A recipe with step-by-step photos of cooking dried carrots in an electric dryer for the winter. How to dry carrots for the winter at home? Methods and recipes

Dried carrots- this is very convenient, especially if there are no special places for storing fresh root crops in the house. Of course, vegetables can be frozen, but the volume freezers many are not very large. When dried, carrots retain all their useful and taste qualities And it doesn't take up much storage space either. We will talk about how to dry carrots for the winter at home in this article.

First of all, root crops must be thoroughly washed, it is advisable to use a stiff brush for this. The leaves need to be dried separately, so cut them off the roots and wash them too.

The next step is cleaning. If you plan to dry an impressive amount of the crop, then it is best to use a special vegetable peeler for this. Things will go much faster for her. It is also necessary to cut off the upper green part of the root crop.

Peeled carrots are advised to blanch in boiling water for 15 to 20 minutes before drying. this case depends on the size of the carrot. You can check the readiness of the product with a thin wooden skewer or a toothpick. It should enter the vegetable with little difficulty. finished product cool under flow cold water and dry with towels.

You can also dry untreated, raw carrots. Carrot tops are also not subjected to heat treatment.

  • on coarse grater;
  • wheels;
  • semicircles or quarters;
  • cubes;
  • straws;
  • cubes.

Carrot tops are finely chopped with a knife. It is allowed to dry the tops in bunches.

How to dry carrots for the winter

In the sun

Shredded carrots are laid out on a tray or net, and exposed to the sun. Carrot tops are placed in a ventilated place, in the shade.

At night, vegetables must be brought into the room, and in the morning, after the dew has disappeared, put back. This must be done so that the carrots do not puff. If drying takes place on pallets, then the vegetables need to be mixed periodically so that the process runs more evenly.

Natural drying in sunlight is undoubtedly the most energy-efficient way, but also the longest in time. Drying takes approximately 10 to 14 days.

Watch the video from the Olga Cozy Corner channel - Drying parsley and carrot tops manually. How to dry herbs.

in the microwave

Shredded root crops or tops are placed on a flat plate suitable for microwave ovens. The process takes place in two stages.

First, the unit is set to full power and the carrots are dried in this mode for 3 minutes.

Then the power is reduced by half and drying is continued for 3-5 minutes. In order not to miss the readiness of the product, you should look into the oven every 40 - 60 seconds.

In the oven

Oven drying is the most affordable way to harvest carrots for most people.

On a baking sheet covered with waxed paper, carrot slices are laid out with a layer of no more than 1 centimeter.

The oven is heated to a temperature of 65 - 70 degrees and a container with carrots is placed in it. For the best air circulation, the oven door should be kept slightly ajar. Drying takes approximately 6 to 8 hours. It depends on the method of cutting root crops. green mass dries much faster.

For the entire time the vegetables are in the oven, they need to be taken out several times, mixed and cooled to room temperature.

Watch the video from the Wild Tourist channel - Dried vegetables on a hike. Sublimation at home

In an electric dryer

Sliced ​​carrots are laid out on pallets in one layer, and grated - with a layer of no more than 5 millimeters. Installed on an electric dryer temperature regime 60 - 70 degrees.

Drying time depends on the way the vegetables are cut and their quantity, but on average it takes from 6 to 12 hours. If the volume of vegetables is large, then it should be dried in several stages. To make drying more uniform, do not forget to periodically change the pallets in places.

Watch the video from the Ezidri Master channel - How to dry carrots in an electric dryer? Dried vegetables. Food for the hike

How to store dried carrots

After drying, carrots should be kept for a couple of days in one common container so that the moisture remaining in the product is evenly distributed.

After that, the vegetables are transferred to sealed glass or tin containers or cotton bags. Store carrots in this form for 1 year.

Dried carrots and tops are used for cooking first and second courses, as well as for brewing delicious and healthy tea. Tea can be brewed from both dried leaves and roots.

Drying is a convenient way to prepare for the winter a large number of healthy vegetables, because they do not take up much space and are always ready. We will tell you in detail about how to dry carrots at home in the article, since this root crop is often used in every family for cooking different dishes.

