Cod in batter in a pan. How to cook fried cod in batter? From simple to complex.

The value of cod is in its juiciness and sweetish taste, it has no foreign smell and taste, goes well with a huge variety of sauces and can be cooked in absolutely any way. We will talk in detail about cod fillet recipes in a pan later.

Cod fillet in batter - recipe in a pan

Cod fillet is a classic basis for famous British fish&chips. In this recipe, we will not prepare the whole classic British beer snack, but we will take part of it - the fish itself and the classic crispy batter.

Fish fillet bits on both sides, dipped in batter and fried in a higher layer of heated oil, golden brown. Fry the fillet on a paper towel that sucks excess fat. Meanwhile, potatoes and carrots were being prepared. Drain them and add the lumps of butter and hot, hot cream. Mix with mixer.

Immediately we serve, decorate green sauce parsley or fried onions. Portugal - sailors, conquerors, sea and oceans. The conquistadors won the colonies and abandoned their language and customs. Portugal is surrounded by the sea and tied to the sea like no other country. The sea prospered and prospered with the Portuguese to this day.


  • cod fillet - 960 g;
  • flour - 115 g;
  • dried garlic - 2 teaspoons;
  • paprika - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • light beer - 330 ml.


  1. Mix flour with dried garlic and paprika. Beat the egg into the dry mixture and pour in the ice cold beer. Knead a thick beer batter until all the ingredients come together, clumps in this case you can not worry.
  2. Before you cook the cod fillet in a pan, clean it from the bones, if there are any, remove the skin.
  3. Dip the fish in beer batter and send to a frying pan with heated vegetable oil to fry until crispy.

Cod fillet in sour cream - recipe in a pan


Here is a great Portuguese delicacy. Cod cakes belong to the favorite dishes, perhaps due to which Portugal won the title of the country where the most fish are eaten. Although the true origin of cookies is the subject of many heated debates, they have become so popular that they have been given the title of "national specialty".

They are perfect for appetizers and are served at every Portuguese event, from the finest to the smallest. If there's anything truly rooted in Portuguese taste, it's all about liking it. Snobs may be somewhat offended by the question of cod livery, many are reluctant or afraid to admit that they also love this "poor man's dish".

  • butter - 45 g;
  • onion- 95 g;
  • cod fillet - 540 g;
  • paprika - ½ teaspoon;
  • flour - 35 g;
  • water - 115 ml;
  • sour cream - 75 g.


  1. After seasoning the pieces of fish fillet with salt and paprika, roll it in flour and brown on all sides.
  2. Transfer the fillet to a separate plate, and in the same pan add the finely chopped onion and sauté it until translucent.
  3. Return the fish to the onion fry, pour everything with a mixture of sour cream and water, salt the sauce and leave the cod to stew for 20 minutes.

Recipe for cod fillet in a pan with vegetables

Preparing a gourmet dinner with affordable ingredients is not so difficult if you use cod along with your favorite vegetables. Fish and fish can be easily cooked in one pan, flavored with herbs and white wine for a refined taste.

Salted cod, preferably thick cuts. 50 g potatoes 1 onion 2 tablespoons finely chopped parsley 3 big eggs vegetable oil, such as rapeseed for frying, pepper, salt, to tasteProduction. We wash cod, wash with salt on the surface. Place in a large bowl, pour out cold water and set aside, changing the water 4-5 times, for a total of 12 hours. Before cooking, we would like to make sure that the cod is not too salty, although it must maintain some saltiness, otherwise the cod cod will be bland.

Fresh just wash thoroughly. Potatoes are cooked, then peeled and mashed. Meanwhile, cook the cod in a small amount water to cover the fish and cook until soft. Drain, remove skin and remove spears. The best way gain weight - put the cod in a clean cloth, wrap it around and crush the contents with your fist. Thus, we will have coded cod.


  • olive oil - 35 ml;
  • a pinch of chili flakes;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • tomatoes - 280 g;
  • dry white wine - 55 ml;
  • a handful of green basil;
  • onions - 95 g;
  • Bell pepper- 110 g;
  • zest of ½ lemon;
  • cod fillet - 540 g.


