Lean pumpkin porridge. Recipe: Porridge with pumpkin - with lean rice

As a matter of fact old recipe pumpkin porridge only lean. It’s just that porridge from a fully ripe pumpkin that has lain down in the winter is much more beautiful than from a fresh September pumpkin.


The recipe for pumpkin porridge with milk was posted in the fall. And this is the recipe lean porridge, on water (instead of milk) and vegetable oil is used. By the way, this recipe is simpler (because the pumpkin is grated and the pumpkin pieces do not need to be baked or boiled in advance). You can compare the color of September and May pumpkins at the link

Pumpkin peeled - 500g
Millet (meaning dry) - 1 cup
Water (boiling water) - 3 cups
Vegetable oil - 50 (or more))
Salt to taste (a pinch)
Sugar - 2-4 tablespoons.

One small addition. If in the water that is intended for boiling the pumpkin, boil a little vanilla stick and let it brew, then the aroma of porridge will not leave anyone indifferent, and the porridge will seem tastier)) But, yes. Vanilla sugar can also be used.

Rinse the millet several times in water so that the water becomes clear. Then fill with water for at least 1-2 hours. Drain water from millet, pour boiling water for 30-45 minutes. Before laying the pumpkin, drain the cooled water, pour boiling water again and drain (then lay the millet). It is convenient to wash and soak millet in a ladle with a "spout".

Wash the pumpkin thoroughly, cut it in half, use a spoon to pull out the seeds and fibers in which the seeds were, then cut the pumpkin into slices and peel. (you can cut into slices, and cut out the seeds and fibers from each slice with a knife).
Grate the pumpkin, place in a cast-iron (or thick-walled aluminum better enameled) deep saucepan or pot, salt a little, add sugar, prepared millet and 50 g of vegetable oil.
Stir and pour boiling water (3 cups boiling water). Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer until cooked through, about 35-30 minutes (cookers vary, times may vary slightly so these are approximate times).
Can be put in the oven preheated to 180-200C for about 1 hour, depending on the type oven readiness must be checked).

If cooking on the stove, then the saucepan or pot should be placed on the flame spreader and cook at the lowest boil. Do not cover the pot with a lid, but only cover it not completely, until the water evaporates from the surface of the millet and only then can you close the pot with a lid. Instead of a lid, you can use foil, making a semblance of a lid out of it.

In this way, you can cook pumpkin porridge with rice .. Pumpkin porridge with pearl barley, in my subjective opinion, is not a very good option (we swam, we know)).

Pumpkin is a recognized champion in the content of various beneficial trace elements. It contains vitamins B, C, E, calcium and essential product for metabolism - carnitine. All this can be obtained at any time of the year - pumpkin can be stored at home for a very long time. In addition, the calorie content of pumpkin is extremely low, which makes it an excellent source of energy during a diet.

These indicators make chefs from all over the world puzzle over how to cook a pumpkin while preserving it. beneficial features, and make the dish itself as tasty as possible, so that it would be easier for parents to accustom their kids to a healthy diet.

In many countries, it is customary to add pumpkin to cereals, which allows you to get a balanced and rich dish. You can use semolina, millet, rice, oatmeal or corn grits. Honey, nuts, dried fruits and any other ingredients are suitable as flavoring additives, depending on the imagination of the cook himself.

The most original recipe for such a dessert is porridge cooked inside the pumpkin itself. With this dish you can please not only loved ones, but also surprise guests. In this case, porridge is served directly in the "pot". If the pumpkin is simply added in pieces or in the form of mashed potatoes, then the dish is laid out in deep plates and served in portions.

Photo #1. Recipe for millet porridge with pumpkin

A very light and tasty dessert that energizes for the whole day. In addition to pumpkin and cereals, the ingredients are practically not required. The dish is good for breakfast.


  • Pumpkin - 750g;
  • Millet - 250g;
  • Vegetable oil - 25g;
  • Water - 3 glasses;
  • Spices: salt, sugar.

