Calorie puffed wheat. Chemical composition and nutritional value.

air wheat(see photo) is the most common product fast food. This product is great for breakfast, because it does not require much effort to make it, but despite this, it will have an excellent aroma and amazing taste. It is enough to pour a certain amount of grains into a container and pour them with milk or yogurt. Such food will be useful for children who are going to school.


In its composition, the product contains many nutrients for the body:

  • vitamins of group B, K, PP;
  • minerals (potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, sodium);
  • alimentary fiber.

The calorie content of this product is quite high, so you should not abuse it so as not to harm your health. This product may cause extra pounds .

Useful properties and harm

Beneficial features this product is not very significant. Since the product is high in calories, it helps to saturate the body with nutrients, and also helps to remove the feeling of hunger. In addition, wheat contains fiber, which contributes to the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract.

Many mothers ask themselves the question: “Is it possible to eat puffed wheat with breastfeeding? Experts do not give a definite answer. Some doctors recommend gradually introducing cereal into the diet after six months to control the infant's reaction to the product.

The only drawback is that the product contains a lot of calories, which will negatively affect health. Therefore, you need to eat such a product in moderation, so that later there is no reason to go to the doctor for advice on water. excess weight.

How to make puffed wheat at home?

Making puffed wheat at home is quite difficult, since special equipment is needed to make it. But if you have an electrical appliance for making popcorn, then you can also make puffed wheat in it with your own hands.

The recipe for a ready-made dry breakfast is quite simple. To do this, put wheat grains into the device, press the button and wait until the temperature inside reaches a high point and the grains begin to increase in volume several times.

The finished product can be poured with honey or melted chocolate to add more sweetness. Store the product in a dark place at room temperature within a few days. And the finished purchased product is stored in sealed packaging for about twelve months from the date of manufacture.

The line of ready-made breakfasts is constantly expanding. Available for sale puffed wheat, corn, rice and other products that do not require additional cooking. This is what dry breakfasts attract many parents, and children love them for pleasant taste.

Choose your recipe


Ready breakfasts are made from selected wheat grains exposed to high pressure. During the manufacturing process, cereals swell, increase in size and lose their hardness. All this leads to the fact that the output is a very light, almost weightless product that can be consumed without additional processing. By the way, the technology for the production of puffed wheat is very similar to the production of popcorn and popcorn.

Puffed wheat, like most instant breakfasts, does not require additional processing. You just need to pour the grains into a plate, pour milk or yogurt, and breakfast is ready. Some housewives use puffed wheat when creating delicious desserts. Moreover, it can act as the main ingredient, or be used to decorate the dish.

Puffed wheat is produced both with and without icing. To make the range of flavors extensive, manufacturers use different glazes: honey, chocolate, caramel. Of course, all these flavors increase the calorie content of puffed wheat. Yes, average the energy value product - 366 kcal per 100 g.

The benefits of eating puffed wheat is a very controversial issue. The fact is that this product is a source of high-quality carbohydrates, but if consumed excessively, it can provoke excess weight. A person who has eaten even a little puffed wheat quickly feels full, hunger disappears. Only in the gastrointestinal tract, this product does not stay long. But there is still a plus from puffed wheat. It contains a large number of fiber, which has a beneficial effect on the body.

If you look closely at the composition of puffed wheat, it does not please. An ingredient such as sugar catches the eye. It is found in most breakfast cereals, as this product is intended primarily for children. And the sweet taste great helper in winning the love of little consumers. Slightly less sugar oatmeal.

Some puffed wheat producers produce large quantities of honey flavored product. These breakfasts are high in sugar. But excessive consumption of such dry foods can cause dental problems in children and weight gain in adults. And in general, in order for the product to have an attractive appearance, flavorings, flavor enhancers and emulsifiers are added to it. All this does not make puffed wheat useful, but on the contrary, it can provoke an allergy.

Entering the store, just run up your eyes! What is the department worth confectionery. But more and more often, consumers prefer to buy tasty and healthy puffed wheat instead of buns and sweets. There is controversy over its low calorie content. Let's try to figure out what are useful and harmful qualities inherent in this product.

The benefits of puffed wheat

Initially, it should be said that puffed wheat is wheat grains, which are subjected to special processing and are completely ready for use. By the way, puffed wheat can be classified as a ready-made breakfast that does not require long cooking.

Thanks to special processing, in the end, wheat becomes almost weightless. After that, it is covered with honey, chocolate or caramel. It can be eaten both separately and washed down, for example, with milk. Moreover, the product can act as one of the components in the preparation of desserts and sweet dishes.

About useful qualities There is a lot of controversy about this product. But still, many nutritionists agree that puffed wheat can act as a source of quality carbohydrates. Of course, this applies only to moderate consumption of wheat.

