Finger-licking stuffed eggplants with winter vegetables! Pickled eggplants stuffed with carrots and garlic.

In our family, marinated stuffed eggplants with vegetables are one of the most delicious and favorite preparations for the winter. Try this recipe once, master the preparation, and this delicious preparation made from eggplant will delight you and your loved ones all winter long.

How to cook pickled eggplants for the winter.

For this we need young, beautiful, dark purple eggplants. They should be small in size, with still small, barely formed seeds, completely filled with pulp inside.

Before stuffing eggplants, they must be prepared: cut off the stalks with leaves, lightly grabbing part of the eggplant at the base. Using the tip of a knife, make several cuts (3-4) along the fruit, but only to the middle. Salt the inside of the cuts well and leave the eggplant for two hours.

When time has passed, the eggplants should be washed in cold water, getting rid of the bitter juice that has separated from them.

Next, process the eggplants in boiling water, salted to taste, for 3 minutes. This way they will become softer and easier to work with. Let the eggplants cool. Next, we stuff them with a mixture of finely chopped carrots, celery, using both the leaves and the roots themselves, parsley, garlic, black and allspice. We squeeze them well.

Now, like cabbage rolls, we wrap the eggplants in celery leaves, you can also tie them. Goal: so that our filling remains in the eggplant and does not come out anywhere.

To prepare the marinade, take 3 liters of water, 1 liter of vinegar and half a kilo of salt, mix it all over the fire and bring to a boil, then let it cool.

We close the jars with stuffed eggplants and vegetables filled with marinade with a nylon lid and hide them in a cool, dark place.

Stuffed eggplant preparation for the winter, consider it ready!

When you serve, you need to cut the eggplants in large pieces and pour over vegetable oil. This marinated dish goes well with meat as a side dish, with boiled potatoes, but can also be served as an appetizer.

Eggplants were brought to the European continent from South America during the Middle Ages. The consumption of these fruits quickly became widespread in France and the Balkans. Today, eggplant dishes are also considered “homegrown” in the Caucasus, Moldova and Central Asia. Wherever they are grown, numerous dishes are prepared from them, including canning for later consumption. winter period. Fruits of varying degrees of ripeness are used to make caviar and sauté, pickle and salt.

If you are an eggplant lover, then the recipes that we will talk about today should suit your taste, as the marinade and fillings from the recipes are incredibly aromatic and tasty. Listed recipes have been tested experienced housewives and are calculated to the gram. Stuffed eggplants with vegetables for the winter turn out incredibly tasty and aromatic. Prepare necessary ingredients, good mood and you can start preserving.

Stuffed eggplants with vegetables for the winter in 1 liter sterilized jars

We offer a recipe for pickled eggplants stuffed with a delicious mixture of onions, carrots, herbs and garlic.


  • Small elastic eggplants – 2 kg;
  • 50 gr. dill and parsley;
  • 0.5 kg each of white onions and carrots;
  • Garlic – 1 head;
  • Table salt and vinegar.

Detailed preparation:

  1. The eggplants for this recipe should be mature but firm. There should be no dents, dark spots or other substandard conditions. After washing, remove the stem and adjacent green part from each vegetable. Then cut the vegetables lengthwise on one side to create long “gaps.”
  2. Peel the head of garlic and separate it into cloves.
  3. Chop the onion and carrots into thin strips, simmer until soft, then mix with garlic, passed through a squeezer. Add salt to taste and finely chopped herbs to the stuffing mixture.
  4. In a large saucepan of boiling water, always salted, blanch all the eggplants for 20 minutes. Transfer directly to cold water, after half a minute, remove and place on a towel to absorb water.
  5. Cuts at blanched eggplant fill vegetable mixture. Place the workpieces in a vertical position liter jars. Pour 1 tablespoon of vinegar 6% or 9% into each, no difference.
  6. Sterilize for a long time, at least 40 minutes. If you have an air fryer, then use it for sterilization, in this device the quality will be higher, and it will take only 20 minutes for a liter jar. Roll up the lids and cool the preserves.

This recipe, in our opinion, should be in the arsenal of every housewife. It's easy to prepare and eats quickly. Eggplants with carrots and peppers will be an excellent addition to buckwheat porridge for breakfast.


