Fish roses. Baked salmon rosettes

When the hostess makes a menu for holiday table, then the first thing he thinks about is cold appetizers. This is not surprising, because you want to show your culinary talents as much as possible and please the guests at the table with delicious and varied dishes.
When it comes to fish snacks, then most often the choice falls on cutting from lightly salted red fish - of course, it's simple, tasty and exquisite. But if you show imagination and add a few ingredients to the fish, you can make wonderful red fish snack sandwiches "Rosettes". And it is not only tasty and satisfying, but also beautiful - a real festive dish.
For such an appetizer, it is best to take White bread(it can be a loaf or a French baguette). But if you wish, you can also use loaves with bran - this is both tasty and healthy. Fish can be bought ready-made and only cut into thin strips, or you can take a freshly frozen carcass and salt it yourself to your taste. I have detailed the recipe with photos. These are very tasty too.


- fish (red) slightly salted - 150 gr.,
- cucumber fruit (fresh) - 1 pc.,
- wheat loaf,
- butter - 30 gr.,
- greens at will.

Recipe with photo step by step:

First of all, we cut the loaf or baguette into thin slices. (It is better to take sliced ​​bread, then all sandwiches will have the same size).

We cut the salted fish into thin long strips.
We cut the fresh cucumber into slices obliquely to make oblong ovals. Then we make cuts on the slices so that they resemble rose leaves.

Now we spread the baguette with soft butter (you can replace it with cream cheese).

On each baguette we lay a slice of cucumber and a strip of fish folded in the form of a rose flower. We decorate with greenery.

Such an appetizer cannot be made in advance so that the cucumber does not let the juice out and the fish does not dry out. Therefore, it is best to make separate blanks, and then, before serving, put the ingredients on bread and serve the dish to the table. See how not only delicious,
but also useful

Which table will be rated higher: the one where everything is delicious or the one where everything is beautiful? Without a doubt, the beauty of serving and original jewelry even the most simple meals makes them taste better! Therefore, we take into account current trends and recommend that you pay attention to various techniques for decorating dishes and cuts. The highlight of the fish plate will be red fish roses (salmon, salmon, etc.) made to decorate the table. So let's talk about how they can be done.

Sliced ​​​​salmon in itself becomes a decoration of the table, but if you lay out thin plates of fish in a special way, then your treat will be remembered for a long time by everyone without exception! And you will experience a feeling of real gastronomic satisfaction!

Moreover, you can use such an unusual presentation not only for romantic dinner or festive feast, but also in the everyday version of a family dinner! Don't your loved ones deserve an everyday holiday?

Step by Step

1. Cut off 2 cm strips of salmon with kitchen scissors. Rosettes of this size will look great on sandwiches and canapes.

To decorate salads or plates with fish slices you can make bigger roses (salmon strips will be 3-4 cm).

2. We begin to fold the strip.

3. Having passed 2/3 of the way, turn the strip a little to the bottom, as shown in the photo (as if opening the petal) and continue to turn to the end of the strip.

4. If you have already prepared sandwiches, then immediately glue the rosette to the oil. If you decide to make sockets and only then decorate your dishes, then it is better to fix them with toothpicks or kitchen skewers.

Rosettes from salmon in a single strip

In the video, the master shows how to roll salmon pieces into "rosettes" and place them on a Japanese sushi-style rice dish.


Rosettes from several stripes of red fish

fast and snack for sandwiches that can be made in minutes! Great for small dinners, meetings and parties.

You can create a socket in the form of a rose from various kinds fish, the main condition is to cut it thinly. It can be any kind of red fish or a simple herring.

You can decorate with such a masterpiece ready meal (fish salad“fur coat”, salty cakes), decorate a plate with fish slices or make festive option sandwiches (salmon, butter and caviar).

Decoration of festive dishes with salmon roses

Dishes from fish, and especially from salmon, are not only extremely tasty, but also beneficial for health with their healing substances. Red fish contains unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids, which are not synthesized by the human body, but are involved in many metabolic processes. Salmon is also rich in vitamins and mineral salts, other fatty acids. Therefore, you will improve not only serving, but also increase the nutritional value of the treat!
Bon Appetit!

Fish roses are a festive portioned hot dish that is convenient to serve even on a noisy youth party and in the circle of good friends for heartfelt conversation. Fish roses can be made from any sea ​​fish where there are some bones. I prefer to buy a carcass and butcher it myself. Often the fillet is much more expensive, and the meat itself is very dry….


  • 1 blue hake fillet__NEWL__
  • 0.5 kg potatoes__NEWL__
  • 1 liter of water__NEWL__
  • 2 tablespoons soy sauce__NEWL__
  • 1 teaspoon mild curry__NEWL__
  • freshly ground black peppercorns__NEWL__
  • salt__NEWL__
  • sesame seeds__NEWL__
  • refined vegetable oil for mold lubrication__NEWL__

Preparation of "Fish roses"

Peel potatoes, cut into slices. Pour boiling water over and bring to a boil. Don't forget to salt the potatoes while cooking.

Clean the fish from gunpowder and skin. Remove spine.

We cut the fish into the longest narrow strips. If the fillet is wide, first we cut the fillet along the plane, and only then we cut it into strips. The smoother the strip, the neater the roses will be.

Prepare marinade for fish: mix soy sauce, salt and freshly ground black pepper.

Add a spoonful of curry. The marinade should be very dark in color.

Put the fish there and mix so that the marinade penetrates into each piece. Let the fish marinate for 15-20 minutes.

Potatoes are ready, drain all the water.

Prepare puree as you like. I add butter and nothing more. There are gourmets who add cream, sour cream, whipped egg whites or spices.

Let the puree cool a little and form the base for the roses - the pyramid.

Wrap the fillet strips, forming a rosette. Sprinkle with sesame seeds.

Bake fish and potatoes for 15-25 minutes in the oven in a baking dish, which must be greased with refined vegetable oil.

Put on a plate lettuce leaves and a fish rose. Decorate with tomato slices, or cucumber and tomato salad. The number of roses should correspond to the number of guests, + 3 pieces for an addition.