  1. After heating the oil, put onion and pepper half rings in it, add cherry tomatoes and fry everything until the vegetables are half cooked.
  2. Complement vegetables with basil greens, garlic and chili flakes, season lemon zest and lay the cod on top. Pour the dish in the pan with white wine and let it evaporate completely.
  3. Now bring fish fillet until fully cooked and serve with a fragrant vegetable side dish.

How to fry cod fillet on a grill pan?

Everyone can just fry the fish in a grill pan, but it will help to make the fillet not only juicy, but also tasty. the right marinade. Our version consists of a simple mixture of soy sauce, lemon juice and garlic, simple - the main trump card of this dish.

Mix cod with 1 to 1 puree and add eggs, followed by finely chopped onion and parsley. The mixture should be stiff enough for the spoon to sink into the batter. If you think the mass is too dry, add one or two tablespoons of milk. It is good to cool the mass until deep frying. We form two spoons, form fish cakes like boats.

Place the spoons on top of the spoon and drop into the hot oil, swirling a couple of times until nicely browned. After frying, we scoop them up with a teaspoon spoon and place them on kitchen paper to remove excess fat. We serve salads, sauces, as well as appetizers or main courses.

Oddly enough, but many do not know what a batter is! Indeed, why bother not lovers of cooking. Clair is batter like pancakes. Batter is used if they want all juices and useful material stayed in fried product, which is completely enveloped in dough, as if clogged in strong chain mail. This is how fish, vegetables, seafood are fried - i.e. something that cooks fast. Beef, for example, should not be cooked this way, it simply will not be fried.

Copyrighted Materials. Copy and publish only with the consent of the publisher. swedish meatballs or Kettbullar. They must be prepared first of all with love. This is why meatballs are common in Sweden and there are many different varieties.

This is so much for me and ideas. When they come warm days, the last thing we think about is hot food and cooking in general. This is not just a fashion, but some kind of necessity. Simply, instead of chips, we put fresh salty salty salad next to the fish.

Ingredients of fish in crocant bark with beer

Atlantic Codex is a very popular salt water fish with white, firm meat, light flavor and low content fat.

Preparing fish in crocanth bark with beer

Once the sauce is ready, keep it warm until the fish is done. In a large bowl, combine flour, cornstarch, onion powder, pepper, and 1 teaspoon salt.

To cook cod in batter you will need:

Deep-fried cod fillet on site

cod fillet - 200 g,

sour cream - 1 tablespoon,

chicken egg - 1 pc.,

flour - 1 tablespoon,

vegetable oil for frying,

lemon juice - 1.5 tablespoons,

Roll out the cod fillets well by mixing in the flour and shaking well. Pour the cold beer over the remaining flour mixture and stir quickly. It is very important not to mix too much, it is better to remain lumpy than to develop gluten in the flour, which would result in a sticky rather than crispy crust.

Heat frying oil in a large skillet over the fire. The recommended firing temperature is 180 degrees, so the crust will harden quickly and won't absorb excess oil. In turn, the fillets, already sprinkled with flour, are dressed in dough with beer, drained a little and fried in hot oil without cracking them. Fry on both sides until the bark turns to brown gold.

spices for fish, salt.

How to fry cod fillets in batter correctly according to the photo steps of the recipe:

Deep-fried cod fillet on site

Rinse the fillet, drain and cut into portions.

Deep-fried cod fillet on site

Salt the fish lemon juice, sprinkle with spices for fish.

Fish fillets in hard bark are drawn on absorbent paper to drain the oil well. Very fast, salad season with olive oil and lemon juice, salt and pepper to taste. Assemble fresh fish with beer, salad and hollandaise sauce on a plate and serve as much as fish and sauce. It is a preparation that at least always brings me great satisfaction.

