Adyghe salt is a useful spice, we do it ourselves. Adyghe salt: benefit and harm

I have been making all my own seasoning mixes for cooking. various dishes. Firstly, I do it to my liking, and secondly, I pay much less for a set of seasonings, and I have in my set exactly my favorite seasonings, and not that a large number of salt and a minimum of seasonings, which are packaged in beautiful bags. I buy seasonings, not mixtures!. Of course, the savings are small, but we are economical!
Several options are in the post.
Today I will show - Adyghe salt.
What is Adyghe salt?

Adyghe salt is the Pearl of Caucasian cuisine, it is not for nothing that this people is famous for its centenarians. It is prepared according to various recipes, whose roots go deep into the centuries of Adyghe cuisine.
Adyghe salt, as a mixture of spices with this mineral, gives any dish a unique special taste, while it can be consumed many times less than ordinary table salt.

The benefits of Adyghe salt

The main benefit of Adyghe salt lies, due to its rich composition, in saturating any dish with various vitamins. The main elements included in the Adyghe salt are the mineral itself and garlic itself, seasonings and spices are additional substances.

In ancient times, garlic was used as a prophylactic against various diseases, including for the treatment itself. It is known that it has bactericidal properties and is able to strengthen the immune system.

Seasonings and spices also contain a storehouse of vitamins and microelements, because the benefits of spices and seasonings, including those used in medical purposes everyone has heard a lot. Therefore, all this together gives the dish usefulness, an unforgettable taste and a pleasant aroma.

It must be said that the garlic aroma does not leave an aftertaste, as seasonings and spices neutralize all its smell.

Harm of Adyghe salt

The harm of the Adyghe salt lies only in its abuse. The correct dosage of the mineral, which is about a third of a teaspoon per day, will never harm a person.

Adyghe salt allows you to reduce the amount of consumption of regular salt by 15%, and sometimes by several times, while not worsening palatability cooked dishes, and this is many times more beneficial for our body.

Thus, experiment, prepare healthy Adyghe salt, which helps to reduce the quality of the use of ordinary, in large quantities really bad for human body. Better yet, cook it yourself at home and from fresh and healthy spices, and of course be healthy, which is what I wish you.

I sometimes buy this one in a store (when I’m too lazy to make it myself, it’s delicious, but I can’t compare it with my own!

In fact, there are many recipes for Adyghe salt, and since it can be prepared easily at home, here any housewife can show maximum creativity. The fact is that you can choose spices and seasonings according to your taste and generally modify the product at your discretion.

And so what is needed:
coarse edible salt (or sea salt - at your discretion), some prefer fine grinding - 250-300g
a head of garlic or two if desired (I have peeled garlic-50g);
a tablespoon of ground coriander seeds, suneli hops, basil, dill, parsley, savory, marjoram;
a teaspoon of black ground pepper and paprika;
half a teaspoon of red hot ground pepper.

All doses of ingredients can be changed depending on taste preferences, this also applies to seasonings, some can be excluded or some can be added.

We clean the garlic, squeeze it through a garlic press or grate it, or chop it in a blender. We mix garlic with salt (it can be rock, iodized, sea salt) and spices, and seasonings.

The mixture must be thoroughly crushed and rubbed, the product will turn out to be wet from garlic. That's all! Adyghe salt is ready, place it in glass jars with a well-twisted lid.
It is stored for as long as you need. It just sits in a closet. Special thermal conditions for its storage are not required!
Once again, I draw your attention to the fact that SALT is WET (it remains so until the end!)

In the seasoning departments, eyes run wide from the abundance of beautiful jars, bags and beautiful labels. Sometimes, among this frightening amount of additives with which we are encouraged to actively flavor ready-made or preparing dishes, packages with an interesting inscription flicker:

Of course, calling it the "favorite product of Caucasian centenarians", as some fans of this food supplement do, is overkill. But the fact that Adyghe housewives cannot do without it is an indisputable fact.
Adyghe salt is salt and garlic, with various seasonings and spices, such as dill, coriander, parsley, chaman, jata, savory, black pepper, red Bell pepper, etc. Here, salt is not just mixed with herbs, but prepared in such a way that ordinary crystals table salt absorbed beneficial features garlic, spices, seasonings and through them are transferred to dishes.