  • Eggplants – 1 kg;
  • bell pepper sweet – 100 g;
  • Hot pepper – 1 pod;
  • Carrots – 100 gr.;
  • Greens (parsley and dill) - several sprigs;
  • Vinegar 9% – 300ml;
  • Salt – 2 tablespoons.

Detailed preparation:

  1. Cooking saline solution: Dissolve 1 tablespoon of salt in 1 liter of water.
  2. Bring the resulting solution to a boil and add the washed and stemmed eggplants into it. Blanch them for three minutes. Next, in order to drain excess liquid, cool the eggplants and place them under pressure.
  3. Meanwhile, prepare the filling. Grate the carrots and peppers (sweet and bitter), chop the herbs, grind the garlic with salt and mix it all thoroughly.
  4. After the eggplants have cooled and drained, we make a longitudinal cut on them (just don’t cut it all the way so that you get a kind of pocket), put the filling in it and squeeze it tightly.
  5. Place eggplants in washed and sterilized liter jars and fill with vinegar.
  6. Cover each jar with a sterile lid, place the jars in a saucepan with warm water(a cloth must be placed on the bottom of the pan) and bring to a boil. Sterilize for 25 minutes. The eggplants will release juice and form delicious marinade, in which they will insist.
  7. We roll up the jars and place them upside down under an old blanket until they cool completely. It is advisable to store in a dark and cool place.

Stuffed eggplants with vegetables and beans for the winter in jars

This interesting recipe canned eggplant with beans will mentally transport you from cold winter in the hot summer, they taste so good.


  • Eggplants – 1 kg;
  • Tomato – 750 gr.;
  • Bell pepper – 250 gr.;
  • Carrots – 250 gr.;
  • White beans – 250 gr.;
  • Garlic – 12 cloves;
  • Sugar – 1 teaspoon;
  • Salt – 1 tablespoon;
  • Vinegar – 50 ml;
  • Vegetable oil – 150 ml.

Detailed preparation:

  1. We begin preparations in the evening. Fill the beans cold water 1:3 at night. This is necessary so that the beans completely absorb the water and swell well. In the morning, cook for about 40 minutes. Do not add salt.
  2. Preparing the eggplants. Wash, peel, cut into cubes. To prevent the eggplants from becoming bitter, you can add a tablespoon of salt and let them sit for half an hour. Then rinse and drain the brine.
  3. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater.
  4. Wash and remove seeds from bell peppers. Cut into cubes.
  5. Peel the garlic.
  6. Wash and chop the tomatoes.
  7. Grind in any convenient way into homogeneous mass tomatoes and garlic (for example, with a meat grinder).
  8. Pour the finished mixture into a saucepan. Add salt, sugar and vegetable oil. Place on the fire and after boiling, cook for exactly 3 minutes over low heat.
  9. Add the rest of the prepared vegetables to this tomato mass: eggplants, peppers, carrots. Cook for another 20 minutes over low heat (remember that the countdown begins after boiling).
  10. After 20 minutes, add the beans and cook for another 10 minutes.
  11. At the end of cooking, add vinegar and cook for another 5 minutes.
  12. Place the finished mixture immediately into sterile jars and seal with sterile lids. You can roll it up with a key, or you can use screw caps.
  13. We turn the jars upside down and set them to “reach” under the old fur coat.
  14. Store in a cool place.

Marinated stuffed eggplants for the winter without sterilization

This is the recipe for marinated eggplants pure form with vinegar was brought from Georgia and will appeal to lovers of strong vodka marinades.

For preservation, choose firm, medium-sized eggplant fruits, without seeds. The amount of spices is given approximately, because some people like more pungent taste, and someone is softer. Therefore, adjust the quantity at your discretion.

Please note that the eggplants in this recipe can be cut as you like: into circles, strips... and do not stuff them with herbs, but mix everything together with the marinade, you will get a slightly different preparation, but also very tasty!


