Cool place names. Original and beautiful name for a cafe - the best options

When you say "Irish", what do you think of?

If you say "Lola", who do you see?

Which establishment has better coffee - "Bull Frog" or "Cow Cafe"?

Where is it better to cook - in "Quick and Easy" or in "Crazy"?

When opening a cafe or restaurant, choosing a unique, memorable name is an important part of the business planning process.

The name you give your cafe or restaurant can have an impact on its success. Every word has meaning, and words create stories that are backed up by visual stereotypes.

Let's look at the features of the naming of a catering establishment.

Simplename for a fast food cafe

How beautiful to name a cafe or restaurant: stages

  1. Study of the market and competitive environment. This is necessary to understand how competitors position themselves and what the owner needs to stand out in the market.
  2. Target audience analysis to determine what customers expect from you and what influences their choice.
  3. Positioning strategy development- this is a way to correctly present the features of the institution.
  4. Name generation. Using the previous three steps, you can narrow the search for the optimal name. Having studied all the nuances, experts will select the most beautiful names for a cafe or restaurant.
  5. Bestoptions tested in focus groups. With their help, they choose the optimal name for the institution.

Branding agency KOLORO will conduct market and target audience analysis. Also, the company's specialists will study the competitive environment in order to identify possible risks and minimize them.

How to name a cafe

  1. The name reflects the atmosphere. You should not call the cafe "Egg" if, apart from the omelette, eggs are not used anywhere.
  2. When using your own name, it is worth considering how this will affect SEO. For example, naming a cafe "Lamonosov" would cause the restaurant's website to not appear on the first page of Google search results (after correcting it to Lomonosov).
  3. The name of the establishment should be easy to remember. For example, "Swallow", "Sreda", "Bank" (restaurants in Moscow).

Popular cafe namewhich is easy to remember

  1. It is important to consider the cuisine that is offered to visitors. You should not call the restaurant "U Ashot" if the menu is only sushi.
  2. It is worth checking how the name sounds in conversation. The answer "I'm in Ikra" to the question "Where are you?" sounds better than "I'm in the Groove."
  3. The name must be unique. Using someone else's name will cause unpleasant consequences.

At the KOLORO branding agency for a cafe or restaurant, they will suggest the best one and create your establishment.

Original spelling of the restaurant name

What is the best name for a cafe: options

  1. Title generator. On the Internet, you can find dozens of name generator sites for establishments of any caliber. All you need to do is enter a name, the type of products you plan to sell, location, and the robot will pick up the name of a cafe or restaurant. Many restaurant name generators simply combine similar sounds or random words. This is the easiest, but not the most successful way of naming a cafeteria.
  2. Thinking about the name of the cafe, first imagine how it will look, for example, on a cup or clothes of a waiter. If the potential name does not fit or looks awkward, you should choose another one. For example, The Laughing Goat is a fun name for a coffee shop in the USA, which was chosen in this way.

Cafehe Laughing Goat("The Laughing Goat")

  1. Experiments with the word: add letters or remove, swap or connect two words. For instance, celebrity chef Wolfgang Puck named his very first restaurant Spago. There is also a restaurant "RGO" ("Russian Geographical Society") - for those who like to travel.
  2. When naming a restaurant, you can use a significant date in your life or a favorite place. This was the case with the Attika restaurant in Melbourne (Australia), which was recognized as the best restaurant in the country in 2017.
  3. Brainstorm with creative people to get a list of original titles. Thus, the name of the coffee house Cofax appeared. This is an abbreviation of the phrase "coffee in Fairfax" (Los Angeles area, USA). The name came about during a discussion about the Dodgers (Los Angeles baseball team). The creators of the coffee house realized that if we combine the phrase "coffee at Fairfax", we get Cofax, which coincided with the theme.

Learn how naming docks work from KOLORO branding agency. To do this, just look at the . We know how to name a cafe so that it makes a profit.

creative cafe name

How to come up with a name for a cafe or restaurant: popular ways

When choosing a restaurant name, consider the impression it will leave on customers. Will it be unforgettable? Can they say the name or write it down?

  1. The cafeteria can be named after its location. This was done with The French Laundry (eng. "French Laundry" Napa Valley, California, USA). This is one of the most popular restaurants in the country. The restaurant building housed a French laundry during the 19th century. The building was once a brothel, but the owners of the restaurant refrained from using such names.
  2. The original name for a fast food cafe is the name of the main dish. Thus, customers will know that, for example, in Pelmennaya they will enjoy the taste of stuffed dough dishes (vareniki, dumplings, khinkali), and not Peking duck.

Family restaurant name

  1. A cafe or restaurant is the brainchild of the owner, so the name of the owner or people dear to him can be used in the name. The oldest catering establishment was opened in 1725 in Madrid. Then it was called Botin, and the Botin spouses owned it. While waiting for a decision on admission to the Royal Academy of Arts, the artist Francisco Goya worked as a dishwasher in the tavern. In the XIX century, the nephew of the last owners became the owner of the restaurant, so the name was changed to Sobrino de Botin. Under this name, it is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. The restaurant has become one of the most visited places in Madrid.
  2. Using numbers in the title is another option to distinguish yourself in the market. For example, the restaurant of Caucasian cuisine "5642 height". This figure is the height of the highest point in Europe, Elbrus.
  3. The name depends on the format of the institution. For the name of the anti-cafe, words related to time are suitable, for example, “Dial”, Local Time. In the name of a children's cafe, you should use the names of fairy-tale characters, sweets, images from the world of children's fantasies: Orange Cow, Totya Motya.
  4. Contact the specialists of the KOLORO branding agency. We have created a corporate identity and a unique name for the restaurant.

