Smoked sturgeon. How to cook hot and cold smoked sturgeon

Fish and seafood


Smoked sturgeon- incredible delicious snack. Nowadays, it is not at all difficult to buy ready-made smoked or smoked-boiled sturgeon, but it is also easy to prepare it at home, and it will cost housewives an order of magnitude less.

Since time immemorial, sturgeon was considered the royal fish and was one of the most favorite dishes on the table. A large amount of this fish led to industrial fishing, so its population decreased sharply.

Nowadays, few people will be able to buy this whole fish, except on a special occasion for a big holiday, because the cost of the meat of this fish is quite high. But of course you can have a piece, and then cook it in a smokehouse at home. But if you don’t have a smokehouse, then don’t be sad. We will tell you how to find a way out of this situation.

Use the proposed simple step-by-step recipe with colorful photographs of all cooking steps, and you will effortlessly get a healthy and very delicious product, prepared with your own hands and very quickly. And even the most inexperienced housewife knows how to use the delicacy; everything is as simple as with other types of fish cooked on smoke. Smoked sturgeon is eaten with a side dish of vegetables or rice, seasoning the fish with fatty sauces (this fish itself is quite dry, so the sauce for it is selected accordingly). If you properly cut tender smoked sturgeon into pieces, you can later prepare original, delicious sandwiches or an unusual-tasting salad.

The calorie content of fresh sturgeon is about 195 kilocalories per hundred grams of product, while for a smoked product on cherry chips it is reduced to 135 kilocalories. A large amount of well and quickly digestible protein allows this fish to be consumed by people who lead a healthy lifestyle and count daily dietary supplements consumed.



    Let's prepare a deep, thick-walled cauldron in which we will smoke the fish. Be sure to rinse it and dry it dry. We will perform the same action with the lid to it. Place foil on the bottom of the pan - this will help retain heat and later make it easier to clean it from soot. We'll pour a handful of cherry chips into the bottom of the pan and set up an impromptu grate on which we'll place the sturgeon for smoking.

    Let's start preparing the fish. Please note that it is suitable for smoking large piece sturgeon, since a thin piece can be easily smoked, and it will acquire a very dry structure. Such fish will disintegrate into fibers when cut. Ideally, the main product should not be frozen or refrigerated, but nowadays it is simply impossible to find fresh sturgeon. Therefore, allow the purchased product to defrost in a natural way in the refrigerator for at least five hours. Cover the container in which you will defrost the fish. cling film. When the fish is completely softened, rinse the prepared piece and pat dry with paper towels.

    Now the sturgeon needs to be generously salted and allowed to rest for a while. Two hours is enough for this. During this time excess salt the fish will not have time to absorb it, but if there is not enough salt, then we run the risk of getting tasteless fish.

    After salting, a piece of sturgeon should be tied with a ribbon or rope made of natural fibers. Try to carefully tuck the thin parts of the abdomen inside the cavity - place them as shown in the photo. This must be done not only so that the fish has a beautiful appearance, but also so that the peritoneum does not dry out during smoking.

    Without washing off the salt, put the sturgeon in a cauldron and start smoking.

    Place the pan on the stove and cover with a lid. Light a fire under a cauldron of medium heat. After about five minutes we will see that the wood chips begin to smolder and a faint smoke appears. It's time to reduce the heat to low and start the countdown until the delicacy is ready.

    The total smoking time will be forty minutes - after that, turn off the stove. Do not open the lid of the cauldron - let it cool completely. This will take more than two hours, but this is the time necessary for the fish to be completely saturated with flavor, filling all the pores of the meat with it. Completely ready-to-eat smoked sturgeon will look like in the photo.

    Allow the fish to cool completely before slicing. Be sure to cut the smoked sturgeon with a thin and sharp fillet knife, and carefully cut through the bone with either sharp scissors or a large kitchen knife.

    The peritoneum wrapped inside, as can be seen in the photo, was not overdried, and the meat, after cooling, acquired a delicate matte, slightly pinkish tint. Smoked sturgeon looks very appetizing!

    Before serving, we will cut the fish as shown in our photo, arrange it beautifully on a plate and call the household members, who throughout the entire smoking and cooking time did not allow passage. Let them admire the result, and after that the hostess will admire the tasters eating sandwiches (and secretly licking their fingers).

