Koporye tea benefits and harms, recipes. The benefits and harms of Koporye tea

The term “Koporie tea” has 2 meanings: firstly, it is one of the popular names for fireweed, and secondly, it is the name of the tea leaves and drink made from the leaves, stems and/or flowers of the same fireweed, better known as "blooming Sally".

Composition of fireweed herb

Koporye tea photo

So, angustifolia fireweed, also known as Koporye tea, also known as fireweed, also known as weeping plant, also known as skrypnik, is a wild plant widespread in the northern hemisphere. Its medicinal effects are used in folk medicine on both continents: in Eurasia and North America. In folk medicine, all parts of the plant from the root to the flowers are used.

The composition of fireweed tea has been well researched. Koporye tea contains a large amount of carbohydrates, including polysaccharides and starch. It also contains tannin and pectins. The plant also contains a large amount of minerals and trace elements, in particular iron, copper and boron.

The biologically significant substances of this plant are flavonoids, vitamins, especially a lot of provitamin A and vitamin C, as well as a small amount of alkaloids.

During research in the 70s, substances with an antitumor effect were isolated from fireweed tea.

The benefits of Koporye tea

Koporye tea has a pronounced calming effect

The medical effects of using fireweed preparations have been thoroughly studied. Clinical studies have confirmed the following effects:

  1. anti-inflammatory;
  2. enveloping effect on the gastrointestinal tract;
  3. sedative and enhancing effects of sedatives;
  4. wound healing;
  5. to some extent – ​​antitumor.

In folk medicine, fireweed is used for a wide range of diseases.

  1. Inflammatory and infectious diseases, including genitourinary system.
  2. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: from peptic ulcers and cholecystitis to pancreatitis and hepatitis.
  3. For skin diseases (eczema, dermatitis).
  4. As a sedative.

In addition, it is considered effective application Ivan tea for helminthic infestations, blood diseases and tumors. It is believed that infusions of Koporye tea have a positive effect on potency.

Thus, it can be argued that the benefits of Koporye tea are beyond doubt. Although, like anyone effective medicinal product, Koporye tea still has contraindications for use. A laxative effect has been noted, especially with long-term use. Pregnancy is also considered a contraindication to taking fireweed preparations.

Rules for collecting raw materials

flowers for Koporye tea are collected in the first half of the day, before the dew disappears

Leaves, stems and flowers of the plant are used to prepare fireweed tea.

It is believed that the infusion from the flowers is in many ways similar to hibiscus tea, but has a more subtle taste. Flowers are collected during the period of active flowering and bud formation. It is advisable to collect them in the first half of the day, after the dew has disappeared. Inflorescences and individual flowers are dried in air, preferably without access to light. They are laid out on a cloth or on a sieve in a layer of no more than 1-2 cm.

There are several opinions about the possibility and/or necessity of using fireweed pods. There is no doubt that you should not collect mature pods and, of course, the seeds themselves. They are combined with fluff, which spoils both the appearance and quality of the finished tea. So, if the inflorescence already contains both flowers and pods, the latter should be broken to make sure that they do not ripen during drying and spoil the final product.

The main raw materials for preparing Koporye tea are leaves and stems of willowherb tea. They are collected as early as possible in the morning, preferably when there is dew. If you plan to use the stems of the plant, they are cut off. If only leaves are used, apply a closed handful against the growth of the leaves, separating them from the stem.

It is worth noting that although processing the stems complicates the preparation of Koporye tea, there is apparently still a point in collecting them. The stems of the plant contain more starchy substances, so their presence in tea enhances the enveloping properties.

Processing and preparation

Koporye tea is dried, fermented, and then prepared for storage

Koporye tea is prepared in a special way, consisting of several stages.

  1. Primary drying (drying).To do this, lay out the raw materials in a layer of 3-5 cm or hang them in bunches. Drying is preferable without access to light. Drying is short-term, until the leaves and/or stems soften, most often no more than a day; the leaves can be dried separately for 4-5 hours.
  2. Fermentation. For successful fermentation of green mass, it can be crushed, for example, in a meat grinder or with a chop. However, this is not necessary. It is also practiced to simply knead the leaves with your hands. The condition for fermentation is the presence of moisture and a stable temperature of 40-50 °C, possibly 60-100 °C.Typically used following methods: heating in a Russian oven in a clay pot, placing the leaves sprinkled with water in the oven at the appropriate temperature. You can simply keep the raw materials under a damp cloth in a warm place. The heating duration is recommended from several hours to a day. The criterion for fermentation to occur is the appearance of a specific “tea” smell and darkening of the tea mass. The duration and degree of heating determines the color and aroma of the future tea infusion.
  3. Final processing of raw materials. This is not only about final drying, which is recommended in any case and determines the possibility of storing tea. It is also possible to manually twist individual leaves, grind them, etc. It is recommended to store finished Koporye tea either in glass jars with tight lids or in foil bags. It is believed that with adequate storage, fermented Koporye tea enhances its medicinal properties for 2 years.

The history of the oblivion of Ivan tea is closely connected with the name Koporye tea. This was the name of the drink that in the old days was prepared from Ivan tea.

The fact is that Chinese tea FIRST came to Russia in the first half of the 17th century (this is the BEGINNING of the tea and coffee world expansion! :), but since the foreign product cost a lot of money, the ALTERNATIVE to it in Russia was OBVIOUS!

THE ALTERNATIVE, of course, was “ Blooming Sally", which Russian "tea drinkers" brewed and drank back in the 12th century!

Brewed " Blooming Sally"in such a way that it began to resemble subtropical tea in taste and color. It was made like this:

leaves " Ivan-tea“Dried, scalded in a tub with boiling water, ground in a trough, then thrown onto baking sheets and dried in a Russian oven. After drying, the leaves were crushed again and the tea was ready.

Most of this tea was prepared in the village of Koporye near St. Petersburg. That’s why they began to call the drink, and later the “Ivan-tea” itself, Koporye tea. HUNDREDS of pounds of this product were used in Russia. Later it became the most IMPORTANT component in Russian exports. After special processing, “Ivan-tea” was sent by sea to England and other European countries, where it is also FAMOUS as Persian carpets, Chinese silk, and Damascus steel. Abroad " Blooming Sally"Called RUSSIAN TEA!