There are also many ways in which you can easily and moderately quickly dry the fruits, and we will offer you to consider all of them.

Each option is simple, but not everyone is available to absolutely everyone, so we have prepared a selection of "dry" recipes so that you can choose the best and most convenient for yourself.

Which carrots to choose for drying and how to prepare it

Let's start, perhaps, our theory with the choice of standing root crops. You may not know, but not all varieties are ideal for drying. The best choice late-ripening carrots are considered, as they are more resistant to various diseases, and are stored longer without losing their natural rich taste.

As for the preparation of carrots, this process consists of several stages:

First you need to properly dig the fruits

If you do not buy them ready-made in the market or in the supermarket, but grow them with sweat and blood in your garden, then remove the root crops from the ground correctly.
You need to take on the tops and pull the fruit gently (if your soil is very hard, pry the ground with a shovel) so as not to harm its integrity.

Having taken it out of the ground, we put the dug up crop on a cloth, paper or pallet, so that the root crops are a little weathered and freed from moisture.

After pre-drying, we proceed to cutting the carrot tops

For the cut, you will need scissors, with which we will cut it down to the very base from which it grows. If not cut off completely, then new stems with leaves may begin to grow from the remaining sections.

Do not rush to throw away the tops - it can also be successfully dried.

After all the manipulations, it remains only to clean the carrots of dirt and send to dry either on fresh air, or in some modern household appliance. This will be discussed further.

More about methods quick cleaning carrots from dirty accumulations and peels, read in one of the articles on our portal.

The classic way to dry carrots in the sun

If you live in a private house or you have a cottage in the country, then this is a huge plus for you, because you can not only sunbathe and relax there, but also grow healthy nitrate-free vegetables with fruits, and then dry them naturally.

Outdoor drying is very easy to implement, but, alas, takes more time than drying in any kitchen gadget. Approximately the entire process of drying carrots in the air will take 2 weeks.

How to dry root crops at home

  1. Fruits without rot, mold and other damage are washed (quite carefully) in ordinary cool water.
  2. Next, we clean the fruits (the link to the article on cleaning carrots is above).
  3. Now it remains to cut them, lay them out on a sieve, baking sheet or tray and leave to dry in direct sunlight for 10-14 days. Every few days, the drying must be mixed so that all the carrot pieces dry out evenly.

At night, in fact, as well as early in the morning, you need to remove your drying root crops from the street - take them to the room. It can rain at night, and in the wee hours there is a high risk of dew falling - this will ruin our result and lengthen the total drying time.

You can cut carrots for drying as you like: rings, half rings, quarters, plates, sticks, or even grate it. The shape of the carrot does not matter, its thickness is more important. Cut the roots thinly - so they can dry out much faster.

How to dry carrots in the oven while preserving vitamins

Residents of an ordinary apartment cannot afford to dry a vegetable at home. The balcony is not the best place for this: the sun's rays hit it only a few hours a day, and the ventilation there is poor (especially if it is glazed).

But there is a way out - drying in the oven (gas or electric). In the oven, the fruits dry faster than in the sun, but you have to tinker a little. If that doesn't scare you, then let's get started.

Drying carrot fruits in a home oven step by step

  • Wash vegetables so that dirt is not visible anywhere on the surface of the fruit.
  • After washing, we clean the roots.
  • Now it’s worth blanching them so that neither taste nor beneficial features. We boil the water, put our peeled carrots in it, boil them for 15-20 minutes (the accuracy of the cooking time depends on the size of your fruits). Immediately after cooking, pour over them with cold water.
  • Let the blanched carrots cool, then cut into any geometric shape, but not thicker than 3 mm.

  • Everything is evenly distributed on a baking sheet and placed in an oven heated to a temperature of 60-80 degrees, dried for about 4-6 hours. From time to time, drying should be interfered with.

Leave a small distance between the pieces so that they do not stick together, and do not lay the cut in several layers, otherwise it will dry poorly and take a long time.

How to dry carrots in an electric dryer

A vegetable dryer is ideal for drying any fruit. It is easy to use and, like an oven, allows you to quickly dry carrots in large portions.

