Quick compote of cherries in a saucepan. Cherry compote without sugar

They begin to gain their popularity at the end of summer. It was then that the hostesses understand that a little more time will pass, and there will be no more fresh vegetables and fruits. It was then that large-scale cooking of jams and compotes, preparation of pickles and freezing began. One of the most popular drinks prepared for the winter is cherry compote. It contains a large number of vitamins B and C, and most importantly - it is insanely delicious. He is loved by both adults and children. But in order to do everything right and maximize the benefits berry drink, you need to know how to cook cherry compote. In cooking, there are several ways to prepare it. Some people like a sweet drink, while others use a minimum of sugar in order to make their product dietary. Let's take a look at each of the proposed methods.

Cherries in jars (harvesting for the winter)

How to prepare cherry compote for the winter? To do this, you will need jars, sugar, water, a saucepan and ripe berries.

Rinse the cherries and put them in the bottom of the jar. Prepare sugar syrup separately. To do this, mix sugar with water and bring the resulting mass to a boil. After that, pour the syrup into the jars and put them in a pot of water. This design must be placed on fire and heated for fifteen minutes. After that, you can roll up the jars and put them in a dark, cool place. In a few days your cherry compote will be ready.

How much sugar to add to the syrup depends on your taste preferences. For a sweet drink, you need to take three hundred grams per liter of water. If you want to get a diet drink, take three times less than the first component.

Seedless option

Many children love to eat compote berries. In this case, it is necessary to prepare a drink without stones. How to cook cherry compote in this case?

Rinse the berries and carefully separate them from the pits. Place the product in jars and fill with hot syrup. To prepare it, take 400 grams of sugar and mix with 1 liter of water. If necessary, proportionally increase the number of ingredients.

Let the jars stand for a while and warm up, after which you can close them and put them in a dark place.

Compote "Assorted"

Many housewives love to experiment. To the usual cherry drink they add additional ingredients. How to cook cherry compote in this case?

Wash the berries, if necessary, remove the seeds. Place the product in a glass dish. Separately, boil the syrup from your favorite berries with the addition of sugar. There is one prerequisite here. You need to add sugar after you remove the drink from the heat. Otherwise, you may end up with jam.

Pour the cherry berries with the resulting syrup and pasteurize the jars. After complete cooling, the product is ready for use, but it can be rolled up and left for the winter.

Classic cherry compote

How to cook cherry compote? The recipe below was used by our grandmothers. It is perhaps the most common of all.

Rinse the berries and place them in a bowl. pour cherry cold water and set to boil. After boiling, wait 5 minutes and remove the pan from the stove. Next you need to add sugar. Based on your own taste preferences, determine the proportions. To get a classic sweet drink, you need to take 300 grams of sugar per 1 liter of water.

Stir the compote and pour it into jars. After that, immediately close the containers with lids and put them in a dark place.

Now you know how to cook cherry compote. You can choose absolutely any recipe for this drink, but it is worth trying each one to find out what suits you and your family the most. Cherry drink is prepared quite simply, while it retains all the beneficial properties. That is why it is worth giving preference to it, refusing purchased juices with the addition of flavors and dyes.

When rolling jars with compote, their sterilization is a prerequisite. Many housewives simply rinse the inside of the containers with boiling water, while others keep them over steam. What you choose depends on the conditions in which the compote is cooked. Remember that unsterilized jars can cause the product to spoil.

If you can't brew compote at the moment, but you have cherries, there is one sure way. Freeze berries for the winter. In this case, you can get at any time required amount ingredients and cook fresh and delicious compote. After freezing, the cherry does not lose its useful properties. You can do the same with other berries, and after defrosting, mix them and make a drink from different ingredients.

Prepare compotes and enjoy summer tastes in cold winter! It is not only insanely delicious, but also healthy.

Cherry compote has been known to us since early childhood. The unique taste of the drink is considered unique, and the composition contains many vitamins. In compote, in addition to cherries, you can add various fruits and berries. Let's take a closer look at each recipe. cherry compote.