  • Eggplants – 2 kg;
  • Onion – 300 gr.;
  • Garlic – 100 gr.;
  • Apple cider vinegar – 1 glass;
  • Vegetable oil – 1.5 cups;
  • Water – 1 glass;
  • Saffron – 1 pinch (no more);
  • Paprika – 0.5 teaspoon;
  • Khmeli-suneli – 1 teaspoon;
  • Cilantro – 1 teaspoon.

Detailed preparation:

  1. Wash the eggplants and cut them lengthwise into 1 cm thick slices. Add salt, mix and put in the refrigerator overnight, tightly covering. Overnight, unnecessary bitterness will come out of the eggplants, and they will taste good.
  2. In the morning we prepare the dressing. Cut the onion and garlic into rings, add all the spices according to the recipe. Mix.
  3. Prepare the marinade. Mix half a liter of water, vinegar, vegetable oil. Bring to a boil. Cool to room temperature.
  4. Squeeze out the eggplants that have been sitting in the refrigerator overnight. Place the eggplant strips in a pan of water for 10-15 minutes (readiness is checked by softness - it should be medium).
  5. We take it out and cool it. Place a teaspoon of minced greens on each strip and roll into rolls.
  6. Place the eggplants in sterile jars so that the marinade covers the vegetables.
  7. Let the mixture sit for 1 hour.
  8. We cover the jars with regular ones. nylon covers, after dipping each one in boiling water for a few seconds. The main condition is to lower the lid into boiling water and immediately cover the jar.
  9. After cooling, place the jars in the refrigerator. It is recommended to open no earlier than December, otherwise the marinade will not yet saturate the eggplants.

And finally, a little advice. Even if you really love stuffed eggplants with vegetables, and it’s June, and you can’t wait to start canning, it is recommended that you start no earlier than the end of July, until they ripen in your region. Otherwise, there is a high probability that you will buy imported fruits. And this threatens that, firstly, they can be stuffed with unnecessary chemicals, secondly, they are much more expensive, and thirdly, they have no taste, like grass. Therefore, do not expect a special aroma and taste from imported eggplants.

Good luck to everyone in the kitchen and have fun!

A snack like eggplant stuffed with vegetables for the winter, it will become a great addition To winter table, especially during the period of fasting.

It is used as independent dish, or as an addition to meat, fish dishes or side dishes.

Eggplants stuffed with vegetables for the winter - basic cooking principles

Cooking begins with preparing the eggplants. They are washed under the tap and the stalks are cut off. Then the brine is prepared: 30 g of table salt is dissolved in a liter of water. Place on fire and bring to a boil. Dip the eggplants into the boiling solution and blanch them for three minutes. Then the eggplants are taken out, cooled completely and a pressure is placed on top so that the liquid completely drains.

Vegetables for the filling are peeled, washed and chopped on a coarse grater, or chopped into thin strips. The garlic is crushed and ground with salt. The greens are rinsed and finely chopped. Place everything in a deep container and mix.

The filling may include the most different vegetables, spices, herbs and even walnuts. It can be spicy or spicy.

Eggplants are cut lengthwise, without cutting all the way through. Place a vegetable filling inside each and press the halves tightly. For convenience, they are tied with threads and placed in sterile jars. Stuffed eggplants are poured with marinade and sent to sterilize for 20 minutes. Then the jars are sealed hermetically tin lids.

Recipe 1. Eggplants stuffed with vegetables for the winter with carrots


    kilogram of eggplant;

  • 100 g bell pepper;

    300 ml 9% table vinegar;

    100 g carrots;

    five sprigs of dill and parsley;

    hot pepper pod;

    garlic – 100 g.

Cooking method

1. Peel and wash all vegetables. Trim the stems of the eggplants. Remove the stems from the peppers and clean out the seeds.

2. Dissolve a tablespoon of salt in a liter of filtered water. Place the resulting solution on fire. Place the eggplants in the boiling liquid and blanch for three minutes. Then take them out, cool and place under pressure, leave until all the liquid has drained.

3. Rub the peeled garlic with salt. Rinse the greens and finely chop. Chop the carrots into thin strips or grate them coarsely. Bulgarian and hot peppers cut into thin short strips. Combine everything in a deep bowl and mix

4. Cut each eggplant lengthwise, without cutting all the way through. Place the vegetable filling inside and press the halves together tightly. Rewind with thread for safety.