Drying of carrot fruits should be carried out as follows:

  1. My carrots, peel off the top layer, cut into small pieces.
  2. We spread the cut or grated mass on the trays of the electric dryer, set t 65 ° C and bring to readiness for 5-6 hours. In the process, the trays need to be rearranged so that the drying is uniform.

Recipe for drying raw carrots in an air grill

You can also dry your favorite fruits tasty and quickly in an air grill. This process is not much different from a similar procedure in other types of household appliances, but still has certain differences.

To dry carrots in an air grill, you need:

  • Wash, peel and dry vegetables to remove excess moisture.
  • Now you need to chop everything thinly, but it’s better to grate it for carrots in Korean.

  • After grinding, the root crops should be laid out in one layer on the grates, which should be placed in the electrical appliance in turn.

Between the flask and the lid, be sure to insert some kind of device that is resistant to high temperatures. Thanks to him, an outflow of moist burning air will occur.

  • The conditions under which the product must dry are as follows: t = 120 ° C, the blowing speed is medium. Drying time - 15-30 minutes. The more sliced ​​carrots you put in, the longer everything will last, so it’s better to dry it in medium portions.

Drying Delicious Carrots in the Microwave: A Step-by-Step Recipe

The microwave oven is great not only for cooking and reheating meals, but also for drying many vegetables. Today we will try to dry fresh carrots in it for the winter, so that the vitamins do not disappear and the natural taste is preserved.

Drying raw carrots step by step in the microwave

  1. We cut the washed, peeled vegetable into bars or straws (the thickness of each piece should be small).
  2. We put the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bfruits on a plate covered with a paper towel, and cover them on top with the same paper towel.
  3. We put a plate (flat) inside the device, next to it we set a glass filled with water.
  4. We give the microwave heat by turning it on at full power for literally 3 minutes.

If after a few minutes of drying (at full power) the carrots remain raw, the power will have to be reduced from maximum to medium, and then continue cooking for half an hour, or even forty minutes. Watch all this time so that the water from the glass does not completely evaporate.

Secrets of drying carrots in the oven for tea

No matter how strange it may sound, dried carrots are even put into drinks, such as tea. But dried carrots should not only be where, but either under the rays of the sun, or in the oven.

In the sun, the process occurs in exactly the same way as we described in the article above, but drying for tea occurs in the oven in a slightly different way compared to traditional oven drying:

  1. Sliced ​​carrots on a baking sheet are sent to the oven, heated to the limit.
  2. First, dry the product at this temperature for 20 minutes, then remove it from the oven and let it cool at room temperature.
  3. Next, put the baking sheet in the oven again, dry at the maximum degree for 20 minutes and let it cool again. In total, it is necessary to dry and cool 3 times.

A little tricky, but tasty and healthy in the end.

Rules for storing dried carrots at home

At the end of drying, the product should be kept in one large container for a couple of days so that the remaining moisture in the carrots can be evenly distributed.

The storage room should be dry and poorly lit, without direct sunlight. The shelf life of such dried carrots is 1 year.

If up to this point you still doubted whether it was possible to dry carrots at home, now you know for sure that this is not only possible, but also necessary.

After all, dry carrots are used as an additive to many first and second courses, and even taken to brew aromatic tea.

Agree, the range of application is very diverse and wide. So take note of our proven and step by step master classes- they will come in handy many times.

Carrots are among the products that a good housewife should always have on hand, because she is an essential component of most first and second courses. There are times when this useful root crop is not in the refrigerator, and there is no time to go to the store for it, or the weather is “not flying” on the street. In such cases, dried carrots harvested for future use will help out.

Moreover, during the drying process, valuable vitamin A and the pigment that gives this root an orange color are preserved almost in full. For drying, fresh, medium-sized root crops with a not coarsened, weakly expressed core are most suitable. It is advisable to use early and mid-season varieties.


Fresh root vegetables of carrots.

How to dry carrots in a dryer

On preparatory stage root crops are peeled from the top layer, which is convenient to do with a special vegetable peeler. You should also clean the damaged areas, cut off the remaining tops and green neck.

Carrots for drying in an electric dryer can be cut into circles (halves of circles, if the diameter of the carrot is large) 2-3 mm thick or chopped on a carrot grater “in Korean”.