Classic cherry compote

  • filtered water - 2.7 l.
  • fresh cherries - 650 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 250 gr.
  1. Carefully sort through the berries, get rid of rotten and damaged specimens. Place a pot of water on the stove, bring to a boil. With the appearance of the first bubbles, add the cherry.
  2. Boil the fruits for 5 minutes. After that, add sugar. Wait a few more minutes. Mix the ingredients thoroughly, turn off the burner.
  3. Pour the prepared cherry compote into a suitable container. Cool down at room temperature, then send to the refrigerator.

Compote based on cherries and sweet cherries

  • cherry - 400 gr.
  • sweet cherry - 250 gr.
  • sugar sand - 320 gr.
  • citric acid - 2 gr.
  1. Rinse and, if necessary, sort the berries, remove the stalks. Submit enamel pan on the burner, pour in water, wait for the first bubbles to appear.
  2. After that, add the required amount of sugar and citric acid. Stir the components thoroughly until the crystals are completely dissolved.
  3. Add berries. Boil compote for about half an hour, turn off the stove. Cover the pan with a tight lid, wrap the container with a warm towel. Wait for cooling, drink compote chilled.

Cherry compote with apples

  • pitted cherries - 600 gr.
  • sugar - 300 gr.
  • apples - 900 gr.
  1. Rinse the apples, remove the peel and core. Chop into small pieces. Next, send the fruit to a suitable pan, pour in the required amount of water.
  2. Send the pan to the stove, bring the composition to a boil. After the appearance of the first bubbles, reduce the power of the burner to a minimum. Add frozen cherries.
  3. Simmer the components for about 15-20 minutes. Leave the composition with the lid closed for a while. Before use, compote is recommended to be cooled.

Compote of cherries and orange zest

  • sugar - 750 gr.
  • fresh cherry - 1.5 kg.
  • apples - 2 kg.
  • orange peel - 120 gr.
  1. Wash the apples thoroughly, cut into small slices, get rid of the core. Then proceed to the preparation of cherries, rinse and sort the fruits.
  2. Place the products in a suitable saucepan, pour in boiling water. Boil the components for 20 minutes, after the allotted time, add granulated sugar.
  3. Finely chop the orange zest and add to the total mass. Simmer the compote for another 10-15 minutes. After that, cool the liquid, serve with ice and fresh mint leaves.

  • granulated sugar - 450 gr.
  • cherry liqueur - 120 ml.
  • apples - 900 gr.
  • ripe cherries - 1 kg.
  1. Rinse and sort the cherries and apples in the usual way. Remove the peel from the fruit, cut out the core. Chop the apples into small pieces.
  2. Send the cherry and fruit slices to a thick-bottomed saucepan, pour in the required amount of water. As soon as the composition boils, reduce the burner to a minimum.
  3. Pour granulated sugar, simmer the compote on the stove for 25 minutes. Cover the pan with a lid, remove from the burner. Wrap with a blanket, the composition should cool completely.
  4. Cool the drink, pour the compote into glasses, add 15 ml to each container. cherry liqueur. Garnish with a fresh berry and mint leaf.

Cherry compote with blackcurrant

  • cherry - 300 gr.
  • currant - 150 gr.
  • sugar - 120 gr.
  • purified water - 1 l.
  1. Berries should be thoroughly washed and sorted. Send them to the pan, pour in cool water. Add sugar, put the container on the stove.
  2. Boil the composition, turn off the burner. Cover the pan with a lid, wrap the container with a towel. Let the compote brew and cool.

Cherry compote with lemon

  • sugar sand - 250 gr.
  • drinking water - 3 liters.
  • frozen cherries - 550 gr.
  • lemon - ½ pc.
  1. Pour the required amount of water into the pan, send it to the stove. Squeeze the juice from the lemon into a common container.
  2. Add granulated sugar and frozen berries to the pan. Mix ingredients thoroughly.
  3. Wait for the first bubbles to appear. After that, turn off the heat, remove the pan to the side.
  4. Cover the container with a lid, wrap with a warm towel. Let the compote rest for about 3 hours.