5. Place stuffed eggplants tightly in sterile dry jars and fill with vinegar. Cover with boiled lids and place the jars in a wide saucepan. Pour in hot water and sterilize at low boil for half an hour. Then roll it up. Leave for a day, covered with a blanket.

Recipe 2. Eggplants stuffed with vegetables for the winter with cabbage


    eggplants – one and a half kilograms;

    chili pepper;

    carrots – 100 g;

    two pods of bell pepper;

    cabbage – half a kilogram;

    garlic - three cloves;

    70 g of salt per one and a half liter of purified water.

Cooking method

1. For stuffing, take identical small-sized eggplants. Wash them, trim the stems and pierce them in several places with a fork or toothpick. Place in a saucepan, cover with cold water, and place over moderate heat. Blanch from the moment of boiling for five minutes. Remove the boiled eggplants and cool completely.

2. Chop the cabbage thinly. Peel the carrots, wash and chop on a medium grater. Cut out the stem of the bell pepper and remove the seeds. Chop the vegetable into thin strips. Peel the garlic and squeeze through a garlic press. Combine all the vegetables in a deep bowl, lightly salt, mix and leave for a while.

3. Measure out one and a half liters of water, dissolve salt in it and put on fire. Boil and cool completely.

4. Cut the eggplants in half, squeeze lightly and stuff vegetable filling with cabbage. Wrap with thread and place in a pan. Fill with brine and place pressure on top. Leave in a warm place for three days. Then store in the refrigerator.

Recipe 3. Eggplants stuffed with vegetables for the winter


    five kilograms of small young eggplants;


    two large carrots;

    a small bunch of basil;

    two large bell peppers;

    two large stalks of celery;

    ten cloves of garlic;

    half a bunch of parsley;

    a large bunch of cilantro;

    bunch of dill.


    two liters of purified water;

    liter of 5% vinegar;

    salt– 100 g;

    sugar – 100 g.

Spices (per jar)

    five peas of allspice;

    on the tip of a knife ground cinnamon;

    two buds of cloves;

    dry coriander grains – 3 g;

    two bay leaves.

Cooking method

1. Wash the eggplants and cut them lengthwise, without cutting all the way through. Carefully remove the pulp from both halves, trying to do this in such a way that the external appearance of the vegetable retains its integrity.

2. Place the eggplants in boiling salted water and blanch for five minutes. Using a slotted spoon, transfer soft vegetables to a colander. We place pressure on top and leave until the eggplants give up all their moisture.

3. Peel the carrots and other roots and chop them on a coarse grater. We free the bell pepper from the stalk and seeds. Shred the vegetable into thin short strips. Finely chop the garlic cloves. Finely chop some of the pulp that we removed from the eggplants. Rinse and chop the greens. Combine all the vegetables in a deep container and mix.

4. Fill each eggplant with the vegetable mixture, connect the halves tightly and tie with thread. Place the stuffed eggplants tightly in clean, dry liter jars.

5. Boil water in a saucepan, dissolve salt and sugar in it. Add the spices and boil for a couple more minutes. Pour half a glass of vinegar into each jar and pour boiling marinade right up to the throat. Immediately roll up, turn over and cool completely, wrapped in a warm cloth.

Recipe 4. Eggplants stuffed with vegetables for the winter with onions and garlic


    five kilograms of eggplants;

    a bunch of parsley;

    kilogram of carrots;

    150 g table salt;

    250 g parsley root;

    half a liter of sunflower oil;

    200 g onion;

    20 cloves of garlic.

Cooking method

1. Wash the eggplants under the tap, cut off the stem and make a deep longitudinal cut, but do not cut all the way through.

2. Dissolve salt in water at the rate of 30 g per liter. Put it on fire. Place the eggplants in a boiling salty solution and cook them over low heat for about forty minutes. Then remove the vegetables with a slotted spoon and place under pressure. Leave the eggplants in this position until they cool completely and release excess liquid.

3. Peel the garlic and finely chop it. Rinse and chop the greens. Cut the peeled carrots into thin strips. Peel the onion and chop it into half rings.

