Rennet in what cheeses. Rennet - Vegetarianism

Rennet is a complex organic matter, which is produced in the stomach of calves, lambs and other newborn cattle. As you know, such a substance promotes splitting, as well as the mother, who consumes the cub. It should be especially noted that this enzyme cannot be obtained artificially. In this regard, it is quite expensive, but very effective in the preparation of dairy products.

Self-extraction and drying of the enzyme

If you want to cook homemade cheese or cottage cheese using such a product, then it can be purchased at a pharmacy. As a rule, the presented ingredient is sold in the form of a light gray or white powder, which has neither odor nor color. It should also be noted that in pharmacy chains it is sold extremely rarely. Thus, in the absence of a factory-made product, rennet can be prepared at home. To do this, the extracted abomasum after slaughtering a calf or lamb should be cleaned, and the ends of the holes should be tied, inflated with air and left for several days in the shade or in a warm room (at 18-20 degrees). Further, the dried product should be wrapped in dark paper and stored until immediate use. For the preparation of cheese or cottage cheese, it is advisable to use such an enzyme after 2-4 months after drying, because mucus may appear in the solution used from a fresh ingredient.

What role does rennet play in the production of cheese and other dairy products?

Rennet is often used to make cheeses. Indeed, during the production of this product, a rapid separation of the protein components of fresh milk drink from serum. As you know, such a substance of animal origin consists of two elements: pepsin and chymosin. And thanks to these components, rennet acts as a kind of catalyst in the process of preparing delicious and tender cheese. After all, it is his addition that quickly curdles milk by separating the protein components from

Is it beneficial for manufacturers?

Despite the fact that such a component is expensive, it is actively used by manufacturers of dairy products. After all, cheese without rennet is less tasty and tender. In addition, the process of curdling milk using this substance is much faster, which allows you to produce much more products.

It should also be noted that rennet has absolutely no effect on the organoleptic properties of the final product. In other words, cheese made using this substance does not change in color, taste and remains aromatic. By the way, by appearance dairy product it is quite impossible to know whether it was made using an enzyme or not.

How are cheeses made?

Once rennet is added to milk, it turns into a thick curd. This separates the whey from the protein component. If at this stage production is stopped, then you will get a very delicious cottage cheese. If you want to make hard and fragrant cheese, then the grain, which has reached a certain percentage of moisture, should be placed in a mold with holes for draining the whey, and then pressed and sent for salting. The formed bars should be in the brine for about 10 days, after which they need to be laid out on the shelves for full maturation (about 3 weeks).

Rennet: is it harmful to the body?

As mentioned above, it is quite difficult to determine whether a particular cheese is made using a given substance. After all, you will never find such an enzyme in the composition of the product. This is due to the fact that rennet is not found in cheese or cottage cheese, as it is only used to curdle milk. However, it should be noted that due to the laboriousness of its extraction from the stomachs of young calves, lambs and kids, since the early 1990s, a similar enzyme (rennin) has been produced as a result of gene biotechnology. Its manufacturing principle is approximately as follows: its gene is extracted from an animal, which is copied millions of times. After that, they are placed in a bacterial environment, where they are artificially grown. At the moment, the effect on the body of products that have been obtained by way remains unclear. In this regard, it is rather difficult to say whether such an enzyme is harmful or not.

What is a substitute for rennet?

Currently, there are several substitutes for rennet, which are actively used for the preparation of various cheeses and cottage cheese. Their use is also popular among dairy producers. For example, in Italy, in addition to rennet rennin, to create fragrant cheeses other enzymes are also used, which are produced by the tonsils of lambs, kids or calves. Such substances give the product a specific spicy taste highly appreciated by gourmets.

It is also worth noting that the use of non-animal substances during the preparation of cheeses allows them to be used by adherents of vegetarianism. So, in the 1960s, scientists isolated miehei and Mucor pusilus strains that synthesized suitable enzymes, but with low activity. A little later, methods were developed for obtaining similar substances from Bacillus licheniformis, Pseudomonas mixoides, Edothea parasitica, etc. Three decades later, with the development of genetic biotechnology, rennin, which was produced by bacteria copies of the gene of a young calf, began to be actively used for cheese production. As you know, it has greater purity, stability and activity than natural abomasum. Currently, more than 60% of hard cheeses are produced using this component.

