The main attribute of tea drinking: a teapot for brewing. Cast iron teapot for brewing tea: overview, types, features and reviews

Tea perfectly quenches thirst, has a rich taste and rich aroma, and is good for health. Properties ready drink are largely determined by the quality of the vessel in which it is infused.

If you are going to buy a teapot for brewing tea, leaving aside, you should familiarize yourself with the different models of these specific vessels and the features of their use.

2 Overview of popular kettle models

1. Gotoff cast iron teapot, 0.6 liter capacity. The advantage of the model is its compact size and convenient volume. The shape of the dishes is optimal - round and slightly flattened.

Attracts a stylish design and ergonomics of the product (as in): the handle is located vertically and does not get hot from heated metal; The height of the spout allows you to pour tea comfortably (the lid does not fall off).

The inner surface of the model, the rims and the handle are covered with black enamel - this prevents rust. A useful accessory is a deep strainer with small holes - the tea leaves from it do not get into the tea, it is easily tipped over and cleaned.

You can buy a cast-iron Gotoff teapot for 750 rubles.

2. Teapot Taller TR-1346, capacity 0.7 liters. This model is made of heat-resistant borosilicate glass, protected from chips and scratches. There are no sharp edges as the edges are polished.

The material has a low coefficient of thermal expansion and does not burst when boiling water is poured into the kettle. The spout is gently curved at a right angle, so there are no smudges when draining. The kit includes a removable cylindrical stainless steel filter, the height of which corresponds to the size of the kettle.

It is offered to buy a glass teapot for 820 rubles (which is much cheaper than).

3. Piston teapot Bodum Assam Teapot 1801-16, capacity 1 liter. The model is almost made of thermoglass, has an almost regular round shape, a small spout. A perforated cylinder is inserted inside the transparent container, which acts as a filter - loose tea, flower petals, fruit and herbal mixtures are placed in it.

Boiling water is poured, held for several minutes, then the press is gradually lowered to the stop. The brewing speed is increased thanks to the tight-fitting lid.

A teapot with a press costs 2380 rubles. Sometimes this kettle needs.

4. Gongfu TR-140 multifunctional model, 0.3 liter capacity. This is a glass teapot with a button. At the moment it is pressed, the brewed tea flows from the inner container to the outer one, and the tea leaves remain inside.

The brewing container is removed, after which the outer flask turns into a serving cup. You can buy a teapot with push-button control for 750 rubles.

5. Ceramic teapot Fissman, volume 0.75 liters. Functional green model for a small family, equipped with a stainless steel strainer. The average price of a product is 600 rubles.

6. Chinese clay teapot Cha Hu, capacity 1.3 liters. A good option for receiving guests and holding a joint tea party.

In addition to natural material, the model attracts with its original design in the form of an ornament made of strong rope. It symbolizes the strength of friendship and the absence of disagreements during a conversation. You can buy a clay teapot of large volume for 2485 rubles. By the way, its repair is very simple due to the simplicity of the design of the device. Even much more difficult than repairing a Cha Hu clay teapot.

Modern utensils for brewing tea are distinguished by a variety of design, materials and designs. There is no universal kettle for all occasions, but a number of useful advice will help you quickly navigate among the many offers and choose the best option.

1. Type of tea. Some of its varieties are steamed faster, others slower: it depends on the technology of growing, collecting and drying tea leaves. Quick-brewing teas include yellow, red, small-leaf, bagged tea. Yes, you can't do that!

Modern glass teapots, which do not keep heat for too long, allow you to make a drink from them. The advanced heated glass teapot allows you to make your tea stronger. Models are equipped with a stand and a small candle-tablet.

Expensive black tea should be brewed in a porcelain vessel: the tea leaves are slowly steamed in it, giving the drink a bright shade and rich aroma. For green, yellow, white tea good teapots from ceramic without glazed coating. The porous surface absorbs odors and enriches the tea with them during subsequent brewing.

A cast-iron teapot (old ones were made from the same material) is good for brewing drinks from dried homemade preparations: berries, flowers, herbs. In such a dish, you can boil the broth, if necessary, heat it.

2. Shape and volume. Manufacturers produce models with an original design: in the form of boats, watches, animals. The most convenient is the semicircular shape - in the "pot-bellied" teapot heat is evenly distributed.

For individual tea drinking, a teapot with a volume of 0.2 - 03 liters is enough; in a family circle, models of 0.75 - 1 liters are acceptable. Serve festive table a kettle for making tea with a volume of more than 1 liter will help.

