Cake fried in a pan with custard. Cake with custard in a pan.

Nov 23, 2016

Cake "Svetlana" with custard cooked in a skillet, not in the oven. An interesting option!


For cakes:

  • 3 cups flour
  • 1 can of condensed milk,
  • 1 egg
  • 1 teaspoon soda, slaked with vinegar.

For cream:

  • 750 ml milk
  • 200 g butter,
  • 1.5 cups of granulated sugar,
  • 2 eggs,
  • 3 tablespoons flour
  • vanillin to taste.


Use oatmeal, rice or almond milk to make pudding instead regular milk, You will not regret! When making pudding for dessert, you can replace milk with water. The pudding will have a jelly-like consistency and a more distinctive color.

Eggs 1 pack of baking powder. . Pour out raw ingredients into the dough together and gradually add the eggs, butter and milk and mix the dough. From milk, sugar and vanilla powder we make pudding. Place the dough on the erased and cleaned plate. Pour hot cooked pudding over batter.

1. From flour, condensed milk and eggs, knead elastic dough by adding soda slaked with vinegar.

2. Divide the dough into 8 parts.

3. Roll out each part of the dough according to the diameter of the pan and “fry” in the pan for 1 minute on each side.

4. Cut the cakes nicely. The rest should be crushed into crumbs. It will come in handy for sprinkling the cake.

Prepare the baked dessert evenly with sour cream and sprinkle over the grated Margaux graters. We can also add cocoa, cinnamon or grated coconut to your taste. Peel the apples and cut into thicker slices, which are mixed in a bowl with powdered sugar and vanilla powder. Depending on the taste, we can add cinnamon.

Flour flour with baking powder, dip in milk and mix butter or vegetable fat into pieces. Well dough and leave in the refrigerator for at least two hours. Divide the dough into two parts, and each of them is rolled over a plate larger than the form that we bake in the pie. One day we will lay out a wiped and spilled pie or cake mold. Toss the dough into the mold so that it not only covers the bottom but also the sides of the mold - creating the edge of the cake.

5. Prepare the cream. Mix all the ingredients for the cream, except for the butter, and place over medium heat. Cook the cream with constant stirring until thickened.

6. Remove from heat and add butter to hot cream. Mix thoroughly until the oil dissolves.

7. Spread the cakes with warm cream and sprinkle the cake with crushed crumbs.

Toss in the apple pudding filling the dough and cover with the second half of the dough.

We smear the eggs with sugar in the foam. Then gradually add pudding and baking powder and beat well. Pour the batter into the moistened and sprinkled pan over the cake and bake in the preheated oven for about 180 minutes. Bring the baked pie to cool and then unmould.

In a water bath, with a piece of butter, we dissolve the chocolate that we will polish with the doll and let it shrink. On the board we pour flour, add butter, powdered sugar and a pinch of salt. Add the yolk, chop and lightly knead the dough to combine the ingredients. We wrap with food foil and chill for an hour in the refrigerator.

8. Leave the cake to soak at room temperature for at least 1 hour, then refrigerate.

Happy tea!

Delicate, delicious home cake fast food in a frying pan. How to cook a condensed milk cake in a pan with custard. Very soft, tender, melting in your mouth, moderately sweet, and also quick and easy to prepare. Try this recipe and see for yourself! If you don't have an oven, this cake is a godsend! Now delicious cake can be baked in a skillet. The cake took only 30 minutes to make.

We roll the dough up to 5 mm thick, put it in poured butter and sprinkle with biscuits. Sugar is poured into a saucepan, dissolved over low heat and heated until golden brown. Carefully pour in hot milk and cream. Add salt and cook for a few minutes until the sugar is completely dissolved. We take it off the heat, add chocolate, and we'll drink. Add eggs and potato flour, mix. The cream is strained through a strainer and poured into a mold with a pasty paste.

We will examine and place the refrigerator. The edge of the chocolate cape will "peel" the vegetable peeler - this way we get narrow strips of chocolate for decoration. We will chill for a few minutes in the refrigerator. Chilled tartar with chocolate stripes and garnished with mint leaves.

  • After cooking you will get 8 servings
  • Cooking time: 30 minutes 30 minutes


  • milk, 500 ml
  • egg, 3 pieces
  • vanilla sugar, 4 grams
  • sugar, 2 tbsp. l.
  • flour, 510 grams
  • butter, 200 grams
  • condensed milk, 200 grams
  • baking powder, 5 grams
  • walnut, 200 grams

Cooking method

    Since the cakes are baked very quickly, we will first prepare the custard. Add milk, 2 eggs, vanilla sugar, 60 g flour, sugar to a saucepan and put on slow fire. Mix everything and bring to a boil over very low heat, stirring occasionally. When the cream boils and thickens, add butter and remove from heat. While the cream is preparing, let's start preparing the cakes. Heat the pan immediately over medium heat. In a bowl, add condensed milk, 1 egg, baking powder. Mix. Then 350 g of sifted flour, mix. Add another 100 g of flour and knead the dough with your hands. divide the dough into 8 parts. Roll out each part. Bake in a pan for 1.5 minutes each cake without adding oil. Chop the walnuts finely. We collect the cake: put the cake, then smear with cream, put the cake again and repeat the whole process with all the cakes. Sprinkle on top of the cake walnuts. It is advisable to let the cake brew in the refrigerator for 2 hours. Watch the step-by-step video recipe on this page, so as not to miss any moments in cooking. Bon Appetit everyone!

    A delicious dessert idea inspired by popular Saxon pastries. Add flour, cocoa and baking powder to a bowl, mix. Proteins are separated from the yolks and beaten to a hard foam. Gradually add sugar at the end. Mix for a while to get a solid consistency. Then add one egg yolk and mix at the lowest speed. At the end, gradually add dry ingredients and gently mix them into the fried. Place the dough carefully on the prepared sheet.

    Insert the sponge into the preheated oven. Additional information: The gas oven must be hot. electric oven should be hot. After baking, the cake is left to cool. A cool biscuit is cut into two parts. Heat 500 ml of milk in a saucepan with butter, sugar and vanilla sugar before dissolution. Thoroughly mix the remaining pudding. Add hot chocolate and milk chocolate into hot milk. Boil everything, stirring constantly. Finally add the stirred pudding and boil again.