Among other things, today there are vegetable substitutes for rennet. So, fig juice or starter grass is used instead. However, such enzymes are rarely used in large-scale products.


Rennet is a complex organic substance that is produced in the stomach of calves, lambs and other newborn cattle. As you know, such a substance contributes to the breakdown, as well as the processing of mother's milk, which the cub consumes. It should be especially noted that this enzyme cannot be obtained artificially. In this regard, it is quite expensive, but very effective in the preparation of dairy products.

Self-extraction and drying of the enzyme

If you want to cook homemade cheese or cottage cheese using such a product, then it can be purchased at a pharmacy. As a rule, the presented ingredient is sold in the form of a light gray or white powder, which has neither odor nor color. It should also be noted that in pharmacy chains it is sold extremely rarely. Thus, in the absence of a factory-made product, rennet can be prepared at home. To do this, the extracted abomasum after slaughtering a calf or lamb should be cleaned, and the ends of the holes should be tied, inflated with air and left for several days in the shade or in a warm room (at 18-20 degrees). Further, the dried product should be wrapped in dark paper and stored until immediate use. For the preparation of cheese or cottage cheese, it is advisable to use such an enzyme after 2-4 months after drying, because mucus may appear in the solution used from a fresh ingredient.

What role does rennet play in the production of cheese and other dairy products?

Rennet is often used to make cheeses. Indeed, during the production of this product, a rapid separation of the protein components of a fresh milk drink from whey is required. As you know, such a substance of animal origin consists of two elements: pepsin and chymosin. And thanks to these components, rennet acts as a kind of catalyst in the process of making delicious and tender cheese. After all, it is his addition that quickly curdles milk by separating protein components from whey.

Is it profitable for manufacturers

Despite the fact that such a component is expensive, it is actively used by manufacturers of dairy products. After all, cheese without rennet is less tasty and tender. In addition, the process of curdling milk using this substance is much faster, which allows you to produce much more products.

It should also be noted that rennet has absolutely no effect on the organoleptic properties of the final product. In other words, cheese made using this substance does not change in color, taste and remains aromatic. By the way, by the appearance of a dairy product, it is completely impossible to understand whether it was made using an enzyme or not.

How cheese is made

Once rennet is added to milk, it turns into a thick curd. This separates the whey from the protein component. If at this stage production is stopped, then you will get a very tasty cottage cheese. If you want to make hard and fragrant cheese, then the grain, which has reached a certain percentage of moisture, should be placed in a mold with holes for draining the whey, and then pressed and sent for salting. The formed bars should be in the brine for about 10 days, after which they need to be laid out on the shelves for full maturation (about 3 weeks).

Rennet: is it harmful to the body

As mentioned above, it is quite difficult to determine whether a particular cheese is made using a given substance. After all, you will never find such an enzyme in the composition of the product. This is due to the fact that rennet is not found in cheese or cottage cheese, as it is only used to curdle milk. However, it should be noted that due to the laboriousness of its extraction from the stomachs of young calves, lambs and kids, since the early 1990s, a similar enzyme (rennin) has been produced as a result of gene biotechnology. Its manufacturing principle is approximately as follows: its gene is extracted from an animal, which is copied millions of times. After that, they are placed in a bacterial environment, where they are artificially grown. At the moment, the effect on the body of products that have been obtained through genetic engineering remains unclear. In this regard, it is quite difficult to say whether such an enzyme is harmful or not.

How to replace rennet

Currently, there are several substitutes for rennet, which are actively used for the preparation of various cheeses and cottage cheese. Their use is also popular among dairy producers. For example, in Italy, in addition to rennet, other enzymes are used to create aromatic cheeses, which are produced by the tonsils of lambs, kids or calves. Such substances give the product a specific piquant taste highly appreciated by gourmets.

It is also worth noting that the use of non-animal substances during the preparation of cheeses allows them to be used by adherents of vegetarianism. So, in the 1960s, scientists isolated strains of the fungi Mucor miehei and Mucor pusilus, which synthesized suitable enzymes, but with low activity. A little later, methods were developed for obtaining similar substances from Bacillus licheniformis, Pseudomonas mixoides, Edothea parasitica, etc. Three decades later, with the development of genetic biotechnology, rennin, which was produced by bacteria copies of the gene of a young calf, began to be actively used for cheese production. As you know, it has greater purity, stability and activity than natural abomasum. Currently, more than 60% of hard cheeses are produced using this component.

