What does vs mean in cognac. Secrets of XO and VSOP brandy classification

Each person approaches the choice of alcoholic beverages in general and cognac in particular, taking into account his personal preferences. In addition to your own taste sensations, attention is usually paid to the manufacturer, brand and aging.

Everyone is familiar with the stars that decorate the labels of domestically produced cognacs. However, the mysterious letters XO, VS, VSOP are indicated on foreign-made bottles. Decoding these abbreviations causes difficulties for many not very sophisticated connoisseurs elite drink.

Let's clarify this issue.

French roots

To begin with, it should be noted that cognac is a product that is produced exclusively in France. All other drinks, according to international economic agreements, have no right to bear this name. Therefore, decoding VS, VSOP, XO and other abbreviations for alcoholic beverages in Armenia or Georgia is not required. All necessary information, from the aging period to the location of the spill, is indicated on the label and is absolutely clear to everyone.

By the way, the production technology of the varieties of alcoholic beverages under consideration is absolutely identical. Therefore, whether it is stars or VSOP, the decoding indicates one thing - how many years it was aged in special barrels.

The only thing I would like to additionally mention is the careful and reverent attitude of the French towards this national drink. They carefully monitor compliance with all quality standards, regardless of the XO, VS, VSOP combinations. No decoding is required, you can simply enjoy the unsurpassed taste.

Production technology

As you know, the basis of cognac is grape alcohol. However, it achieves true taste and bouquet only after a certain aging time, which takes place in special oak barrels.

During this process original product undergoes great amount various transformations. Some substances evaporate from it, spoiling the taste of the final drink. The organic material of the barrel walls gives the drink a taste appreciated by everyone.

These natural processes occur at a very low speed. Therefore, the process of creating a truly elite drink can take many years. The minimum period required for alcohol poured into barrels to bear the proud name of cognac is at least one and a half years. Only after this does it acquire soft velvety notes with a light aroma of oak and the color of mahogany.

My years are my wealth

Previously, each manufacturer created its own labeling system, which was indicated on bottles of cognac. Therefore, it was very difficult to establish how many years a particular drink was aged in special ones.

Only after the creation of the National French Bureau, which was responsible for the production of cognac in this country, were the combinations XO, VSOP, VS invented, the decoding of which no longer causes difficulties for anyone and indicates the age of the drink.


Any specialist is able to taste all the changes that occur in cognac alcohol at the very beginning of its maturation. Therefore, the combinations VS or VSOP, the decoding of which is so interesting for inexperienced buyers, are not very important for him. The main purpose of these abbreviations is to distinguish drinks whose aging period is approaching 10 years.

This is especially true for monitoring the production process and the quality of finished products.

So, the following periods of exposure are distinguished:

    XO - the aging period of cognac spirit in an oak barrel must exceed 6 years;

    VVSOP - the manufacturing process of this drink takes at least 5 years;

    VSOP - the drink ends up in bottles after 4 years of aging;

    VS - the minimum shelf life in an oak barrel is 2 years.


Finally, we note that the aging time of cognac is calculated from the first of April of the year following the bottling. Therefore, in most cases, the duration of the drink in barrels is slightly longer than indicated on the label, which has a beneficial effect on its taste.

More aristocratic and noble drink In the world, you most likely will not be able to find anything other than natural French cognac. However, in addition to personal preferences in terms of taste and smell, a true connoisseur will definitely pay attention to labeling and aging, which is extremely important. Moreover, just by looking at the label, a connoisseur will immediately determine, for example, what cognac means XO, VS, VSOP, and so on. Let's figure it out together...

Classification of cognac

A person on the street, who was previously very superficially familiar with cognac, the technology of its production, as well as the characteristics of its use, will find it extremely difficult to figure out from the start what the age of this noble drink is. That is, to understand how many years this liquid spent in an oak barrel before it reached the consumer’s table.

Only a few people in the world can calculate the approximate age by taste, color, smell and other indicators, and for the rest, labels have been invented on which all the necessary information is indicated.

