Fridge magnet made from salt dough. Salt dough magnet “Smesharik Krosh”

The kitchen is a sacred space for any housewife. It also plays an important role for other family members. After all, this is not only a place to eat food, it is also a cozy corner where the whole family gathers and shares their thoughts and experiences.

That’s why the kitchen is decorated with flowers, and the refrigerator with various magnets. Since often, they can tell a lot about the life and character of the owners. However, you can make a magnet yourself.

Let's try to make a heart-shaped refrigerator magnet. For this we need:

3.Acrylic paint (gold);
5. Scissors;
7. Super glue MOMENT.

So, let's begin:

1. First, take salt and flour and mix them in equal proportions, adding a little water. IN in this case we can take 1/3 of a small glass. In total, you should get a mass similar in consistency to plasticine.

2. Next, from the resulting “dough” we make a flat cake, from which we later cut out a heart. In order to make your work easier and cut out the shape as beautifully as possible, you can first draw the outline of the heart with a toothpick and then cut it out with a knife.

3. Also, do not forget to remove excess dough with a knife.

4. Now let’s move on to an equally important point and sculpt the letters for the word “LOVE”. After all, with words of love our heart will become more attractive. We make a small thin sausage from which we will get the first letter.

6. Then, according to the type of the first letter, we make the last two. So, the word “LOVE” is ready.

7. We mold letters onto a heart made of salt dough and decorate it with a dotted pattern.

8. Then put the salted dough in the oven for 15 minutes on low heat.

9. After we have taken the heart out of the oven and it has cooled down, we paint it with acrylic gold paint (dries quite quickly).

11. After we have glued all the layers, wait for them to dry completely.

12. Take the MOMENT glue again and apply it to the shape of the golden heart, press it and wait again until the glue dries.

This is such a wonderful and sunny heart-shaped salt dough made from salted dough. Surely it will find its place among other refrigerator decorations.



Recipe No. 1 - for simple crafts.

200 g = (1 cup) flour
200 g = (0.5 cup) salt (fine, NOT rock).
125 ml water

Please note that salt is heavier than flour, so they are the same in weight, but salt in volume
takes about half as much.
Salt dough - recipes and modeling methods

For thin relief figures, add your choice:
15-20 g (tablespoon) PVA glue or
starch (tablespoon)
wallpaper glue (mix it with a small amount of water first)

Recipe No. 2 - Strong dough for large products:
200 g flour
400 g salt
125 ml water

Recipe No. 3 - Dough for delicate work:
300 g flour
200 g salt
4 tbsp. glycerin (can be purchased at a pharmacy)
2 tbsp. glue for simple wallpaper, pre-mix 125-150 ml of water.

It is better to use a mixer for kneading - this will simplify the task, and the dough will turn out better.
Universal recipe salt dough: 2 cups of flour; you can put it into flour without going beyond the norm of two
glasses, add dry starch. For example, 1.5 cups of flour 1/2 tbsp. starch. With added starch
the dough will become more elastic. This dough is particularly good at making fine parts, for example:
flower petals.), 1 glass of salt, 1 half glass of water, approximately 180 g, you can add 2 table. spoons
PVA glue. Instead of water, you can cook a starch paste.
Mix all ingredients. Knead the dough until the mass becomes homogeneous and elastic,
If the dough turns out watery, then you can knead it further, adding a little flour until
until it becomes elastic.

Water can be replaced with starch jelly, then the mass will be much more plastic.
Kissel is made like this:
Dissolve one tablespoon of starch in 1/2 cup of cold water. Heat another 1 glass of water in
small saucepan until boiling. Pour the starch solution into boiling water, stirring. When content
pan thickens and becomes transparent, turn off the heat. Let the jelly cool and pour it into the flour mixture
with salt instead of water.


You can tint salt dough food coloring, watercolor or gouache. You can also paint
when preparing the dough, adding dye during kneading, and then ready product- on the surface.
Great chocolate color obtained by adding cocoa. You can experiment with others
natural dyes - soot, beet juice, carrots, ocher, etc. Can be a product made from salt dough
Brown in the oven for natural color.
When tinting, you must take into account that after drying the color will become less saturated, but if you cover
craft with varnish - it will become brighter again. What varnish can I use? Acrylic and artistic are
Very good. It is also possible to use a regular water-based construction material for breathable surfaces.
those. for parquet or wood.