Among other things, today there are vegetable substitutes for rennet. So, fig juice or starter grass is used instead. However, in the large-scale production of dairy products, such enzymes are used extremely rarely.

A question of ethics

To make cheese, milk must first be separated into a solid protein fraction and translucent whey, a process called milk curdling. In this case, the rennet acts as a catalyst. The use of rennin is quite beneficial for the manufacturer: the process of curdling milk is reduced from several days to a matter of minutes.

Even in ancient times, warriors carried milk in skins made from the stomachs of animals, and along the way the milk turned into a cloudy liquid and a dense white clot. The reason for such transformations of milk was rennet, first isolated in 1874 by the Danish scientist Christian Hansen from the dried stomach of a calf.

Today, the main source of natural rennin remains the same raw material - the stomachs of dairy calves, kids or lambs no older than 10 days old. At a later age, along with rennin, a significant amount of pepsin begins to be produced, which worsens the quality of the cheese.

But not every modern person likes such a dairy and meat product with a touch of cruelty. It is one thing to eat a steak from an adult cow - here many believe that it is permissible for a person to have hunter or predator instincts. It is a completely different matter when it comes to the cubs of animals, because a person has an equally strong instinct for caring for the cubs of other mammals and birds. It is no secret that even in nature, amazing “adoptions” of orphaned babies of other species take place: sometimes a lioness can take care of an antelope cub, a monkey can raise a tiger cub, and a she-wolf can feed some feral Mowgli ...

For vegetarians, as you know, it is generally unacceptable to eat someone, so developed countries have long begun to look for an alternative to rennin. The global Slow Food movement, which helps private farms and also protests against the callous attitude to food in the fast food industry (the so-called fast food), has also had a significant impact.

How to recognize the presence of rennet?

Rennet has no effect on the color, smell, or taste of the product, so you can't tell from the outside whether the cheese was made with or without rennin. However, the following designations can be found in the composition, which signal the presence of an undesirable enzyme:

  • Rennet extract
  • rennin
  • Animal chymosin
  • Kalase (Kalase)
  • Stabo-1290
  • Abomin
  • Sweet milk cheese

It is best to read the composition of the cheese on the factory labels, and not on the stickers that the supermarket leaves directly (this information can often differ).

Rennet Substitutes

In the 1960s, strains of the fungi Mucor pusilus and Mucor miehei were isolated, synthesizing suitable enzymes for milk clotting. Later, methods were developed for obtaining enzymes from Pseudomonas mixoides, Bacillus licheniformis, Edothea parasitica, etc. Mushrooms have less activity, but, of course, they are much cheaper than newborn calves.

Rennet substitutes of non-animal origin are widely used today in the production of vegetarian cheeses, especially imported ones. In their composition, you can read the following designations:

* Microbial (microbiological) rennet

* Enzyme preparation of non-animal origin

* Microbial rennin

* Milase (Milase) - a product of the fermentation of mushrooms Rhizomucor miehei

* Fromase (Fromase) - a product of the fermentation of the fungus Mucor miehei

* Maxilact (Maxilact) - a fermentation product of strains of dairy mushrooms

* Suparen (Suparen) - a product of the fermentation of mushrooms Cryphonectria parasitica

* Meito (Meito Microbial Rennet)

* 100% Chymosin - a fermentation product of mold fungi (Mukor Miehei, Rhizomucor meihei, Rhizomucor pusillus)

* Mucopepsin (Mucorpepsin)

* Sour-milk cheese - the so-called cheeses prepared using lactic acid fermentation.

Separately, we list the enzymes obtained using genetic engineering. In this case, the bacteria is injected with a gene that is responsible for the synthesis of chymosin. In this case, the resulting substance does not contain the DNA of the microorganisms that produced it:

* Chymogen by Genencor International

* Pfizer ChyMax (aspergillus niger fermentation product)

* Maxiren from the Dutch company "DSM" (obtained by fermentation of lactic yeast Kluveromyces lactis)

Among other things, there are vegetable substitutes for rennet - for example, fig juice, starter grass, bedstraw flowers. However, they are rarely used - mainly for making homemade cheese.

