How to choose the right butter? How to distinguish fake from natural? We choose real butter. Adviсe

Fats in the diet are not the last thing. It is important for women to consume them in sufficient quantities to support reproductive function and hormonal balance. Both deficiency and excess are harmful.

Because plants don't have a lot of fat, a large number of they enter the body with fermented milk, dairy and meat products. One of the richest sources of fat is butter. Unfortunately, modern methods of its preparation are far from ideal, and a low-quality and even harmful product enters the masses.

Therefore, it is important to figure out how to determine the real butter that will saturate the body. beneficial substances and not harm him.

Oil benefits

Real butter is made from cow's milk without the addition of any other substances. In its composition, per 100 grams, 81 g of fat, 17.9 g of water, 0.1 carbohydrates, 0.9 proteins, 215 mg of cholesterol, and caloric content 717 kcal. Also available vitamins A, E, B5, B9, B12, K, selenium, zinc, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, sodium.

normal amount for daily consumption- 25-30 grams. In this case, the product is able to improve brain activity, increase immunity, favorably affect the condition of hair, skin, nails, and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.


Now we will consider what real butter should be based on documents. Natural butter is a product registered in accordance with GOST R 52969-2008, GOST 32261-2013, also present - GOST R 52253-2004, but imported and already packaged in Russia. In Ukraine, this is DSTU 4399:2005. For the spread, which must contain at least 25% milk fat, there is DSTU 4445:2005. In Russia, margarine is GOST R 52178-2003.

Reading the composition, it is also not difficult to determine which butter is real. It should contain natural cow's milk and as few other ingredients as possible. According to GOST 52969-2008, the presence of water, table salt, cream, buttermilk, skimmed milk, whole/skimmed milk powder for 72.5% or more fat content is allowed.

For 50-61%, which is called tea and sandwich, respectively, the presence of preservatives E200/210/211, stabilizers E440/466/461/471, carboxymetal starch, monoglycerides, carotene in the form of a dye, vitamins A, D, E is acceptable according to the document.

Must be absent in a natural product vegetable oils/ fats: peanut, coconut, palm, as well as milk fat substitutes, under which the same components are hidden. The name is allowed only such "Butter", "Cow's butter".

Signs of natural cow butter

Now we will share with you some simple ways how to test real butter:

  1. Expiration date no more than 35 days.
  2. The price is not less than 400-500 rubles. for 1 kg (out of 20 liters of milk, 1 kg is obtained.).
  3. When cut, it should look dry and shiny.
  4. Color from white (winter production) to light yellow (summer).
  5. Weak and soft creamy aroma.
  6. Plastic and easy to spread on bread or cookies.
  7. After freezing, it splits and crumbles.
  8. In hot water, it melts evenly, without stratifying.
  9. Long stay at room temperature, does not release moisture on its surface.
  10. It melts in a frying pan without water and foam.
  11. When pressed with a finger, it does not crumble.

Many are wondering if 72.5 oil is real or not, because there is information on the network according to which this product with a fat content of less than 82.5% is not considered natural. Of course, the most real thing is butter with a fat content of 98% from pure cow's milk, cooked at home. But even % 72.5 - 82.5 can have natural composition about which you read above. Of course, the higher the percentage of fat content, the more milk fat and less water, preservatives, stabilizers.

What can replace butter

When frying, the assortment is huge - any: sunflower, olive, even corn, etc. For baking, you can use a special vegan baking powder, which is sold in specialized stores, as well as Coconut oil(sold in solid form), skim cheese, yogurt and even mayonnaise. Even for baking, vegetable oil is suitable in an amount 2 times less than indicated for butter. In cereals, it is easy to replace it with olive oil, which gives refined taste dish and provides benefits.

Butter today enjoys a very high consumer demand. And not only in our state. This is not surprising, because such a product is on our tables every day. Everyone has heard the saying that: "Do not spoil the porridge with butter." And I must say that she fully justified herself. What kind of porridge will be delicious if it is not seasoned with oil, what kind of sandwich will do without it, because oil is an essential ingredient for many recipes, including for making dough, as well as various creams. It also makes a great addition to soups.