Cognac age

If you really want to become a connoisseur and gourmet, it doesn’t hurt to first understand that the age, or rather, aging of cognac is considered exactly until it is poured from the barrel into a glass container, most often into a bottle. At this moment, he instantly stops “aging” and no matter how many years pass, he will remain exactly the same as before.

In fact, purchasing cognac by an ignorant person is a bit like buying a lottery ticket, because you never know for sure whether you will be lucky or not.

It’s the same with cognac, because they seem to flicker famous name and brands like Remy Martin or Hennessy, and beautiful markings in large letters VSOP, XO, but what all this Chinese letter means is not at all clear. On the other hand, there are also more modest markings, such as KV, KS, OS and others, which also would not hurt to study.

French roots, technology and endurance

Cognac was originally invented by French winemakers after they learned to double distill the young wine. grape wine special varieties into the purest distillate and store it tightly sealed in oak barrels for many years. It is in these barrels that the drink acquires its unique color, amazing aroma and stunning taste.

But the markings on the labels do not mean anything new or unclear, but simply indicate its age. For example, VSOP cognac, what does this marking mean, what does it refer to and how to understand what kind of drink is in front of you? You need to start understanding with the fact that cognac can only come from France, this is enshrined in the law, no other drinks can be called that.

There are some exceptions, for example, Armenian cognac, the quality of which is controlled by a French company. Anyway, such a drink has its own labeling and it is not permissible to use French standards here.

A company called the French National Interprofessional Bureau of Cognacs is assigned to strictly ensure that the original labels XO, VSOP, VS are observed.

Age of cognacs on various scales

So how can you make the right choice and take exactly the bottle that is definitely distinguished by high quality, long aging, and, consequently, a special smell and taste.

First of all, you can judge the aging by the stars on the label; behind each of them lies exactly ten months spent by the drink in a sealed oak barrel.

It is remarkable that the start of aging of cognac always begins at the same time, namely from one o’clock in the morning on the first of April of each year, when the raw materials should already be processed, and the grape distillate should be cleaned and poured into containers for aging.

Thus, there cannot be less than three stars on the label, since the minimum aging period for ordinary cognac is at least thirty months. However, in addition to the classification by aging, which we will discuss below, there are other designations that you can see on French bottles, so it won’t hurt to familiarize yourself with them in order to be fully prepared for surprises.

WITH(Cognac) - cognac.

E(Special) - special.

ABOUT(Old) - old.

V(Very) - very.

S(Superior) - excellent.

P(Pale) - pale.

X(Extra) - extra.

If you are planning to become a fine connoisseur of French cognacs, it would not hurt to understand this all in more detail, find out, for example, what VS cognac means, so as not to lose face at a dinner party or reception.

Authentic French markings

Without trying, you can only judge superficially the qualities of a particular drink. However, when it comes to real French cognac, then from what is written on the label one can already conclude what properties and qualities are inherent in this version of alcohol, provided that it is original and not a fake.

It won’t be at all difficult to figure it out, you just need to want to, since everything here is limited to four or five letters.

The easiest way to answer is what it means VS on cognac and this means that we are talking about a drink aged in an oak barrel for at least two and a half years. Also, such alcohol is called Trois Etoiles, that is, “three stars.”

Second marking option V.O. means Very Old or Reserve, which translates as very old. This cognac is called three-year-old.

Decoding cognac VSOP- Very Superior Old Pale. This means that this is a very old cognac, aged for at least four years, but often much longer. Because VSOP in cognac is not at all difficult to understand.

Another question: what does it mean? VVSOP on cognac and how is this translated? There is nothing complicated here either, Very-Very Superior Old Pale or Grande Reserve means very, very old cognac, high-quality and light, aged for at least five years.

It remains to figure out what cognac means XO, but there won’t be any difficulties here either. Extra Old is a very old cognac, the aging of which has reached six years or more, which in itself already inspires respect.