Examples of vegetarian cheeses

It is not difficult to find vegetarian varieties among Ukrainian cheeses: for example, trade marks Dobryana, Piryatin and Cheese Club do not use rennet at all. Cheese with lactic acid bacteria is produced by TM "Hercules" ("Health", "Adygeisky", "Brynza"). This also includes processed cheese TM "Romol", as well as "Mozzarella" and "Ricotta Fresca" TM "Dobrynya".

Among the imported products, the line of vegetarian cheeses is represented by the trademarks Valio, Kaserei Champignon, President, Arla, Friendship, Akadia, Babybel, Dairyland, Kiri, Prestige, "Galbani", "Hermis", etc.

The main thing is to carefully read the label and make sure that the product is made with the addition of a milk-clotting enzyme of microbial origin. However, this is not the only thing worth paying attention to: it is also important, for example, whether the manufacturer has replaced part of the milk fat with harmful palm fat.

To weld real cheese, delicious and hearty product nutrition, you need a special sourdough - rennet. It is made from the stomachs of calves using a certain technology that can be repeated at home.

What is rennet

The abomasum is a special part of the stomach of a newborn ruminant. This fragment is usually not eaten, but is used in the process of making cheese. To make cheese or cottage cheese from milk, it needs to be curdled. This means that the milk protein must coagulate and separate from the whey. It is for the curdling of milk that rennet is used.

It is impossible to make real cheese without rennet.

This is an organic substance of a rather complex structure, which accelerates the chemical processes in milk. The enzyme is contained in a special part of the stomach of the cubs, where the mother's milk is split into nutritional components. It is due to the enzyme that newborn lambs and calves are able to absorb food.

It is impossible to obtain rennet for cheese artificially. In industrial cheese making, a ready-made enzyme powder, pepsin, is used. Its cost is high, and it is difficult to buy in a pharmacy. Instead of factory rennet powder, you can use a self-made product.

How to make your own rennet

To do homemade cheese making, you need to prepare a natural enzyme powder. For this, abomasum is suitable not only for young, but also for adult animals. The last section of the stomach, immediately adjacent to the intestines, contains enough enzymatic substances for a strong homemade sourdough.

To prepare rennet at home, you need the abomasum of a freshly slaughtered animal. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • wash the stomach thoroughly from the outside and inside;
  • pull one hole with a thick thread;
  • through the remaining hole, inflate the abomasum and tie the resulting ball;
  • hang it to dry completely in a dry place.

If the abomasum is properly dried, it will look like parchment paper. It can be cut into strips and folded into glass jar. By breaking off pieces of rennet blank, it will be possible to prepare a natural cheese starter.

How to recognize cheese without rennet

Many novice vegetarians often do not know that not all cottage cheese and cheese can be eaten. The fact is that in the production of cheeses and sometimes cottage cheese, rennet, which is extracted from the stomachs of calves, can be used.

In order to get this enzyme, the calf is killed, so cheese made with animal rennet can not be considered vegetarian, because. This product uses a kill product.

We will look at how cheese is made and what cheeses you can eat in this article.
cheese without rennet

How is cheese made?

Cheese is obtained from dense flaky particles that appear
in milk as it matures. Thus, in order to make cheese, it is first necessary to separate the solids from the whey, a process called milk curdling. According to the type of milk coagulation, cheeses are divided into rennet and sour-milk.
Rennet cheeses

Rennet is often used to quickly separate the protein components of milk from whey. Rennet is a complex organic compound consisting of two components: chymosin and pepsin. In the process of making cheese, rennet acts as a catalyst for the process of curdling milk - in its presence, protein components are more actively separated from whey.

The use of rennet is quite beneficial for the manufacturer. Judge for yourself: the process of rennet curdling of milk is reduced to a matter of minutes! In addition, rennet has no effect on the organoleptic qualities of the product - neither its color, nor the smell, nor the taste change. You can't tell from the outside whether the cheese was made with or without rennet.

Some time after the addition of rennet, a dense clot is formed, which is carefully crushed. The whey is separated, in which there is a "cheese grain" evenly distributed by stirring.

Remarkable fact. By the way, if production is stopped at this stage, it will turn out ... cottage cheese. So curd industrial production could easily be made with rennet.

When the grain reaches a certain percentage of moisture, it is time to give the cheese a shape - the grain is placed in a mold with holes (so that the whey leaves), pressed and sent to salt. The bars are in brine for up to 10 days, and then they are put on the shelves to ripen. Here they will spend 3 weeks. And this is a minimum - some varieties of cheese "languish" for years. Then the cheeses are sealed and sent for sale. Depending on what kind of cheese the cheese maker wants to end up with, the details of the technology, of course, may vary.