4. Pour a quarter of the vegetable oil into the cauldron and heat it. Fry the onion in it until lightly browned. Separately, sauté the carrots and herbs in the same amount of oil. Then combine the fried vegetables, add salt and stir.

5. Stuff each eggplant with fried vegetables. Place them in a convenient round container, sprinkling each layer with chopped garlic and salt. Heat the remaining oil until light smoke appears and pour it over the stuffed eggplants. Place a bend on top. Store in a cool place.

Recipe 5. Eggplants stuffed with vegetables for the winter, Egyptian style


    ten small eggplants;

    cumin – 3 g;

    red bell pepper pod;

    curry powder and coriander – 25 g each;

    chili pepper;

    vinegar 6% - 30 ml;

    ground hot pepper– 3 g;

    lemon juice– 100 ml;

    garlic - seven cloves;

    parsley - a large bunch;

    a glass of olive oil.

Cooking method

1. Wash and dry the eggplants. Lubricate each olive oil and place on a baking sheet, having previously covered it with foil. Place in an oven preheated to 200 C. Bake until they are quite soft. Then remove the pan and cool the vegetables. Carefully remove the stems. Sprinkle with salt and leave for an hour.

2. Cut sweet and hot peppers in half. Remove the stems and clean out the seeds. Chop finely. Peel the garlic and crush it in a mortar with salt. Rinse a bunch of greens and chop finely.

3. Combine all vegetables in a bowl. Season them with coriander, cumin, ground red pepper, salt and curry powder. Pour in 50 ml olive oil, vinegar and lemon juice. Stir.

4. Cut the eggplants lengthwise, not all the way through. Lightly salt the cut and add the filling. Place the stuffed vegetables tightly in a sterile jar and fill with olive oil. Store in the refrigerator. They will be ready in five days.

Recipe 6. Spicy eggplants stuffed with winter vegetables and walnuts


    a kilogram of small eggplants;


    red hot pepper – half a kilogram;

    olive oil - liter;

    walnuts – 500 g;

    garlic - head.

Cooking method

1. Wash the eggplants, cut off the tails. Cut each one lengthwise, without cutting all the way through. Place the eggplants in a pan of boiling water and cook until half cooked. Remove each one and generously salt the outside and inside. Place in a saucepan and place pressure on top.

2. Free the hot pepper from the stalk and seeds. Pass through a meat grinder. Walnuts chop coarsely. Crush the garlic through a garlic press. Combine everything and mix.

3. Stuff the eggplants with the mixture and place tightly in sterile jars. Turn over and drain excess liquid. Pour hot olive oil over the eggplants. Seal with nylon lids, cool and store in the refrigerator or basement.

    If you are preparing eggplants for long-term storage, after fermentation, place them in sterile jars and sterilize for an hour. Then seal it tightly and cool.

    Spicy lovers can add celery greens and hot pepper to the filling.

    In the refrigerator, store the snack in a ceramic or glass container.

    For stuffing, take small young eggplants.

Eggplant is a berry brought by the Portuguese from India. Our people loved her very much. But her season is short. Therefore, it is important to know how to prepare eggplants for the winter. They are frozen, pre-baked in the oven and the skin removed, salted, pickled, and prepared into salads. This article will teach you how to make pickled eggplants. Below you will find several recipes of a wide variety and for every taste. However, the cooking principle remains unchanged. Boil the blue ones and fill them with marinade. You can stuff the eggplants before doing this.

There is also a way to dry-salt the blue ones. We simply cut the fruits into discs, sprinkle them with salt and spices, and then seal them. And wet pickling involves pouring brine over the cut fruit.

Pickled eggplants: a universal recipe

It is best to take eggplants for winter preparations that are small, with smooth matte skin without dents or flaws. We cut off the tails of eight eggplants and cut them on the right, left and diagonally to form a “pocket”. Boil in salted water for about seven minutes. We check readiness with a match: it should easily pierce the blue ones. We strain them and put them under a press for an hour to free them from excess liquid as best as possible. We chop three carrots into pieces. We tear off the leaves from a bunch of parsley, without, however, throwing away the stems. Chop the greens, also chop one chili pepper (with seeds possible) and 2 heads of garlic. Salt this mass, mix and stuff it into the eggplant pockets.