This recipe for cod fillets in a pan with oil and many spices will soon become your favorite. Also, this is a very easy recipe, you only need 5 minutes to cook and another 5-6 minutes to fry the code in oil. The fish will become so juicy and soft, it's just good to eat it with a little lemon juice.

Deep-fried cod fillet on site

Let stand in this marinade for 10-15 minutes. Let's prepare the batter.

Deep-fried cod fillet on site

Crack an egg into a bowl and add sour cream.

Mix all the ingredients for the fish seasoning in a small bowl. Put the code in small pieces if you like. Fish season all around. Grate 2 tablespoons of oil in a large saucepan over medium heat until sea. When the butter is melted, add the code to the pan. You fry it for two minutes. You give fire to the environment. Turn the fish to the other side, then smoke the remaining oil and fry for another 3-4 minutes. The oil will melt completely and the fish will penetrate the oil. Don't fry too much because the code will get too soft and crash.

Deep-fried cod fillet on site

Add flour. Mix well so that there are no lumps. Rub until elastic. The density of the dough should be like thick sour cream.

Deep-fried cod fillet on site

Sprinkle the fish pieces with flour so that the batter sticks better. Dip each piece in the batter and place in a pan with hot oil.

Squeeze some fresh lemon juice over the cod. The dough is light, lightly mixed, easy to make, easy to eat, light as a digestive effect. Yesterday we made tempura with various vegetables: red cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, green onion, zucchini, eggplant, peach, capian pepper, champignon mushroom, pumpkin pie. The "cake on the cake" was presented with a young nettle canker and was roasted in a minute.

All dough ingredients must be cold. Both flour and liquid. Reason: Gluten develops hot, and gluten seems to need to be kept in the dough for a fluffy consistency. We do not need to confuse the dough of the tempter with the composition of pancakes. In tempura you need chocolate candies in the composition, so you don't homogenize, but just compress the flour into a liquid, slowly. Seasoning: no salt in dough, no salt on vegetables. You can sprinkle flour over them and spices until they serve them through the dough. You can sprinkle salt over the tempura after frying, but before eating.

Deep-fried cod fillet on site

Fry on each side.

Deep-fried cod fillet on site

To prevent the oil from splashing, you can cover the pan with a lid, but not completely so that the fish does not boil.

Salt softens things and you lose the light and crisp packaging of this type of food. If you eat temple with soy sauce, wasabi or chili sauce, you don't even need salt. Frying: Use refined sunflower oil. She serves her ideal purpose. A lilith of oil in a not too big pot provides the needed bath. You know he glittered it with a few drops of dough. You can put vegetables through the dough. The dough is cold and lowers the temperature of the oil. Usually after a minute you can turn the vegetables to the other side.

Leave them on for a minute before taking them out. It is important that they coalesce on the grill before laying them on the paper. If you don't have a grill, improvise. The Atlantic cod file becomes incredibly tender in a crisp beer dough. Unusual idea from Recipes Like Mom.

Deep-fried cod fillet on site

Put the fried fish on a plate, load a new portion.

Deep-fried cod fillet on site

Serve with boiled rice and horseradish sauce with sour cream. To do this, mix ready-made horseradish or wasabi, add soy sauce and sour cream.

Once the sauce is ready, keep it warm until the fish is done. Put a pot of water on the fire and bring to a boil, then reduce the heat, simmer, do not boil. Melt the butter, soften it, and then rinse. Choose a heat-resistant bowl that fits well over the pot hot water, and the bottom of the bowl does not touch the water. Place raw egg yolks in this bowl.

Acidifying the yolks is a very important step. Place the bowl over a saucepan of water and beat the target for 3-4 minutes until the yolk starts to thicken, then add the butter in a thin mayonnaise-like manner while whisking the target vigorously. Once the oil has been turned on, take the bowl out of the heat and immediately add 1 tablespoon cold water. Avoid vigorously, water will stop the cooking process. If the sauce is too thick, thin it with water. Season with lemon juice, salt and pepper to taste.

Deep-fried cod fillet on site

Try it, very tasty!