There are a few things you can't do with salt dough. So, for example, you can’t add it to salty
pancake dough (or flour with any other additives), since the figures will rise like
good dough for pie and crackle.
Also, do not add iodized salt; large inclusions do not dissolve, and subsequently the dough will not
homogeneous - into a grain. Likewise, you cannot add rock salt without prior dissolution.
About the water. So, in the test it is best to use very cold water; be sure to add in parts
50 ml after each addition, stir (due to the fact that for different flours, may be needed
different amounts of water).

The salt is first mixed with flour, and only then water is poured into the finished mass.
Salty dough stored in plastic bag or tightly sealed container. Salt dough from
It is better to take out the plastic bag in small pieces, since lumps of dough quickly
become covered with a crust and when rolled out or molded, these dry crusts spoil the appearance.
And one more thing, if the figures are thick (more than 7 mm), then after the first stage, you need to reverse
remove the excess dough from each side (the picture is in Khananova’s book, on the page in the books)

The dough may be too soft. Then proceed as follows: mix at the bottom of the bowl
a tablespoon of flour with a tablespoon of salt. Press the ball of dough into this mixture and then scrunch it up.
Do this until the dough becomes more dense.
You can sculpt or cut out figures directly on a baking sheet. The baking tray should be moistened first
water, in this case bubbles do not form between the product and the surface of the baking sheet, therefore,
the surface of the product will be smooth and stable.
Everything that falls off is simply wonderful and, most importantly, it is glued invisibly with PVA glue.
Swelling or cracking of salt dough crafts occurs in three cases:
If the flour is chosen incorrectly. For greater strength, you can add it to the dough rye flour(color will be
warmer and there should be no cracking) (for example, a glass of regular glass of rye, 1 to 1),
50 gr. starch - also gives the dough elasticity and prevents it from cracking. You can also add PVA glue,
since it also gives plasticity and prevents the dough from rising.
If drying is not carried out correctly (see next section)
If cracking occurs after painting, this means that the product has not completely dried (the product
continues to dry and the air has to go somewhere) so the surface of the paint or varnish cracks.
Take your time to paint or varnish the product, so as not to regret it later and not to redo it.


It is best to air dry natural conditions, but it takes a long time (complete drying may take
a week or more - especially if the humidity during drying is high - since salt attracts moisture),
Therefore, you can dry it in the oven, following a few rules.
The oven should be at minimum temperature
It’s good if drying is done with the oven lid slightly open
Products must not be placed in hot oven immediately, heating should occur gradually. As well as
remove the product from the oven, it is better if it cools gradually instead of with the oven
It is ideal to dry in several stages: let it dry for an hour on one side, turn the craft over,
dries from the inside out. I also take breaks between drying, it dries in the oven for an hour - it dries on its own for a day -
then again for an hour and a half in the oven on the reverse side.
The drying time for a salt dough product depends on the thickness of the product itself. And also from the applied
manufacturing recipe. So, dough containing butter, cream, etc. takes much longer to dry without dough
oil-containing additives.
To avoid cracking of the product, you can dry it in three to four stages, in the oven at
at the very minimum and always with the lid open for about an hour and a half, then an hour break
for two - three, or all night, the craft dries itself, and then turn the oven back on to low
with the lid open.
During natural and oven drying, the craft must be rotated at each stage of drying, i.e.
It dries with the front side for an hour, rests, at the next stage it is turned over and dries with the back side.


I suggest everyone try to make these magnet cats. It's very easy to do. First applied
sketch of the kittens themselves on foil, molded, dried (about 5-6 days). Then I painted it with watercolors and gouache.
I opened it with varnish. I glued cardboard to the back and then magnets onto it.

Magnet cats (MK painted)
Larisa Ivanova

These cute kittens will live on the refrigerators of their new owners next year)))


The modeling is very simple, I won’t go into details. Many people are interested in the painting, here it is
and I'll stop...

I use the most common watercolor paints.

Take a kitten and start sculpting)))

The kitten will be red...

Leave the tummy, paws and part of the muzzle white

Now add yellow color and dilute with plenty of water.

Apply a new shade around the stomach and touch the chest a little

We draw a circle around the “cheeks” and paint the bangs

Now a little brown...

We apply a damp brush with this shade over the bangs, paws, and chest. Paint the eyelids with a drier brush

Don't forget about the sausage)))

Now we take white gouache and draw the eyes, the stomach in the middle, mark the paws with strokes, the middle
"cheeks" and fur on the chest...

Let's draw the pads)))

Now stripes and nose

Green eyes...

Add a few more stripes and highlights on the sausage with white gouache. Black watercolor - pupil.