Anything that is older, by the standards of professionals, cannot be classified, even if it has been in a barrel for twenty or thirty years. Experts believe that such high deadlines cannot guarantee blending. Therefore, it was decided to prohibit the labeling of cognac older than six years at the legislative level.


Many people mistakenly believe that the words on the labels of French cognac, like Extra, Napoleon or Grand Reserve, are brands and names, but in reality this is not the case. This is a marking of the drink by age and classification, but not a personal name or the name of the manufacturing company.

Cognac aging according to the Soviet scale

It is impossible to call domestic drinks completely natural, since cognac can be French and nothing else.

However, in Soviet times, and even now, the creation of similar drinks was popular, among which Armenian cognac was especially famous, the quality of which was truly recognized by the most outstanding winemakers in France.

Since there is a huge offer on the market, and the quality of the drink is really high, it would not hurt to also study the domestic classification of cognacs, which was invented and put into effect in Soviet times. It still works to this day.

Most often, alcohol is marked with stars; they appear one per year, and minimum shutter speed is considered three years. Ordinary cognacs from the times of the USSR can have from one to five stars.

Vintage cognacs were considered more elite and expensive, the classification of which should be understood in more detail. For example, it’s interesting to know what KV cognac means and what it indicates, so it’s worth studying everything from this point in quite some detail.

HF- aged cognac - a drink that has been aged for at least six years.

KVVK- aged cognac of the highest quality - alcoholic drink, the aging of which exceeded eight years.

KS- old cognac - this means that the drink is about ten, or even more, years old.

OS- very old - cognac, which continued to age in oak barrels in cellars and cellars in Armenia for twenty years or more. These are the most elite varieties, the price of which sometimes outshines the French ones. original drinks.

Anything that is aged even longer is considered a collectible alcoholic beverage and is unlikely to be intended for simply sharing a bottle with friends, because it will cost a fortune, which means you need an appropriate occasion.

Thus, even without tasting the alcohol, you can already imagine how the contents of the bottle differ and whether it is worth paying for it the price indicated on the label.

What is XO, VS, VSOP? Cognacs and how they differ.
XO, VS, VSOP. Let's find out what they mean

Classification of cognac
It is most likely impossible to find a more aristocratic and noble drink in the world than natural French cognac. However, in addition to personal preferences in terms of taste and smell, a true connoisseur will definitely pay attention to labeling and aging, which is extremely important. Moreover, just by looking at the label, a connoisseur will immediately determine, for example, what cognac means XO, VS, VSOP, and so on. Let's figure it out together...
It will be extremely difficult for a person on the street to figure out from the start what the age of this noble drink is. That is, to understand how many years this liquid spent in an oak barrel before it reached the consumer’s table.
Only a few people in the world can calculate the approximate age by taste, color, smell and other indicators, and for the rest, labels have been invented on which all the necessary information is indicated.

Cognac age
If you really want to become a connoisseur and gourmet, it doesn’t hurt to first understand that the age, or rather, aging of cognac is considered exactly until it is poured from the barrel into a glass container, most often into a bottle. At this moment, he instantly stops “aging” and no matter how many years pass, he will remain exactly the same as before.
In fact, purchasing cognac by an ignorant person is a bit like buying a lottery ticket, because you never know for sure whether you will be lucky or not.
It’s the same with cognac, because well-known names and brands like Remy Martin or Hennessy seem to flash, and beautiful markings in large letters VSOP, XO, but what all this Chinese letter means is not at all clear. On the other hand, there are also more modest markings, such as KV, KS, OS and others, which also would not hurt to study.

French roots, technology and endurance
Cognac was originally invented by French winemakers after they learned to double-distill young grape wine of special varieties into the purest distillate and store it tightly sealed in oak barrels for many years. It is in these barrels that the drink acquires its unique color, amazing aroma and stunning taste.
But the markings on the labels do not mean anything new or unclear, but simply indicate its age. For example, VSOP cognac, what does this marking mean, what does it refer to and how to understand what kind of drink is in front of you? You need to start understanding with the fact that cognac can only come from France, this is enshrined in the law, no other drinks can be called that.
There are some exceptions, for example, Armenian cognac, the quality of which is controlled by a French company. Anyway, such a drink has its own labeling and it is not permissible to use French standards here.
A company called the French National Interprofessional Bureau of Cognacs is assigned to strictly ensure that the original labels XO, VSOP, VS are observed.