Real butter must have a fat content of at least 72.5%. It is milk fat from cow's milk, which is contained in a high-quality, natural product, that has the most useful, and also nutritional qualities. If the product is wrapped in a package that contains the name "sandwich butter", then it should be understood that at only 61% fat content, this product can no longer be considered real butter. Therefore, sandwich oil, like tea oil, contains, in addition to milk fat, various flavors and food colorings, as well as emulsifiers and consistency stabilizers. These are harmful substances.

In addition to the very name of this product, you can also read the inscription. For example, sweet and sour. This means that the butter is made from fresh, that is, sweet, pasteurized cream. If, in addition to the word “butter”, the package says “sour-cream”, then you need to understand that the oil is also made from pasteurized cream, but with the use of special sour-milk cultures. According to the technology, it will be allowed to add sourdough there. Sour cream butter is healthier because it is made with lactic acid bacteria and is also considered by many to be more palatable.


The packaging must necessarily say “butter” or “peasant butter”, but not just the word “butter”. You also need to work hard and read its composition. Spreads contain impurities of vegetable oils.

GOSTs for oil

It is necessary to choose such butter, on which GOST 37-91 is necessarily indicated. This is a product of the first, or the highest grade. Sometimes other GOSTs can be found on packages, they do not cancel the requirements of the above, but only expand the assortment names.

Beware of flavors and dyes!

H and spread, according to the law of the Russian Federation, published in 2004, may be indicated by GOST R 52100-2003. So you should be especially careful in the selection process, because GOST is also on the packaging of natural oil. Manufacturers of this shoddy product, for the benefit of advertising and marketing purposes, put names like “light” or “diet” on it, as well as “natural flavor” or even “ creamy taste". But, in fact, all the taste and aromatic qualities of the product are the result of the presence of flavors, food colors and preservatives in the oil.

What composition of the oil will not harm, but improve the condition of the body?

And only butter, made in accordance with GOST 37-91, contains everything you need, like vitamins, along with natural milk fat. Such important components perfectly help to improve vision, maintain the beauty of the skin, hair and nails.

GOST butter is conditionally divided into two types. We are talking about the first or highest grades. The best in terms of quality is oil from the highest grade. At the same time, specialists evaluate the organoleptic indicators of smell, color and taste, as well as consistency, packaging and some others. The product must be evaluated on a 20-point scale. If the butter from a certain manufacturer, according to the results of such an assessment, scored 11-16 points, then it is a product of the first grade. And when you get 17-20 points, this is already the highest grade.


The food we eat directly affects our health and well-being. Therefore, the choice of oil should be given a sufficient amount of time and care should be taken during the purchase process. This will save you from buying a spread or just a low-quality product.

Tips for choosing butter

All about oil

A variety of dairy products in stores and on the market, on the one hand, makes it possible to enrich the diet with new flavors, and on the other hand, it attracts unscrupulous producers who seek to sell a product that is not butter under the guise of butter. If you believe the experts, every second pack of oil can be considered a fake, so today we will talk about how to choose a quality natural oil, tasty, fragrant and healthy. good oil, a natural source of vitamins, minerals and trace elements, is necessary for brain function, moisturizing and nourishing the skin, strengthening blood vessels, preventing arthritis and increasing immunity. Our ancestors respected butter and repeated: “You can’t spoil porridge with butter” or “Cow’s butter - eat it to your health!” However, in order not to actually spoil the porridge with oil, you should buy only high-quality products!

How to choose the right butter in the store

Since it is not possible to taste the products in the store, we can only deal with the information indicated on the packaging. IN this case we trust the manufacturer, and the final “testing” of the product is already carried out at home.

Be sure to pay attention to GOST - at the same time, the inscription “made according to GOST” is not enough, since spreads and margarines can also be produced according to state standards. Butter GOST - R 52969-2008, but you can see other numbers, for example R 52253-2004. The last number indicates that you are holding real Vologda butter in your hands, which is produced by only three factories in the Vologda region. In addition, by order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated November 22, 2013 N 2134-st, another interstate standard GOST 32261-2013 was put into effect as the national standard of the Russian Federation from July 1, 2015 (ed. note 02.02. 2016).

Remember that GOST margarine is R 52178-2003, and even if “butter” is written on the package, do not believe your eyes! However, some types of high-quality butter are produced not according to GOST, but according to TU - technical conditions, so you should pay attention to the composition.