When going on a long journey, Russian sailors always took “Ivan-tea” with them in order to drink it themselves. And as gifts in foreign ports.

However, there were also unscrupulous merchants who used Ivan-tea to counterfeit Chinese (Beijing) tea. They mixed with Chinese tea leaves of "Ivan-tea" and passed off this mixture as an expensive oriental curiosity. But it must be said that in pre-revolutionary Russia, and even after the revolution until 1941, adding other plants to subtropical teas was considered unscrupulous falsification, fraud and was prosecuted by law. Therefore, such merchants were most often caught in such unseemly acts and brought to justice, sometimes even holding high-profile trials.

However, even such cases could not deprive Koporye tea of ​​popularity, and already in the 19th century it constituted a POWERFUL COMPETITION to Indian tea.

Great Britain, which owned HUGE tea plantations in India, annually bought TENS OF THOUSANDS of pounds of Koporye tea, preferring RUSSIAN TEA to Indian tea!

So WHY did such a profitable production of Koporye tea stop in Russia? The fact is that at the end of the 19th century its popularity turned out to be so GREAT (Attention!:) that it began to UNDERMINE the financial power of the East Indian Tea Company, which traded Indian tea!!! The campaign stirred up a scandal, alleging that Russians grind their tea with white clay, which they say is harmful to health. And the TRUE reason is that the owners of the East Indian Campaign had to REMOVE THE MOST POWERFUL COMPETITOR - RUSSIAN TEA - from their own English market!!!
(This is the same East India Campaign that got all of Southeast Asia hooked on opium.)

The company did achieve its goal, the purchase of Russian tea was reduced, and after the revolution in Russia in 1917, when England entered the Entente military bloc, the purchase of tea in Russia STOPPED COMPLETELY. Koporye went bankrupt.


And just recently people REMEMBERED this healing drink. After a long break, it was reproduced according to old recipes and the Kruzenshtern sailors took it with them to the round-the-world regatta. The famous solo traveler F. Konyukhov always uses this healing “Ivan tea” in all his travels!

The reverse side of coffee vivacity

In the near future, we NEED TO INTRODUCE “Ivan-tea” into people’s food, eliminating or at the first stage LIMITING the consumption of subtropical teas and coffee, which contain excess caffeine, which can be used very limitedly for a Russian person.

Another academician I.P. Pavlov found that caffeine enhances excitation processes in the cerebral cortex and increases motor activity. However, large doses can lead to depletion of nerve cells. Tea alkaloids enhance cardiac activity. Myocardial contraction becomes more intense and rapid. Thanks to this, more blood flows to all organs and tissues and they receive increased nutrition. AS A RESULT, a person feels like a surge of strength, his mood improves, and all his senses become sharper.

However, such uplifts of spirit are naturally accompanied by increased energy consumption, which is not compensated for by tea, because although it is a rich plant in terms of its chemical composition, a person needs 2-3 times more for normal activity.

BUT... CAFFEINE, like other central stimulants nervous system and CONTRAINDICATED in cases of increased excitability, insomnia, severe hypertension and atherosclerosis, diseases of cardio-vascular system and just in old age.

The mechanism of action of caffeine important role plays the fact that it inhibits the enzyme phosphodiesterase. At the same time, cyclic adenosine monophosphate accumulates inside the cells, under the influence of which metabolic processes in various organs and tissues are enhanced, including muscle tissue and the central nervous system. But a paper cup of tea or coffee is not considered doping at a distance.

At the same time, caffeine binds to brain receptors, displacing adenosine, which normally reduces excitation processes in the brain. Replacing it with caffeine leads to a stimulating effect.

However, with prolonged use of this alkaloid, like other drugs, its effect gradually decreases.

And from tinted boiling water they often move on to a cup of real tea (a teaspoon of tea leaves per 0.15-0.2 liters of boiling water) washed down in three doses at intervals of 1.5-2 minutes. Then, by the morning cup, a day cup, and then a third, because in the absence of caffeine, the accumulated adenosine occupies all available brain receptors, sharply increasing the inhibition processes, fatigue, drowsiness, depression appear, blood pressure decreases and other unpleasant sensations arise.

In addition, tannins contained in tea, and up to 18% of them (the higher the grade, the more of them) bind insoluble compounds and remove calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, metal salts of copper, zinc, nickel and other trace elements from the digestive organs. That is why in the East they drink tea an hour before meals or two hours after meals, and without any seasonings and sweets, which stimulate the secretion of saliva containing a lot of calcium and other digestive media rich in enzymes and vitamins.

And “Ivan-tea” blooms from mid-June to the end of August. The flowers open between 6 and 7 am, attracting many bees. This is not surprising, because “Ivan-tea” is one of the best honey plants. It is estimated that bees can store up to a thousand kilograms of honey per hectare of “Kipreyny” land. By the way, fireweed honey, according to experts, is the sweetest, and if the honey is fresh, it is the most transparent. In addition to nectar, bees collect their bread-bread from the flowers of Ivan-tea.

Ivan-tea seeds ripen in August. Ripe seeds with fluff fly out of the fruit boxes. Over the thickets of Ivan-tea and far around, fluff flies - as if several feather beds had been torn apart. Ivan-tea seeds are distinguished by their amazing volatility - the wind carries them tens of kilometers away. Flowers, leaves, and less commonly roots of Ivan-tea are used as medicinal raw materials.

The collection is carried out during flowering (usually leaves and unopened buds are prepared separately).

"Ivan-tea" contains:

  • Flavonoids (quercetin, kaemferol, which has antispasmodic, choleretic and diuretic effects);

  • Tannins (up to 20% of tannins of the pyrogal group, which have astringent, anti-inflammatory and hemostatic effects);

  • Mucus (up to 15%, which provides emollient and enveloping properties, the ability to relieve inflammation, relieve pain, soothe and relieve cramps);

  • A small amount of alkaloids (these substances are poisonous in large doses, but in small doses they have remarkable healing properties, can improve metabolism, blood circulation, the state of the nervous system and are good painkillers);

  • Chlorophyll (green plant pigment that absorbs light energy, stimulates wound healing, improves metabolism);

  • Pectin (this substance increases the shelf life of tea).