Before opening your own catering point, you need to determine exactly what kind of institution it will be. On this page we offer you to get acquainted with the generally accepted types of catering establishments. Any restaurateur is simply obliged to perfectly understand not only the management of his cafe, but also all the intricacies of the restaurant business. And his excellent knowledge of the classification of alcoholic beverages and, accordingly, the ways of serving these drinks will greatly help him in this.

A restaurant

The restaurant stands at the highest level of the public catering system. The restaurant is a place of elite rest and gourmet food. Fine table setting, cutlery, napkins, flowers, quality service, a varied and original menu with specialties are a must here.

The restaurant menu necessarily consists of several items: cold and hot appetizers, salads, first courses, second courses, specialties, dessert, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks.

The restaurant provides a table reservation service.

The interior of the restaurant is designed in a certain style, corresponding to the name. Exquisite furniture, unusual lighting, a variety of expensive dishes - all these are mandatory attributes of a modern restaurant.


A typical bistro is something between a small inexpensive restaurant and a cafe. The word bistro is an institution where a visitor can have a good meal, without counting on the special sophistication of dishes and a variety of menus. They offer cheap, quick meals.

From drinks in the bistro, emphasis is placed on non-alcoholic drinks: tea, coffee, juices, mineral water, milkshakes.

coffee house

A coffee shop is a type of bistro. Usually this is not a very large room, equipped in such a way as to create comfort and a relaxed atmosphere.

The main difference between coffee houses and other establishments is a wide selection of coffee. People are happy to come to a coffee shop to drink their favorite drink, get into a cozy atmosphere, chat with friends.

A good reason for the popularity of the "coffee" business is the small investment in equipment (compared to a regular restaurant). A coffee shop does not need expensive stoves, complex devices such as a combi steamer, or a whole staff of cooks. The main equipment is a professional coffee machine, coffee grinder, various additional small devices (mixer, blender, cups, etc.) and refrigeration equipment. That is why a small coffee shop can pay off in just one to two years.

In addition to pleasant communication and good customer service, a very important component for a coffee shop is the menu, which in a coffee shop is called a coffee card or coffee menu. They provide a list of coffee and coffee drinks with a detailed description and price indication.

coffee and coffee drinks in coffee shops specially trained baristas prepare.

Coffee is used in coffee shops to make traditional turks and specialty coffee machines.

Here are the main types of coffee drinks.

Espresso . High-pressure water vapor is passed through the finely ground coffee.

cappuccino . It is made on the basis of espresso (1/3 coffee, 1/3 milk, 1/3 foam).

Latte. Espresso with plenty of hot milk.

Irish coffee. It's an espresso with chocolate and whipped cream. Chocolate syrup is often used for its preparation.

Americano. This is espresso heavily diluted with water.

Glace. It's espresso with ice cream.

As an accompaniment to coffee, the coffee shop serves salads and hot dishes, but the main focus is on sweets, pastries and desserts.


Taverns are usually distinguished by their design. Being old or antique-style establishments, they are easily recognizable among the many modern bars, eateries, restaurants, cafes, pubs and so on. Antique utensils, weapons, old photographs and, of course, autographed photos of famous bullfighters who once visited this institution hang on the walls.

A tavern is not only a place where people go to eat and drink. This is a place for pleasant meetings with friends, acquaintances and intimate conversations, including with the owner of the tavern, who usually not only gives advice on what to eat, but can also support any conversation.


One of the most common catering establishments is a cafe.

Currently, the word cafe refers to establishments of various levels. The prices for meals in the cafe are not high, which is achieved primarily due to the range of dishes offered: it is either traditional national cuisine, or convenience foods, as well as inexpensive drinks and snacks.

Large cafes are designed for the general public: families go here, young students and adults visit. Therefore, cafes often have several rooms: a public hall, a children's room and a bar.

Instead of chairs in cafes, benches are sometimes used. In the children's room there may be a playground with toys or mini-rides.


A pizzeria is a catering establishment that necessarily has its own kitchen, as there is always fresh pizza here, which is done quickly and efficiently.

Like any catering establishment, a pizzeria must be equipped with powerful refrigeration equipment.

However, the main equipment for a pizzeria is an oven. Pizzerias today often use microwave and microwave ovens, which are large and reduce baking time.

Also, the main equipment for a pizzeria can be called blenders, food processors, dough mixers, etc.

Often all the necessary machines are combined into a single complex.


Barbecue - a common type of specialized enterprise. The barbeque menu includes at least three or four types of shish kebabs with different side dishes and sauces, as well as kebab, chakhokhbili, tapaka chickens, kharcho and other national dishes that are in great demand among visitors from the first courses.

According to the nature of the establishment, it should have equipment for preparing these dishes.

To prepare meat or fish shish kebab, you need a skewer, a skewer, on which pieces of raw product will be strung. The length of these items should depend directly on the size of the barbecue or some other equipment for preparing this dish. Firewood or coals for frying are placed in the brazier. Brazier in other words can be called a brazier. It is an iron stove filled with hot coals.

A skewer is a thin metal or hewn wooden rod. One of its ends should be pointed so that pieces of meat or fish are better strung. Most often, ready-made barbecue is served on skewers. However, it is fashionable to remove it from skewers and serve already in a dish.

Barbecue is prepared mainly from marinated meat. To prepare this dish, it is recommended to use the meat of a young animal, since the heat treatment on coals will not be too long, and the meat of an old animal may not be fried enough. Kebab meat largely depends on the soaking time in the marinade.

After the preparatory stage has been completed, the pieces of meat are put on a skewer mixed with onion, cut into rings, and fried over coals burning without a flame. In the process of frying, in the event that the flame begins to flare up, it is extinguished by spraying with water diluted with vinegar, or poured over with wine.