Cherry and raspberry compote

  • fresh cherry - 950 gr.
  • raspberries - 550 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 200 gr.
  • drinking water - 2.8 liters.
  1. Sort the raspberries, remove the stalks, rinse thoroughly with running water. Throw the product into a colander, wait for the liquid to completely glass.
  2. Do a similar manipulation with cherries, also remove the branches. Place the berries in an enamel pot, pour in drinking water. Send the container to the stove, turn on the fire.
  3. As soon as the composition boils, add granulated sugar. Stir the ingredients thoroughly until the crystals are completely dissolved. Simmer the compote for about 10 minutes, remove the pan from the stove.
  4. Pour in ready drink in pre-sterilized jars. roll up glass containers lids. Wrap the jars in a towel, after cooling, place them in a cool place. Compote can also be consumed after cooking in a cold state.

  • cherry - 120 gr.
  • apple - 1 pc.
  • any berries - 70 gr.
  • sugar - 130 gr.
  1. Sort and rinse the products, cut out the middle of the apple. It is advisable to remove the pits from the cherry. Chop apples into small pieces.
  2. Put all the ingredients in a multi-bowl, pour in the required amount of water. Set the steam cooking mode on the household appliance, simmer the composition for 12 minutes. Compote can be used in any form.

Cherry compote without sterilization

  • sugar - 180 gr.
  • cherry - 600 gr.
  • citric acid - 12 gr.
  1. In the usual way, sort and rinse the berries, get rid of spoiled specimens. Take a suitable cup, pour cold water, place a cherry in it, wait 25 minutes.
  2. Rinse the glass containers for compote thoroughly, dry the jars. After all the manipulations, place the cherry in the container.
  3. Pour in equal amount bulk components in each jar. Boil water, steam sealing lids in parallel.
  4. Pour boiling water into the jars, do the manipulations with extreme caution. Otherwise, you run the risk of cracking the glass.
  5. Roll up with hot lids glass jars. Turn the container upside down, shake a little. Place the jars upside down until completely cool. Keep your drink in a cool place.

Making cherry compote is not particularly difficult. Consider various recipes drink that can be consumed immediately after brewing. Roll up a treat for the winter. Cherry compote can be prepared with seasonal or frozen berries and fruits. Vary the amount of ingredients according to your taste. Also consider the sweetness of the drink depending on the ripeness of the products.

Video: cherry compote for the winter

“My mom made this recipe. Grandma cooked a little differently - she didn’t roll compote. Previously, about a hundred years ago, they didn’t roll up jams and compotes at all, there weren’t even such jars with lids that we use. Jam, for example, grandmother kept in enameled buckets, and so that it does not deteriorate, it is properly boiled down.

From childhood, I remember huge cherry trees in the garden - in order to plunder them, I had to climb the stairs. During the season, I closed several dozen three-liter jars of such compote. By the way, compote is usually rolled up in three-liter jars, because this way it turns out to be less concentrated - you can open it and immediately drink it. And compote in liter jars is usually more saturated, like syrup, it needs to be diluted and additionally boiled.

Cherries in compote go well with apples - they become reddish in color and give the compote additional sourness. Currants ripen in the same season as cherries: it is better to add white or red, and with twigs, it is more beautiful. Adding black does not make sense - it is the same color as cherry, it will be lost. You can add gooseberries - it is green and sour, it will be both beautiful and tasty.


Cherries must be cleaned of stalks and leaves. The berries must be ripe, because the unripe one has extra acid in taste, but we don’t need it in compote. Mom had a cherry of the “shpanka” variety - very tasty, sweet, similar to cherries, which made excellent compote from it. And, for example, cherry of the “lyubka” variety sings earlier, but it is not so sweet, and its color is lighter, not saturated red. From it, and compote saturated will not work.

