What to add to oatmeal with water. What to cook oatmeal with? Instant oatmeal with milk

It is rich in vitamins, magnesium, calcium, proteins, iron, phosphorus, carbohydrates. Oat grains contain fiber, which perfectly saturates the stomach. This product is perfectly absorbed by the body. In this article we will learn how to cook. To prevent this dish from becoming boring, you need to add honey, fruits, nuts, cream, berries, dried fruits to diversify it. Before you start cooking, use these tips: cook in the amount in which you are able to eat porridge, no need to overeat; Before cooking, rinse the oats in water, this will help get rid of the husks.

on the water

Main ingredients:

Cooking technology

Pour water into the pan. Boil. Gradually add oatmeal to a saucepan of boiling water. Reduce heat, add salt and cook for about 15 minutes, stirring constantly with a spoon. When the porridge begins to thicken, immediately turn off the heat. Cover the pan with a lid. Serve porridge with butter and honey.

on water with berries

Main ingredients:

  • berries to taste - 300 grams;
  • cereal - 1 glass;
  • sugar;
  • water - 2 glasses;
  • cinnamon;
  • butter.

Cooking technology

Pour water into a saucepan and bring to a boil. After this, pour in the cereal and stir. Cook until fully cooked for 15 minutes. Before serving, add a teaspoon of butter and sugar, mix thoroughly, garnish with berries and sprinkle with cinnamon. This dish will lift your spirits early in the morning!

How to cook oatmeal in water with chicken

Main ingredients:

  • oatmeal - 1 glass;
  • chicken fillet - 100 grams;
  • water - 2 glasses;
  • salt.

Cooking technology

First, let's prepare the chicken. Finely chop the fillet, boil in water, add salt. After 5 minutes, add oatmeal and boil the mixture, stirring occasionally. Cover with a lid and let the porridge brew. This dish can also be served for dinner.

How to cook oatmeal in the microwave

Main ingredients:

  • cereal - ½ cup;
  • water - ¾ cup;
  • ½ medium apple;
  • syrup - 3-5 tablespoons;
  • vegetable oil.

Cooking technology

Peel the apples and cut them into pieces or whatever you like. Pour oil into a small frying pan. Place apple slices. Next, pour in the syrup (we recommend rosehip). You can cook it yourself. Bring water to a boil, add sugar to the essence, preferably natural flavoring (lemon, orange zest, cinnamon, anise, etc.) to equal quantities. Simmer the apples until golden brown. Pour cereal into a plate instant cooking and mix with caramel apples. Next, pour water. Place the plate in the microwave for 2 minutes. We take out the finished porridge. Then stir and add more syrup before serving. The dish is ready, eat immediately while it is hot.

So, you have learned how to properly cook oatmeal on the stove and in the microwave. The cooking time for porridge depends on the main product. There are flakes that take a long time to cook, and there are those that can simply be steamed. Read all the information on the packaging. Now you can please yourself and your loved ones in the morning with delicious oatmeal. The cooking principle is simple.

Oatmeal is all the rage these days. Hearty and healthy, it enjoys a reputation wonderful breakfast. In terms of its nutritional benefits, oatmeal is a champion in protein and fat content. And it releases calories to the body slowly. This allows amateurs healthy eating remain in an alert state for a long time after eating and do not feel hungry.

Traditionally, oatmeal is made from cereals. It can be uncrushed or flattened or polished. Uncrushed (whole) cereal takes a long time to cook - at least 1 hour, polished - about 30 minutes.

Many people prefer to buy cereals– highly flattened, thin oat grains. They do not require much time to brew, and the thinnest flakes are simply poured with boiling water. In terms of taste and nutritional value, porridge made from oat flakes is in no way inferior to that cooked from whole kernels.

Oatmeal prepared without sugar and salt with the addition of fruits and berries is wonderful dietary product. It is especially useful for people suffering from gastric and cardiovascular diseases.

Preparing cereals

Before cooking oatmeal in water, be sure to rinse the cereal and soak it in cold water for 3-4 hours. After this, drain in a colander and let the water drain.

You can pour boiling water over the cereal and leave it covered for 2-3 hours to swell. After this, cook.

Oatmeal is never crumbly, except when it is cooked with rice. To prepare viscous porridge you will need 3.7 liters of water per 1 kg of cereal, for liquid porridge - 5.7 liters per 1 kg.

Cereal porridge


  • 2 cups oatmeal;
  • 4 glasses of water;
  • 1 teaspoon salt;
  • 50 g butter.

Place the prepared cereal in a saucepan with boiling water and cook covered over low heat for about 1 hour. The porridge must be stirred constantly. It should thicken and increase in size by approximately 3-4 times.

When the dish is cooked, add butter to it, cover with a lid and leave for a few minutes until the butter melts on its own.