    Bon appetit!

Sturgeon meat is especially valued for its extraordinary taste. In addition, this fish contains large quantities There are vitamins and minerals, as well as whole complexes of amino acids necessary for humans. You can surprise your guests by serving stewed, fried or baked fish. But a special decoration festive table will become hot smoked sturgeon at home. Moreover, this process will not take much time and effort from the hostess.

The highlight of any holiday table will be smoked fish. Therefore, it is important for every responsible housewife to know how to cook sturgeon. The first step is to go to the market or supermarket. It must be borne in mind that it is better to buy fresh fish, since a frozen product loses many beneficial features. Next, at home, you need to separate the backbone from the fillet. To do this, you need to divide the sturgeon into two halves by making an incision along the dorsal fin. After this, the fish should be rinsed well with cold running water and salted. Salt must be taken in the proportion of 1 teaspoon per 1 kg of sturgeon. Next, the prepared product should be left on the table overnight.

By the morning, when the well-salted fillet is ready, the question arises of how to prepare the sturgeon next. After all the work done, the hot smoked fish is almost ready. Then you just need to connect the two halves of the sturgeon so that it takes on its original appearance. Afterwards, the fish should be lightly sprayed with liquid smoke. It is very important here to distribute it evenly throughout the entire carcass and not to overdo it. After this you can already carry out heat treatment fish, but many housewives recommend putting it in the refrigerator for another day. This is done so that the smoked taste and aroma is brighter.

The next day, you can begin the process of cooking the fish. Many people know how to bake sturgeon, but not everyone knows how to do it correctly for hot smoking at home. Therefore, first you should prepare a baking sheet with a wire rack. Next you need to prepare the filling. To do this you need to take a small amount of water, add salt to taste, a teaspoon liquid smoke. To achieve a better aroma, you can pour a little dry white wine into the resulting mixture. The resulting filling should be poured onto a baking sheet.

To cook hot smoked fish, you don’t need to know how to marinate sturgeon. Therefore, the prepared salted fillet just needs to be placed on a wire rack, which should lie on a baking sheet. It is important that the fish does not touch the liquid below the grate; it is enough that the filling only covers the bottom of the dish. After all, the steam of this brine will cook the sturgeon. On final stage The baking sheet with the fish is placed in the oven. There, the sturgeon is cooked at a temperature of about 80°C for two hours.

To keep the product fresh for a long time, it needs to be wrapped in foil and put in the refrigerator. You can please your guests with almost any dish made from this fish. Therefore, you can either cook sturgeon kebab or bake it in the oven. The fact is that this fish has long been considered a delicious treat, but today it has become known that it is not only tasty, but also easily digestible food. Nowadays, sturgeon have begun to be raised in captivity, so its appearance on the table is no longer uncommon. And cooked hot smoked fish will become a real decoration for any holiday table.

For fans healthy eating, and it will be useful for simply lovers of tasty things to learn about how to smoke sturgeon in a smokehouse.

Why sturgeon? Because this fish is a treasure trove useful substances. It contains protein that is completely absorbed by the body. The presence of sodium, chromium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, fluorine, potassium, calcium, and nickel makes sturgeon a source of all necessary substances for the human body. It also contains vitamins:

In addition, this fish contains beneficial fatty acid V large quantities, which reduce cholesterol in the blood, and therefore reduce the risk of atherosclerosis. The presence of iodine, which sturgeon is rich in, contributes to normal functioning thyroid gland.

Preparing sturgeon for smoking

No matter how the sturgeon is prepared, it will always be tasty and healthy. However, fish cooked in a smokehouse will give gourmets an exquisite and sophisticated palette of flavors.

Suitable for hot smoking only fresh fish. It must be cut into small pieces of about 5 cm. If the carcass is too large, you can cut it into half rings. Then salt the chopped pieces in a ceramic or plastic container.

For salting you need 1 tbsp. l. salt, 1/2 tsp. sugar (proportions are indicated per 1 kg of fish), as well as pepper and other spices according to individual preference. It is important not to overdo it with spices; in order not to overwhelm the taste of sturgeon, they will be enough on the tip of a knife. Next you should rub the fish well.