Age of cognacs on various scales

So how can you make the right choice and take exactly the bottle that is definitely distinguished by high quality, long aging, and, consequently, a special smell and taste.

First of all, you can judge the aging by the stars on the label; behind each of them lies exactly ten months spent by the drink in a sealed oak barrel.

It is remarkable that the start of aging of cognac always begins at the same time, namely from one o’clock in the morning on the first of April of each year, when the raw materials should already be processed, and the grape distillate should be cleaned and poured into containers for aging.

Thus, there cannot be less than three stars on the label, since the minimum aging period for ordinary cognac is at least thirty months. However, in addition to the classification by aging, which we will discuss below, there are other designations that you can see on French bottles, so it won’t hurt to familiarize yourself with them in order to be fully prepared for surprises.

C (Cognac) – cognac.

E (Special) – special.

O (Old) – old.

V (Very) – very.

S (Superior) – excellent.

P (Pale) – pale.

X (Extra) – extra.

If you are planning to become a fine connoisseur of French cognacs, it would not hurt to understand this all in more detail, find out, for example, what VS cognac means, so as not to lose face at a dinner party or reception.

Excerpt in French and authentic French markings

Without trying, you can only judge superficially the qualities of a particular drink. However, when it comes to real French cognac, then from what is written on the label one can already conclude what properties and qualities are inherent in this version of alcohol, provided that it is original and not a fake.

It won’t be at all difficult to figure it out, you just need to want to, since everything here is limited to four or five letters.

The easiest way to answer is what it means VS on cognac and this means that we are talking about a drink, seasoned in an oak barrel at least two and a half years. This type of alcohol is also called Trois Etoiles, that is "three stars".

Second marking option VO means Very Old or Reserve, which translates to very old. This cognac is called three-year-old.

Decoding cognac VSOP - Very Superior Old Pale. This means that this is a very old cognac, aged for at least four years, but often much more. Because VSOP in cognac is not at all difficult to understand.

Another question: what does it mean? VVSOP on cognac and how is this translated? There is nothing complicated here either, Very-Very Superior Old Pale or Grande Reserve means very, very old cognac, high quality and light, aged for at least five years.

It remains to figure out what cognac means XO, but there won’t be any difficulties here either. Extra Old is a very old cognac, aged six years or more, which in itself already inspires respect.

Anything that is older, by the standards of professionals, cannot be classified, even if it has been in a barrel for twenty or thirty years. Experts believe that such high deadlines cannot guarantee blending. Therefore, it was decided to prohibit the labeling of cognac older than six years at the legislative level.


Many people mistakenly believe that the words on the labels of French cognac, like Extra, Napoleon or Grand Reserve, are brands and names, but in reality this is not the case. This is a marking of the drink by age and classification, but not a personal name or the name of the manufacturing company.

Cognac aging according to the Soviet scale
It is impossible to call domestic drinks completely natural, since cognac can be French and nothing else.
However, in Soviet times, and even now, the creation of similar drinks was popular, among which Armenian cognac was especially famous, the quality of which was truly recognized by the most outstanding winemakers in France.
Since there is a huge offer on the market, and the quality of the drink is really high, it won’t hurt to also study the domestic classification of cognacs, which was invented and put into effect in Soviet times. It still works to this day.
Most often, alcohol is marked with stars; they appear one per year, and the minimum aging is three years. Ordinary cognacs from the times of the USSR can have from one to five stars.
Vintage cognacs were considered more elite and expensive, the classification of which should be understood in more detail. For example, it’s interesting to know what KV cognac means and what it indicates, so it’s worth studying everything from this point in quite some detail.