  • The leaves contain vitamins, especially a lot of carotene (provitamin A) and vitamin C (up to 200-388 mg - 3 times more than in oranges).

  • The roots are rich in starch (this is a reserve carbohydrate of plants), polysaccharides (these carbohydrates are involved in immune reactions), organic acids (participate in biochemical reactions, play an important role in maintaining the acid-base balance).

  • In addition, a large number of microelements stimulating hematopoiesis were found in the leaves of Ivan-tea - iron, copper, manganese and other microelements necessary for metabolism - nickel, titanium, molybdenum, boron.

No plant can boast such a set of microelements!

The unique composition determines the variety of healing properties of Ivan tea. This is a mild laxative, emollient, enveloping, wound healing, analgesic, anticonvulsant effect. In its anti-inflammatory properties, Ivan-tea surpasses all medicinal plants - it has been scientifically proven that it has the highest anti-inflammatory coefficient among plants! :) And by its tranquilizing effect (sedative, reducing feelings of tension, anxiety, fear)

In folk medicine, “Ivan tea” has long been considered an antitumor agent. And scientific research has confirmed the centuries-old experience of herbalists; the high-molecular compound hanerol was isolated from the inflorescences of Ivan-tea, which exhibits antitumor activity, has relatively low toxicity and a wide range of effects on tumors.

To summarize, “Ivan-tea” GIVES YOU AND US:

  • Prevention of malignant and benign neoplasms;

  • Increases potency;

  • Effective for diseases of the genitourinary system (powerful prevention of prostitis);

  • Scars stomach and duodenal ulcers;

  • Increased immunity to respiratory viral infections;

  • Prevention of caries;

  • Improves blood composition;

  • Reduces intoxication of the body;

  • Relieves food and alcohol poisoning;

  • Restores strength when exhausted;

  • For stones in the liver, kidneys and spleen diseases;

  • Strengthens hair roots;

  • There is 6.5 times more vitamin C in Ivan-tea than in lemon;

  • Eliminates headaches;

  • Normalizes blood pressure!!!

Detailed recipe for making Koporye tea

Withering: The leaves are scattered in a layer no thicker than 5 centimeters per day or day until they become limp, and they must be stirred periodically, not allowing the leaves of the top layer and along the edges to dry out.

Twisting: the leaves are rolled between the palms of the hands into small spindle-shaped sausages, about half the size of a sausage, until they darken from the released juice.

Fermentation: The rolled leaves are placed in a layer of 5 centimeters in an enamel bowl or tray, covered with a wet cloth and placed in a warm place (24-27°C) for 6-12 hours to ripen. The higher the temperature, the faster the fermentation process occurs; the end of the process is characterized by a change in the herbaceous smell to a rich floral-fruity one. Too high a temperature and overexposure are dangerous - fireweed takes on the smell of low-grade, over-boiled “public catering” tea.

Drying: the fermented leaves are finely chopped, spread on sieves or baking sheets covered with parchment in a layer of 1-1.5 centimeters and dried at a temperature of 100°C for about an hour, periodically checking readiness by touch.

Well-dried tea has the color of black real tea, a rich and stronger aroma than its own; the tea leaves break when squeezed, but do not crumble into dust. When the bulk of the tea reaches this condition, the drying temperature is reduced, and the draft, moderate during the drying process, is sharply increased. If the temperature is too high and the tea is left in the dryer, an admixture of the smell of “dry paper” appears in the bouquet.

Storage: Like real tea, Koporsky tea requires tight packaging for storage - best in glass jars with plastic lids. Koporye tea reaches marketable condition after about a month of storage, and subsequently its properties, like those of real tea, improve even more. The dried flowers also make an excellent drink.

How to dry Ivan tea leaves correctly

This original Russian tea is prepared from the leaves of the fireweed plant (E. angustifolium). It has an exquisite taste and is in no way inferior to overseas varieties. In the centuries before last, Russia supplied all of Europe with Ivan tea.

The English name for fireweed, or fireweed, is Fireweed—meaning “weed of fires.” On lands devastated by fire, this plant appears first, preparing the conditions for the colonization of other plants in the future. Fireweed has flying seeds and quickly colonizes areas with disturbed vegetation; The pink glow of fireweed flowers can be seen in vacant lots, in vegetable gardens and villages, in clearings, and on the edges of forests.

Recipe for making fireweed tea from Dmitry Samusev

While still living in Belarus, I noticed the name of the plant and tried to simply dry it and brew it. It turned out to be nonsense: hay is hay.

I tried something different several times. Then I found out about fermentation, but didn’t know what it was.

Having already arrived on my land this spring and seeing the young shoots of this plant, I again wanted to unravel the secret of tea and drink a normal domestic drink. Managed. I figured out the secret.

Everything is very simple. The plant itself contains everything necessary for fermentation. These are his own juices and enzymes. If you crush a leaf in your hands, some of the cells will burst and the plant will release juice. Moist, crushed leaves will contain vitamins, nutrients and intracellular enzymes. These enzymes, having emerged from the vacuoles, begin to actively change the bio chemical composition plants. It's like self-digestion. At the same time, the leaves darken somewhat, and a different, pleasant smell appears. For this fermentation process, I leave finely chopped, well-brushed leaves in a non-metallic container under pressure (by reducing contact with air and metal, vitamins are preserved) for 1-2 days at room temperature. If you keep it longer, the tea will ferment like cabbage.

In agriculture, something similar happens when ensiling hay, when the mown grass is collected into clumps and it sours with the help of its own enzymes. The resulting lactic acid naturally preserves the weed. I wrote this to suggest that any medicinal wild plants can be fermented and based on this process an endless variety of teas can be prepared. The taste and smell of freshly dried and fermented herbs are noticeably different. You can add flower petals, dried berries, fruits to teas...

So, after fermentation, you put the sheet on cast iron frying pan and “simmer” over very low heat for about forty minutes. This heating to a hot state is necessary to accelerate fermentation, during which part of the insoluble, non-extractable substances of plant tissue are converted into soluble and easily digestible. These are the substances that give the taste, smell and color of tea.

