Bread with sunflower seeds in a bread machine. Wheat-rye bread with seeds in a bread machine - recipe with photo

Let's bake home cereal bread in a bakery? Bread is not just, but with seeds. About how to do this, Tatyana, my friend and a kind soul, will tell.

Not in the world tastier than bread than homemade. Soft, tasty, fragrant, not stale the next day - these are just a few of the advantages of homemade bread. And if your kitchen has a bread maker, then making bread is not a problem at all.

The idea of ​​​​cooking cereal bread at home I have been nurturing for a long time. Long before the appearance of a bread machine in our family, we bought such bread regularly. And now he regularly bakes at home!

It turns out the bread is simply awesome - a crispy crust with slightly toasted sesame seeds, an airy crumb in a hole with seeds and poppy seeds, mmm ... And even after 2-3 days it remains soft and tasty.

To make bread in a bread machine, you must follow simple rules.

Firstly, the yeast must be fresh and of high quality. Flour, by the way, too. By the method of some mistakes and trials, I nevertheless came to the conclusion that it is better to bypass cheap flour and yeast on the tenth road. With them, bread, of course, turns out, but not of the highest quality - it doesn’t rise very much, and there is some kind of foreign smell.

Secondly, it is better to put the bread machine in a warm corner (especially this should be carefully monitored in the cold season), away from drafts. I additionally cover it with a towel on top during kneading and proofing the dough.

And, thirdly, do not be lazy to sift flour.


  • 500 g wheat flour
  • 355 ml warm water
  • 2 tsp salt
  • 3 tbsp vegetable oil (optimally - odorless oil)
  • 3 tsp granulated sugar
  • 100 g seeds - poppy, sunflower, sesame
  • 20 g sesame seeds (for sprinkling bread)
  • 1.5 tsp dry yeast

How to cook cereal bread with seeds in a bread machine

  1. I immediately put all the ingredients into the bowl of the bread machine. So I measured required amount warm water. Poured into a bowl.

  2. Added vegetable oil.
  3. Then salt and sugar.

  4. Mixed together sesame seeds, poppy seeds and sunflower seeds.

  5. By the way, you can add cereals to your liking - add something else (for example, flax), and remove something if you don’t like it.

  6. Measure out the required amount of flour. Sifted, poured into a bowl.
  7. I made a small hole in the flour and poured in dry yeast. The deepening must be done so that the yeast does not immediately mix with water and vegetable oil.

  8. I put the bowl in the bread maker. Selected mode " fresh dough". It takes 1 hour 20 minutes.
  9. Then, when the dough was kneaded, she took out the dough, rolled it in sesame seeds, and put it back in the bread machine to make it fit. This takes about an hour and a half.
  10. When the dough has risen, I choose a medium crust and turn on the “Baking” mode. In my assistant bread maker, it takes 1 hour and 10 minutes. When the bread is ready, I immediately take it out of the mold, transfer it to the wire rack and cover with a clean towel to cool it. Although, to be honest, it is very difficult to resist not to immediately cut off the ruddy, hot and fragrant pink salmon 🙂
  11. On this, the process of making homemade cereal bread can be considered complete. It turns out incredibly tasty, so you can just cut off a piece and eat it without anything, just with a glass of milk. Especially when the bread is still warm.

Bon appetit!

The store assortment of bakery products is not always pleasing, and sometimes you really want to eat a piece of delicious fragrant bread with a crispy crust. If a bread machine lives in your family, then this is not a problem at all, but an occasion to spend some personal time with benefit. Baking bread in the oven is a fun and exciting activity, as you can set bold experiments at least every day. Here is one of these experiments, which ended in complete ... success! I offer you recipe for wheat and rye bread in a bread machine.

  • 400 g wheat flour,
  • 230 ml of water,
  • 200 g rye flour,
  • 1 tsp salt,
  • 2 tbsp Sahara,
  • 1.5.tsp dry yeast,
  • 2 tbsp dry milk,
  • 2 tbsp vegetable oil,
  • 2 tbsp sesame,
  • 2 tbsp flax seed,
  • 2 tbsp shelled sunflower seeds.