Any cereals on water and even without oil, flavored with Adyghe salt, become tasty and fragrant. Purchased seasonings smell artificially, they quickly get bored. They are far from real Adyghe salt: an ordinary piece of bread sprinkled with Adyghe salt can be a good breakfast.

Adyghe salt is equally indispensable in the preparation of fish, seafood, legumes and other vegetables, cereals, eggs, as well as soups, hot dishes, stews, stews, grilled and baked meats, marinades, pickles, preservation, all kinds of salads and other cold and warm snacks.
Spicy garlic salt can be diluted with unsalted broth, koumiss, sour cream, kefir, natural yogurt and serve as a sauce or an independent snack for sandwiches, pita bread, croutons and other bakery products. All products are filled with a piquant aroma that stimulates the appetite, and the healing components of the mixture contribute to the activation of digestion processes.

At the Adyghe salt interesting story. In the villages of Adygea, in every Adyghe family, there was a large flat stone and a round cobblestone - this is a machine for making salt, which is made on the basis of garlic.

In fact, there are many recipes for Adyghe salt, because. any housewife can show maximum creativity. You can choose spices and seasonings according to your taste and generally modify the product at your discretion.

So what is needed:

Coarse edible salt (or sea salt), some prefer fine grinding - 500-400g
head of garlic or optionally two (peeled garlic, about 50g);
a tablespoon of ground coriander seeds, suneli hops, basil, dill, cilantro, parsley, savory, marjoram, thyme and other herbs (optional);
a teaspoon of black ground pepper and sweet paprika;
half a teaspoon of red hot ground pepper.

All doses of ingredients can also be changed depending on taste preferences, some can be excluded or some can be supplemented. You can independently adjust the amount of spices. For example, you can reduce the number hot pepper, increase the amount of paprika, or otherwise modify the recipe to your liking.

The recipe is this:
We clean the garlic, squeeze it through a garlic press or grate it, or chop it in a blender. The best option is to grind in a mortar. Mix garlic with salt, spices and seasonings.
Add black and red hot ground pepper, ground coriander (or even better, if you take and grind the coriander yourself, then there will be a real aroma) on the tip of a knife. Pepper is sprinkled a lot so that the salt is spicy. A little coriander, so as not to overdo it, otherwise it clogs all the flavors. All other herbs are added as desired.
The mixture must be thoroughly crushed and rubbed, the product will turn out wet from garlic, but will acquire a loose consistency.

Adyghe salt is ready, place it in glass jars with a well-twisted lid. It is stored for as long as you need. Special thermal conditions for its storage are not required: it can stand in a cabinet, or in a salt shaker on the table.
The wisdom of the people is amazing. spicy salt among the Adyghes, it contributed to the preservation of health: garlic has a bactericidal and antiascarid effect. And appears a good idea: crush and preserve the garlic with salt.
It is also important: Adyghe salt gives the dishes a unique flavor, but at the same time, the smell of garlic will not come from you.

As a result, we have a very useful, rich in vitamins and delicious product which is used in the preparation of many dishes. Moreover, Adyghe salt allows you to reduce the amount of consumption of ordinary salt by 15-20%, and sometimes at times, while not worsening the taste of prepared dishes, which is much more beneficial for our body. Using it, you will not only enjoy the discovery of a new bright range of flavors, but you will also imperceptibly salt your food less, which is an excellent prevention of all pathologies. of cardio-vascular system, joint diseases and swelling.

There is not a single analogue of the Adyghe salt in world cuisine. The recipe for making such salt is directly related to the traditions of the national Adygea. And no matter what you cook, your dish will always be juicy and tasty, and most importantly - useful for the body. But what is the Adyghe salt? What is its use? How to cook it at home yourself? The Pizhonka magazine will tell you all the information in detail.

What is Adyghe salt?

Adyghe salt is a mixture of salt and garlic. Seasonings and spices such as dill, parsley, coriander, jata, chaman, black pepper, savory, red bell pepper, etc. are added to these two ingredients. During cooking, the ingredients are mixed with salt so that it absorbs all the beneficial properties garlic and spices, which are transferred to the cooked dish.

