The use of Panchenkov's nozzle in a moonshine still. Regular wire nozzle Panchenkov (RPN)

To cleanse from harmful impurities and at the same time strengthen the final product, drawers or strengthening columns are used.

For additional selection of fusel oils and other chemical compounds, a Panchenkov nozzle is used, which is a spiral mesh of thin stainless or copper wires.

This mesh is twisted into a roll and inserted into, trying to be of sufficient density, covering the entire internal space of the column, but at the same time allowing vapors to pass freely up to the refrigerator. Among distillers, this the product is called SPN(spiral-prismatic nozzle).

Vapors of alcohol, rising along the side, collide with a natural obstacle in the form of nozzles (spirals) and cool. Impurities contained in an alcoholic product having low temperature boiling, in the form of reflux flow back into, and alcohol vapors pass above.

But since the process is continuous: the vapors rise, meet with the flowing phlegm, give it some of the impurities along with water, the final product is not only purified, but also strengthened, according to the principle: less water, stronger alcohol.

The same process will also take place in a hollow film frame. But, having filled it with SPN, we increase the inner surface of the tsarga tenfold, which means we increase the selection of phlegm at times along with the strengthening of moonshine.

What is needed in a moonshine still?

With more or less quality from harmful impurities, hollow film column. But for this, its height must be 1 meter or more, which is extremely inconvenient, especially if the distillation cube with such a “superstructure” needs to be placed on the stove in an ordinary kitchen. That's why nozzles are used.

With the help of a moonshine still with a tsarga and nozzles, you can:

  • receive from the first stage high-quality moonshine, free from;
  • "squeeze" the maximum fortress out of the mash. Thus, it is possible to obtain raw alcohol from 80 ° and above the fortress;
  • using copper SPNs, distill moonshine of perfect purity from grain raw materials, without the taste of sulfur, which is clearly felt during direct distillation.

How to make a copper mesh with your own hands?

The Panchenkov nozzle has a complex weaving and it is unrealistic to reproduce it at home. But you can make your own analogue of SPN from copper wire, which will ideally work on cleaning not only from fusel oils, but also from sulfur, which is certainly present in the wort made from grain.

You will need:

  • copper wire with a cross section of 1 - 1.5 mm in a braid, - 9 meters of a three-core cable. If you take the wire, then 25 - 27 meters based on a drawer with a height of 45 - 46 cm;
  • electrode 3 mm, from which the coating is cleaned (only a metal rod remains);
  • side cutters and pliers;
  • fine sandpaper;
  • drill with adjustable speed.

Operating procedure:

  1. We rid the copper wire of insulation.
  2. We clean each posting with sandpaper.
  3. We clamp the core of the welding electrode into the drill chuck.
  4. We insert the tip of the copper wire into the gap between the clamps of the drill and begin to wind it evenly and tightly (coil to coil) on the electrode at the lowest speed.
  5. We remove the column of the spiral and cut it with side cutters into pieces of 3-4 mm.
  6. After cutting, we press the edges of the spirals together with pliers so that they do not later interlock with segments.
  7. If your tsarga previously had Panchenkov's stainless steel nozzles twisted into rolls, they need to be pushed out. To do this, use a stick.
  8. Then we insert one nozzle from the bottom of the column - it will serve as a holder for copper spirals, otherwise they will fall out into a cube.
  9. The rest of the space of the column is filled with copper springs made by us.

Note. For high-quality cleaning and at the same time - strengthening moonshine, it is necessary to fill the drawer to at least 2/3 of the height. If suddenly the springs are not enough, make more.

Cleaning and flushing

Stainless steel Panchenkov's nozzles are sufficient from time to time (not even after each run) to get out of the column, unfold and rinse under a tap. Then fold again and insert into the washed drawer side.

With copper nozzles of industrial production, as well as with spirals own production a little more difficult. They are prone to strong absorption of fusel odors, moreover, to blackening in an aggressive environment containing methyl, acetone, various acids and fusel oils.