After forty minutes of languor Turn on medium heat and, stirring constantly with a wooden spatula, bring the sheet to a dry state. Carefully! Don't burn it. Otherwise the tea will be scorched.

By appearance- This is an ordinary black large-leaf tea, but with a pleasant, unique aroma. When brewed, Ivan tea gives a good color and a pleasant smell, and with increasing dosage it acquires an intense color and astringency like regular tea.

Interestingly, brewing Ivan tea does not stain tooth enamel, and in general, well-made Ivan tea is much tastier than Indian or Ceylon tea. In terms of properties, the drink Ivan tea occupies an intermediate position between black and green in terms of strength and healing properties. And if you add flowers, dried berries and fruits to this tea, then it will have no price!

And this is all “pasture”, a gift from native nature, an environmentally friendly fortified product made with your own hands to your delight and to the surprise of your neighbors.

So, we collect young shoots of fireweed (you can also have flowers, but I haven’t experimented with flowers yet, I don’t know), finely chop the leaves, crush them thoroughly with your hands so that the green mass becomes slightly moist, put them in a bowl under pressure for a day or two at room temperature.

Then heat under the lid in a frying pan over low heat for 40 minutes. And finally, dry the mixture over medium heat with constant stirring.
Ivan-tea, aka Koporye tea, is ready! Enjoy your tea.

If you notice a plantation of Ivan tea, in the spring, around the beginning of May, although the timing may be different in different areas, tear off the tops of the young shoots, from them you will get top-grade Koporye tea. And the cropped shoots will begin to bush, and by the beginning of flowering, there will be much more leaves on the plants than usual.

BREWING METHOD: Pour two teaspoons of fireweed tea into a glass of boiling water, steep, and drink to your health! And remember: you can brew several times. With repeated brewing, the healing properties remain. And when stored, fireweed tea improves its quality within two years due to internal fermentation. The infusion of fireweed tea retains its healing and aromatic properties for three whole days. A drink that has a subtle, unobtrusive taste, delicate aroma summer herbs and pronounced healing qualities.

Based on materials from: anastasia.ru

Blooming Sally(fireweed, Koporye tea) - the drink is very pleasant in taste and color, which has a powerful healing effect!

They knew about it even in Rus', who used an infusion of Ivan tea as a drink and medicine for various ailments. This inconspicuous-looking herb is many times superior to even seaweed in its medicinal effects and healing properties, taking into account its unique chemical content.

By drinking Ivan tea after sunset, you give your body a chance to prepare for recovery, to gently calm your heartbeat, lower blood pressure and normalize your overall health. This state of nocturnal “anabiosis” is a real opportunity to extend or increase the periods of active life of at least a quarter of its cycle on average. And this is certainly a lot.

An example and confirmation of the restorative properties of Ivan tea is the life of a researcher at the beginning of the twentieth century - Pyotr Aleksandrovich Badmaev. Most of his scientific works are devoted to the study of the mysteries healing power this plant. The doctor lived one hundred and ten years, and at the age of one hundred he learned the joy of fatherhood. And it is unknown how many more years he could have enjoyed life if everything had not been cut short by the prison in Petrograd.

Europe very quickly appreciated the merits of this tea for its unique content. It contains six and a half times more vitamin C than any lemon. In addition, there are tannins - up to 20 percent, a large amount of flavonoids, mucus and pectins. Therefore, this product was exported from Russia to Europe in huge quantities.

Koporye tea

It is made from plant materials Ivan tea. This is similar to how black tea is obtained from green tea. Preparing delicious and healthy tea begins with fermentation - 24-48 hours. The smell, color and taste of the product that results from all manipulations depends on the time of fermentation and the current temperature. The color of the tea becomes different - green, yellow or completely dark. The black mixture has no competitors on the tea market! Fermentation will be discussed in more detail below.

Useful properties of fireweed tea

The taste of Ivan tea is distinguished by pleasant and aromatic characteristics, it tones the body, encourages and adds vitality. It has a healing effect on the entire body as a whole. In the heat, there is no better way to quench your thirst, regardless of the temperature of the drink. The main thing that makes this drink the most popular, especially for people leading a healthy lifestyle, is that its composition differs from various caffeine-containing drinks and black tea.

Fireweed has an excellent effect on the blood if it is used as a strong infusion or decoction of fireweed, subject to constant use (increases hemoglobin levels, restores the acid-base level in the blood)

What else is fireweed tea useful for?

  • Its content includes elements such as B vitamins, vitamin C, iron, which support hematopoietic function;
  • Helps to normalize digestion and metabolism, improves all types of metabolic processes, especially lipid and carbohydrate;
  • It has powerful antiphlogistic and antiseptic properties, and is effective as a healing and prophylactic drug in the overall treatment of infections and inflammations. In this regard, the leaves and flowers of this herb are significantly superior to such familiar powerful natural antiseptics as willow bark, oak bark and bear ears. This specific effect of the plant is associated with the content of flavonoids, tannins, carotenoids, vitamin C, organic acids, triterpenoids, and trace elements;
  • Prolongs the active life of the male body, supporting and improving the function of the “second heart” - the prostate gland. In addition, the condition improves significantly men's health in general: increases potency, normalizes erectile function. It’s not for nothing that Ivan tea is called a “male” herb. Remember that the researcher of Koporye tea Badmaev P.A. became a father at the age of one hundred;
  • Has a mild diuretic effect, normalizes water and electrolyte balance, while reducing blood pressure;
  • Thanks to the magnesium, B vitamins, and flavonoids contained in fireweed, it is an effective non-synthetic hypnotic and sedative, normalizes the psycho-emotional state (reduces nervousness, excitability, relieves headaches, normalizes night rest);
  • Since Ivan tea contains tannins, mucus, pectins, etc., it is able to improve and restore activity digestive system, eliminating constipation, heartburn, dysbacteriosis. This is achieved through enveloping, anti-inflammatory and reparative effects;
  • Due to the presence of organic acids in Koporye tea, in combination with magnesium and flavonoids, a choleretic effect is manifested;
  • Acts on viruses and resists allergies;
  • The reparative (that is, wound-healing) effect is achieved due to the presence in the herb content of elements such as chlorophyll, tanning mixtures, carotenoids, which accelerate granulation and epithelization of skin lesions;
  • The gradual analgesic effect of Ivan tea occurs due to the alkaloids, mucus, flavonoids, and magnesium present in the flowers and leaves;
  • Has lactation qualities, prolonging breast-feeding and thereby improving the health of children;
  • Flavonoids and pectins of Ivan tea leaves are natural adsorbents and cleanse the body of toxic elements and toxins;
  • Endocrine organs work harmoniously and more efficiently;
  • The herb has especially gained success as an antitumor agent due to the antioxidant effect of hangrol and other antioxidants - carotenoids, flavonoids, tannins, copper, organic acids, manganese, vitamin C, magnesium. During scientific research, it was found that angustifolia fireweed contains low-toxic and high-molecular substances that show “interest” in relation to cancer cells;
  • Slows down early skin aging, making it elastic and firm. All this thanks to substances that stimulate natural processes collagen synthesis (phytesterols, vitamin C, flavonoids, carotenoids, organic acids and copper).