Cheese production without rennet.

It would seem that we have a complete technological idyll - milk is curdled quickly and efficiently. True, rennet is a rather expensive pleasure, but its quantity, which is necessary for the production of cheese, is small. True, we forgot one essential detail, which is often taken not to be remembered.
Where does rennet come from?

And it appears - neither more nor less - from the stomachs of newborn calves. Calves must be no older than a certain age and, until the moment of slaughter, eat only mother's milk. Rennet - a special secretion of a small calf - is necessary for him to best digest his mother's milk. That is why it separates proteins from whey so qualitatively and completely. That's why the process happens so quickly - like in the stomach of a newborn.

We don't have essentials?

As it turned out, there is and is successfully applied.

There are microbiological substitutes for calf enzyme. Pepsin, microbial aspartyl proteinases and chymosin obtained by fermentation also enhance milk coagulation. All of them are widely used in European countries for the production of a product loved by many, but, unfortunately, they are much less popular with domestic manufacturers.

There are also vegetable substitutes for rennet - for example, fig juice, starter grass, but they are used extremely rarely.

What to do?

You can, for example, cook cheese and cottage cheese at home on your own - so you can be sure of the composition? But if there is no opportunity or desire to do this, you can find an ethical product on the shelves of the supermarket.

How to understand if rennet was used in the preparation of cheese? And again we go to the study of labels! Alas, this time the proud inscriptions “Only from natural ingredients”, as well as all kinds of “Eco” and “Bio” will not be able to give us confidence. After all, rennet is the most natural product.

Here are the lines in the composition that should alert the attentive consumer:

Rennet - many manufacturers do not consider it necessary to hide the fact of its presence in the composition;

Animal chymosin;

Kalase - natural rennet;

Stabo-1290 is also an enzyme of animal origin;

Abomin is another name for rennet. It is sold in pharmacies and is often used by private sellers.

Sweet milk cheese - the so-called cheeses prepared using veal enzyme. We saw such an inscription on the front side of the package - you can no longer study the reverse.

And so it is indicated in the composition of coagulators of non-animal origin:

100% chymosin. As we have already mentioned, rennet consists of two components - chymosin and pepsin. The inscription on the package "100% chymosin" means that it means chymosin isolated during the fermentation of a special mold fungus (for example, Mukor Miehei, or Rhizomucor meihei, as well as Rhizomucor pusillus (formerly called Mucor pusillus). Proteinases from Cryphonectria parasitica (formerly called Endothia parasitica) are most suitable for cheeses with a high temperature of the second heating (for example, Swiss);

Chymosin of non-animal origin - the previous item can be displayed on the package and with the help of such an inscription;

Microbiological enzyme; cheese without rennet

Mucopepsin (English mucorpepsin);

microbial rennin;

Milase is a microbial enzyme;

CHY-MAX® - enzymatically produced coagulant;

Fromase®, or Fromase®;

Maxiren® from the Dutch company DSM;

Chymogen (Genencor International);

ChyMax (Pfizer);

Sour-milk cheese - the so-called cheeses prepared using lactic acid fermentation.

As you can see, there are a lot of options. With some persistence and care, Russian market it is quite possible to find cheese made without the use of rennet.

And in conclusion, I would like to add that such cheese as Adygeisky, for the most part, is prepared without the use of an animal enzyme, which means it is suitable for a milk-vegetarian. In India Adyghe cheese called paneer.

The enzyme rennin (not to be confused with "renin" through one "n") is a traditional product for curdling milk, most in demand in the production of cheese. In ruminants, it is produced by the glands of the abomasum (4th section of the stomach) - hence the name "rennet". Do you know why today many people refuse it?

A question of ethics

To make cheese, milk must first be separated into a solid protein fraction and translucent whey, a process called milk curdling. In this case, the rennet acts as a catalyst. The use of rennin is quite beneficial for the manufacturer: the process of curdling milk is reduced from several days to a matter of minutes.

Even in ancient times, warriors carried milk in skins made from the stomachs of animals, and along the way the milk turned into a cloudy liquid and a dense white clot. The reason for such transformations of milk was rennet, first isolated in 1874 by the Danish scientist Christian Hansen from the dried stomach of a calf.