This is what enters our body along with crude moonshine. Therefore, you need to put them in order after each stage. Fortunately, cleaning them is not so difficult. We take:

We dilute the acid in boiling water, using a whole, enameled or stainless pan without chips.

We take out the nozzles (we gently shake the spirals out of the tsarga, push the twisted nozzles out) and lower them into a hot solution of citric acid on the basis that it will completely cover them.

We put on fire and boil for 2-3 minutes. During this time, the spirals literally return to their former radiant appearance, the blackness disappears.

After boiling, rinse several times with clean water. We twist the nozzles tightly and fill either the column pipe, we fill the spirals in the order already described.

Useful videos

Why use and what are the benefits of the Panchenkov nozzle:

Regular wire bait options, application and proper care:

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Today, many connoisseurs of alcoholic beverages prefer to create an alcoholic product at home. One of the reasons is that homemade liquor is better, stronger and cleaner than some analogues presented in stores.

However, to obtain the desired result, special equipment, skills and knowledge are required. In order for the drink not to have a pungent odor and not contain harmful impurities (fusel oils), experienced moonshiners use various devices and additions to the apparatus. The latter include the Panchenkov nozzle (regular wire nozzle).

What is a Panchenkov nozzle

The regular wire nozzle or Panchenkov mesh is a patented scientific work of JSC Tupolev, which appeared in 1981. Initially, the on-load tap-changer was made for technical purposes and for cleaning oil feedstock.

The Panchenkov tap changer is made of copper and is characterized by high thermal conductivity and high-quality absorption. Therefore, later it found its application in production. alcoholic beverages. Now among users distillation columns the grid is considered the easiest to use and the best in terms of cleaning (after the Selivanenko spiral-prismatic nozzle).

The nozzle is a wire rolled into a wad. Weaving of the tap changer allows you to place it in the moonshine so that in the process of preparing the product you can independently set the necessary parameters. In addition, the roll is easily removed from the column and cleaned for reuse.

Copper reduces the heating and cooling time of the nozzle, and also absorbs sulfur and prevents it from entering the purified liquor.

Specifications of the Panchenkov grid:

  • weight - from 45 to 55 g with a width of 10 cm and a length of 40 cm;
  • weaving - zigzag or spiral;
  • thread thickness - 0.13 mm;
  • the distance between the threads is less than 1 mm;
  • The inner diameter of the drawer side recommended for use is 35 cm.

Such an addition to the moonshine still allows you to expand its functionality. Using the grid provides the ability to:

  • combine distillation and purification of an alcoholic product;
  • reduce cleaning time;
  • receive the highest quality product without impurities;
  • create a flow of the required power by adjusting the location of the on-load tap-changer;
  • extend the life of the device.

Among the shortcomings of the Panchenkov nozzle, moonshiners note an increase in the time for alcohol distillation, which is associated with the cleaning process.

The principle of operation of the device

In the process of preparing an alcoholic drink inside the moonshine still, the boiling point increases and vapors move into the drawer.

The latter settle on the pipe and interact with the Panchenkov nozzle, giving it part of the heat. As a result, phlegm is produced (a liquid with harmful impurities at an elevated temperature), which flows back into the cube. In addition, purified alcohol-containing vapors are formed. When they enter the refrigerator, they condense and turn into moonshine.

Thus, the copper mesh for the moonshine still functions as a heat and mass exchanger, as well as other devices in the form of washcloths or plates.

When using the Panchenkov nozzle, the principle of operation of the device changes somewhat, since the rate of generation and movement of steam in the pipe decreases and the process of home brewing slows down. However, users do not attribute this nuance to major shortcomings.

Practical use

The Favorit moonshine device is equipped with a regular Panchenkov nozzle. The principle of operation of the device allows you to avoid the need for re-distillation or rectification, and also ensures the formation of a high-quality alcoholic beverage.

When using a film-type beer column, moonshiners receive pure product with a fortress up to 94% of revolutions.