Medicinal properties of Ivan tea

  • With constant use, Koporye tea is used in the general and preventive treatment of the following diseases:
  • Anemia (anemia);
  • Gastritis, ulcerative formations in the duodenal bulb and stomach, enterocolitis, colitis, disorders of the biliary system, pancreatitis;
  • Inflammatory diseases of the urinary system in men (prostate adenoma or prostatitis);
  • Infertility, regardless of gender;
  • Too high blood pressure of various origins;
  • Urolithiasis, including foci of inflammation in the bladder and kidneys;
  • Changes in the respiratory system and ENT organs: tracheitis, farengitis, bronchitis, sinusitis, pulmonary tuberculosis. Thus, the positive effect of using infusions and decoctions is due to such qualities of fireweed as expectorant, anti-inflammatory, and fever-reducing;
  • Pathology of the spleen;
  • Dermatology;
  • Herpes;
  • Metabolic and inflammatory skin diseases.
  • Poisoning and intestinal dysfunction;
  • Disturbances in the nervous system - neuroses, alcoholic psychoses, hysteria, depression;
  • Epilepsy;
  • A general course of rehabilitation from alcoholism to relieve hangover syndrome;
  • Increased psycho-emotional pressure and chronic stress;
  • The effect of constant fatigue, overwork;
  • In dentistry - in children during the appearance of milk teeth, in older age with looseness and inflammation of the gums;
  • Endocrine disorders in women of various origins (problems with the menstrual cycle, existing uterine bleeding, menopause, premenstrual syndrome);
  • As an adjuvant after manipulations to combat tumors and cancer (chemotherapy and radiation exposure) during the recovery period;
  • In the treatment of blood diseases (leukemia or lymphogranulomatosis) as an adsorbent;
  • With decreased immunity (immunodeficiency state);
  • For vitamin deficiencies, especially vitamin C and group B.

Ivan-tea for men:

Of course, the healing properties of the plant help everyone - men, women, children, but, having the ability to cure prostatitis and prostate adenoma, fireweed has earned the unconditional trust of men.

Ivan-tea for women:

This is an unsurpassed remedy for the treatment of cystitis, thrush and other diseases of the genitourinary system in women.

Ivan tea

No matter how good Koporye tea is, the taste, smell, and color of the drink are largely determined by the quality of the water. Anyone who has ever drank tea with spring or melt water will never forget this taste. Ideally, there should be five grams of Ivan tea (dried tea leaves) per person per day. It makes four to five cups of concentrated drink. The tea leaves can be brewed several times, but please note that the concentration of beneficial properties will decrease, although taste qualities are stored in small quantities.

How to brew fireweed tea

Proper brewing of fireweed leaves is one of the two main components that ensure the preservation of all medicinal properties.

The first method of brewing fireweed tea

2 teaspoons of dry herb are poured into 600 ml of boiling water (it is best to use natural or purified water). The container is tightly closed and left to infuse for 10-15 minutes, after which the infusion is stirred.

The infusion contains essential oils, so the drink does not spoil for several days, but it is best to consume it freshly prepared. The concentration largely depends on your taste preferences.

You can also drink the tea chilled. If you want to reheat, do not allow it to boil under any circumstances. The subtle aroma will disappear immediately. Drink without sugar, instead use raisins, dates, dried apricots, honey, halva.
The second method of brewing fireweed tea

Fresh fireweed leaves are placed in enamel dishes layer 3-5 cm, then pour purified water at room temperature (up to 10 cm), after which the infusion is placed on low heat and heated. The next step is to infuse the resulting composition for 10 minutes.

As a brew, you can also take a mixture of leaves and flowers: for half a liter of boiling water, a mixture of flowers and leaves of Ivan-tea 2:2 (teaspoons).

When to collect and how to properly dry fireweed

Fireweed is collected during the flowering period; it is important to collect the grass at a time when the flower cluster has not yet fully blossomed. Flowering begins at the end of June and continues until autumn. In August, beans ripen on the lower branches of fireweed, containing unpleasant fluff inside. Under no circumstances should this fluff be included in the collection.

It is recommended to collect in dry weather; do not start immediately after rain. Dusty, dirty, diseased and damaged plants are not suitable for collection. Ivan tea, growing along busy roads, is not intended for medicinal preparations.

The above-ground part of the plant is suitable for preparing medicinal infusions and decoctions, so during collection it is cut or broken in the middle, sometimes closer to the ground.

Flower brushes are carefully spread on the floor in a thin layer (about 5 cm), after which they are rolled into a roll and squeezed to release the juice. The roll is left for 8-10 hours in a room where the air temperature is 20-25 degrees.

The fermentation process can also be carried out in a wooden box, placing crimped flower brushes in it and, to save moisture, covering it with a damp cloth. After the time has passed, the herb is dried in the oven at 100 °C.

In early May, you can collect the tops of young shoots, from which you can make tea of ​​excellent quality. This tea has an amazing ability to restore strength and restore energy reserves.

