Baked eggplant caviar. Roasted eggplant caviar

  • 4 eggplants;
  • 1 medium onion;
  • 2 large ripe tomatoes;
  • 1-1.5 tablespoons of fragrant sunflower oil;
  • Salt - to taste, about 1/3 teaspoon;
  • Ground black pepper - also to taste, a couple of pinches.
We choose eggplants that are not very large so that they bake faster. And tomatoes, on the contrary, are large and most ripe, with juicy pulp. Seasoning tastes best unrefined fragrant oil- "fried" oliya for salads.

Cooking method:

Wash the little blue ones, dry them with a towel and wrap each one tightly in baking foil, shiny side out.

It turns out such silver eggplants, it looks very cool!

We put them in a preheated oven, you can directly on the grate to the middle level, you can - on a baking sheet. Bake eggplants in the oven for 35-40 minutes at 180-190C - until they become soft. Exact time depends on the size of the vegetables and your oven.

Carefully unfold the foil and let the baked eggplants cool.

Then we remove the thin skin and chop the vegetables on the board with a wide knife until an eggplant "porridge" is obtained.

Put into a bowl. We also add chopped onion- cut as small as possible. And rubbed on coarse grater skinless tomatoes.

Salt, pepper, mix and taste. If the taste for salt and pepper suits - season with oil. This order is obligatory: if you first season and then salt, then the oil, enveloping the vegetables, will not allow spices to get to them, and it will constantly seem as if the caviar is undersalted. If you suddenly oversalted, it happens - just add another grated tomato.

After mixing the caviar with butter, put it in a salad bowl and decorate with sprigs of greenery.

It is very tasty to eat baked eggplant caviar, generously laying it on White bread. Or just spoons, biting with a slice of a loaf.


Eggplant caviar in the oven- this is special recipe cooking traditional snack from eggplant. The taste of this dish is very spicy due to the addition of pepper. This type of caviar will be an excellent side dish for meat or fish dishes, but it can also be submitted as a separate independent dish. Home-cooked eggplant caviar in the oven will be a great appetizer at any celebration, however, it will become the highlight of even an everyday dinner. In addition, its advantage is not only a chic taste and attractive appearance, but also a lot of useful properties that eggplant has.

By nutritional value eggplant is on the same level with fresh meat. Eggplant fruits contain great amount vitamins, as well as useful macro- and microelements. For example, thanks to potassium salts, work improves of cardio-vascular system and excess liquid comes out. Iron, in turn, restores the processes of hematopoiesis. Fiber, which is part of the vegetable, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, removing toxins from the body. In addition, eggplant caviar baked in the oven is low-calorie product, so overweight people can safely use it.

The benefits of this dish are endless, especially homemade. What about the cooking process? eggplant caviar, then our step by step recipe with photo.


  • (1.1 kg)

  • (350 g)

  • (300 g)

  • (100 g)

  • (15 g)

  • (6 g)

  • (25 g)

  • (4-5 tbsp sunflower)

  • (taste)

  • (taste)

Cooking steps

    First, wash the eggplants and let them dry for a while. We cut dry eggplant lengthwise into not too wide plates, making small cuts on them.

    We heat the oven to 190 degrees. Take chopped eggplant and bake for half an hour.

    After the time has elapsed, we take the eggplant out of the oven and take out the pulp of the vegetable with a spoon.

    Let the pulp cool down.

    Using a knife, finely chop the eggplant flesh.

    We wash the Bulgarian pepper, let it dry and bake in the oven at a temperature of 190 degrees for about 15 minutes. Turn the pepper occasionally so that it bakes well.

    Taking the pepper out of the oven, put it in plastic bag and leave for another 10 minutes.

    After 10 minutes, take the pepper out of the bag and remove the peel from it.

    Then we remove the seeds.

    Finely chop the roasted peppers.

    Peel the onion and cut into small cubes.

    We clean the hot pepper from the seeds and finely chop it together with the peeled garlic.

    We take tomatoes and make not too deep cuts with a knife.

    Then put the tomatoes in hot water.

    After a few minutes, transfer the tomatoes to cold water.

    Carefully remove the skin from the tomatoes.

    Finely chop the tomatoes and put them in a colander.

    We observe that excess moisture from the pulp of tomatoes glass.

    Put eggplant pulp, peppers, tomatoes, hot peppers, garlic and onions in a bowl.

    Mix all ingredients thoroughly.

    Wash and dry the cilantro, then finely chop.

    Add salt, pepper to taste, as well as oil and cilantro to the caviar. Mix well all the ingredients. It would be better to let the caviar brew for several hours, but if it doesn’t work out, it’s okay.

    Now you can serve caviar on the table.

    Enjoy your meal!

Dishes from the oven always turn out incredibly tender in taste. Due to the fact that vegetables are not fried, they become softer, more tender, so you can do anything with them. And a couple of good ones simple recipes will always help the hostess to ease her culinary fate and prepare another edible creation for the meal. For example, a vegetable such as eggplant is a unique option for creating variety of dishes. Well, baked in the oven, it becomes just royal food.


Servings: - +

  • Tomatoes 1.5 kg
  • Chilli 1 PC.
  • eggplant 2 kg
  • Onion 500 gr
  • bell pepper500 gr
  • Black ground pepper 1/4 tsp
  • Carrot 500 gr
  • Vegetable oil100 ml
  • Salt 1.5 st. l.
  • Sugar 3 art. l.

per serving

Calories: 90 kcal

Proteins: 0.6 g

Fats: 7 g

Carbohydrates: 6 g

13 o'clock 0 min.