Panchenkov's mesh is also used in other distillation columns, which are constantly being modified, reduced or increased in size. But it should be remembered that a regular nozzle is effective only if the length of the side is 35 cm or more.

How to make a mesh for a moonshine with your own hands

Some users of moonshine stills make Panchenkov's on-load tap-changers with their own hands. However, in practice, such an occupation turns out to be economically unprofitable.

Creating a mesh for a moonshine still requires special winding tools and compliance with generally accepted rules and tolerances.

How to install and clean the tap changer

Before installation, it is necessary to determine the dimensions of the on-load tap-changer, which depend on the diameter of the pipe of the distillation column.

So, for a 30 mm drawstring, a mesh with a diameter of 15 cm is required. If the pipe diameter is 60 mm, then the length of the nozzle should be 100 cm.

A wad should be created from a grid with a given length. There are different ways to do this:

  1. The nozzle is completely coiled into a tight roll, from edge to edge. At the same time, make sure that a gap is not formed in the middle of the wad.
  2. The mesh is folded in half, and then, starting from the place of inflection, a wad is formed.

The finished roll is inserted into the pipe to operate the moonshine. In order to get the nozzle, you should pick it up with your fingertip or tweezers.

Removing the Panchenkov tap changer is required to clean its surface, since during the preparation of an alcoholic beverage, a silvery or black coating is formed. Severe contamination impairs the functionality of the nozzle and the quality of moonshine.

To clear the mesh, follow these simple steps:

  1. Fill the RPN with water and put on fire to boil.
  2. In a boiling liquid, add citric acid (10 g per 1 liter of water).
  3. Mix contents thoroughly.
  4. Drain and rinse mesh under running water.

If, after washing, the nozzle has acquired the color of copper, then it is ready for reuse. The service life of the mesh is determined by the frequency of its use and cleaning, the quality of raw materials and the level of acidity of moonshine.

Alcoholic drinks own cooking are popular. For many, home distilleries are a kind of hobby. beer column is analogous to the industrial distillation apparatus, but in a smaller version. To obtain high quality raw alcohol, it uses a Panchenkov nozzle. Varieties of this device allow you to purify alcohol from harmful impurities.

A mesh of special weaving, made of metal and used in distillation columns, was named after the inventor "Panchenkov's packing". To understand the principle of its action, let us recall how the process of distillation of alcohol proceeds. The cavity of the distillation cube is filled with mash and heated over low heat. Alcohol vapors formed during the boiling process pass through the coil, where they form liquid condensate. The liquid is discharged into a container for collecting the finished product.

The use of the Panchenkov nozzle does not change the course of the process, but the path of passage of alcohol-containing vapors is lengthened. When in contact with the metal of the mesh, fusel oils settle on it, and then return to the mash again in the form of condensate. Steam, partially purified from harmful impurities, follows further to the film reflux condenser, where more active cooling takes place. As you can see, the principle of operation of the Panchenkov nozzle in the beer column is similar to the dry steamer, which is installed in moonshine stills. The mesh that fills the cavity of the tsarga allows you to clean the resulting moonshine without compromising its strength.

Technical characteristics of the mesh used as a nozzle:

  • thread thickness - 0.13 mm;
  • gap size - up to one mm;
  • type of weaving - “kulirnaya smooth surface” (zig-zag);
  • weight - 45–55 grams;
  • length - 40 cm or 100 cm;
  • width - 5 cm or 10 cm;
  • drawer diameter - from three to 30 mm.

The material from which the nozzle is made is stainless steel or copper.

What is the purpose of the Panchenkov packing in the beer column?

Initially, a regular wire nozzle made of copper was intended for the purification of aviation fuel in distillation columns at oil refineries. The development belonged to KB them. Tupolev. The use of Panchenkov's on-load tap-changer made it possible to obtain high-quality fuel without hydrogen sulfide impurities. In home devices for the production of strong alcoholic beverages, the Panchenkov tap changer performs the same function. It allows you to clean the vapors passing through the distillation column from the fusel oils and other harmful components present in them.