KV - aged cognac - a drink that has been aged for at least six years.
KVVK - aged cognac of the highest quality - an alcoholic drink, the aging of which has exceeded eight years.
KS - old cognac - this means that the drink is about ten, or even more, years old.
OS is a very old cognac, which continued to mature in oak barrels in the cellars of Armenia for twenty years or more. These are the most elite varieties, the price of which sometimes overshadows the original French drinks.
Anything that is aged even longer is considered a collectible alcoholic beverage and is unlikely to be intended for simply sharing a bottle with friends, because it will cost a fortune, which means you need an appropriate occasion.

Thus, even without tasting the alcohol, you can already imagine how the contents of the bottle differ and whether it is worth paying for it the price indicated on the label.

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    Well, if you are not a gourmet at all and are too lazy to understand the meaning of non-Russian words, there is an easy way to understand what kind of cognac is in front of you!

    Taste: F - excellent, V - very,S - excellent

    By the look: R - light,

    According to the age:

    O - old

    X - over or extra. In other words, superlatively)

    So, by connecting these letters, we get the desired meaning and description of cognac.

    Cognac is made from aged cognac spirit. The process goes something like this: the juice is squeezed out of the grapes, grape juice brought to fermentation, then sent for distillation. The distillation is done twice. After the second distillation, cognac spirit is poured into oak barrels, sealed and sent to the cellar for maturation. The longer the cognac alcohol matures, the tastier and better quality the cognac turns out.

    VS (Very Special) - means that the cognac matured for about 2 years in an oak barrel.

    VSOP (Very Superior Old Pale) - approximately 4 years of aging in barrel.

    XO (Extra Old) - the highest class with aging from 6 to 20 years.

    You can immediately see the difference in prices.

    P.S. Cognac bottled will not change its quality. It can be stored for at least ten years, but the aging will remain the same as it was at the time of bottling.

    These letters indicate the age of the cognac.

    It states that each of the alcohols included in this cognac (there can be many of them) is aged at least as specified. Moreover, to be considered cognac, it must be aged for at least two years, otherwise it is some kind of sub-cognac. So you will never see labels with the very first bills, technological designations 00, 0 and 1 in stores.

    The aging period for cognac spirits is counted from the night of April 1 of the year following the year of the grape harvest.

    Manufacturers have already calculated 00, 0 and 1. The following classes follow in order.

    2: V.S. (stands for Very Special), can also be designated Selection, de Luxe, Trois Etoiles - 2 years (i.e. at least 2 years of aging, but less than 3).

    3: Superior 3 years (or rather, from three to four).

    4: V.S.O.P. (Very Superior Old Pale), V.O. (Very Old), Vieux, Reserve 4 years of aging (from 4 to 5).

    5: V.V.S.O.P. (Very Very Superior Old Pale) - alcohol aging for at least 5 years.

    6: X.O. (Extra Old) - at least 6 years of aging (infinity is not the limit).

    Aging is taken into account only that which occurs in oak barrels, charred from the inside. This is the only way that alcohols can obtain all kinds of substances from this wood, enriching the bouquet. After bottling, the process, as you understand, stops: you can no longer obtain tanning, aromatic substances, sugar, or color from chemically inert glass.

    You are probably aware that there is another designation, more common in the post-Soviet space, like * * * *, which means: this cognac is made from alcohols aged for at least 4 years (the same as VSOP), strength from 41% , sugar content should not exceed 1.5%. Stars denote ordinary cognacs. Vintage ones have a letter designation from the Russian alphabet: KV (aged cognac), KVVK, KS (old cognac) or OS (very old). However, it is impossible to find an unambiguous correspondence between our and imported designations, since the aging of these cognacs goes beyond the limits of foreign accounts. On the other hand, abroad count 6 (which is Extra Old) is in no way limited from above, and at least 6 years can mean at least 7 years and 1 month, at least 10 years, at least all 60, whereas with HF there will be no such spread, since KV labeling implies an average age of alcohol from 6 to 7 years (strength no less than 42%), KVVK - 10 years (the use of eight-year-old cognac spirits is allowed, the final strength is from 43 to 45%), and only KS (OS) is truly significant age - more than 10 years (at a strength of 40 to 57%).