How to cook millet porridge with pumpkin:

1. Pumpkin peel and seeds, cut into small cubes, put in a saucepan;

2. Boil the water separately and pour boiling water over the pumpkin, cook for 10 minutes over medium heat;

3. Rinse the millet, add to the pan, cook for another 20 minutes, stirring constantly;

4. Add sugar and a little salt, pour vegetable oil;

5. Close the lid tightly and let it brew for 30 minutes.

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Photo #2. Recipe for rice porridge with pumpkin in milk

The dish is perfect for unloading days, especially in winter period. A vitamin cocktail of pumpkin and dairy products will support the body during cold weather, and rice will give strength and energy.


  • Rice - ½ cup;
  • Pumpkin - 400g;
  • Milk - 1 glass;
  • Butter - 4 tsp;
  • Water;
  • Spices: salt, sugar, vanilla sugar.

How to cook rice porridge with pumpkin:

1. Peel the pumpkin, separate 1 large chunk and cut into medium-sized cubes;

2. Boil water (about 1 cup), throw pumpkin into boiling water and cook for 5 minutes;

3. After cooking, drain the water into a separate container;

4. Rinse the rice, pour it with 1 liter of water and cook until tender, stirring slightly;

5. Drain the water from the rice, pour it with milk and boil;

6. Add boiled pumpkin and ½ cup of the water in which it was boiled to boiling porridge;

7. Add 1 teaspoon of vanilla and 3 tablespoons of regular sugar, a pinch of salt;

8. Stir, boil for another 2-3 minutes;

9. Remove the pan from the heat, cover with a warm towel and let it brew.

Photo #3. Recipe corn porridge with pumpkin in a slow cooker

The easiest way to cook with pumpkin is to use a slow cooker. Preparation of all products will take no more than 10 minutes, and then it's up to the technique. The porridge will be very soft and fragrant.


  • Pumpkin - 150g;
  • Corn grits - 1 cup;
  • Milk - 4 cups;
  • Water - 4 glasses;
  • Spices: salt, sugar.

How to cook porridge with pumpkin in a slow cooker:

1. Peel the pumpkin, remove the seeds and select a small piece of pulp;

2. Cut a slice of pumpkin into small cubes, put in a slow cooker;

3. Pour milk and water into the bowl, add corn grits and mix;

4. Add salt and sugar to taste;

5. Cook in the "Porridge" mode for 35 minutes.

Photo #4. Recipe for oatmeal with pumpkin in the oven

It's hard to imagine more original way how to cook oatmeal. Baking inside the pumpkin, the oatmeal is soaked pumpkin flavor and aroma. The result is a delicious dish with an original serving.


  • Pumpkin - 1pc;
  • Cereals- 1/2 cup;
  • Milk - 1 glass;
  • Water - 1 glass;
  • Raisins - 100g;
  • Butter;
  • Spices: sugar, salt.

How to cook porridge with pumpkin in the oven:

1. Carefully separate the top from the pumpkin, remove the seeds and rinse thoroughly;

2. Cut out the pulp, leaving 1 cm walls;

3. Cut half of the pulp into small cubes and cook for 10 minutes;

4. Rinse oatmeal thoroughly, pour into a saucepan, pour 1 glass of water and cook until half cooked;

5. Steam the raisins with boiling water;

6. Pour oatmeal, boiled pumpkin and raisins into a pumpkin "pot";

7. Sprinkle with sugar, pour over hot milk and cover with a lid (pumpkin top);

8. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and bake the dish for 50 minutes;

9. Turn off the oven and let the pumpkin brew for 10-15 minutes;

10. Add butter.

Now you know how to cook porridge with pumpkin according to the recipe with a photo. Enjoy your meal!