Make sure that the packaging has the abbreviation STR - "compliance with technical regulations." Study the composition of the oil - it should only contain whole milk and cream, sometimes salt. If the packaging says vegetable oils (peanut, palm, coconut) or some ingredient with the cryptic name "dairy fat substitute", you can be sure that it is margarine, even if the manufacturer tries to convince you otherwise.

The packaging should be directly and unambiguously written: “butter”, “peasant butter” or “amateur butter”. At the same time, keep in mind that the fat content of butter starts from 82.2%, amateur - from 78%, and peasant - from 72.5%. All other types of "butter" - sandwich (from 61.5%) and tea (from 50%) - are not natural, and somewhere on the package you can find the inscription "sandwich mass" written in small print. Typically, a sandwich product includes all kinds of flavors, emulsifiers, stabilizers and preservatives.

The cost of a pack of good butter is never less than 75 rubles, since the preparation of 1 kg of butter requires at least 20 liters of milk. If you see a suspiciously inexpensive oil on the counter, most likely it contains cheap vegetable fats.

Try to choose oil not in paper, but in foil packaging, since paper does not protect such a delicate product from exposure to sunlight that destroys vitamins.

Another criterion for the naturalness of creamy is the expiration date, which usually does not exceed a month. If preservatives or vegetable fats are used in the production of butter, the shelf life is extended to a year or more. Which butter to choose: natural perishable or unnatural, but "long-lasting", it's up to you!

How to choose real butter on the market

The undoubted advantage of the market is the opportunity to taste the product and evaluate its quality right on the spot, although it will not be possible to make a final verdict right away, since many of the features of the oil appear only after a while. So, you came to the market - what should you pay attention to?

Try the oil, hold it in your mouth, listen to your feelings. Natural butter has no smell, it is pleasant, gentle and quickly melts in the mouth, leaving a milky-creamy aftertaste. Margarine, on the contrary, can melt for a long time, sticking to the teeth. If you absolutely do not like the taste of the oil, it means that low-quality products or vegetable oils were used in the production.

The color of natural butter is light yellow, not bright yellow or white - in the first case, dyes are most likely added to the product, and in the second case, vegetable fats may be in the composition. When choosing butter on the market, also remember that summer butter is stored longer than winter butter.

Checking the oil at home

High-quality butter spreads well on a sandwich, and if it crumbles, then there is too much water in it. Butter also does not leave traces of fat on paper, unlike vegetable oils.

Place a piece of butter in hot water - natural product will dissolve evenly, and the margarine will fall apart into separate pieces. If you leave a piece of butter on the table at room temperature, then drops of water that appear on its surface are considered strong evidence that you have a regular spread in front of you. By the way, natural oil after freezer thaws slowly and remains firm for at least half an hour, and margarine and spread can be spread on bread after five minutes.

Because of high content whey in the manufacturer has to subject it to intensive freezing, so ice crystals form on the cut of the oil. If you see drops of water on the cut, this indicates that there are margarine impurities in the oil. Also observe how butter behaves when heated: a natural product will melt without foaming and water is released.

Natural butter can be sweet cream (made from pasteurized cream) and sour cream (made from fermented cream). The second type of oil is characterized by a slight piquant sourness and a longer shelf life. How to choose a good butter? You need to be careful when buying and not save on health!

A variety of dairy products in stores and on the market, on the one hand, makes it possible to enrich the diet with new flavors, and on the other hand, it attracts unscrupulous producers who seek to sell a product that is not butter under the guise of butter. According to experts, every second pack of oil can be considered a fake, so today we will talk about how to choose high-quality natural oil, tasty, fragrant and healthy. A good oil, a natural source of vitamins, minerals and trace elements, is necessary for brain function, moisturizing and nourishing the skin, strengthening blood vessels, preventing arthritis and boosting immunity. Our ancestors respected butter and repeated: “You can’t spoil porridge with butter” or “Cow’s butter - eat it to your health!” However, in order not to actually spoil the porridge with oil, you should buy only high-quality products!

How to choose the right butter in the store

Good oil, a natural source of vitamins, minerals and trace elements, necessary for brain function, moisturizing and nourishing the skin

Since it is not possible to taste the products in the store, we can only deal with the information indicated on the packaging. In this case, we trust the manufacturer, and the final “testing” of the product is already carried out at home.