As the name implies, pancakes and pancakes are the main products offered in the pancake shop. The difference between pancakes and pancakes is primarily in the way the dough is prepared. Pancake dough is prepared without the use of yeast. The taste of pancakes is more delicate, they are thinner, and they even “crunch” at the edges. The finely porous surface of the pancake perfectly absorbs sour cream, butter, honey and any sauce, so they are smeared with a brush.

Pancakes are made with yeast. They are more "thick" and satisfying. Pancakes are often stuffed with meat, mushrooms, cottage cheese, red caviar or salmon.

One of the varieties of pancakes is a pancake pie, that is, several pancakes layered one on top of the other in a pile and shifted among themselves various fillings. Such piles of pancakes are smeared on the sides with a mixture of eggs, flour and milk so that the minced meat does not fall out, and lightly fried in the oven.

There are special requirements for pancake cuisine. Undoubtedly, a pancake house should be equipped with good refrigeration units. In addition, the pancake shop must have a cool, clean, well-ventilated room for storing bulk products. To make pancakes, you need a hot shop with high-quality ventilation. This workshop houses specialized equipment for making pancakes.

Fast food restaurant

Fast food is the fastest growing sector of the foodservice industry. They usually focus on foods with universal appeal such as hamburgers, chicken, poultry, and ice cream. Many fast food operators are expanding their standards to offer more choice and to meet changing demand, such as vegetable salads and appetizers, french fries, Italian spaghetti, French croissants, etc.

The packaging of takeaway dishes has an excellent trade look, and the company's style is also expressed in napkins, containers and bags.

Placement in places with high traffic plays a very important role for fast food establishments. In addition, they need ample parking and a wide, eye-catching entrance. Very often, such establishments are opened in large supermarkets and shopping centers.

Investment costs in fast food establishments are quite high due to a number of reasons:

- the design is part of an integrated product, including detailed specifications for decorating style, equipment, uniforms:

- depreciation is high, the life cycle of equipment and furniture is very short (3-5 years);

- specific equipment meets high standards with automatic control, fast recovery and high service requirements. Basically, computer control includes both production and accounting.


Trattorias are restaurants serving a variety of traditional and popular dishes. Italian cuisine. Very often they offer a wide selection of wines. The service is friendly, the atmosphere is informal and relaxed.


Ice cream parlors, grill bars, sushi bars, barbecues all belong to cafeterias and have specialized equipment and menus. Here it is customary to use self-service from the counters, on which products with prices are located. To ensure self-service, the line with dishes is positioned in such a way that it is convenient for service personnel and visitors to approach it, and the location itself is a noticeable design characteristic.

The pub takes 40% of the regular visits of customers in the evening, compared to 15% during lunch. Pub visits are typically 2 to 2.5 times higher for men than for women, with a high proportion of younger client groups. In addition, the occupancy of pubs is not uniform in time: peak sales occur after 21-00, especially from Friday to Sunday.

The basis of the decor of pubs is Victorian or Edwardian style: dark warm colors, good lighting and exquisite glass. The individuality of the pub is enhanced by wall hangers, ornaments and personal touches introduced to create a welcoming atmosphere.

The emphasis in bars is on alcoholic drinks. There are several types of bars. One of the most common is a beer bar. Beer is produced by fermenting grain. Malt (sprouted and dried barley grains), yeast, hops and water are the main components of any beer. Beer is divided into ale, leger and stout. They differ in fermentation technology: with the help of “top fermentation” technology, ale is obtained, “bottom fermentation” - lager, which is lighter and more saturated with carbon dioxide than ale. Stout is the darkest and heaviest beer.

Hot and cold snacks are served in the bars with beer.

In the wine bar, the main focus is on the most diverse and rich bouquets of wines. Wines are served in bottles, poured from barrels. In such a bar, special requirements are imposed on the bartender (he is called a sommelier): he must be well versed in wines and be able to choose the right wine for the client.

Classification of strong alcoholic beverages

1.Vodka. Russian drink, drunk before and after meals in stacks or tumblers (100 grams). 38-40 degrees.

2.Rum. An English drink made from sugar cane or Jamaican millet. Drink it from old fashion with ice or bacardi room temperature. Rum is white, medium (yellowish) and dark. From 43 to 75 degrees.

3.Gin. English drink. Drinking from old fashion, used for cocktails. 40-53 degrees.

4.Whiskey. English, Irish, Scottish (Scotch) drink. It is made from barley, corn, rye and wheat. Drinking from old fashion. room temperature. It is divided into aging: up to 12 and after 12 years. The cheapest with a red label, and the most expensive with a black one. 40-43 degrees. In America Bourbon(at least 51% corn alcohol).

5.Tequila. Mexican vodka. Made from the pulp of agave. Served in stacks at room temperature with salt and lemon. From 20 days to 1 year - silver tequila. From 2 to 4 years - golden tequila. 40-43 degrees.

6.Ouzo. Greek vodka with anise flavor, when water is added, it acquires a milky color, served with cold appetizers.

7.Schnapps. Strong German vodka, made from different fruits, served very cold.

8.Cognac. brandy produced double distillation white wines. The alcohol obtained after the first distillation is distilled again. It matures in mature oak barrels where it can remain for up to 60 years. Only brandy produced in the vicinity of the city of Cognac in the department of Charente, in the western part of France, is entitled to this name.

V Russian classifications:

- from 3 to 5 years - by number stars;

– from 5 to 7 years – HF- cognac, aged;

– from 7 to 10 years – KVVK— cognac, aged, of the highest quality;

– from 10 years – KS- old cognac

In the French classification:

– from 3 to 5 years – VS

– from 5 to 10 years – VSOP

- up to 10-12 years old - "Napoleon"

– up to 30 years old – XO.

9. Armagnac. Dry brandy golden brown, produced in the department of Cher in southwestern France. It owes its characteristic color to oak barrels, in which it matures from 3 to 50 years. The production process is the same as that of cognac. The age of the drink is marked on the label, Horsd'age (out of age) means aging for at least 25 years or indicating the vintage year.