    Initially, peppers and eggplants are washed, then they are laid out exactly on a baking sheet (“blue ones” will need to be pricked with a fork). Then all these ingredients must be placed in an oven heated to 220 degrees. Vegetables should stand in the oven for 40 minutes, but for greater readiness, an hour is better.

    When the eggplants and peppers are baked, they must be put in a capacious bowl and be sure to cover with something (another plate or a special cling film) and just leave it on the table for some 10-15 minutes. During this time, the vegetables will soften even more, and then it will be much easier to remove the skin from them.

    With tomatoes there will be a separate "culinary" operation. They will also need to be washed, then peeled and grated on a regular grater. You should get somewhere up to 1.5 kg of delicious tomato puree (perhaps the amount will be less). It must be poured into a saucepan and boiled.

    While the tomatoes are boiling, you can peel, wash and cut the onion, preferably into cubes. Then fry the chopped onion well in oil and pour into a boiling pan with tomato puree. Carrots must be grated and fried, and then, after the fried onions, sent to the pan.

    Eggplant, holding with a fork, free from the skin. Peppers also need to be peeled - from the peel and seeds. Then cut the vegetables and send with a "burning ticket" to a boiling pot. Sprinkle chili on top of the entire vegetable mass and stir it with a regular spoon. After that, the caviar should boil well (10 minutes will be enough).

    Grind already cooked caviar in a conventional meat grinder or blender. After that, you can sprinkle the vegetables with sugar, salt and finely ground pepper. Mix everything very carefully. Do not forget to taste the caviar after this, and, if necessary, add more sugar or salt to it (to taste). Boil the vegetables for an additional 10 minutes.

    Caviar from eggplant baked in the oven can also be rolled up for the period of cold weather - just put it in jars and close it for the winter while still burning. The finished caviar must be spread out evenly in sterilized containers and for 10 minutes the jars must be sterilized already with vegetable caviar. After that, the jars can be closed, put on the floor upside down, covered with a blanket and left to cool (for 10-12 hours).

    To make the taste of caviar more persistent, you can add a couple of teaspoons of 6% vinegar to the vegetable mass. However, this must be done at will. If you do not want to add vinegar, the quality and taste of your products will not be affected in any way. Do not be afraid to experiment and have an excellent appetite!

Delicious and beautiful caviar from baked eggplant and fresh tomato with garlic, but it is difficult to remove the rustling skin from fruits blackened in the oven. A compromise has been found: you can cut the eggplant into slices and bake until the pulp becomes soft. A slightly wrinkled skin will darken quite a bit: it can be combined with a clear conscience with the rest of the ingredients of the dish. The taste will not suffer - on the contrary, it will be filled with new aromas, sparkle with new appetizing notes.

for 5.5-6 l caviar:
- eggplant 4.5-5.2 kg;
- pepper 1.2-1.5 kg;
- tomato sauce 230-250 ml;
- garlic 150-180 g;
- onion 1.8-2 kg;
- vegetable oil 0.5-0.7 l;
- hot pepper 1 pod;
- salt 2.5-3 tablespoons;
- sugar to taste.

Prepare vegetables for baking: remove the core with seeds from the pepper cut into two parts, cut the eggplant into 3-4 slices or into two parts.
You can bake small and whole fruits, piercing the skin with a toothpick in several places on each side. This will prevent it from cracking and splashing the pulp.

On a baking sheet lined with cling film, spread the eggplant and pepper slices at a short distance. It is more convenient to spread the vegetables with the skin down - so that the cut is on top. Put in the oven to bake for 12-17 minutes, periodically checking the degree of readiness. When the eggplant peel darkens, the core becomes soft enough, the pepper skin wrinkles and charred in places, you can safely remove the vegetables from the oven.

Remove vegetables from oven, cool. Remove easily detachable skin from cold pepper, pass the resulting slurry through a meat grinder or beat in a blender until smooth.

Peel the eggplants from the skin that has darkened in the oven, puree the cream-colored flesh with a fork or pass through a meat grinder. You can do it easier by grinding the baked fruits along with the peel, removing only its darkest parts and coarse seeds.
In the first case, eggplant caviar for the winter will turn out to be cream-colored or
pink, in the second - red-brown. On taste qualities the presence of the skin will not adversely affect.

Fry the onion, pass through a meat grinder. Combine all the components of caviar by adding a miniature pod chopped and freed from seeds hot pepper, mix.
Pour thick tomato sauce into the resulting mass, salt to taste. If the sauce is sour, a spoonful of sugar will do.

Add chopped garlic, any refined vegetable oil. On low heat, baked eggplant caviar will languish for 10-15 minutes.

Without removing from heat, fill sterilized jars of small volume, and then proceed to pasteurization.
Important: the pasteurization time is determined taking into account the volume of the container.
After pasteurization, quickly cork the jars with caviar, wrap with a dense cloth for a couple of hours.

In winter, you will be convinced: caviar from baked eggplants with skin is no worse than caviar cooked according to: infinitely tasty, with an oily light texture, fragrant - as they say, “with smoke”. spicy snack will add piquancy to fresh winter menu, will cause admiration for festive table, decorate the toast and just a slice of bread.
Enjoy your meal!