Be sure to pay attention to GOST - at the same time, the inscription “made according to GOST” is not enough, since spreads and margarines can also be produced according to state standards. Butter GOST - R 52969-2008, but you can see other numbers, for example R 52253-2004. The last number indicates that you are holding real Vologda butter in your hands, which is produced by only three factories in the Vologda region. Remember that GOST margarine is R 52178-2003, and even if “butter” is written on the package, do not believe your eyes! However, some types of high-quality butter are produced not according to GOST, but according to TU - technical conditions, so you should pay attention to the composition.

Make sure that the packaging has the abbreviation STR - "compliance with technical regulations." Study the composition of the butter - it should contain only whole milk and cream, sometimes salt. If the packaging says vegetable oils (peanut, palm, coconut) or some ingredient with the cryptic name "dairy fat substitute", you can be sure that it is margarine, even if the manufacturer tries to convince you otherwise.

The packaging should be directly and unambiguously written: “butter”, “peasant butter” or “amateur butter”. At the same time, keep in mind that the fat content of butter starts from 82.2%, amateur - from 78%, and peasant - from 72.5%. All other types of "butter" - sandwich (from 61.5%) and tea (from 50%) - are not natural, and somewhere on the package you can find the inscription "sandwich mass" written in small print. Typically, a sandwich product includes all kinds of flavors, emulsifiers, stabilizers and preservatives.

The cost of a pack of good butter is never less than 75 rubles, since the preparation of 1 kg of butter requires at least 20 liters of milk. If you see a suspiciously inexpensive oil on the counter, most likely it contains cheap vegetable fats.

Try to choose oil not in paper, but in foil packaging, since paper does not protect such a delicate product from exposure to sunlight that destroys vitamins.

Another criterion for the naturalness of butter is the expiration date, which usually does not exceed a month. If preservatives or vegetable fats are used in the production of butter, the shelf life is extended to a year or more. Which butter to choose: natural perishable or unnatural, but "long-lasting", it's up to you!

How to choose real butter on the market

The color of natural butter is light yellow

The undoubted advantage of the market is the opportunity to taste the product and evaluate its quality right on the spot, although it will not be possible to make a final verdict right away, since many of the features of the oil appear only after a while. So, you came to the market - what should you pay attention to?

Try the oil, hold it in your mouth, listen to your feelings. Natural butter has no smell, it is pleasant, gentle and quickly melts in the mouth, leaving a milky-creamy aftertaste. Margarine, on the contrary, can melt for a long time, sticking to the teeth. If you absolutely do not like the taste of the oil, it means that low-quality products or vegetable oils were used in the production.

The color of natural butter is light yellow, not bright yellow or white - in the first case, dyes are most likely added to the product, and in the second case, vegetable fats may be in the composition. When choosing butter on the market, also remember that summer butter is stored longer than winter butter.

Checking the oil at home

Natural butter can be sweet cream (made from pasteurized cream) and sour cream (made from fermented cream)

High-quality butter spreads well on a sandwich, and if it crumbles, then there is too much water in it. Butter also does not leave traces of fat on paper, unlike vegetable oils.

Put a piece of butter in hot water - the natural product will dissolve evenly, and the margarine will fall apart into separate pieces. If you leave a piece of butter on the table at room temperature, then drops of water that appear on its surface are considered strong evidence that you have a regular spread in front of you. By the way, after the freezer, natural butter slowly thaws and remains solid for at least half an hour, and margarine and spread can be spread on bread in five minutes.

Due to the high content of whey in the oil, the manufacturer has to subject it to intensive freezing, so ice crystals form on the cut of the oil. If you see drops of water on the cut, this indicates that there are margarine impurities in the oil. Also observe how butter behaves when heated: a natural product will melt without foaming and water is released.

Natural butter can be sweet cream (made from pasteurized cream) and sour cream (made from fermented cream). The second type of oil is characterized by a slight piquant sourness and a longer shelf life. How to choose a good butter? You need to be careful when buying and not save on health!