3. Feature details. The lid should have a fixing protrusion on the rim (in this case, it does not fall during the pouring of tea), it is desirable to have a hole for steam to escape. It is important that the tip of the spout and the handle are at the same level - then tea leaves do not spill.

The holes in the wall of the teapot should be even and have a medium size: too large holes let the tea leaves through, and small ones interfere with a comfortable spill.

4. Optional accessories. For collective use at work, models with a press are convenient, accelerating the brewing process. Removable filters make it easier to wash the kettle, prevent the formation of plaque on the glass.

Which teapot is better, the buyer decides. The main thing is that the material is environmentally friendly (like that), there are no damages and chips on the surface of the product, and the shape is comfortable and ergonomic.

For many of us, tea drinking is an integral part of everyday life. But in order for the drink to fully reveal its aroma and taste, it is necessary to use special dishes for its preparation. Let's try to figure out how to choose a good, practical teapot.


When choosing a teapot for tea with or without a press, the primary attention should be paid to the volume of the container. Much depends on how many servings the dishes should be designed for. It follows from the fact that the liquid in the kettle when brewing a drink should occupy approximately 2/3 of its volume. On top, there must be a free space of several centimeters, which is required for the tea to “breathe”.

The best solution is to buy several products of various sizes. In this case, you will not have to transfer the tea leaves in vain once again.

Production material

The classic version is a porcelain teapot. A cup of tea filled from such a container will turn out to be more fragrant, since the material heats up quickly and retains heat perfectly.

High-quality porcelain teapots do not contain obvious deformations, have a uniform paint, glaze without roughness and cracks. The manufacturer's seal must be on the bottom. You can check the quality of the material by tapping it with a pencil. This should cause a ringing, similar to the sound of a bell.

A faience teapot also retains heat well. However, when choosing this option, you will have to sacrifice the external attractiveness and durability of the product in favor of cheapness. The main differences between faience and porcelain teapots are opaque, thick walls, and the general fragility of the material. The advantage of such products is easy care and quick drying.

Ceramics is perfect for brewing green, yellow and moreover, it is always desirable to cook in such containers the same drink. Because the material absorbs odor well.

When choosing a ceramic tea infuser, you need to ask how well the product was fired (to achieve strength, it is desirable that this procedure be carried out at least three times). A sign of the use of natural material is the presence at the base of a small clay rim without glaze.

The glass tea infuser is an extremely attractive option for decorating any kitchen interior. However, these containers do not retain heat well. In addition, tea deposits quickly form on the glass, which reduces the transparency of the material. It is worth stopping at products with reliable metal parts that do not exude an unpleasant odor.

Silicone teapots are suitable for drink lovers who do not want to use a kettle and prefer to prepare it right in the cup. They are presented in the form of an elastic strainer made of a material that is safe for health.

The form

The optimal shape for the teapot is rounded. The lid must contain small holes. Otherwise, during preparation, the drink will “suffocate” and will not reveal the taste. The base of the lid must fit into a special groove that prevents it from falling out during the pouring of the drink into cups.

It is desirable that the tea infuser has a sufficiently long spout located at an angle of 30-35 o. Otherwise, when the container is completely filled, the liquid will splash out under the influence of the slightest vibrations.

Ease of use

Comfortable operation of the teapot largely depends on the balance of the product. A good kettle has a handle that fits comfortably in the palm of your hand and never forces you to “break out” your wrist when pouring a drink. The balanced container remains practical even when filled with a significant amount of liquid.

Internal "arrangement"

Picking up a teapot, it is worth once again looking inside. It is desirable that the product contains a built-in strainer or filter, which will prevent tea leaves from falling into the cup from the container when pouring the drink.

Recently, glass containers with internal cones in the form of a continuous strainer have become widespread, where the tea leaves are actually poured. Unfortunately, most of these filters are made of metal, which significantly distorts the taste and aroma of the drink.


Undoubtedly, the choice of a teapot based on the material of manufacture, volume and practicality is the right decision. However, aesthetic appeal also plays an important role.

Usually, if you have a nice dish, the tea prepared in it seems much tastier. Yes, and it is more pleasant to take care of your favorite product. Therefore, if the teapot is often left unwashed by households, constantly exposed to shock, it may be worth paying attention to another design that family members will like more.


True gourmets who instantly feel the smallest shades of the smell of a drink and prefer expensive ones are advised to acquire a whole set of porcelain or clay teapots of various sizes for all occasions.