After the sturgeon is salted, it must be placed in a container, covered with a lid and placed in the refrigerator for a day. After this time, pour 200 grams of cognac over the sturgeon (you can also use white wine, it all depends on your taste preferences) and place in the refrigerator for another 1 or 2 days.

After the fish has been marinated and absorbed all the deliciousness, it is completely ready for hot smoking; all that remains is to clean off the remaining excess salt from it.

The best way to hot smoke

The ideal option for hot smoking would be a small smokehouse. Since it requires a temperature of 80°C, it is the easiest to regulate the temperature. If smoking occurs on gas stove, the temperature is regulated by decreasing or increasing the fire, but if the smokehouse is located above the fire, to regulate the temperature it must be raised or lowered above the coals.

Cover the bottom of the smokehouse with wood chips, which must first be moistened by holding them in water for about half an hour. Place the tray, cover the fish with a lid and put it on the fire to smoke. As soon as smoke begins to appear from under the lid, reduce the heat and leave the fish to smoke for two hours. It can be prepared earlier, it all depends on the smoking temperature and the size of the sturgeon.

After the sturgeon is cooked, it should cool in a closed smokehouse. Then you can enjoy the incredible taste of healthy hot smoked sturgeon. This dish will not only delight food lovers, but will also be a wonderful decoration for the holiday table.

Hot smoked sturgeon in vacuum packaging

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Preparing cold smoked sturgeon in a smokehouse

Cold-smoked sturgeon is in no way inferior in taste to hot-cooked sturgeon. In order to end up with a tasty and properly prepared dish, it is important to pay special attention to salting.

To cold smoke sturgeon, you need a special smokehouse that maintains a low temperature. This will allow the fish meat not to be boiled, but to be soaked in smoke as it should be. A smokehouse for cold smoking will be more voluminous than for hot smoking, so smoking in this way will be convenient in a summer cottage or in the private sector.

Fresh sturgeon or sterlet must be washed, peeled and cut into small pieces. Next, the fish meat is rubbed with salt, placed in a container with a lid and sent to a cool place for 4 days until the fish releases its juice. Then the pieces are washed and dried in the open air for two days.

Each piece of fish should be hung inside the smokehouse, closed with a lid and smoked for two days over low heat. Moistened beech or alder sawdust is poured onto the bottom; they will produce a light aromatic smoke.

It is important to constantly monitor the temperature so that the fish meat does not dry out or overcook, but is only saturated with smoke. After smoking is completed, it should be ventilated for several hours.

Cooking sturgeon with liquid smoke

The initial stage of preparing sturgeon is the same as in hot smoking, only liquid smoke (1 tablespoon) is added along with cognac or wine and placed in the refrigerator for two days.

To prepare sturgeon in this way, you will need a wire rack and a baking sheet on which to place it. The bottom must be completely covered with the brine in which the fish meat was marinated and another spoonful of smoke must be added. It is important that the fish does not touch the liquid, but rests quietly on the grill.

Place this entire structure in the oven and cook at a temperature of 80–85 °C for two hours. Such simple recipes will give exquisite tastes, will benefit the body and will decorate any table.

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Video: Recipe for smoking sturgeon (any fish) at home

Sturgeon itself is already a delicacy, but when smoked it gains even more weight. taste qualities. At the same time, the price of fresh fish is rather high, and smoked sturgeon will not be affordable for everyone. What to do if you want to save money and try truly royal delicacy? The answer is very simple - sturgeon is easy to smoke at home! At the same time, you will be confident in the freshness and quality of the product, because you did it all yourself.

Choosing fresh sturgeon for smoking

Taste qualities finished product always depend on the quality of the ingredients. Even if everything is done clearly good recipe– stale fish can ruin everything. Therefore, it is important to choose the freshest fish possible and cook it as quickly as possible. Frozen sturgeon will not work here.
How to choose fresh sturgeon? Nowadays you can easily find live fish in grocery hypermarkets, perhaps this is the most the best option. If for some reason this is not possible, then there are two points that you need to pay attention to:

  • Eyes. If the pupil is cloudy, it means the fish is already long time lies on the counter.
  • Elasticity of meat. If, when you press on the side, the hand mark immediately disappears, then the fish is fresh.

