Cappuccino coffee - what is it and how to make classic or with chocolate at home with a photo. To make cappuccino delicious

Step by step recipe with photo and video

What could be better than a cup fragrant coffee early morning?! Just a cup of delicious cappuccino! Well, what is the main thing in a cappuccino?! Of course, the cap is lush, weightless and incredibly delicate in taste of milk foam.

Today I propose to learn how to whip milk and cook delicious cappuccino at home without a coffee machine. Let's prepare milk foam for cappuccino using improvised dishes and one of three options kitchen appliances: blender, mixer or microwave. So let's get started...

Prepare the ingredients.

Prepare strong coffee according to your taste.

Warm up and froth the milk. To get thick milk foam without using a coffee machine or cappuccinatore, we use one of three items that can be found in any kitchen: a blender, mixer, microwave and any container - a jar, a bottle with a hermetically sealed lid.

Three nuances that apply to any method of frothing milk:

  1. Use milk with a fat content of at least 2.5% - and the point here is not only the numbers indicated on the package, and the notorious “the fatter, the tastier”, but the fact that such milk, as a rule, has more protein. The more protein, the more correct - oily, tender and tasty - milk foam is obtained.
  2. There is little chance of success with reconstituted milk, i.e. a milk drink made from powdered milk, also referred to as "milk" by some manufacturers. Reconstituted milk may be slightly whipped, but it will not have the same, correct foam, consisting of a million bubbles.
  3. Do not heat milk above 60-65 degrees, because this is the only way you will get the most delicious milk foam. Above this temperature, milk loses its characteristic sweetish taste, which is the highlight of cappuccino, and it whips worse.

Let's start by frothing milk with a blender. Measure the milk into a saucepan and heat it over medium heat to a temperature of 60-65 degrees. If there is no cooking thermometer, you can focus on your own tactile sensations. Dip your fingertip into the milk for a few seconds and listen to how you feel. If the milk is hot enough and the skin tingles slightly, the temperature of the milk is about 60 degrees.

Turn off the heat and whisk the milk for 2-3 minutes until it thickens slightly and a layer of foam at least 1 cm thick appears on its surface. right temperature high-quality milk can double in volume.

This method of foaming milk allows you to get a very stable and lush foam that does not settle for a long time.

Let's move on to the mixer. Measure the milk into a saucepan and set the heat to low. Immerse the beaters of the mixer into the milk and beat on low speed for 2-4 minutes, until the milk foam is at least 1 cm thick.

In this method, heating and whipping of milk occur simultaneously, the milk is whipped easily and rather quickly, but its foam often contains large bubbles and settles a little faster.

The third method is useful to owners microwave oven. Pour milk into regular jar or bottle, filling no more than 1/3. Close the container tightly and shake, shake the milk for 2-3 minutes, until a lush foam is obtained. Cold milk whips even better than warm milk, so you won’t have any particular difficulties.

Then simply heat the milk in the microwave for 10-30 seconds until the milk is warm.

Milk and coffee are ready and you can start making cappuccino. Fill the cup about 1/3 full of coffee.

Another 1/3 fill the cup with milk. Before adding milk to coffee, gently shake the container with milk clockwise and gently tap on the table 2-3 times - this is how large bubbles will settle in the milk foam.

Then pour in or pour out the milk foam, filling the cup to the top.

Cappuccino is ready!

Each of us has seen and maybe tried various coffee drinks many times, which can be taken at the checkout of any supermarket. Of course, there is no need to talk about quality here, but just add boiling water and everything is ready in a couple of seconds. However, we suggest that you spend a little more time and make, for example, a cappuccino at home on your own. It’s not difficult at all, and for its preparation you only need three ingredients and a French press, which is in the house of any coffee lover. And if not, then you can use the beaters of a conventional mixer.

There are two basic types of cappuccino - white and black. In the first case, milk is added and, accordingly, mixed with coffee, thus acquiring a pleasant creamy shade. In the second, only milk foam is used, which is laid out on top of coffee and decorated with drawings of varying complexity.

And a few more words about the difference between cappuccino and latte, which interests many housewives. Despite the use of the same products and almost similar culinary processes, the difference is in the design of the drink. For latte, three layers are made (milk, coffee and foam), but for cappuccino they are either mixed with coffee with milk, or foam is placed on top, leaving the coffee in pure form. But back to the process of making cappuccino coffee at home.


  • 20 g ground coffee
  • 150 ml filtered water
  • 200 ml warm milk
  • sugar to taste

How to make cappuccino at home

So, pour fragrant freshly ground coffee into a Turk or a suitable saucepan, fill it with water and bring the coffee to a boil on the smallest fire, and as soon as the liquid starts to rise, remove from heat. Immediately add enough white or cane sugar(depending on your taste) and mix the drink well so that the crystals are completely dissolved.