10. Liquor. Alcohol or other strong alcoholic drink flavored with berries, fruits, flowers, etc., with sugar, cream.

strong 30 - 45 degrees, 32 - 45% sugar;

- dessert 16 - 30 degrees, 35 - 50% sugar (amaretto);

- creams 20 - 23 degrees, 50 - 60 sugar.

11. Mulled wine. A hot drink made from a mixture of grape wine, fruit juice and spiced tea.

12. Grog. A hot drink made from cognac, vodka or rum mixed with water and sugar.

13. Punch. Drink of 5 components: rum (cognac), wine, fruit juice, honey (sugar) and spices. Usually consumed hot.

Wine classification

grape wine- alkogolny napitok, poluchaemy polnym or chactichnym cbpazhivaniem vinogpadnogo cucla (coka) vinogpadnoy mezgi (cmec coka, and gpebney dpoblenyx yagod) and tselyx yagod, kpepoct (cpiptuoznoct) kotopogo dolzhna coctavlyat ne menee 8.5% vol. Special wines are prepared with the addition of ethyl alcohol and a number of other substances permitted for use by wine-making legislation.

Classification of wine depending on the raw material and the method of its processing.

Grape wines are divided into single grapes, if they are made from one grape variety, and multi-fruit wines. , if their composition includes several copts. In the production of single varietal wines, it is allowed to use no more than 15% grapes or wine materials from other varieties. Multi-colored wines according to the method of preparation are sepazhny and blended. Sepazhnye wines are made from grapes supplied for processing in the form of a mixture of grape varieties in certain ratios. (fermentation together of several varieties.) Blended wines are prepared by mixing already prepared wine materials, (grape varieties are fermented separately).

Classification of wine depending on color grapes

Distinguish white, pink and red grape wines:

White wines- their color is from light straw with a greenish tint (young dry) to dark amber (dessert and fortified.). With the passage of time, white wines, with long exposure, change their color: dry ones darken and acquire a dark golden color, dessert and fortified ones become dark amber.

Rosé wines- color from light pink, flesh to dark pink, light ruby.

Red wines- their color is from dark ruby ​​with a violet-gray tint (young) to dark garnet with a brownish-brick tint in a thin upper layer (ageing). With a long exposure, the color intensity of red wines decreases and age wines are always lighter than young ones.

Classification of wine depending on quality and aging time.

All wines, depending on the quality and aging time, are divided into two groups:

Ordinary wines(ordinary typical) - these are wines made from different types of grapes. For such wines, the growth of grapes is not regulated regionally. The wines are produced according to the generally accepted technology. Takie dolgo ne vina xpanyatcya and pealizatsiya HOW THEIR ppavilo ocuschectvlyaetcya pozdnee ne chem chepez shect mecyatsev pocle zakladki ego nA xpanenie (makcimalnaya ppodolzhitelnoct xpaneniya - up to July 1 cleduyuschego za cbopomupozhaya goda.).

Ordinary wines, depending on the timing of implementation, are divided:

— Young wines- natural table wines sold until January 1 of the year following the grape harvest.

— Wine without aging- they receive the same as the young ones, but they are sold after January 1 of the year following the grape harvest.

High quality wines- these are wines of improved quality, which are produced in the most favorable years for the ripening of the grapes. They poluchayutcya of oppedelennyx vycokokachectvennyx coptov vinogpada, ppichem ppoizpactanie vinogpada pegionalno peglamentipuetcya and OH kultivipuetcya in oppedelennyx pegionax (mikpozonax), Where ppipodoy cozdany optimalnye ucloviya for ppoizpactaniya konkpetnyx coptov vinogpada. When harvesting grapes, for these wines, careful control and selection of raw materials for the quality of sugar content and composition of grapes is mandatory, and it is processed at the place of harvest. Wines are produced according to traditional or special technologies. Ocobennoctyu texnologii podobnyx wines yavlyaetcya THEIR dlitelnaya vydepzhka in kpupnyx (metallicheckix tsictepnax or dubovyx bochkax) or melkix (cteklyannyx butylkax) omkoctyax in pezultate chego cuschectvenno povyshayutcya THEIR opganolepticheckie cvoyctva. These wines are characterized by a constant, high quality, preserved from year to year. Alcohol content (strength) of high-quality wines should be at least 10% vol.

Depending on the aging time and the containers used for this, high-quality wines are divided into 3 groups:

Aged wines- wines of improved quality with obligatory aging in large stationary containers, before bottling, at least 6 months (counting from January 1 of the year following the harvest).

— Vintage wines- vina vycokogo kachectva, ppodolzhitelnoct vydepzhki kotopyx in kpupnyx ctatsionapnyx emkoctyax dolzhna be ne menee 1.5 goda mapochnyx ctolovyx for wines and ne menee 2 to let mapochnyx kpepkix deceptnyx wines and (c cchitaya 1 yanvapya cleduyuschego za upozhaem goda).

Collection wines- these are the best vintage wines, which, after the end of the aging period in oak containers or metal tanks, are additionally bottled and aged in special conditions enotex not three.

Some wines obtained in certain wine-growing regions are distinguished by unusual aroma and taste properties. As a result, in winemaking there was a need to allocate such wines to a separate category of wines “with a controlled denomination of origin”. To wines c controlled denomination of origin refer to wines of high quality, distinguished original organoleptic properties, Po poluchaemye cpetsialnym or tpaditsionnym texnologiyam from oppedelennyx coptov vinogpada, ppoizpactayuschix in ctpogo peglamentipuemyx mectnoctyax (mikpozonax) kotopye xapaktepizuyutcya naibolee blagoppiyatnymi pochvenno-klimaticheckimi ucloviyami for ppoizpactaniya dannyx coptov vinogpada. The name of such wines must indicate the name of the area in which the grapes are harvested, and these wines are produced. By law, such wines no longer have the right to be produced anywhere. ( Negru, Roshu de Purcari, Romanesti.)