Cooking hot smoked sturgeon

Sturgeon has its own unique rich taste, so it is extremely important not to overdo it with spices. To prepare 1 kg of hot smoked sturgeon you will need:

  • 1 tablespoon salt.
  • ½ teaspoon sugar.
  • Pepper mixture.
  • Spices taste.
  • White wine.
  • Smokehouse.

Our website has a large selection of good smoking machines. For hot smoked sturgeon, you can take 10 or 20 liters.

First of all, you need to clean the fish. Based on the size of the fish and your smokehouse, you need to decide whether it is worth cutting the fish. It is better to smoke small fish whole, but cut larger ones into pieces 2-3 cm thick.
Your next steps:

  • Mix salt, sugar and herbs.
  • Rub each piece or each whole fish with a mixture of seasonings and place in a container.
  • Close the container and leave it in the refrigerator for a day.
  • Then, without removing the fish from the container, pour white wine over it and leave it in the refrigerator for another day.
  • We wash the fish with running water and dry it. The fish should be dried in the air, but not in a strong wind, so that a hard crust does not form on it.

Then, wood chips soaked in water are placed on the first tray or the very bottom of the smokehouse (depending on the design of the smokehouse). Next, place the tray with the fish. It is convenient to hang whole fish on hooks. Close the smoking apparatus tightly.

Sturgeon should be smoked at a constant temperature of 80-85C°. We put the smokehouse on maximum heat, and as soon as the smokehouse is filled with smoke, turn it down. We smoke the fish for two hours, constantly checking its readiness so as not to dry it out. Then remove from the heat and let the fish cool along with the smokehouse for another half hour.
You can cook hot smoked sturgeon using liquid smoke without using wood chips. In this case, it is necessary to pour the brine in which the fish was marinated onto the tray for wood chips, and add 1-2 tablespoons of liquid smoke to it. The main thing is that the pieces of fish do not touch the liquid.

I really wanted to try making hot smoked sturgeon myself. Before this I made sterlet. But it turned out crumbly, if that’s how you can describe fish. Sturgeon’s meat is more elastic, so I still hoped to get an option with it that was more similar to the store-bought one. It turned out amazingly tasty, but not like store-bought. At all. Just as in the case of sterlet, the meat was tender and tended to crumble. No even pieces when cutting. The taste is also completely different. Neither better nor worse, just different. Maybe it's the temperature, I thought? But it was 80 degrees for me. I don't think that in industrial scale smoked at a lower temperature, because then it will no longer be hot smoked. Or I'm wrong? In general, I hope for the help of the collective mind. But I’m posting the recipe anyway, because it’s very, very tasty.

Chilled sturgeon.
Freshly ground pepper.
Dry or fresh dill. IN in this case dry gives more spice.
Juice of one lemon.
Sugar - a tablespoon.
Wood chips for smoking.

SpoilerTarget"> Spoiler: Cooking

I did clean the sturgeon properly, removing mucus and “bugs.” In vain. Since this well-cleaned fish, having a sufficient amount of gelatin in its skin, stuck tightly to the grate during smoking, as a result I had difficulty tearing it off. After which I came to the conclusion that it is better to smoke unpeeled, it will be easier to peel off and maintain its presentation.

I used part of the sturgeon for my fish soup, and I put a couple of pieces in a deep container.

I prepared the marinade. I took water so that it completely covered the fish. Warmed it up.

I mixed it and tried it. I liked the taste. I cooled the marinade and poured it over the fish, so that the marinade completely covered it. You can, in principle, salt it dry, but then it will take more time to marinate, and fish salts better in water. I left it in the refrigerator overnight.

The next day I took out the fish and dried it with a towel. I lined the bottom of the cauldron with foil, a little wood chips on top, and sprinkled it with water.

There's a grill on top.

Fish on it. She turned on the heat, covered it with a lid and smoked for an hour. I didn't open the lid. After an hour, I turned off the heat and left the fish to cool with the lid closed.

I opened it when the fish had almost cooled down.

Very tasty result.