Wheat-rye bread in a bread machine - recipe

Depending on the model of your bread machine, the order of loading the ingredients may differ - either water is poured first, or dry ingredients are poured first. In this recipe, you first need to pour water, not cold, it’s good if boiled.

Now pour pre-sifted wheat flour into the bowl, you can take the highest or first grade.

Now add according to the recipe right amount rye flour.

Next, pour into the bowl of the bread machine. powdered milk. If there is no milk powder, you can replace it with 3 tbsp. fresh milk, but then control the consistency of the bread “kolobok”, you may have to add flour during the kneading process.

Now add to the bowl table salt and sugar.

Pour into the corner of the bowl vegetable oil. It can be sunflower, corn, olive oil. Do not use linseed oil, it burns a lot.

Make a well in the flour and pour in dry instant yeast.

The last step is to add the sesame, flax and sunflower seeds in turn.

Close the lid of the bread maker and select the Basic bread program, the weight of the roll is 700 g, the color of the crust is at your discretion, press Start. When the "bun" is kneaded, watch through the viewing window - if it turns out to be too sticky and sticks to the walls of the bowl, then add some wheat or rye flour.

With the purchase of a bread machine, there is no need to buy ready-made bread in the store, because there is nothing tastier than homemade bread. This motto applies to all dishes and bread in particular.

A recipe book is included with the bread machine, but I periodically supplement and improve the recipe I like from the book. Today I decided to make bread with seeds. I love seeds very much, so in combination with bread it will be great. Seeds, as you know, are not only tasty and nutritious, but also healthy.

So for cooking homemade bread my recipe will require following products: 2 types of flour - rye and wheat, salt and sugar, yeast, vegetable oil, water and of course seeds. I used flaxseed and pre-roasted shelled sunflower seeds.

Take a bread pan and pour the quick-acting yeast into it.

Then put this form on the scales and weigh the right amount of rye and wheat flour. As a result of trial and error, I found that it is in this proportion that rye bread turns out to be the most successful.

Add rye flour

Following wheat flour

Then measure the right amount of sugar

Then salt

Pour vegetable oil

Then add flaxseed

and finally sunflower seeds.

Pour water over the top and place in the bread machine without stirring.

I bake quick bread according to the shortest program - 2 hours takes the whole process.

Exactly 2 hours later, a beep informs you that the bread is ready. Smells are on the whole apartment and probably even in the entrance.

This is how the bread has risen well in the form, you can see the crispy crust and the flax seed is perfectly visible on it.

The bread maker evenly mixed the ingredients, so that sunflower and flax seeds come across often and in abundance.

The bread turns out rosy and crispy. This is what it looks like cutaway.

By palatability compares favorably with store-bought. Seeds added spice and flavor to the bread. The bread is crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. There is a pleasure even without any additives in the form of cheese or sausage. You can eat half a loaf at a time.

The whole cooking process took 2 hours and 10 minutes, after the bread is baked, it cannot be cut immediately so that it does not settle and flatten. It is very difficult to restrain yourself, but at least you need to wait half an hour and start tasting.

At cost, it probably comes out the same as bought in a store, but the quality is clearly higher, because now in bakery products add various additives. It is a pleasure to eat such bread, so I recommend cooking it.

Cooking time: PT02H10M 2 hours 10 minutes

Approximate cost per serving: 10 rub.

First of all, when baking whole grain bread, it should be borne in mind that a loaf that is too high will not work, because whole grain flour is much heavier than wheat flour and rises harder. But, nevertheless, you should not postpone experiments indefinitely, but try to bake healthy, tasty bread and find perfect option just for your bread maker. And they, as we know, are capricious ladies ....


  • 220 ml water (or 1 measuring cup)__NEWL__
  • 2 tbsp skimmed milk powder__NEWL__
  • 2 tbsp vegetable oil__NEWL__
  • 2.5 tbsp granulated sugar__NEWL__
  • 1.25 tsp salt__NEWL__
  • 240 g wheat flour (1.5 measuring cups)__NEWL__
  • 190 g whole grain flour(1.5 measuring cups)__NEWL__
  • 1.25 tsp dry yeast__NEWL__
  • 2 tbsp sunflower seed__NEWL__
  • 2 tbsp poppy__NEWL__

Used Rotex bread machine. In this model of the bread machine, liquid is first poured into the bowl, this case water.