Fireweed seeds

Fireweed seeds are collected in a small box and ripen between July and August. Up to 20,000 seeds can ripen simultaneously on one plant, distinctive feature which is the presence of a white tuft (fluff). The pappus helps the seeds to scatter a considerable distance from the plant; For this, a light breath of wind is enough. Another distinctive feature of fireweed seeds is their ability to grow even several years after ripening and falling on the soil.

In folk medicine, fireweed seeds are not used and therefore are of no value. Seeds are used exclusively for sowing a plant in a specific area.

Fermentation of fireweed tea

Fermentation methods:

1. Easy way
2. Forgotten method
3. Fermentation under pressure

Fermentation of fireweed tea

1. Simple fermentation method

Plant material is collected in the morning after the dew has dried. The topmost flowers are picked, without seeds or leaves. If it is very hot, then you cannot collect the grass, because the leaves will deteriorate and “burn.” Carefully monitor what you put in the basket, as a forest bug that gets into the raw materials can ruin the entire harvest.

The leaves and flowers need to be dried a little in a place where there is no direct sunlight, rubbed in the palms of your hands and compactly placed in a three-liter bottle. Cover with a wet cloth and leave in a cool, dark room (up to 25 degrees) for 36 hours. After the specified time, the fermentation process is considered complete. The prepared mixture is loosened and dried at +95 - +110 degrees. You can use both an electric and gas oven.

During drying vegetable mixture stir constantly or turn over in a dense layer. Gradually the tea becomes the desired color, which varies from light brown to dark. Drying of loose tea occurs differently over time, this is determined by the moisture content of the herb at the time of collection. Readiness is recorded visually, that is, “by eye”. The drying period for round tea is determined by the weight of the dried tile. The raw mixture and finished dry tea have a 5:1 ratio. The finished tea is stored in a dark, dry place, in a tightly sealed container, preferably glass, but it will also work. plastic jar. At proper storage The shelf life is three years.

2. Forgotten method

A leaf of Ivan tea is laid out on a moistened linen cloth, a layer no more than 3 centimeters thick, rolled up as tightly as possible in the form of a roll (twist). The size of the fabric depends on the volume of the grass. Remember to moisten the fabric with clean water. This can be done from the most ordinary spray bottle. Otherwise, the napkin will absorb the most valuable juice from the leaves of the fireweed grass.


The twist is tied with a rope, for which a rubber cord is also suitable. We carefully rub the grass in our palms, making flexion and extension movements for about half an hour. It is advisable that two people participate in this event. In this process, the structural cells of the plant are destroyed and the plant material is soaked in juice. Then primary fermentation takes place for two to three hours. The twisting temperature is checked with the palms. If it feels warm (approximately 37-38 degrees and above), the initial fermentation process is complete. The mass has a delicate smell, reminiscent of sour pear compote.

The young tops of plants, collected in May, are so fragile and sensitive that structural changes begin even during compaction in the container.

If you press on the raw material, you can hear a characteristic sound similar to crunching. The mass is placed tightly in a container (plastic bucket or glass jar) and closed to complete fermentation for 36 - 40 hours. In order not to spoil the final product, it is best to write the date and time of filling and the end of the process on the lid of the container. If necessary, you can give the tea more refined taste, extending the fermentation time in a refrigerated place. For the late harvest of Ivan tea in July - August, we carry out additional fermentation.

To do this, remove the plant mass from the bucket and rub it thoroughly with your hands until the juice appears.

Important point! To facilitate the cooking process, you need to pass the plant material through a meat grinder (remove the knives first), but keep in mind that both the medicinal properties and the taste will be much worse, weaker.

Then we collect the processed mass into a pile and leave it for 6-8 hours at room temperature, covering it with a wet cloth. And when the mass under the fabric resembles soft rubber when pressed, it’s time to go into the oven to dry. The future tea laid out on a baking sheet is dried at an average temperature of 100 degrees, before drying is completed the degrees increase. This calcination, like that of coffee beans, will improve the taste and make the tea more fragrant and beautiful.

Don't forget to stir the mixture frequently. The oven should be slightly open. Red bricks or ceramic tiles are placed under the baking tray so as not to dry out the tea. This device works like a Russian oven and normalizes the temperature in the oven. This is a very important point, since it determines how healing the drink will be.

Making Koporye tea in the oven takes one and a half to two hours. In one day you can get 300-400 grams finished product in dry form. The mixture in tiles must be wrapped in thick paper. Tea with a loose structure can be stored for 3 years, in the form of tiles - for decades!

3. Fermentation under pressure in its own juice

Fermentation under pressure

We divide all raw materials into two parts (this includes the top of the plant and its leaves). Juice is squeezed out of one part using a press juicer. Very little liquid is obtained, even if it is a modern “Angel” type juicer. Place the second half of the raw material in a metal-ceramic pan and pour the juice there. Press down on top with pressure. It is a wooden circle with a load of at least 20 kilograms. The weight can be replaced with a weight of two pounds, wrapped in polyethylene to prevent metal contact with the juice. After 72 hours, fermentation ends, drying, and the final tea is obtained at a temperature of 90 degrees.

Application of fireweed tea

Application for:

During pregnancy
Ivan tea for children
For prostatitis
In cosmetology

Healing infusions and decoctions have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, astringent, diaphoretic and enveloping effects.

Ivan tea has a pronounced sedative effect on the body (according to the mechanism of action and therapeutic effect, the infusion of this plant is close to the effect of valerian officinalis). It is used for neuroses, increased excitability, aggression, insomnia, frequent awakenings at night, anxiety and sudden mood swings.

The water infusion is used as an anesthetic for headaches, as an enveloping agent for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (ulcers, colitis, gastritis, dysbacteriosis, etc.).

The anti-inflammatory effect of fireweed is successfully used in the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system, including chronic and acute cystitis and inflammation of the urinary tract. For men, the use of medicinal infusions will help cope with chronic prostatitis and prostate adenoma.

The antibacterial effect of the medicinal plant is used for diseases of the oral cavity - sore throat, stomatitis and gingivitis.

The chemical composition of fireweed tea includes ascorbic acid, manganese and iron, which make it possible to use the plant infusion as an adjuvant in the treatment of iron deficiency anemia.