Nozzle Advantages

Most premium home appliances use the Panchenkov nozzle. It provides high efficiency in the separation of the alcohol-containing mixture into fractions. The advantages of the device include:

  • ease of use;
  • low cost;
  • durability;
  • the ability to adjust the density of the stuffing;
  • simple maintenance (cleaning, replacement).

Using the Panchenkov grid in moonshine still allows you to get a drink of high strength and degree of purification.

This alcohol purification technology also has its drawbacks. The Panchenkov nozzle can only be used in drawers with a maximum diameter of up to 30 mm, that is, it is suitable for installations of low or medium power. During the operation of the device, the rate of passage of steam decreases, which slows down the entire process.

What material is best?

The main material from which the filter meshes are made is stainless steel. Nozzles from it are much cheaper and easier to use. Accordingly, its use reduces the cost of all equipment. Grids made of steel are rarely cleaned, after hitting the side or burning the mash. On-load tap-changers made of steel can be easily replaced with ordinary washcloths, which are used when washing dishes.

Copper wire nozzles are also commercially available, but they are more expensive than steel tap changers. Copper has excellent thermal conductivity, which greatly improves the efficiency of the cleaning process. But nozzles made of such material require careful maintenance, since copper oxidizes quickly. RPN from it needs to be washed and dried after each use. But many distillers prefer nozzles from this material, because they improve taste qualities drink.

How to install and clean the Panchenkov nozzle?

The finished Panchenkov mesh is supplied in rolls, the width of which can be 5 or 10 cm, and the length - from 40 cm to one meter. A narrow nozzle is easier to use, but the roll can always be cut into two identical parts. The packing density depends on the parameters of the drawer side, as well as the design of the column, the dimensions, as a rule, are indicated by the equipment manufacturer. Having cut off a piece of the desired length, it is twisted into a wad. You need to wind it tightly, so that there is no hole in the center.

There are two ways to stuff the side with wire mesh:

  1. Fold the cut piece in half, then twist it into a wad and, turning along the vertical axis, push it into the pipe.
  2. Roll the nozzle into a spiral, rolling from one end to the other like a roll. The density will then be higher.

In practice, little will change on how you install the grid, so you can use any method. Prepared wads should be washed with dishwashing detergent to remove any remaining oil. Then the nozzle is etched with citric acid. 10 grams of powder is taken per liter of water, this is a teaspoon without a top. A mesh is placed in the solution and boiled for several minutes, after which it is washed with water and dried.

When inserting the nozzle into the pipe, be aware that too tight packing may prevent the free circulation of vapors, which will lead to an increase in pressure in the system and an explosion. The plaque formed on the grid during drying is coked and prevents the passage of steam. To prevent this from happening, the “rolls” need to be cleaned periodically. To rinse the Panchenkov nozzle, you need to get it by picking it up with tweezers. The same citric acid allows you to remove the remnants of fusel oils.

How to make an analogue of a copper mesh with your own hands?

It is difficult to make a Panchenkov copper nozzle on your own without the appropriate equipment. Therefore, home craftsmen often use ordinary washcloths for washing dishes, which are made of steel or copper. It takes 8-10 pieces per meter long pipe. Before stuffing, the washcloth is pulled into a sausage and inserted into the side, then pushed deeper with a stick. You can combine Panchenkov's nozzle with filling or combine wads from different materials.

Before using copper washcloths, they should be checked for authenticity. This can be done with an ordinary magnet. If there is no reaction, then the washcloth is really copper and will provide the necessary quality of cleaning. Steel products are tested for resistance to corrosion by placing them in a strong saline solution for several days.

When experimenting with nozzles for cleaning moonshine, do not forget about safety. Do not leave the apparatus unattended during the distillation process. Monitor the condition of the nozzles by regularly cleaning them and replacing the failed ones.