Oct 5, 2015 tigress…s

Now the opinion is spreading that animal fats are absolutely harmful, they must be abandoned and only vegetable fats should be eaten. Opponents of such a position prove the groundlessness of these statements. Let's try to figure out what quality Peasant or Vologda butter should be in order to meet the requirements of GOST.

What is Butter

The product is made from the milk of large and small cattle. In Russia, it is produced by the method of separation or churning of natural pasteurized cow's fresh cream. Because of high content do not consume fat on their own. It is used for making sandwiches, added to cereals, in mashed potatoes, in dough, it improves the taste of food. From raw materials heavy cream– the product has a high fat content: from 50 to 99%.


In addition to fat, the dairy product consists of milk proteins, carbohydrates, and water. Butter contains cholesterol, lecithin, saturated and unsaturated fatty acid:

  • oleic;
  • palmitic;
  • myristic;
  • linoleic;
  • lauric;
  • oil;
  • nylon;
  • capric;
  • caprylic.

The product contains vitamins: A (retinol), C (ascorbic acid), E (tocopherol), PP (niacin), group B (thiamine, riboflavin, folic acid), carotene, calciferols, and minerals:

  • selenium;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus;
  • manganese;
  • zinc;
  • copper.


Requirements for the manufacture of the product are contained in GOST 32261-2013. Such figures, and not others, should be indicated in the labeling on the packaging of a quality product. The standard allows the content of preservatives, food coloring carotene, acidity regulators. The inclusion of vegetable fats in the composition of the product: palm, coconut and other GOST is prohibited. For production as raw materials, the manufacturer can use:


The dairy product is high-energy due to the high fat content - from 50 to 99 percent. Due to the low melting point - 32 degrees - fat is easily absorbed by the body. The calorie content of 100 grams of the product is:

  • 552 kcal - for 60% fat;
  • 610 kcal - for 67%;
  • 626 kcal - for 72.5%;
  • 748 kcal - for 82.8%;
  • 892 kcal - for 99%.


According to the standard, the product must be made from pasteurized cream with or without sourdough, so there are types:

  • sweet creamy;
  • sour cream.

Within these groups, the production of cow fat can be carried out with or without the addition of salt, so there are types:

  • salty;
  • unsalted.

The product is distinguished by fat content, the consumer is offered the following fat content of butter:

  • Tea - 50% mass fraction;
  • Sandwich - 61%;
  • Peasant - 72.5%;
  • Amateur - 80%;
  • Vologda - 82.5%;
  • Traditional - 82.5%.

The best varieties

Requirements for Tea and Sandwich oils are not provided for by the terms of the standard, due to low content fat, it is not necessary to consider them a product of animal origin of high quality. They may include harmful vegetable and hydrogenated impurities. Melted cow fat is obtained after evaporation of moisture by thermal processing, so it contains almost no useful bioactive substances and trace elements, but has harmful carcinogenic free radicals.

good qualities Peasant oil has a fat content of 72.5%. It is characterized by a special sour-cream flavor, because it is made according to a technology different from other types - from unpasteurized cream. With a fat content of 80-82.5% (Amateur, Traditional brands), the manufacturer does not need to use emulsifiers to achieve uniform consistency.

It is necessary to highlight the Vologda oil. It is produced according to a special recipe, according to special specifications by three manufacturers: the plant named after. Vereshchagin, ZAO Vologda Dairy Plant, OAO Sheksninsky Dairy Plant. Produced from the milk of grass-fed cows, it is characterized by a special sweet creamy smell with a nutty flavor. Among domestic brands, the quality rating of butter can be arranged in the following sequence:

  • Vologda with a fat content of 82.5%;
  • Traditional and Amateur fat content 80-82.5%;
  • Peasant.

Useful properties of butter

Cow solid fat is indispensable for the human body due to chemical composition:

  1. Selenium has anticarcinogenic properties.
  2. Cholesterol does not contribute to the appearance of atherosclerosis and heart disease due to the presence of oleic acid and lecithin, which regulate lipid metabolism and prevent the accumulation of plaques.
  3. Oleic acid has anti-cancer properties.
  4. Cholesterol promotes the production of bile acids necessary for the digestion process, the dairy product is included in the diet for cholecystitis.
  5. Vitamin A inhibits the secretion of gastric juice, this component is recommended by medicine in diet food for healing ulcers of the stomach and intestines.
  6. Vitamins A and E are good for vision.
  7. Vitamin C helps boost immunity.
  8. Lauric acid has antimicrobial and antifungal properties, so the dairy product is recommended to be consumed in medicinal purposes with colds and tuberculosis.