Let's make the marinade. Boil water and put parsley stems in there - just for a few seconds so that they become elastic. After this, add the marinade ingredients. For one liter of boiling water you need to take two tablespoons of salt, ten black peas and five allspice and two bay leaves. Pickled with garlic, tied with parsley stems. Place in an enamel bowl and fill with cold marinade. Press down with a plate and place pressure on it. We keep it like this for four days room temperature. Then place the eggplants in prepared jars and fill with boiled and cooled marinade. Carefully pour in a few tablespoons of hot vegetable oil. We seal the jars.

Pickled eggplants stuffed with vegetables in Russian style

No vinegar in preparations! This preservation method is good because fermentation occurs under the influence of bacteria present in the product. We cut ten eggplants in half lengthwise, but do not reach the end by two centimeters. Boil the blue ones for twelve minutes in salted water (30 grams per liter). Place the finished eggplants under pressure until they cool completely. Chop three carrots in Korean style. Cut two parsnip roots into strips. Chop three onions into semicircles. Let's stew all these vegetables in small quantity vegetable oil for about eight minutes until they are soft.

Peel two heads of garlic. Chop each clove into plates. Mix most of the garlic with the cooled vegetables. Stuff the eggplants with this mixture (just put the filling on one half and cover with the other. You can also add green leaves of cilantro or parsley. Place the eggplants in glass jars, sprinkling with garlic. Leave it warm under pressure for three days. Then pour in boiled but cooled vegetable oil. These pickled eggplants stuffed with vegetables should be stored in the refrigerator.

Beautiful berries

We cut off the tails of four blue ones and boil them in lightly salted water for about ten minutes. Strain and leave to cool. During this time, we will make the filling so that our pickled eggplants look beautiful. In separate bowls, finely chop a large head of garlic, three carrots, and chop the leaves from a bunch of parsley. Cut the cooled eggplants lengthwise, but so as not to divide them into two halves. We put garlic on this “sandwich”, grated carrots on it, and add parsley on top. Season with pepper and add salt (both inside and outside the blue ones). We put our “sandwiches” in enamel dishes, press down with a weight.

For the first two days, the little blue ones should stand in a warm place to start the souring process. Then the pickled eggplants stuffed with carrots and garlic need to be kept in a cool cellar for another couple of days. It will taste better this way.

Pickled eggplants stuffed with carrots

For this one it’s moderately spicy vegetable snack Three pieces of blue ones should first be boiled in water with salt until fully cooked (about half an hour). Then put them under a press and let the bitterness go away. Grate two carrots coarsely. Simmer it in three tablespoons of vegetable oil for ten minutes over low heat. Pass the head of garlic through a press. Let's set aside a quarter of the total. Chop half a bunch of greens. We will also save a quarter of the portion for later. Add the greens and garlic to the carrots. Stir and stuff future pickled eggplants. The recipe advises to tie the blue ones with thread so that the filling does not fall out. Place the eggplants in a saucepan and sprinkle with the remaining garlic and parsley. To 0.5 liters of boiling water add 10 g of salt, ten milliliters of 9% vinegar, three black peppercorns and two bay leaves. Cook for another two minutes. Pour this marinade over the blue ones. Place pickled eggplants stuffed with carrots under a press. Then leave in a warm place for three days.

Blue ones stuffed with vegetables

Boil a kilogram of small eggplants and place them under pressure, as in previous recipes. This same method of preparing pickled eggplants differs from others in the filling. Grate two carrots coarsely and fry them in refined sunflower oil. Peel the bell pepper from seeds and cut into small cubes, chop the parsley and dill (three spoons each), chop three cloves of garlic into thin slices. Place the vegetables with the cooled carrots. Mix and stuff the blue ones with this minced meat. We make the simplest brine. Dissolve 50 grams of salt in one and a half liters of boiling water. Place the eggplants in a dish in one layer. Fill them with cooled brine. Leave the stuffed pickled eggplants for three hours without pressure and for a day under pressure. After this, we transfer them into glass jars and fill them with brine. They should be stored in the refrigerator.