When heating the mash in the tank for distillation of raw materials, steam with high content alcohol rise along the tsarga (pipe). This steam condenses not only on the walls of the pipe, but also on the Panchenkov nozzle, giving it part of the heat. At the same time, impurities and fusel oils that have a high boiling point do not pass further and flow down the pipe back into the tank. Alcohol vapor that has passed through the nozzle continues to go to the cooler.

Such a nozzle has significant minuses and pluses, and it is up to you to use it or not. The downside is the fact that the nozzle during distillation significantly reduces the throughput in the drawer, thereby slowing down the entire process. A clear advantage of using such a nozzle will be cleaner moonshine. If the quality of the product is more important to you than the speed of distillation of raw materials, then we advise you to purchase it.

Read our other articles on how to clean moonshine from impurities:

How to clean moonshine with potassium permanganate -

How to use a steamer to clean moonshine -

Panchenkov's nozzle is a corrugated metal mesh rolled into a roll, knitted in four additions using the “kulular surface” method. Designed for mass transfer devices to perform the function of reducing hydraulic resistance.

Nozzle Advantages:

- Easy to install allows you to achieve significant cleaning results of moonshine.
- Reducing the cleaning time of moonshine. The process takes place together with the distillation of the mash.
- This nozzle is easy to use, durable.

Disadvantages: The Panchenkov nozzle can be effectively used only in household moonshine stills, since with a tsarga diameter of more than 30 cm, its effectiveness decreases.

What material is the nozzle?

The basis of the material for the Panchenkov nozzle is stainless steel. This option will be the most economical. You can also find copper nozzles. The price will be a little higher.


Ordinary dishwasher metal sponges. Ideal a budget option. Can be found at any hardware store. The nozzle made of sponges has high anti-corrosion qualities.

Copper wire wrapped in a spiral. It's easy to do it yourself. Watch the video below.

How to make a pipe nozzle yourself - video

How to install and clean the Panchenkov nozzle

When installing the nozzle in the pipe, the main thing is not to overdo it. If the nozzle is too tightly seated in the pipe, the steam will not be able to pass through it and an explosion may occur. It is usually sold in strips 5-10 cm wide and 40-100 cm long.

There are two ways to install a nozzle in a pipe:

1- Take the nozzle, fold it in half and twist it into a tube. Then place in the drawer side, twisting slightly for easier installation.
2- Take the nozzle and simply roll it from beginning to end. This method will have a denser structure at the nozzle, although there is not much difference in practical application.

Panchenkov's copper nozzle needs to be cleaned after each use. Do not use strong chemicals when cleaning. This can say badly on the quality of moonshine. Conversely, a stainless steel nozzle can be washed only if it has got mash.

Copper nozzle cleaning technology:
1- Boil the nozzle for 5-10 minutes
2- Add citric acid 10 gr and mix
3- Boil for another 5-10 minutes
4- Drain everything and rinse the nozzle under running water

Panchenkov's moonshine is a column-type distiller. The device does not particularly stand out among other devices. The dephlegmator column is connected to the refrigerator through a curved adapter. The column itself is equipped with a cooler, which, if necessary, is turned off.

New items include mesh nozzles that are easy to disassemble and modify. All this apparatus is really made by hand.

The efficiency of the moonshine still is determined by the presence and correct choice of nozzle. Usually, preference is given to the regular Panchenkov nozzle. This is a twisted wire, in the form of a roll, inserted into the drawer.

It has the following advantages:

  • Its presence helps to separate the mixture into separate fractions.
  • Increases the strength of the drink during moonshine brewing.
  • Easily operated at home.
  • Availability to use.

There is only one drawback. Such a nozzle is used only in a moonshine still of small dimensions, since it can be inserted into a pipe no more than 30 cm.

Technical specifications:

  • Wire thickness - 0.13mm
  • Gaps between turns of threads, maximum 1mm.
  • The nature of the weaving of the threads is zigzag.
  • Drawer side diameter from 3 mm to 30.