Separately, it is worth mentioning that even a small amount of puffed wheat leads to a feeling of satiety. In this case, the appetite does not disappear. This is due to the fact that this product stays in the gastrointestinal tract for very little time.

In addition to all of the above, puffed wheat contains great amount fiber, which is known to be beneficial to human health.

Harm and contraindications

Of course, as with everything in the use of wheat, there should be a measure. At present, no particular harm to human health has been identified when using the aforementioned product. But it is natural that excessive overeating will not lead to anything good.

As mentioned above, in most cases, puffed wheat is covered with honey, caramel or chocolate. Thus, by abusing the product, you can gain a couple of extra pounds in a surprisingly short time. Do not forget that when you eat puffed wheat, you will feel full very quickly.

So, summing up, we can say that if you do not abuse this product and eat it from time to time, pampering your body delicious sweetness, then puffed wheat will definitely not bring any harm to health.

Puffed rice is parboiled rice grains that have been processed or “blown up” in a specific heat treatment process. Such a product is often used to make glazed sweet rice and dietary breads.

How is puffed rice made commercially?

AT industrial scale, puffed rice in ground sugar or caramel is made according to the following principle:

  • The "exploded" grains fall asleep in a huge pan;
  • Simultaneously with loading, sugar syrup / molasses is poured into the container;
  • As soon as the sweet substance is evenly distributed, sugar flour is poured into the kettle in small doses;
  • The process of sprinkling with powder and dousing with molasses is repeated 5-6 times. During all this time, the boiler does not stop rotating;
  • Initially, coarse powder is used, which prevents the grains from sticking, and at the end the smallest fraction is poured;
  • After the panning is completed, the rice is dried, and it turns out to be covered with glaze.

Beneficial features

The calorie content of industrial or homemade puffed rice directly depends on how much sugar, spices, caramel or syrup was used in its manufacture. If we are talking about diet bread, then there are as many calories in them as in ordinary cereals. In the case when you need to find out the calorie content of a sweet or salty product, you should study the data printed by the manufacturer on the product packaging.

Delicious puffed rice is useful to eat with such pathologies:

  • allergy;
  • disorders in salt metabolism;
  • kidney disease;
  • chronic gastritis, which develops against a background of high acidity;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • adhesive process in the intestine and problems in the work of the rectum;
  • bronchitis and asthma of the bronchial type;
  • lack or decrease in appetite;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and bladder;
  • lack of milk during breastfeeding;
  • mental fatigue, etc.

Having learned what the benefits of such a product are, it will be fair to describe the harm of puffed rice made in industrial conditions.

It is prohibited under the following health conditions:

  • diabetes;
  • constipation;
  • excess weight (consumption of bread without sugar and additives is acceptable);
  • intestinal colic and impotence.

How to make a treat in your kitchen?

Puffed rice at home can be used as an independent dessert, or be an addition to the main sweet dish.

It will require a minimum grocery set:

  • Round-grained cereals in the amount of two glasses;
  • Odorless vegetable oil. Its amount will depend on which recipe homemade puffed rice was chosen, and how the grains will behave during the cooking process.

The basic instruction on how to cook puffed rice at home is as follows:

  • Initially, rice should be boiled in a large volume of water for at least 20 minutes. In fact, it must be digested, but not allowed to stick together. As soon as the cereal reaches the desired condition, it is thrown into a colander, allowed to drain, and sent to dry on a towel;
  • Then you need to prepare a large baking sheet: heat it in the oven and line it with baking parchment. Boiled rice is spread on top of it in a thin layer, and all this is sent to the oven for 1.5, or maybe two hours. The stove should be heated to + 80- + 100 degrees;
  • Next to do airy dessert, you need to heat enough in a frying pan vegetable oil without smell. Its volume should be such that the grains in it float freely. Remember that the more oil you use, the higher the calorie content will be. finished product and its likely harm to health;
  • Further, the recipe provides for the very “gap” of rice. For this, grains are placed in small portions in a pan, and literally in a moment they are caught with a slotted spoon.

If all the recommendations are on how puffed rice is made at home, then the grains should swell very quickly. So that from the goodies maximum benefit, it must be thoroughly dried by spreading it on a paper towel. If necessary, the product can be salted or sprinkled with liquid honey.

Hostesses make grits in caramel as follows:

  • At the stage when the grains “break” in the pan and go for drying, you need to start preparing the sweet filling itself. It will require 350 g caramel candy and 80 g of margarine;
  • All products are heated in a separate vessel to a liquid state;
  • Dry grains are laid in the resulting sticky mass, everything is well mixed;
  • Balls are formed from the rice-caramel composition. They are laid out on parchment or food polyethylene, and remain on it until completely dry.

Despite the apparent simplicity, in practice, making an airy rice delicacy at home is another task that can only be solved the first time experienced chefs and confectioners. Since the price of such a product is very reasonable, it is easier to buy it than to cook it in your kitchen.