We set the coffee aside and very quickly whisk warm (brought to 60-70 degrees) milk with a mixer, frother or using a French press until a stable foam with small bubbles is formed. We hit the dishes in which the milk is located several times on the table (try to do this carefully so that the liquid does not spill), then pour hot black coffee into a wide cup (use a filter so that the sediment does not get inside).

Depending on the type of cappuccino, either pour milk into the coffee and place a stable snow-white foam on top, or take only the second step. At the same time, be sure to decorate the surface with cocoa powder, grated chocolate or cinnamon. Amazing cappuccino coffee at home is ready. Bon appetit!

First mention of coffee trees appeared in the 14th century, but the preparation of coffee in the form in which we know it began much later - after 2 centuries. Today, there are many varieties of grains, types and recipes. One of the most original varieties is cappuccino. Its velvety taste, unsurpassed aroma has been liked by people from different parts of our planet for several decades.

If earlier this drink could be drunk in a coffee shop or good cafe Now you can make cappuccino at home. There are not so few recipes, it is not difficult to understand them, the main thing is to follow a certain sequence and follow the rules. Remember, brewing a drink correctly is an art.

If you don't know how to make cappuccino at home, try the simplest classic recipe first. It can be made without even using an expensive last brand coffee machine. There are quite a lot of recipes, there are also intricate ones, with art design, which can usually be found in a cafe.

Classic way

This coffee is especially loved by Italians, they drink it in the morning before a hard working day.

You will need:

  • freshly ground coffee;
  • milk;
  • chocolate;
  • cinnamon or other spices to taste.

To begin with, prepare espresso coffee in any convenient way. While the future drink is being brewed, it is necessary. It is whipped with a whisk under hot steam or in any other convenient way. After preparation, the finished espresso is poured into cups, topped with milk foam and sprinkled with grated chocolate, cinnamon and other spices. For the classic recipe, dark chocolate is most often used.

Austrian recipe

The drink got its own thanks to the Italian order of the Capuchins, well-known in the 17th century, whose shape had the same color as the dessert. At this time in Austria they added their own ingredients - egg yolk and cream. Today, the classic drink recipe looks like this:

  • 100 ml espresso;
  • 250 ml fresh milk;
  • whipped cream;
  • chocolate;
  • cinnamon.

Making a drink is easy. Espresso is prepared, then milk is boiled. Boiled milk is first poured into the cup, a little less than the middle, the next portion is espresso, while leaving about 2-3 mm for whipped cream. The dessert is topped with grated chocolate and cinnamon.

In french press

The drink is easy to prepare. Required:

  • 1.5-2 teaspoons of coffee;
  • 50 ml fresh milk;
  • about 150 ml of pure water;
  • sugar and cinnamon to taste.

In a porcelain mug hot water coffee is added. You can use the freshly ground or instant version. The next step is making milk. It is heated to a temperature of at least 65 degrees. It can be beaten to a foamy consistency with a mixer or a French press. Foam is added on top of the drink, cinnamon is sprinkled on top, sugar is used to taste.

Curd treat for sweet tooth

If you want to prepare a unique dessert, then you will definitely appreciate this cappuccino recipe. Required:

  • 2 tsp coffee, can be instant;
  • 450 g of cottage cheese of any fat content;
  • 300 g grated chocolate(preferably bitter);
  • 35% cream 500 ml;
  • powdered sugar.

To prepare a dessert cappuccino at home, first you need to melt and thoroughly mix the chocolate with cream (250 ml) in a saucepan. This consistency is called ganache.

Coffee is added to the remaining 250 ml of cream. Powdered sugar and cottage cheese with coffee cream are thoroughly mixed with a blender.

The consistency with cottage cheese and coffee is placed down the cup halfway. Ganache is added on top, the top of the dish is decorated with whipped cream and fruits or berries. Place the dessert in the refrigerator for at least 15 minutes to chill. Now you know how to make an unusual cappuccino at home.

The main thing is fantasy

There is nothing complicated in the coffee recipe. You can brew a drink in a Turk or special dishes, it is not necessary to buy a coffee machine. How to make cappuccino at home own recipe. Experiment with proportions, ingredients, decor, do everything right. You may have your own secret on how to make cappuccino. You can complement the taste with whipped cream, spices.