A Panchenkov's regular wire nozzle was developed for the purification of aviation fuel feedstock. However, it has received practical application in moonshine stills with a tsarga. Its use reduces the height of the column, which is important condition, in the absence of a large area. It is not always convenient to use a device with a height of 1 m.

It is realistic to make such a mesh with your own hands, but this requires a special machine that will provide the necessary tolerances during manufacture.

Ratification procedure

The nozzle located in the tsar, constantly in contact with steam. This increases the contact surface. Now its contact is not only with the pipe, but also with a metal thread. The efficiency of the device increases several times. Sivuha, being a high-boiling liquid, condenses, flows back into the original container and again takes part in the distillation process. This process continues continuously.

The drawer, together with the nozzle, does not lower the temperature until the alcohol condenses, so the vapors, moving further, reach the refrigerator. Panchenkov's mesh is a filter that cleans moonshine.

The moonshine still has a flat bottom with a large column diameter. At such a scale no clogging option. Assembly of the device is not difficult. All gaskets provide sufficient tightness. Powerful refrigerator, provides the necessary heat exchange. At the outlet, the temperature of the condensate does not exceed 25 degrees. Distillation speed - 3 liters of moonshine per hour.

Spiral - prismatic nozzle

Selivanenko nozzles were the first of the spiral-prismatic meshes. In the future, such developments were supported by other manufacturers. Outwardly, this is a spiral prism that is inserted into the side. In modern columns, it is their use that is considered the most effective. Based on research, the most optimal option is the use of a ten-sided spiral-prismatic nozzle.

SPN can be made by hand.

This element passes steam through itself, retaining phlegm on its surface, which settles in the form of a film. In this place, work is done to separate the mixture into fractions. An increase in the area of ​​​​SPN has a beneficial effect on the final moonshine, however, it is important not to create obstacles for the passage of vapors. A dense nozzle can block the movement of future condensate. In the case of an increase in the layer of phlegm to a critical level, the choke of the moonshine still begins. There are 3 types of choke: film, emulsification and emergency. Thus, it is necessary to select the power so that the apparatus works in the emulsification choke system without going into emergency.

The use of such material in devices is very convenient, because it allows increase the percentage of purification of moonshine. The copper filler can be easily adjusted to produce a quality product. The advantage of this material is that copper is able to absorb sulfur. The properties of copper are such that it can heat or cool condensate at an accelerated rate. IN end result increases the speed of the device.


Washcloths occupy a leading place in the use as packings in columns. Reason - availability and low price. The main rule when choosing is corrosion resistance. Given this, you do not need to do, immediately, a bulk purchase. A small batch of material is purchased, cut into pieces, sprinkled with salt and wrapped in a moistened cloth. The check is carried out within a few days. In the absence of rust, you can make the main purchase.

Then the washcloths are cut into pieces, not particularly small ones, because the material can crumble. They clog the pipe of the apparatus. The density should be in relation to 250 grams of washcloth per liter of water.

Sometimes this substance is used for other purposes, such as creating a water lock. When stuffing the device with another nozzle.

Installing and flushing screens of distillation columns

Mesh is rolls, the width of which ranges from 5 to 10 cm. The length can be up to 100 cm. The parameters used depend on the dimensions of the device. In some cases, the mesh can be cut.

The installation process is carried out in two ways. You can fold the mesh in half and turn it into a wad, put it in the drawer. Another method is to simply roll it into a tight tube and turn it into the tube of the apparatus. Pulled back out with tweezers.

Rinsing of nozzles is carried out infrequently. This happens when the mash got into the pipe, and its soot occurred. If it was stainless steel, then boiling is allowed.

If the material is copper, then it is necessary to clean the system, for the purpose of prevention, constantly.

To wash the grid of distillation columns, the following method is used:

Using different types of nozzles, you can significantly improve the quality of the final product. The rate rises sharply useful action apparatus. The running speed is increased. The resulting moonshine is no different in quality from the white liquor sold in the store.

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