Porridge with pumpkin is an inexhaustible source of vitamins and minerals. That is why it is recommended to maintain immunity for both adults and young children. Recommendations from experienced chefs will help make porridge not only healthy, but also tasty:
  • For porridge, it is best to use pumpkin of nutmeg varieties, then it will be just as tasty even when it cools down;
  • After cooking, be sure to add butter to the porridge;
  • For a richer taste, you can mix porridge with dried apricots, raisins, nuts or prunes;
  • Pumpkin can be either boiled in pieces or mashed in puree;
  • It is better not to drain the water in which the pumpkin is boiled, but later add it to the porridge;
  • To give the dish an appetizing flavor, you can use cinnamon and vanilla sugar;
  • After cooking, the pot with porridge should be wrapped with a warm towel and let the porridge ripen;
  • Porridge with pumpkin is good at any time of the year, so it is better to stock up on the main ingredient in advance.

Pumpkin porridge is good because you can cook it with the addition of various cereals- semolina, wheat, millet, etc. Today I will tell you how to cook pumpkin porridge with rice on the water. Earlier, I already cooked, well, but today it's the turn to cook rice porridge with pumpkin on the water.

Pumpkin is stored for quite a long time, so you can cook almost all winter. various dishes from her. Pumpkin porridge is a product not only tasty, but also healthy. The vegetable contains many vitamins, minerals, and besides, this vegetable is quite low in calories, so pumpkin can be used in diet food. Nutritionists say that if you use pumpkin dishes regularly, you can strengthen your immunity, improve your well-being, and increase your efficiency.

But enough theory, it's time to cook delicious lean pumpkin porridge with rice on the water ...

Since pumpkin is a rather large vegetable, we only need a small piece from it. Remove the skin from the pieces and grate.

Put the grated pumpkin in a saucepan, add the washed rice to it.

Fill the pumpkin and rice with water so as to only slightly exceed the level of the products. Add a pinch of salt and some sugar. Put on fire, bring to a boil and cook, covered with a lid, with a slight boil.

Cook until the rice is boiled and the mass becomes homogeneous. Stir regularly so that the porridge does not burn.

Lenten rice porrige with a pumpkin on the water is ready. If desired, it can be prepared completely without sugar to reduce the calorie content. Pumpkin and so sweet vegetable, so that in this form the porridge will be quite tasty. You can add honey, raisins, prunes, dried apricots to unsweetened porridge at the end. In a word, when serving, you can adjust pumpkin porridge with rice to your taste.

Good afternoon, readers of the PhotoRecipe website. Today I will tell you how I cook a very simple, but at the same time healthy, satisfying and tasty dish- millet porridge with pumpkin and raisins. Everyone is well aware of the benefits of cereals. Pumpkin is not only delicious, but also very healthy for the heart and the whole cardiovascular system.

To prepare this porridge, we need the following products

I bought a pumpkin a few months ago. I bought it in the market from private sellers. They sold it piecemeal. So all I had to do was wash it, peel it, cut it and put it in the freezer. So even now in June I have a pumpkin))) So, I took it out of the freezer, put it on a plate and left it for about half an hour so that it thawed a little. Then I cut it into small cubes. It turned out like this

I heated vegetable oil in a frying pan and put our pumpkin in it.

I made the fire medium, from time to time the pumpkin needs to be stirred. Its frying took 10-15 minutes. She took on this look.

We wash the raisins under running water, pour boiling water so that it covers the raisins by 1.5-2 cm and leave for 10-15 minutes.

Millet should be poured into a large or deep sieve.

We take a deep pan, which will fit both millet and five glasses of water. Pour millet into it, pour pumpkin, raisins into it, mix everything and fill it with water.

When the water boils, I add honey, sugar and salt. You can add only sed or only sugar. Who likes it better.
After boiling water, reduce the heat to almost a minimum, mix the contents and close the lid. Thus, the porridge will cook for about 20 minutes. From time to time, the porridge must be stirred, otherwise it may burn to the bottom of the pan. In 20 minutes, I stirred the porridge 5 times. So you should not go far from the pan.