Do not forget about the ingredients, choose and. The fresher the product, the tastier the drink will be. Remember the layout. With the help of an ordinary toothpick, you can give the dish an original look, draw a heart, a flower, an abstraction.

photo:, RobStark, duskbabe

Fragrant and delicious cappuccino coffee can be prepared at home using numerous recipes. Despite various additives and methods of brewing a drink, all types of cappuccino in the base contain a certain ratio of brewed or instant coffee, hot milk and mouth-watering foam.

According to legend, the cappuccino recipe was invented by the Italian Capuchin monks. Thanks to this order coffee drink received original name and external design (the monks wore brown clothes, covering their heads with a snow-white hood).

But history is silent about what the monks were guided by when they mixed hot milk with coffee powder. Perhaps they were guided by:

  • saving quite expensive coffee beans;
  • desire to warm up;
  • paint over the devilish drink, which in the Middle Ages was considered black coffee;
  • testing a new recipe.

But the drink was liked by everyone who at least once tried it. Gradually, the recipe for how to make cappuccino at home spread around the world.

Today it is easy to brew cappuccino in a coffee machine, it is customary to serve it in almost every cafe or restaurant, but traditional way is to prepare cappuccino at home.

Classic recipe

To imagine what a cappuccino is, you should prepare a delicacy in correct proportion. Classic recipe contains the following ingredients:

  • Take 50 ml of freshly brewed coffee (2 tsp of coffee powder for this volume). It is advisable to bring the drink at home in a Turk to a boil 2-3 times in order to achieve a double strength, or brew it in a coffee machine.
  • Heat milk (50 ml, fat content from 2.5%), but do not boil and beat into a strong foam.
  • How the mixture will be prepared (pour milk into coffee or vice versa) does not affect taste qualities drink, but is subdivided into black and white recipe coffee respectively.
  • Sprinkle 50 ml foam on top.

Ready classic cappuccino is served hot (drink temperature is 60-70°C). The foam is sprinkled with sweet powdered sugar, grated chocolate or cinnamon. It is advisable to pour milk in a thin stream into the center of the liquid in the cup so that the foam is evenly distributed over the entire surface. A standard cappuccino cup contains a volume of 150 ml. If preparing a double cappuccino, use a cup twice as large.

How to make cappuccino at home, you can watch the video.

Instead of ground, you can make cappuccino at home on instant coffee. To prevent the drink from losing significantly in taste, use a strong type of espresso coffee.

Recipes and cooking methods

Ways to make cappuccino at home, each people of the world differ in a variety of additional ingredients.

The simplest preparation of cappuccino coffee is the use of a special type of apparatus in which there is a foam nozzle - a cappuccino machine. Operating principle:

  • a portion of finely ground coffee is poured (a pressed tablet weighing 7-9 g is more often used);
  • hot water (recommended temperature 92°C) with a steam pressure of 9 bar washes out of the coffee powder all the flavor components that real espresso is famous for;
  • the foam nozzle should be kept at the border of air and liquid;
  • sprinkle with cinnamon, sugar, spices on top.

Foam at proper cooking does not settle under the load of the powder.

How to make cappuccino at home according to the Viennese recipe

  • per 100 ml strong coffee espresso is recommended to prepare 250 ml of hot milk;
  • the drinkware is first filled with warmed milk, a little less than half;
  • then the prepared coffee is poured in, leaving 2-3 mm of the height of the cup for filling with whipped cream;
  • sprinkled over the foam ground cinnamon and grated milk chocolate.

Sweet lovers add sugar to the cup before adding the liquid, but classic cappuccino is usually drunk without sweetness. Some add to treats Bee Honey giving original taste And honey aroma product.

How to make a double cappuccino coffee

  • a double drink is obtained by increasing the constituent ingredients by 2 times;
  • a stronger version of double cappuccino provides for an increase in the portion of espresso, while the delicacy becomes rich and invigorating.

Recipes allow the addition of aromatic and flavoring fillers:

  1. various syrups;
  2. vanilla;
  3. chocolate;
  4. nuts;
  5. liquor;
  6. spices.

At the same time, the foam is sprinkled on top with solid ground products, and the liquid is added to the coffee before pouring milk. It is possible to add aromatic components directly to the coffee powder (similar to the Turkish coffee principle) before brewing the espresso, which makes the final product exquisitely tasty and aromatic. The cappuccino brewed in this way is poured into portioned cups.

How to make caramel cappuccino

  • prepare espresso from finely ground raw materials;
  • Whisk the milk until firm foam, consisting of small bubbles.

If the drink is cold, then the chilled syrup components are whipped in a blender and poured into glasses or tall glasses.

Hot caramel cappuccino is served in a warmed cup.