People who are not too versed in the intricacies of the tea ceremony or do not have time to use a large number kitchen utensils, you should limit yourself to buying separate teapots for black and green tea.

The tradition of drinking tea came to us from his homeland - from China. The art of making tea is defined not only palatability tea itself, but also with properly selected utensils for brewing leaves. Therefore, if you like to drink tea, then the choice of a teapot should be approached seriously, responsibly. Let's talk about how to choose a teapot, because when choosing it, you need to be guided not only by its appearance, but also by its other characteristics. So which teapot is best?

Choosing a kettle

First of all, let's figure out what materials such products are made of in our time, when the choice is just off scale.


It - a budget option which is more suitable for the office. Its main advantage is its low price and pleasant appearance. But such a product does not retain heat for a long time, so your tea will cool down faster than it will brew.

But if you decide to buy a glass teapot, then choose a model with the thickest walls possible - this way the temperature of the tea will remain for a longer period.

Important! When buying, tap on the product with a pencil. The sound must be resonant.


A ceramic product has thicker walls than its glass counterpart, which is why it brews tea better. And with regular brewing, the walls absorb the aroma of tea, and each time it opens up more and more. Therefore, in such teapots it is recommended to brew only one type of tea.

Important! A nice bonus when buying will be quite affordable price products.

Porcelain and faience

This is a type of ceramics, but at the same time, a porcelain product is considered the king among all its “brothers”:

  • As a rule, such dishes have a rich appearance, and by their very presence they can decorate the table, which is reflected in its price.
  • Such teapots heat up quickly and cool down slowly, which allows you to enjoy the wonderful and rich taste of well-brewed tea.

True, it will be difficult to wash such a treasure.

Faience is no less popular than porcelain, but at the same time its price category is somewhat lower than that of its royal relative. It keeps the temperature well, pleases with a pleasant appearance and is suitable for brewing all types of tea.


According to Chinese belief, a clay teapot brings longevity. Isn't it an attractive prospect? That is why it is very popular in China.

Due to its properties, this material perfectly retains heat, which has a significant impact on the process of brewing tea. Clay absorbs all aromas, creating unique drink while retaining all the benefits of the tea leaf.


Such a kettle can be purchased only in case of emergency, for example, when going on a hike, where you can take only especially unbreakable things. When dropped, it will not deteriorate, but drinking tea from it is not very tasty, since the tea brewed in it has a metallic taste.

Cast iron

Such products in our time are very rare, they keep heat well, but at the same time they have a high cost. It is recommended to brew in such products teas that need to be brewed for a long time, for example, with fruits and berries.

Other characteristics of the kettle

How to choose a teapot, what other characteristics do you need to pay attention to?


It all depends on the number of people you are counting on. For 3-4 people, a 1-1.5 liter kettle will suffice.

Important! Tea should be brewed at once and drunk immediately. After some time, harmful substances are concentrated in the brewed drink.

The form

A classic of the genre is a round pot-bellied teapot. But now such products began to be produced in a wide variety of forms. Among the variety of shapes and types of teapots, one can single out a cylindrical teapot resembling an ordinary glass. It is called a French press and is a glass flask, inside of which there is a piston with a metal mesh.

Handle material

Most often, the material of manufacture of the handle is the same as that of the case. But there are models whose handles are made of stainless steel, plastic, glass, porcelain, bamboo and other materials.

If you have a copy with a metal handle, which can also be put on fire, then pay attention to the presence of a silicone lining that will protect your hands.

Important! Choose the handle of the product according to the width of the palm. Also keep in mind that a teapot with a semi-circular handle, which has an extension at the top, will be more comfortable to hold in your hand.

The presence of a strainer

When the product is equipped with a strainer, it is very convenient, because in this case you will be spared from the tea leaves that tend to get into your cup of spilled tea. There are two options here:

  • A small stainless steel strainer located at the base of the spout. If you want it to be comfortable, make sure it is not too small.
  • Some models are equipped with a metal mesh cup for tea leaves, which is inserted inside the product.

How to choose the right teapot? Use the following guidelines:

  • If the product has double walls, then such a kettle will retain the temperature for a long time, as well as the aroma and beneficial features tea.
  • The lid of the product should fit snugly and not fly off with each tilt of the dish.
  • The teapot should not be too heavy, and it should not have any defects, for example, chips.
  • There must be holes in the lid of the kettle or at the base of its spout for steam to escape. The holes should be large enough so that the tea leaves do not clog them.
  • You should not buy an oversized teapot for guests or for any other special occasions. It will be awkward to use.
  • The pot-bellied rounded shape of the teapot contributes to a better disclosure of the aroma of tea.