The benefits of Adyghe salt

Firstly, Adyghe salt enriches each dish with many vitamins that it has in its composition. After all, probably everyone knows that garlic has been used since ancient times for the treatment of many diseases. In addition, it has antibacterial properties and perfectly strengthens the immune system. Spices, in turn, contain useful trace elements in their composition.

Secondly, a dish seasoned with Adyghe salt gets a pleasant aroma and an unforgettable taste. Please note that the smell of garlic is not felt at all, it is absorbed by the added spices. As a rule, Adyghe salt is used in the preparation of salads, soups, cereals, croutons, fish, salting and marinating meat and vegetables.

Thirdly, when salting a dish of Adyghe salt, you need much less than usual. In laboratory studies, it was proved that one dish of Adyghe salt needs 15% less than ordinary salt. rock salt. And this means that the body will get right amount salt.

How to cook Adyghe salt in

Adyghe salt can be bought without problems in almost any supermarket. It's easy enough to make that you can even make your own at home.

table salt - 500 g;
garlic - 1 head;
suneli hops, ground coriander, dried cilantro, dill, parsley, basil, marjoram, savory - 1 tbsp each;
ground black pepper, red sweet ground pepper - 1/2 tsp each;
red hot ground pepper - 1/2 tsp

The amount of seasonings and spices depends on your taste preferences. For example, if you like spicy food, then the amount of hot pepper can be increased.

Garlic must be peeled and passed through the garlic (you can just finely chop). Spices and salt itself must be added to it. The resulting composition must be thoroughly rubbed, and then crushed. Don't be afraid that the salt will get a little wet. That's the way it should be.

Adyghe salt can only be stored in tightly sealed glass jars.

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Inga Polonskaya.

From the depths of centuries came to us amazing product for health - Adyghe salt - a mixture of table or sea ​​salt with crushed garlic and a whole bunch of aromatic spices for food: paprika, thyme (thyme), coriander (cilantro), parsley, suneli hops, dill, hot red and black pepper, jata, chaman, etc.

Thanks to the ancient traditions of the Adyghe national cuisine we can still enjoy the exquisite aroma and spicy notes of dishes seasoned with garlic salt - one of essential products Caucasian centenarians. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of the Adyghe salt in cooking, because experienced chefs they will tell you with confidence that the taste characteristics finished products, in the formulation of which this product is present, differ significantly for the better.

The use of Adyghe salt in cooking

Adyghe salt is equally indispensable in the preparation of fish, seafood, legumes and other vegetables, cereals, eggs, as well as soups, hot dishes, stews, stews, grilled and baked meats, marinades, pickles, preservation, all kinds of salads and other cold and warm snacks.

Spicy garlic salt can be diluted with unsalted broth, koumiss, sour cream, kefir, natural yogurt and served as a sauce or an independent snack for sandwiches, pita bread, croutons and other bakery products. All products are filled with a piquant aroma that stimulates the appetite, and the healing components of the mixture contribute to the activation of digestion processes.

In addition to the invaluable health benefits, thanks to healing properties garlic and natural herbs, the Adyghe mixture reduces the amount of salt consumed per day, which is an excellent prevention of all pathologies of the cardiovascular system, joint diseases, swelling, and obesity. Adyghe salt saturated with aromatic components must be added to culinary masterpieces significantly less than the usual table salt (by 12-15%), while the taste characteristics of the food do not decrease at all, and the taster does not feel the need to add salt to the food.

Where to find Adyghe salt?

Buying a product in supermarkets or ordering online is not difficult. Many manufacturers have adopted such a valuable food product for health. It is believed that it is cheaper to buy a factory-made mixture than to prepare it yourself, since the cost of natural spices is quite high, and not all of them can be found in one outlet.

How to cook Adyghe salt at home?

However experienced housewives, who care about the health of all family members, and experienced chefs who adhere to the principles of rational nutrition, prepare Adyghe salt personally, trying different variations and experimenting with seasonings, while taking into account the taste preferences of the people to whom the dishes will be served.