Which recipe for an invigorating drink to choose depends on individual taste inclinations, but it is desirable that the daily diet does not exceed 300 ml of cappuccino.

Ice cappuccino recipe with syrup

They also serve cold cappuccino, which uses frozen milk or ice cubes. The drink is drunk in hot weather. Recipe:

  • chilled espresso, milk and chocolate syrup are whipped with a blender until a homogeneous foam;
  • the mixture is poured into tall glasses;
  • garnished with cinnamon, grated dark chocolate, whipped cream;
  • Served with a piece of ice cream.

It doesn't take long to prepare a cappuccino. But you can enjoy the resulting dessert at home.

How to drink

A cup of cappuccino is considered an excellent breakfast among Italians. But lovers fragrant drink use it regardless of the generally accepted tradition. It should only be borne in mind that the taste of cappuccino with syrup is inseparably associated with increased calorie content and fat content. Drinking immediately after a meal, it makes it difficult to digest food, and taking treats at night causes persistent insomnia.

For serving, a porcelain mug is used, which is preheated.

They eat treats in different ways:

  • some eat foam first with a spoon;
  • others drink the drink through a straw;
  • some wait for the mixture to cool.

And how to drink cappuccino, few know. Whipped milk foam retains the aroma of espresso, its taste and temperature well. Therefore, it is customary to drink hot liquid slowly, savoring, but all at once. The tendrils of milk remaining above the upper lip of the coffee lover are a sign that the drink was drunk correctly.

Impact on human health

Is Cappuccino Beneficial or Harmful? human body, scientists are researching. A drink consisting of strong coffee adversely affects the condition of people suffering from:

  • high blood pressure;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • diabetes mellitus.

Severe pathologies of the liver and kidneys, pregnancy and breastfeeding the baby also serve as a contraindication to the use of goodies. On the other hand, cappuccino coffee contains a lot of calcium, iron, vitamins and fats due to the addition of a significant amount of natural milk.

high calorie content dessert dish(1 cup of cappuccino contains 500 kcal) Not suitable for obese people. It should not be forgotten that cappuccino is coffee when taking medication. It is necessary to consult a doctor whether it is possible to combine treatment with enjoying a dessert.

What your favorite cappuccino consists of depends on the imagination and mood of the person preparing it. There are a lot of recipes on how to make cappuccino at home. Every coffee lover can add his own "zest" to the traditional Italian delicacy, and create his own unique way of preparation to make the drink even better.

Watch the professional cooking video.

Cappuccino coffee enjoys well-deserved popularity. Fragrant, rich coffee with a creamy taste and the most delicate milk foam will leave few people indifferent. Usually, when we want to drink a cup of cappuccino, we go to a coffee shop, where the barista will quickly and professionally prepare this delicious drink. But what if you want to drink a cappuccino, but there is no way to visit a coffee shop? Many mistakenly believe that such a drink is difficult to prepare at home, but this is not so. If you follow the recipe and cooking technology, then you can get a cappuccino at home.

Cappuccino coffee at home

The preparation of the drink sequentially occurs in three stages. First of all, it is black coffee, then milk foam is obtained, and in last turn– combination of coffee and foam.

Ingredients for one cup of cappuccino

  • ground coffee - 1 full teaspoon;
  • 200 ml of milk;
  • 150 ml of water.

Preparing a cappuccino

  1. Preparing black coffee. or coffee maker. must be of high quality, from brands that have proven themselves in the market. Only in this case, the drink will turn out with a rich aroma and deep taste.
  2. Getting milk foam. The whole secret of cappuccino lies precisely in the airy and at the same time persistent foam, so this is the most important step in preparing the drink. Milk should be whole, with a fat content of 3-3.5% and without any content of milk powder. Fat content can be chosen according to taste fatter milk, the more it will be expressed creamy taste milk foam. If at home there is a coffee maker with a cappuccinatore, then everything is simple, you need to pour milk into a container and beat. In the absence of such a device, use a mixer or blender. To make the foam homogeneous, the milk must be heated to 50-60 degrees. In the process of whipping the foam, large bubbles first appear, then very small ones. As soon as a finely bubbled airy substance is obtained, the process is considered complete.
  3. Combination of coffee and milk foam. Porcelain or ceramic cup pre-rinse with boiling water to heat it. Pour 1/3 of coffee into it and use a spoon to put foam on top, which can be sprinkled with grated chocolate or cinnamon. The proportions of coffee and foam should be - 1:1.

Cappuccino at home is ready. Try experimenting with it. You can add syrup or a little alcohol to it - liquor, rum, cognac .... And as a powder, use ground nuts or spices.