Production classification of wines

Characterizes wines according to certain physical, chemical and technological parameters:

– classification of wine depending on the content of carbon dioxide.

One of the main signs of wines is the content of carbon dioxide in them. On this basis, grape wines are divided into two large groups: quiet wines- not containing carbon dioxide or containing it in a small amount; sparkling or effervescent- having CO2 in excess.

Wines containing an excess amount of carbon dioxide are divided into: artificially saturated with carbon dioxide - carbonated, saturated with carbon dioxide by primary fermentation - natural sparkling and saturated with carbon dioxide by secondary fermentation - sparkling produced classical method(bottled fermentation) and sparkling wines traditional method(fermentation in large hermetically sealed reserves).

- by alcohol contentwines are:

Table (natural) wines receive full or partial alcohol fermentation of grapes, pulp or must and contain ethyl alcohol obtained as a result of natural fermentation. They contain 8.5-14% vol. alcohol.

Fortified (special) wines (Kpepkie and deceptnye) vypabatyvayut putem nepolnogo cbpazhivaniya vinogpada, mezgi or cucla c dalneyshim dobavleniem etilovogo cpipta, a takzhe of vinomatepialov c ppimeneniem cpetsialnyx texnologicheckix ppiemov, ppidayuschix cpetsificheckie opganolepticheckie cvoyctva. Strong wines contain more alcohol (17-20% vol.) and less saxap (up to 14 g/100 ml), a dessert, on the contrary, - less alcohol - 12-17% vol., and more saxap - up to 35 g / 100 ml.

– classification of wines according to the content of caxapa.

Table (natural) wines:

- table dry wines. Their main feature is the complete absence of saxar and low alcohol content (10-12%). Wine material obtained after fermentation is never alcoholized. In the manufacture of white wines, juice previously pressed from grapes is fermented. According to the red method, wine is made like this: juice is not separated from crushed berries, but fermented on the pulp, i.e. together with berries. And only then all this fermented mass is squeezed out under pressure.

- table semi-dry, semi-sweet wines. They become such from the fact that the fermentation process is artificially interrupted by a sharp cooling of the fermenting must. At the same time, 11-13% alcohol accumulates in it and 3-8% saxap remains.

Fortified (special) wines — Alcohol is added to the fermenting must. At the same time, fermentation stops, and exactly as much unfermented saxap is left in the wort as necessary. Fortified wines are divided into strong, dessert and flavored.

strong wines. The strong ones include port wine, madepa, xepec, marsala.

Port wine contains, as a rule, 17-20% alcohol and 7-14% saxap. About 10% of alcohol is a natural intake, the rest is alcohol introduced during alcoholization. For the first time this drink was obtained in Portugal, not far from the city of Porto. A characteristic feature of wine is the tones of dried fruits in the aroma. This is achieved through long-term aging of wine in barrels, in rooms (thermochambers) with a high temperature (up to 40 degrees), or on the street (on sunny sites) in the hot summer. Duration of exposure is 1-2 years.

Madepa . First received on o. Madepa (Portugal). The peculiarity of wine is in the aroma a specific tone of red-hot nut. Wine is prepared in the same way as Port wine, the difference is in grape varieties and in the duration of aging, which is 3-4 years. After exposure, the content of saxap and alcohol is brought to the desired condition. In Portuguese Madeira, 18-19% alcohol, in English, about 32% alcohol and up to 2% saxap.

Xepec . (According to the name of the city of Jerez de la Frontera in Spain). Alcohol up to 20%, caxap - up to 3%. VARIATIONS ppoizvodctve uzhe cbpozhenny and cpiptovanny vinomatepial vydepzhivaetcya in nepolnyx bochkax pod plenkoy of cpetsialnyx dpozhzhevyx kletok, kotopye, poglaschaya etilovy cpipt and kiclopod, vydelyayut in vino atsetaldegid, ppidayuschy napitku xapaktepny gpibnoy apomat, libo zapax kalennogo opeshka.

marcala was first received on the island of Sicily in the city of Marsala. To obtain it, ethyl alcohol and grape juice boiled over an open fire are added to the wine material after fermentation, which gives the wine a peculiar taste of ship tar and caramel. Maybe for this reason, the wine was very popular among the sailors of the sailing fleet (in particular, among pirates.) Conditions: alcohol - 18-20% vol, caxap - 15-70 g / dm.

dessert wines. Fortified dessert wines are divided into semi-sweet, sweet and liqueur. In sweet wines up to 20% saxapa, and in liquor up to 32%. The main types of dessert wines are cahors, muscat, tokay and Malaga. The intense color of cahors is obtained by heating the pulp to 60 degrees. Malaga- Spanish, liqueur wine, saxap 20-30%.

flavored wines (vermouth) they are also strong and dessert. Strong vermouths are prepared with the addition of ethyl alcohol up to 16-18% vol., saxara - up to 6-10 g / 100 ml and infusions of various plants, dessert - in the same way, but with other conditions: 16% alcohol - and caxap - 16 g / 100 ml.

The most common bars are mixed bars, where customers are served a more or less rich assortment of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. Drinks are served with snacks, desserts, light meals.

Where to invest small amounts? One of the easiest and most profitable options is to open your own cafe. In some respects, such a catering and recreation establishment is similar to a restaurant, but has a limited assortment, can work in different formats, for example, self-service, confectionery, coffee shops, etc. In addition, it requires less investment to open, lower requirements for the level service. When choosing a name for a cafe (it doesn’t matter where it is located - in a big or small city, village), you need to consider the basic criteria:

  1. Do not cause ambiguous associations, unpleasant emotions.
  2. Easy to remember and pronounce, be sonorous.
  3. Harmonize with interior design, customer service form, service level.
  4. It is desirable that the name reflects the concept of the institution.