Eggplant blanks

Stuffed products are quite capricious and unpredictable during storage. Therefore, sellers of all sorts of pickled delicacies ferment only eggplants. Various fillings they do what is called, to the table. So how to prepare pickled ones? Boil two liters of water with two tablespoons of salt. We make two through cuts on the sides of the eggplants. Place them in boiling water. Cook for five (small) to ten minutes. Place it under the press on an inclined surface. When the blue ones become flattened and dry, cut them lengthwise. You can stop already at this stage: pack the little blue ones in cling film and put them in the freezer. But there is an alternative: pour brine and put in a warm place for three days. Then put it in the refrigerator.

Spicy filling

Pickled eggplants, according to this recipe, are prepared in the classic way. Only the filling is different. Coarsely grate four carrots and fry until soft. Chop two onions into quarter rings and fry until golden brown. Finely chop five cloves of garlic. Mix the minced meat, add salt, and add chopped fresh herbs if desired. These blue ones should be fermented for three days at room temperature.

Another filling recipe

Grind three carrots and one hundred grams of celery root on a coarse grater, and two onions - small cube. Stew vegetables in vegetable oil. Cool them, add a teaspoon of black pepper and sweet paprika. Rub the inside of each half-cut eggplant with garlic. We spread the filling. To prevent it from falling out, we tie the blue ones with thread. Place the crumbled Bay leaf and dill umbrellas. Place the blue ones on top, sprinkle with garlic and hot pepper. Fill with brine. These pickled eggplants for the winter are ready to eat within two days.

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Pickled eggplants stuffed with carrots and garlic

To prepare eggplants stuffed with carrots and garlic quickly and tasty, you will need a little time and recipes to choose from. You can cook it with or without vinegar, add hot pepper, make pickled fruits, with garlic, with herbs, roll it up for the winter or leave it in the refrigerator for storage. There are a lot of options, all you have to do is choose and cook. Below you will find recipes on how to make blue ones stuffed with onions and carrots in one day.

Eggplants stuffed with carrots for the winter without vinegar

To roll the little blue ones into jars, you first need to prepare the brine and all the ingredients, which are taken in the following proportions:

  • 2 kg medium sized eggplant
  • 1 large carrot
  • 15 fresh garlic cloves
  • Parsley or dill - to taste

For the brine, prepare:

  • 2 tbsp. l. salt (with a generous heap)
  • 3-4 bay leaves
  • 5-6 peas of allspice

Wash the blue ones well and cut off the remaining stems. Then put the eggplants in a saucepan and fill with cold water, wait for it to boil. When the water boils, add 1 tbsp. l. salt with a slide. Leave to simmer for a few more minutes.

While the water is boiling, grate the carrots on a coarse grater and chop the garlic. It is better to use a garlic crusher or a fine grater. The little blue ones are cooked, put them in glass containers. When they cool down, they begin to marinate.

Now you need to cut the eggplants in half lengthwise, but not all the way. Rub each vegetable on all sides with garlic. Do not throw away the garlic, it will be useful for brine. Layer the eggplants. Sprinkle each layer with carrots, garlic and herbs.

For brine, take 2 liters of water. Boil. Dissolve 1 tbsp. l. salt with a slide. Throw in the laurel and required quantity black peppercorns, boil for 10-15 minutes.

Pour boiling brine into the prepared vegetables and apply pressure. After 2 days, the marinade should become cloudy with an orange tint.

After a few days, you need to re-prepare the above-described brine. Place vegetables from the old marinade in sterile jars and pour fresh boiling brine over them. Boil. Let cool. Store in the top section of the refrigerator.

Whole eggplants with carrots in Korean style

  • Blue ones – 10 pcs.
  • Wash carrots – 4 large pieces.
  • Onions – 2 pcs.
  • Parsley – 2 bunches
  • Garlic – 2 heads
  • Salt – 2 tsp.
  • Black peppercorns - to taste
  • Sugar – 5 tbsp. l.
  • Sunflower oil – 1 tbsp. l.
  • 9% vinegar – 1 tbsp. l.