After 20 minutes, our porridge took on this form. I took it off the stove and wrapped it in newspapers and a blanket. Left it for another hour.

That's all. The porridge is ready and you can eat it and enjoy the taste.

You can eat it as is. The porridge is not too sweet. Pumpkin and raisins add flavor and sweetness to it.

But it was this time that I wanted to add cherry jam))) Of course, it will slightly kill the taste of pumpkin, but it will not drown it out completely. As a result, I got porridge - sweet dessert. It was hard to tear myself away from such a yummy)))

Millet porridge, I think, is grateful precisely for the addition of different fruit fillings. It goes well with sweet fruits.

2 cups of millet makes a large three-liter saucepan porridge. And this is about 6-8 servings.

Wish you Bon appetit and good recipes!

Time for preparing: PT02H00M 2 hours

Approximate cost per serving: 10 rub.


Pumpkin porridge with millet has long been in my cooking plans for the "blogger's breakfast". But, since it’s hard to suspect me of a love for millet porridge, I kept putting it off and putting off the experiment with pumpkin “improving” what I didn’t like - millet. Today I had an opportunity to realize my plans. In my refrigerator there was a “nose” from a pumpkin, the “torso” of which went on yesterday. “Don’t waste the good!” thought the housekeeper, and hurriedly, afraid to change my mind, I began to cook pumpkin porridge with millet.

I have developed a rather strained relationship with millet as a result of the fact that during the time of numerous student collective farms and construction teams I simply overate millet porridge. We were served it every day for breakfast, considering it very useful for young growing organisms. Of course, we were not talking about pumpkin. It was just porridge on the water. We ate it with milk "in a bite", or rather - "in a sip". And I got so tired of it that after the institute I didn’t eat it for thirty years, probably. Then from time to time I had to eat millet, but, as you understand, I did it without much appetite. Okay, let's go cook millet porridge with pumpkin and shoot a small photo report about it.

Pumpkin porridge with millet on the water

Pumpkin 160 grams

Millet 85 grams

Water 150 ml (+ water for boiling and draining)

Sugar ½ teaspoon

Wash the pumpkin, remove the peel and seeds, cut into small cubes. Sort the millet, rinse with cool water,

Pour cold water,


drain the water.

Pour cold water again (150 ml),

Put the pumpkin


salt, put sugar, reduce heat to a minimum, cover and cook.

The whole process took me exactly 12 minutes.

In principle, you can turn off the fire and leave the porridge to infuse for another 5-10 minutes under the lid. And you can knead the pumpkin properly with a spoon and leave it to brew. I tried ready porridge- it turned out quite tasty, the pumpkin not only corrected the situation with taste - it also transferred its unique flavor to the dish.

My remarks:

  • Initially, I wanted to cook porridge with raisins (this is how I cooked recently), but today it was not. I think raisins would be even better!
  • You may need large quantity water. The cereal in my porridge was ready, but not boiled, because then I wanted to turn it from lean porridge in water into “non-lean” porridge in milk and cook further.

Pumpkin porridge with millet in milk

Actually, we continue to “cook” porridge on the water. Pour it with 170 ml of cold milk,

mash the pumpkin with a wooden spoon.

Bring to a boil, stirring

close the lid

reduce the heat to the very minimum, cook for another 5 minutes, turn off and leave to brew for about 5 minutes.

Beauty had to be captured from different angles:

My remarks:

  • You can add a teaspoon of butter to the finished porridge.
  • Cooking according to my recipe should be in a bowl with a thick bottom so that the porridge does not burn.

Well, what can I say about my impressions - sitting at the monitor, I enjoyed breakfast with milk pumpkin porridge with millet.

Today I have a musical gift that tears my soul. How can I split it in two? How did you split my soul?

Remember, people! Shame, people!