Important! Do a little test: turn the kettle upside down and place it on a flat surface. If the neck, handle and spout opening are at the same level, such a kettle is worth taking.

Kettle care

  • Do not leave the tea leaves in the dishes until the morning, wash it immediately after drinking tea.
  • Do not use detergents, just rinse it warm water and leave uncovered until it dries completely.
  • Keep the product away from products with a strong and specific smell.
  • Different types of tea require different teapots.

It is believed that the first Chinese began to brew tea in the 14th century. Using a small clay cup for this, they could not even imagine that after five centuries a person would face the problem of choosing a teapot. Porcelain or glass, round or cylindrical, with designer painting or the logo of a major brand - there is something to think about even true connoisseurs tart drink.

If earlier the main requirement for a teapot was its aesthetic appearance, now its “professional” qualities come to the fore. Every detail of this tea container is involved in the brewing process, so its choice should be approached wisely.

We evaluate the material

As you know, each material has its own thermal conductivity. This property directly affects not only the taste of tea, but also the choice of its variety.

Porcelain and faience

They are a kind of ceramics that have firmly entered the tea world.

Porcelain teapot is considered to be the best. Brought from the East, light and elegant, it has become a real table decoration. Its clear advantage is the ability to heat up quickly and retain heat for a long time (15 - 20 minutes), due to which the tea leaf fully opens and gives off all its taste. Does not release any chemical compounds in contact with hot water, which is also an undeniable plus.

Faience is no less popular than porcelain, yielding to the latter only in strength and aesthetic appearance. heavy, covered beautiful glaze, it keeps the temperature necessary for a perfect flavored drink for a long time.

Suitable for brewing any variety, but especially for black.


It is possible to observe the bewitching dance of tea leaves in the process of their opening only thanks to the glass walls of the teapot.

Being the main decoration of the table, it is noticeably inferior to its predecessors. Glass gives off heat very quickly, and natural tea sediment spoils the look and requires constant care. Suitable for all varieties except green.


Considered the worst option. The reason is the metallic taste resulting from the contact of tea with metal at high temperatures.

In addition, it does not retain heat well, which means that it is unlikely that you will be able to get a drink worthy of attention.


According to Chinese belief, a clay teapot brings longevity. It is not surprising that red clay has become the main material for making this dish in China.

Due to its main property - porosity, clay perfectly retains heat and creates optimal temperature for brewing.

She's like oak barrels for wine - absorbs all the flavors of the prepared drink and enriches it with oxygen, creating a unique rich taste. To preserve all the benefits of the tea leaf, without releasing any harmful substances - only clay is capable of this. Best suited for white and green varieties.

For any occasion

Thinking about the optimal volume of a teapot, it is worth considering one simple rule. One full-fledged tea drinking is equal to one brewing. It turns out that a teapot with a volume of 0.2 - 0.3 liters is suitable for a person who decides to enjoy the taste of tea alone.

For family communication - 0.5 - 0.8 liters. If a large company is going, then it is better to put a 2-3 liter kettle on the table. Therefore, experts advise having several tea containers in the house.

Do not forget about the habits of each person. After all, someone likes to drink ready-made tea leaves without adding water, and someone in the best Soviet traditions dilute it with boiling water.

Ordinary and unusual

Traditionally, the teapot has a "pot-bellied" shape, which came from medieval China. This happened as a result of transporting tea to Europe in wine vessels. Thanks to the spherical shape, the best heating and the preservation of the necessary heat are ensured.

For many years, teapots in our country were exactly round. The situation began to change with the beginning of the use of new materials and innovative ideas.

This is how designer models appeared that took on square, oval and other unusual shapes.

Among them, one can single out a cylindrical teapot that resembles an ordinary glass, and is called a French press or French press.

Originally intended for making coffee, it is a flask made of heat-resistant glass, inside of which there is a piston with a metal mesh.

When brewing, the piston rises and falls before the tea party itself. It seems as if all its flavor properties are squeezed out of the tea leaf, making the drink richer and more aromatic.

This kettle is suitable for those who need to quickly brew strong drink, without observing the canons of the tea tradition.

Those who like to spend time alone with a cup of tea in their hands will appreciate the following options for teapots:

1.Stylish and compact tea set "egoist", consisting of a cup and a teapot with a volume of 0.3 liters;

2. One serving glass with lid and strainer, which is filled with tea leaves and poured with boiling water. Under the lid, tea leaves open and after 8-10 minutes your favorite drink is ready. It remains only to remove the strainer.