    Indeed, it is interesting to find out what the letters mean on the bottles of an expensive drink - cognac. After all, the letters will not only tell us about the price of cognac, but also tell us something about its quality.

    In fact, a whole scheme has been developed that makes it very easy to understand what you bought). It's called the French system. See:

    I think that now it will be easier for you to navigate when purchasing. I also want to add that there are other designations that are worth mentioning.


    • at the sight of the letters V.S. on the bottle we can conclude that the age of cognac alcohol is in this case at least ten years;

      letters V.S.O.P. they talk about the age of fifteen to twenty years;

      Cordon Bleu is already thirty-five years old;

      Extra - sixty years;

      and fifty years of X.O. Supreme.

    These are not even asterisks (asterisks reflect the quality of raw materials), but an analogy of domestic abbreviations. For example, KVVK - aged cognac of the highest quality, or simply KV - aged cognac, OS - very old SS - very old. The English marking you provided means V.S.O.P. (Very Superior Old Pale) - cognac at least 4 years old - a very excellent old light. This decoding will help you navigate: E - special

    F - excellent

    O - old

    S - excellent

    R - light

    C - cognac

    that is, XO will mean very (very) old in the Russian manner.

    Chin - rank :)

    Cognac is strong alcoholic drink from grapes that long time aged in oak barrels. It is this aging in oak that will impart the characteristic light, golden brown color. Accordingly, the English letters VSOP, VS, X.O. are the initial ones in the designation of aging in years, old age, quality and other characteristics of cognac.

    VS (Very Special) - cognac aged for at least 2.5 years

    VSOP (Very Superior Old Pale) or VVSOP (Very-Very Superior Old Pale - aged for at least 4-5 years and we can talk about the excellent quality of such a drink.

    XO (Extra Old) - from 6 years, that is, aged for quite a long time in an oak barrel.

    The strict standards established by the National Interprofessional Bureau of Cognacs also include the age of cognac, indicated in the form of letters. Aging of cognac according to the classification is considered from April 1, from one in the morning. Cognac aged more than 6 years is not included in the category and is prohibited by the Bureau

    When purchasing a skate in stores, you will notice that the following abbreviations are indicated on the packaging: XO, VVSOP, VSOP, VS. These abbreviations show us the aging period of the drink; these abbreviations mean the following:

    Source of information: fb.ru.

    These designations are found on cognac from France.

    • VS (Very Special) - this drink is more than two years old; In fact, more than 4 years.

      at least four years are designated - VSOP (VSO, Vieux, VVS, Rare);

      X.O. super old alcoholic drink. It is also called Extra Old. Excellent cognac for connoisseurs). 25 years guaranteed.

    From the same opera Vieille Reserve and Napoleon. Napoleon reaches the age of 20.

    Cognacs Russian manufacturers They also have their own designations. The decoding is as follows:

    Best harvest

    These letters on bottles of cognac are markings indicating the age of the cognac. Aging control is carried out by the National Interprofessional Bureau of Cognacs, which has established these very strict standards. Thanks to this, all consumers can learn about the aging period of cognac.

    V.S. (Very Special) - this brand belongs to cognacs aged for at least 2.5 years

    V.O.(Very Old) very old

    V.S.O.P. (Very Superior Old Pale) - cognac aged for at least 4 years

    V.V.S.O.P. (Very-Very Superior Old Pale) cognacs aged for at least 5 years;

    X.O.(Extra Old) Napoleon, Extra is a fairly old cognac aged for at least 6 years.

The most best brands cognac, according to leading experts and materials from the English magazine The Independent.

Such “pearls” of winemaking will not leave even the most avid teetotaler indifferent.

1) RÉ M.Y.MARTINCOEURDECOGNAC (photoNo. 1 see below). Gold amber, a fruity bouquet of aromas and unique softness - this is classic Remy Martin Coeur de Cognac, one of the best premium offers at an affordable price. The cognac is featured in Harrods' Christmas range for £45.