These parameters are also relevant when choosing a name for a clothing store. To quickly choose a beautiful name for your cafe, you can use the following approaches:

  • use a foreign word with suitable semantics depending on the format of the institution or a Russian word, one syllable of which should be made in Latin transcription;
  • display the name of the concept, format of the establishment, interior, service features, assortment;
  • the creation of neologisms - words or phrases, you can combine the Russian and foreign bases;
  • choosing an easy-to-pronounce, short name without a heavy semantic load;
  • playing around with words that mean opposite concepts;
  • play on words.

When choosing an original name for a cafe, it is better to avoid using personal names (Lydia, Anna) and words that have a strong emotionality (Happiness, Dream, No worries). You should be very careful when choosing names that are tied to historical figures (Cafe Stirlitz, Dovbush, Pasternak, Pushkin, Landrin), films or works of art (At the Pokrovsky Gate, Gentlemen of Fortune, The Cherry Orchard, Moby Dick, Hero of Our Time, Hatiko, Turandot) , geographic areas, city names (Toronto, Tibet, Tel Aviv, Windsor). It is advisable to do this only in the case of 100% combination with the concept of the institution, so that original name did not seem too pretentious and did not clash with the atmosphere in the cafe. It is also important to choose a name that is harmonious in meaning (for example, Chalet Beryozka - in our opinion, the semantic combination of the word for an alpine rural house and the already boring name Beryozka is not a very good solution. More examples: Old House, Soprano, Revolution, Olive Beach, Mu-Mu, Cat and cook, Spark). And, of course, you should not choose banal, boring names: Troika, Birch, Barberry, Marzipan, Yunost.

Advice: choosing a beautiful name for a cafe (including fast food), you need to make sure that it is not occupied by competitors, not patented. You can view the list of existing institutions on specialized portals.

Cafe naming examples

The name of the cafe should become a brand for its owners, visitors, easy to remember and evoke positive emotions and associations. Usually, such a task is entrusted to professionals in the field of naming, but if you wish, you can choose the original name yourself. We give the following options for beautiful names for cafes (many positions are also suitable for fast food establishments):

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Advice: if you can’t open your own fast food restaurant, you shouldn’t despair, there are many more interesting and easily implemented ideas. For example, the creation of a mobile cafe on wheels, a business for the preparation and sale of herbal tea, the manufacture of handmade soap, the cultivation of mushrooms (the price of a truffle in Russia reaches $ 500-1000 per 1 kg).

When choosing a beautiful name for a cafe, it is important to feel the fine line that you should not cross, otherwise the name will not be in harmony with the institution, it will be positively perceived by visitors (bistro Seven cockroaches, Hannibal, Los Vegas cafe, diner You Uhu Eat?, Clockwork eggs). You should not opt ​​for double-valued options or those that can cause ambiguous understanding: Paradise Hell cafe, Herase Japanese pub, Children of barbecue. When creating a neologism for the name, you also need not to overdo it (Night Dozhor, BuhenNaus, Drunken traffic cop, Deep Throat, KhZ cafe - stands for “good institution”, but causes ambiguous associations).

Opening a cafe from scratch is not a very simple, but exciting process. When choosing a beautiful name for it, the owner should remember that it must be interesting, memorable, and different from other names. But it is also impossible to get too carried away with this process, because going to extremes, one cannot choose a good name. If necessary, you can always seek help from professionals in the field of naming.

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What is a cafe? This is an establishment that provides catering and recreation services. It looks a bit like a restaurant, but has a few restrictions on the range. There are self service cafes.


The cafe has a rather long history, which has not received any confirmation.

The fact is that this type of public catering appeared relatively long ago. Therefore, only the most plausible version should be considered.

According to her, in 1554, the world's first coffee house was opened in Istanbul. It was called The Circle of Thinkers. In America, the first institution of this type was opened only in 1670. It was located in Boston. The first cafe in Europe is considered to be in Austria, located on the territory of Vienna. This happened after the victory in the war in 1683. If we talk about the Commonwealth, then this type of establishment first appeared in Warsaw only in 1724.


If we talk about the range of products, then the institution is divided into a confectionery, a coffee shop, an ice cream parlor, a grill, a bar, an Internet cafe.

The classification is also based on location. There are stationary and street cafes. It should be noted that this type of catering can be located in a separate building, but often, unlike a large number of restaurants, it is located inside a building on the ground floor, and can also exist as an extension.

Another type of cafe is roadside. Often they are located near any establishments along the roads, which have either local or federal significance. At the moment, seasonal cafes have become common. We are talking about those buildings located near the coast of the sea or river, open mainly only during the warm period. If we talk about ski resorts, then on the contrary, such a cafe will work in winter.

In countries where the temperate climate prevails, often all establishments operate outdoors during the warm season.

If divided by the contingent, then there are art cafes, that is, clubs for children, youth, the so-called gay-friendly, and others. It should also be noted that in addition to coffee shops there are tea establishments and cafes. Thus, by type of activity, cafes can be divided into a large number of different options.

Standard Cafe

If we talk about the main activity of the cafe, it should be noted that there are universal establishments. Consider what it is.

Speaking of cafes that work with self-service, it should be noted that they use clear broths for first courses. The rest of the range consists of popular and uncomplicated options. Often these are scrambled eggs, sausages, sausages, as well as spring rolls.

If we talk about cafes with waiters, then special specialties are served, however, as a rule, we are talking about those that can be prepared quickly. The menu is made up of hot drinks, while there must be at least 10 of them according to GOST, followed by cold drinks. Confectionery is a must, there are also about 10 options. Next - cold and hot dishes.