Recipe for making Adyghe salt (one of the many existing options):

1. Peel 2 cloves of garlic and crush in a ceramic or glass mortar into a homogeneous pulp.

2. Add the following spices to the pureed mass:

  • one tablespoon each - crushed coriander seeds, suneli hops, dried coriander, basil, parsley, marjoram, dill and thyme;
  • one teaspoon each of freshly ground black pepper and paprika powder;
  • a coffee spoon of freshly ground red (hot) pepper.

3. Add garlic-spicy mixture to ½ kg of sea edible salt and grind in a mortar as thoroughly as possible.

Ready Adyghe salt has a wet, but loose consistency. The amount of herbs can be adjusted by adding new ingredients, replacing those described in the recipe, or increasing / decreasing their quantity. For example, lovers spicy dishes the amount of red pepper can be increased. And fans of garlic can add not 2, but 4 onions. The resulting composition is transferred from the prepared container for further use for culinary purposes.

Home-cooked Adyghe salt, regardless of the spices that you added to it, can be stored without loss of quality long time However, be sure to store the product in a tightly sealed glass or ceramic container. According to reviews experienced chefs Those who have tried a dish with Adyghe salt will remember its taste forever and will try to use only this salty-aromatic mixture in the future. Bon appetit to you unique product centenarians!

Adyghe salt is a favorite product of Caucasian centenarians

There are no analogues of the Adyghe salt in world cuisine, the recipe for its preparation is associated with the ancient traditions of the national cuisine of Adygea. Everything that you cook with this salt, from scrambled eggs to barbecue, will be juicy, tasty, soft and most importantly - very healthy. What is Adyghe salt? Why is it useful? And how to prepare such salt at home?

Adyghe salt is salt and garlic, with various seasonings and spices, such as dill, coriander, parsley, chaman, jata, savory, black pepper, red sweet pepper, etc. But the salt is not just mixed with them, but cooked in this way that crystals of ordinary table salt have absorbed the beneficial properties of garlic, spices, seasonings and are transferred to dishes through them.

What is useful Adyghe salt?
Such salt, due to its composition, enriches dishes with vitamins.
Garlic has been used since ancient times for the prevention and treatment of many diseases. It has antibacterial properties, strengthens the immune system. Spices and seasonings are filled useful trace elements, vitamins.
It gives the dish a pleasant aroma and unique taste.
The smell of garlic in the Adyghe salt is not felt, it is removed by spices and seasonings. A dish prepared with such salt becomes tastier. It is used instead of ordinary salt in the preparation of crackers, salads, cereals, soups, fish, in salting and pickling vegetables and meat.
Adyghe salt is required for salting dishes less than usual.
It has been proven by laboratory studies conducted at the Federal Center for Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance in the Republic of Adygea that using Adyghe salt, dishes need to be salted less than usual by 12-15%, and this has a beneficial effect on health.
How to cook Adyghe salt at home?

Adyghe salt is sold in large supermarkets, but it can be made quite easily at home.

500 g of regular table salt (preferably iodized or sea salt)
1 head of garlic (you can use 2 if you like garlic).
1 st. l. suneli hops, ground coriander (seeds), dried cilantro, dill, parsley, basil (regan), marjoram, savory
1 tsp ground black pepper, red sweet ground (paprika)
0.5 tsp red hot ground pepper.
Adjust the amount and composition of spices depending on your taste preferences, for example, who likes it spicier, you can increase the red ground pepper.

We take the garlic and peel it, then chop it with a garlic crusher or grater, you can just chop it very finely. Add spices and salt to garlic. The resulting mixture should be thoroughly rubbed and crushed. It will turn out wet from garlic loose salt.
It is better to store Adyghe salt in a tightly screwed lid. glass jar in a dry place.

Of course, I immediately ran to the kitchen and began to prepare this wonderful salt.
My version:
1 glass of salt.
1 head of garlic
0.5 tsp red ground pepper
0.5 tsp ground black pepper
0.5 tsp ground coriander
Mix all ingredients. And you're done.

That's what I did.

Was happy with the result.
Down with common salt Long live the "Adyghe"!