Sliced ​​carrots are laid out on drying trays at a small distance from each other, and chopped root crops are laid out in a thin layer.

If it is possible to regulate the temperature in the dryer, set the thermostat to 65 degrees.

Carrots dry fairly quickly. In 5-6 hours it will be ready. In the process of drying, it is advisable to rearrange the trays several times, achieving a more uniform drying of the carrots.

Dried carrots are stored in a hermetically sealed container in a dark, dry, cool place.

Carrots can be dried in the oven. Why are root crops of the same size selected. They should also be washed and cleaned. Before drying, carrots are blanched in boiling water. Small root crops are blanched for 12 - 15 minutes, larger ones (diameter more than 4.5 cm) - 15-20 minutes. To determine the readiness of carrots during blanching, it is necessary to make a puncture in it with a match. If it is pierced with little effort, then the blanching process should be stopped. Overcooked root crops are pierced without any effort. Under-blanched carrots will not pierce. After blanching, carrots are cooled with a jet cold water, after which it is crushed into circles or straws (thickness 3 mm). The crushed product is laid out in a thin layer on a baking sheet. The main drying of carrots in the oven is carried out at a temperature of 75-80 degrees, and the root crop is dried at a temperature of 60-65 degrees.

Dried carrots are elastic and slightly brittle. Before using dried root vegetables, cooks are advised to fill with water and soak for 2-3 hours to swell. To add to the main dishes, swollen root crops are fried in fats. If soup is being prepared, then dried carrots are boiled until tender in the water in which they swelled. But practice shows that such a preparation can be put directly into the dish, carrots are well prepared. Dried carrots are also used in baking. Bon appetit!

Dried carrots are very convenient. It can be used for first courses, desserts, pastries and much more. Depending on what the workpiece is planned for, prepare it different ways. This review is devoted to carrots, shredded with thin straws.
Recipe content:

Carrots are an indispensable vegetable for normalizing digestion, preventing SARS, an excellent antiseptic, reduces the risk of oncology and premature aging skin. The vegetable contains almost all the substances that our body needs. Therefore, to the question “to stock up on it for the winter or not to stock up”, the answer is obvious - definitely “yes”. The root crop can be prepared in several ways: freeze, preserve and dry. In this review, we will learn how to prepare it using the last method.

Properly dried carrot roots retain both color and fresh smell. If you have a jar of dried carrots on your shelf, then the time for preparatory work to complete culinary masterpieces is significantly reduced. Getting into the soup meat stew, dough, etc., the carrot sticks straighten out and take on their original form. Dried carrot chips or rings can be considered as diet chips that can be eaten just like that. In addition, all vitamins and minerals are preserved in dried vegetables, and fresh root crops lose some of their " strategic reserve". Another pleasant moment - the calorie content of dry carrot slices is much lower than that of fresh vegetable while the taste is quite pleasant.

  • Calorie content per 100 g - 219 kcal.
  • Servings - 100 g
  • Cooking time - 15 minutes for prep work, 2 hours for drying


  • Carrots - 2 pcs. (big size)

How to cook dried carrots:

1. Wash the carrots well under running water and dry with a paper towel.

2. Clean the root crop with a special vegetable peeler. Such a knife allows you to minimally cut the peel, leaving more pulp of the vegetable.

3. Grate carrots. To make the straws beautiful, thin and long, use a food processor or Korean carrot grater.

4. carrot shavings lay out on a baking sheet in an even layer. Heat the oven to 80 degrees and send the root crop to dry. At the same time, keep the chamber door slightly ajar so that air can circulate. You can also dry vegetables. naturally, leave in an apartment in a dry place and after 1-2 days it will dry. Well, of course, you can take advantage of the rays of the sun.

When it becomes necessary to prepare a large number of vegetables for a long time, you can also use a method such as drying. In terms of taste and quality characteristics, dried carrots differ from frozen and pickled ones, which opens up wide prospects for culinary experiments. If you decide to dry this vegetable, follow simple recommendations. Then your product will retain its benefits, aroma and bright color for a long time.

Why dry carrots?