Ivan tea during pregnancy

Ivan tea is a plant for which no contraindications have been identified to date, so pregnant women can take it if necessary.

Tea prepared from fireweed is a natural remedy for the treatment of gastritis increased acidity, colitis, stomach ulcers. The plant has an anti-inflammatory effect, helps overcome headaches, nasopharyngeal diseases, and sore throat.

The vitamins and other beneficial substances that make up fireweed have a positive effect on wound healing and contribute to the normal course of pregnancy, which further confirms the safety of its use for pregnant women.

Ivan tea for children

Recipe No. 2- anti-inflammatory mask

To prepare the mask, you need to take 10 ml of tincture of fireweed flowers with vodka, a pinch of “Extra” salt and oatmeal. Mix the ingredients (you should get the consistency of liquid sour cream). The mask should be applied to the face for 10 minutes.

Recipes for preparing infusion from fireweed tea

Recipe No. 1: For external use of the infusion (for otitis, stomatitis and sore throat): 2 tablespoons of dry medicinal raw materials are poured with 400 ml of boiling water (it is better to use purified water) and infused for 6 hours, after which the resulting infusion is filtered and used as needed.

Recipe No. 2: For use in various diseases of the genitourinary system, including chronic cystitis and inflammation of the ureters: 1 tablespoon of dry crushed raw materials (leaves) is poured into 200 ml of boiling water and left for two hours, then filtered into a clean container. Use 1/3 cup (50-60 ml) 3 times a day.

Recipe No. 3: To use the infusion as an analgesic and sedative (including for insomnia): 1 tablespoon of crushed raw materials (root with rhizome) is poured into 200 ml of boiling water and infused for 45 minutes, after which the resulting infusion is filtered into a clean and dry container. Take 15 ml (1 tablespoon) 3 times a day.

Recipe No. 4: 1 tablespoon of raw materials (leaves and flowers) must be poured with 250 g of boiling water, left for an hour, then strained. Dosage regimen: 1 tablespoon 4 times a day between meals.

Contraindications to the use of fireweed tea

If you drink tea for more than one month continuously, gastrointestinal dysfunction is possible.

Use fireweed tea (infusion, decoction) with caution in cases of blood coagulation disorders (thrombosis, thrombophlebitis and varicose veins).

Koporye tea, the benefits and harms of which have been well known since ancient times, does not lose popularity to this day. People also call it fireweed, weeping fireweed, fireweed, etc. It is a perennial up to 150 cm high with a thick creeping rhizome and flowers of pink, red, purple, pale pink or white collected in brushes.

Ancient Russian manuscripts from the twelfth century preserve memories of this tea. According to legend, Alexander Nevsky, after the defeat of the German crusaders in the Koporye fortress, tried a drink brought to him by the monks of the local monastery. After this, the prince fell asleep soundly and woke up vigorous and full of strength. According to his will, local residents began to produce tea.


Fireweed, or fireweed, is a wild plant. It is widespread in the northern hemisphere. Along roadsides, in clearings, near lakes and rivers you can find a plant called Koporye tea. The benefits and harms of fireweed are explained by its composition. It contains a lot of carbohydrates. In addition, the plant is rich in minerals and trace elements, namely iron, copper, boron, nickel, magnesium, potassium, sodium, manganese. It also contains tannin and pectins, vitamins A and C, flavonoids, and alkaloids in small quantities. Substances that have antitumor properties have been discovered in fireweed tea. In folk medicine, all parts of this plant are used.

According to medical research, fireweed has an anti-inflammatory effect, has an enveloping effect on the gastrointestinal tract, and is therefore useful for gastritis, colitis, and stomach ulcers. Koporye tea has a pronounced sedative effect, has antitumor, wound-healing, antipyretic properties, improves immunity, normalizes blood pressure and sleep. Traditional medicine uses this tea in the treatment of inflammatory and infectious diseases, diseases of the genitourinary system, gastrointestinal diseases, skin diseases (eczema, dermatitis, purulent wounds), and also as a sedative.

Koporye tea is also effective in the treatment of helminthic infestations, diseases of the circulatory system and tumors. It is also noted positive influence Koporye tea for potency. This plant helps with headaches and migraines.

Since this tea does not contain caffeine and oxalic acid, its use does not disrupt the body's metabolic processes. Thanks to the content essential oils, beneficial features tea can last up to three days.

For weight loss

Drinking Koporye tea is beneficial for those who want to lose weight. In order to reduce appetite, you need to drink 150 g of decoction before meals, adding a pinch of salt to it.

Getting rid of nicotine and alcohol addiction

In addition, Koporye tea helps get rid of alcohol addiction and hangover symptoms. To do this, it is recommended to use 5-7 tbsp. l. tea, adding thyme and honey.

For those who quit smoking, an infusion of Koporye tea will help relieve irritability and normalize sleep. Infusion with the addition of mint is taken 1 tbsp. l. five times a day.

In the treatment of bronchitis

Koporye tea (Ivan tea) also helps in the treatment of bronchitis. To do this, add powdered tangerine peels (5:1) to the tea leaves. Then it is brewed and drunk like regular tea. The drink has antiviral and antimicrobial properties and is also useful for the prevention of colds.
And although the benefits of Koporye tea are undeniable, like any medicine, it has its contraindications.


Tea is not recommended to be consumed simultaneously with sedatives, as it itself has a sedative effect. Use with sedatives can lead to disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system.
Fireweed has a mild laxative effect, especially with long-term use. In this case, its use should be limited. Koporsky tea should not be taken during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as for children under 6 years of age.

Collection of raw materials

Leaves, stems and flowers are used to prepare the drink. Fireweed flowers are collected during the period of active flowering. The most optimal time for collection - the first half of the day, when the dew has disappeared. Flowers and inflorescences are air-dried, spread on fabric in a layer up to 2 cm thick. It is advisable to dry in a place where there is no direct sunlight.

The leaves and stems of Koporye tea should be collected early in the morning, when there is dew. The stems must be cut and the leaves separated from the stem by hand, against their growth.