Cherry pits do not need to be removed. Be sure to remove the bones from apricots - they have a lot of hydrocyanic acid. Apricot compote with pits can be stored for no more than a year, otherwise it will become dangerous. But I don’t risk when I cook apricot compote for children: I cut the fruit in half, remove the seeds, then put the halves in jars, blanched and close the lids.


Cherries should be thoroughly washed under running water.


Then put the berries in jars. Banks do not need to be sterilized, because now we will fill everything with boiling water, everything will be sterilized by itself.

We have 1 kg of cherries and two liter jars: we put half a kilo of berries in each: the compote will turn out to be very saturated, then it can be diluted. I put the same amount of berries in three-liter jars as in half-liter jars: this concentration is ideal if you want to open a jar and immediately drink.


But the lids must be washed and sterilized. To do this, they should be boiled for five minutes. The lids must be completely covered with water.


Now you need to fill the jars to the top with boiling water and cover with plastic lids with holes. After that, leave for 5-7 minutes: during this time, the berries are blanched and sterilized (and jars at the same time). When the jars become warm, such that you can safely hold on to them, you need to drain the water into the pan.


Banks need to fall asleep citric acid, 1/3 teaspoon per liter jar. In a three-liter jar, I add a spoon. Firstly, the taste of compote is pleasant, sweet and sour. Secondly, citric acid in a jar is a 100% guarantee that the compote will not go bad. Now it is fashionable to close jams and compotes with orange, so it's almost the same.

The citric acid remaining in the bag must be poured into a jar or closed very, very tightly if you plan to use it again - it absorbs moisture very much.


Add 150 g of sugar to a liter jar of compote. I usually calculate the amount of sugar based on this proportion. If you have a lot of jars, you need to drain the water from all of them into one pan and add as much sugar as you need for all the jars, then boil the syrup and pour it back into the jars.

We have two jars, respectively, we need to take 300 g of sugar, add them to the water drained into the pan, put on fire, bring to a boil and wait until the sugar dissolves. The resulting sugar syrup should be put back into the banks. Close them with lids and cover with a towel. Banks that are closed with a screw cap do not turn over; only cans rolled up by a typewriter need to be turned over. If you want to make sure the jar is closed properly, turn it upside down for a couple of seconds and check if the syrup comes out.


Compote will be ready in a couple of weeks. During this time, the berries will absorb the sugar, and the syrup will become thick and dark. It is better to store such a compote for no more than a year. Over time, it will become a deep ruby ​​color.

Compote will turn out concentrated, like a rich syrup (remember, I said that from the same number of berries in a three-liter jar you get a compote that you can drink right away?). Before you drink compote, you need it pour from the jar into a saucepan, dilute with water to taste and bring to a boil. Although some people like very concentrated drinks - it's a matter of taste.

Cherries from ready-made compote are whole, beautiful, due to the fact that we do not boil them during the preparation of compote. They can decorate cakes. And from the compote itself, you can make jelly and serve it with sour cream. It turns out very tasty!”

Making cherry compote for the winter is a very simple task, which requires only a few ingredients. The main ones are: water, granulated sugar and cherries. Some prefer to include citric acid and various spices in the composition - it depends on the taste and imagination individually. But do not get carried away too much, as you can kill the main taste of the berries.

The main convenience in harvesting is the cheapness of the main component. If a can of lingonberry or can cost a pretty penny, then cherry can be made from fruits growing in a summer cottage.

So, for the preservation of cherries, first of all we prepare three-liter jars (they are the most convenient) and metal lids. You can not do this procedure without a seaming key. In order to maintain the proportions given by the recipe, we need scales.

Having prepared all the main components of the preservation process, we proceed to the sterilization of dishes. The lids must be thoroughly boiled, and the jars must be heated over steam or rinsed thoroughly with boiling water. These steps must be completed in advance, because then you will need to act quickly, and there will simply be no time for extraneous processes.