In the case, for example, with tomatoes and bell peppers, such a question does not arise. After all, some vegetables are available only in summer and early autumn. In winter, the taste and quality of purchased peppers and tomatoes are inferior to summer ones, but the price, as a rule, is prohibitively high. But onions, beets and carrots do not disappear from the shelves all year round. Why do we need dried carrots?

The benefits of this vegetable are known even to children. It is rich in beta-carotene and valuable trace elements. All useful components are perfectly preserved when dried.

In addition, dried carrots take up very little space compared to frozen or stored in the cellar. No special conditions are required; containers with dried vegetables can be stored in an ordinary kitchen cabinet or pantry in a city apartment. And those who have tried dried carrots know that they add a special flavor to dishes. Respect this method and tourists. The package with the workpiece is enough for a long time, it weighs little, and it takes up very little space in the backpack.

The good old way

This root crop contains a lot of moisture, but also gives it away quite easily. If you cut this vegetable into pieces or grate it on a coarse grater, and then lay it out in a thin layer and leave it in a draft for a couple of weeks, you will succeed excellent carrot dried. Just stir the scattering from time to time, separate the pieces so that they do not stick together. The window sill, on which the sun shines, is perfect for this business.

Oven technology

There are other ways to dry. The oven will help speed up the process. Wash the root vegetables, cover with boiling water and blanch for about 15 minutes. Cool by running under cold water. Cut the carrots the way you like best. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and arrange the pieces in a single layer. Dry this vegetable in the oven at a temperature of 70 ° C. The process will take about 5 hours. Dried carrots in the oven are very fragrant and retain their color.

How to dry in the microwave

Preparation for the process is carried out in the same way as in the case of the oven. Line a flat dish with a paper napkin, lay out pieces of vegetables. Cover the top with another paper towel. Place a glass of water in the microwave. You need to dry carrots on medium power. Set the timer for 3 minutes, then stir the pieces. Continue drying by microwaving the carrots for 30 seconds, stirring each time.

Dryer for vegetables

In order for dried carrots to turn out delicious and well stored, they must lose enough moisture. If you plan to use an electric dryer for this purpose, strictly follow the manufacturer's recommendations. In the case of a dryer, you need to study not recipes, but instructions from your equipment. Different models require different settings, temperature conditions and terms.

Storing dried carrots

Dried carrots for the winter should be stored in dry conditions. Rooms with high humidity are not suitable for this purpose. Otherwise, carrots will "pull" moisture, resulting in mold and bad smell. These vegetables should not be eaten.

For storage, you can use glass jars. Pack the carrot pieces tightly, pour a teaspoon of soda on top (on three-liter jar), shake the container so that everything is evenly distributed. Close with a clean, dry lid and store in a cupboard.

Soda will not allow the workpiece to become wet, protect against pests and retain taste. It is not necessary to wash it off. During cooking, soda will help boil dried carrots. From a large container, you can pour small portions of dried carrots into a spice jar so that it is at hand. It is desirable to clean it in a closet after use.

If you're going to take dried carrots with you on a trip, use a ziplock bag. They will protect the vegetable from moisture.

Vegetable mixes

Other vegetables can be stored along with carrots. For example, dried carrots, onions, beets and garlic can be perfectly preserved in one container, filling with aromas and tastes of each other. Such blanks are very convenient. The main rule is that you need to dry the vegetables separately from each other, and you can mix them only when they are completely dry.

You can prepare such mixtures with carrots:

  • "Green borscht": carrots, onions, sorrel, dill.
  • "Borscht": beets, carrots, onions, bell pepper, tomatoes.
  • "Mushroom soup": onions, champignons, carrots, greens.
  • "Ragout": rotunda, carrots, green pea, broccoli.

Make different mixes that you can use in winter to prepare your culinary masterpieces. A mixture of dried herbs, carrots and onions can be called a truly universal seasoning, the range of application of which is unusually wide.

Use in cooking

Dried carrots do not require any pre-training before adding to a meal. Eg, dried mushrooms it is advisable to pour boiling water for several hours. Carrots can be added to dishes no later than 15 minutes before the end of cooking. If the pieces are very small (up to 3 mm), the heat treatment time can be reduced even to ten minutes.