First, let's prepare carrots in Korean. Chop the onion into half rings and chop the garlic. Using a special Korean carrot grater, grate the root vegetable. If there is none, use the regular one coarse grater. Add chopped herbs (you can add a little cilantro if desired) and pepper. Mix table vinegar, vegetable oil, 1 tbsp. l. water and other spices. Boil and pour over carrots.

Peel the eggplants and make longitudinal cuts. Salt boiling water. Lower. Cook until soft. Stuff vegetables with carrots. Place in a container, fill with brine and press. Leave in a cool place for 2 days. Afterwards you can eat.

Delicious pickled eggplants with pickled cranberries

Recipe for 10 servings:

  • Young eggplants – 10 kg
  • Cranberries – 400 gr.
  • Carrot – 1 medium pc.
  • Garlic - to taste
  • Parsley, dill - to taste

To soak cranberries:

  • Cranberries – 400 gr.
  • Rock salt – 2 tbsp.
  • Sugar – 40 gr.
  • Allspice – 2 pcs.
  • Cloves – 2 pcs.

A month before preparing the blue ones, the cranberries need to be soaked. They use a barrel, but we will use deep containers. First you need to prepare a brine for cranberries - add a couple of grams per liter of water rock salt and 40 g sugar. Then place the cranberries (400 g) in a container with brine and gently press down with pressure so as not to damage the berries. Leave to infuse for 5 days in a cool place. Then put the berries in the cold.

Wash the little blue ones and remove the butts. Cut each eggplant into 4 equal parts. Chop the carrots into slices. Salted eggplants Place in jars, sprinkle with carrots and chopped herbs.

Now we prepare brine for eggplants - take 4 grams per 1 liter. salt and 2 gr. Sahara. Add spices to taste.

Add cranberries to the jars with eggplants and fill with fresh brine. Add to each jar table vinegar 6% (1 tbsp). Seal the jars. Then wrap them in a towel, turn them over and let them cool. Keep refrigerated.

Marinated eggplants with carrots and peppers

For the recipe you will need:

  • Eggplants – 6-7 medium pieces.
  • Carrot root – 7 pcs.
  • Apples – 8 pcs.
  • Tomatoes – 5 large pieces.
  • Red bell pepper – 7 pcs.
  • Onion – 3 pcs.; - Salt - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp. spoon - Bay leaf
  • Black peppercorns
  • Cans – 3 pcs. 1 liter each

Chop the onion and sauté in a frying pan until soft. Wash the tomatoes and chop finely, pour into a saucepan and add water. Cook over low heat.

Wash the blue ones, cut off the tails, throw them into salted boiling water, cook until tender. Remove the eggplants, place in a container for 15 minutes, cover with a lid, and wrap with a towel. The blue ones will be steamed, remove the peel. Cut the pulp into cubes. Chop peppers and apples. First, peel the apples and cut out the cores.

Add vegetables and apples to tomatoes. Throw bay leaf (6-7 leaves), salt, sugar into the mixture and mix. Sometimes they add “Mixed Peppers” seasoning or a ready-made marinade for vegetables. Simmer for 1 hour over low heat with the lid closed. It is necessary to mix. After preparing the mixture, you need to remove the bay leaf. Pour the cooled mixture into sterilized jars and roll up. Turn over and wrap until cool. Believe me, you will be surprised by the taste of salted eggplants.

Eggplant caviar with hot chili pepper

  • Little blue ones – 6 pieces
  • Medium sized tomatoes – 6 pieces
  • Red Bell pepper- 3 pieces
  • Chilean pepper – 1 pc.
  • 3 pcs. onions
  • Vegetable oil – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Salt – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp. l

Preheat the oven to 250 degrees. Bake the blue ones in the oven until done. Cool and crumble. Sauté the onion until soft. Remove the skins from the tomatoes by scalding them with boiling water. You can chop it into cubes, you can grate it. The second option is preferable, as the tomatoes will give more juice.

Pour some water into the pan and add the prepared tomatoes. Cut the bell pepper into strips or cubes, and the chili pepper into small rings. When the tomato mixture begins to boil, you need to add the remaining ingredients. Simmer for 2 hours. Cool and seal in jars.