Cherry compote recipe for the winter

To prepare this wonderful house drink we need the following ingredients: sugar (100 g per liter will be needed), water and cherries. The jar is filled with fruits by 1/3, after sorting them out and rinsing them under running water. It is recommended to filter the water for the syrup.

We put cherries in sterilized jars, and pour boiling water on top (it is worth leaving room for sugar, 1/5 of the jar). We leave the blanks in this state for 15 minutes. During this time, the cherries will give their taste and aroma to the water, and also warm up. After that, drain all the liquid from the jar into the prepared pan. And already there we pour granulated sugar into it. If the cherry is sour enough, you can increase the amount of sugar.

On the stove, bring the future compote to a boil. This requires regular stirring. As soon as the compote boils, pour it back into the jars. They should be filled to the very edges of the neck. We roll up the lids with a key. You can also use screw caps that are simply twisted by hand. In both cases, the glass container should be turned upside down, put on a floor insulated with a cloth and covered with a warm blanket. We leave it in this position for the night, after which we wipe it with a damp cloth and send it for storage in a cellar, basement or other cool room.

Cherry compote for the winter with strawberries and currants

A fairly simple way to make cherry compote, for which we need:

  • 200 g cherries;
  • 200 g of sugar;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 100 g strawberries;
  • 100 g currants.

We sort and wash all the berries. Pour cherries into jars, then strawberries. We lay currants on top, which can not be removed from the branches.

Next, pour sugar into jars. Then pour all the ingredients with boiling water for 2/3 of the container. We take a spoon and carefully mix all the contents with it until we achieve complete dissolution of granulated sugar. After that, fill the jars with boiling water to the very brim. We roll up the lids and traditionally turn the jars upside down, as in the first recipe. This is followed by the same steps as above.

cherry compote It turns out quite concentrated, so it is recommended to dilute it before use. a small amount water.

In this uncommon way, you can use it when preserving any other berry: raspberries, plums, black and red currants, as well as making or apricots. Everything is quite simple even for an inexperienced hostess!

It's a hot summer outside, but in your refrigerator there is a cool and tasty salvation from thirst and heat. Yes, this is an ordinary compote. But with a little secret. I think you should cook this cherry compote in a saucepan for every day. Read the recipe with photos and cook to your health.
Cherry compote with a deep color and rich taste with a spicy note can be cooked in 15 minutes. But it acquires a special taste summer drink after a couple of hours in the refrigerator. Cherry compote with cloves will infuse, cool and turn into a cherry miracle. Be sure to prepare this very tasty one.

Adjust the amount of sugar in the compote to your own taste.
To get more rich drink, it is necessary to reduce the volume of water to 1 liter.
You can add cherry leaves or young leaves of laurel cherry to the compote.

- seasonal cherry - 500 gr.,
- granulated sugar - 5 tablespoons,
- water for compote - 1.5 l,
- dry cloves - 3-5 pcs.

Russian and Ukrainian cuisine.
Cooking time: 15 min.

How to cook with a photo step by step

Sort ripe cherries, remove damaged ones, tear off twigs and leaves. Bones do not need to be removed. Rinse in several waters so that each cherry simply “asks” for compote.

Pour clean cold water into a saucepan, add granulated sugar and add sprockets of dry clove seasoning. Put on the stove, bring to a boil, cook until sugar dissolves. The base for the compote is ready.

Pour pitted cherries into hot syrup.

Berries sink to the bottom. We return the pan to the stove. Cook over medium heat for about 5-7 minutes.

As soon as all the cherries rise to the surface, it means that the compote is ready. Some berries will burst, others will remain intact. Remove the pan from the stove and leave the drink alone for the next hour or two. Let the compote cool down and infuse.

Pour the chilled compote with or without berries into a decanter to drink today, or into a jar with a lid for storage in the refrigerator. See also.

Cherry compote in a saucepan for every day can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days, given the short brewing time of the drink, low sugar content and the absence of preservatives. Eat to your health!