The next step is to pour in the wheat flour sifted through a sieve, you can take a / s, but 1s flour is usually taken for bread.

Then you need to measure the exact amount of whole grain flour and pour into the bowl.

Now we add granulated sugar, table salt, powdered milk, and in a hill of flour we make a recess - we carefully pour the yeast there. Prior to kneading, they should absolutely not come into contact with water or any other liquid.

The last stage of preparation - pour vegetable oil into the corner of the bowl. You can use any, sunflower, corn or olive. Now you can start kneading. We close the lid of the bread machine and select the weight of the roll: 700 gr, the crust - any at will (light, medium, dark), select the desired program - Whole wheat bread or Basic Baking.

In the process of the last kneading, before baking, a signal will sound, notifying that it is time to add dry ingredients. In this case, we add seeds and poppy seeds. If you add seeds at the very beginning, then the dough mixer will grind them into small crumbs, they will be almost invisible in bread. After the beep about the end of baking, carefully remove the hot bread from the bowl and put it on the wire rack so that it cools down, but does not trample.

Hot bread is not allowed! Cooled bread can be stored in a plastic bag or plastic container in the refrigerator. Unlike store-bought bread, homemade bread does not go stale for a long time.

Greetings dear friends! Finally, I baked bread from rye flour, I had been going for a long time, but it turned out just now.

I must say right away that this bread turned out to be tastier than all those that I baked before, I don’t know why. Maybe I just missed the black bread?

In general, here is the recipe itself, adapted for a bread machine, the weight of a loaf is 750 gr.

So, wheat-rye bread with seeds in a bread machine, a recipe with a photo:


  • water (water + milk, water + kefir) - 320 ml
  • vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons
  • wheat flour - 300 gr
  • rye flour - 200 gr
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 tablespoons
  • salt - 1.5 teaspoons
  • dry yeast - 1.5 teaspoons
  • ground coriander - 5 gr (1 teaspoon without a slide)
  • dry dill - 10 gr (2 teaspoons without a slide)
  • roasted sunflower seeds - a handful (instead of seeds you can use onion, fried or just finely chopped, also delicious)
  • oatmeal No. 3 - about 1 tbsp (as needed)

Cooking method

First of all, sift the flour, first wheat, then rye into the same bowl.

Pour water into the bucket of the bread machine, or mix in equal proportions water with milk or kefir. I made 160 ml water with milk.

Add vegetable oil.

We put salt, sugar, dry dill and ground coriander.

We fill in the sifted flour, make a depression in it with our fingers and pour the yeast into the resulting dimple. If the yeast is not dry, but pressed, dissolve it in water or milk in advance and pour it first of all with the liquid. Proportion: for one teaspoon of dry yeast we take 1.5 teaspoons of pressed.

We look at the bun in the process of kneading, if the dough turned out to be watery, the bun is not decorated, it sticks to the bucket, and the dough is smeared along the walls, you can add a little instead of flour oatmeal the finest grind. They absorb excess moisture well and are practically not felt in the finished bread, and it is difficult to overdo it, unlike flour.

We set the program "Basic", the color of the crust is dark, the weight is 750 gr.

After the signal with which the bread machine indicates the beginning of the second batch, add the peeled and roasted sunflower seeds.

Close the lid and wait.

Ready bread, if possible, immediately remove from the bread machine and cool on a wire rack. The bread turns out to be very textured, with a coarsely porous crumb light gray color, and crispy crust. It doesn’t get stale for a VERY long time (I can say with full confidence, since my homemade black bread is not respected, so I ate the whole 750 gr loaf alone, on the fourth day the bread is soft, like on the first, it is stored in a bread box, in a regular plastic bag). It does not crumble at all and the knife is absolutely clean after it. Try it for sure!

Here he is, handsome:

Bon appetit!

  • Prep time excluding bread maker: 15 minutes