Today, the main source of natural rennin remains the same raw material - the stomachs of dairy calves, kids or lambs no older than 10 days old. At a later age, along with rennin, a significant amount of pepsin begins to be produced, which worsens the quality of the cheese.

But not every modern person likes such a dairy and meat product with a touch of cruelty. It is one thing to eat a steak from an adult cow - here many believe that it is permissible for a person to have hunter or predator instincts. It is a completely different matter when it comes to the cubs of animals, because a person has an equally strong instinct for caring for the cubs of other mammals and birds. It is no secret that even in nature, amazing “adoptions” of orphaned babies of other species take place: sometimes a lioness can take care of an antelope cub, a monkey can raise a tiger cub, and a she-wolf can feed some feral Mowgli ...

For vegetarians, as you know, it is generally unacceptable to eat someone, so developed countries have long begun to look for an alternative to rennin. The global Slow Food movement, which helps private farms and also protests against the callous attitude to food in the fast food industry (the so-called fast food), has also had a significant impact.

How to recognize the presence of rennet?

Rennet has no effect on the color, smell, or taste of the product, so you can't tell from the outside whether the cheese was made with or without rennin. However, the following designations can be found in the composition, which signal the presence of an undesirable enzyme:

* Rennet extract

* Animal chymosin

* Kalase

* Sweet milk cheese

It is best to read the composition of the cheese on the factory labels, and not on the stickers that the supermarket leaves directly (this information can often differ).

Rennet Substitutes

In the 1960s, strains of the fungi Mucor pusilus and Mucor miehei were isolated, synthesizing suitable enzymes for milk clotting. Later, methods were developed for obtaining enzymes from Pseudomonas mixoides, Bacillus licheniformis, Edothea parasitica, etc. Mushrooms have less activity, but, of course, they are much cheaper than newborn calves.

Non-animal rennet substitutes are now widely used in the production of vegetarian cheeses, especially imported ones. In their composition, you can read the following designations:

* Microbial (microbiological) rennet

* Enzyme preparation of non-animal origin

* Microbial rennin

* Milase (Milase) - a product of the fermentation of mushrooms Rhizomucor miehei

* Fromase (Fromase) - a product of the fermentation of the fungus Mucor miehei

* Maxilact (Maxilact) - a fermentation product of strains of dairy mushrooms

* Suparen (Suparen) - a product of the fermentation of mushrooms Cryphonectria parasitica

* Meito (Meito Microbial Rennet)

* 100% Chymosin - a fermentation product of mold fungi (Mukor Miehei, Rhizomucor meihei, Rhizomucor pusillus)

* Mucopepsin (Mucorpepsin)

* Sour-milk cheese - the so-called cheeses prepared using lactic acid fermentation.

Separately, we list the enzymes obtained using genetic engineering. In this case, the bacteria is injected with a gene that is responsible for the synthesis of chymosin. In this case, the resulting substance does not contain the DNA of the microorganisms that produced it:

* Chymogen by Genencor International

* Pfizer ChyMax (aspergillus niger fermentation product)

* Maxiren from the Dutch company "DSM" (obtained by fermentation of lactic yeast Kluveromyces lactis)

Among other things, there are vegetable substitutes for rennet - for example, fig juice, starter grass, bedstraw flowers. However, they are rarely used - mainly for making homemade cheese.

Examples of vegetarian cheeses

It is not difficult to find vegetarian varieties among Ukrainian cheeses: for example, Dobryana, Pyryatin and Cheese Club trademarks do not use rennet at all. Cheese with lactic acid bacteria is produced by TM "Hercules" ("Health", "Adygeisky", "Brynza"). This also includes processed cheese TM "Romol", as well as "Mozzarella" and "Ricotta Fresca" TM "Dobrynya".

Among the imported products, the line of vegetarian cheeses is represented by the trademarks Valio, Kaserei Champignon, President, Arla, Friendship, Akadia, Babybel, Dairyland, Kiri, Prestige, "Galbani", "Hermis", etc.

The main thing is to carefully read the label and make sure that the product is made with the addition of a milk-clotting enzyme of microbial origin. However, this is not the only thing worth paying attention to: it is also important, for example, whether the manufacturer has replaced part of the milk fat with harmful palm fat.