Cereal porridge with dried fruits and nuts


  • 2 cups oatmeal;
  • raisins, dried apricots, prunes (a handful each);
  • walnuts (quarter cup);
  • sugar (optional).

Pour oatmeal cold water for a few minutes. Drain the water and repeat the procedure again.

Rinse dried fruits and pour boiling water over them. Chop the nuts with a knife, but not very finely.

Let the flakes cook (cooking time depends on the thickness of the flakes; it is indicated on the product packaging). After half the time required to prepare the porridge has passed, add the prepared dried fruits to it. After a couple of minutes, taste and add sugar if required.

IN ready-made porridge add nuts and stir.

Tasty, fast, healthy

Very thin oat flakes do not require cooking. They need to be poured with boiling water and left for 10-20 minutes (depending on the thickness of the flakes).

Prepare the fillings: cut apples, pears, strawberries, bananas, oranges, dried fruits.

Combine all ingredients, add nuts, sugar or honey and mix.

Porridge can be made from oatmeal or cereal. Before cooking, the cereal is soaked for several hours and cooked for quite a long time: about 30–40 minutes. But it is also the most healthy and delicious.


There are different types of flakes:

  • Extra No. 1 - thin, large and the healthiest of oat flakes. Cooking time is 15 minutes.
  • Extra No. 2 - thin flakes of a smaller size, cook for 5-10 minutes.
  • Extra No. 3 - thin and smallest, suitable for baby food. Cook quickly: 2–5 minutes.
  • Hercules - thick large flakes, steamed and therefore less healthy. Cook for about 20 minutes.
  • Petal flakes are thick flakes, but more tender than rolled oats and cook faster: about 10 minutes.

Always read the instructions on the packaging: it says exact time cooking a specific type of cereal.

In what proportions should I cook oatmeal?

Porridge can be cooked with milk or water. The volume of liquid depends on what consistency you want:

  • for liquid oatmeal, take 3–3.5 parts of liquid for 1 part of cereal or flakes;
  • for semi-viscous - proportion 1: 2.5;
  • for viscous - 1:2.

For one serving, half a glass of oatmeal or cereal is enough.

What can you add to oatmeal?

Usually porridge is cooked with sugar or honey: for one serving - about one tablespoon of sweetener. To enhance the taste, you can also add a small pinch of salt and a piece of butter.

Additional Ingredients:

  • berries, fruits and dried fruits;
  • jam;
  • candied fruit;
  • nuts;
  • chocolate or cocoa;
  • vegetables: carrots or pumpkin;
  • spices: cinnamon, cloves or others (to taste).


Heat water or milk. When the liquid begins to boil, add cereal or cereal, sweetener and a pinch of salt. Stirring, bring the porridge to a boil and reduce heat.

Cook the porridge until cooked, remembering to stir. Then remove from heat, cover and let stand for a couple of minutes. At the end, add toppings, a knob of butter and serve.


Combine oatmeal, water, sugar and salt in a plate. Place in and cook on maximum power for 1.5 minutes. Then stir the porridge and turn on the oven for another 20-40 seconds.

Make sure that the oatmeal does not escape: if it boils, it means it is almost ready. Remove the porridge and let it stand covered for a few minutes.

For cooking in microwave oven It’s better not to use milk: it runs away very quickly. It is also better to take instant cereals.


If cooking oatmeal in the morning is a feat for you, do it in the evening. Just pour the cereal fast cooking(extra No. 2 or 3) with hot milk or water, add the remaining ingredients, cool until room temperature, cover with a lid and put in the refrigerator. Overnight, the oatmeal will absorb all the liquid and the porridge will be ready. In the morning, all you have to do is heat it in the microwave.


  • 2 cups of cereal;
  • 4 glasses of water;
  • 4 glasses of milk;
  • 1 teaspoon salt;
  • 2-3 tbsp. spoons of butter;
  • a handful of raisins and dried apricots;


  1. Cooked from steamed uncrushed oatmeal viscous porridge, pureed soups and puddings. Uncrushed cereal differs in the duration of cooking; to speed up cooking, pre-soak it in cold water for 1.5-2 hours.
  2. After soaking, the cereal is first thrown into a sieve and then boiled for about 2 hours.
  3. In order to prepare porridge, oatmeal prepared in this way must be poured into boiling water and brought to a boil.
  4. Remove the pan from the heat, close the lid tightly and leave for 2-3 hours for the cereal to swell.
  5. Then drain the cereal in a colander or sieve. As soon as the water has drained, transfer the cereal to boiling milk, add salt and cook over low heat, stirring, until thickened.
  6. Add butter, raisins and dried apricots to the prepared hot porridge.