In general, a universal cafe is suitable for visitors to relax, which is why the trading floor should be decorated with special decorative elements, you need to take care of the lighting, as well as the calorie content of the establishment. The microclimate must be maintained by exhaust ventilation. Furniture items should be standard, their design is often light. Tables should be covered with a special coating. Dinnerware should ideally be either glass or stainless steel or other materials.

Such an establishment often has a vestibule, a cloakroom, as well as restrooms. Considering the main activity of the cafe, it should be noted that the premises should consist of a hall and a utility room. Sandwiches and hot drinks need to be prepared directly in the kitchen, while the rest of the products often come already cooked. The area of ​​one seat in a cafe must be at least 1.6 square meters.

coffee house

In short, this is the name of establishments that sell coffee and coffee drinks. If we consider it broadly, then this is a gastronomic type room, which can be called a place for personal meetings or just communication. Here, at the request of the consumer, they can serve coffee, cake, ice cream, teas of various varieties, juices, as well as alcoholic or carbonated drinks. Often in the countries of the East and Asia, hookah and flavored tobacco are sold in coffee houses.

Coffee houses in the world

In the Russian Federation, a coffee house first appeared during the reign of Peter I. These establishments existed until the creation of the Soviet Union. After its formation, all coffee houses were closed. In the early nineties, their work was revived. At the same time, it should be noted that, according to statistics, now almost half of the residents of every major city in the Federation go to such an institution at least once a week.

The Viennese coffee house is distinguished separately. This is an enterprise that provides catering directly in Vienna. Now in the capital of Austria, such establishments play a huge role in the development of culture and traditions. It should be noted that this type of cafe activity is quite important for the Austrians, according to their tradition, a person should order a drink in it and, sitting at a table, read the newspapers offered by the establishment. This is hallmark and business card of any Viennese institution.

In the Netherlands, where the sale of cannabis, better known as cannabis, is legal, most of the shops where it is sold are called coffee houses.

If we talk about the Middle East, then this institution is a social place where men gather. As for other people, they come to coffee houses in order to read books, watch TV, listen to music, that is, eating is not the main and authoritative when visiting such an institution. In addition, in the countries of the Middle East, hookah is sold in all coffee houses. This service is considered traditional.

Coffee house features

According to statistics, more than 70% of people are considered regular customers of coffee shops after visiting such an institution at least once in their life on the recommendation of their friends. At the moment, the largest coffee company is Starbucks. It is spread all over the world. Its cafes are open in 58 countries, and if we talk about the number of branches, the network has more than 19 thousand establishments. They function as the main activity of the cafe - universal.

Many historians know what the Boston Tea Party is. This is a protest action that was started by the colonists in 1773. The preparation of this uprising was carried out in a coffee shop. At that time it was called "Green Dragon".

The world has the largest insurance market. It's called "Lloyd's of London" and was originally a coffee shop. After the expiration of a short period of time, it has grown to unrealistic proportions.

It should also be noted that the stock exchange and the main bank of New York were previously known as coffee houses. They were on Wall Street.


Cabaret, which is also known as a café chantan, is an establishment that provides entertainment services. Often sketches and plays are held here, some dance numbers are shown, entertainers perform, songs are sung and so on.

It should be noted that this type of cafe is of French origin. It involved Louis Napoleon, who, as you know, was the emperor of France. The fact is that he forbade singing chanson songs in public places, that is, on the street, squares, and so on, so cafes or cabarets were founded.

The world's first institution of this type was opened in 1881. It was called "Black Cat". Was in Paris. The head of the institution invited talented famous poets and musicians here, so the cabaret became quite popular. Accordingly, under the influence of fame, in a few years such establishments arose throughout France.

The first German cabaret was opened in Berlin already in 1901.

red windmill

In 1889, a cabaret was opened in Paris, which is now a classic. It's called the Moulin Rouge. Literally translated into Russian as "Red Mill". Over time, this type of establishment has already become more famous as a place where frank dances are performed. Cabaret fame was brought by artists who danced in cancan and burlesque styles.

ice cream parlor

Consider the types of children's cafes - ice cream parlor. This institution is considered the most democratic and simple in terms of leisure activities. By type of activity - cafe-restaurant. All family members, including children, can come here.

If you want to expand the range, then you need to use pastries, frozen desserts, and so on. Often this type of fast food cafe is located either in a separate building or directly in the premises of a restaurant.

An ice cream maker is required. At the same time, it should be designed not only for the use of natural products, but also ready-made mixtures. Accordingly, it is necessary to purchase additional kitchen equipment, it must be made of stainless steel. We are talking about refrigerators, tables, racks, shelves and so on. A showcase should be placed on the trading floor, which will directly demonstrate the entire range, as well as furniture and devices for preparing coffee or tea.


The main types of cafes also include bistros. This is an establishment that has the type of restaurant-cafe, where only simple dishes are sold. Previously, this word meant the owner who kept such a room. In Russia, a similar term refers to either a bar or a small restaurant.

If we talk about the origin of the name, then there is a popular version that connects the French word bistro with the Russian "quickly". According to this theory, during the occupation of the French capital in 1814, the Cossacks demanded that local waiters be served much faster. Accordingly, this is how the name of the establishments where dishes are prepared and served at lightning speed arose.

However, this version cannot be considered reliable. The fact is that the word "bistro" in French was first mentioned no earlier than the 1880s. At this time, the Russian presence in Paris was not noticed. But on the other hand, there are dialects, as well as just slang words that can mean the owners of a tavern, the names of alcoholic drinks, species dealers, and so on.

Internet cafe

This establishment can also be called a general cafe. According to GOST, it is understood that people who need access to the Internet come here. Often meals are served here, you can drink coffee or drinks, chat.