Attention to detail

When making a purchase, the first thing a person pays attention to is the design and price category of the kettle. When making this sometimes difficult choice in accordance with your preferences and capabilities, it is worth remembering some points, without which it is difficult to get real tasty tea.

  1. the presence of a strainer - built-in or inserted, in order to delay the tea leaves on the way to the cup;
  2. the spout, in addition to its immediate function, must also “hold a drop”;
  3. the lid should fit snugly, having for this either a wide inner rim or a special latch-latch so as not to fall while pouring the drink;
  4. it is important to have a small hole in the lid, thanks to which the tea “breathes”;
  5. easy-to-grip handle.

Necessary Care

In order for the teapot to retain its qualities for a longer time and please its owners with the excellent taste of tea, you must follow simple rules:

  • after each use, rinse under running water without using any cleaning agents;
  • dry in an open form in a natural way;
  • keep away from products with a strong and pungent odor.

The tea ceremony is a whole art in which a seemingly ordinary teapot plays the main role! It is worth spending your time choosing it to understand what tea should actually taste like.

This article is addressed to those who love real, well-brewed tea. After reading to the end, you will learn how to choose a teapot and what to pay special attention to.

How to choose a teapot video:

What material to choose

One of the most important parameters when choosing a teapot is the material from which it is made. Not only the appearance depends on the material, but also the quality of the brewed tea, preservation useful substances and aroma.


With the help of a glass teapot, brewing can be turned into an exciting procedure, watching how the leaves open, brewing bound tea looks especially beautiful.

But this is where the advantages of glass teapots end. Glass does not hold heat well, so loose leaf tea can cool down before it is fully brewed.

Another disadvantage is that over time, welding leaves a dark coating on the glass, especially in the spout, where access for cleaning is difficult.

If you still decide to buy a glass teapot for tea leaves, then choose with the thickest glass, this will increase the cooling time of the water.


The walls of a ceramic teapot are much thicker, so it can retain heat for a long time and the tea has time to fully release its aroma.

Ceramics is a porous material and with regular brewing, the walls absorb the aroma of tea, which further improves and reveals its taste.

Due to the ability to absorb aroma in ceramic teapots, it is recommended to brew one type of tea and you should not prepare flavored tea, unless of course you drink it constantly.

Another plus of a ceramic teapot is not a high price.


Porcelain teapot for heat preservation is located between glass and ceramic. It retains heat long enough for the tea to open fully.

Usually these are very beautiful teapots that can decorate the festive table.

  • big cost,
  • with frequent use, porcelain can crack due to temperature changes,
  • hard to wash.


A faience teapot is similar in its characteristics to porcelain, but cheaper. It also suffers from temperature fluctuations and is even less durable.

Cast iron

Cast iron teapots are very rare and expensive. They hold heat well and at the same time do not absorb the aroma of brewed tea, unlike ceramic ones.


A stainless steel teapot is definitely not worth taking if you do not want to feel the taste of metal in your mouth instead of the aroma of tea.


The volume of the teapot depends on the number of people for whom it is designed. For 3-4 people, a 1-1.5 liter kettle is suitable.

Remember that tea should be drunk immediately, as toxic substances are formed in the tea that has cooled down and stood for more than 3 hours and there can be no talk of any benefit.

If you have decided on the material and volume, then here are some more tips on what you should pay attention to when choosing a teapot directly in the store:

  1. in shape, it should be "pot-bellied", spherical shapes contribute to a better disclosure of the aroma of tea and an even distribution of heat,
  2. for ease of use, the kettle should not be too heavy,
  3. check that the lid is tight and secure and does not fall off when the kettle is tilted,
  4. There must be a hole in the lid for steam to escape.
  5. carry out an external inspection for the absence of chips and cracks,
  6. turn the kettle upside down without a lid and place it on a flat table, the neck, handle and spout opening should be at the same level otherwise water will spill,
  7. spout opening should point upwards,
  8. the handle should be irregularly shaped, expand towards the top and lie comfortably in the hand.

Storing and caring for your teapot

  • Get in the habit of washing it immediately after drinking tea and do not leave the tea leaves in until the morning.
  • Detergents when washing inside the kettle, you can’t use it, it’s better to just rinse it with warm water and leave it open until it dries completely.
  • Keep the kettle away from strong-smelling foods.