For the female body

The benefits of butter for a woman's body are provided by the content of the following substances:

  1. cholesterol. The presence of this component helps to maintain the balance of female hormones at the required level, and the lack of it leads to the disappearance of menstruation and infertility.
  2. Folic acid, lecithin. Contribute to the improvement of the condition of the skin, hair, nails.
  3. lipids. The fats accumulated in the cells help protect the skin from wind and frost, and ensure skin health.
  4. calcium. Actual for pregnant women and during lactation.

For men

food product necessary for quick energy replenishment. Animal fat can be easily absorbed by the body and contribute to the restoration of strength after large physical activity. It is a valuable source of cholesterol, which men need to produce healthy spermatozoa. A lack of a substance can lead to a decrease or loss of reproductive function.

For children

Replenishment of calcium by the body is important in childhood. The product has a valuable property - the fat-soluble tocopherols contained in it ensure the complete absorption of this element from milk fat. Cholesterol plays a special role in the development of the child: it is necessary for the renewal of nerve tissues and the normal functioning of the child's brain. Exclusion from the diet of cow fat entails a lack of nutrients, cholesterol, which can cause:

  • decreased concentration;
  • poor assimilation of the material;
  • mental decline.

How much butter can you eat per day

Because the product contains a large percentage fats and has a high calorie content, it is necessary to observe the norms of its consumption. Children are recommended to eat no more than 7 grams daily. Adult consumption can be increased to 30 grams. You should not give up cow fat in diseases of the liver and pancreas, but only reduce consumption to 20 grams.

Harm of butter

Currently, the benefits and harms of butter are a topic that is the subject of discussion. At proper nutrition, moderate use fatty varieties product cow fat can not be harmful. The following must be taken into account:

  1. Do not use the product for frying and baking and use ghee, because at heat treatment carcinogens are produced.
  2. Cow fat contains a small amount of protein, so allergic reactions are possible. Such cases are less common than with the use of milk.
  3. Excessive use of cow fat can lead to overweight, obesity.

How to choose butter

Which butter is better to buy so as not to harm your health? The first information can be obtained from the packaging:

  1. The presence of vegetable fats in the animal product is harmful human body.
  2. A large implementation term - over 30 days - indicates the presence of a preservative.
  3. For the consumer, the best packaging is a metallized film - it prevents the destruction of vitamins.

Signs of good butter

Checking butter for quality is carried out in accordance with GOST. The standard forbids the implementation of the product:

  • with extraneous taste and smell (rancid, greasy, musty, moldy, chemicals);
  • heterogeneous, crumbling, sticky, loose consistency;
  • non-uniform color.

To be released to the consumer, the product must meet the requirements for organoleptic characteristics (taste, smell, texture, color) and labeling. There is a rating scale according to which each of the indicators is given a score. After summing them up, the grade of oil is determined:

  • the highest grade - 17-20 points;
  • first grade - 11-16 points.

If the score is below 11 points, the goods are not allowed to be sold. When buying a dairy product, remember the following:

  1. You need to try its consistency - if the product is pressed through when you click on the package - you can’t buy it, because. this is the result of the addition of vegetable fats.
  2. After the refrigerator, high-quality cow fat should be solid, cut into a piece and not crumble.
  3. It is not a piece of cow fat that has a natural creamy smell, but a product that melts in your mouth.
  4. The color should not be bright yellow - this is a sign of the presence of a dye.
  5. A long shelf life indicates the use of preservatives by the manufacturer.
  6. A quality product should melt in your mouth, not stick to your teeth, and evenly dissolve in warm water.

Poor quality oil

To produce a kilogram of product, 20 to 30 kilograms of milk is needed, so the low price of the product indicates the presence of ingredients that are not of animal origin. You can identify a defective product by:

  • the presence of a pronounced odor - it is possessed by counterfeit products containing flavorings;
  • bright yellow;
  • soft, friable, non-uniform interspersed with consistency (indicates the presence of milk fat substitutes);
  • fission into particles in warm water rather than dissolution.