Special establishments also operate under the rule that Internet access is free of charge. In this case, it is simply included in the cost of entry.

Internet cafes will be very convenient for those who are in a foreign city and do not have the opportunity to go online or who do not have a computer at home.

If we talk about history, then there is an opinion that this type of cafe is an offshoot of the coffee house. The fact is that the latter is considered an institution where people come to talk, read books, write any notes or letters.

In 2000-2003, in Moscow and other regions of the Russian Federation, Internet cafes reached the peak of their popularity. At that time, there was even a federal program, thanks to which access points were specially installed in post offices.

After the mobile network appeared, as well as large tablets became commonplace for ordinary citizens, interest in Internet cafes began to gradually decline. Now this baton has been taken over by such establishments that simply have free Wi-Fi access. They are more cost-effective and therefore much more profitable to maintain them.

It should also be noted that since 2008, a ban on gambling has been introduced in the Russian Federation. That is why, from that period, illegal cafes with slot machines operating under the guise of Internet establishments have been created. Because of this, all cafes, the types of services which in any way intersect with computer services, become very interesting to regulatory authorities.

OKVED: activities of restaurants and cafes

According to Russian legislation, which has been in force since 2003, this grouping includes the sale of products outside the enterprise, the provision of food in wagons and on ships. The activities of eateries, which are forms of fast food, as well as establishments with or without a form of self-service, are also included in this group.

Trading through vending machines is not included in this type of activity (cafe) according to OKVED.


At the moment there is great amount types of cafes, so there is plenty to choose from. It should be noted that there are more such establishments every year, as they do not lose their popularity, but, on the contrary, only gain.

It should be noted that the most well-known now among entrepreneurs is the question of what type of business the cafe has. When creating such an institution, you need to contact lawyers. They will tell you how to properly organize the device from a legal point of view. The fact is that there are special nuances that are not supported in the Russian Federation and are not included in the cafe standards, respectively, it will be difficult to obtain a license. For successful creation, it is enough just to write a business plan or download a ready-made one from the Internet. This will allow you to earn money as quickly and without problems.

If you are faced with the task of coming up with a name for a cafe, then a little digression into the history of this institution will not hurt you.

The name came from the French word cafe, initially only coffee, hot chocolate, tea, cakes and others were offered. confectionery. They were prepared on the spot and local cheap products were used to the maximum in order to keep prices low and so that the owners of the establishment always had a profit.

The first cafe appeared at the end of the 17th century in Venice, and then in Marseille and Paris. They were also local centers of cultural life, where political news and theatrical performances were discussed, poets recited poems, and writers read their novels aloud.

These were, in fact, the same fashionable salons of aristocrats, but anyone could come here, he did not need an invitation.

The atmosphere was free, there were disputes, sometimes there were even duels, but everyone could express their opinion. Because of this very freedom of communication, their wild popularity began in Europe, especially in Paris.

There, on the corner of Boulevard Saint-Germain, the Café de Flore opened in 1887 and still exists today. The name for this cafe was given by the goddess Flora, the patroness of flowers, youth and the flowering of all things. Her statue was located opposite the institution. Today, the prestigious literary prize for young authors is awarded here. It is also popular with tourists and lovers of real French onion soup.

There is a wide variety of these establishments: a cafe-bar, a cafe-snack, a grill cafe, an ice cream parlor, a coffee shop, an Internet cafe.

Many entrepreneurs use a cafe franchise of a corresponding profile in their activities, which greatly reduces entrepreneurial risk. But in this case, the name of the institution is regulated by the clauses of the franchise agreement.

The contingent of visitors at cafes of various types differs in composition and age, as well as the interiors of the premises: modern and retro, made in American, Italian, Japanese, Mexican styles.

The cuisine is also different. Therefore, when deciding what to call a cafe, you can start from the category of customers, the style and location of the room, or from specialties.

In Europe, they are very fond of calling cafes by their location - “At the skyscraper”, “On the bridge”, “At the fountain”, so that it is easier to remember them.

If your signature dessert is called "Romance", "Tango" or "Bolero", then it can be made the name of the enterprise.

TO When most clients are students, it would be appropriate to choose the following names: “Resume”, “Portfolio”, “Illusion”, “Mood”, “Rendezvous”, “Wheel of Fortune”, “Oasis”, “Amigo”, “Android”.

If an art cafe opens, then something artistic will suit him: Vernissage, Maestro, Pastoral, Caprice, Vanguard, Autograph, Modern, Beau Monde, Photographer , "Salvador", "Majestic", "Pearl", "Muse", "Elegy". The beautiful name of the cafe is always liked by people of art, aesthetes and patrons.

Regardless of the style, the name for the cafe is chosen in such a way that it is understandable and absolutely clear to everyone, without any discrepancies. This will serve his popularity, create an excellent image, reduce advertising costs and attract more customers. For example, "Aquatoria", "Crown", "Temptation", "Coffee Man".

Sometimes you can use trendy slang for the name, that is, simplified well-known words, since the jargon is very popular among young people and in a couple of decades it smoothly flows into colloquial speech. This is justified when a youth or teenager cafe opens.

Here are some examples of slang: IMHO (IMHO - my humble opinion), freebie (free), avatar (picture), user (user), disk player (disco), umatovo (excellent).

The name of the cafe should in no case cause discomfort to customers.

For example, a cafe-bar designed for working guys from a car factory who come after a shift to sit with beer and pasties cannot be called "Blue Ball", "Fashion Outfit" or "Siren" in any way. You will simply lose these clients, real men.

However, there are owners who do not think for a long time about how to name the cafe. They use, relying only on their opinion, the words they like: agate, arabesque, blanche, hammock, glaze, dominoes, continent, panorama, container-bars, ultraviolet.

This approach also has the right to exist, since entrepreneurs risk only their own money and have the right to make any decisions.

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