2) TRIJOLVSOP(photo No. 2 see below). This cognac has an excellent structure and delicate elegance, characteristic of all drinks from the Grande Champagne region. The rich and velvety flavor bouquet has well-defined fruit tones. You will probably be very surprised by the pleasant and long aftertaste, which is not very typical for drinks of this category.

3) FRAPINCHATEAUFONTPINOTXO(photo No. 3 see below). This is a cognac of a noble amber color with golden highlights, very soft and highly balanced, with a rich, incomparably subtle aroma of vanilla and caramel bouquet, with notes exotic fruits, old port, lilies, lily of the valley, hawthorn and acacia, as well as wild mountain flowers.
Multifaceted, rich aroma “XO. Chateau Fonpino" gently and imperceptibly captivates both real connoisseurs and those who first stepped onto the path full of unexpected surprises to learn the secrets of the most exquisite drink in the world.

4)CognacTesseron53(photo No. 4 see below). This cognac is designed to be savored, drunk in small sips, and periodically inhaling its aromas. Aroma: Plum and fig, noticeable tones of red fruits, allspice and candied fruits. Taste: Plum, chocolate, fresh herbs.

5) HBYHINE(photoNo. 5 see below). Cognac H by Hine is a blend of more than 15 cognac spirits from the Petite Champagne region, the youngest of which was aged in Limousin oak barrels for at least 4 years.

H by Hine cognac has a bright amber color and a pleasant aroma with floral hints of jasmine, iris and cloves, which are complemented by vanilla notes. The taste is subtle and velvety.

This drink is the winner of the gold medal at the prestigious international competition International Spirits Challenge 2007.

6) FUNDADOR(photo No. 6 see below). Perhaps the most famous Spanish brandy, which is popular both in its homeland and abroad. This is indeed a very high-quality drink, which is produced by the respectable trading house Domecq.

7) COURVOISIERVSOP(photo No. 7 see below). Such cognacs are sometimes called Fin-Champagne, or simply champagne cognacs. In order for the drink to obtain its complex and unique taste, a lot of difficult work had to be done. Cognac spirits were created from grapes, which then matured for a long time in oak barrels, gaining the same taste qualities, which, combined in the Courvoisier VSOP cognac assemblage, brought him well-deserved fame. The aging period of each of these cognac spirits ranges from 6 to 12 years. Skillful blending gave the drink a complex, balanced and harmonious taste, in which soft but powerful honey tones are especially strong, subtly emphasized by vanilla aroma, hints of hazelnuts and fresh, ripe fruit. Two waves of flavor will first give you a subtle aroma of vanilla, then fruit tones will come to the fore. The color of this excellent drink is amber, shimmering with nuances from dark mahogany to bright gold.

8) HENNESSYX.O(photo No. 8 see below). In 1870, Maurice Hennessy created an assemblage of old cognac spirits from the stocks of the Hennessy house for his family and friends. Blend Hennessy XO(Hennessy XO) consists of more than 100 cognac spirits obtained from wines of the lands of Grande Champagne, Petite Champagne, Borderies and Fin Bois. Among them are spirits developed in the early 20th century, which give XO its exceptional quality and complexity. The average aging of cognac spirits included in the Hennessy XO bouquet is from 20 to 30 years. Hennessy XO cognac has a rich and persistent taste, the aroma of ripe fruits - pear, peach, plum, as well as fragrant spices - vanilla and cinnamon, which gives the drink a unique taste.

9) RAGNAUD- SABOURINALLIANCENO. 10 VSOP(photoNo. 9 see below). Stunning French dark cognac with a pleasant aroma of vanilla and a spicy aftertaste. Each bottle costs £49.50.

10) TASTETHEDIFFERENCECOGNACXO(photoNo. 10 see below). Marvelous refined taste This cognac makes you feel the difference between a good and a truly excellent drink. The drink is based on aromatic fruits and has a delicious intoxicating aroma. Each bottle costs £19.98.