How long to cook oatmeal

IMPORTANT: To cook oats, you need to rinse the crushed oatmeal under water. Place in a saucepan. Pour boiling water for 4 hours, and then cook for 30 minutes. Whole oatmeal must be cooked for 2 hours.

Cereal grains contain proteins, fiber, amino acids necessary for our body, essential oils, vitamins B1, B2, B6, K. Oats are a good remedy for removing toxins from the body, improving metabolism, removing harmful substances from the body and increasing immunity. Juices and drinks made from oats have a strengthening and normalizing effect in case of nervous exhaustion, help with various sleep disorders and lack of appetite after illness. IN oatmeal contained alimentary fiber"beta-glucans", which prevent the development of heart-related diseases.

The calorie content of oats per 100 grams is 300 kcal.

ABOUT beneficial properties oatmeal in the morning has been written and said a lot. Oatmeal used in medicinal purposes and in dietary nutrition. There are 3 main components that make up the benefits of this product:

  • Rolled oats are crushed, flattened whole oat grains. The cereal is high in fiber (rough fiber), which stimulates digestion. Coarse fiber enters the gastrointestinal tract, swells there, forms soft feces and removes everything unnecessary from the body.
  • Oatmeal contains a lot of phosphorus, and it is an integral part of molecules that transfer energy. Without phosphorus, these molecules are not formed, and the body lacks energy.
  • By regularly eating oatmeal in the morning, we reduce the risk of atherosclerosis, strokes and heart attacks, because oatmeal reduces cholesterol levels in the body.

But! Here you need to remember that only oatmeal in pure form, filled with water and nothing else. Milk or kefir, even with minimal fat content, is already cholesterol. Cereals(regular, not instant) useful to pour water or skim milk. Therefore, you are absolutely right in being interested in the question, how to cook oatmeal exactly on the water, not milk. It's healthier! And the Cheat Sheet will tell you several recipes 😉

Recipe No. 1


  • 1 cup oatmeal,
  • 1.5 glasses of water,
  • 1 banana or any other fruit or berries,
  • a handful of nuts,
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of honey.

Preparation step by step:

  1. Pour a glass of cereal into a small saucepan or bowl.
  2. Fill with water.
  3. We put it on fire.
  4. Cook the porridge over low heat for 5 minutes, stirring constantly.
  5. Turn off and let the porridge brew for another 2 minutes.
  6. Add pieces of fruit, berries, nuts (to taste), and honey to the porridge.
  7. Mix thoroughly. Ready!

Note: Cooking time for cereal depends on the brand and manufacturer. As a rule, the cooking time is indicated on the cereal package. Don’t be lazy to look 😉 AND THE LONGER the cooking time, the more water required. For 1 cup of cereal, 1.5 - 2 cups of water is usually enough. There is also this measure: you should always take 2 times more water than oatmeal.

Recipe No. 2


  • 1 cup oatmeal,
  • 2 glasses of water (take 2 times more than oatmeal),
  • a pinch of salt.


  1. Pour water into a saucepan, put on fire and bring to a boil.
  2. Add a pinch of salt to boiling water.
  3. Pour in the flakes, bring to a boil again and reduce heat to low.
  4. Cook, stirring, for 5-10 minutes (we recommend checking the cooking time on the package).
  5. During cooking, foam, if it forms, must be skimmed off.
  6. After 10 minutes, turn off the gas, cover with a lid and let the porridge brew for another 5-10 minutes.
  7. To taste, add honey, nuts, kiwi, persimmon, pear, apple, bananas (pieces).

Recipe No. 3


  • 1 glass of cereal,
  • 3 glasses of water,
  • 0.5 teaspoons salt,


  1. Pour 1 cup of cereal into a saucepan,
  2. Pour out 3 glasses of water,
  3. Salt.
  4. We put it on fire.
  5. After boiling, cook the porridge for 10 minutes, stirring constantly.
  6. Turn off the heat and let stand covered for another 10 minutes.
  7. Add honey, dried fruits and butter to taste.
  8. Bon appetit!

Recipe No. 4

Very interesting recipe Cooking oatmeal in a mug in the microwave in 5 minutes! True, in original recipe milk is added. We need cook oatmeal in water, so we will add water or skimmed milk. The advantage of this recipe is that cooking in the microwave saves time in the morning. He put it in the oven and went about his business. So now about that how to cook.


  • half a glass of water or skim milk,
  • 3 tbsp oatmeal,
  • salt, sugar or honey - to taste.


  1. Take a deep glass bowl, mug or bowl.
  2. Mix water (or milk) and cereal in a bowl.
  3. Microwave for 5 minutes (time may vary).
  4. The finished porridge can be supplemented with nuts, berries or jam.

Have you already tried cooking oatmeal in water? We will be glad if you share your recipes in the comments below 😉