Preparation of fireweed tea consists of several stages. First, the raw materials must be dried, spread out in a layer of 3-5 cm or hung in bunches. It is important that there is no access to light when drying. The drying process is short-lived (no more than a day) until the raw material becomes soft.

Then green mass subjected to fermentation. You can grind the raw materials using a meat grinder or simply knead them with your hands. Important condition fermentation - presence of moisture. You can heat the raw material in an oven in a clay dish, place the leaves sprinkled with water in the oven, or keep it under a damp cloth in a warm place. The process lasts from several hours to days. During the fermentation process, the mass darkens. The color and aroma of the drink depends on the duration and degree of heating.

At the last stage of processing, final drying is carried out. Sometimes sheets are twisted, crushed, etc. They are suitable for storing fireweed. glass jars with tight lids, foil bags.


Many people are interested in the question of how to properly brew Koporye tea. Preparing it is not difficult, you just need to remember some rules:

  • Spring water is best suited for brewing;
  • For half a liter of water, use from 2 to 5 tsp. tea;
  • the taste develops 10 minutes after brewing;
  • adding boiling water several times will not affect the medicinal properties;
  • Koporye tea can be stored for up to five days and drunk cold;
  • It is advisable to use natural sweeteners (honey, dried fruits) instead of sugar.

To brew fireweed, you need to pour boiling water over the dry herb (2-3 teaspoons per 0.5 liters of water) and let it brew under the lid for five minutes.

The drink can also be brewed using another method, which takes longer, but the drink is more aromatic. First you need to bring the water to a boil and cool to 80 degrees. Then this water is poured into the tea leaves.

Koporye tea can also be prepared with milk. For this, 1 tsp. dry tea is poured into a glass of boiling milk and infused for 10 minutes.

The gifts of nature can replace many pharmaceutical products and help maintain health for many years. But this is only possible if the rules and regulations for the use of medicinal plants are observed. This also applies to Koporye tea.

Narrow-leaved fireweed, also popularly referred to as “fireweed,” is a truly unique plant that has been used by folk healers for hundreds of years to treat many diseases and restore vitality.

Ivan tea owes its name to this amazing properties effects that a decoction prepared from this herb has on the genital area of ​​both men and women. It helps heal many diseases in this area.

Koporye tea: benefits and harms

Koporye tea, fireweed tea, Ivan tea: the benefits and harms caused to the body when consuming decoctions based on this medicinal herb are as follows:

  • Analgesic effect. You can get it either by taking a decoction orally or by external exposure, for example, rinsing the throat and mouth for a sore throat or toothache.
  • Increased immunity due to the huge amount, which is contained in abundance in the leaves of Ivan tea. The benefits of regular use of herbal infusion are obvious: the risk of contracting colds is minimized.
  • Calming and analgesic effect for frequent migraines and prolonged headaches.

Ivan tea: the benefits and harms of this wonderful drink are confirmed by official medicine. Despite all the advantages of using fireweed decoction, taking it in excess can lead to diarrhea due to the fact that the plant has a mild laxative effect.

Fireweed tea benefits and harms

One of the plants that has been known in Rus' since ancient times is Ivan tea. Its benefits are invaluable, especially in the absence of access to various types of medications, or in the presence of contraindications for their use.

Tea from Ivan tea, this drink can bring benefits and harm depending on how correctly it was prepared. Largest quantity useful substances contained in the decoction prepared on the day of intended use. A drink prepared more than three days ago should not be consumed, as it may contain harmful substances.

Proper use of the product guarantees that fireweed tea will bring benefits and harm if the preparation and consumption of the drink is carried out in violation of accepted technologies.

Benefits of Ivan tea for the body

The benefits of Ivan tea for the body as a whole: the drink normalizes the activity of all organs and systems, has an anti-inflammatory effect and prevents harmful bacteria and viruses from entering the body.

Fireweed tea benefits and harms for the liver and circulatory system. A decoction of this medicinal herb has a cleansing effect, normalizing blood flow, increasing the elasticity of blood vessels and preventing the formation of stones in the liver area.

Fireweed tea: benefits and harms in strengthening the immune system. Taking a herbal decoction or infusion in the autumn and winter significantly strengthens the immune system and prevents infection with colds.

Koporye tea benefits for stomach diseases. The use of just one course of treatment, which lasts three weeks, can eliminate almost all problems in the gastrointestinal tract. Such troubles as gastritis, ulcers, colitis almost completely disappear.

Koporye tea benefits for nervous exhaustion. Ivan tea has a calming beneficial effect on the body, which results in the restoration of the nervous system as a whole.

Fermented Ivan tea: benefits and harms

Fermentation refers to the processing of plant leaves by drying. After this procedure, Ivan tea can be stored in a dark, dry room for several years. In this case, the leaves lose only a small amount of the beneficial substances they contain.

Fermented Ivan tea. The benefits and harms of this drink are equivalent to a decoction prepared from fresh leaves of the plant. The only difference is in this case is a richer taste and characteristic aroma.

Benefits of Ivan tea for women

The benefits of Ivan tea for women have been known since ancient times. It has a beneficial effect on the female reproductive system in general, and can also cure a number of the following diseases:

  • Candidiasis. Commonly referred to as .
  • Diseases that are inflammatory in nature. .
  • Various types of benign tumors. For example, fibroids.

Benefits of Ivan tea for men

The benefits of Ivan tea for men are invaluable: regular use drink significantly increases potency and prevents the occurrence of diseases of the genital area.

Ivan tea: the benefits and harms for men when using this medicine are pronounced. With a beneficial effect, after taking the drug, vitality and energy significantly increase, and the immune system becomes stronger.

As for harm, you should avoid overdose of the drug, which can occur when using it for more than three weeks.

Ivan tea: benefits and contraindications

The benefits of Ivan tea are described above. We should not forget that any medicinal plant quite often has contraindications for use.

Ivan tea, the harm that can be caused to the body if fireweed is taken incorrectly:

  • You should not take the medicine for more than three weeks, as this may cause dysfunction of the gastric system.
  • Women who are pregnant and those who are breastfeeding should drink it with caution.

As can be seen from the list above, Ivan tea has virtually no contraindications, as does any other medicine of natural origin.