN employees managed to create a unique protein concentrate that provides the ratio mentioned above.
  3. Rapid muscle growth. Nothing brings more pleasure than the real result of their work in the gym. If you take the mass effect, after a few weeks the result will be obvious. The supplement contains almost no sugar, which guarantees a rapid increase in "dry" mass and a minimum of fat.
  4. Stimulation of muscle cells. Reception mass effect provides a constant growth of muscles. This is possible due to the presence of useful glutamine, creatine (5 grams) and sunflower oil in the composition.
  5. Guaranteed result and safety. The mass effect revolution gainer has been tested by time, thousands of athletes and professional specialists. It is absolutely safe. Each ingredient individually and in combination must be tested to avoid negative consequences.

How to drink?

In order for a gainer to give a result, it is important to take it taking into account the recommendations of the manufacturers, the constitution of your body, the activity of training and the recommendations of specialists. The main rule is to provide the body with proteins and carbohydrates immediately after exercise. In this case, the general scheme looks like this:

  • half of the serving is drunk early in the morning. You can immediately after waking up make a cocktail with a mass effect and drink it on an empty stomach (or a few hours after breakfast);
  • the second part of the serving is drunk during the day. It is allowed to choose any convenient time (the main thing is to take the supplement separately from food);
  • after training, a whole serving is drunk (if necessary, the dosage can be increased).

When following the above recommendations, consider your own predisposition to overweight. If you gain fat easily, then it is better to take a gainer only once after a workout. Otherwise, you can get not muscle, but an additional amount of body fat.

If your problem is weight gain, which still refuses to grow, then the dosage can be increased. For example, it is allowed to take a full portion of mass effect in the morning, before and after training. In this case, the gainer will provide the result faster.

According to athletes, after 1-2 months of training, you can increase your weight by 3-4 kilograms. This creates a certain basis for further development, growth and increase in muscle mass. At the same time, one serving of mass effect contains more than 1100 kcal, 215 grams of carbohydrates, 50 grams of protein and only 5 grams of fat. In addition, the gainer includes glutamine, creatine and complex carbohydrates which are recommended to be taken by absolutely all athletes.

To prepare the composition, you need only 8 scoops of powder and a liter of liquid (milk, water). At the same time, there is always the possibility of choosing the most suitable taste - vanilla, strawberry or chocolate.


The Mass Effect Revolution supplement has one of the highest ratings among buyers and is valued among professional athletes. This is a product that deserves close attention and is worth the cost. If you wish, you can always buy a gainer in a pack of 2.8 or 5.9 kilograms. It remains only a minimum - to develop a complete training program, strictly follow the dosage, take the supplement correctly and enjoy the result.

Ultra-clean gainer for building lean muscle mass.

MASS EFFECT REVOLUTION will program the growth of your muscle mass!

The SAN development team took into account all the pros and cons of previously produced gainers and created an improved product based on creatine monohydrate, glutamine, a carbohydrate complex and a protein blend that lasts 24 hours a day. Innovative gainer Mass Effect Revolution works on building muscle mass and has several advantages:

  • Maintains anabolic and anti-catabolic balance in the body;
  • Contains SILK-80 Brand complex: 80% protein and 20% fiber;
  • Creates an optimal balance of calories in the body;
  • Contains a researched and tested muscle building system.

Why do athletes and professional bodybuilders who use Mass Effect constantly build muscle?

First reason is uncontrollable muscle growth by maintaining anabolic and anti-catabolic balance in the body, which is accompanied by two complementary processes:

  • Triggering anti-catabolic processes during muscle building:
    The slow release amino acid anti-catabolic profiles of Micellar Casein, Milk Protein Isolate and Calcium Caseinate ensure a constant level of amino acids in the body 24 hours a day.
  • Launch of anabolic processes to build muscle tissue:
    Fast release anabolic amino acid profiles of Hydrolyzed Whey Protein, Whey Isolate, Whey Protein Concentrate and SPI-90 for immediate muscle recovery and support of post-workout protein synthesis.

Maintaining an anabolic and anti-catabolic balance in Mass Effect Revolution is the achievement of the SAN developers.

The second reason– the effect of the rule of 80% protein and 20% complex carbohydrates from fiber:
While athletes rave about the benefits brown rice for human body, the developers at SAN have revealed the secret to Mass Effect's specialty protein concentrate (SILK-80 Brand) which is 80% protein and 20% carbohydrate. This combination is ideal for athletes in any sport.

Third reason- an extremely rapid set of muscle mass associated with right balance calories:
To ensure rapid muscle growth and gain optimal level Calories critical to muscle building, SAN researchers have improved The Myocarb Matrix, which is virtually sugar-free and loaded with rice bran and grain-derived carbohydrate complexes.

Fourth reason- stimulation of muscle filling.

Fifth reason The researched and tested ideal muscle building system.
The truth is that when you choose Mass Effect Revolutin, you can be sure that you are getting a scientifically advanced product that provides truly effective muscle building!

Recommendations for the use of the SAN Mass Effect Revolution gainer:
Depending on individual needs for additional calories, mix 4 to 8 scoops of Mass Effect Gainer with 700-1000 ml cold water or lean. Shake the cocktail for at least 45-60 seconds. Fruit can be added if desired. When you start taking Mass Effect, you can halve the dose taken in the first week, gradually increasing the dosage.

Servings Per Container:
2.96 kg - 10.
5.96 kg - 20.