I dip a toothpick in white gouache and apply highlights to the eyes and nose. That's all)))

I suggest everyone try to make these magnet cats. It's very easy to do. First, I applied a sketch of the kittens themselves onto foil, molded them, and dried them (about 5-6 days). Then I painted it with watercolors and gouache. I opened it with varnish. I glued cardboard to the back and then magnets onto it.

Happy viewing and good mood everyone!!!

Making souvenir magnets from salt dough. Master Class

Yana Korsunova, 7 years old, 1st grade student of MKOU secondary school No. 1, Surovikino, Volgograd region
Supervisor: Svetlana Aleksandrovna Korsunova, technology teacher at MKOU secondary school No. 1, Surovikino, Volgograd region

Purpose: for interior decoration or as a New Year gift
Target: development of creative abilities

Materials and tools for work:

Salt, flour, water, gouache, clear varnish, magnetic tape;
- Small rolling pin, brush for wetting the dough, scissors, garlic press, small knife or stack

New Year- This is a favorite holiday not only for children, but also for adults. It’s nice to receive gifts at any age, so you can please your friends with an unexpected gift that will remind them of you for a long time. This could be a souvenir magnet or Christmas tree decoration from salt dough.
Any product made from salt dough found in the house is a symbol of wealth and prosperity in the family: bread and salt will always be on the table.
Salt dough is one of the most versatile, affordable materials that can be used in art.
Beautiful things made from salt dough - various figures, paintings, panels decorate the room and create comfort.
Durability and strength of products. You can even play with them without fear that they will lose their shape or break.

Description of work:

1. Preparing salt dough
The main material for making salt dough products: premium flour - wheat, rye (gives the dough more friability), “Extra” salt. The usual proportion for kneading salted dough: 2 parts flour, take 1 part salt and dilute with water to the consistency of soft plasticine. Ready dough should be elastic. We will store the dough in a plastic bag so that it does not dry out.
We will use gouache to color the dried products.
2. Modeling
You can come up with a variety of New Year's scenes for artistic modeling yourself, find them in children's books or on postcards. Roll out the dough into a layer 1 centimeter thick. To accurately cut out the parts of the composition from the layer, we use pre-prepared templates for these parts

We carefully lay out the parts cut out from the dough onto a thick sheet on which they will dry.
The texture in the workpiece drawing is achieved using various tools (you can use whatever you have at hand). Using a stack, we apply veins on the spruce branch and details of the product.

Nail scissors will help you make needles on the Christmas tree

If you put the dough through a garlic press, you will get spaghetti-shaped curls that can be used to make a tree crown. Wet the place where the parts connect to each other with water.

3. Processing salt dough
After complete drying, paint the product with gouache and varnish

Glue magnetic tape to the back of the product

Salt dough magnets are ready

As you prepare for Valentine's Day, remember that you can give a gift with my own hands, putting all your soul and skill into it. There is nothing better and more pleasant than making a gift for your soulmate with your own hands. In this master class with step by step photos, you will learn how to make your own salt dough magnets for the refrigerator for Valentine's Day.

To make magnets you will need:

- One glass of flour;
- Frying pan;
- One glass of salt;
- Half a glass of water;
- A tablespoon of salt;
— Gouache;
- Glue gun;
- PVA glue;
— Rolling pin;
— Magnets;
— Brush;
- PVA glue;
— Knife;
- A toothpick.

Let's get started:

1) Knead the dough. Place the frying pan on the fire. Mix salt and flour and pour into a warm frying pan. Then, stirring constantly, pour in the water and oil. Gradually the dough will curl and take the shape of a ball. Turn off the heat and leave the dough to cool.

2) Cut off a small piece of dough. Roll it out with a rolling pin. Cut out a heart from cardboard or take a regular one, place it on the dough and cut it out. We smooth out the unevenness.

In this MK you will learn how to make several types.

First option. We make leaves from small pieces, using a toothpick we draw lines on the leaves.

Roll it up and give it the shape of a rose. and glue the leaves to the heart with PVA glue.

Second option. We make letters from the dough, in our case we make the phrase LOVE IS... (like on the well-known chewing gum) and glue it to the heart.

The third option contains the first two. We make roses and letters and glue it all to the heart.

3) Leave the magnets on the battery to dry winter season or put it in the oven for two to three hours on the lowest heat.

4) Coloring. We paint with gouache or regular paints. First we paint the large parts, and then the small ones. If desired, the top can be coated with varnish for shine.

In this master class you learned how to make magnets from salt dough. You can give them to someone close to you. Although this gift is small, it is made with your own hands from the bottom of your heart.